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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1912)
1: i I 7j IV I f WOMEN SHOULD NEVER USE HARSH PHYSICS Women are especially Buscoptlblo to constipation and thotr more dcllcato organisms rebel at tho vlolonco of cathartics and purgatives. Drnstlo medicines llko salts, mineral waters, pills nnd powders may afford tempo rary relief, but thoir violent action on tho stomach and bowels tends to up set tho cntlro system. A mild laxative is far preferablo and more effective Tho combination of Blmplo laxativo herbs with pepsin pre icribod by Dr W. D. Caldwell, and Bold in drug 3tores under tho namo of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Popsln, is ideal for woiuon, being gentle in notion, pos itive in effect nnd pleasant to tho taste. A spoonful of Syrup Pepsin at flight will bring natural rellof next morning and, used regularly for a brief period, will so strengthen nnd tono tho muscles of tho stomach and bowels that thoro will bo little, if any, further need for medicine. Dr: Caldwell's Syrup Popsln can bo procured in any drug storo. Your namo nnd address on a postal to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 West St., Monti cello, HI., will bring a freo trial bot tlo by return mall. Adv. LIKE THE WEATHER. SYSTEMATIC METHOD OF PRUNING TREES IS REQUIRED OF ALL ORCHARD PLANTS Work Must Necessarily Be Done at Some Particular Season and Carried on After Some Definite Plan Winter or Early Spring Considered Best Time. (By L. C COIIHHTT.) Pruning must necessarily bo done at Bomo particular season nnd carried on In a systematic manner after some definite plan. With most orchardlsts nnd gardcncrB pruning can best be dono during tho winter or early apt lug months, nnd whero tho object is the moval of small branches this season equally satisfactory to pruno In Into fall or early winter. Convenience and climatic conditions miiBt bo taken into consideration. In tho removal of largo branches, tho work should bo dono at n sun son whero growth, is at its height, in order that tho healjng process may begin at once nnd contlnuo as long ns possible fill mm mm& s r&wwamr life ;Mi itJil'liKZ XSiUltJ. MM. m mm. fmk hv SaSB'Vv ff mm if y$k :WS3S IP ill Improper and Proper Methods of Cutting. &.tu & Itomco Hammlotts I see tho weath rr forecast says "continued cold." Komick Manno Probably referring is your audlcnco last night frMtP' A CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY. Tho Rev. Edmund Heslop of Wig ton, Pa., suffered from Dropsy for a year. His limbs and feet were swol len and puffed. Ho had heart flutter ing, was dizzy and exhausted at tho least exer tion. Hands and feet were cold and ho had such a dragging sensa tion across the loins that it was difficult to move. A f f nt iidn K Itev. E. Heslop. boxeg of oddg Kidney Pills tho swelling disappear ed and ho felt himself again. Ho says ho has been benefited and blessed by tho use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Sev eral months later ho wrote: I have not changed my faith In your remedy since tho above statement was author ized. Correspond with Rev. E. Hes lop about this wonderful remedy. Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at your dealcv or Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and Gorman words) nnd re cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. Adv. Wireless Map. A novelty In tho way of maps has Just been issued by tho German impe rial post office, which has compiled a chart showing tho principal wireless telegraph stations in the world. Tho object 13 to advertise tho facilities now afforded In Germany for "draht loso" telegraphy. German stations are, c,i couruc, given special promi nence on thu map, and inthlj,connfc tlon it is Interesting 'to nofo'tharthe station at Neuen is claimed JoJjo file most powerful' in cxlstonco, its' range hun- Elffel tower. Is undoubtedly quite ns satisfactory as any other. In fact, pruning during lato Bprlng, about tho time or Just previous to tho beginning of growth is particularly advantageous with tho peach, becauso ut this season, as a rule, an Injury to tho annual growth from winter killing will bo npparent and tho pruner can take advantage of this to reinovo all dead or injured branches nnd at the same time modi fy his plan so as to lcavo a maximum quantity of wood In order to secure a protltable cnp of fruit, which might' not be possible wcro tho usual prac tice of removing onc-hnlf the annual growth followed in such seasons. With the apple and pear, which suf fer less from winter killing, tho an nual pruning can as well be done In February or March, In tho north, ns at any other season. Some growers hold that late spring pruning tends to lnereaso the fruit supply and that fall or winter pruning increases tho de velopment of wood. In tho north, as a rule, It Is best to delay pruning as late as possible where thero is danger of winter killing. In other localities, whero this injury Is not likely to oc cur, it may bo advantageous and PREPARE SOILS FOR ORCHARDS boing 200 miles. Thls is two h drcd miles "moro "than that of El iy hlB Excess of Riches. "Ho has nine tons of coal In cellar." "That's nothing. I've got only ono in, but 'it's paid for." Detroit Freo Press. In Many Places, Professor Dick inson of Kansas Says, Dy namiting Is Profitable. An orchardist asks: "Is it advisable to use dynamlto in preparing the soil for orchard setting?" "It 1b our experience that in many localities this probably will be a prof itable treatment," says Professor Dickens of tho hortlclutural depart ment of the Kansas Agricultural col lego. "In moBt cases tho work should bo done ono or moro seasons beforo the trees aro to bo planted, and in any cano tho pocket formed by tho explosion should be thoroughly dug out nnd refilled with surface soil. In tight, close soils it is posslblo that If this pocket might bo filled with rand or very loamy soil that some of this soil may filter Into tho cracks during tho season in which the cut 1b made. In order to facilitate tho healing process, all wounds made should bo loft smooth, that is, If it Is necessary to uso a saw tho Eurfaco should be left smooth nnd clean, particularly around the edges. Tho saw should bo sharp and leavo a clean cut and this should In turn bo made smoother by tho use of tho pruning knife or sharp chisel, as the healing process starts quicker and progresses moro rapidly when this precaution is observed than when.) a rough and Jagged surface Is left It frequently happens that. In order to obtain tho best results In removing largo uranqheB, two cuts should bo made that Ib, the branch should bo sawed off 18 Inches or 2 feet nbovo tho point of itB origin in order to pre vent splitting down and tearing off a considerable portion of bark. After tho weight of tho branch has been lessened by cutting nway the main part, a second cut can bo mndo and the Btub held In position until the cut Is completed, ' thus preventing tho splitting down and tearing of tho bnrk which is likely to result from tho care less removal of largo branches. formed by tho explosion and give a chance for the roots to penetrate tho deeper soil. In some soils tho advan tage of dynamiting seems to bo duo to the Improved drainago secured, but in most soils it is probable that tilo drainage would bo much tho better treatment, as tho drains would be permanent and drain much greater area of soil than tho dynamite." Profit From Cattle. W. H. Young, a farmer and stock feeder of Indiana, has marketed 19 yearlng cattle, embracing 12 heifers and' 7 Bteers, averaging 781 pounds, at $G.24. The cattle were graded Herefords. Mr. Young clalmB thoy did not lose ono pound of their calf fat they were nover allowed to get hungry and ho asserts ho waB well repaid for thoir care and keep. Protecting Young Trees. To protect young trees from frost a Callforninn has patented a water proof cover, which may bo tied on a trco to catch tho heat that rises fiom tho ground and retain it. GOOD RESULTS OF PURE MILK CAMPAIGN About tho only things oomo fellows Beom nblo to keep aro lato hours. y Don't Envy anyone a good appetite a perfect digestion a robust constitution. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS will help you to obtain these very quickly. It tones strengthens in vigorates the entire di gestive system and always stands for better health. Try it today. All Druggists. After a number of babies In one of Indiana's largest cltleB had died from the effeetB of Impure milk, tho people determined to Improvo tho coudl lions by u woll orgnnlzcd campaign jf education. The city council passed quick ordinances regarding Inspec tion, not only of the milk delivered by tho dairymen to the dealers, and by the deulers to consumers, but to tho cowb and barns on tho farms. Agents wore sent out to the country to per luado farmers to ubollsh thoir un clean nnd unsanitary barns and milk houses and build now ones on modern lines Tho results havo been most, satis factory. Farmers havo taken Kli.dly to tho suggestion and whllo at first many of them resented tho interfer ence of tho Inspectors, thoy quickly found that unless they conformed to tho laws and produced clean milk, they were unable to soli their output. Now now bams with cement lloois and whitewashed insldo walls, well ventil ated and modern In every way, are rapidly taking tho place of the dirty, germ-filled, ramshackle old buildings that formerly did ,duty for dniry barns. Every city In every state should fo1 low the example of this Indiana city. ff TAT THT V is what you GET when you buy goods J U XTlJLJ. 1 I bearing the DOUBLE GUARANTEED TAG. Our New Pattern y r. r ymwam igy&SsBS 1847 ROGERS BROS A ,TW wii" f t put t tyy IILUMUKlfLl J J"V The "OLD COLONY" "Silver Plate that Wears" The original nnd genuine electro-sllvor plate and tho only brand with a guarantco backed by the actual test of sixty-five- years. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Bond to makers for illustrated catalogue Number 101-W. INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO., MERIDEN, CONN. J new york Chicago SUCCESSORS TO MUIUDEN BRITANNIA CO. I SAN I'RANCISCO THE DOUBLE GUARANTEE INSURES QUALITY rfjSn PI lfMi-attaMM M Jn-aKlaMM JKliMVM. M iaMBi No.5. FamllySlio No. 12, Larco Family Slzo No. 2, FurmriV and HutchciV Site Meat and Food Chopper Made In 40 Site and Styles for Hand. Stenm nnd I'.lcctrlc Power Recognized as STANDARD nil over tho World TIioro mnchlnes linvo tho true cutting prlncliJosafourlilndtdiitfclknlforevolYlntr iiRnliiNt tlin Inner mirfnrc of n perforated steel nlntc, vitileli ciUn Ilka pair of ehcara Sausage Stuffer and Lard Press Mado In 9 Sizes and Styles Points of Merit! Tho Iron Cylinder Is bored True. The tin Cylinder linn I.lpn to enable the Operator to rctnovo tlto Hot Crnckllnjjn with little or no Inconvenience. Tho l'ntent Latch prcvcntH lireaknircof PlnteH. No Hot Iron CylltnlcrH to handle, when pfenning Lard "Kntcrprhe" Specialties havo Recotmtzed Merit Tho Enterprise Munuutcturlntr Company of Pa. Philadelphia. U. S. A. No. 15 No.M, No.1l. No. 33, Japanned, 2 qt qt. 6qt. 8q.t. jStanK Tools The four most important requisites for a satis factory Mitre Box are: ACCURACY, STRENGTH, DURABILITY, COM PACTNES8. Stanley Mitre Boxes meet all these requirements. Let us send you a ' special circular containing complete description. New BEST FACTORY BRANDS BEAR THE DOUBLE GUARANTEE TAG A Three Color Tor Bearing a DOUBLE GUARANTEE from 'the Manufacturer and MNRHiltHIWiMtWHiMMHMHHMMNiiHPH WRIGHT & WILHBLMY CO. is placed on the above Standard Factory Brands. This tag authorizes the dealer to replace the article if for any reason it is unsatisfactory. It is left to you. There can be no stronger guarantee. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR DOUBLE GUARANTEED HARDWARE Getting Even. "Your first namo Is Juno, Is it, lit tlo girl 7" "Yes, Bir; only 1 don't spoil It tho way most folks do." "How do you spoil It?" "J-ue-n." "Why is that, littlo girl?" "Do you s'poso I'm goln' to lot tho Macs get ahead of mo when it cornea to spellln names dlfforcnt?" CUIIE3 ITCHING SKtN DISEASES. Cole's Carboliaalvo Btopi Itchlnir and makes the skin smooth. All drugnists. 25 and 50c. Adv. Many a business man who claims ho wants only a fair profit must havo in mind a church fair profit. Be thrifty on littlo things llko blulnir. Don't accept wntcr for bluing. Ask for Hod Cross Uall Dluo, the extra good vuluo blue. Adv. It scorns tho irony of fato that whllo tho grass widow is in clovor, tho real widow should bo in weeds. Urn. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, woftrno the Rums, reduces Inllatrtnin tlou.allajopnln, emeu wind col lo,E5!ulK)ttle.(hi No man can stand in his own light without casting a shadow. Wo all lovo poaco, jyhen things aro coming our way. J. K. (JOHNNIE) COOK PrnMcat nj btiil utile aUtmw Great Western Commission Go One of the largest nnd best equipped live stock commission firms at ANY market EACH departmentHIGIILY specialized. FOUR. cattle salesmen in two splendidly located divisions. Special enre nnd attention given to buying of STOCKEHS and FEEDERS. TWO bog sales men and a fully equipped cheep department. If you wish to buy or sell any kind of live stock write or wire them. TSiey Will Do It Bight South Omaha or Denver w.rzi.-. r L 'i.giu.v' Can You Prepare Your Came, Fish or uiras lor trio iHAiuLKmiarr Sccurlnr th cm It on Ihlnr, prprtnr It tor th Taxldrmlt U notttr Send m your addrMnd I will land AIISOLUTIXY KUHC OP ALL. CIIAROH a 40pac KUId Uuldc; a mint of Information for porUmrn. Jt Ulla how lo xln a larco or ama.ll anl mat. bird, a rama heart, a fiah cr rcptllo ami how lo prtparc tar ahlpnvnt. Contalna alao to axnulatla llluo tratlona of auptrblr mountad apaclmana. It'a lha bit rral. moat Inatructlr book a aportatnan RVKFl sot for NOTHING. Wrlla today to Amarlca'a ablaat man la1 ma nno aaarcaa your itiiar 10 O. N. Aulabaugh,- 1U2U rarnam ?;- .-,yg" Taxldermlst Omaha, Nsbw -flirT- B'rfaaTafaaHaBflakL. aMSiSaHHbL For Best Results Ship to Omaha Live Stock Commission Go. THEY "FILL'ENI AND SELL 'Em" RIGHT. SOtJTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA Every invalid woman is inviiedto consult. our Staff 'of 'Physicians, Surgeons and Specialists, at the Invalid's Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Ir., by letter or personally at my expense,'-Ii. V. PIERCE, M, D. m m m I Invite Suffering Women m m m m m There is every reasori why women should not trust their deli cate constitutions in tho hands of unskilled persons. It requires a thorough medical education to appreciate and understand the delicate female organism. Thero is every reason why she should write or personally consult an experienced specialist As a powerful, invigorating tonic, "Favorite Prescription" im parts strength to tho whole system and to tho organs distinctly feminine in particular. For "run-down," debilitated women of nil occupations DIC PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is unequaled as a restorative tonic. A3 a soothing and strengthening nervine "Favorite Prescription" allays and subdues nervous excitability, irritability nervous exhaustion, and other distressing symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic diseases of tho feminine organs. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety nnd despondency. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription i3 devised and put up by a physician of vast experience in the treatment of women's maladies. Its ingredients have the indorsement of leading physicians in all schools of practice. m m The"Favorite Prescription" has been sold by dealers in medicine in its liquid form for over 40 years. Now it can also be obtained of them in tablet form or send 50 one-cent stamps to Dr. Plerco for trial box. Dr. PJcrco'a Pleasant stomach, liver and bowels. Easy to take as candy. Send 31 onecent Etampn to pay cost of wrapping and mailing only on a free copy of Dr. Pierce a Com mon Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 paRes, cloth bound. Invalid's Hotel and Surgical Institute, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y Pellets invigorates the One to three a dose. 'ItllelpedMoSoAluch." Mbb. P. W. Mrciw. fit llmlnr. Pi. Hayai "Your 'luviiilto l'iiicrlUiiii' liuatlono in tin wonderful loVottfood. "Suven i'nrHUHOwltn our flrat child naa Ixirn I win loft mlaorolilo. I doctored with two pliynlclan. with out any rollof. I then wmi tto tooono oMho lieait rtoctornln VIUlamiorti lie Bald I irntatliavo an operation nt onco and that I aliould quit work, liut tluit wan nonu'llilnirl could not do. I llicn Imiiiwi U klnff your 'Pavorlto l'ltMcrUiUoii' anil it liolpcU mo bo much. I ulwayn auSerud no until our latctilldwhcnIi(otaloui;nlcolr. I uhall niiTer tin Uiroueli It ut'aln with out your mrdldlne. "Wlllcloao liy wishing you mucU ruccM la future." I JmktSl 5"M'S' Hi PITTNAM ITAriFlI.FLSS riVIT. JL y am A 9rm a - j mm . w. m- .-' mb mr t 4mr a a& uF Colormoregoodibrighterandfaatercolortthananyotherdye. Onel0cpckRecolorsll fibers. Theydyetncoldwaterbetterthanariyotherdye, Youcaa d7ew garment without ripping apart. Wnto for free bookltt How to Oye. Dlrach and Mix Colon. MONROE DRUG COMPANY. Quiacy. lit.