The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 27, 1912, Image 5

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The Dixon Jewelery Establishment
Thanks you for your confidence and patronage
during the past year and
you a Prosperous and Happy New Year.
Promising you our
service to you in 1913.
Graduate Dentist.
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Local and Personal
L. Jacobs, of the U. P. terminal
staff, i3 spending this week in Omaha.
Miss Ida Ottenstein will entertain
the Indian card club Thursday nfter
poon, Jan 2.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Schnrman. of
Omaha, were guests of relatives in
town Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Horry Sawyer, of
Cheyenne, came home Tuesday to visit
relatives during the holidays.
Frank McGovern has been in Denver
for several days, going there to ont
Christmas turkey with his parents.
Look up Mrs. Huffman's Add.
The Lady Maccabees will hold an
election of officers at their next regular
meeting Dec. 28th. All members are
Invited to be present.
Miss Hazel Dye, of Salina, who has
been visiting her si3ter Mrs. W. R.
Maloney for sevoral weeks, will return
home next week.
Mrs. Regina Hcrrod returned last
evening from Denver where sho was
called last week by the illness of her
son Albert, whom she left much im
proved. Milt Perkins and Merle Cross, of
North Platte, were in town the first of
the week, being attractecrup this way
by n certain bits of feminine beauty.
Sutherland Free Lance.
For Rent Two largo furnished rooms
for housekeeping 321 So Pine. 91-2
Omaha News: The overland limited,
the Union Pacific's $38,000 traih from
Chicago to San Francisco, carried ex
actly six passengers when it passed
through Omaha this morning. There
Were eight coaches on the train and
eighteen men are required to operate it.
Christmas is blamed.
Do vou know of ahothor dealer be
tween Omaha and Denver who has four
sizes of Pennsylvania Hard Coal on
hand at the present time. Wo have
nnd can furnish in any quantity. Pea,
Chestnut. Stove and Egg, S12.50 to
S13.50 per ton delivered. Phone No. 7
The C. F. Iddings Co.
Floyd Edwards, who was arrosted on
the charge of issuing a bogus check for
ten dollors which was cashed by Mr,
Komp, a Front street lodging house
keeper, was released yesterday,
Edwards made good the amount and
Kemp with drew the complaint.
Edwards lives at Tryon and he' drew
the check on the Tryon bank.
Gaskill & McVitty, offer Wm. Anthony McGuire's
Truth Telling Play
Pretentiously Presented with a
and Accurate
Is Marriage an Institution of God? or Man?
. . or Devil? For Answer See the Play .
Presented 107
Prices From SO
fempyraft''W'Wi'nf wtKsevw'mifTTTwv TmrmnnTTTTwi ' i i mm l j"
Holiday season and with
continued efforts to be of
Look up Mrs. Huffman's Add.
Merton Thayre, of Paxton, is visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. W. H. LeDoyt this
Perry Sitton arrived from Cheyenne,
the foro part of this week to visit his
daughter for a few days.
Mijs Goldsmith came from the eas
tern part of the'stato Tuesoay tp spend
Xmas with relatives in town.
Miss Mildred Pizer, of Hastings, ar
rived Tuesday evening to visit Miss
Mayme Pizer during the holidays.
Mrs. Carl Lintz purchased the lucky
loaf of bread which contained the $5
gold piece at tho Enterprise bakery.
J. A. Noble, who has been living in
town for several months, will return in
a few days to his form in McPhcrson
Christian Science society Sunday 11
a. m. Subject "Christian Science."
Sunday school 12 tn. K. P. hall, Dewey
Chas Hendy, Jr., of Denver, has been
in town for a day or two visiting his
wife and daughter, Jwho have been here
for several weeks.
Save one tenth on your groceries
during the sale at Wilcox Department
Colonel McGeo, the Sutherland
buyer, spent yesterday in town. The
Colonel is feeding and getting in shape
for shipment about one hundred horses.
Miss Ether Thompson, a registered
nurse of Toronto, who has been visit
ing with Mrs. Roy Shriner, left Wed
nesday afternoon for Kearney to spend
the hdlidays.
For Rent NewJ five room cottage
modern except heat. Inquire William
Maloney, Sr., S03 East 5th street.
The Coterie club was reorganized last
week under tho name of the S. O. C.
and will hold their first meeting at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Redfield
on January 8th.
Ed. Walker came down from Mitchell
to spend Christmas with the home folks.
He has about two weeks' work yot on
the $12,000 sewer system he is putting
in at Mitchell.
Four sizes of Pennsylvania hard coal,
pea, chcanut, stove and egg size. 12.50
to',13.50 per ton, delivered.
Phone No.7. The C. F. Iddings Co.
A social dance was held at the K.
P. hall Wednesday evening which was
attended by a large number of local
young people. The music was enjoy
able and the dancers spent a pleasant
Yielding to tho demand from parents
whose children are weak in certain
Btudies, I have consented to take a few
more private pupils. Parties wishing
to enroll, please sec me as soon as
possible. Mits. V. Lucas.
Wednesday, Jan. 1.
worce- yiiesnon
cost of Exceptional Excellence
Scenic Detail.
times in Chicago.
Cents to $l.OO.
Local and Personal.
Alvin Ellas begun work at tho Green
pool hall yesterday.
P. J. Norton, wife and children re
turned yesterday morning frm Denver.
Miss Zentmeyer, of Schuyler, is tho
guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. George Zent
meyer. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cary nre making
arrangements to move to Omaha this
Clarence Shaw left Wednesday even
ing for Lincoln to spend a couple of
weeks. ' '
Frank Foster returned last evening
from Gothenburg whoro he spent Xmas
with relatives.
Albert LeDoyt left Tuesday morning
for Paxton to spnd a fortnight or
longer on his ranch.
E. T. Tramp left yesterday morning
for St. Louis to purchase stock for his
dry goods department
Mr. and Mrs. Horton Munger returned
yesterday morning from their visit in
Omaha and Fremont.
Thomas Watts will attend tho stock
show in Denver January 23rd and while
there will hold a sale.
Frank Stuart arrived Wednesday
from Dcs Moines to spend tho holidays
at the parental home.
Frank Baldwin has accepted a posi
tion at the ice houses and began work
the latter part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McEvoy re
turned to Ogalalla Tuesday after
spending several days with relatives.
Judge Grimes spent Monday and
Tuesday In Bridgeport, returning home
in timo to enjoy Christmas day at homo.
Mrs. Harry Cramer left Saturday
ovenmgfor Grand Island, St. Paul nnd
Lincoln to spend a couple of weeks.
Mfi and Mrs. Crosby, of Sutherland,
who visited Attorney and Mrs. M. E.
Crosby this week lett for home yester
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Rancy and children,
of Wallace, arrived Tuesday afternoon
to visit Mrs. Rnney's mother Mrs.
Greeley Bundy.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simon and
children returned Saturday evening
from Hastings where they were called
by the death of Mrs. Simon's fathor.
Mrs. James Hart will prepare and
serve the supper for tho Elk's stag
banquet New Year's evening, which is
a guarantee thatHt will be first-class in
every respect.
Save ono tenth on your groceries dur
ing the sale at Wiloox Department
Storo. (
The Eshleman pool hall will be moved
this week from the present location
on Locust street to tho building re
cently occupied by the Simon meat
market on Gth street.
Last month fifty-six people in "New
York were run over nnd killed by auto
mobiles and 157 injured. As an engine
of death tho automobile seems to be a
success in the big cities.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Simon left for
Hastings Wednesday evening to visit
the latter's parents for a week or
Fresh milk and cream from Mrs
Geo. Patterson's dairy at the Ideal
bakery daily.
A tfnrty of young people from North
Platte ran into the irrigation ditch with
their auto, last evening, just east of
Arthur Harvey's. They missed the
bridge, which is one of those that slant
cross-ways of the road, mashing their
machine up badly. We did not learn the
names of all the parties, suffice it is to
say that one or two were badly bruised
up. -Hershey Times.
You'll have a good time
i? you attend the dance at
the Lloyd New Year's Eve
Dec. 31st.
Petitions have been circulated the
past week throughout the country sur
rounding Wallace, asking tho village
board to establish, operate and main
tain n telephone system in Wallace with
which rural lines may connect and thus
hnvo complete and effective Bervice all
over tho country, something after the
plan outlined by Mr. Bebout in tho
Winner recently. These petitions have
been signed by the residents of tho
uiiuuriyniK uisincw inmost to a man,
there being nearly 200 names on the
several petitions. Wallaco Winner.
Owners of city properly, lols or
houses, can find sale for same by list
ing with us. Property priced right finds
ready sale. Buchanan & Patterson.
Christmas day at tho Lutheran
chifch was a moBt joyous day for pas
tor and people. Both the services were
mm iinu we ii luu'iioeti. un such oc
casions the Lutherans realize the great
need of n new and largor church. The
cnoir cantata will bo repeated next
Sunday evening at 7:30. The commen
dable words spokon concerning tho
service bospeak the presence of nil
those of the members and friends of
the church who could not attend Xmas
morning and mnny of thoso present
then will want to hour it again.
For Exchange.
Equity in a 7-room modern house sit
uated in a good part of Kansas City,
Mo., for North I'latto vacant or im
proved. Call nt C. M. Newton s store
for particulars. 92-8
One-Tenth Off On Groceries.
Beginning December 26th and closing January 13th, we will give a
discount of one-tenth off of every article carried in our stock except Butter and
Eggs and XXXX Flour. The goods will be sold to you at regular prices and
one-tenth deducted from your bill. This discount does not apply to case prices
on goods but to the regular broken stock. This is an unusual opportunity to
save on the most staple
f f lltLUJL
Earl Carpenter returned Wednesday
from a ten day visit in Denver.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs.
George Savin Wednesday morning.
In a wreck at O'Fallons Inst night
four cars of a. freight train were de
railed. Master William Davis went to Fre
mont this morning to visit relatives for
a week.
Attorney Gibbs returned this morn
ing from n visit at his former home in
The Lndy Hustlers will hold a social
dance at the Masonic hall tho first of
next week.
Reed Smith, of Omuha, spent yester
day in town while enroute home from
Choyenno where he spent Christmas
with friends.
Mrs. L. G. Ilanzo and Elaine Bundy
expect to go to Brndy tomorrow to
spend a week with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Bybro .and
children who visited relatives in Grand
Islnnd, have returned homo.
Mrs. Harry Fleishman lett Wed
nesday evening for Kansns City to
spend several days with relatives.
The members of the T. M. E. club and
their gentlemen friends were enter
tained at cards by Miss Buckley lost
This is wonderfully fine weather, jubt
bracing enough to make one step lively
in the morning. Tho climate is really
ahead of California; out there a good
part of the orange crop was frozen,
while hero oranges hayo not been in
jured. Postmaster Reynolds, of Sutherland,
has been advised that beginning March
1st n tri-weekly muil route will be inau
guarted covering territory south and
west of that town. Tho total distance
to bo covered by the carrier is thirty
two miles.
Police Judgo Warren may bring nn
action for damages against Chief of
Police Otten. It is this way: Ottcn's
canino protector was locked up in tho
police court Tuesday evening. He nat
urally objected to spending Christmas
eve in that manner, and nfter chewing
up the desk, chairs and door casing, he
jumped through tho window to the
ground bolow. Tho Judgo wants pay
for the damages resulting
Mrs. Peter Matsou, living on the
table land north of Ogalalla, was
burned to death in a prairie fire the
fatter part of laBt week. Sho was buck
firing with her husband some distance
from the house when n sudden gust of
wind from a new direction swept the fire
behind her and boforo she could got
out of its path was overtaken by tho
fiames and enveloped in the suddenly"
kindled blaze. Almost instantly her
entire clothing was in fiames and be
fore help reached her every stitch of
clothing was burned ofi", evon tho up
per part of her shoes nnd her hair
burned off her head.
Tinner's Tool.
I have 2nd hand in good condition
for sale cheap. Josill'll F. Fim.on. tf
Doctor That 1111111 who Just went by
was my first patient. Friend Ih that
so? Of what did you relievo lilmV
Doctor Twenty-live dollurs. Chicago
Suro Sign.
"So (Jieen lias been promoted again."
"Yes, but how did you know?"
"I Junt overheard you knocking him "
Detroit Free I'ross,
To be wise Is to know the foolish
now. of iiiikIi or your own wisdom.
things you buy, so get busy.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Frank Smith camo up from Omaha
Tuesday afternoon to Bpend the holi
days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J.
I. Smith.
William Hntfield, formerly of this city,
who has been employed in Sheridan for
several months, camo down Tuesday to
visit tho home folks during the holidays.
Weather forecast: fair tonight and
Saturday, moderate temperature.
Maximum temperature yesterday 38, a
yeur ago 21. Minimum temperature
last night 20, ti year ago -10.
Miss Julia Donawitch, of Omaha, who
spent tho past two months with her
sister Mrs. Hairy Fleishman, left Wed.
ncsduy evening for Kansas City to bo
present nt the wedding of Her sister
who resides Vmi.
For Sale.
A pen oC it'cteen (1(5) brown leghorn
laying pullets with rooster.
O. B. FUASBR. 510 Vine St.
Oir bnnic hns grown
$m- ,J$t A
-r r ?
this eomtnuuity JilllAll VIS In our Itimlc.
Wre tlo not ,soot your nocount Just boenuse
ours inn NATION Ah ItANIC, ohni'torod by tho
United Stutes (lavurnmont, hut .so, beenuse
tlio good immos oT rvsj)onsll)iity nro likewise be
lilnil our bnnlc. Wo shall welootne yotn Jitmk
Ho YOUli bunking witli
The First National Bank, .
Tlie hnrgest Hunk in Western Xeltrnsku.
You can prevent nnnttnk or rmLo It run a
IIunclndHnf i I tjj'ttt) f nrlllti , jiu throat iiulnt,',
amllaontl 1 , h ,v iit l H Inr -r Ir, prcfrru r oulioilurtr
2Gc, 60c anil $1.00 a Bottlu nt Stono Drug Co.
HuUdirw.tIoiisfijru.oiuo In booklet vyjlh oviry buttle. Try A-thuuca-liia and
will niivor im nnytliimc 0U0 for throat t rou Wo. "u
, . .,
Mr. nnd Mrs E. M. Hogg, of Paxton,
wore visitors at the Crulglo home this
Francis Dunn has returned from
Wood Piver, whore ho spent the past
three days with relatives.
Ed Barraclough left last evening for
Evanston to visit a few days with his
sister Mrs. Fdward Weeks.
William Tnnnor, of Lexington, who
visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redmond
this weok, loft yesterday morning.
Frank Ilerrod, now of Ogalnlla, camo
down tho foro pnrt of this week to
spend tho holidays with his mother.
C. E. Mullen, of Lexington, wns a
visitor at tho home f his sister Mrs.
Tim Ilnnlfin this week nnd loft yester
day. Miss Joslo VanBrocklin, of Grand
Islnnd, arrived Wednesday tq spehd a
week or longer with her rnothor and
lycunuso the ji coplo
mllil coura nnd vltj often prevent ncrloun
'lr'icr.i, pharynKitii
MlU'I v