The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 11, 1912, Image 10

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    I Sale on all Ladies9 Ready- $
I to-Wear Garments . . . .
For next ten days your
choke of any Suit or Dress
Suits in the best of Serges,
Whipcords, Mixtures nnd Novel
ties, man-tailored, expert stylo
designers' productions, finest of
linings nnd newest In color,
cloth nnd cut, suits worth up to
$'10, tako your choice for
Fifteen Dollars.
Dresses of every description
Chprmouse and Messnllno silk
finest of imported serges, every
wantablo, vesteo and high collar
effects, black and ovory staple or
soft color mado, dresses worth
up to $40, your choice at
Fifteen Dollars.
This means every Dress and every Suit
no restrictions $25, $30; $35 and
$40 Suits and Dresses.
Come in and take your choice, no matter if the
price was formerly $40, $35 or $30, it is yours for
$15.00. Never before was such a sweeping; unpar
alleled offer made during the month of December
Choice of any Coat
in the House worth
ud to aoo:
DOWN TO $5.00.
20 Per Cent Discount
On all Furs, Misses and Childrens V&
Coats and on ail Dress Skirts. !v
If- you 'wish- to make your wife, mother, sister or sweetheart a Christmas gift,
nothing- will prove more useful, more serviceable or more appreciated than one of
our Suits, Coats. or Fur Sets, and this is your chance to buy them at a great saving-.
You can make your selections n ow, make a small cash, deposit, and have them
laid awav until Christmas.
North Platte ii "Slow".
The chamber of commerce spent con
siderable tlmo in ascertaining the,' cost
of an electrolier system of street light
ing nnd having obtained tnc figures,
made a partial canvass of property
owners to ascertain if they would boar
half the expense of installing the posts,
tho tenanta to pay the other half:, The
result of this canvas was discouraging
and the matter was temporarily, if not
pcrmantly, dropped.
Wc notice that Sidney is now install
ing the electrolier system of lightingon
its main street, tho property owners
defraying the cost of the iron posts and
installing them. Sidney ia about half
the size of North Platte, but it, appar
ently has twice the enterprise and en
ergy of North Platte in fact compared
with Sidney and two dozen other towns
in Nebraska, North Platto is "slow."
Isn't it time to tako on a little now life
-not only as it relates to strqot light
ing, but in a number of other matters.
A town is always what the residents
make it it can be a bustling, busy
place, or it can be as pokey and slow
going ns a burro.
The Christmas Spirit.
Christmas is a day of merry making
and rejoicing, and to celcbrnte the
birth of tho babe of Buthleham we en-
u avor to show our love to thoso dear
to us by making some gift to them.
The gift should be something appro
priate to the wishes and wants of the
recipient. The joy, of giving is spon
taneous every year like the buds and
blossons and the song of birds. Ve imi
tate the life of this one whose birth
we celebrate when we heal a sorrow,
make one heart happier or lighten the
burden borne by some tired mother.
The more we cultivate the true; Christ
mas spirit of living and giving the
more that spirit will have its influence
for good. Our plea to every society
and to every person interested in
spreading abroad tho spirit of cheer at
this Christmas timo are askod to do
something to help either in
toys, mittens, stockings, shoes,
clothing and candy) for the chrildren.
We have two hundred names to provide
for. Won't you help just a little in
this work? Send to Mrs. Minnie Per
kins, 110 W. 4th St., or phono 550. The
North Platte lodge of Elks will give us
the use of the.assembly room of their
beautiful new home for the Christmas
tree. Time to be decided on.
Mbs. Minnie Perkins.
Local and Personal
The lion Hur company which had
been playing In Omaha, went thru
Sunday evening to Denver on a special
Mrs. William Mcintosh, of Gothen
burg who visited her sister Mrs. Robt.
Anderson last week, Ins returned
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Tiley spont Fri
day and Saturday in Ogalalla organiz
ing a Yeoman lodge in Ogalalla and
Mrs. Mary O'Hare and daughter
Anna, who had been visiting in Omaha
for ten days, returned home Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Etchison, of Sutherland,
who were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Scott, returned homo yesterday
Mrs. C. A. Howe and mother, of
Oshkosh, visited in town Friday even
ing while enroute to Florida to spend
several months.
The infant daughter whWh was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson last
week, died and was buried in the North
Platte cemetery.
A chicken pie supper, apron ialo and
literary program will bo given at tho
Platte Valley school Thursday overling.
All are invited.
C. A. Howe came down from Oshkosh
Friday evening to spend n week after
which he will go to St. Cloud, Fla. to
spend the winter.
Twelvo crates of live chickens woie
shipped gast yesterday by the North
Platte Produce Co. Part of those,
chickens had formerly been shipped in
from the small towns between here and
You Know.
How you like your linen laundered.
Tell us and we will do it to suit you. '
Wo use no chemicals, sew on buttons
and mend free of charge.
"Your Bosom Friend."
Phone 77.
Be sure and see the new vest pocket Kodak. The
latest Creation of the Eastman fac'tbryi Remember
our stock of films and photb supplies ar all?'nqw and
fresh. ' .J
Choice Xmas Presents
Can be found in our complete lines of Holiday Box
Papers, Initial Stationery, and Correspondence Cards,
Perfumes, Chocolates, Pocket Books; Card, Cases,
Pocket Knifes and Cigars.
The Rexall Drug Store
' Streltz's Old Corner.
The Nyal Drug Store
McCabo'o Old Stand.
I mm wK
wmz&nsstiiv h" mspwawpi
pi JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor.
u, ukuu oiunta
Your Drugs- Orders Do
llvored promptly.
Local and Personal
For Ront Two furnished front rooms.
CM Enst 3rd 8t.
.Mrs. Vaunhoy Lovo spent Sunday
y)th friends in Grand Island.
County Survoyor Uoy Cockran spent
Sunday with relatives in Brady.
L. C. Stroup apont tho latter part of
last week In town on bualnoss.
, C. M. Hhyden, of Wallaco, is spend
ing this wook in town on business.
Deputy Sheriff Thomas Watts spont
yesterday in Sutherland on business.
Sam Hemphill loft at noon Saturday
for u short visit in Sumner on business.
A. It. Adamson has recovered from a
four wooks' illness and Is able to bo
out. . t
Edmund Dickoy transacted business
in the eastern part of tho state yester
day. A
-- Misg'"SarauifcBrandn of Gothenbugt
spent tho week end with Miss Florence
Mrs. Lola Hilas, of Itustls, visited
friends in town last wook and loft Sat
urday, Louis Tobin loft Friday evening for
Omaha and Blair to spond a weok or
Mrs. Brooks, of Hershey, spont tho
latter part of tho week with friends In
this city.
J. P. Cary roturned yesterday morn
ing from a short business visit in
Tho Methodist Aid,, Society will b
entertained Thursday Afternoon by Mrs.
Hirtmun. , J tf '
E; L. Garrison, of Wellfleot, is vlsit
.ing.hla daughtor-Misa Fern Garrison
this week.
Miss Merle Thornburg loft Sunday
evening for Callaway to spend n week
or longer..
Art Yntos, of Sutherland, was among
tho town visitors here Iho latter part of
last week.
Miss Buckley roturned Friday even
ing from a week's visit with relatives
in Chicago.
F. C. Pielstickor roturned Saturday
from Wallaco where he ppent n wrick'
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cockle, of Suth
erland, nro spending this week with
friends in town.
Mrs. Kuhna and Misses Pumraor and
Juliet, of Maxwell visited friends in
town last weok.
Toyland is complete at the Bincker
Book & Drug Co.
C. O. Weingand went to Omaha Sun
day night to transact business for a
couple of days.
James Norton and daughter Irene
left Saturday nftarnoon for Denver to
spend a few days.
W. W. Burr went o Upland yester
day morning to attend a Farmer's In
stitute this week.
Emil Kosbau and sister Miss Tillie
left Sunday evening for Lincoln to spend
a week or longer.
Mrs. C. II. Kinsman, of Boaver City,
arrived here Saturday afternoon to yisit
the Kinsman family.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
,Mrs. Goo. Austin, 4i7 East 5th St.
Miss Cassle Miller has accepted a
position in tho Clinton jewelry store
during the holidays.
MisaGracoShulton, of Ogalalla, came
down Friday evening to visit with town
friends a few days.
James Norton and daughter Ircno re
turned yesterday morning from a three
days' visit in Denver.
Mrs. 13. W. Mann left tho latter part
of tho week for Gothenburg to spend a
few days with relatives.
Latest box paper, correspondence
cards and engraved culling cards.
ltwcKKR Book & Duug Co.
Miss Hastings, of Sidnoy, is visiting
with Mlsi Marie LeDoyt this week,
having arrived Saturday.
Miss Violet Brooks, of Gothenburg,
wiio spent the past two weeks with
Mrs. It. Surber, returned ' home Saturday.
Theodore Eierdam, who has bfcfcn
visiting in Denver for several weoks)is
expected homo this week. -"
Mrs. Charles Dill, of Chicago, ar
rived Saturday evening and will spend
the winter with relatives. T-
Mrs. Fred Owings", formerly of thjs
city, came down from Sidney Friday
to visit Mrs. Floyd Passmore.
Ray Murray, of Lincoln, spent Satur
day nnd Sunday in town visiting rela
tives and transacting business. ' .
Misses Beatty, Huffman and McKiiin
sey. of Maxwell, were Saturday visitors
here, making the trip by nuto.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uorkland, of
Gothenburg, are spending this week
with their son Henry in this city.
Opportunity If lookincr for n lmsl-
ness opening in North Platte, the par
ticulars of a good paying pronositipn
enn be secured by addressing XX, care
of The Tribune.
Charles Ware and several other U. V.
officials went thru yesterday morning
enrout to Omaha from Denver.
Dr. Twinem reports the birth of a
baby boy Ftiday to Mr. and Mrs. Nels
Forstead who live south of town.
Switch engine 1G05 has been brought
down from Sidney for repairs which
could not bo handled at that point.
Mrs. Fralkey, of Grand Island, is the
guest of her nelco Mrs. A. J . Frazier,
having arrived Saturday ufttrnoon.
Mrs. C. M. Reynolds and children, of
Sutherland are spending this week
with her sister Mrs. O. W. Sizemore.
Any diamond bought of Clinton will
be exchanged, at the price paid, for
pnyment on larger stone.
Messrs. Arthur Tramp and Alvin
Ellas roturned Sunday evening from
Gothenburg where they visited friopds.
Robert Beatty, who is nsniBting "in
Attorney J. C. Beeler's law office, has
been visiting in Brady for several days.
Miss Anna Pielstickor, of Wallace'
visited in town tho latter part of the'
weok and loft for Gothenburg Suturday.
Finl Class Cleaning and Pressing;.
For firqt class cleaning and pressing
see the Lennox Tailors and Cleaners.
Just established. Cornor Sixth and Lo
cust, upstairs 1-2. Goods called for and
delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone
C9. Mills & Lijvjn, Props.
Rural Route Statistics.
During the months of October and
November Postmaster Davis by order
of tho department kept an accurate ac
count of each piece of mail together
with thd- weight, of all delivered and
collected mail on the three rural routes
from the postofike.
In this count and weight each class of
mail matter has been kept separate
and a careful tabulation hasTbcerr com
piled for the benefit of tho department
officials. , v,
From this mass of figures tliR-follow-ing
only has been taken wita -view of
giving our readers a knowledgesof the
extent of this branch of postal service:
Total number of pieces delivered on
Route No. 1, 11185, weight- 1441
pounds. ,
Total number of pieces delivered on
Route No. 2, 7505:, weight 1198 pounds.
Totnl number of pieces delivered on
Route No. 3, G020, weight 998 pounds.
Totnl number of pieces collected on
Route No. 1, 1535,veight 30 pounds.
Total number of pieces collected on
Route No. 2, 1122, weight 35 pounds.
- Total number of pieces collected on
Routo No, 3, 1007, weight 24 pounds.
This is a grand totalof all mail handled
by tho three routes of 28,374 pieces
weighing 3,724 pounds. .
Beginning Thursday, December 5th,
Postmaster Davis, with tho co-operation
of the local weather bureau, established
a daily weather report to all
patrons of tho rural routes. These
reports are briefly printed on cards in
sufficients quantities to supply each
patron on the several routes, and will
no doubt be highly appreciated by the
patrons. j
Many a North Platte Citizen Will Fina
Them So.
To have the pains and aches of a
bad back removed to bo entirely lead
from annoying, dangerous urinary dis
orders, is enough to make any kidney
sufferer grateful. The following ad
vice of one who has suffered will
prove comforting words to hundreds
of Tribune readers.
Mrs. Christian Pickett, 31$ East B,
St., North Platte, Nebraska, says: "I
have usul Doan's Kidney Pjlls, which
I procured from McDonell & Graves'
drug store (now Schiller & Co's) for
.kidney trouble and have found them to
be just tho remedy I needed, for back
ache and other kidney , disorders.
Whenever I am suffering from these
troubles, I tako Doan's Kidney Pills
and they gave mo relief. Other mem
bers of mjfarnlly have taken Doan's
Kidney Pills with excellent results."
For sale by nil dealers. Price 50
cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
Now York, sole agents for the United
Remember tho name Doan's and take
no other.
Have returned on my annual visit to your city. Will call at your place.
I Dine here Today. This Cafe
1 is the one that will please 1
1 your fancy in cleanliness, good I
jj2j r food and service. Prices
I reasonable. 1
I Opposite Depot "' PALACE' CAFE 1
Short Orders at Popular Prices.
25c Luncheon from 12 M., to
1:30 p. m.
MR.S F. T. GARVIN, Prop.
Tako your picture to C. M. Newton's
to bb framed.
A Full Size 5Cc Box of
Make-Man Tonic Tablets
Are you weak and nervous? Do
you suffer from backaches, rheumatism,
or kidney trouble? Are your stomach nnd di
gestive organs constantly getting out of whack,
so that you can't enjoy your meals any more?
Are you losing weight? Do you sleep poorly? Is
Jrour body weak and crying tor something that Is
acklng? what you most likely need Is more rich,
purs blood coursing through your veins, giving
life and vigor to your entire system. Your body is
famished. Vour entire system iscrylng fornour
llimnt. Whnt ..n. .! la ninHu l..
Ing, pure-blood-making tonic Aaft.lfan7onfc
terns. In order that you nnd every one who does
not know these wonderful henlth-giving, life
saving tablets, we makethlsunusualoffer: Simply
cut out coupon, fill In your name and address
send no money just Ilia coupon, and you will
receive absolutely free, our regular 50 cent box of
MakfMan Tonic Tablml$. Remember, send no
money, there is no string tied to this offer, all
that we ask is that you try this SO-cent box.
Take every tablet (as per directions) and we
knowthatina few days you will marvel at the
results. Don't put it off until to-morrow, cut
out this coupon now, start today on the road
to health. Make-Man Tonic Tabtttt will show
you the way. We are willing nnd anxious to
give you a full size 50c box free, then Judge
for yourself, whether ornot they can be of help to
you Can you resist so earnest an appeal? For you r
own sake and those who love you, cut out this
coupon todav, nt once nnd mall it to us. Make'
Man Tonic Tabttti are sold at all drugstores 50a
J. ti,ilfyi p "i?. men nnd.. women box on n guarantee or money refunded,
g: they give new strength, to im- ..""'CUTOtlTTHIQ rni I POM ...-.-'
rished, run-down. over-worked nervous sys- ' . ,uluul lnliiUUPUN"",j
lnnril.,(h.tvnil nn.l .. nn ...tin 4n. a 1? MAKlXf AV TAm PT fYl nAn OIt 2
MAKMlAN m.. rici onn
OOO Muka-Miiii lllile.. Chlcneo, 111,
I lime netor uod Maltfl-Mim TMilvtn twfnro ami S
w!U to roceire. free, a full-tlie W-ceut bo
Druuiii.t'i Nm...... . J
Mj Nme....4.......,.,. !
r.oi. iiM'nli'ii'iui'fimiliii
Sold and recommended in North Platte by Schiller &, Co., Family
Druggists, first door north of First National Bank.
. ytwbrVkr