The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 24, 1912, Image 6

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IRA. L. BAIIB, Publlshor.
I -ii"i-' . '
It Is posslblo to havo a big town
nnd a prosperous town without mak
ing so powerful much fuBU about It.
Thoro Is a largo amount of unneces
sary din about ovcryday traffic. To
begin with, wo build a lot of our
streots out of brick and granite when
wo might Just as well construct thorn
of mntorlal that Is less productlvo of
nolso and less calculated to bring
wagons and other vehicles to a state
of premature debility and disrepair,
says tho Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal
Thon wo tolornto nil sorts of nul
sauces that ought not to bo toloratqd
In a civilized community for tho sim
ple reason that "everybody's business
In nobody's business," nnd ovorybody
Is so nbsorbod In looking aftor his own
personal nfTalrs that ho has nolthor
tlmo nor Inclination to do much for
the genoral comfort and wolfarc. Pos
slbly about sovontonths of tho noise
Incident to city oxlatenco could be
subtracted without any especial detri
ment to tho progress of Industry nnd
commorco and tho ordinary transac
tion of business, nnd with undoubtod
relief nnd plcnsuro to porsons of su
perabundant norvo and others whe
delight in tho quiet Ilfo. Undor such
conditions tho avorago city, however,
would Iobo Its attractions for that
moro sclf-assortlvo elomont of human
ity which rovels In racket nnd bollovoa
in "whooping it up" all along the
It Is interesting to learn from the
scat of war that tho experiment of us
ing tho neroplano In war operations
Was tried at Adrlanoplo with a result
which wont a littlo further than pre
dicted. Lieutenant Popotf, aviator
Jvlth tho Dulgarlan forces, mado o
lllght not for tho purposo of attack by
tlropping bombs, but to view nnd ro
tort on tho disposition of tho TurkiBb
torccs, says tho Pittsburg Dispatch.
In doing so bo got within tho TurkUh
lino of flro, nnd a shot from tho Turk
lsh cannon killed him and wrockod
his machine Much attention has been
given, ospoclnlly In Europo, to devis
ing means to ropcl neroplano attacks.
Army squads have boon trained in
firing at kites, and specially mountod
rapld-flro guns havo been Invented,
nut at Adrlanoplo an ordinary flold
gun londed with ahrapnol was buAI
clont for tho purposo. This gives o
hint of what could bo dono with guna
of longer rango, specially ndaptod to
tho purposo. In tho lino of repelling
noroplnno bomb-dropping attackB.
Tho Jxmdon Sphere nsscrts that
thoro Is a national awakening to tho
persistence of anclont errors in tho
training of boyB in tho publio olo
montnry schools, it is now soon, tho
Sphere Bays, that to teach a boy read-
Ing, writing and nrlthmotlo only and
to dismiss him from school at fourteen
or younger without further training
either of his hands or his mind is
suicidal for tho boy and for tho na
tion, too, Inasmuch as boys thui
brought up ultimately tend), to swoll
tho ranks of ndult nondoscrlpt labor,
of tho unomployablo, or ovon of hooli
gans. Tho Sphoro praises tho rosulti
which have boon achlovod by tech
nlcnl training schools whoro boyB nr
taught manual craftB, and, nftor 8
thorough course, nro watched for three
years with n view of seolng how fni
they win out in tho battlo of Ufo. Tho
caruors of thcBo trained boys are Bald
to bo very encouraging.
It is remarkable undor what dlfll
culttos tho crusado for flro prevention,
which is ono of tho lending issues oi
tho day. is bolng pushed. No danger
la .great or, moro horrlblo nor more
Imminent than that of flro, yet the
npathy of tho nvorngo person to
means of protection from this worst
of tho elements 1b ltttlo short of mar
velous. Tho majority go on, Inviting
destruction by living in tho conditions
of flro traps, and resenting nil Inter
forenco with this crlmtnnl cnroless
ness, trusting to luck that tho danger
so courted will not como to pass. With
cordial co-oporatlon with tho offorta
of tho authorities In tho matter o(
this defanco, tho largo cities could bo
mado practically almost fireproof.
Now, to roalizo universal peaca
why not send tho fool that rocks the
boat, tho practical Joker, and the
hulsanco who plasters nowlyweds
with Blgus, out hunting with tho fol
low who mistakes tho guldo for n
doer and tha fool who didn't know It
wub loaded?
A Boston dlvlno advises a young
ninn to walk acrosn hia best glrl'B car
pet with muddy foot, nnd If sho smiles
to mnrry her. llo might got n good
natured wlfo, but her housekeeping
would bo a littlo off color.
Thd Los Angeles council ondorsei!
an action whereby men aro allowed tc
carry nlppors to clip off tho ends ol
offending liutplno. Many theatergoers
wish that scissors would bo includod
to trim tho pluroago.
Show Girls Dance "Bear"
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn -Two chorus
girls danced a ragtime danco on
tho platform of tho pulpit of tho Ilcv.
Q. L. Morrill in Minneapolis tho oth
er day, llustratlng his sermon on
"Pralso Him With tho Dance." Tho
most amazing and bold dances vera
"put on tho boards" by tho two girls
from n Minneapolis burlcsquo house
and tho nudlcnco fairly gnspod at this.
Tho "Turkey Trot," tho "Crab
Crawl," tho "Tortolso Tango," tho
"Jolly Wobble," tho "Anglo Worm
Wriggle," tho "Grizzly" nnd all others
known to these two glrlB of the stage
woro danced.
Then began tho Rov. Mr. Morrill's
"Now you havo witnessed Just how
fashionable society carries on when it
gets started," said tho Rov. Mr. Mor
rill. "I admit there Is a decent danco,
n danco helpful to tho body, pleasant
,- -Q
Stop Game of Cards to
from friends that they got married
at onco, mado half In fun, it 1b said,
causod John Patterson and Miss
Emma Shopp to disturb a ponuchle
gamo in which John Rauch, county
clerk, was playing. They sought
Rnuch In order to get a marrlago
license, nnd they aroused Mayor
Shank from his slumbers shortly
after midnight that tho mnyor might
perform tho ceremony.
It waa not n full dress affair far
from It. The mayor was clad In a
pair of trousers, his nightshirt nnd a
Prlnco Albert coat, and also woro a
pair of shoos, which woro unlaced.
Patterson and MIbb Shopp were out
calling on friends, when somo ono
suggested thoy get married at onco.
It wub agreed it would bo n "lark,"
nnd nn nutomobllo was called.
Rauch's homo was visited, and ho
was Induced to leave a penuchle
gamo and go to tho court houBO about
11:00 p. nu and lssua n license.
"Lot's got Mayor Shank," somo ono
"But tho mayor Is probably In bed,"
said another. '
"That don't mnko any difference,"
ropllcd tho first. "No ono but tho
mnyor will do."
Woman Faints at Movies
ST. LOUIS, Mo. Mrs. John C.
Muckormnnn, wife of tho first
vico-prosldont of tho local ico com
pnny, will horcaftor eschew moving
picture shows.
Tho last ono Mrs. Muckcrmann at
tondod cost, besides tho price of ad
mission, ono now J2B lint, black vel
vet, trimmed with small red roses.
Tho other night, after the Muckor
mnnn family hnd dinner at their
nomo, at 6U54 West Cabanno place,
Bomoono suggested a night of amuse
ment at tho "movies." Tho sugges
tion was adopted, and Mr. nnd Mrs.
Muckormnnn, with n party of frlendB,
adjourned to a theater.
Tho ntmosphero of tho placo was
bad. Mrs. Muckormnnn stood It ns
long aa sho could, and then fainted.
Revolutionary Ghosts Stirred by Abbey Fire
NEW YORK. Ghosts of n score of
Central and South American revo
lutions woro stirred from their lurk
lng places In tho nrms-lllled corners
of Westminster Abbey's "what-not"
store, No. 61 Front stroet, by a flro
tho other afternoon. Since 1830 It
has boon posslblo to get anything
from a print of eighteenth century
Now York to a pound of "good mixed
ton nt 20 cents" in this storo, but mu
nitions of war havo boon Its chief
stock, and If sonmon's gossip means
anything filibusters havo had good
reason to know this for moro than a
Wostmlnstcr Abbey who got his
strange namo bocauso his father.
Jnrcd Abbey, Intended him for tho
church watchod tho progress of tho
flro with tcar-Illlcd oyes.
"Every one's got n bug," ho said,
"nnd my bun Is mv business, i iimi
things in thoro that you wouldn't
tnko as a gift, but that I wouldn't
havo parted with for any prico you
could havo offered."
'Mnny of thoso tulnca woro rtttnnri
; by amoko nnd water, but for tho most
I part tho damngo was confined to
flags and uniforms from half the
WlmfS f
L lf . W " n ykP' NQ -J .
(PL rrW'" A
and "Tango" in Pulpit
to tho mind nnd harmless to tho soul,
but these rag dances that you have
witnessed, not at all exaggerated, will
make tho devil blush, and ho would
hesitate to Introduce them into purga
Wry. 'Them was a tlmo whan statues
woro mado of graceful dancers, but
today thero Is a crying demand for
statutes against dancing which Is dis
graceful. Tho dancing whirlpool of
society has drawn Into its drowning
depths many of tho best craft that
ever sailed llfo's sea. Tho danco you
have witnessed has degenerated from
devotion and diversion Into dissipa
tion and debauchory. Theso rag
dances aro animal in namo and na
ture and often as much more passion
nto than the orlontal danco as Vesu
vius is warmer than an Iceberg.
'Wo seem almost ready for the
naked danco proposed by Plato In hla
Ideal republic. The animal world is
libeled. Mr. Hear and Mrs. Turkey
were never guilty of such antics and
doubtless look with surprlso and
sluimo at tho dances which bear their
As tho two chorus girlB porformed
theso "rag" dances, now and then n
coin would fly toward tho pulpit,
while tho big organ of tho church
pealed forth rag-time music to ac
company tho danco.
Get Marriage License
Tho couple, accompanied by threo
young women and a man, went to tho
mayor's homo and with considerable
difficulty aroused him. Rauch, Wil
liam Drommer, a saloon keeper, nnd
August Pohlman followed In an nu
tomobllo, wishing to see tho fun.
Shortly after midnight tho ceremony
was performed und tho couple 'said
they would lcavo at onco for a trip
to Pittsburgh.
"John was feeling good and I
thought wo had hotter got married
whllo ho felt liko it," the mayor says
tho brldo explained.
Immediately after tho ceremony
tho bride exclaimed:
"Now that I am married I am go
ing to kiss a fat man," and sho kissed
a member of the party.
Tho mayor declined to accept a fee.
Patterson is a printer. Tho bride's
homo is in Muncle.
and Loses a $25 Hat
Her husband picked her up nnd
started for homo. A frlond started
for tho Muckormann garngo nnd got
out tho automobile. Ho met Muckor
mann nbout a block from tho house,
nnd tho two lifted tho unconscious
woman Into tho car. In tho oxertiou
thoy knocked off Mrs. Muckormaun'B
"Got her hat," Bald tho friend.
"Oh, that'll bo all right; get It
later. Hurry up for tho house," re
plleU Mtmkermann, and thoy whirled
off. ,
When Mrs. Muckormann revived
sho inquired for her hat. Whon told
that it was lying In tho gutter a block
away sho sent a searching party.
Muckormnnn nnd his friends dug
up lanterns nnd electric torches aud
wont aftor tho hat. It was gone A
search until midnight failed to rovoal
tho hnt nnd thq soarchors wero com
polled to go homo nnd break tho
nowB to Mrs. Muckormann.
But, determined to havo that hnt
back, Mrs. Muckormann published an
advertisement and will pay a liberal
reward to the person who brings
back the missing headgear.
countries in tho world; to tontlng
and fishing tackle; to teas and cof
fees Jumbled In with ship's paint; to
prints and etchings, and to somo an
cient paintings of greater sontlmon
tnl than nrtlstic worth. Somo ?50,000
worth of arms and ammunition es
caped harm
Perhaps tho most valuable relics
owned by Abbey como under this last
Tho building occupied by Abboy
was said by tho police to bu tho old
est along Front stroet. For three
generations It has been known us
"tho shop with tho littlo brass can
dlestick," from Us trademark, a tiny
gun that could hardly carry moro
than a buckshot, but which is of great
ago and valuo.
Tho neckruff of ostrich Is an as
tured favorite for the fall and winter
icason. It Is worn to best advantage
tihen tho hat Is trimmed to match.
With n world of ostrich fancy feath
ers, plumes and bands of all descrip
tions, it is not difficult to select a
trimming suited to almost any kind of
These ostrich neckruffs aro mado
of long-fibred stock, generally, and set
:lose up nbout tho neck. A hat to
match, with a drooping brim, or a
shape which sets down on the head,
merges at Borne points into the ruff
nd it is this that makes tho effect
jo good when the hat trimming is like
tho ruff.
Girls of Today Seek Health and Take
the Right Way to Secure
the Blessing.
It is no longer fashionable with tho
fair sex to feign delicacy, nor aro tho
girls of tho coming generation actuat
ed by an insane desire to appear fra
gllo ana genteel at tho expense of
health. Tho scores of buxom, bright
eyed young ladles ono will meet in
ny of our public thoroughfares any
afternoon Is ample evidenco of tho
truth of tho assertion, says Woman's
Life. No longer do tho fair ones sooni
wan and palo to look upon, nor Is their
itylo of locomotion suggestive of ef
fort; but, on the contrary, nearly all
seem Btrong and lltho of limb, nnd
with cheeks suffused with tho ruddy
glow of health. Doctors generally
igreo that there is far less sickness
among tho sex than had formerly been
Ihe case, and this could bo attributed
solely to tho glorious practlco young
ladleB havo of late acquired of testing
their capabilities as pedestrians, and
In engnging in other forms of light
physical exercise. It is to be hoped
that tho good work will go on.
ThlB dnlnty waist Is of chiffon or
tribU8sollno do solo. The upper part
Df tho waist and tho yoke are tucked
nnd finished with littlo Bhlrrcd head
ings. The lower part is plain and finished
with a black velvet glrdlo into which
Is tucked a knot of roses. Tho
jIoovcb nro tucked and finished with
doublo frills of tho material.
Crepe Paper Gifts.
For Uioso who cannot afford to ex
pend very much money on materials,
thoro Is nothing moro satisfactory
for funcy work than tho making of
objects of brntded cropo paper. This
mnterlal costs but n few conta, unlesB
ribbons and silk or satin aro used in
combination with tho paper. Tho
work Is of tho utmost simplicity, al
though tho finished product appears
to bo an imposing pleco of work. Ono
does not realize Just how easy it is
to faBhlon these cropo paper things
until ono has started out to do tho
work, and has tho materials in tho
hands. Harper's Bazar.
of Ostrich
Somo very handsome hats are
trimmed with long boas of ostrich.
One end falls from tho hat at the left
back und is thrown around tho neck
A tiny bow, or a little nosegay oi
Jeweled pin fastens tho end to the
Nearly all ruffa are fastened with
loops and ends of velvet ribbon. Some
times these aro long and heavy but
this is not usual. Short smart bows
aro Just as good. Narrow velvet rib
bons in rosettes and many falling
ends, or narrow satin ribbon of good
quality make equally effective finish,
ings, all depending on tho tasto of tho
Idea Is to Match tho Costume, and
the Vogue Is Rapidly Becoming
Because of tho tremendous voguo
of velvets and tho number of cos
tumes In that material that aro being
mado up, tho velvet-encased umbrella
has come Into being. Mado on a
slender but substantial frame, which
folds closely, and covered with a silk
taffeta spread, tho umbrella when
closed and encased appears like a
walking stick of velvet from ferrule
to top. A solid silver monogram
plato caps tho handle, which, ton
inches down its length, is ornamented
with a doublo ring of silver.
Decided colors aro now tho smart
thing in silk umbrellas. All tho fash
lonablo shades of purple, blue, mauve
and tho new reds are in demand for
spreads, which aro mounted upon
frames that press tightly about a
slender Btlck and give tho convenience
tho appearance of a silken cane. This
fashlonablo fad is to procuro a uniquo
handlo for tho umbrella that is car
ried with tho tailored walking suit,
and whllo somo of tho effects nro ar
tistic, others aro actually blzarroj
Among tho latter aro tho cat, parrot
and monkey heads in natural colors
with Jowols for eyes. In tho former
class aro all manner of beautifully
carved handles of raro woods and
Ivory, and whon money Is not an ob
ject, of Jade, amber, rock crystal or
solid silver and gold.
Psychology and Clothes.
I havo a littlo friend who disliked
to wash dishes; so for her birthday I
mado her two aprons from two yards
of pink gingham. I cut thorn In ono
pleco, with Btraps which cross In the
back and button In tho shoulders. Tho
edges are trimmed with pink finished
braid. I mado a pocket in each
apron, with her initial embroidered
in white. Sho was so pleased that her
mother has no trouble gottlng her to
help with tho dishes and dusting.
Woman's Homo Companion.
Muffs Are Larger.
Tho muffs aro larger than over,
says Harper's Dazar. Quito soft and
rather flat. Somo havo tho paws
and tails as trimming, as they had
last year, whllo quite as many have
no hanging trimmings. Most of tho
fur collars nro worn with ono end
thrown ovor tho left shoulder. For
thoso who can woar that stylo thoro
aro Btandlng neck bands of fur with
ruches of tullo above and below, the
whole fastening at tho left side with
a big Batln ribbon bow.
Fur for Everything.
Fur goes ovory where. It trlmB tho
chiffon ovenlng frock and appears suit
ably enough on tho tailor made, whllo
It Is also In evidence in connection
with silks and soft satins. Skunk is
tho fur which is Just how lifted to tho
highest pinnacle of favor, and ono
sees It on all sides. With tho fash
lonablo molo gray suit it could hardly
bo excelled, Its deep, dark brown tint
having an admlrablo effect against
tho gray.
Fur Fad.
Tho latest fur fad is to allow tho
ends of tho scarf to drop down tho
center of the back; boas and stolea
aro crossed in front, and tho ends
fall with a studied carelessness.
Why Girls Postpone.
Nell Isn't Allco socm going to
marry JackT
Bello I don't know. Sho soya sh
hntos to give up tho dollar and a hair
showB for tho ten-cent moving plo-turoB.
Of courso lovo Is blind, but It might
bo Just as well to romombor thnt the
eyesight of tho neighbors Is good.
(Copyright 1012 by tho ToniUvos Co )
Tho growth of glrlB and boyu i
often held In check by Tired Blood
Conditions, making them. Dollcato,
Weak, Puny, Thin and Palo. No mother
need bo told that everything dependa
on tho blood stream. All futuro health
and happiness, oven lifo Itself, may do
pend upon proper coro and treatment
to keep tho young blood rich and red.
aAMiriBfs-o Mothers, wo roc-
T0NITIVES mmend Tonl-
?3.iUUt.,r.ri tlves for your
WIRED BLOOD chlldrcn, both
girls and boya to assist their blood
In maintaining health and strength.
75c. per box of dealers or by malL
Tho Tonitlvea Co.', Buffalo, N. Y.
It Wins
its Way by service
LC. Smith & Bros.
(BU Bearing Loaz Wearing)
In buying a typewriter you want a
satisfactory answer to three question:
What Will it do for me?
How Well Will it do it?
How long Will it do it?
By answering these queries with the
needs of the typewrite owner and user
in mind, the L. C.Smith Ac Bros. Type
writer Company has attained tho front
rank in the typewriter field.
Some people think tTiat a tyftwrfttr ti a (WS.
tvntir and that is all there u lo it. Machine
may look alike but there is a lot of dnTerenco
in efficiency.
The new Model Five ti built not only for
traijht ccrreipondence but for tabulating, bill
ing and in fact (or every amice needed in the
average b'uu'neu,
lit ball bearing! at all points when friction de
TeJopcs through action, permit cloaeadjuitmcnt
and uuuie correct and accurate lypcwntisa.
Wt uMWl tl oortunty to tJJ
fnr mblut it,
1V7riufarfrt our nrwfaWfW.
HeadOflicefof Domestic end Foreign Buaiscts
BrantXi) In fl Principal Citia
Omaha Branch
1316 Farnam St., Omaha. Nebr.
Des Moines Branch
903 W. Locust St, Des Moines, la.
Free Homesteads
In tho now District of
Manitoba, Saskatche
wan nnd Alberta, there
nro thousands of lreo
Homesteads left, which
to the man maklngentry
In 8 years time will be
worth from 13) to RS per
iicro. These lands aro
wall adapted to arnin
growing and cattle raising.
exceluit rttintiT riaums
In many cases tho railways In
Canada hare been built In ad.
Tance of settlement, and In a
ebnrt tlmo there will not bo a
Bottler who need bo moro than
ten or twelve miles from a line
of ratlwav. Hallway Hates are
rerululed by Government Com
mission. Social Conditions
The American Pettlerlsathomo
In Western Canada. He Is not a
stranger In a straneo land, bar
loir nearly a million of his own
people already settled thore. If
Son desire to snow why the con
Itlon of thoCanadlauPetllorts
erospernna write nnd sond for
tcruture, rates, etc., to
Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.
Canadian uornrnment Agent, or n
Huurca nuituriiiinnaeiir. or
Imuil;rutlon, Uttunn,Caaa4a.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 51-1912.
Nebraska Directory
Meshcr-Lampman Business College
Oneof ilia leadlneschoolsof tho Unite.! States. Write
loclny for our special runney-Bavlno offer. Mention
this paper, unnux, oim, nuiiuJki
Jackson-Signall Company
Omaha. Nebraska
Rooms from 11.00 up single, 75 cents up double,
CURED la a few days
without tvain or a mr.
p,lcl operation. No pay until cured. Write
lilt. WKAY, 307 Ueo llltlj;., Omaha, Neb.
Bi W&iil ISTffl Oil Ji
UZl-zU .fV
Cox-Jones -Van Alstino Co.
Tbo Old 'tellable ; Company of South Onmna and
lnTrr' .. Wl w.ul ''.'""J ur consliinmenu the bett
of attention and sell thero for hlcliost prices, or
fill your order for I'eeders with bi. el.iw of
stock at market prlco. U1VM ,YJ TUIAI-
- t rp
tsri Ot -T-