The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 11, 1912, Image 1

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ci,,te Wftctlcol Sector
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No. 90
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Follow CiUzans:
I herewith publish n cut of my addition to your City, whloh comprises IB blocks, and 3 fractional;;
blocks, ench block containing 12 lota aiul each lot la ,44x132 foot. Tho lots nr& allhlgh kvel lots with a '.'.
few exceptions. Tho lots commonco along" the Union PnciCic Ilnllroad, Just threo block from tho new Union
Pacific lloiuul llouso; south ot tho Union Pacific tracks and running south to tho Burlington tracks ;;
tho Hiiillngtoii having Jtxsfe purchased nil Uiat, part of thq tract; south pt Second street. This Is Just a con-X
tlnuatlon .of tho best resldont section, and Is cortninly tho ideal place for a ninn to havo a homo.
I plnco this tract fo land on the market at the request of my friends In your City, and In order tol
assist the growth of tho City of North Platto, Tho pricca placed on the lots at the present tlmo aro prac
tically what I could havo sold tho land out by tha aero for, I amalso placing them on Umiiih that anyone T
can handle, I want avoryon in North Platte to havo tho chanco to owna homo. Some may think it 1b too it
far out. It is 1C blocks out, but how man) pooplo Uvo in cities a good deal furhor out than this. Tho
streets vill be wolf graded and) sidewalks put in, In tho Spring,
Tin-JUt will Holl up to tho first, of the year from $75.00 to $150.00 each. Trrmii $10.00 to $15,00
down and $5.00 per month. Ten per cent discount! for cash. ;.-
With tho present prospects of North Platto, I see no reason why thoso los should not bo worth twicov
tho amount, I xm asking for them In ono yoar from dato. ,
I havo appointed O. 1 Temple, my scle agent lit thq handling of this Addition, ard rospoctfully Vofor
you to him for any Information prices ana tormo and liavo him take you over tha land.-.
Hoping you will recolvo this Addition In tho spirit it la givon, 'and assuring you this Da not all I will
do for North Platto, I am. Youra truly, C,OL. W. P. CODY.
p-xZ n"7 7 a ' L ' i J -
i P pORH-H ?? foSfcH
qLATE: TN J - 1L
The Passing of (he Homestead.
An articlo in tho Omaha Bee states
that practically all of tho free land !n
this state ha been entered ns home
teads and cites that on December 1st
there wero in tho Valentino distriet
nineteen sections subject to entry, In
thoAllianco district there are somo
scattering forty and eighty acre tracts,
nnd in tho Broken Bow district thoro
nro few scattering tracts. Tho condi
tion in this, tho North PIntte district,
is not mentioned, but we can supply
this information by stating that on tho
first of Inst July tho ncrenge of vacant
land was in round numbers 19,000 acres.
Since that dato practically ono half of
this acreage has been hotr.estcaded, so
that today nbout 10,000 acres remain in
forty, eight: and 100 tracts. This land
is the "leavings," rough, sandy nnd
good only for grnzlng purposes. So
much for the vacant land in tho west
part of tho state.
In tho North PIntte land district on
July first Inst thero were 2,000 home
steads on which proof had not been
made, but theso proofs nro being made
at the rnto of nearly one hundred a
month, so that at the eh"3 of"of eigh
teen months tho groat bulk of those
2,000 entries will have had final certifi
cates issued thereon. It is probable
that in tho other land districts of tho
state these same conditions as. to final
proofs exist, and that within two years
me ianu win nave pnsscu uy patent to
the entrymon.
It will, however, bo necessary to
maintain n land ofilco in tho west pnr.t
of the state for a number of years' to
finish up tho belated proofs, look after
such few contests as may bo filed, and
transact routine business of othor
nnturo, nnd naturally before that time
comes there will bo a consolidation of
tho districts nhdn discontinuance of at
least threo land ofiiccs.
With its new federal buildiner the
third floor of which hns been set aside
for ttio land office coupled with its
googrnphlcnl location,, it would seem
that North Plntta would bo the logical
location for the ofilco when the consoli
dation occurs, nnd wo believe that
D1090 interested in tho welfaro of tho
town should keep in viev this Inevita
ble consolidation and use concerted
effort in having tho North PIntte ofilco
continued. Commercially the land
office is of vnlUo to North Platto; tho
fact that it is located here brings to
tho city from one to two hundred poo
plo n month who othorwiso would not
dome, nnd as a result our hotols, res
taurants, rooming apnrtmcnts ajid other
business houses are benefitted.
Watts Ranch Sold,
Tho Fremont Watts ranch two miles
west of town has boon sold to a Lin
coln party for $25,000, tho salo having
been made through O. II. Thoelecke.
Thero aro 570 ncrcs in tho ranch, stho
salo prico being $45 per ncro. Tho
purchaser will take possession next
spring, nnd it is understood ho will
at once get several hundred in shape
to sow alfalfa.
-M I 1 M-I-H
"H-I-I"I"l-t"I"l"I"M"l"l"l"t-4!"I"l"l"'."I- HMIH4"IIlH-HHdll,I-lhy
Jewelry is tho ideal Xmas present,
nlways ucceptnble, easy to .solcct. An
endless vuriety of new plecesl at
Tho following officers wero elected
at n meeting of tho Tate lodgo A. O.
U. W. last evening: Master Workman,
I. L. Miltonberger; foremnn, A. A.
Elliott; overseer, Gus Goll,
recorder, T. M. Cohagen; financior,
Victor VonGoetz, Sr.; receiver, C. P.
Errickson; guide, John Boyer; trustee,
James Rnnnic, medical examiners N.
McCabe, G. B. Dent and V. Lucas.
Local and
C. A. Mecomber was among the Sun
day visitors in Sidney.
The G. I. A. will hold an election of
officers Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. O'Connell were
passengers for Kearney this morning.
Attorney Crosby returned Iat even
ng from a short business visit in
Mrs. Carstenson, of Council Bluffs,
arrived Sunday to visit her sister Mrs.
A. F. Streitz, William Yost and D.
B. White wont to Omaha yesterday
morning to attend the state meeting
of county commissioners.
Vanity cases Tho new and nifty
styles just received today.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
Mrs. George Field has as her guests
for the winter her mothor Mrs. Baker,
sister Mrs. Hart nnd nephew Frederick
Hart, all of Detroit, Mich.
Win, Vernon returned Friday aftor
hoon from St. Joe, Mo., where he
spent several weeks.
F. C. Hoxie returned to Ogalalla yti
terday morning after a short visit
with his family in this city.
B. L. Robinson, who had been ill for
several weeks, resumed work as U. P.
train director yesterday morning.
Having decided to .retire from busi
ness I will sell my stock of goods on
Locust street at in exceptionally low
price. P. H. Sullivan.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whaley will
leave this week for South Dakota to
visit threo weeks with the former's
Baby Kings, Charm lockets, pins and
braclets at Clinton's, The Uizzy
The marriago of Giddeon Winklemun,
of this city nnd Miss Alice Feast, of
Fremont, will take place at the home
of tho bride on Thursday evening, De
cember 2Gth.
Mesdames Hustings and Singleton
will entertain at kensingtons this after
noon and tomorrow afternoon.
William Carroll, of McCook, is ex
pected shortly to visit his mother Mrs
John Boyle nnd othor relatives.
Mrs. Raymond Miller and son, of
Hershey, are spending this week with
hersister Mrs. O. W. Sizemore.
John Burko left Friday morning for
Lincoln nnd York to spend a week
visiting relatives and transacting bus
iness. For Sale Monarch Visible type
writer, almost new.
Milledge D. Bullnrd.
Mr. and Mrs. Olio Graham, of Fre
mont, arrived Saturday evening to visit
the former's mother, Mrs. Mnrtha
Graham for a week or longer.
Wo have tho finest line of Perolyn
Ivory toilet and manicure articles in tho
city. Prices the lowest.
Dixon, Tho Jewoler.
Miss Alfa McKinloy, of York, who
had been the guest of her uncle Mac
Wastfall for two weeks left for home
at noon today.
In the district court Saturday Mrs.
Emmr Wsggoner, who sued the city
for $3,000, was given $208 for injuries
received from a fall on an Icy walk
south of tho Dickey store.
Every show case in our store is filled
with now and special priced goods. We
are anxious to show you.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
A Christwas tree celebration will bo
held at tha Hall school house Monday
evening, December 23d, at 7:30. A
program of music and recitations wilt
be rendered.
Henry Fulk vs the Horshey & Paxton
Ditch Company for $1,500 damages to
his land, caused by water flowing from
a ditch near his farm, was brought up
for trial in tho district court Friday.
Tho jury after hearing the testimony
decided that Fnlk shoufd receive $200.
Miss Helen Koontz Is visiting friends
and relatives in Maxwell this week.
John and Anna Becker, of Staploton,
enmo yesterday to visit Mr. nnd Mrs.
William Dionor.
Buy at Clinton's now. Wo lay aside
any purchnse until Christmas. En
graving free.
Frank FoBter, of Gothenburg, who
has been employed hero for fcevoral
weeks, spent'tho foro part of this week
with relatives in Gothenburg.
The annual meeting of tho share
holders of Tho First National bank of
North Platte, Neb., will be held nt the
bank on Tuesday, January 14, 1913, at
4:00 p. m. F. L. Moonky, Cashier.
McGuiro vs McDormott was tho case
beforo the district court Jyestorday, tho
former suing the latter for $191.25
which he claims wero due him for work
on the McDormott farm ut Somerset.
The jury decided in favor of tho plain
tiff and he was given tho amount
1 ntaieu.
Farm For Sale.
The northeast quarter (nei) section
twenty-four (24) township thirteen (18)
range thirty (30) about Beven miles
outheast of North Platte On south side
of Platte river, all smooth land near
nills. good building, fifteen acres in
alfalfa, one of best farms in Platte
valley. Prico $10,000.00. . Terms, half
iash, balance on easy time nt 7 per
cent interest. Address Joseph Hershoy
North Platte, Neb.
At Old Fort Deerborn.
Making Good.
The Railroad and The
Admission 10c