w wfaMMMi ii mi m iiii up 1 c - mar f or Here at a ivian s oicore Is the Place to Buy a Man's Gift. Furnace Coke. i t t 6 Gloves An indispensable necessity that is always accepted with pleasure. We offer a special showing representing the world's best makes at $1.00 to $3.50. Interwoven Hosiery Men rarely have an over-supply of Hosiery. Our showing includes everything new and fashionable in Cotton, Mercerized, Wool and Silk in Christmas boxes at 50c to $1.05. Neckwear The most popular gifts of all and you'll find the greatest collection at this store. All styles, shades and patterns in the choicest silk. 25c to $1.00. Shirts A Christmas remembrance that will surely be appreciated, and our excellent assortment of the most favored shades makes choosing easy. $1.00 to $3.00. Handkerchiefs Inexpensive presents yet always uccepable White and all the new shades in Cambric, Linen or silk. Sets of 2, 3 and 0 in dainty boxes. 15c to 50c. Combination Set Handkerchiefs, Socks and Neckties, $1.00 to $1.50' per box nil colors. Nicest goods made. , Suspenders In burned wood boxes 75c. Bath Robes Jackets An exceptionally fine line from $4.50 to $10. Mufflers AH kinds and colors, 50c to $1.50. Garters and 'arm 'band in burned wood boxes from 35c to 50c. and A fine line. Smoking 20 Per Cent Discount ' Is still offered on all Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. This is an r opportunity to buy high-grade clothing for the least money. I WEINGAND'S ! rnHTCC2ccr&c The Fuel Without a Fault. We have just received a car of Furnace Size Coke which we purchased at con siderable below the market price and offer you the benefit of this purchase. One ton of coke goes as far as two tons of soft coal and holds a good hot fire over night. , Fill up the fire box close the draft and have a hot white heat without any more trouble no soot. We ask Delivered $8.50 Per Ton. While it Lasts. PHONE NO. 7 PHONE 0 no. r The C. F. Iddings Co'44'4'4'4i'4'444si,- a s a 9 e OR. 0. II. CRESSLCR, Graduate Denlisl. Oflico over tho McDonald J a State Dank. s Local and Personal MI83 Anna Von Gootz.of Omaha, will visit Ii'or parents next week. Mis3'BernIco Hughes assisting in tho 10c store during tho holiday rush. Miss Grnco Adams, of Hastings, will visit local friend In the near future, Toyland is comploto nt tho Rinckor Book & Drug Co. Mr. and Mm. I. L. Gilbert will spend Christmas with the lattor's parents in Cozad, Sam Hemphill has returned from n short visit in custom Nebraska on busi ness. Mrs. W, II. Ifuddart who has been ill for oomo time is much improved this week. J. W. Albott, of Horshoy,' was n business visitor in the city Friday and Saturday. Latest box paper, correspondence cards and onrrrnvod cnlline cauls. ' UiNCKUii Book &-Dkuo Co. Joe McNoal has returned from S. Dakotu where ho spent several wookB with a grading outfit. Tho Harrticlough homo in the first wurd has boon improved by tho addition of several now rooms. k II. Howe, Albert Howe, S. 'Trusty and P. Dulgnrn, of Wallace, transacted business in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McDonough, of Omaha, are expected next wook to visit relatives for ii week or longer. Grant Applogato formerly of this city, nrrivod hero Friday from Cheyenne end will Bpsnd Bovoral days on business. I would rent my furnished home during January, February and March. W..V. HOAOLANO. Frank Smith, of South Omaha, will arrive tho first of next wook to Bpond Xmus with the homo folks. Miss Mabel Duke, of the Columbus Hohools, in expected the last of this weok to r islthor parents for a fortnight. A well known young lady bookkeeper of this city and a properous young far mer will bo married bofore tho now year. Takctyour picture to C. M. Newton's to be framed. Emll Kosbiu has returned from Lin coln where ho was called last weok by the illness of his father whom ho left greatly improved, MIbs Mario Von Goetz who has boon teaching in Overton is expected tho last of this weok to spend hor Xmas vaca tion with her puronti. Apples fifty nnd sovonty-fivo cents jier bushel at tho Ritner Fod Store, phono 208. 8 4 Mr. and Mrs. John McGraw c.itor talned a-few frlonds at a bovoii o'clock dinner Friday evonlng in honor of tho fqrmer's birth anniversary. Mrs. Ilorton' Munger will go to Omaha tomorrow to visit for a week. Mr. Munirer will go down Saturday night, A Christmas reunion of Mu'ngor relatives will .be held at homo of.Frapk Fowlor In Fremont. W. C. Hutchens has returned from a short visit in Lincoln with friends. Leo Mullen, of Wood River, spent the latter part of last week with friends in town. Mrs. Earl Lambert and children will spend the Xmas holidays with relatives in Hastings. Mrs. Cameron, of Lowollen, spent Friday with local friends and left that evening for Sidney to visit. Peter McGovern, Stove and Bicycle Ropair Works, Becond door cast of First National Bank, phone black 3'JO. Miss Hilma Sjogren, of Sweden, is expected in the near future to visit Mr. and Mis. Charles Sandall. Mius Laura White nnd neico Miss Naomi Eshleman went to Sutherland Friday afternoon to visit relatives for a few days. Mngazlnes make nice Christmas gifts. I have n complete line nnd can save you money on club orders. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, phone red 101. Mrs. E. A. Gary will lenvo today for Omaha to spond a fow days when sho will will bo jolnod by Mr. Cury and they will proceed to St. Louis to spend three weeks. For SHle Pure Bred Black Langshnn ROoators, price $1.00 803 Eust 0th. 90-3 Jerry Bowen hag sold his interests in tho north sido drug store to his son-in law R. S. Baker, of Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Bowen Intend to leave for Cali fornia In tho near future. Ilippity hop to tho Christnm shop To buy somo Red C,ross Senl.il With one on onch letter Of course, you fual hotter; You'vo heeded your brothers' nppoal. Come early und make your selection of Gibson wntor colored Xmas cards, letters and calendars at tho Rincker Book & Drug Co. The placing of tho double track in sorvico cnublcs trains to got over tho district with much moro celerity and as u roault fewer crcwa are required. Ono year ago tno treiglst crows running west of hero excooded twenty; now there are but thirteon, nnd this in tho face of n somewhat Increased number of cars handled through tho local yards. The engine and train crows in services, however, are making good money. If you have not already purchased in on in Dr. Pritchard transacted business Ogalalla yesterday. Aro you using Red Cross Seals your Christmas packages? Ed. Ogier was a Sunday visitor Wallace with his brother. Mont Cronland, of Grand Island,' visited the McGuire family.Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Sherman will leave tonight for Texas whore they ex pect to reside. Tom Linds, of Paxton, spent the latter part of last week .with town friends. Messrs. Brownfield and Becler, of Hershey, were Saturday visitors in town. A dollar's worth of Red Cross Seals may bo the means of curing a consump tive. Harloy Greeson returned Sunday ovoning from a two weeks visit with friends in Lincoln. Everybody's doing it what? Buying a lot in tho now Cody Addition. Mrs. W. K. Skinner nnd daughter returned Saturday from a short visit in Gothenburg with friends. Mrs. Wm. Patterson, of Omaha, is expected Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor VonGootz. Misses Olive and Gertrude Quinn. of Gothenburg who guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex Brooks, have roturned home. Frank Cross, woo has been employed in anaua lor several months is ex dectod to visit his parents next weok. Give us vour order for concrete work of any kind. Concrete building blocks anu ornamental work. Roy Sukhek, Phono 3G1. Mr. and Mrs. Will Malonoy Sr., entertained a fvw mends at a twelve o'clock dinner Sunday afternoon. Tho guests of honor wero J. P. Mc Govern, of Denver and Miss Hazel Dye, of Saline, Knns. John McConnel, of Somerset, was in town yesterday and loft with Tho Tri buno man samples of the Rural Now York potatoes of which ho grow 200 Dusneis 10 tno acre tno past season. They are certainly fino potatoes. Comforts for children's beds, quilts, aprons and fancy work nt Baptist bazaar. Masonic ball, Dec. 19th. Sale opens nt 3 p. m. Supper nt 5:30. We are in position to take care of your orders for Pennsylvania nut coal lots in Cody addition, phone Temple for lno reit of tl winter at $13.50 per the the at once and let him show them to you. Don't think that because there arc only a few lots left, that they are not de sirable, They are just as high and level, and well located as any in the addition. Phone at once and sec the lots whether you buy or not. I his is excellent weather for an auto ride. Carl Westphal, CO years old, was run over and killed in the railroad yards at Gothenburg Friday. Ho had picked a bucket of coal in an empty coal car and has just climbed out of tho end of tho car wnen me local tram switcneu in yards and bumped into the car, throw ing him down onto rail nnd two whcols passed over his legs bofore his compan ion, George Wagner, who wrtfc hf the same car, got to him nnd pulled him away, Ho died In a fow minutes, He owned conslderabietown property, in cluding on entlro block on which his homo is located. ' lost course ton delivered in your bin. Place your order now so wo can protect you. Noiitii Platte Lumiiek Co. Thirty-six members of tho Harmony club and an equal number of guests were entertained Friday evening by the men mombors of the club at the Masonic! hall, and as a lively, jolly nnd enjoyable gathering it was a marked success. Card playing and dancing wore tho entertaining features, the music for the ovoning being furnished by Mrs. Cramer, Prof. Garlisch and Harry HuiVman. Many of tho old square dances were introduced, and in these somo of tho older "boys and girls" participated with a spirit and liveliness that oc casioned much mirth. It was indeed a gathering of congenial pooplo and the pleasures of the evening could not have been grcator. The refreshments, served by tho men wore elaborate, consisting of cold turkoy, cscallopcd oyster, rolls, salad, pickles, coffco, Ico cream and cako, with cigars for tho men as the Local and Personal. Wanted Housekeeper, inquire at this office. 02-4 Miss Tillie Kosbau, who spent last week in Omaha, has returned. Mrs. William Dienor, who is a patient at the St. Luke hospital, is progressing nicely. Bert McCollister, of Badger,, spent th Inst of last week with friends town. Howard Dolson, of Omaha, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dolson this week. You get new ideas as you look through our holiday stock. DixoN, The Jeweler. D. C. Congdon transacted business in Offalalla and Paxton tho latter part of last week. C. L. Countryman, cashier of the Wallace Bank, spent Saturday in town on business. Mrs. Wilev. of Lexington, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Sprogue last week, has returned home. Wanted Good girl for general house work. G08 W. 4th St. Phone Black 1G0. tf B. F. Reid returned the latter part of last week from a business visit in the eastern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Murphy re turned Saturday evening from Omaha, where they visited friends for a'e'ek Mrs. Homer Mylnnder, of Orchard, Cok, arrived tho last of last week to visit her purents Mr. anu Mrs. wm. Ebright. Loe Mullen, of Wood River, who transacted business and visited mends last week, returned home Saturday morning. Annies fifty and seventy-fivoicents per .bushel at the Ritner FeedStqre, ph6$2G8. $M Mrs. B. F. Reid who has boon visit ing relatives in the eastern part of the state for some time is expected gltomo this week. ' ' . Mrs. Cnl Lowell and children, of Chicago, nre expected tho first of tho year to Visit her mother Mrs. I. ,L. Miltonberger. l- Mrs. Frank Mcrriott, of Oshk"6sl, snent Saturday in town while enrouto homo' from Cozad where she visited rel atives for two weeks. Having decided to retire from busi ness I will sell my stock of goods on Locust streot at an exceptionally low price. P. II. Sullivan. Misses Alice nnd Sadie Buahftnch, of St. Paul, Nob., who spent last Week with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Buchfinch, roturned homo Saturday morning. James Jensen and Mrs. Roy Gaunt, who went to Staploton last week to attend the funeral of their brother the lato Travis Jensen, have returned. Edgar Rahn, of Omaha, a well known commercial man who frequently visits this city, was married nt Sidnoy last week to Miss Ola Frecgo of Lexington. O. E. Elder returned Sunday from Cheyenne, where ho transacted busi ness for several days. Miss Elva Day will entertain a num boivof her young friends Friday evening in honor of hor sixteenth birthday. A. F. Streitz aad D. B. White ' have returned from Omaha they attend the commissioners' convention last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tollefsen, of Suther land, are expected the last of this week to visit Mrs. George Donehower. Mr. and Mrs. James Hopkins havo Miss Margaret Fickland, of Maxwell, as their guest this week. E. L. Garrison returned to Wellfieot Saturday after spending two weeks with his son Owen Garrison of this citv , in Gut out holm n "Chvlslmtis Ti'cc" for ovox-y-ono who ksc.n you to leurl hltn,moh'6y. Jf you want tpjosu n fx'lond loitn hlin. motley; l'or, ,whun jjoh a ale hlin fox it, yott will loso both yourlrlaul nnd. VoarilOIVil". . s ' 4;VIVC vour monov. "ou, YTOUJR.SHL,1, nncl VOUJi'-JrAAMJfZrfV" .'ire the ones who moat (liisorvo what you' oaiyi,"- . - - ,. ' Do YOUR. bnnlclnz with The' First National Bank, " Ol NOUTII JL,ATTl$t IVTJ3iiil.SCA. Tho L,nriost Jinnlc In Wcutoni Xobrnslcn. 1 "glVh'V - 14-n-rm-mtii l'',Ug&SU 1 Farm For Sale. Tho northeast qunrter (nej) section twenty-four (21) township thirteen (18) range thirty (30) about seven miles AUtneast of North Platte on south sido of Platto river, all smooth land noar nllls, good buildings, fifteen acres in alfalfa, one of best farms in Platte valley. Price $10,000.00. Terms, half ;ash, balance on easy time at 7 per cent interest. Address Joseph Hershey North Platte, Neb. "y, Slir.niFP'S SALh. virtue of an order of bale laauocl from tlid illntrlct court of Lincoln county. Nelnasha. uttnti a iltcrve of foreclosure rendered In eald court wheieln Georco Lehman is plaintllT und Mnrtln Atuleraon U defendant and tJ me directed, 1 vlll on tho IStli day of Jan., 1913. tat2 o'clock, p. in., at the cat front door of the court housu In North I'latto, Lincoln county. Ncbnuka, tell at public auction to the hlghett bidder for cash to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the following described property to-wlt: Southeast cuiarter of. the northwest -quarter (saW of nwJ) and lots one (1) two (2) nnd, throo of sec tion two (2), township twelve (12) north of range thlrty-thrvo (33) west of tho Cth P. M., In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Watte, Neb., Dc. 14th. 1012. dlT- A. J. Sausburv, Sheriff. "Rely Upon thepBeli" When Immediate Aid is Needed. When the unexpected hap pens in the home, u Bell Telephone, with its long dis tance advantages, will often help one out of otherwise se rious situation. In cases of sudden need one most keenly feels the necessity of universal telephone service of a system that gives quick and dependable communica tion everywhere. Telephono Convenience far Exceeds Its Cost. Nebraska Telephone Co Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. m. & A V s