The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 13, 1912, Image 5

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POnly Eleven Days Until Christmas. if
. Stag Banquet.
Tlio members of North Platte lodgo
B. P. 0. E will hold their nhminl stag
bunquet on the evening of January 1st.
Tho committee on arrangements aro
now selecting tho sponkora for the oc
casion and arranging the menu. Tho
nfFnlr will no doubt be largely attended
nnd provo a pleasant functioh.
To Our Customers.
To help us give you tho service and
attraction that we wish, we would sug
gest that you do na much shopping in
the mornings as possible. Wo want
you to come at any time, and are keep
ing open evenings to give our patrons
thut much more timo to do then shop
ping with comfort.
Wilcox Dih'ahtment Stoiib.
No piece with
out this Trade
Mark on it la
Our Cut Glass is of the finest
American cut. Some very special
prices in bowls and Water Sets.
See our elaborate display this
week. They are a safe investment
and their value increases every year
We do our own diamond mounting
in our own shop.
SWOT r mavfrHlL
xhFy 'Has I JmOi) XKJt
Clocks of every description they
make gifts the whole family enjoy.
Our line was never so complete.
Give him or her a good watch. It
is a compliment, Our watches nro
the best makes and thoroughly dependable
See Out STaow "Wixiclovs-
Our Novelthy Department is simply full of new and novel articles suitable for all people. Things that are unusual and yet useful has
been our aim jn buying.
We want you as a visitor whether you intend purchasing or not. You will find it a genuine pleasure to do your shopping here.
i n jw6isr
Miss1 Viola Eves has resigned her
pnsition'nt tho telephone office.
B. J. Guynnm has returned from n
week'a visitwith Wood Kivcr relatives.
John Mclvain has resumed work in
the Union Pacific yards after an illnoa,
of soveral weeks.
Charles C. Long and Miss Sophia M.
Steolo were quietly married at tho resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. John Grant
Wednesday evening by Judge Grant,
Toyland is complcto at the Rincker
Book & Drug Co.
Word received Wednesday announced
tho birth nt Los Angeles of n girl to
Mr. nnd Mrs. Stevenson. Mrs. Steven
son was formerly Miss Helen Doolittlc,
of this city.
Give us your order for concrete work
of any kind. Concreto building blocks
and ornnmentnl work." r1
Roy SunitKR, Phono 3C1.
II, E. Votaw, for many years a rail
road fireman and engineer of this city,
now in the millingbusiness at Mnywood,
transacted business in town yesterday.
Peter McGovern. all kinds of stovo
repairs. Leave orders. 89-4
K. Li. Davis, of Kansas City, rrrived
hero Wednesday to succeed L. E. John
son as claim agent for the Union Pacific.
Tho lattor gentleman will leave for
Illinois to accept a poiition.
Mrs. Albert Able entertained a few
frionds at cards Monday ovening in
honor of Miss Bculah, of Hastings
who wns hor guest. Tho lunch at the
close of tho games was a nicely pre
pared ono.
Preliminary arrangements for cutting
ice are now being mado by the Union
Pncific nnd tho owners of the several
lakes. Out at tho Lnmplugh lake seven
inch ice has been made, and a few
moro days of Bnnppy weathor will give
it tho required thickness.
Stato Agent Tiloy, fit the Yeomen,
left yesterday for a visit at points in
eastern Nebraska and at Sioux City,
Iowa. Since becoming state agent
about eighteen months ago, Mr. Tiloy
hB been instrumental in adding 3,000
members to th5 order he represents.
In writing from Sutherlin, Ore.,
Mrs. Jenn,io Armstrong, Into of this
city, saysho was strongly solicited to
becomo n' candidato for mayor of tho
town at thojnto elecUon, but declined.
Hnd Mrs. Armstrong consented to be
come a candidato sho could easily
have won, as the woman nominated
received a big majority.
e 0
Graduafe Dentist. S
? Office over the McDonald J
State Bank. o
Local and Personal
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brown will spend
the Xtnas with relatives in Hastings.
W. W. Burr returned yesterday after
noon from Upland where he attended n
Farmers Institute.
Vanity cases The new and nifty
styles just received today.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
The Rebekahs will serve Herrod &
Sons' Old Masters coffee at their supper
next Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Workman went to
Terra Haute yesterday 'afternoon to
spend several weeks with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roseblum have us
their guest this week the formers'
father who arrived a few days ago
from Grand Island.
Every show case in our store is filled
with new and special priced goods. We
are anxious to-show you.
'" . .' Dixon, The Jeweler. -
-Milo Burke, a former Lincoln county
resident, is visiting hiss?ster Mrs.
John Bratt today while enrouto to his
home in Basin, Wyo,, from South
Omaha, where ho marketed cattle.
Telegram from Colonel Cody.
Tucson. Ariz., Dec. 12, 1913.
To F. H. Garlow and C. F. Temple:
Hurrah for Cody Addition. Please present to the
people of North Platte my appreciation of faith that North
Platte is going to be the largest city between Omaha and
Denver. It is my opinion that nothing can prevent.
Faith in anything means success.
f .1 "
, s. as
To -Night
and Saturday.
The Tongueless Man.
The Boarder Parson.
2 Reel Special
Mysterious Kings.
10c and ISc
George Brown, of Maxwell,
yesterday in town on business.
Herbert Marovish, of Stnpleton,
visited his sister Mrs. A. J. Frazier the
first of this week. ft
Miss Mata Runnbaugh, of Ogalalla,
is expected the first of next week to
visit for a week with Miss Amy Lang
ford. """
Mesdames Cowee, of Atwood, Colo.,
and Morgan, of Ogalnlla are expected
next week to visit their mother Mrs.
A. S. Chamberlain.
. G. G. Holcomb, connected with tho
Union Pacific tax department, spent
yesterday in town on business pertain
ing to that department.
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Stackhouse aro
enjoying n visit from the formeis'
brother who came yesterday from
Huntley to spond a fortnight.
Comforts for children's beds, quilts,
aprons and fancy work at Baptist
bazaar. Masonic hall, Dee. 19th. Sale
opens at 3 p. m. Supper at 5:30.
Mesdames Henkle and Elliott will en
tertain the Royal Neighbors at the K.
P. hall Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. .
An electioTi of officers will be held.
The North Platte Produce Co. is
handling on an average of 800 pounds
of poultry per day, the greater part of
which is shipped in from adjoining
We are in position to take enre of
your orders for Pennsylvania nut coal
for the rest of the winter at $13.50 per
ton delivered in your bin. Plnce your
order now so we can protect you. j
Nokth Platte Lumiier Co.
If you have not already purchased
lots in Cody addition, phone Temple
at once and let him show them to you
Don't think that because there are only
a few lots left, that they arc not de
sirable, They arc just as high and
level, and well located as any in the
addition. Phone at once and see the
lots whether you buy or not. 1 bis is'
To Investors.
Wc are prepared to loan your money
on real estate first mortgage so as to
net your eight per cent. Money is
loaned is exempt from taxes. Come on
and, let us talk it over.
Buchanan & Patterson.
Notice K. 0. T. M.
The annual meeting of the Knights of
the Maccabees will bo held Thursday
evening, Dec. 20. 1912 at K. P. hall.
All members aro requested to bo pres
ent. Election of officers.
C. M. Newton, R. K.
T. T. Marcott, of Brady, spent yes
terday with his daughter Miss Nona
Mrs. Charles Herrod will entertain
the'M. M. M. club' at cards Wednesday
Carl Scott retutned yesterday from
Mitchell where he had been employed
for soveral weeks.
II. P. Nealy, of Omaha, came yester
day nnd will spend ten days in the city
transacting business nnd visiting friends.
Christian Science Servico Sunday at
11:00 a. m. Subject "God the Preserver
of Man" Sunday School 12 m. K. P.
hall, Dewey St.
S, J, Holdeon returned to Big Springs
a few days ngo after visiting lus son
who .was a patient nt the P. & S. hospi
tal! .
Just received
jtliemas Egers was granted a di
vorce, from Carrie Eggers on tho
grounds of adultry and dosertion, in
thB jtlistrict court yostorday.
a car of furnace size
One ton equivalent to two tons of
soft, coal no ash, no soot, no trouble,
white heat. $8.50 per ton di-livered,
while it lasts.
Phone No. 7 The C. P. Co.
Tho districtcourt jury was discharged
Wednesday, Not all tho jury cases
came up for hearing, soma being sottled
and a few continued until the next term
of court.
Come to Dr. l'lms lor
your holldBV presents
in the way ol a pair of
glasses, Anv kind at
nearly half rnyforrnor prices from Dtc.
16, 1912. to January 81, 1013. Call and
see me; ofiire over the McDonald State
Weathor forecast: Fair to-night and
Saturday; not much change in tempera
ture. Maximum temperature yesterday
50, a yenr ago 1G; minimum last night
21, u year ago 19.
Local automobile dealers say that the
outlook for sales during 191,') are espec
ialaly good, and that the sales promiso
to be greater than during 1912. The
Hendy-Ogier Co. sold one Pord last
week and ono this week. They have
placed an order for two carloads for
immediate shipment.
Tho B. of R. T. held an election of
officers last evening with the following
result: President, E. It. York, Vice
president, E. E. Stuart, Secretnry, R,
E. Biggs, Treasurer, W. II. LoDoyt,
Journal agent, II. J. Jessup, Delogatc
to tlie nntional convention at San Fran
cisco in May, W. II, LoDoyt, Alternate,
I. L.Bailor. After tho business session
a smoker was held.
Owners of city property, lots or
houses, can find sale for same by list
ing with us. Property priced runt finds
ready sale. Buchanan & Patterson.
Tho next noteworthy attraction nt
the Keith thoatre will bo the engage
ment for all next week, of tho big
Chicago Stock organization, known as
the Spedden-Paigo Stock Co. This
company wnlcli will present a repertoire
of six new plays during its week's stay
hore, is better known in the eastern
section of the country whore for tho
past eleven years it has, under the
same management, mado an nnnual
tour of tho towns and cities adjacent
to Chicago, where the organization has
a permanent homo at tho Mnbol thoatre
on Irving 1'arK mva. tho company
consists of 12 peoplo, and will open here
Monday night in the four act romantic
drama, "DuBnrry", a play mndo fam
ous by Mrs. Leslie Carter, who was
starred in the play for two seasons.
This company does not present tabloid
plays but each play is n full four act,
evening entertainment with musical
speciultos between the nets. 10 20 and
iSO cents and ladies, will he admitted
free Monday if accompanied by an es
cort holding one paid ticket. Seats on
salo at box office now.
Miner Hinman Garage
j 1 Steam Heated Open All Night 1 1
El Three Exits,ll,000 Square Feet ol Floor Space, j j
ID m i i mm m ,......, t B ID
a Dtans so arranged mat you have 1 R
a S renay access to your car ... a g
1 1 Entrance Salesroom I
K 215 N. 5th Street 505 Dewey Street. SH
3 I have for sale or trade: one new 4 room house r
7 one 5 room house, nearly new: one Reo Tourinnr S
I have for sale or trade; one new 4 room house
one 5 room house, nearly new; one Reo Touring
Car in good conditon; a sale contract, monthly 7
payment, bearing 8 per cent ncmi-annual interest. C
Will trade for
reasonable offer.
Vacant Lots. Consider any
Phone 361.
Farm For Sale.
Tho northeast quarter (nej) section
twenty-four (2'1) township thirteen (18)
range thirty (30) about seven miles
outheast of Nyrth Plntte on south side
of Plntte river, all smooth land near
nil)3, good buildings, fifteen acres In
alfalfa, one of best farms in Platte
i'nee !flu,(XHMW. Terms, half
Bank. Hours 10 to 12 u. n . 2 to B p. ,tt8h, balance on eaay time at 7 per
M. No, :Jb for special arrange- cnt merest. Address Joseph Ilershey
Hove returned on my annual visit to your city. Will call at your place.
excellent weather for an auto ride
"" North t'lattp. Neb
i r
-.U-JUMt, .
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