The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 27, 1912, Image 4

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Happy New Year to All.
We wish to thank the public for the great patronage given The
Leader for 1912, hoping to share same for 1913. Our
Pre-Inventory Sale
will commence Saturday, January 4, 1913. The entire stock will be
thrown to the public at prices which will pay you to wait for the
clearance sale.
J. PIZER, Proprietor.
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With Best Wishes
For a happy and prosperous New
Year. May your fondest hopes be
realized; your "Air Castles" assume
tangible shape.
Thanking1 you for the patronage
of the year now closing, we hope to
merit a continuance of the same
during 191 3.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Your Drugs. Orders Do
llvorod promptly.
Local and Personal
Look up Mrs. Huffman's Add.
Mrs. Charles McNamnra and baby
left yesterday morning for Omuha to
visit tho homo folks.
Messrs. Corbln JonoB, Gilbert Peters
and'Milleage Dullard will hold a social
dance at tho MnBonic hull next Thurs
day ovonlng.
II. S. Ridgely camo down from Chey
enne Monday night and remained until
Wednesday night. Mrs. Ridgely and
tho children will remain a fow days
I would rent my furnished home
during January, February and March.
W. V. UOAat'AND.
Miss Sullivan, tho gatherer of local
news for The Tribune, was taken ill
Tuesday and has been oir duty since.
Sho was so unfortunate as to bo com
piled to spend Christmas in bed not
n happy condition.
Postmaster Davis has been notified
that n couplo of car loads of furniture
for tho federal building lias bcin
shipped by fast freight and will prob
abjy arrive today or tomorrow. As
noon as tilaced in position tho ofllco
wlll'bo removed to the now building,
Wo still have n small quantity of
Furnace size coko to offer at 8.50 per
ton dolivcrod. The 0. F Hidings Co.
Phone No. 7.
Tho members of "The Girl and the
Outlaw" comtmnv together with the
stago employes and a fow invited guostr,
indulged in a turkoy supper on tho stage
following the play Christmas night. A
lino suppor was served amid much
Christmas cheer.
Oscar Smith, of Panama, camo homo
Tuesday to spend two weeks with his
Wanted Housekeeper, inquire at this
ofllco. 92-4
Lorn Graves camo up from Grand Is
land Tuesday to visit relatives for a
fow days. ,
Mrs. Pickeral, of Oshkosh, returned
homo yesterday aftor sponding a week
with town friends.
William Garman, who lately removed
to Hastings, has been in town for a fow
days visiting his sons.
J, J. Halllgon and W. T. Wilcox loft
last night for Omaha to attend tho an
nual banquet of tho state bar assocla
Wanted Good girl for general house
work. COS W. 4th St. Phone Black
1G0. tf
Henry Cohagen, who has been em
ployed with the tolephono company
at Sidney for several weeks, is visit
ing his parents this week.
Goorgo E. Prosser, clork of tho dis
trict court, returned Tuesday evening
from Camden, N. J., whero lie was
called 'thrco weeks ago by tho death, of
his father.
Wo have for salo tho most desirable
lots In Cody's Addition. Lot with'4
room houso $900 to $1200. With 5-room
house $1300 to ?1G00.
Uoy Suunr.n, Phone 3G1.
"Tho Girl and tho Outlaw" was pre
sented to agood-slzed audience at tho
Keith Christmas evening, but the act
ing was such ns to cause considerable
morrimont for the auditors.
Attend the dance at the
Lloyd New Year's Eve
Dec. 31st.
Local and Personal.
Look up Mrs. Huffman's Add.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton, living
on tho former Otten farm, have been
visiting Omaha frienils this week.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Bailor returned
Tuosday from a week's visit with
Mrs. Bailsr's sister in Lincoln.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners for salo
or rent. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, agent.
Phono 104.
R&Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Mason, of
Aurora, 111., ure guests of Mr. Mason's
parents, and his sister Mrs. M. F. Hos
ier. Tho fire department was called'out
Tuesday afternoon, during n heavy
gale, to extinguish a fire in the GOO
block on west Sixth street.
R. L. Baker returned yesterday from
Omaha whero ho spent Christmas with
his parents. Dick will gather up the
fag ends of the past yeir for tho next
I few days and then loayo on a business
trip to Chicago and other points east.,
Give us your order for concrete work
of any kind. Concrete building blocks
and ornamental work.
ROY SuitUEK, Phone 3G1.
Engineer Joe Schwaiger loft yester
day for Omaea where ho will attend a
meeting of tho safety committee of the
Union Pacific system. Mr. Schwaiger
has been a district representative of
the committee for six months past.
"A little slip of cardboard on which is
printed tho number 19G3 entitles the
holder to that 20-pound box ot candy at
the Roxoll drug store. Tho owner with
modornto use will have sufficient sweets
to last n month or two; if used immod
oratoly there are chances for a do-
ranged stomach and a torpid liver.
Try a ton of Furnaco size coko in
your furnaco most oconomicnl fuel an
the markot atHhis price 8.50 per ton
delivered. The C. F. Iddings Co.
Phone No. 7.
Following a yearly custom inaug
urated several years ago, tho Wilcox
Department Store began n discount
sale yesterday which embodies twenty
per cent off on all goods except
groceries, on which the discount is ten
per cent. This nnnual salo has proven
vory popular in the past, and thin par
ticular one will no doubt provo likewise.
This salo will close January 13th.
All the good dancers will
be at the Lloyd Tuesday
'in the year ending Decomhor 1st
there were 10,402 deaths in tho stato
of Nebraska. During tho sntno puiiod
there were 20,GU7 births, 11,400 mar
riages and 1.8G1 suits for divorce filed.
For nch six and one-half marriages
thoro was ono diyorco filed. Don't that
strike you as a very heavy percentage.
Cruelty was the ground for two-thirds
of tho divorces.
Next Month's Attractions.
The bookings at The Keith for next
month are ns follows:
January 1st "The Divorce Ques
tion." January 4th "The Gamblers."
January lOtli "The Girl from Tokio. "
January 14th "Bizzy Izzy."
January 22d "Louisiana Lou."
Wiley Arrested at , Central City.
Herbert Wiley, who shot his vifo in
the arm Monday afternoon and mide
his get-away on n freight train which
pulled out of the yards a fow minutes
after the shooting, was arrested at
Central City Tuesday. Sheriff Salis
bury went after Wiley Wednesday and
brought him to jail yesterday after
noon whero he was arraigned before
Judge Grant on two counts. He
waived preliminary examination and
was bound over to the district court.
The gun used by Wiley, which he
throw away and is now in possession of
Chief of Police Otten, has threo empty
chambers, showing that he shot thrice
at his wife, but only one bullet took
effect. It is said that he snapped the
gun on tho other two shells, but they
failed to explode, and it was then that
he threw the gun away. It looks as
though Wiley's assault on his wife was
a deliberate attempt to kill hor.
W. E. Shumnn Installed a novelty in
his household Chrlstmns in tho shape of
an electric stove of sufficient size to
cook and bako for an average-sized
family. Tho company guarantees that
cooking for a family af four can bedono
on this stovo at nn average cost of $2.60
per month bnaed on tho local chargo for
current. Tho stove was ordered through
tho local electric light company.
Farm For Sale.
Tlie northeast quarter (nej) section
twenty-four (24) township thirteen (18)
range thirty (80) about soven miles
AUthenat of North Platte on south side
of Platte river, all smooth land near
nills, good buildings, fifteen acres in
alfalfa, ono of best farms in Plntte
valley. Price ?10,00O.0O. Terms, half
:ash, balanco on easy time at 7 per
cont interest. Address Joseph Hershoy
North Platte, Neb.
To Investors.
We are prepared to loan your money
on real estate first mortgage so as to
net your eight per cent. Money
loaned is exempt from taxes. Come
and let us talk it over.
Buchanan & Patterson.
Local and Personal.
Mrs. William Stegal and children
left Tuesday afternoon for Grand Is
land to visit relatives for a few days.
Math Elias, who has been employed
at Valley Junction for several weeks,
came homo to spend tho holidays with
his family.
Tho semi-annual apportionment of
state school money gives Lincoln
county $1,206.14. This fund will be dis
tributed among the school districts
during January.
Big dance at the Lloyd
next Tuesday evening.
Mrs. L. W. Walker and daughter
Margaret leave Sunday for Minden,
where they will visit relatives for two
or three months.
J. G. Beeler spent the early part of
the week in Lincoln attending a meet
ing of tho ctate bar commission, of
which ho is a member.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weingand, of
Omaha, were the guests of relatives
Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stamp
entertaining the Stamp-Weingand
families at the Christmas dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Justin McCarthy, of
Ames, Iowa, arrived the early part of
the week to spend the Christmas holi
days with thfe Mason and Hosier
Miss Emma Rudat, of Omaha, is visit
ing at the homo of her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Haspel.
A. F. Clark, of Brule, who was in
jured at Brule last week and has since
been a patient at the P. & S. hospital,
is reported to be improving.
Fred Wright, a well known attorney
of Gering, and Mort Smith a prominent
stockman of Broadwater, will visit
North Platte friends next week and
attend tho Elks' banquet. A number
of other out-of-town members of the
order are expected to be present.
Dr. Foote, of Omaha, camo up yes
terday and in conjunction with Dr.
Twinem performed several surgical
operations. Dr. Foote is no stranger
to North Platte people coming here
every month or so to assist Dr. Twinem.
'the injunction case which seeks to
restrain Al Tift from prosecuting the
work of cleaning out tho North Platto
ditch will be heard the early part of next
month. The case grows out of dis
satisfaction on the part of some of the
residents of the ditch district as regard
tho manner in which Tift was employed
to do the work,
Money to Loan
on furniture, pianos or anything of good
value on your plain noto if steadily em
ployed; pay back in small weekly or
monthly payments. Mrs. B. F. Wil
coxson 410 East 4th St. Office in resi
dence, hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
A "green" Christmas seems to have
been the condition all over Nebraska;
but not so with Colorado and Wyoming
where considerable snow fell Tuesday
and Wednesday. Cars fsom the west
yesterday were covered with snow.
The Pullman company has issued an
order raising the pay of clerks and
office employes from G to 12 per cent,
placing an added burden on that com
pany of $300,000 per year. Conductors,
and porters are not included in the
stntement showing the increased rate
of pay.
Last year tho products of all tho
farms of tho United States were
worth more than $6,000,000,000. When
those products finally went into con
sumption the public paid for them more
than $13,000,000,000. In other words
it cost $7,000,000,000 to distribute
$6,000,000,000 worth of products from
tho farm to the consumer.
in I l'Ii'iiihii" minimi iiiiiiwiiiisiisiWiiwiiwiiiniiiiiiiipwniiiiiiiniiniiininiiiiiiinMMiuiiiijniiuiump
Miner Hinman Garage
Steam Heated
Open All Night
Three Exits, 11,000 Square Feet of Floor Space.
Stalls so arranged that you have
ready access to your car . . .
215 N. 5th Street
505 Dewey Street.
While' the present supply
lasts, we offer:
Pennsylvania No. 2 Chest
nut at $12.50.
Chestnut size Coke $8.50
Per ton of 2001 pounds
delivered in your bin.
First come first served, as
supply is limited.
W. W. Birge, Phone 9
Short Orders at Popular Prices.
25c Luncheon from 12 M., to
1:30 p. m.
MRS. F. T. GARVIN, Prop.