THE JOY OF GIVING! The good book says: "'Tis more blessed to give than to receive." But the degree of satisfaction received from giving-is enhanced or lessened by the appropriateness of the gift. Make your Christmas presents fit the occasion. Note the suggestions below. Every article listed there is particularly adapted to the Yuletide season. The prices are low enough to fit the most modest purse. Chafing Dishes Smoke Stands Coffee Pcrculators VL. A Tystj -fcr? -1... .. - - M. iKi. ...J- "'-tf IM H Hi4t---. "1r J Ul, I $5 to $15.00 limZt (yarn m a IB 1 f . If J w ' v(VTn Sllvor Mesh Bags. 1111 llf PvTiV ?2.G0 to $10.00 S il- "' WSflJ tWHSkJ&J "AJC'f $2To $10.00 1 - 1 .i iV-v.-r.V .. .i fUfC .Xjl n v. t.'JT'-K'P -;? n& 'is?-M Mr w v.h M7rsmc: $6 to $15.00 mm Mfej&igKN t.orK! We have an extra fine line of detachable handle um brellas for Christmas and so many other appropriate articles for gifts that we can't mention them all. Give Us , a little of your time when down town. Clinton, The Bizzy Jeweler. PHONE 4 UH 8 W JjJ For Your Drugs. Orders Do ifc Ilvorcd promptly. REXALL and NYAL - DRUG STORES P SM-93-99frfrfr-J-93-3-3-M rf Local and Personal Mrs. Joseph Murphy left Wednesday evening for Omaha to visit friends. Thomas Branlgan, of Columhus, Is spending this week horo. Inlying horses. Misses Errison, of Gothenburg, aro guests of Miss Jennio Cnrlson this week. ;) ' 'fi Mr. and Mrs. John Don will leave noxtweok for Arapahoo to spand the holidays. Mesdames Charles Perkins and Rush Dean spent yesterday In Grand Island on business. Mr. Blank, of Imperial, is spending a couplo of weeks with his daughter Mrs. Mrs. Latimer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwaiger aro tho proud parents of a baby boy which was born to them tho first of this week. Mrs. Hay Minor, of Choyonde, is ex uected tho first of next week to visit her mother Mrs. Margaret Post during tho holidays. Miss Etta Clark, who has been em, ployed in Clmddron for several months will arrive homo next week to spend the Xmas holidays. Tho now Baptist church, will bo fully completed by Decembor 31st, and a ded ' Ication sorvico extending from Decem ber 31st to January Gth will be held. A description of tho building and tho pro gram of tho dedication service will be published later. Will and Neale Turpio returned yes terday afternoon from n business visit in Omaha. Keith Novlllo returned yesterday afternoon from a Bhort visit in Omaha on business. Peter McGovern, Stove and Bicyclo Repair Works, second door east of First Rational Bank, phone black 390. Tim Kelihor, of Chicago la expectad horo noxt wook to spend tho holidays with his childron and other relatives. MissMaymo Pizor 1b expected homo tho last of noxt week to spend the holi days with her paronta. Miss Pizcr is a student at Wolfe hall. Apples fifty and seventy-five cents per bushel at tho Ritner Feed Store, phono'208. 89 4 Hnrry Smith who is attending a medi cal college in Chicago writes that he will bo homo to spend tho Christmas holi days. Mrs. John Bovor returned yesterday afternoon from Lexington, where she spent tho past two months on business for tho L. 0. T. M. Take your picture to C M. Newton's to bo framed. A. R. Stubbs, of Denver, who form erly resided hero with his parents jpent a few days in town this week on busi ness. Ho is now employed ns traveling salesman for laundry supplies, Tho city council hold a spoclal meet ing Tuesday evening and levied the assessment for cutting tho weeds during 1912 on the lots which wore cut by the street commissioners. In tho case of Georgo Ruff, of Julea burgvs. Maurice Fowler for $170.12 which the formor claims was duo him on hay, tho jury decided in favor of tho defendant. The hay was purchased by William Vernon, of Julesburg, who claimed it was damaged and could not be used. Georgo Roberta and son Rodney, of Maxwell, spent a few days hero this week whilo enroute to Lincoln. ,t-, Mrs. Justine McCarthy, of Ames, la. is expected next week to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Meson during the holidays. Burdetto B. Sharp and Bessie L. Louderback, of Crook, Colo., were quietly married in this city yesterday by County Judge Grant. . . . Magazines make nice Christmas gifts. I have a complete line and can save you money on club orders. Mrs. M.""V Mitchell, phono red 101. 'Mr. and Mrs. Owen ONeal who have been residing on a farm near Suthqf-. land have ronted the J. I. Smith farm west of town and will movo thore about March 1st. Olive E. Smith wnscranteda divorce from Arthur V. Smith in the District Court yesterday. The grounds were cruelty and drunkeness. They were married in this city four years ago. Senator Hoagland and Representative Stevens returned yesterday from Curtis where thoy, by invitation, went to ex amine the agricultural school building along with other members of tho legis lature. Both made addresses atSt meeting held Wednesday evening. Tho school building is enclosed, the interior plastered and by May 1st will be fully completed. rfrf&jfL. 1W? ri . iru k rN.jir i l mr .. fczj,vs yowj? w mm wr Sparkling Cut Glass tyfMr HP m Local and Personal. Tho Yeoman lodge is making ar rangements to give n home talent play at thoKoith theatre shortly after Xmas. Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. J. Ilorritran. of Boone, In., will spend tho holiday sea son with relatives in this city. Mrs. Elizabeth Stafford left for the eastern part of tho statu yesterday after boing tho guest of Mrs. A. J. Frazior. Mrs. M. A. Porter roturrTed to IIol drogo Wednesday after visiting with her daughter Mrs. M. J. 0'Con.noll and son Hnvry Porter. Mrs. Edward Weston, who spent the past week with Mrs. John Frazier and Miss Mnrgaret Frazier. returned to Rawlins yesterday morning. The Junior class of the high school will hold an exchange at tho Schatz storo tomorrow. Pies, cakes, bread and other eatables will be on sulc. The Lutheran aid society will meet Thursday afternoon of next Week with Mrs. Mettin, who will be assisted in entertaining by Mesdames Hirsch and Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Pcale returned from a three w eeks' visit with their children in Denver. It is their inton tion to dispose of their interests hero and locate in Denver in tho near future. The chicken pie supper and literary entertainment held at the Platte Vglley school last evening was a success in every particular. A party of local young people attended and report hav ing a very enjoyable evening's enter-tertainment. Ed. Winn, formerly of this city, but now n mail carrier in Kenrncy suffered a badly lacerated face and an injured eye wnon ho rode into a newly strung clothes wire while mnkintr his rounds on his bicycle, the nccident happening ncross tho street east from tho court house. At its regular meeting Tuesday night Lookout Homestead of tho American Yeomen elected tho following officers for tho coming year: R. B. Favoright, foreman, A. S. Allen, master of cere monies, J. L. Loudon, correspondent, A. Ellison, master of accounts, Mrs. Frank Martin, chanlain, W. J. Tilev, overseer, Miss Spickerman, Lady Rowena, Mrs. M. K. Duke, Lady Rebecca. Mrs. Alexander, watchmnn, Frank Martin, sentinel. Notice. To all North Platte school children, Saturday, Dec. 14, from 2 to 3 p m, we will give away $50.00 worth of free presents. All children invited. NpEKIlYBERKY & FOJIBES. Big Corn Yields. Samples of corn grown by Nebraska Boys' Corn clubs in competition for tho Union Stock yards prizes continuo to arrive at the general offices of the stock yards company in South Omaha. Elton Stone, of Lyons, who has held the record until now with 103 bushels for an acre yield, has had to give way to two other lads. Paul Kruse, of Ulysses, who now holds the reeord as the best corn farmer In the state, grew on his acre a few pounds moro than 118 bushels. Jesse Correll, of Cambridge, comes second with 109 bushels. ', I'm on my way to C. M. Newton's North Pintle, Nebraska pf-'my 'mobile ijivcs out I lmvo his phone No. Its 2G1. lsSir.reftMT-1 I ,". De ar Sartn; 1'vo seen what I want at M r. Newton's Stow. You tell i m thutusand ho will show you Ms of nice things that wo ehil- diep would, like. Your truly, Mr and My Hhotiibr -mi '" i n I ' " " ' " fianta Claus Phone 261. Toll Santn to get it nt C. M. Newton's this year. Iehns the right tilings i it I l i I Nik Vki 'r i x 1 t The Mothers' club have postponed their meetings until after the holidays, Frank Parton has returned from Wallace whero he spent two weeks with relatives. Mrs. H. T. Troup will leave this week for Kearney to spend the holidays with her parents. e Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Moore left Wed nesday evening for Los Angeles to re side in tho future. A social dance was held in tho K. P. hall Wednesday evening which was en joyed by all who attended. Leo Tobin, of Denver, is- spending this week in town .visiting rela tives and transacting business. Mrs. Edmund Dickey will entertain the Nevita club at a juvenilo party Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. M.J. O'Connell and baby left Wednesday morning for Holdrego to visit her mother for a couple of weeks. Every child will have an equal chance in Derryberry & Forbes free present contest. Mrs. Charles Wilson and daughter1 are expected next week to visit her sister Mrs. Hnrry Murrin for two weeks. Attorney Walter Dorr, who had been a patient nt tho P. & S. hospital, was discharged from that institution yester day. Mrs. John Ell came down from Bridgeport the fore part of this week to spend a couple of weeks with Mr and Mrs. Charles Ell. Sam Grace, of Omaha, spent yes terday in town transacting business connoctedjwith his position as district secretary of tho machinists' union. Wo have for sale tho most desirable lots in "Cody's Addition. Lot with 4 room house $900 to $1200. With 5-room house $1300 to $1000. Roy Suruek, Phone 3G1. . Friends in town received word yes- fterday that a daughter was born to Mr. andJMrs. Bert Decker, of Elsvood. Mrs. Decker was formerly Miss Gertie Brown, pf this city. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. Geo. Austin, 4x7 EaBt 5th St. Mrs. John'Simms. of Chicogo, who is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Beeler recojved word this week that her husband Dr. Simms was taken il with scarlet fever while working in n contagious ward in tho hospital. Applos fifty and seventv-fivo cents pur busholi at the Ritner Feed Storo, phone 208. 89-4 J. P. McGovern, of "Denver, came down Wednesday evening to spend a few dayswith his son Fiank and old time friends. "Jim" is looking well, is getting along nicoly in his position and ooch'yoar becomes more attached to Denver. Having decided to retire from busi noss I will soil my stock of goods o Locust stroot nt an exceptionally lo price. P. H. Sum.ivan. Mesdames L. E. 1 1 us Lin us and John Singliton entartninwd ti numbsr of ladit'H ill IfumttnirlmiH Ttuiadnv umfWod- jiesday afternoon at the home of tho former. Cut flower worn lued in due ordting Hnd an ontortnlnlng oontast was provided for thu amusomnt of the guestx, Delicious refreshments wore servH! BUY A KODAK FOR CHRISTMAS. Be sure and see the new vest pocket Kodak. The latest Creation of the Eastman factory. Remember our stock of films and photo supplies are all new and fresh. . Choice Xmas Presents Can be found in our complete lines of Holiday Box Papers, Initial Stationery and Correspondence Cards, Perfumes, Chocolates) Pocket Books, Card Cases, -Pocket Knifes and Cigars. The Rexali Drug Store Streitz's 01d.Con:cr. The Nyal Drug Store McCabc's Old Stand. KEITH TJEtJSATKE All Week Commencing Monday, Dec. 16, The Spedden-Paige Stock Company. MISS CLAIRE PAIGE and a Metropolitan Cast of 2 people in a repertoire of New Plays with Musical .Specialties Between the Acts 10, 20 and 30 Cents. liADIJGS PEEK MONDAY if Accompanied by the holder of one paid 30 cent ticket I Seat Sale Saturday at Box Office.