The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 27, 1912, Image 8

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9 Xl
n i
Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in nilvuuce $1.25
Ono Year by Carrior in advance .... .ifil.&O
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
oflico as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, DEC. 27. 1912.
Commissioners,' Proceedings,.
Documber 18, 1912. Hoard mo
pursuant o adjournment, Prosoii
Stroitz. Roberto, WJiito nnd county
clerk. ' -VMVS
A coiuxmt road petition; asking for
change and vacation of part of road
330 comes up for hearing, and the
board dooming anmo for the public
good, tamo Is nercby granted, aa fol
Iowa: Conimonclng at Btntlon 74 of
road 339 In, the northeast quarter of
flection 19, township 10, rango 2Gt
waft, and running1 thenca In .a south
easterly direction, moro southed
from pr iront roaJ 'through bottom o
Plum Crook canyon, through part of
northeast quarter of section 19,
norllnya-'r. quarter of section 20 and
part of nqnthea't quarter section 20
to connect with atullon 78f all In
township 10, north of rango 20, and
that part of road No. 339 lying be
tweon stations 74 and 78 la hereby
The resignation of Sophia Andor
Hon as caro taker of Emma Andor.
son and Mrs. Lucjnda Clark on ac
count of ill hcftlth la hortby nocopt
od; and Mloa Aana AndoiEon Is ap
polntad enrotakor In her stoad, at
alary of 30.00 per month for Em
ma Anderson and 20.00 por month
for 'Mrs. L, CUik, effective January
1, 1913.
The fd lowing claims wero allowo
on tho dlfforont road funds, aa fol
A, N. Durbit, rofui.4 poll tax o
W. I. Qulnn on District -19, 22.150.
A. N. Durblti, refund poll tax o
Ftrank Fadta and Simon White oi
district 9, 5.00.
A, N, Durbln, refund poll ta
George 12. Bay( on district 41, 2,50
A. N. Durbla, refund .poll 4ax sun
dry porsons, North Plauo district
M P. Ducklov, refund poll tax on
district 42, 2 30.
"WHUnmDymond, cash to bo ubo
In road district 4, 75.00.
Chris Johnson, cash to ho usod
in road dlstnlot CO, 8.00.
' II. C. Colin, cash to bo used la
road district 15, 100. 0ft'.',,
P. K, Hoffman, n3li''ito bo UBed
In rouvl district 42, 50.00.
A, J Boatty, work In road dis
trict 5, 4.00.
Loula Roflor cash to bo used In
road dlfltrlot 19 50. Q0.
Joaaph Shaw, cash tot bo usod in
road dl3trlct 55 8.90
William Pitman, cash to bo usad
In -road district 31, 100.00.
Jorgon Ro33on, onah to bo used In
road dUtrlot 20, 112.00
W. K. Boaucntmp cagh to o us
ed In road district 28, G3.70.
S. T urtty, caaU to ba used In rond
district 43, 75.00
' Y R. Woak.y, cash to In usod
In road dlatrlot SM, 50.00.
i W. J. Thoma;, xuh to bo uod iiu
i-oatl d strict . '5.00
O. M, York, road work In district
foad district 41, 20.00,
W X Rom, cash to bo usod In
1. 2.4.0
A (JfttMubdW, grading roads 21G
and 10r' aWm ot ?oiai''onn
Kjtric- S.'3Sj?.5l
O. A
Rob.'ivion, grading road 234
on coMTOlsBionor district 3
'.6.00. i
C. A, Roblaon, grading lxmg
road, viiiowod on commissioner dis
trict 1, 182.00.
C, A. Robinson, grading Long
road allowed on commissioner dls
ir.Jet?i, 124.00
C; ' Jd York, dragging roada, al.
lovod cu commlsaloner dtetrlct 1,
W.'W, IIo;, dragging roada, al
Jowctl u coittdJiiittoner dtstrtot 1
8,00. , i ui-lBf
T, w. w. bnui-r, unloading culvorto
'ullowod on comiulsdionor district 3.
'S. J. Fllbort, work on Coopor hill,
allowed on .commissioner district 3,
C, H. Emplo, road work, nliiowod
dn jiowmlsslonvr district 3, 18.00.
A'.Jowed on gonoral fund, aa fol
lower .
Ayk, N Durbln, Btampa, 139.95.
I..v L MUtonbergcr, Jailor fees for
Scptombor, October, Novombor and
December 1910, 112.50.
A, T ICollv, printing and sup
tli 012.40,
'Julius' Mogoncn, rafund on ac
count of error In aaaosamonb ou soc
Jl'on 0, 1C, 31, 11..00.
A. J, SiHlsb'iry eorvlcoa stAto caa
cs. .?.S.
Joe. I FitXr, ropalra at court
houso uud jail, 8.50.
Whorfupon board adjourns tc
DecomliM 19, 1912.
C. W. YOST, County Cl"rk,
Decambor 19, 1912. -Board met
nurauouL to adjournment. Prosont
Stroltz, Robo." Wlilto and county
Tho .county treasurer Is horoby au
thorlz d to transfor tho balanco of
$5,273 In funding bond account to
county goncral fund, and transfer
$3,500.00 from general fund to coun
ty bridge fund.
Extoiuon of road No. 309 coming
on for final hearing, tho board doafr
Ing moi-'j time, action deferred to D
comber 30.
Tlio lollowJufr clalma were alflowo
:iiiM-oi 'tmuni puoj jao.iojj.ip out no
Bort Edls, dragging roads, allowo
on dljtrJct 11, 4.50.
.1. li Van Cloave, repairing grad
er, allowed on di trilct 49, G.35.
J. II. Van Cloave, repairing grad
er, allowed on district '30, 4.50.
Ocor.e Hoover, road work, allow
ed on district 5, 18.00.
A, McNlckle, road work, al)!o;wed
on commissioner district 1 for 50.00
John Tllllon, road work, allowei
i commissioner district 1, C.00.
The following claims wero allow
ed on br.dgo fund, tc-wlt:
W. H. Merrick, hardware, ott!.,
II. Bi-etcrnltz, bridge work, 10.00.
Carl Lunkwl'z, bridgo work. 25.0
Jorgtn Ross- , bridgo work, and
lumber or road di-strlct 20, 78.10.
TldbDll Lumber Co.
lumber fo
3 claims,
road district 22 and 47,
Farn;im Lumber Co., lumber for
voad d.-trlct 18, 27.27.
The .C. F. Iddilngs Co, lumber at
3-.itheriuid, 19.56.
Tho C. F. Iddlnga Co., lumbor at
Harshoj, 23.70.
Tho C. F. Iddlngs Co., lumber at
Maxwoil, 114.10.
The C. F. Idd'ngs Co., lumber at
North vhUte, 168.95.
E. B"ligman, bridge work, 24.75.
John Andorron, bnldgo work.
J. S. Hatchor & Co., dumber for
road dkt'Ict 51. 36.50,
C.II. IHco.mJ)OV, bridgo work25.00
Omiiii Structural Sttccl Works
balance on Moran Camyon bridge
Maxwt'J Lumber Co., lumber for
road Ulttrlct 15, 35.40.
Tho followijvg claims wero ulllotve
on gwibral fund:
A. J. Salisbury, mileage, atrlc
oases, btcond quarter 1912, 192,12.
R, L. Cocnrun, moasniring Max
well rond, 2.50
Ed, Drake, chainman on same, 1.0
Mildred Olson, holding teachers e
amlnntlon 1910, 1911 and 1912, 52.
Uraif & Goodman, premilum on In
surance policy county Jail, 75.00.
E. 32 Cox, d.unagcs on road 351,
.WMlIfeun SraPh, Borvlcca State vs.
Olhronof- Crawley, 15.00.
P, M
Soron'oon. book enso for tlif
county Jronsurer. 8.00.
' W. H, Maloney, coroner ser-1cPb
inquest cf Jamuo Jloyor, 16,5u,
Farmers Institute, Wollfleot (diErtt
lowed' tor 6.85) allowed, for l , 0 0 .
J, H Van Cleave, blacksmith wor
E. P. Nowman, mtrcliandlBo for
eoitnt poor, 50.C8.
P. 2-.1. Sownson, repair'aiH hnlr,
D. A. Rundotirom. med't aorv-
!cos cuizty poor, 12,00.
School dlstnio' No. 2, primary and
iponarui ejection, utio of school bouse.
John Jones, oroctlng Ui olootloit
booth, E.Oft,
A B. Yutou, .hall roi.l. sonwal
election 1912, 7.CC.
Sundiy lKiraonB In the mattor of
tho State of NobniBku vs. Claroivco
Orawlc; :
Georgvi E. Prosaw, services as
cMork of diatiict court, 2,50.
Earl Savago, witness ar.d mlloago,
Goorgv Yoirn'. wltuoa'i and nillo
ngo, D.tiO.
Parkirf witness nnd mlloago,
Andrew Iovtatiodt, vvHnoae and
mUoagb, 5.10
Henry Jonerf, witnoBa and mileage,
William Smith, wltnoas and mile
ago, 5 3 0.
Total, 33.50.
J, U. Koontz, BprlnkUng stroota
Mason ol 1912, 35.00.
Loyal Mystic Ixiglon, hall ront.O.Of
Goorgt E, Frwiiuli, salary as coun
ty at.irny for Novombor and Do
comb, v. 143.16
Gooi'g- (iarman, sp&olal comm'-i
slonr road 360, 4. Op.
IIowo & Malonoy, morolinndtso for
county Jail, 27.20,
C. S. Evorloy, sorvicoa lu urroat
of Stopina Wollo, 10.95.,
Ben E. Layion, eorvlcea In arrest
jf Stepucn Wolty 4, Go.
Qeorgft W. Roberta, cervices oh
countv commlsslonar, 87.90.
1). B, White, aarvlcan 'aa county
oommlBsionor, 104. .05.
A. I Stroltz, servlcos a county
commaxilonor, 46.30.
Pauil G. Moytir, plating addition on
county map, 7.50.
C. F. Iddtogs Co., coal for county
poor, 15.70.
C, F. Iddlngj Co., coal for court
houso and Jail, 71.02..
II. L. Groesou, merchandise- for
county poor, 21.15. J
Sundn persona, stato of Nebraska
va. Hill.
Ilarr. Sell, w.iness and mileage,
Ray Murray, vitnes and mDjciago,
C. I. IHllt vJItnos3 and inllonga,
George B. Dent, doctor's services,
W. T Wilcox, attorneys services.
3.00. .
Geo.'go E, Proasor, clerk of boad,
Total. 36.50.
Whdoupon ' 'i board adjourna to
December 30, 1912.
C. W. YOST, County Olcrk.
Sir Boyle Roche's Bulls.
Sir Boyle liovhu earned the distinc
tion of being tlie fatber of Irish bulls.
Here aro ono or two of his remarks.
"Why." be once said, "should we beg
gar ourselves to benefit posterity'
What lias posterity done for us?" add
ing. "By iwHterlty I mean those who
come nfter us."
At a political meeting he remarked
that lie would "not rest satisfied until
tlie rocky mountains of Ireland ho
enme cultivated valleys." nnd on an
other occasion. "All along tho untrod
den paths of the future I can see the
footprints of tin unseen hand." The
most popular and best quoted bull nnd
ono which must always bo allied with
his iinmc Is. "A man could not be In
two places nt the same time unless he
were a bird."
Drinking of Hoalths.
The drinking or healths in wine or
liquor or other kinds originated In
Britain at the time of tho rule of the
Danes, before Alfred the Great finally
succeeded In driving them from the
Innd. Owing to the assassination of
Englishmen by the Danes, It became a
custom to enter Into compacts for tlie
mutual preservation of health and se
curity. These compacts were usually
pledged In wine, and hence tho custom
of drinking healths. London Stnudard
"Oh. narold." said Mrs. Newlywed.
"a strange man was hero todny, arid
ho mild he wished to rond our gas me
ter." "Well, did you let him In?"
"Mercy, no: no used very poor gram
mar, and 1 felt sure that he would not
read It properly." Judge's Library.
He Liked Them Cooked.
There was a Frenchman who liuted
the country as much as did Charles
Lamb, hut compressed his feelings into
few words. Tlijs was Charles Mouse
let. wise lived on the Quid Voltaire.
Paris, fit Is." he said, referring to the
country, "the place where the birds aro
A t'larkod Difference.
Bilklns He looked like his brother,
and 1 lilt him. Waller-Couldn't y&u
tell them apart V Hllklns 1 couldn't
then, but now there's a marked differ
ence. Exchange.
First Class Cleaning and Pressing.
For first class cleuning nnd pressing
see tho Lennox Tailors and Cleaners.
Just established, Corror Sixth and Lo
cust, upstairs 1-2. Goon:; called for and
delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone
G9. Mills & Levin, Props.
In tlio tnatUT of tlio uhiato of Mtchaul
Albert Fostor, decoawnl.
On rcadlniraurl HMiik the potlUon of Ella
A. Foster prnjini; jlmt admlnlsl ration of
pahl estate may ho m-antud to Kdwln; it.
(ioodman as admiilhtralor.
Orderod. That Jan. tlth. 1913. at 0
o'clock a. in. is assigned for lirarlntr said
notltlon when all persons Interested tu bald
matter may appear at a county court,
to lie held In and for said county
iifl clw.... n...ii u.1... .tin ...... ...... . . .-...
unit Diiurr vuusu i iij mn iiiuvi ui yn-i
oner slioud not bo uranted: nnd that nnttco-
ot tlie peiuluncy of nam petition and the
lioarlni,' thereof boclvcii to all parHons Inter
extt'd in N&ld matter by publhsbliitr a copy of
thlH order In tlio North I'latw Tribune, o
leiral seinl-weoklr newspaper printed In nald
county, for three suecesslvo weeks, prior to
said day of boarlmr.
DaiedDocSOtb, 112.
d-'4-8 John Uuant, founty Judeo.
Referee's Sale.
By virtuo of an order of sale issued
in tho district court in nnd for Lincoln
county, on the 18th day of December.
1912, in nn action of partition wherein
Shellie Schneider is plnintilF and Eva
H. Weaver. S. W. Weaver, Gustn
Satterleo, George Satterlee, Leonard
Calvort, Leonard Burton, Cora M. Bur
ton, Cora C. Sabin, Charles II. Snbin,
Lafayotte Calvert, Claude Shephard and
Charles Shephard are defendants. I will
sell at public auction at theenst frontof
courthouse in tho city of North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 25th
day of January, 1913, nt the hour of
ono o'clock p. m., tho following de
scribed real estate situate in Lincoln
county, Nebraska, to-wit: Southeast
quarter of the southwestquartor (S. E.
i S. W. 1) south half of southeast
quarter (b. J S. E. i) and northeast
quarter of the southeast quarter (N. E.
JofS. E. i) of section twelve (12),
township ten (10), north of range
twenty-cieht (28), west of tho Cth
P. M. Tho terms of this salo will be
cosh in hand.
Dated nt North Platte, Nebraska,
this 23rd day of December, 1912.
D24-C O. E. Elder, Referee.
For Sale.
A No. G Dempster well machine,
drill and hydraulic combined with horse
power; all in good ropair, Will sell cheap
if taken soon. Phone 555k, or address
J. I. Shuck, North Platte. 93-3
For Rent -640 Acres
good farming or hay land, 50 cents per
acre, six miles north of Wallace, Neb.
twelve miles south of Sutherland. New
4-room house and barn for eight head,
grainery 24x32, cement cavo 12x18,
good well, 10-ft Sampson mill, 30 ft.
steel tower, 3 miles of fence, 150 acres
in cultivation. Address W. R.Harding,
North Platte, Neb. itW
e a
HomeopathlcFhytlclan nndSurgcon
m Hospital accommodations, Medical and
m gurgical attention given obstetrical cases.
Olllco I'liono 183 Has. Phone 2tt
Oflico McDonald Stato Hank Hid V
I Signet Chapter O. E. S., f
NO. 55-
Mccts 2nd and 4th ' Thursday of every j
month at Masonic Kail at 7:30 ti. m. X
K .. , .J
The North Platte ;
School of Music .
The University School of
Mask, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth vBonner-Cramcr
All the principal branches of Ap
plied and Theorotical Music taught by
competsnt teachers.
Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlacK 341.
Telephone Red 456 505Vi Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Di edjield edfield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE B. KEDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital .. v ..
PHONE 042. ' ' "
Have You Plumbing Troubles?
Is there need for repairs every few
days? Is' your bathroom modern
luxuriantly comfortable?
kitchen arrangements convenient
sanitary; it not,
Send For Our Plumber.
Not only nre we experts at repair
work, but there vill be little need for
repnirs if we install your plumbing.
You'll be surprised atour fairestimatcs
if you "talk price" with us.
Phone G9. Res. Phone
Corner Sixth nnd Locust.
lly virtuo of an order of sale Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein George Lehman is idalntlfT
and Martin Anderson is defendant and
to mo directed, I will on tho 18th day of
Jan., 1913, (at 2 o'clock, p. m., at the cast front
door of the court house In North Platto, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for rash to satisfy said
decree. Interest and costs, tho following
described property to-wlt: Southeast quarter
of tho northwest quarter (teH of nwV) nnd
lots one (1) two (2) nnd three of sec
tion 1 two (2), township twelve (12) ' riorth of
ranso thirty-threo (33) west of the 6th P.
Jr.. in Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platto, Neb.. Dec. I4th, 1912.
dl7- A. J. SAUanimv. Sheriff.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, en.
In tlio County Court.
In the matter of tho estato of Dennis Kelly,
On reaillnur .and flllnir tho petition of Marirarot
Kelly priiyirf' that administration of said
estate may Ik) sranted to Elisabeth Kelly as ad
ministratrix. Ordered, That Dec, 21, A. D, 1012 ,at 10 o'clock
n. m. Isasslurned forhoarlnir said petition, when
all persons interoiUxl In said matter may appear
at a county court to lxi held In and for said
county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner
should not bo granted; and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and tho hearinir thereof
be itiven to all persons Interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in tho North
Platte Tribuno a legal scml-weckly newspaper
printed In said county for threo successive, weeks
prior to said day of hearinir.
Dated December 26. 1912.
d3-3 JOHN GUANT, County Judge,
B Bill liBBnlJilJ H
A few choice young
Also a few Cows and
On Mile South of tha U. P. Depot.
Of the Best Quality.
Paine Fishburn
Granite Co.,
W. T. ALDEN, Salesman
Oldoat Bank in Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
APITAL STOCK $100,000.00
We Solicit Your Buslnau.
lH 'House of GoodShowlHI
When in North Plalle.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re
liablo Tailor do it and do it right. ,Wc
have been doing this work in North
Platto for thirty years, know how to
do it and do it the way it should be
That means satisfaction to:you.
Entranco north of the Nyal drug store.
W v ft W et
Doctors Ames & Ames, :
Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone Drug Co.
OHice U73
f Residence 273
Feels Like a Millionaire.
Tho man who smokes Schmalzried's
cigars is a happy, contented fellow,
one of those who may have but a few
dollars in his pocket yet feels as rich as a
millionaire. A good smoke always
brlng3 good feeling, hence there's a
reason for buying Schmnlzried-made
The Maker of Good Cigars.
notioe of settlement.
The Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss
In tho County Court.
in tho Matter of tho Estate or Katie
Ilrndy, Deeonod.
To tho creditors, heirs legatees and others
Interested In tliu estate ot Katto Hundy,
Take notice, that Charles Himdy. ad
ministrator, lias tiled In tho county court a
report of his doings as administrator of
said rstftln and It is ordered that the
samu stand, for hearing in 31st day ot
December, A. I). 1812. In Nto the court
at the hour of I) o'clock, a. tu.. nt whlh time
any person Interested may appuar andexespt
to andcontest tho same. And notice of this
proceeding Is ordored given In tho North
Platto Trlhuno. a legal scml-weckly news
paper published lu said county for thren
buccesslvo weeks prior to said dato of
Witness my hand and tho seal of the coun
ty court at North Platte. In said county
this nth dar of December. A. I). 1912
dIO-s John Oit.vT. County Judgo
Estray Notice.
Taken up on section 24, town 11,
range 30, in Lincoln county, by the
undersigned, three maros, two sorrels
and one bay branded NE on left hip,
aged about six years; one bay stallion,
3 year old; one bay and one brown
mare G years old, threo bay geldings,
2 and 3 year old, one sorrel mare 3 year
old, one yearling brown colt. Owner
is requested to call, prove property,
pay charges and take animals away.
Miller Bros..
Wellfleet, Nebr.
Serial No. WJ83.
United StatoB Land Olllco.
At North Platte. Nebraska. Dec. 4. 1012,
Notice Is hcrobr ,givon that Josonh
A. ICnaldt of North Platto Nob., who on
August 80, lPO'J. , made liornostoad entry
Serial No. 01283 for all o'
Bectlon 21, Town 18 N., Itatnro 30 W of tlio
0th Principal Meridian, has (lied notlcoof In
tention to tnako final three rear
proof, to establish claim to tho land above
described, hoforo tho resistor and rrcolver
at North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 6th day
of February, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses; Caspor
F. Htvlts, Edwin W. Wrleut, Ituport
H chwalgor and William L Slvlta, all of North
Platto. Neb.
dio-i) John E.IEvans Register.
In tho matter of the estate of John Franzcn,
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, November. 26. 1912.
Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executor of said
estate before the county Judgo of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room, In said
county, on tho 31st day of Dec, 1912, and on tho
30th day of June 1913, at 9 o'clock a.m. each day
for tho purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and one year for tho executor to
settle said estate, from tho 25th day of Nov.
1912. A copy of this order to be published in tho
North Platte Tribune, a legal seml-wcekly news
paper published in said county for four successive
weeks prior tq December 31, 1912.
d3-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Notice for Publication.
Patrick J. Conwav and Mrs. Patrick
J. Conway, his wife, and all parties
claiming any right or interest in nnd to
lots seven (7) nnd eight (8) in block
twelve (12) of Miller's Addition to the
city of North Piatte will take notice
that on the Gth day of November, 1912,
the plaintiff, Charles P. Ross, filed his
petition in the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, against said defen
dants, and each of them, the object
and prayer of which petition is to have
the title to lots seven (7) and eight (8)
in block twelve (12) of Miller's Addi
tion to the city of North Platte quieted
and confirmed in him on tho grounds
and for the reason that said plaintiff
has been in tho open, notorious, exclu
sive and adverse possession of said lots
claiming to be the owner therof for
more than ton years prior to the 6th
day of November, 1912, and that by
reason of said adverse possession said
plaintiff is now the owner in fee simple
of each and every part and portion of
said lots seven (7) and eight (8) in
block twelve (12) of Miller's Addition
to tho city of North Platte.
You and each of you aro required to
answer said petition on or before Mon
day the Gth day of January, 1913.
Dated this 25th day of November,
1912. Charles P. Ross.
By Muldoon & Gibbs, His Attorneys.
Notice for Publication.
To Hans Peterson non-resident
defendant; you are hereby noti
fied that onthe 10th day of
May. 1912, Sophia Peterson filed a
petition against you in the District
(jourt, of Liincoln County, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which are to
obtain a divorce from you on the ground
that you have wilfully abandoned the
plaintiff without good cause for the
term of two years last past. You are
required to answer paid petition on or
before Monday 21st day of Jan., 1913.
Sophia Peterson, Plaintiff,
By Muldoon & Gibbs, her Attys.
E. C. Brown, defendant, will take
notice that on the 30th day of Novem
ber, A. D., 1912, the Racine Sattley
Co., of Nebraska, plaintiff, filed a peti
tion in tho 'District Court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, against the said E.
C. Brown, L. B. Hastings, real name
unknown, James H. Edmistenand John
B. Toillion, defendants, nnd on the
17th day of December, 1912, the plain
tiff filed an amended petition in said
action and an application to the court
foran order for service by publication
upon E. C. Brown, defendant. The
object and prayer of the plplntiff's
petition is to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed by the defendant, E. C.
Brown, to L. B. Hastings, upon the
northwest quarter (NWJ) of section
thirty-four (34), township thirteen (13),
north of range thirty (30), west of tho
Gth P. M in Lincoln county, Nebraska,
to secure the payment of a certain
promissory note dated November 25.
1911, for the sum of $4,000.00 duo and
payable five years afterdate with in
terest at G per cent per annum.
1 hat tho condition of said mortgage
has become become broken and the plain
tiff hns elected to declare the entire
sum due nnd there is now due upon said
note and mortgage the sum of $4000.00
with interest at G per cent per annum
from November 25, 1911, and that said
note and mortgage has been assigned
to and is now owned by the plaintiff the
Racine Sattley Co , of Nebraska, and
tho plaintiff prays for a decree that the
defendants bo required to pay the
amount due upon said note and mort
gage or that said premises be sold to
satisfy the amount due and that the de
fendants and each of them be barred of
all right, title, interest and equity of
redemption in said mortgaged prem
ises. Tho plaintid further elaims a lien
upon the rents and profits of said prom
ises and prays for the appointment of
a receiver during the pendency of said
actioin for the reason that said mort
gage security is insufficient to pay the
mortgage debt and said E. C. Brown
has abandoned said premises and is per
mitting waste to bo committed thereon
and the plaintiff prays for an order of
injunction restraining the defendants
from selling and conveying said rents
and profi;s during the pendency of this
action and that an interluctory order
be issued appointing a receiver herein
and directing the receiverto take charge
of the rents and profits and that the de
fendants deliver the possession of said
premises unu me rents and profits
thereof to
the court.
receiver appointed by
The Plaintiff proposes James T. Keefe
as such Receiver and 'proposes the
United Fidelity & Guaranty Company
as surety on the bond both for the Re
ceiver and for the plaintiff. The court
has appointed the SherifT Temporary Re
ceiver pending plaintiffs application for
You are required to answer said peti-ik,no0n-or
befor,e th? 20th dftV of January,
lW' TJ2U SF0 rthcr notified that the
plaintiff will presept his application to
the court for tho appointment of a Re
ceiver and for a tunporary injunction
before the Hon. II. A. GrfmesKct
Judge in tho Court House in North
Si"il,n".bMf?k?,ithf 2lBt day of Jnu
ary, 1913 at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated December 17, 1912.
Racine Sattley Co. of Nebraska,
By Hoagland and Hoagland, ff Attorneys.
.dfostfoy'ft'te.'-jffS1.M t6&B.SW.JWgiyu-.VJC:,i "fcatMMntfWi.