The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 11, 1912, Image 8

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rt iTIVIH iTI" rrr"
His Desert
A "Fish Story"
Captain IlnriintmM Klsh wns rowlns
mo out to tho bronkwntor. where the
little bliiullHh were rimtiiii ltt mil 1 1 1
He bent to the otirn nnd pulled with
long, even Ktroken, every exhalation ol
his leei) breaths being marke 1 by n
little puff of blue hiiioUc. .suddenly he
looked tip nt me with twinkling eye
and Hpoke between Ills clinched teeth
"I'll bet I know what you're thinking
about, Miss Tellium," ho declared.
"Well?" I liiqulied Hkeptlcallj.
"You "waH comparing me to a pulling
donkey engine, eh?" he grinned.
I blushed and evaded the accusation
"You're not so very little, Captnln liar
nalms," I wild hastily.
"IIo, ho, ho!" ho laughed down deep
In his throat, and 1 realized that oiuc
inoro had tho captain exercised his al
most uncanny powers of telepathy.
"You shall toll mc a good story In re
turn for that, Captain Marimbas," I
said as ho brought tho boat skillfully
around to the most advantageous spot
In tho fishing ground.
"I got to think up one, then," snld he.
plumping tho anchor overboard ami
sliding his oars along tho thwarts. Illg
as ho whs, tho old captain stepped
around tho small craft as agilely as
ono of tho cats that Infested his cabin
on tho beach.
As ho arranged tho lines and baited
tho hooks I looked contentedly around
nt tho encircling bluffs, wooded to their
summits and faced with heavy yollow
sand near the pebbly beach.
"Heady!" called tho captnln lustily,
nnd I reached forward nnd took the
baited lino from his hand and tossed It
overboard. All around us were anchor
cd other small boats whoso occupants
wcro Industriously pulling In tho hun
gry blueflsh.
When harbor blues nro running all
Qulnco Ilavon Is redolent of frying list)
nt tho dinner hour.
Captnln Harnnbas dropped his line
over, and Immediately it stretched taut
and then quivered suggestively. lie
began to pull in with a gratified smile
creasing his leathery skin.
"You got a wlialo on there, capt'u."
called a neighboring fisherman.
"Want any help?" sung out another.
"Uelay therol" retorted tho captain,
his grin changing to a frown as ho
yanked Into view a largo skate, which,
at tho moment of landing, snapped the
lino and disappeared beneath tho tiou
bled waters.
An echoing laugh ran around at the
captnln's expense, and his hearty "Ho,
ho, ho!" was tho loudest of all. While
ho prepared another lino I felt a nib
ble at my own and pulled In a wrig
gling littlo blue, which tho captain
promptly removed.
"This Is a good tlmo to begin the
story," 1 insinuated whon wo were
comfortably settled onco more.
"Lommo see," ho mused, pushing tho
straw hat back from his head and
skillfully rulllllng his plpo with ono
hand. "Somothlng about that thcro
skatollsh I Just caught makes mo
think of Ananias Sllno's whale."
"I'm rather sorry It's an Ailanias
story, captain."
"Why?" Again his eyes twinkled
nt me.
"Oh, becauaoi"
Ho laughed heartily. "That's an In
sinuation against Ananias Sllno, whose
nnmo Is against hint and"
"Ho certainly lives up to It, cap
"IIo, hoi Of courso 1'vo described
Ananias Slliiu to you before, and you
know ho was littlo and mean looking,
with pop eyes and n light bald head.
I mean his hair was Hghfcolor, what
thoro was of It, and, como to think of
It, It wasn't overloaded with common
sense, and ho had a most murderous
smllo and a hand that was cold and
damp llko u dead fish.
"When ho was my ilrst mato aboard
tho old Indus ho used to sit aft with
mo and toll stories, tho greatest yarns
I over did hear. I never met n man
who had so many wonderful adven
tures na did Anuulos Sllno and could
toll 'em so they sounded inoro llko
truth than fiction, cither. Well, one
night when wo was homeward bound
from Luzon wo sat out under tho
southern cross and watched tho glim
mering phosphorescent waves, and as
n littlo spicy breeze camo along on Its
way from some little south Pacific
island Ananias folded his arms and
tilted back against tho rail.
"Says ho: 'This reminds mo of the
tlmo I wns wrecked hereabouts. Want
to hear about It?'
"'Yes,' snys I. And so ho begins.
1 " 'It was ou my first voyage to sea,
nnd I Wfs a youtig fellow and every
thing wns now to mo. Wo was on
our way to China whon the ship got
a firo nnd nil hands escaped In the
boats, ull except mo. I was'
" 'I'll hot you was snooping around
tho cabin to see If tho captain bad left
any loose money behind or something
llko that,' I chipped In, but Amuilas
only gave mo ono of thorn murderous
smiles and wont on with his yarn.
" 'I wnB Btlll manning tho (Ire hose
nnd trying to pump wutor and hold
tho hoso nt tho sumo tlmo whon all of
n sudden I was nlono. Thero wasn't
n boat loft. Thero wasu't anything
oxcopt somo slush tubs, and so I put
on a life preserver and grubbed a bag
of 'biscuit and ft can of fresh water
and went overboard. Just as I got out
of danger tho ship wont down, and
thoro I was In tho south Pacific sit
ting In a big bIubIi tub with a piece of
canvas thrown over mo and not oven
a bit of plank to uso as an oar.
" 'Still It wasn't so bad, for tho sea
wns calm, and tho tub Just bobbed
nlong In nn oily kind of way, kind of
whirling around nnd around Ull I wns
dizzy. Without nothing to get no
where, I didn't know whero I might
fetch up, so while I was thinking
about It I Just went off to sleep, nnd
In tho morning when I woke up there
I was bumping gontly ngnlnst a kind
of Btcep, sandy bank, whllo pnlm trees
rustled overhead and monkeys chat
tered at mo from tho branches.
" 'Of courso I scrambled ashoro nnd
pulled tho tub up on tho beach and
took a wnlk around tho lslnnd, for
that's what It was. It was only about
fifty feet long and thirty feet wide,
nnd thero wero only flvo pnlm trees on
It and three monkeys nnd a banana
tree and ono that bore bread fruit.
Tho soil wns sandy, but kind of
spongy, or morp like rubber, but thoro
wasn't u sign of fresh wnter, except
somo Hint wns gathered In cocoanut
shells by tho monkeys. Did I say
thero was a cocoanut tree?' asked
Ananlns hastily.
" 'You did not mention It, but never
mind so long ns you brling It In on
time,' I says.
" 'Well,' ho scowled at me, 'how long
do you think I lived on that Island,
" 'An unlikely length of time, An
anias,' says I coolly.
" 'I'm not expecting you to bellovo
It,' says ho, getting mad. 'A man that
wasn't always a deep sen sailor, If ho
had most of his seagoing fishing down
tho bay, I guess ain't seen or heard
enough strnugo adventures to appre
ciate tho marvols of of IIo looked
arouud for tho proper word.
" 'Tho mnrvels of Invention, An
nnlas?' I nsked slyly. 'I expect there's
inoro sailors got their first knowledge
of tho sea selling codfish In a grocery
store than you, Ananias.' I've told
you Ananias used to bo n clerk in a
grocery store.
"Ho stared coldly at mo nnd twisted
his mouth Into another horrlblo smile.
" 'As I wns saying,' ho went on sour
ly, 'I stayed on that Island three weeks
beforo tho great upheaval camo and'
" 'Jonnh was hove up In less time
than that,' I chipped in, but ho took
no notice of me.
" 'Ono morning Just nt daybreak the
Island quivered from stem to stern,
nnd a mighty wnve rushed up and
washed completely over It. 1 would
have been drowned only I clung to the
trunk of u tree, nnd beforo another
wavo camo I Mas up tho tree among
the branches out of dnngcr. Noxt
thing I saw was tho slush tub afloat,
and in It was I lie three monkeys as
big as life, and they wero cuto enough
to take a bunch of bananas along with
'em. They bobbed out of sight astern,
and It happened so suddenly I didn't
reallzo the situation. Then It dawned
iilKin mo that Unit island wns racing
nlong through tho water nt about ton
knots! The water was washing over
her and sluicing tho sand right off.
Ono by one the palm trees went over
as tho soli disappeared, and nt last
thoro was nothing left on the Island
except tho banana tree where I was
perched, and tho heap of sand and
shells around tho roots wns growing
smaller every minute.
"'Whero tho sand had washed ofT
tho ground wns blnck and hnrd and
oily looking, and tho island rolled and
wallowed in the sea Just like n big
whale, and so I wasn't n bit surprised
when all of a sudden thero spouted
Into tho nlr a Jet of water, and I wns
certain. Every minute I wns afraid
that whale would divo and curry mo
with It to Davy Jones' locker, but then
I think It wns waiting for tho banann
tree to go. It would bo free then.
'"All at onco I henrd a shout, nnd.
looking ahead. I could seo that we wore
driving straight up on to a snndy beach
a real ono this time, cnptaln-and
men wero shouUng nnd lenplng bnck
as the whale advanced. Then there
was a mighty flop, and wo went out of
the water, tho wlialo quivered llko a
Jelly, and the bannnn tree with mo In
It went sliding oft to tho ground.
"'When I como to tho wlialo wag
dead and nil tho white men on tills
Island had patched up' u theory about
the whnlo which my story ouly sub
stantiated. Hanging from ono of his
teeth wns a short length of anchor
chain newly broken on tho lower end.
One of the links had caught In his
tooth, nnd beforo tho chain was bro
ken I suppose thero was a lot moro of
It, with, maybe, a big anchor on tho
bottom. Oh, you can sniff, cap'n, but
that anchor maybe was resting on the
summit of ii volcano or perhaps ou tho
top layer of somo Island that was In
the making. Anyway, something had
held that wlialo anchored thoro till tho
chain parted. All ho had to do was to
open his mouth and his food would
swim right In. Of courso tho wnves
washed up sand till it formed a soil,
and then birds brought seeds, and the
trees grow, and'
" 'How about those monkeys?' I ask
ed tartly, because I was mad Ann-
nlns should think 1 wns fool enough to
bellovo his yams. 'I s'poso the birds
brought them too!'
" 'Il'ni,' says Ananias, eying me
fiercely, 'I expect they was cast ashore
samo as I wasl'
" 'In u slush tub, most likely,' I said,
getting up nnd knocking out my plpo
ngnlnst the mil. 'That seemed to bo the
favorite monkey transportation line,
Ananias Sllno, and I went bolow."
Captain lJarnnbas looked down nt
tho pile of Bllvery blues that filled the
big bnsket we had brought nnd twin
kled nn eye ut me, "Most time to plpo
nil hands to dinner, I guess, Miss Tel-ham!"
- Htrfgahoflt HeuMelennvra.
Maine woodsmen, when In camp dar
ing tho winter, entertain many strange
guests blnejaya, chickadees, wood
mica and hedgehogs among them, says
a writer in tho Mow York Sun. Ono
woodsman, it appears, ou leaving camp
on a Saturday afternoon used to neg
lect, purposely, to closo tho door of his
shack in order that tho hedgehogs
might enter and clean his floor. Inas
much as tho principal constituents of
tho camp menu are pork and beans,
bacon nnd other dishes rich In fat, con
siderable grcaso is spilled upon the
floor in tho courso of n week, and a
hedgehog will risk bis neck at any
time for a bit of fat Just ns soon,
therefore, ns this particular camp was
deserted by Its occupants, tho spiny
gluttons would hasten in and begin to
piano off tho surface of tho floor with
their chisel shaped teeth, eaUng away
all the wood that held a traco of
grease. On bis roturn to camp tho
owner could Bwcep up nnd enjoy tho
comforts of a clean nonso for another
week. The only serious obJccUon to
this method of housecleanlng lay in tho
fact that it was necessary to lay a now
camp floor rather frequenUy.
A Lucky Error.
"Printers' errors aro usually nnnoy
ing, but n printer's error saved the life
of my best friend." Tho speaker wns
Cosmo Hamilton, tho English writer.
IIo continued:
"nornce Ilamfnt is an actor, lllch
today, ho was poor and a failure up to
tho age of forty. IIIb life up to that ago
was passed in the provinces on two or
thrco quid a week. A quid, by tho way,
Is $5. Well, ono Saturday In Manches
ter noraco Hamfat's show went up,
tho mnnager fled, and noraco forthreo
days lived ou bread nnd dripping. Then
a letter came to blm from a London ad
mirer Inclosing 10.
"The ndmlrer forwarded also an Horn
from a theatrical page that Horace
himself had written 'Horace Hamfat
Is starring In Manchester. But tho
typesetter had made this Item read,
truly enough:
' 'Horace Hamfat Is starving in Man
chester.' " Newv York Press,
Di Infield fydfield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
PJOE 11. REDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. . Hospital . .
The Nortlffiatte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonner-Cramcr
All tho principal branches of Ap
plied nnd Tlieorotical Music tnught by
competent teachers.
Address nil inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlacK 341.
Telephone Red 460 G05M Dowey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Have You Plumbing Troubles?
Is there need for repairs every few
days? Is your bathroom modern nnd
luxuriantly comfortable? Aro the
kitchen arrangements conveniont nnd
snnUar.v7IIf!not.) " -
Send For Our Plumber.
Not only nre we experts at; repsir
work, but thero will be little need for
rtpairs if we install your plumbing.
You'll bo surprised atour fair estimates
It you "talk prico ' with us.
Shop Phone 09. Res. Phono
Corner bi.vth nnd Locust.
In tho mntter of tho estnto of John Franzen,
In tlio county court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, November. 25. 1912.
Notlco Is hereby given, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executor of said
estate beforo tho county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at tho county court room, in said
county, on tho Ulst day of Dec., 1912, and on thu
30th day of Juno 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day
for tho purpose of presenting their clalma for
examination, adjustment and allowiinrn. Slv
tnontht aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and ona year for tho executor to
settlo said estate, from tho 2Mh day of Nov,
1912. A copy of this order to be published In tho
North I'latto Tribune, a leiral semi-weekly news
paper published In said county for four successive
weeks prior to December si, 1U12.
da-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judge,
Hot Water Bottles and
Syringes our Specialty.
Wo have just received direct
from factory our new lino. Note
our prices:
Rubber complexion brushes .25
Bulb syringes red rubber. . .$1.00
2-qt hot water bottle 75
3-qt hot-water bottle 1.00
2-qt fountain rapid (low
syringe 95
3-qt fountain syringe 1.15
2-qt combination syringd and
hot wnter bottle 1.50
3-qt combination syringe and
whirlpool spray syringes. . 2.25
All rubber goods are guaranteed
from one to three years.
We carry extra tubes and
fittings for bottles and syringes.
For muil or express add 25c.
Stone Drug Co.,
f 1
I Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
1 NO. SS
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every 1
month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. I
Report of SpecialExaminer
C North Platte, Nebraska, Nov723, 1912
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council;
As per your instructions, I havo examined the
books of tho city treasurer from May 1st 1911, to
Oct. 31, 1912. Having checked all receipts and
and submit the following:
April 29, 1911.
lialanco on hand $12,97144
Received of county treasurer 49,288 78
Received of city clerk 7,51190
Occupation tax 4,80160
Int. on Deposits 492 40
Sewer Lat.?tax 2.025 86
Street Commissioner 22 00
Water Commissioner 14,409 35
State Trcas, Water Bond 90,000 00
Total $181,523.23
April 30. 1911 to Oct. 31, 1912.
General Fund $19,066 60
Street Lighting 3,976 60
Sewer Maintenance 1,697 67
School Dlst. Nol 3,000 00
Park1 Fund 631 02
Sewer Dlst 12,523 95
Whter Works and Water 114,222 45
Salary 6,01175
Firo Department and Protection 8,025 15
Public Library 2,275 02
Oct.31, 1912 to balance 10,193 12
$181,523 23
The total balances consists of the following
Sewer Lat. Dist, 360 77
Firo Department 260 74
Sewer ilond int 360 71
Water 84100
Special Fire , 155 00
General 218 56
Salary! 2,290 25
Library 10161
Water Bond Int 5,48191
Sewer Maintenance 92 13
Street Lighting 24 44
Registered Warrants
Street Lighting Fund 970.78
Respectfully submitted,
A. II. HOAGLAND, Special Examiner.
North Platte. Nebr.. Nov. 23, 1912.
To tho Hon. Mayor and city council,
As per your instructions I havo examined the
books of the city clerk from May 9th. 1909, to Oct.
31, 1912, Having checked all tho vouchers and re
ceipts. 1 ho following being the sum total of moneys
collected for tho above period:,
Saloon License $18,000 00
DogUx...s 212 (X)
Drain Layers License .'. .. 226 00
Police lines 676 00
Special Fire Insurance tax 830 00
Geo. Tekulve Sewer tax 25 00
Miscellaneous receipts 493 65
Total $20,467 65
which amount has been turned over to the city
treasurer as shown by books of said treasurer.
Respectfully submitted,
Special Examiner.
Serial No. 04283.
United States Land Offlco.
At NortU Plant), Nebraska. Uoc. 4. 1912.
Notlco Is hereby given that Joseph
A. Knajdl of North I'latto Nob., who on
August 80. 1009, , mado homestead ontr.v
Serial No. 0I2S3 for all cf
noction 24. Town HI N Range SO W.. of the
Utli Principal Meridian, has tiled notlco of In
tention to make Unal three year
proof, to establish claim to the land above
described, before the register and recolver
at North Platte. Nebraska, on tho Oth day
of I'obruary, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses; Casper
L. Hwlts, Kdwin W. Wright, Kuport
Schwalgnr and William L. SwUh, all of North
Platte. Nob,
dio-n John E. Evans Register.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss
In the County Court.
In tho Mattor of tho Estato of Katie
Ilendy, Deceased.
To tho creditors, lielrs legatees and others
Interested In tho estato ot Katlo Hendy,
Take notice that Charlos Hendy, ad
ministrator, has Hied in tho county court a
report ot his doings as administrator of
said estate and It is ordered that tho
samo stand for hearing tho 31st day of
Docomlier. A. D. 1912. boforo tho court
at the hour ot II o'clock, a. m., at which time
any person Interested may appear and except
to and contest tho samo, And notlco of this
proceeding is ordered given In tho North
I'latto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news
paper published In said county for three
successive weoks prior to said date of
Witness my hand and tho seal of tho coun
ty court at North Platte. In said county
this tith day of Iicombor, A 1). 1912
dl0-S John i1iiat. County Judge
The Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Dennis KeHv.
On reading and filing the petition of Margaret
Kelly praying that administration of said
estate may lw granted to Elizabeth Kelly as ad
ministratrix. Ordered. That Dec. 21. A. D. 1912 .at 10 o'clock
a. m, Is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to bo held In and for said
county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner
should not lie granted; and that notlco of tho
pendency of snld petition nnd tho hearing thereof
bo given to all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In the North
Platte Tribune a legal semi-weekly newspapca
printed In said county for three successive weckr
prior to said day of hearing, .
Dated December 26, 1912.
d3-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Oldest Bank In Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
W Solicit Your Builnii.
lH 'House of Good Show In I
When in North Plalle.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon o
a Hospital accommodations, Medical and
surgical attention given obstetrical cases.
Onico Phono 183 lies. Phono 283 J
onico McDonald Stato Rank Illd'c
Doctors Ames & Ames,
c Physicians and Surrjcons,
j; Office over Stone Drug Co. ?
Phones I Office 273 g
seines Re8ldence 273 g
sf.f ,
Feels Like a Millionaire.
The man who smokes Schmalzried's
cigars is a happy, contented follow,
one of those who may have but a few
dollars in his pocket yet feels as rich as a
millionaire. A good smoke always
brings good feeling, hence there's a
reason for buying Schmnlzried-made
The Maker of Good Cigars.
Notice for Publication.
To Hans Peterson non-resident
defendant; you are hereby noti
fied that ontho 10th day of
May. 1912, Sophia Peterson Hied a
petition against you in the District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which aro to
obtain a divorce from you on the ground
that you have wilfully nbandoned the
plaintiff without good cnuse for the
term of two years last past. You are
required to answer said petition on or
before Monday 21st day of Jan., 1913.
Sophia Peterson, Plaintiff,
By Muldoon & Gibbs. her Attys.
Notice for Publication.
Patrick J. Conwav and Mrs. Patrick
J. Conway, his wife, and all parties
claiming any right or interest in and to
lots seven (7) and eight (8) in block
twelve (12) of Miller's Addition to the
city of North Platte will take notice
that on the Gth day of November, 1912,
the plaintiir, Charles P. Ross, filed his
petition in the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, against said defen
dants, and each of them, the object
and prayer of which petition is to havo
the title to lots seven (7) and eight (8)
in block twelve (12) of Miller's Addi
tion to the city of North Platte quieted
and confirmed in him on the grounds
and for the reason that said plaintiff
has been in tho open, notorious, exclu
sive nnd adverse possession of said lots
claiming to be the owner therof for
moro than ton years prior to the Gth
day of November, 1912, and that by
reason of said adverse possession said
plaintiff is now the owner in fee simplo
of each and every part and portion of
said lots seven (7) and eight (8) in
block twelve (12) of Miller's Addition
to the city of North Platto.
You and each of you aro required to
answer said petition on or before Mon
day the Gth day of January, 1913.
Dated this 25th day of November,
1912. Charles P. Ross.
By Muldoon & Gibbs, His Attorneys.
notice of settlement.
The Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss,
In tho County Court.
In the matter of tho estate of William L.
Douglas deceased.
To the creditors, heirs, legatees, nnd others In
terested In the estato of William L. Douglas, de
ceased, Take notice, that Robert L. Douglas,
has filed In the counly courf a report of
his doings as administrator of said estate, and it
is ordered that the same stand for hearing the
17th day of Dec. A. D 1012, before the court
at tho hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., at which tlmo any
person interested may appear and except to and
contest the same And notice of this proceeding is
ordered given In tho North Platto Tribune, a
seml'weekly newspaper, printed In said county
for three successive weeks prior to said dato of
Wltnees my hand and tho seal of the county
court at North Platte, Nebraska, this 21stuayof
Nov. A. D., 1912.
n26-3 JOHN OKANT. County Judge.
Estray Notice.
Taken up on lection 24, town 11,
range 30, in Lincoln county, by the
undersigned, throe mares, two sorrels
and one bny branded NE on left hip,
aged about six years; one bay stallion,
3 year old; ono bay and one brown
mare G yenrs old, three bay geldings,
2 nnd 3 year old, one sorrel mare 3 year
old, ono yearling brown colt. Owner
is requested to call, provo property,
pay charges and take animals away.
Miller Bros.,
Wellfleet, Nebr.
Office phone 241. Rob. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
A few choice young
Also a few Cows and
One Mil South ot the U. P. Depot.
Of the Best Quality.
Paine Fishburn
Granite Co.,
W.T.ALDEN, Salesman
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning and repairing, let tho Old Re
liable Tailor do it and do it right. We
have been doing this work in North
Platto for thirty years, know how to
do it and do it the way it should be
That means satisfaction to you.
Entrance north of the Nyal drug store.
In tho county court In nnd for Lincoln county,
In the matter of the estato of Andrew W. Fran
cisco, deceased.
State of Nebraska, county of Lincoln, ss.
To all persons interested in tho estate of
Andrew W. I' ranclsco, deceased.
Whereas Andrew W.Francisco Jr. has filed In my
oflice an Instrument purportini? to be the last
will and testament of Andrew W. Francisco,
deceased, late of Los Angeles county, California,
together with a certificate of tho probato court
in and for said county of Los Angeles, stato of
California, and a petition praying to havo the
some admitted to probate, which will and testa
ment relate to both real nnd personal property.
It Is therefore ordered that the 17th day of
December. 1912, at 9 o'clock, a" m at my oflice in
said county, bo fixed as tho time and place set for
proving said will, nt which time and place, you
and all concerned may appear and contest tho
probate of tho same.
It Is further ordered that said petitioner give
notice to all persons interested In said estato of
the pendency of said petition, and of the time
and place set for hearing of said petition, and by
causing a copy of this order to be publishtd in
the North Platto Tribune, a legal weekly news
paper published In North Platte, Lincoln county.
Nebraska, nnd of general circulation in said
county for three successive weeks previous to tho
day set for hearing, viz: December 17th, 1912.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed tho official seal this 16th day of
November, 1912.
n29-3 John Grant, County Judge.
Auction of School Lands.
Notice is hereby given that on the
23d day of Dec. 1912, at 1 o'clock p.
m., at the office of the County Treas
urer of Lincoln County, the Commis
sioner of Public Lands and buildings,
or his authorized representative, will
offer for lease at public auction ay
educational land3 within said county
upon which forfeiture of contracts has
been declared as follows:
N J S Wi 10-14-33 J. L. Case.
SJ 16-10-33 T. T. Padgett.
SJ S W J 3G-1G-29 S. B. Callender.
Lot Ono 10-14-34 John Bratt.
All 1(1-9-32 James Doyle.
All 36-9-32 Jamos Doyle.
S E J N EJ 36-16-34 Lydia A. Collins.
E. B. Cowles, Commissioner of Public
Lands nnd Buildings.
Dated Nov. 12, 1912.
Jakob Jakobsen, defendant, will take
notice chat on the 16th day of October,
1912, Inter-State Live Stock Commis
sion Company, a corporation, plaintiff
herein, filed its petition in the district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and
prayer of which are to recover judg
ment for $1500.00 on a note dated Apl.
26( 1912, for $3000.00 payablo six
months after date to the plaintiff and
signed by the defendant Jakob Jakob
sen, on which note there would be
$1500.00 due October 26, 1912, and for
costs of suit; affiant further says that
plaintiff has caused writs of attach
ment to issue in said action to the sher
iffs of Lincoln and Perkins counties,
Nebraska, and under said writ of at
tachment the sheriff of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, seized tho following property
of the defendant to-wit: 1 spotted
pony, 1 set of single harness, 1 single
seated buggy, 1 black bull, 1 black cow
and one red cow; and tho sheriff of
Perkins county, Nebraska, has seized
the following property of the defendant
to-wit: 5 black and white spotted
calves, 3 red calves, 1 white faced year
ling bull and 1 roan bull with lump on
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or boforo the 23rd day of De
cember, 1912.
Inter-State Live Stock Commis
mission Company, a Corporation.
By Wilcox, Halligan & Mothersead.
n82-4 Its Attorneys.
Serial No. 02H5.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Olllce nt North Platte. Nebr.
, , ... . ct- 16 1!)12.
Notice Is hereby given that John F. Hin
man, of North Platte, Nebr.. who, on July 14
1901. mado II. E. entry No. 203C5. Serial No'
14.5for,o1iMSW&NM SEW. NEW Section
32, twp. 12. N. rgo. 31. west of tho 6th Principal
Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make
final flvo year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before tho register and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the lth
day of Dec. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur Con
n.,r' iJrrt IJ'nrnan.Thomas Hoiran. Carl Uroeder.
all of North Platte, Nebr.
o29"6 J. E. Evans Register.