Big Sale of Lots. Yesterday was nota . Jieavy business day in town other than at the Temple renl estate ollice, Whore sixty-seven lots in tho Cody Addition wore Bold to different parties. From the sales mado yesterday and the inquiries mado from other probable purchasers, the indica tions are that tho Cody Addition will prove tho most popular one yot mado to tho town. For the Investor. Br&tt & Goodman have a few choice first mortgage loans in funis of $300 and upwards, tunning two to five years time, netting 7 to 8 per cent semi-annual interest. Nothing safer for your idle money. See them. 'Notice. Thro will be initiation services in tho Eastern Slav Thursday cv'uning. All visiting members are invited to bo present. Lunch will be served. w w Only Fourteen Days Until Christmas. H No piece with out this Trade Mark on It is genuine. MAWKES, Our Cut Glass is of the finest American cut. - Some very special prices in bowls and Water Sets. R5Rfe;s See our elaborate display this week. They are a safe investment and their value increases every year We do our own diamond mounting in our own shop. Clocks of every description they make gifts the whole family enjoy. Our line was never so complete. Raoaa Give him or her a Rood watch. It is a compliment, Our watches are the best makes and thoroughly dependable See Our Slaow Wixaclo-ws Our Novelthy Department is simply full of new' and novel articles suitable for all; people. Things that are unusual and yet useful has been our aim in buying. if We want you as a visitor whether you intend purchasing or not. You will find it a genuine pleasure to do your shopping here. The J eweler 1 Local and Personal. Sixty-seven lots sold the opening day Who Bays Cody's Addition is not selling. Every child will have an equal chance in Dorryberry & Forbes free present contest. Visitors from Wallace today are James Howe, A. Howe, Mrs. A. Campi andHarvey Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of Omaha, arrived here this morning, being sum moned by the illness of their daughter, Mrs. Ernest Rolland. 1 would rent my furnished home during January, February and March. W. V. HOAGLAND. People in the country as well as in the city are buying lots in the Cody Addition. They are going fast so don't delay. Buy today. Call Templo over the phone, and he will send a car after you. Hon. Frank A. Harrison and party, of Lincoln, Neb., leave for Guatemala and Honduras Dec. 15th on a scientific trip making collections for Nebraska schools and museums. A card received from Mr. Harrison assures us that North Platte high school will receive specimens for their cabinet and museum from this expedition. Notice. i - - To all North Platte school childron, Saturday, Dec. 14, from 2 to 3 p m., we will give away $50.00 worth of free presents. All children invited. DEItKYBERRY & FORBES. Wednesdays Dec. 11, 1912, has been selected as Tuberculosis Day in the North Platte city schools. The objoct of the day is to emphasize the impor tance of keeping up the fight against the great white plague, and to teach the child's part in the prevention and cure of this disease. School children in North Platte have died from tuber culosis in the last few years and others will be taken if wo do not do our part. i Everybody's doing it-what? Buying1 a lot in the new Cody Addition. Dick Baker returned today from a short business visit in Lexington. The Presbyterian Aid Society will meet in the church parlor3 Thursday afternoon. Let youc boys and girls get ope of Derryber'ry, & Forbes free presents Saturday. It costs them nothing For Sale Pure Bred Black Langshan Roosters, price $1.00 803 East 5th. 90-3 Weather forecast Fair tonight and Wednesday, cooler tonight. Highest temperature yesterday 49; a year ago 44. Lowest temperature iast night 29; a year ago 19. -nrr ; "The sale of Red Cross Christmas stamps will start in the city schools tomorrow. Supt. Tout has promised the local committee that 1000 ' will bo sold in tho schools. One-half of the entire sale in the city will be used in North Platte in some way to aid in public health and the other half is used by the Nebraska Association. Fifteen new homes assured for the Cody Addition in the spring. Some will bo built right away if tho weather keeps good. We have buyers for city property. List with U3. It priced right wo can sell quick. Brntt & Goodman. I Here at a Man's Store , - The monthly report for tho month of November compiled in tho office of Superintendent Tout of the city schools shows that there were thirty new students enrolled in all of tho schools during that month and just as mnny withdrawals. The total enrollment for three months is 1280. Tho totnl enroll ment for the first tjireo months last year was 1141. This ia a gain of 139 or more than twelvo per cent. Tho new 3-million gallon enpneity pump at tho water plant will bo con nected up in a few days and a test made. Just what outlet to make for the three million gallods of water that will be pumped in the twenty-four hourB, is a question Commissioner Welch is now attempting to solve. Should tho weather prove warm on tho test day, all citizens will bo asked to run their lawn sprinklers, otherwiso some other outlet must be provided. For Sale one of the best and cheapest homes in this city. Location ideal and close in. Easy terms. Bratt & Goodman. C Is the Place to Buy a Man's Gift, $ L jjjgsll C Ky rjrzMSXm mZ: v (ft-.Y i irMK WiMSA ) PJHlrfo MS& r t Gloves An indispensable necessity that is always accepted with pleasure. We offer n special showing representing the world's best makes at $1.00 to $3.50. Interwoven Hosiery j Men rarely have an over-supplyjof Hosiery. Our showing includes everything new and fashionable in Cotton, Mercerized, Wool and Silk in Christmas 3)c to $1.05. Neckwear .' The most popular ftffts of all--jfnd you'll find the greatest collection nc'tnis store. All stylee, shades and patterns infhe choicest silk. 25c to $1.00. Shirts A Christmas remembrance that will surely be appreciated, and our excellent Handkerchiefs Inexpensive presents yet always accepable White and all the new shades in Cambric, Linen or'silk. Sets of 2, 3 and 0 in dainty boxes. 15c to 50c. Combination Set Handkerchiefs, Socks and Neckties, $1.00 to $1.50 per box nil colors. Nicest goods made. Dear Santa: I've seen what I want at Mr. Newton's Store. You tell him about us and he will show you lots of nice things that we chil dren would like. Your truly, Me ano My Bhothku. assortment of the makes choosing easy. most favored shades $1.00 to $3.00. Suspenders In burned wood boxes 75c. Bath Robes and Jackets A line line. Smoking; An exceptionally $lo. fine line from $4.50 to Mufflers All kinds and colors, 50c to $1.50. Garters and arm band in burned boxes from 35c to 50c. Peter McGovorn, Stovo nnd Bicyclo Repair Works, second door east of First National Hank, phono black 390. Tho teacher of the Walker school Ib preparing" quite an elaborate program for tho Christmas entertainment which is to be held there. been Bet as yot but will bo in the near future. Announcement will be in plenty of time. Tho mission which is being conducted at this school will hold their Christinas entertainment in connection with tho day school enter tainment. There will be n good tirno for all who attend. All aro invited and ovoryone is wHcomo. Tho scholars of the school are doing their best to make tho' affair h grand success. Tho mission services are being hold each Sunday beginning at 1 p. hi, Thqy are being wel attended but there is room for more. Mr. Morgan, the Bishop's missionary in charge of tho mission, ex ports to visit the homes of all the 'people who live within n reasonable distance of the school, during this week, For Rent Houses, rooms, safe deposit boxes and storage spacer Bratt & Goodman. Lucy McMichenl hns returned from a fow days' visit in Maxwell. Poter McGlone. all kinds of stovo repairs, Leave orders. 89-4 Charles P. Temple has purchased a now 1913 Ford Model automobile which arrived hero yesterday afternoon. Miss Beulah Hcnklc, of Hastings, who hud be.en tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abel for two weeks, re turned homo this morning. The Btudy club met lnstovening with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Tout and held one of the most pleasant and interesting meetings of tho season. Six new 1913 Models of tho Ford wcro received yesterday nfternoon by tho Hendy-Ogier garage and are to bo delivered to local parties. Lost on Dewey or Front street u light green Kensington Bag containing a piece of unfinished embroidery. Please return to this office and receive reward. Bring in your shoo slips, dated Nov. 12th. Hub Shoe Deit. Fire, life and other insurance writ ten by us at lowest rate in strongest companies . It will pay you to invest igate our policies in the great Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. It is the best, cheapest and broadest policy ever written. Let us tell you about it and you will want it. Bratt & Goodman. ' Tho regular semi-monthly meeting of the Boy's club of tho Episcopal church will bo held on Wednesday oven ing of this week in tho pariah house. A full nttendanco Is requested ns -business of importance will be transacted. Try an export watchmaker if your watch does not keep good time. CMNton, Tho Bizzy Jeweler. The Episcopal mission which is being conducted nt the South Bluffs school will continue to be held nt 3:30 p. m. oach Sunday. A hearty attendance is desired. Let each ono bring a friend or two. Owners of city property, lots or houses, can find sale for same by list ing with us. Property priced right finds ready sale. Buchanan & Patterson. F. C. Hanaford. of Grand Island. state bank examiner, is spending a fow days hero this week looking over tho books of tho local banks and tho Build ing and Lonn association. To Investors. We are prepared to loan your money on real estate first mortgage so as' to net your eight per cent. Money is loaned is exempt from taxes. Come on and let us talk it over. Buchanan & Pattertoi. Investment. Tho best investment you can muko is to have your automobile overhauled. Let us do it for vou now. Until wo Tho dato has not get into our now quarters which will be IIIO moSL cuilliJluiu miuji uuu mil., , crnrniro between Omaha and Denver. made woik will bo done in private garuge in west part of town near my home. Work will bo done by n export of some' eleven years experience wjio understands an nutomobjlo from A to Z and satisfied customers will bo our best assets. Work fully guaranteed. Tolonhono Black 027 and we will tulk it over with you, ,1. L. BniiKK Auto Go. or Rent640 Acres good farming or hfty land, 50 cents per new, six miles nortli of Wallace, Nob.' twelve miles south of Sutherland. New 4-room house and barn for eight head, grainery 24x32, cement cuve 12x18, good well, 10-ft Sampson will, 30 ft. steel tower, 3 miles of fence. 160 ncros in cultivation. Address W. B.Harding, North Platte, Nob. wood C 20 Per Cent Discount Is still offered on all Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. This is an opportunity to buy high-grade clothing for the least money. WEINGAND'S """"' "B-r I'm on my way to C. M. Newton's North Platte, Nebraska. If my 'mobile Jive3 out I have his phone No. Its 261. ftfCJ2l'JsC-'