' ll 'I r rt , 's M I. 1 ! tAmtritmtnimfr-iiizj PHONE 4 OR 8 For Your Drugs. Onlero Do livorod promptly. REXALL and NYAL DRUG STORES m e5tmM Local and Personal. Minn Audrey Bcnuchamn has resigned her position a teacher in district 82, MIib Mabel Troyor, of Grand Island, Is visiting this week with Miss Maude Owens. Misses Billie and Irma Austin will leave this week for Salt Lake to visit their mother. 0. II. Sawyer returned yesterday from a ten day vacation visit fn eastern towns. Pat Hagerty will jro to Grand Island this ovening to spend New Year's day with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dilllon, of Sidney, visited town friends tho latter part of last week. County Supt. Chappell will go to Lincoln Sunday. Before returning she will also visit in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Porter are re-jo-icing over the arrival of a baby girl nt their home" last week. Rov Loudon, of Cortez. formerly of this city, is spending a couple of wseks with relatives in the city. Mrs. William Dioner, who had been a patient at St, Luke's hospital, wts taken homo yesterday afternoon. Lost Galloway hldo overcoat with brown fur trimmings, llboral reward. Enterprise Bakery 95-2 , James E. Graco formorly of this city, camo down from Choyonno yesterday to transact business for a fow days. Mrs. J. H. Sobastinn returned home Saturday ovening from Chappell where j she visited with hor parents lait week. j StMr. and Mrs. Bruco Brown returned Saturday ovoning from Hastings whore they spont Christmas week with rela tives. Save one tenth on your groceries dur ing tho snlo nt Wiloox Department Store. "Mr und Mrs. It. E. GrofT and fnmlly, of Denver, who were giiosts of Mrs. 'H. G. Broach, left for homo yesterday 'afternoon. ('4 Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Wright have returned from their honeymoon trip to Omaha and are residing on south Will- , nut street. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simon and baby returned yesterday afternoon from Hastings whore thoy visited relatives last week. William A. Mlchelson and Etta B. ""' Michclson, both of this city, wore i quietly married by County Judge Grant yeeterday morning. Mrs, Justine McCarty, of Ames, In., who has been tho guest of her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Mason will return homo Friday evening. Gvo us your order for concre'to work of uny kind. Concreto building blocks and ornamental work. Uoy Summit, "Phono 3G1. Bishop nnd Mrs. Georgo Beochor, of Kearney, returned homo yesterday afternoon, tho former having come up to conduct the services at tho Episcopal church. The Knights of Columbus liavo mada arrangements to hold n social dance, cardjpnrfy nnd servo refreshments at tho Masonic hall on Tuosday ovening, January 7th. Alonza McMichnol was takon ill on Dewey street yesterday afternoon and cared for in tho Schatz furniture storo by local physicians until he recovered Buuicicnuy irom ma nuticK to Do re moved to his homo. ' Miss AImn Morrill entertained a half dozen girl friends at a juvonilo party Saturday qvonlng. A part of the on tortalnment wns a theatre partv nt tho Keith 'and tlo Crystal. Tho affair was very enjoyable to the young guosts. Weather for North Platte nnd vicin ity: fair tonight und Wednesday, wnrmor tonight. Highest temperature 'yesterday 35, a yoar ago -2; lowest temperature last night 19 a year ago -14. r Good Resolutions: .RESOLVED H That during 1913 I shall buy my Clothing, Gents'1 furnishing Goods and Shoes of Qlabaugh. Thanks. . IbV- Emmmm Clabaugh Everything for Men. THE LEADER'S PRE-INVENTORY SALE t J t Will Open SATURDAY, JAN'Y 4th Watch for Prices in Friday's issue of The Tribune. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jerry Elliott left yes terday for eastern Nobrasku to visit rolativcs. Fireman James McNoal who recently transferred to Grand Island will return here after Junuary 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Mann left last week for Denver to visit tho latter's mother Mra.SEnton. . Miss Jcssio Vnn Brocklin, of Grand Island, who spent Inst week with her mother left Friday evening. Frank Buchanan is in charge of the Buchanan real cstatp oflico during the ubsonco of his father nnd brother in California, Miss Tyrono-Winldemnn nnd father who Were in Fremont Inst week to attend the Winkloman-FeiBt wedding will return Monday. Al Tift, who has tho contract for cutting ice or) tno union rncinc iuko oait oi town fs Bending out nbout fifty cms per day. ' Ho hns a big forcp of men at work. At tho ice houses 1G0 men aro employed in storing the ice. Wo wish to thank our customers for their favors and patronage during the pnst year and solicit a fair shuro of their trade for 1913. Wishing all n Happy New Yoar -E, T. Tramp & Son. Father Gleoson who hns been assist ant to Rev. P. McDuId for several months will bo transferred to the Broken Bow pnrish in the nenr future. Father Kavanoughwho Is now stationed at Broken Bow will succoed Father Glcnson here. County Superintendent Clco Chappell hns- received $-14C the stnto aid to weak school districts which wore unnblo to hnvo a five months' term. It will be divided among seven districts. The state appropriation of $328,000 which is sent scmi-nnnually was nlso received and will bo given to ono hundred nnd twenty seven districts. A man nnd his wife driving a team attached to a light buggy loft Stock vllle early yesterday morning to drive to this city. They renched hero at Boven o'clock last ovoninK and woro passing tho Davis garage When ono of the horsoa dropped to tho ground nnd instantly ixilireu. As tho animal foil blood gushodjifroln its mouth nnd nos trils, indrcntwgjthat death was due to hemorrhage.' " " 6n tho first day of January, 1881, people in North Plntte wore out in tho yards playing croquot, tho men in their shirt sleeves; tho following day nbout eighteen inches of snow fell, it turned cold nnd this snow remained on tho ground until spring. Cattle on tho rangos were without food, and thous ands of head perished between January 2d and Apr. 1st. Owners of big herds lost from fifty to soVonty-five por cent. fi" 1w Announcement. w E ANNOUNCE to tributary section that ply their wants in the Bakery, Fruit, Vegetable, Fancy Gro ceries and Cigar lines. Wo have a first-class baker who is turning out an exceptionally fine line of bread, cakes, pies and other bakery goods; we will ' nini to carry a full line of fresh vegetables and fruits; our confectionery includes the best known makes and we handle a fine line of fancy groceries and cigars. We propose to conduct a neat and attractive store, carry t the best of everything in our lines, give you good service, charge reasonable price3 and hope thereby to merit a fair share of your patronage. , ' We will he pleased to have you call. THE IDEAL BAKERY. J. Ripey, week with McEvoy. Mr. and night for of Cozad, is spending this her daughter Mrs. James Geo. E. ti visit French left last with relatives n Kansas. Postmaster E. II. Springer, of Brady, is transacting business and visiting friendB in town today. Miss Evelyn Hansen loft Snturday ovening for Mavwell to spend a few days with friends. Miss Bessie Salisbury returned last evening from Aurora, where she spent' a week with relatives. The Hustlers danco which was to hnvo been held Thursdny evening has been postponed indefinitely. Miss Floivnco Oonogan loft yesterday morning for Brady to visit tho O'Rourko family for two weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Boeder nnd children re turned this morning from a abort visit with relatives in eastern Nebraska. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Lonorjjnn, of Dayenport, who hnvo been visiting rela tives for a week, returned home Satur day ovening. County treasurer Ensign, of Logan county, who had been ill with, typhoid favor, has recovored and is again at duty In his office. R. R Lubbers returned Inst evening from Omaha and cities of Iowa af tor spending Christmas week with friends and rolntlves. Mrs. Hillard Ridgley, of Choyonno, will be tho guest of honor this afternoon nt a card party given by hor mother, Mrs. Alex Fenwick. Mr. nnd Mrs. Brouvolt and daughter, of Endicott, Neb., nro visiting Judge nnd Mrs. Wnrren. They are parents and sister of Mrs. Warren. Miss Mabel Donognn, of Denvor, who had been the guest of hor mother Mrs. J. II. Donegan for a week past, re turned to Denvor yestordny afternoon. At Indinnapolisycsterduy all motions for a now trial for tho thirty-eight labor union ofllcinls canvicted by Fed eral Judgo Anderson wero denied. A motion for arrest of judgement in behalf of all tho men wns also over ruled . Tho judgo called the different defendants before him nnd questioned them before pronouncing sontonco, Sentences varying from seven yenra imprisonment fn tno federal prison nt Leavenworth, Knns., to ono yenr nnd ono day and suspended sentoncos wore imposed upon tho . thirty-eight union officials implicated in the dyna mite conspiracy caso. Frank Rynn, the president of the iron workers' union, was givon tho heaviest penality seven years. Money to Loan on furniture, pianos or anything of good vnluo on your nlain note if steudilv em- i ployed; pay back in small weekly or monthly pnymonts, Mrs. B. F. WH coxson 410 East 4th St. Office in denco, hours 9 n in. to 4 p. m. rcsi- the neonle of North Platte and we are now prepared to sup The Sunshine Christmas Tree. The annual Christmas tree exercises held by the Sunshine Society for the needy families of tho city took place Staurday nfternoon at tho Elk's hall. The exercises woro in charge of Mrs. Minnie Perkins, secretary of the Sun shiners, who made provision for the thre.o hundred mmes whiih were given her. Through the generosity ot the local merchants, lodges and individuals each family on the list wns remembered with many useful articles of clothing nnd gifts. Tho large tree from which the gifts ware distributed wns prettily decorated and lit with colored candles The Baptist" Sunday school class ren dored a Christmas cantata which was followed by a recitation by Mary Favo right entitled "Memories." Gladvs 1'orkins recited "The Christ Child" and I the program closed-with an address by Missionary Scott, who presented the mothers with testaments The presents wore delivered to the children by a merry Santa Clnus and each child wns given n ticket to a mutinee nt the Pat yesterday. The Sunshine Society cannot be praised too highly for tho good work which they hnvo undertaken and for the gladness they bring into the hearts of the poor at Christmas time. Mrs. Nols Hammer and daughter Freda left last week for Siddoy to spend two weeks with relntives. v Allen McLnne, of Lincoln, who ro cently purchased thcJWntts ranch, spent last week In town on business. Miss Emma Boguo who is visiting in Oklnhoma with relatives is reported to bo very ill with typhoid fever. To Investors. We are prepared to loan your money on real estate first mortgage so as to net your eight per cent. Money if loaned is exempt from taxes. Come on and let us talk it over. Buchanan & Patterson. The CRYSTAL To - Night PICTURES A Ride for a Life. A Happy Family, Into The Darkness. Admission 10c Automobile Accident. Miss Marie McCabe was the victim of an nutomobilo accident yestorday forenoon, nnd while seriously bruised she made a narrow o&capo from greater injuriea or perhaps death. In tho face of a strong wind she was driving rapidly west on Fifth street nnd whon nt a point nearly opposite the Iddings residence she raised both hands to save her hat from blowing off; tho car swerved into tho ditch nnd in at tempting to right it sho turned too quickly and tho car turned twice oyer. Miss McCabe wns thrown out with great force nnd rendered uncon scious, but soon revived, was conveyed home nnd her fnther summoned, who upon examination found tho main in jury to bo a bad cut on ono of hor legs, which was probably caught under tho car as it turned over. There wero also minor bruises. Tho car was badly wrecked, both front wheels being broken, the rear part of tho body split open on ono side: the top wrecked, the lamps and wind shield broken nnd the mud guards twisted. Chamber of Commerce. The meeting called by tho Chamber of Commerce for Saturday afternoon for the purpose of considering the re port of Engineer Willis on the cost of reconstruction of the old south side canal, was largely attended by owners of land under the old canal. The meet ing wns cnlled to order by J. G. Beeler as chairman of the special irrigation committee. After forming a permanent orgnnizntion of tho land owners with Thomas E. Doolittlo as chairman and Scott Reynolds as secretary, the matter of tho feasibility of tho reconstruction plan was fully considered. J. G. Beeler and Senator W. V. Hoagland both ad dressed the meeting nnd presented clearly nnd logically tno legal status of water users and irrigation districts under the irrigation laws of today, also explaining the stand the government has taken in contracting to furnish water to parties who apply at once. H. C. Disem, of the government scrvico, gave some interesting statistics and the rainfall of tho past for this section, and what might be expected in the future. It was the opinion of all who spoke, that if anything wns to be done in the matter it must be done nt once in order that negotiations might be taken up with the government for the furnishing of water. A committee of five was appointed by the land owners present, to interview the present owners of the old cnnnl, reference to buying their rights and to solicit support of the pro ject from the land owners under the proposed canal. Tho meeting rfdjourned to meet again upon call of president. Miss Johnson head nurse nt St . Luk e's nospuni is ill with pneumonia. Miss Florence Stamp visited in Goth enburg last wcok with friends. The Yeoman will hold a New Year bociul at tho I. 0. 0. F. hall this even ing. Tinner's Tools. I have 2nd hand set in good condition for sale cheap. Joseph F. Fjllon. tf 3ESZ yy?gSjg?u7-3Wwiv rrS2 I LDl JL The Schoolroom, Too Has Need for the Wherever people congregate the telephone is a necessity. The possibility of sickness, acci dents or other emergencies, demand a medium of instant and dependable communicat ion. grcm-EB REE! A FulB Size 50c Box of Make-Man Tonic Tablets Are you weak and nervous? Do you suffer from backaches, rheumatism, or kidney trouble? Are your stomach and di gestive organs constantly setting out of whack, so that you can't enjoy your meals any more? Are you losing weight? Do you sleep poorly? Is your body weak and crylncr for something that Is lacking? What you most likely need is more rich, pure blood coursing- through your veins, giving life and vigor to your entire system. Vour body is famished. Your entire system Is crying for nour ishment. Whatyouneedis atonic, n health-glv ing. pure-blood-making tonic Mak-ManTonic Tabfeii they help make men and women strongs they give new life, new strength, to Im poverlshed, run-down, overworked nervous sys tems. In order that you nnd every one who does not know these wonderful health-giving, life saving tablets, we nakethlsunusualoffer: Simply cut out coupon, fill in your name and address send no money just the coupon, nnd you will receive absolutely free. ourregularSOcentboxof MakfMan Tonic Tahiti i. Remember, send no money, there is no string tied to this offer, all that wo ask is that you try thU 50-cent box. Sold and recommended in North Platte by Schiller I Druggist, first door north of First National Local and Personal The Lady Hustlers will give n holiday dance at the Masonic hall Thursday evening . ' Miss Mary Bethol left the latter part of last week for California to remain indofinntely. Lawrence Carpentpr returned yestor day morning from n week's visit in Lin coln and Omaha. Mies Florence Ditto, of Sutherland, spent theJatter part of last week in town with friends. Miss Eileen Gantt will entertain the T. M. E. nndtheirgentlemen friends at a dancing pnrty Friday evening. Misses Zentmeyer returned to Om&hs Friday after visiting their brother George Zentmeyer fortsevernl days. Mrs. Zentmeyer, of Schuyler who had been tho guest of her son Georgo Zent meyer and wife left for homeMasteven ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gideon Winkleman, who were married at Fremont last week, will arrive hero tomorrow to make their home. Fresh milk and cream from Mrs Geo. Patterson's dairy nt the Ideal bakery daily. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason, of Chicago, who visited the former's par ents Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason Inst week, left Sunday evening. Mis3 Ethel Jacobs who spent last week with tho home folks left yesterday morning to take up her duties as teacher in the Little Medicine school. Wo have for snlo tho most desirable lots in Cody's Addition. Lot with 4 room house $900 to $1200. With 5-room house $1300 to ?1G00. Roy Suubeu, Phone 361. W. S. Elliott, of Brnd, wns In town yesterday nnd homostoaded the northwest quarter of section 18-13-26, on which he secured the relinquishmen t from the lormer entryman. The English tea given at the Presby terian manse by Rev. Christie Friday afternoon was largely attended by the ladies of the church, and they were very hospitably roceived by the pastor. The rooms were profusely decorated with cut flowers and Christmas greens. Guests were shown Rev. Christie's col lection of curios, which proved inter esting. Tea and wnfers were served. Try n ton of Furnace size coke in your furnace most economical fuel on tho market at this price 8.50 per ton delivered. The C. F. Iddings Co. Phone No. 7. Tho Sunshine Christmas tree com mittee extend their thanks to tho aid societies of tho different churches, nnd to the merchants and the Elks for their generous contributions and also the boys: Masters Pizer, Cross, Elliott, Thompson, Langford, Hughes, and 'the two Cunningham boys under the direc tion of Piot . Garlisch, who sang most beautiful Christmas carols Christmas eve, and donated the $6.63 which they collected; and to all those who so kindly contributed to the Sunshine Christmas which was held in the Elk assembly room Saturday afternoon. "" saggiggagEssBSBaEfflgaa l lr ' N J? r Bell Telephone Bell Telephone Service, with the advantages of its local and long distance connections reaching out everywhere, should be demanded in every city and country schoolroom. Telephone Convenlenoa far Exceeds Its Cost. Nebraska Telephone Co Bell TelephoneLines Reach Nearly Every wh ere. 'tes Take every tablet (as per directions) nnd we know that In a few dnys you will man-el at the icauics. uoni put it ott until to-morrow, cut put thU coupon now, start today on the road to health. Mahe-Man Tonic Tabl.lt will show you the way We ore willing and anxious ta give you a full size SOo box free, then Judge for yourself, whether or not they ran be of help to you. Canyon resist so earnest an appeal? I'oryour own sake and those who love you, cut put this coupon todnv, at once and mall it to us, Make. Man Tonic Tabl.lt are soldat all drugstores 50o a box on a guarantee or money refunded. '"''CUTOUTTHtS COUPON-: J MAKIVVTAN TAHMTT CO.. IX.pt. SOO : OOO Makn-Mnit lllct,, Clilmco. Ill, J I hard nerer umx MtJco-MnnTAhleUWnroani! J Uh to rucoie, f, ft fullto 00-cont box. v J DruggUt's Nsrae......... S My Nsmo Adilrrn . . . ; tmmmmmm.wmmtO, bo. Jy to facA family m9mmmvmm' & Co., bank. Family y y , V