The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 17, 1912, Image 6

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IRA L. BARB, Publishor.
An agricultural pupor makes a
strong protest against tho too com
mon practlco In tho rural districts ol
"disfiguring fonceB, barns and other
buildings, trees, etc., with glaring
slgnB," Thero might havo been In
eluded In tho list of great sprawling
billboards which aro to bo seen along
railways and highways at frequont In'
tcrvnls, says tho Loulsvlllo Courier
Journal. A largo amount of pictur
esque scenery Is marred In this way.
Nothing Is sacred to tho enterprising
advertiser who Is Interested In keep
ing his wares beforo tho public cyo.
It requires tho consent of tho prop
erty owners to dlsflguro buildings and
beautiful landscapes In this way, but
so somo farmers and landowners find
It to bo a sourco of somo small rev
cnuo, thoy aro moro than willing to
, permit tho advertiser to work his will
in such matters. I)ut tho farmer gets
very llttlo money out of tho transac
tion, and only succeeds In detracting
from tho nppcaranco of hln property.
Thero aro many farmors who do not
realize that thero Is a money valuo to
thorn In keoplng their farms and build
IngB In good order. A good beginning
In that direction 1b by keeping tho
premises clear of things whlchVaro
likely to bo dlstastoful to passursby.
Tho uso of tho nutoinobllo has In
creased with great rapidity, and It has
boon inovltnblo that with tho In
crease In usb thero would bo an in
crcaso In tho number of accidents,
ovon though thero should bo, as n
rulo, an incrcaso In tho caro exercised.
Fatalities from horse-drawn vehicles
yavo so long been a matter of courso
that thoy liuvn attracted loss attention
than fatalities caused by automobiles,
although until recently tho number of
tho formor has greatly, exceeded tho
latter. In Now York city thus far this
yoar tho fatalities recordod aro 138,
year tho deaths caused by wagons
number 117. Last year, In tho samo
month, wngonB cauBod tho death of
111 persons, whllo automobiles kill
ed only 70. It will thus bo seen that
(ho fatalities caused by automobiles
In Now York city havo Increased near
ly 100 porcoht., whllo tho number
chargeable, to wagons was nearly sta
tionary. These, however, aro tho flg
uros for a "densely populated city, and
It 1b altogether probablo that If tho
figures could bo compiled for tho en
tire country they would show that nc
cldonta to horso-drawn vehicles still
outnumber thoso to Automobiles, as
was ascertained to be tho caso liuEng
land last year.
A young woman living near Syrn
cubo has just dlod as tho result of n
"Jolco." Someone pulled a chnlr from
undor her whllo oho was out in com
pany, "thoro was a general laugh, in
which sho Joined to hldo her pain,"
and sho died of peritonitis at a hos
pital four days afterward. Next July
thoro will bo n chanco for soma of
hor humorous friends to sot a cannon
crackor undor somobody's chair, sayo
tho Buffalo Express. It Is good to
havo minds Unit boo tho pleasant sldo
of llfo In that way.
"Thoro never can bo nny real and
lasting poaco In this country until
world's championship basoball games
havo boon eliminated from tho sport
ing calcndnr," oayB tho Chicago Trib
une Tho contemporary seems dis
posed to adopt tho traditional method
of paclllcation, namely: Croatlng a
desert and calling it pcaco.
It Is now Bald that steamboats and
trains sproad disease But this tn no
Bcnno lifts tho responsibility for tho
snmo Ill-doing from tho house fly aud
tho mosquito.
It is considered wothy of noto that
a laborer with $50,000 continued to
labor nt two dollarB a day. Ho might
Just as well havo blown It acquiring
a hendacho.
Counterfeiting has decreased in this
country during tho past yoar, accord
ing to pollco reports. Tho gang
must bo working ou thoso now 91,000
Los Angeles has opened a school
whero girls aro taught dressing nB a
flno art. If thoy woro taught dress
ing as n culinary art, thoro might bo
somo good accomplished.
Tho Paris Matin tolls us that tho
man who understands woman is novor
desired of them. But this disability
will not handicap most mon of aver
ago Intelligence.
'A womnn has Just dlod from blood
poisoning, duo to sticking her hat
pin into her head. Usually somo one
besides tho user of tho pin has boon
tho victim.
Aviators in Germany are paid $37
a month that and death accounting
for tho scarcity of Gorman avlatora.
Chicago has a school for brides, but
all graduates are not guaranteed a
Maximum of Production Usually At
tained In Gardens With Moderate
but Frequent Waterings.
After all has boon said -and done,
tho limit of production Is set, othor
conditions being equal, by tho supply
of moisture at tho right time, and
thoso who depend on rainfall can hard
ly havo tho exact optimum .condition.
Dry weather is needed to work tho
corn, wet weather for tho pasture, and
only under artificial application of
moisture can thoso two conditions bo
rcullzed, says a writer in tho Denver
Weekly Post. It Is truo that wo some
times havo wot weathor when wo do
not want It hero. In fact, this sea
son wo havo had rathor more than
was necessary, but as a rulo wo can
roRulu'o things, and with us the crop
wo Bhall grow is a matter of our se
lection. Somo states havo sections
of a hundred miles or moro almost
wholly In wheat, because hot winds
bako tho corn. In many othor sec
tions fall crops, such as cabbage or
potatoes, aro oxtrom.ely risky. Long
winter months of cold nnd wet re
duco profits, which, howover, nrc fair
ly easily assured on largo farms
with us, ovon If lesB per acre.
No section of tho country has all
tho advantages, but for tho smallor
farmer irrigation with an assured sup
ply of wator certainly seems best, for
his production Is practically only lim
ited by tho fortuity of his land. Wa
ter will mako crops grow and sunslilno
1b here In quantity. So far nstljere Is
a missing link in Irrigated agricul
ture It Is tho lack of manure to re
placo tho great tonnago sold, and it
is nfter this lino that wo must look for
Improvement, Besides furnishing good
plant food, tho organic matter holds
moisture between Irrigations and Iobb
ens tho need of such froquent appli
cations, which aro both expensive nnd
rcduco tho strength of tho soli soup,
oven In our rich boIIb. Tho fact that
wo got qur highest production In tho
years of greatest rainfall points to
tho valuo of a moro constant and less
heavy application of water whero tho
supply Is sufficiently constant.
Tho maximum of production Is usu
ally attalnod In tho garden with mod
erato but frequent waterings, though
caro should bo taken that tho ground
doos not becomo crusted at the riopth
of a fow Inches nnd the subsoil remain
dry nnd tho top soakod, Inducing
sourness and shallow rooting. In tho
Held, as a rulo, with its deop cultiva
tion, thoro Is a tendonc for tho wa
tor to eonk too doop and run too long
in covering long rows, whllo on tho
small patch tho tendency Is tho oth
er way. I'armorB Bhow much skill in
cultivation which presorves tho Irriga
tion waters, chocks tholr evaporation
at tho Burfnco whllo It encourages
capillarity, which roturns tho water to
the roots, oven after It has passed low
down in tho soli.
Thoro Is, of courso, an exact longth
of row run for water, which varleB
according to tho soli, to attain tho
beBt result from tho smallest amount
of wator. Tho looser tho soil tho short
er tho row should be, so far aa tho
application of wntor Is concerned,
whllo on heavy soils wo must con
stantly try tho ground with a shovel
to sco that tho water soaks doop
enough. Perhaps on light soils rather
.than suffer tho inbonvonlonco of short
rows It pays to run a packer, no a
corfugator Is run over grain and al
falfa crops on tho western Blopo, or
sometimes llko tho samo effect may
bo secured on sultnblo land by using
smallor ditches. On othor soils, on
tho contrary, a largo hoad of wator
will run n short tlmo with loss waste
than n Binaller one. Somo of thoBo
thlnga may soom pnrndoxlcal, but thoy
will bo found truo In practlco and ne
cessitate closo observance aB to soil
conditions by tho man who spronds
tho water.
Roso muBt bo covered for winter
"Don't" food the cows heavy just
beforo calving tlmo.
Regularity Is a necessity in tho
right kind of dairying.
Keeping two cows to do the work of
ono constitutes tho biggest lonk In tho
dairy business.
Buttor-fat Is put Into tho milk
through tho right kind of breeding,
not through feeding.
Both tho milker and his clothes
should bo clean If tho best quality of
milk Is to bo produced.
Thoro nro many roots, bulbs nnd
shrubs that may be planted in the
fall for a flowor garden,
Coloring matter that Is Injurious ns
food must bo so labeled on tho butter
packago In which it is used. Other
wise labollng Is unnecessary.
Snvo much valuable grain and
furnish tho stock with a cleaner, moro
wholesome food by making overy crib
and g.'annry rat and mice proof.
Tho cement wntor tank will Inv
provo tho appearance of tho farm;
it will provo to bo a great convenience
and it will add to tho valuo of tho
Thoro nro many coll dlscaseu and In
sect posts that will harbor in tho re
mains of u garden crop It tho grounds
nro not cleared and tho rubbish
Particular attention should bo paid
to tho securing of a thoroughbred ram
possessing good qualities, as upon his
uxccllenco will depend tho future
valuo of the flock.
Bettor sheop will row moro pounds
of wool than aro now obtalnod aud at
tho samo tlmo grow a carcass im
proved in tho essentials of profitable
mutton productions.
W) . Ilk
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Corn Stalks for Protection.
(By F. II. BALT.OU.)
, Mico rarely injure trees except
whero graBs, strawy manure, .boards
or trash of somo kind nbout tho base
of tho troo provo a hiding place, ns
they prefer to perform their depre
dations undor covor. In mounding
fruit trees, llrst cloar away tho grass,
trash or mulch from tho base of tho
treo for a foot or moro In all direc
tions. With tho foot, or, better, with a post
tamper, thoroughly firm tho soli about
tho baso of tho tree. This breaks down
and fills any runs or burrows that may
be Just below tho surface.
With two' shovelsful of fresh soil
or cinders mako a small mound, 12 or
14 Inches iti diameter nt tho baso nnd
1 Young Apple Tree With Wood Ve
neer Wrapper, Having tho Earth
Mounded Around It for Protection
Against Both Rabbits and Borers.
from four to six Inches high nbout tho
atom of tho troo, firming tho soil well.
Tho tops of these small mounds are
usually kopt qulto baro by tho swoop
ing forco of tho wintor winds, even if
thoro bo sovernl inches cf snow on tho
ground. Mico will not venture out In
theso exposures to feed on tho bark
of tho trees "and burrowing Into tho
frcBhly packod soil Is not likely to bo
nttomptcd In tho wintor ovon In open
TJio mounds may bo loft throughout
thtf-ycar, but thoy should bo tamped
hard aud repaired each autumn. Cin
ders aro most excellent material for
this purposo ns mico will not burrow
through them.
Tho wlro screen Is an Ideal and
complete all round protoctor and Is
given first placo nmong tho mechan
ical forms. Bolng light and opon it
provonts tho least obstruction to tho
strong winds, tho alrlind sunshlno nro
freoly admlttor and no dark places of
concoalment, such as Invito the wooly
aphis and othor forms of Insoct lifo
aro afforded,
Uso galvanized wlro cloth of U-lnch
mosh. Tho 21-Inch width bolng tho
most convenient for npplo trees. Cut
into 12-lnch sections thoy should bo
carefully bont or rolled ovor a small
round piece of wood, allowing tho
edges to lap about ono inch. Tho cyl
inders nro thon placed about tho
trees, whoro their own tension will
closo thorn securely.
Ono-lnch mesh poultry netting will
protect tho troos against rabbit, but
not from mico, but In combination
with a Blight mound of soil about tho
baso of troo, mice will rarely provo
Thoro is no dovlce superior tn ef
fectiveness against rabbits and ground
hogs as corn stalks, and certainly
none cheaper for tho farm orchard. A
good plan is to tnko tho bundles of
stover ns thoy como from tho field,
squaro oft the butts and cut oft a two
foot length of tho lower ends of tho
Thoso sections may bo fed to tho
stock oven In a manger or in tho food
lot, where tho blndo will bo cleanly
and noatly stripped off.
Flvo or six stalks bound firmly about
tho stem of n young troo, with twino
or Bhort sections of wlro, will consti
tute a protector that will last for sev
eral seasons. Tho stnlks roadlly yield
as tho stem of tho treo Increases In
In enso wlro ties are usod for bind
ing on tho Btalk theso re
moved from nbout tho treo when the
stalks aro taken off, or thoy will drop
down about tho collar of tho treo and
becomo covered with, soil and forgot-
' ; '
'-trees JEpviS
- miinn 1 m
... ,,
The Wire Screen.
ten. Trees havo been killed by wire
glrdlug In this way.
It Is difficult to treat young trees
successfully that havo boon barked byj
rabbits or other predatory animals.
Whether any treatment will succeed
or not depends largely on how bad
tho girdling Is. If tho bark is taken
off clear nround tho treo so ns to ex
poso tho wood, tho only remedy la to
bridge graft. This is done by insert
ing a Bdon both above and below tho
wound, and, of courso, cannot readily
bo dono except in spring. Whllo this
can bo dono successfully, It 1b im
practical for a young tree, nnd the
chances are that It would bo more
profitable to pull out the troo and ro
set with new stock.
If tho girdling ia not particularly
severo it can be helped by trimming
tho ragged edges of tho bark with a
sharp knlfo; then covering tho sur
faco with grafting wax or othor ma
terial to keep tho wood from drying
out Ull new bark grows oyer and
heals tho wound.
A great many nowly planted trees
die because of carelessneus In filling
tho hole. It Is Important that this,
work bo carefully done. If tho soil
which was removed from tho bottom
of tho excavation be hard and lumpy,
It should bo placed to ono sldo and
tho surface soil used first in filling.
The main thing to romembor In fill
ing is that overy part of tho root
system should bo In contact with tho
soil. Unless it is, tho exposed areas
will bo points for tho loss of molBturo
and the drying out of tho roots.
.Tho soil surrounding the roots must
be flno if they aro to bo well covered.
Glther loosen the soil in the bottom
or. tho holo or throw in two or three
spadeBful of loose earth bo that when
the treo Is put in it will sink suffi
ciently Into tho Boll bo that all under
surfaces will bo in good contact with
It, The soli may then be filled In, us
ing tho flno soil first and compacting
it woll around tho roots.
Thoro la llttlo danger of compacting
the soil too much, unless it be of a
clayey nnturo and somewhat moiBt.
After the first few spadefuls havo
boon put In tho soil may bo packod
tramping. Bo careful in compacting
Eaagsfr- &
These Do the Damage.
tho soil not to crowd tho troo out ot
plnco. Tho soil should not bo
mounded at tho baso of the treo abovo
tho natural level of the land, tho top
two Inches being left ns Ioobo and
flno as possible.
Don't Lose the Eggs.
As ducks lay during tho night, or
early morning, nil tho eggs can be
saved -by proper management. To in
Buro this, It becomes necessary to
shut them In their rooms or pens at
dusk for tho night, and an thoy aro
caroless about where they deposit
tholr eggs, It Is best to have (besides
tho neBt) tho floor woll covered with
dry soil, which, in addition .to obsorb
lng all molsturo nnd keeping tho floor
cloar of filth, will protect from Injury
oggs that might otherwise bo lost.
Ducks aro quito regular layers oftor
thoy onco bogln, usually laying an
egg overy 24 hours. To lnduco thorn
to como In at nights it is best to feed
thorn at that tlmo, and in tho morning
boforo thoy aro let out. Treated thus,
thoy will soon learn to como homo at
sundown for tholr nccustomed food,
and nro readily secured. At tho proper
tlmo in tho morning tho oggfl are col
lected, tho ducks fed and thon allow
ed their freedom for tho day.
Two or More Varieties.
Do not plant an orchard ot ono va
riety only. Even good Bolf-pollenlrero
will probably bo more satisfactory if
two or moro varieties are set together
than whon tho orchard is limited to
one alone.
Mt f ..-l A. JJW4VUfcn -' J
MlW-rfrWi r x" t JJ-' r -MVW
Not Used to "High Life."
An old farmer was in London visit
ing his son, who had got on in tho
world, nnd who kopt a largo house,
servants, etc.
When tho two snt down to dinner
tho first night n mnnBorvnnt waited
upon them, nnd was most assiduous
in his attentions to tho old farmer.
After watching Ills antics for a bit tho
guest exclaimed:
"What the mischief aro ye dancln
about llko that for? Can yo not, draw
In ycr chair and sit down? I'm sure
thero'B enough hero for tho three of
us." London Mail.
One Fisherman's Idea.
First Angler Look, this fish was
almost caught before; bco tho broken
hook In its mouth.
Second Angler It should havo had.
sense enough to steer clear of hooks
after that.
First Angler Oh, como, you can't
expect a flsh to exhibit moro senso
thnn a humnn being.
In another part of this paper yot
will find a largo ad of tho Looso-Wllci
Biscuit Co., Omaha, Nob. They offei
to send to nny reader a box of assort-,
cd biscuits absolutely freo. Don't miss
this opportunity. Cut out tho coupon
from their ad nnd mail It today.
Real Thing.
Who was this great god Pan you
read about who worked on pipes?"
"I guess ho was a boss plumber."
Evpry woman should havo an aim
in life, oven if sho can't throw a stono
with any dogreo of accuracy.
Liquid blue is a weak solution. Avoid II
Buy Red Cross Ball Blue, the blue that'i
nil blue. Ask your grocer. Adv.
Borrowed money often
total loss of memory.
causes a
(Copyright 1912 by tho Tonltlvos Co.)
Nervous Strain tiros tho blood, and
Tired Blood Btarves the nerves, pro
ducing Neuralgia, Neuritis, Brain Fag,
NcrvouB Headache, Melancholia, Hys
teria, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostra
tion, Neurasthenia, Muscle Twitching,
Nervous Debility, etc. Tho rational
courso or treat
ment to help nny
1RAOCMARH tim-trn tnllof Tin
TIRED BLOOD to revive tho
normal activity of tho blood. In no
other way can a nerve ho reached, or
a euro accomplished. Treatment
should bo carried out by tho uso of
Tonltives, bringing back tho red
blood to its normal condition. 75c. per
box of dealers or by mall. The
Tonltives Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
We Want Ten Million Dollars' Worth of Fort
Dlsaar PrlMtf DllarClradlBot MsilMaMtkii
(Wturn Mtlll These aro tome of the advantages
Dros. & Co. In 8t. Luul-th Largest
J' ur House in tnn Lmrcost Primary tut
Market in too World. Oar sales are
attended hr the greatest far bnjrcrs o(
thlscoactrj.EurnpeandCanads. Com
petition amona them It fierco. And up
bo the prices! OoallnK direct with yoq
as wo do, can tyouseohyivecanafforu
to pay you blcsest prices?
Big Money In Trapping
TOW vu .t..t un ti-i si
'" inn uuriuH Bimrv wuiu minx, uoods
Bknnk.Maskrat. Wolf, lynx. White Weasel
and other fars ars valoabls lout. and It's a elneh
X j
tocth them with FanitenAoimslBslt. Wewaul
Ttn niiiton Dollars worta ox aii such Ian and
will par cuh for thtm. To (ct bstt mulls tut
Funsten Animal Balt-$lCan
W rasrantes this bait ia Inerasia waar Mich.
Animal, can't rsslit It. O.iacaa. at a dollar, mads 1 1.119 clear
ttroflt f or on loan. Ueed far U. S Oovernmenl and h ,in.ri.
oeedtrappsrs STerrwbere. Took Grand Prtta. World's Falr.1904.
A dtlTsreni tll for seen kind of animal. Sttts kind wanted.
TRAPS AT rAOTORV COST Ineladlnrths famous Via
tor. s1m sntlra outfit, for trsppers. All at sarins prices.
FJIKK Trapper's Oolde.Oamt Laws. Supply Catalog 3 books
In 1 with Fur Market tleport, Shlpplnr Tats, etsr Writs toder.
funatta Bros. A Co., ) 14 Funtlan Dido, SI. LaulavS
A Most Useful Present
For You and Yours
The superior materials used, the excep
tional care ia manufacture, aud the well-
known and the successful Waterman
patents, make this pea tho standard o!
tho rrritini world nrerywhers.
Always ready and accurate.
tho Dest
.Waterman Co.
173 Broadwsr.
"The PenThat Fits Every Hand"
Get a
In Western Canada's
Free Homestead Area
has sererai New Home-steading-
Districts that
attord rare opportunity
to secure 100 acres pf ex
oo Merit agricultural
land FllKli.
For Sraln Growing
and Cattle Raising
this province baa no superior and
i n nmnijLbio ns rlculture snows an
unbroken period ot oror a quarter
ot a Century.
Perfect climate: good markets!
rallnays convenient; soil the very
best, and social conditions most
Vacant lands adjacent to Free
norreateads may be purchased
and also tn tlie older districts
lands can be bought at reason
able prices.
For farther particulars write to
Bee Building, Omaha, Nab,
Canadian aorernmenf Agents, o:
.. A 1 address Bupevimenuent or. s
M. 1 ImmljrmUon, Ottawa, Caau. I
i rfftmm mm iitnm--trti
s 1H 1 Jtfs
Loss of Power
nnd vital force follow loss of flh
emaciation. These come from ImpoY
erlthed blood. '
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery
Tillvetu a torpid llver-enrlchc; the
blood-topa the waatoof trenRth and
tlnuonml builds up healthy fleah-to
the proper body welsht. As an appe
tizing, restorative tonic, It eU to
work all the processes of dlBeation
and nutrition, rouses every organ Into
natural action, and brlnsni back: bealtu
and strensth.
CaaawrthlBfCelse fee ''
gee e taket
Just as
To man tho most fascinating wom
an in tho world 1b tllo one ho almost,
but not quite, won.
No thoughtful person uses liquid brao. It's
pinch of bluo In a largo bottlo of wator. Ask for
Hod Cross Doll Dluo.the blue that's all blao. Ad v
Gloomy Outlook.
"It's going to bo a hard winter."
"How can you tell?"
"By the bIzo of tho salary I'm get
Every reador of taiB paper can bc
euro absolutely freo a box of nssorted
blBcults by simply cutting out tho cou
pon from their ad appearing In an
other part of this paper and mailing
It to "Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., Omaha,
Nob. Tho firm Ib thoroughly reliable.
Tako advantage of thla liberal offer
and writo them today.
Good Job.
"Now, Johnny," said tho teacher af
ter sho had explained the meaning of
the word. "I wish you would writo a
sentence containing defeat."
After a struggle which lasted for
about twenty minutes Johnny an
nounced that ho was ready to bo
"Please read your composition," tho
teacher directed.
"When you git Bhoes dat's too tite,"
Johnny read, "it's hard on do feet."
Transmigrating Turkey,
i "The only tlmo I ever believed in
tho transmigration of aouls was one
frosty November afternoon on my
Indiana farm."
Tho speaker was George Ade, the
humorist. Ho continued:
"It was a day or two beforo Thanks
giving. Tho trees were bare. Tho
fields wero a russet brown color. To
ward mo "over thoso russet fields
strutted a very plump, very largo,
very young turkey.
"Then it was that an ardent belief
In tho doctrine of metempsychosis
seized mo.
"'You,' I said to tho superb bird,
'you aro now a turkey. And you will
dlo tomorrow. But, cheer up. Your
next transmigration will bo Into the
body of a Jiuiriorist not unknown to
fame.' "
Ho You say that all you want is
n good home and n good husband. I
can surely furnish you a good homo.
She But can you furnish me a
good husband?
Of the Food That Restored Her to
"Something was making mc ill and
I didn't know tho cauBe," w'ritos o.
Colo, young lady: "For two yonrs I
was thin and sickly, Buffering from in
digestion and inflammatory rheuma
tism. "I had tried different kinds of diet,
and many of tho remedies recommend
ed, but got no better.
"Finally, Mother suggested that I
try Grape-Nuts, and I began at once,
eating It with a llttlo cream or milk.
A chango for tho better began at onco.
"To-day I am well and nm gaining
weight nnd strength nil tho tlmo. I've
gained 10 lbs. In (ho last five weeks
and do not suffer any moro from in
digestion, and tho rheumatism is all
"I know It Is to Grape-Nuts alone
that I owo my restored health. I still
eat the food twice a day and novcr
tiro of it." Name given by Postum
Co., Battlo Creek, Mich.
Tho flavour of Grapo-Nuts is peculiar
f.6 Itself. It in neutral, not too sweet
and has an agrecablo, healthful quality
that novor grows tiresome.
Ono of tho sources of rheumatism ia
from overloading tho Bystom with
ncid material, tho result of imperfect
digestion and assimilation.
As soon ns Improper food is aban
doned nnd Grape-Nuts Is taken regu
larly, digestion ia made strong, tho
organs do their work of building up
good red blood cellsand of carrying
nway tho excess of dlseaso-maklng
material from tho Bystem.
The result Ib a certain and steady
return to normal health and mental
activity. "There's a reason." Read
tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to Well
ville," In pkgB.
liver rend the nbovc letter? A new
one npprnrsj from time to time. They
I tatercat. A-Ir.