x'TiB If? y V m kn TV kii is. m W Choose Your Christmas Gift Fro,m our Magnificent Stock - "N? Ill What shall I give? That's the question that has been bothering you more or less for this part few weeks. To give a satisfactory answer to that question we have spent months in selecting the finest stock of Holiday goods we have ever hud the good fortune to own. Here you will find something to suit your fancy. Perhaps it will be a gem or a piece of silverware or a fine watch. The one way the best way to settle the perplexing Christmas gift prob lem is to visit our store and look over the beautiful array of presents. Goods to suit all and prices to suit all. That's the keynote of the season here. Call in soon before all the choicest gifts are gone. HERE'S A FEW SUGGESTIONS. Diamond Rings, Pendants, Brooches, Studs, Link Buttons, Scarf Pins; Etc.. a large assortment of watches for ladies' men's and boy's, signet set and emblem rings, table sets, umbrellas, fancy pipes for the metis These are a few of the new goods we have. Spend a few moments with us whhnyou are down town. , OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS. CLINTON, The Bizzy Jeweler t 1 DR. 0. I!. CRESSLER, e 2 Graduate Dcnlisf. S Office over tho McDonald Stato Bank. JpT Local and Personal. Mr. and Mrs. L. Whittakcr, of Wal lace, who visited In town this week left yesterday. Mrs. Warren Kelly loft Tuesday afternoon for Ognlalla to spend a week with friends. The Lutheran Brotherhood will meet on Monday evening with Mr. nnd Mrs. E. T. Tramp. Miss Rose McGinloy, of Pnxton, who Visited Mrs. Omar Hu(F this week has roturned homo. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs, Geo. Austin, 4x7 East 5th St. Misses Clnm nnd Hazel Bethel, of Staploton are guests of their aunt Mrs. Joseph Ilayslip. A. Aborcromblo, of Brady, is spend ing this week with his daughter Mrs. Terrell McGovorn. John Ti(jho Jr., loft Wednesday evening for Denver to spend a week or longer on business. William Adair roturned Wednesday jnornjng f,rom Gibbon whore ho spent ton days op business. , Miss Alico Wilcox has roturned to the Kearney normal after n short visit with' the homo folks. G.W. Burkland, of Sutherland, Is visiting friends and transacting busi ness in town this week. Jacob Pizer, of Hastings, it visiting his brothor Julius Pizer this week hav ing arrived Wednesday. Roy Johnson, of Summer, spnnt Wednesday in town while enrouto to Keystone on land business. Eighteen laborers arrived from the east Wednesday and were given work on tho new round house. "Cody's Addition" will have one of the best sewer systems. Hilmer Thompson returned to Omaha Wodnosday afternoon after visiting tho homo folks for soveral days. John Day has of lato been' tilling the position of inspector of machinery for the round home contractors. Harland who had been Hayslip left u few days ago Present the wife with a lot "Cody's Addition" for Christmas. Trnveling Engineer Smith, of Omaha, spent Wednesday in town while enrouto to Northport on a duck hunt. Miss Alma Nyal, of Denver, who visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Willium Dtonor last week has rcturnod home. Mrs"; Edward Cobb, of Council Blurt's, who was tho gucBt of Mrs. Virgil Pad got this week loft Wednesday. Misses Zita and Ethel Worlomout re turned to Cheyenno u few days ago after spending a weok with their cousins Misses Irene and Dorothy Hubbard. Hnyslip, of Huston, Tex., cen visiting Mr. and Mrs. in Christmas is coming. We will welcome you its our store. ill Yes, and when you come in we will sell you a handsome, ALL-WOOL suit and an overcoat, too. We've got the clothing that gets the business. W-henyou get it you ivill get anythingtyougo after. Our clothing ivill give you a good appearance and that is what counts. Our good feeling furnishing goods will make you fed like the "Duke of Content.'' Our ties and everything we sell will tie you to us, and make you a life-long customer, 0LABAUGH ' ' "A EVERYTHING FOR MEN. Clothing' Furnishings Shoes 250 Dewey St. North Platte , J. E. Grady, of Grand Island, who visited in town during the K. C. cere monies left Monday evening. Miss Wotzell, of Sutherland, who wns the guest of Mrs". P. II. Lonergan left for home Wednesday morning. Rov. C. F. Chapman returned Tues day eveninsr from Hastings where he took part in the Elk ceremonies. Frank Thalkin, of Keystone, who at tended the K. C. ceremonies tho first of this week, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Molzer, of Lincoln, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. 0ry last week have returned home. Mrs. Matt Walsh and children of Bridgeport, who woro visiting Mrs. Norman Louden, left n few days ago. George Scliatz returned to Ogdon Tuesday, having como down to attend the K. C. bunquot nnd visit his mother. Lots in "Cody's Addition" will be sold on easy terms. IS. R. Plummer has resigned his posi tion in thoGreeson grocery Monday and accepted ono in the Schatz furniture store. Miss Anna Whalen, of Wood River, who had been tho guest of Miss Ethel Donegan returned home Wednesday morning. Leonard Stuart, a Lexington dele gate to the K. C. ceremonies the first of this week, roturned home Tuesday morning. For Sale In front of court house on Dee. 9th at 1:30 p. m. 7 room house on 9ch and Willow streot, formerly tho Babbitt property. . 88-2 A foot ball game between the high school eleyen and tho all star team will bo played on tho local grounds this afternoon. Mesdames James Hart and Clyde Cook will entertnin the Lady Forresters at tho home of the latter the first of next week. Mrs. McCarty, of Grand Island, who had beon visiting Mrs. Jennie Calhoun for several days, returned homo Tues day evening. William Dunn, of Wood River, who spent tho first of this week with his brother Francis Dunn, returned homo Wednesday. There arc 191 lots in Cody's Addi tion, tome in at the opening, and get your choice. George LoDoyt, Tom Guthorloss, Ed. and Will Yates, and James Guynan left Wednesday for Oshkosh to spend a weok hunting. A baby boy was born tho foro part of tho week to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dorr. Mrs. Derr was formerly Miss Nora McGraw. James Sterling nnd Josephine Mc Kinley who attended the K. C. core monies tho first of this weok, roturned homo Tuesday. Mr. uud Mrs. James Stafford, of Pax ton, roturned homo Tuesday after spending a few days with relatives and attending tne K. C. ceremonios. Mrs. Harry Vincont nnd daughter Mnrgaret who visited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fowler last week returned to Holdrcge Wednesday morning. Mrs. Bolincer. of Sutherland, who wns.ths guest of Rov. and Mrs. Charles B. Hnrjnnn last week left a few days ago for; Davenport to visit friends. Mrs. L. F.. Hastings and Mrs. John Singleton will ontortnin at konsingtons Tuesday and WodneBday afternoons of next weok at tho home of tho former. Wanted Cattle to pasture this win- tor, plonty of feed and water Call or address A. R. Chrlstianson, North Platte, Nebr., pkone J555. Mrs. W. R. Maloney and daughter Mnutine, who had been visiting rela tives in Salina. Kans., for several weeks, roturned homo Wednesday even ing. Miss Mnude Sivers, of Garfield, visited her aunt Miss Susio Campbell this woek and left Wednesday afternoon for Dnvenport to study chiropratic work. Local and Personal "Bought and Paid For" was pre sented at tho Keith Tuesday to a rather small nudience. The play was a strong one and was produced by a company of artists. Found On tho road leading to the south river bridge, a lady's rug muff. Owner can have same by calling at this office, identifying muff and paying charges. If you are going to invest wait for the opening of "Cody's Addition." Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Hansen will leave tomorrow evening for Los An geles to spend the winter. They will be accompanied by the former's mother. Toyland is complete nt the Rincker Book & Drug Co. Last month final proof was made on 33,000 acres of land in this land district. At this rato practically all tho land will be proved up on within the next eigh teen months. Opportunity If looking for a busi ness opening in North Platte, thihpur ticulars of a good paying proposition can be secured by addressing XX, care of The Tribune. Lena Wiley has sworn out a warrant agiiinst her husband Herbert Wiley asking that ho be placed under peace bonds as ho has has frequently threat ened to kill her. Col. W. F. Cody is going to give away one of the choicest lots in "Cody's Addition." watch for the plan next week. Tho Two Rivers Lodgo, D. of H. held nn election of officers Monday even ing and the following wero elected to servo during 1913. Chiof of honor, Elsie Cohagen; lady of honor, Daisy Martin; chiof of ceremonies, Clara Palmer; post chiqf of honor, Mary Lowe; rec order, Magnolia Duke; financier, Lottio Cronen; treasurer, Mary Elder; outside watch, Dora Westenfeld; inside watch, Christine Cohagen; usher, B. Jones. You Know. How you like your linen laundered. Tell us and wo will do it to suit you. We use no chemiculs, sow on buttons and mend free of charge. DICKEY SANITARY LAUNDRY "Your Bosom Friend." Phone 77. Local and Personal Oscar Sandall retmrned Wednesday from a short visit in Omaha. Apples fifty and seventy-five cents por bushel at the Rltner Feed Store, phono 208 89-4 Apples fifty nnd seventy-five cents per bushel at the Ritner Feed Store, phone 208. 89 4 Sheriff Salisbury roturned yesterday from Wallace where he spent tho greater part of the week on business. Mrs. Hoyt Hart and daughter, re turned to Paxton yesterday morning after spending two weeks hero with her mother Mrs. Salisbury. Mrs. I. E. Ware, of Hershey. who has beon taking treatment at tho P. & S. hospital for some time will bo able to return homo tho first of next week. Owners of city property, lots or houses, can find sale for same by list ing with us. Property priced right finds ready sale. Buchanan & Patterson. Mrs. Walter Crook and daughter will return from Carroll, la., this evening, having boen called there two weeks ago by the illness of Mrs. Crook'a father. The Peabody Buggy Co. secured a verdict of $151,00 against C. S. Everly in tho district court Wednesday. The buggy company brought to recover about $250 for buggies shipped to the defendant, who resisted paymenton the grounds that the vehicles wero not up to specifications. The case wa3 tried to a jury. Mrs. W. II. LoDoyt nnd Mrs. Joo Jessup have roturned from a short visit with friends In Sterling. 11KPOUT OK THE CONDITION OK THE McDonald State Bank, of North Ptatto. Nob , Charter No. 047 Incorporated, In Uio &tato f Nobraska, at tlio close of business Nm ember 21th. 1912 KKSOUKOES. Loans and discounts .. fiS7.lii8.SS Overdrafts 550.75 llonds, securities. Judur- ments. claims, etc . lS.fiOOOO llaukln? house, furnl- tureand fixtures. .. . 15.000.00 Duo from natn'l, nnd Atato banks $100.41(5.77 Cheeks and ltmiis of cx- cliango 02.17 Currency 18.MWO0 Hold coin CbO.lO Silver, nickels and ccntH 7,1SG.8. 127.4C2.Ca Total I40.4S2.2O LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In ... $100,000.00 Surplus fund 5.000.00 Undivided profits . ... 10,870.22 Individual deposits sub ject to check 180.5S7.20 Demand certificates of deposit 13 050.t'."i Time, certificates of de posit 104.167.27 Dun to natn'l and stato banks 18,200.70 S22.C00.1S Depositors' guarantee fund 2.505.60 Total $140,482.20 Sato of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ss. I. W. II. McDonald, Cashier of tho abovo named bank, do hereby swear that the abovo statement Is a correct and true copy of the reportmado to the Stato Hanking Board. W. II. McDonald. Cashier. Attest: CiMff. McDonald, Director. .7. n. McDonald, Director. Subscribed and sworn to bofore mo this 4th. day of December. 1B12. .1 E EVANS. Notary Public, BUY A KODAK a, FOR CHRISTMAS. Be sure and see the new vest pocket Kodak. The latest Creation of the Eastman factor'. Remember our stock of films and photo supplies are all new and fresh. Choice Xmas Presents Can be found in our complete lines of Holiday Box Papers, Initial Stationery and Correspondence Cards, Perfumes, Chocolates, Pocket Books, Card. Cases, Pocket Knifes and Cigars. The Rexall Drug Store Stroitz'o Old Corner. The Nyal Drug Store ricCabe'o Old Stand. Have returned on my annual visit to your city. Will call tit your place. PHONE RED 482 IT 300 EAST SIXTH STREET Says Road Funds are Misused. "Graft, graft," said O. C. Tumor secretary of the Nebraska State Auto mobile association when he returned yesterday from a tour of the state and replied to a query abont tho Nebraska road work. "Tho township road ovorseers and the county commissioners of tho state are progressing very nicely under the Nebraska road laws, but the roads don't improve," said Mr. Turner. Ho Bald property owners in the state wero paying money each year for road improvement, but declared tho money was not performing tho servico for which it is intended. Mr. Turner says the only way to put tho taxes to benefit is. to create a state highway commission, nnd take the direct responsibility ol handling road funds out of tho hands of local authori ties. Tho stato association of automo bilists will ask tho next legislature for a bill creating such a commission. Mr. Turner assorts onough money is wasted each year to pay for half dozen high priced highway commissions. Omaha Daily News. STEP IN. Dine hero Today. This Cafe is the one that will please your fancy in cleanliness, good food and service. Prices reasonable. ' Opposite Depot CAFE RITNER CAFE ShortOrders at Popular Prices. 25c Luncheon from 12 M., to 1:30 p. m. MR.S F. T. , Pr For Sale. Nearly new 8-room house, water nnd sowerngo connections. Easy payment on part of purchnso prico. For partic ulars Inquire of Q. P Martin, 802 East Sixth street, North Platto. 80-4 s Santa Claus Phono 261 Tell Santa to get it at C. M. Newton's This year. He has the right things - -Kalli "tacEKJ rwi; TIW5. ""."(TV"-