The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 31, 1912, Image 1

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    fit ate lllttcrlcfil tutif
No. 96
Local and Personal.
Leo Hart, of Brady, is visiting in
town this week.
Mny Hnrris, of Wallace, is among tho
visitors in town this week.
Miss Hoxio spent a few days last
week with friends in Ogalalla.
Adrian Plzer, of Ogalalla, is n guest
at the Pizer homo for a few days.
Edward Walker came down from
Mitchell the lattor part of last week.
Albort Stegman, of eastern Iowa, is
visiting Georgo Stegman this week.
Herman Sludor has returned from a
short visit in Grand Island with friends.
Mrs. A. F. Streitz was taken ill with
pneumonia the latter part of last week.
Robert Campbell, of Dickons, is'trad
ing this week with the local merchants.
Mrs. John Mudge, of Omaha, is visit
ing her mother Mrs. John Rodine this
Mrs. Fred Waltemath and children
are visiting friends in Chappell this
Miss Elizabeth Brand, of Pax ton, is
spending this week with friends in
Peter Hansen, of Paxton, spent
Christmas week in town with his
Mose McFarland has as his guest this
week Douglas and Kenneth Thorton of
Mrs. John Ditto, of Sutherland, is the
jjuest of her sister Mrs. Harry Scott
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Spies will leave
this week for Council Bluffs to remain
Julius Pizer left the" latter part of last
week for Omaha to spend a few days
on business.
Mike McFadden, of Paxton, was a
visitor at the McGovern home Saturday,
and Sunday.
Miss Hazel Oborfelder, of Sidney, is
spending this week with Misses Mayme
and Mildred Pizer.
Math Elias, who is now employed at
Falls City, 'will leave tbday'after a'fehort'
visit with Tiia family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Plumer are en
joying a visit from the latter's Bister
Miss Week of York. ,
Louis Tobin returned Saturday morn
ing from Denver where he spent Xmas
week with tho home folks.
0. E. Weil is expected home this
evening from Iowavhero he spent two
weeks with his mother.
Mrs. Arthur Stearns, of Omaha, ar
rived a few days ago to visit her mother
Mrs. Rodine for two weeks.
Mrs. James Kennedy is expected this
evening from Willow Island where she
spent a week with relatives.
Miss Irene McGee returned Saturday
morning Irom Brady where she visited
relatives during the past week.
William Craigio returned to Moline,
111., Saturday after visiting his mother
and sisters during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson, who
were married lastweek in Denver, have
returned here to make their horn".
The Lady Hustlers have made ar
rangements to hold a social danco at
the Masonic hall Thursday evening.
Frank Herrod returned to Ogalalla
tho latter part of last week, having
visited his mother for several days.
Miss Mabel Donegan, of Cheyenne, is
a holiday visitor at the home of her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Donegan.
Mrs. W. H. McDonald left last even
ing for Chicago where she will be the
.guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Parks.
Mrs. Roland J. Malrostein and baby
returned Friday evening from a short
visit with relatives in Grand Island.
Mrs. Herbert Bristel and children
left Saturday morning for Columbus to
visit relatives for ten days or longer.
Lorenzo Martin, of Denver, came
down tho last of last week to visit Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Martin for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurray, of
Brady, who came last week to attend
tho wedding of their son have returned.
Mrs. Will Fisher returned the latter
part of last week from a fortnight's
visit in Conncil Bluffs and other points
Miss Margarpt Jones entertained n
score of friends at 500 Friday evening.
Nice refreshments were served after
tho games.
Justine McCarthy, of Ames, la., who
-was a guest at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Mason last week, left Saturday.
9 h
One -Fifth Off
Beginning December 26th and closing January 13th we will give you a discount of
one-fifth froxh the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, Cloaks,
Dresses, Suits, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Notions, Gents' Furnishing and shoe
stocks. These goods will be sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted
from your bill. During this sale we will not open any new goods in these depart-,
ments, so it will pay you to come early before the assortments are broken.
Wilcox Department Store.
f. .iV
Yielding to the demand from parents
whose children are weak in certain
studies. I have .consented to tako a few
more private pupils. Parties wishing
to enroll, please see me as soon as
possible. ' " Mrs. V. Lucas.
Will Votow, of the state university,
is spending the holidays at home.
Bert Barber left the last of tho week,
for Lewellen to tako up farming.
Attorney Carl Hohiman is visiting
friends in Tipton, la., this week.
'Mrs. Roland Batic will entertain tWe
.Nevita club Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. W. II. Combs went to Brady
the last week to Visit Mrs. Edwards.
Jack Veach, of Sutherland, is trans
acting business in the city this week.
Miss Alma Toillion left last evening
for Iowa cities to spend several weeks.
Charles Iighe and Jamos Elliott will
attend the dance at Maxwell this oven
ing. Frank Smith, of Omaha, who visited
his parents last week, left Sunday
evening. '
Miss Lillian Graham will leave soon
for Maxwell to visit her sister Mr.
Jack Konney.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Voseipka
expect to leave this week for Omaha to
spend a week.
D. J. K. Elms is transacting business
in Cheyenne this week, having lett Sat
urday morning.
Miss Vaunita Hayes will leave this
week for Lincoln to visit her cousin for
a week or longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boguc and
family aro visiting relatives in Okla
homa this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Easton, of Ogal
alla, spent tho latter part of last week
with town friends.
Miss Loretta Murphy left last week
for Columbus to visit Miss Gertrude
Herrod for a week.
County Surveyor Roy Cockran has
returned from Brady where he yisitf d
relatives lastweek.
Edward Barraclough returned today
from Rawlins where he spent the past
week with his sister.
Miss Clarissa Kane returned to Max
well yesterday to open her school after
tho holiday vacation.
Rev. Chas. F. Chapman, who has
been very ill for several days, is re
ported to be improving.
Misses Myrtle and Grace Martin, of
Sutherland, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. P. Martin this week.
Miss Marie VonGoeta will return to
Overton today to take up her duties in
the schools at that place.
Miss Etta Clark returned to Chadron
Saturday after spending last week with
her mother and sisters.
Rev. Cram returned Saturday after
noon from Orleans, whero he visited
relatives Christmas week.
Miss Isabelle Stafford, of Paxton,
came down Saturday to visit tho Le
Doiyt family for a few days.
A social dance-will bo held at Max
well this evening. A party of young
folks will go down by auto.
For Rent Two largo furnished rooms
for housekeeping 321 So Pine. 94-2
New City Directory.
B. C. Hoffhino, who has issued two
directories of North Platte, is now en
gaged in obtnining the data for a third.
The work of Mr. Hoffhine In the past
has been painstaking and thorough and
as a'i'esult thb directories
been as accurate as it is possible' t6
make directories errors creep into all
wherover published.
One important and useful feature of
tho Hoffhino directory is that it con
tains tho name of every voter in the
county outside of North Platte and the
section on which he resides. This year
this foature will bo supplemented by
the ago of the voters so far as It is able
to ascertain. The object of this is
that 'n some instances thero may bo
two Smiths or two Jones, father and
son; if the age is given which is which
is known.
Tho new directories will be issued
tho latter part of March.
Halligan Elected President.
Honor was bestowed upon a North
Platte citizen last week when at the
meeting of the stato bar association
John J. Halligan was elected president
of the association for tho ensuing year.
To be elected to this position is n. com
pliment, for only attorneys of recognized
ability and state-wide reputation are
elected; both of these Mr. Halligan
possesses. In electing our citizen, the
association recognized the west part of
the stato. Little by little the eastern
Nebraska people aro' beginning to recog
nize the existence of that part of the
stato west of Kearney.
We wish our patrons a happy and
prospcrqus New Year. Thank all for
past favors and will appreciate a con
tinuance of the same.
We write the best and cheapest fire,
lightning, etc., insurance and the
. - V . iU i 1:1 I i:r :..... : iL. , i
issued IiaVOT'iiusi iiueitu mo iiisuruiitt: iu uic gicai
Mnluai Life of New York. See this
policy and you will want it.
Nothing safer for your idle money
nor pays a larger semi-annual interest
than our first mortgage loans on good
income property guaranteed by a reli
able party.
If wanting to borrow money on real
estate, we can loan it on two to five
years time or out of our State Building
& Loan Assocation, same returnable
monthly same as rent.
We make quick sale of real estate
if priced right. We have some good
bargains in city property, vacant lots,
nice homes, farms and farm land.
We care for property, rent houses,
collect rents, pay taxes, rent safe de
posit boxes and storage room.
Yours for business,
Bratt & Goodman.
Arthur Hoagland and Fred Rincker
have been notified that they will prob
aby be calfed to New York City the
latter part oi next montn to give evi
dence in tint damage case brought
against the Union Pacific by tho rela
tives of the young man Ginsburg, who
was killed in June, 1911, when a freight
locomotive exploded west of tho city.
Ginsburg was riding in a car nextto tho
engine when the explosion occurred and
ho was crushed to death. The rela
tives of the boy sue for$50,000 damages.
T. C. Patterson has received a history
of the Nineteenth Illinois Regiment and
its record in the civil war. Mr. Patter
son was a member of E. Co. of that
regiment, and in years past attended
reunions of the survivors. Ho says
that of the 1500 men who enlisted, there
are at present about fifty living. Mr.
Patterson will present a copy of tho
book to tho public library.
Harry W, Sheridan switchman and
night yardmaster for tho Burlington
railroad in Lincoln twenty years ago,
has been promoted to the position of
general superintendent of the Atlantic
district of tho Southern Pacific railroad
with headquartors at New Orleans.
Sheridan has made a remarkable record
as an organizer and nn expert on work
ing out terminal problems.
For Sale.
A pen of sixteen (16) brown leghorn
laying pullets with rooster.
O. B. Fraseii, 510 Vine St.
Local and Personal.
Mrs. William Longpree, of Maxwell,
visited Mrs. H. E. Welsh and family
Mr. and Mrs. Alox Brooks will go to
Gothenburg totluy to spend a few days
with relatives.
L. F. Sullivan and J. Stranton, of
Wallace, aro transacting business in
town this week.
William Hatfield returned to Sheriden
Saturday morning after spending Xmstf
with his mother.
Charles Seyferth returned to Boone,
la., last evening after visiting his
mother for a week.
Victor Halligan is assisting in tho re
porting -work on the Daily Telegraph
during the holidays.
Walter W. Howe and Miss Blancho
RoBler, both of Brady, wero married by
Justice Sujlivan Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Schleicher, of
Brady, left last week for Florida,
whore they will spond tho winter.
Frank McGovern returned Saturday
morning from Denver where ho spent
the past week with his parents.
Miss Marie McCabe will entertain a
number of young friends at a dancing
party at her home this evening.
Attorney James Mothcrsaid has ro
turned from Wnllace, whore ho spent
Christmas week with his parents.
Miss Isahell Doran returned to tho
Kearney normal Saturday morning
alter a weeK s visit witn the home
Misses Carrol Snauldinc and Mvrtlo
Byron, of Gothenburg, spent the past
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Troupe returned
Friday evening from Kearney where
they were guests ottho lattor's parents
last week.
Miss Minnie Manning, of Grand Is
land, spent Saturday in town with
friends while anrouto to Lisco to visit
her brother.
W 1 71 w V aflL . iU-
' r ' "?
On i hnnlc hiis grown hcoause tho p ooplo bT
this community HHhITSVH In our hunk.
IVo lo not solicit your uocount Just been use
ours Is n iYATOA'I HAJX1C, chartoral hy tho
Unitctl Status Government, tint also, bucnusu
tho gootl names oF vosjionslhlity nro likewise he-
hlnil our hank. Wo shall welcome your hnnlc
sw.nrlf f f 1 1. C
Iio VOUR hnnklnir M'lth
The First National Bank,,
The L,urtrost Hnnlc In IVentoivi Kohruskn.
Miner Hinman Gam
v .
' ;
Steam Heated
Open All Night
Three Exits, 11,000 Square Feet of Floor Space.
Stalls so arranged that you have
.ready access to your car . . .
215 N. 5th Street
505 Dewey Street.