The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 03, 1912, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L Bare, Editor and Pablitker.
One Year by Mail in ndvunco $1.25
One Year by Carrior in advance $1.50
Enterod at North Platte, Nobrauka, Post
oUico as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY. DEC. 3. 1912.
Mrs. Bresnahan PasesAway.
Saturday evening death claimed Mrs.
Bresnahan who bad been ill
with kidney disease at tho homo of her
adopted son Fred Ouimotto. Mrs.
Bresnnhan's health had been failing
for n yoar past, and four months ago
her illness assumed a serious nature.
Although she was conscious at til times
her condition was such us to cause
anxiety to tho relatives and Itlh? end
was not unexpected. Death camo peace
fully without pain in the presence of
near friends and relatives who watched
by her during hor illness. Tho deceased
was widely known and highly respected
in this city having lived bore since 1877,
She was n good christian woman
and had numerous friends) who will
mourn the loss of a comforting friend
and helper. Born in New York Oct
20th, Rixty-threo yenrs ago, nt the ago
of fifteen she went to Fort Scott, Kans.,
to reside with n brother andjlatter came
to Cottonwood where she wuh married
in 1872 to John Ouimotto who died
twenty-four years ago. Tho following
year she was married to Timothy Bros
nahan, of Cboyenno, at Butte, Mont.
Mr. Bresnahan survives her and is at
tho Soldiers Homo in California. Other
surviving relatives are a sister Mrs.
Eliza Burt, of Powell. Wyo., two bro
thers J. B. Dimon, of Mt. Pleasant,
Mich., and Justico Dimon, of Boauvisto,
Colo., who arc advanced in years and
wero unablo to attend the funeral this
morning. Tho burial servico was hold
nt tho St. Patrick's church by Rev. Mc
Daid and tho romnins laid to,rest in the
Catholic cemetery. Tho floral offerings
wero very beautiful.
The Abuse of Mail Boxes.
North Platto, Nebr., Dec. 2, 1912.
Editor of Semi-Weekly Tribune;
Sir: I am just in receipt of a com
plnjnt from the Acting Superintendent
of tho Railway Mail Servico at Omaha,
of tho, abuso of thol privnilogo of do
positing mail matter ntthe Dopot Letter
Attontion Iscalled to tho fact that
those boxos nro only for omergency
mall that cannot pass through tho PoBt
ofllce, and that if the nbuso is continued,
tho boxes may bo removed, for the reu
'aon that rallwaymail clorksarenot pro
pared to handle largo quantltios of
miscellaneous mall mattor In their carB.
I respectfully aak thai you give this
matter publicity if possiblojRo that wo
may.retain this accommodation for our
patrons. Respectfully, E. S. Davis,
Bond Election Today.
A special election is being hold in tho
North Platto school district today for
tho purpose of voting on tho proposi
tion of Issuing $20,000 bonds for the
construction of an olght room school
building in tho First ward. Tho polls
opened nt eight o'clock this morning
nnd will close at six o'clock p. m. Up
to noon tho voting was light and tho
number of ballots cast Is not likely to
exceed fifty per cent of the'.; voting
Btrength. There is practically no op
position to tho issuance ofjtho bonds.
"Wilson got 0,156,718 votes nt tho No
vombor election, Roosevelt 8,028,140,
Taft 3,370,422. Roosovolt leads Taft
slightly but tho combined Roosevelt
nd Taft votes is about ono million one
Imndred thousand grantor than Wil-
Bon's. Tho rulo holds good ns to tho
-test of the electorlalj voto also. Tho
Wilson vote was not as great as tho
Bryan vote four years ago and can not
bo construed as a vote of confidence by
the democratic party, Keainoy Hub.
Washington dlspatchea say that an
offort will bo mado to suspend Pros
Idont Taf t'a executive ordor of October
15, whoroby about 30.000J fourth-class
pastmastqrs wore placed; under the
civil service, becamo known'today when
Representative Cordell Hull of Ten
ttesiee said tho democrats In congress
Who are already In Washington have
conferred Informally on tho subject and
that there was an overwhelming senti
ment In favor of having tho order re
voked. ThUls just another evidence
of how hungry the democrats are for
' pie," oven though tho slicos aro
Governor Woodrow Wilson is willing
t tako the oath of olllco as president
of thoUnltedjStates without ostontntlon
nn. March .1. and that tho formal cere
monials thut every fourth year attract
thousands of citizens to' Washington
postponed until tho last Thursday In
April. To that extent ho has endorsed
the propaganda in favor of a )ater,ln
auguration which has been advocated
in and out of congress in ordor that 0io
avent might bo conducted at a, tino
when tho weather usually Is propitious
at the national capital.
Marrying Hsr Debts.
It sounds ntrango to talk of marry
ing tho wlfo'H debts, but that was a
common practice In England yeara
ago. It was before tho married wom
en's property act of 1882. In con
templation of Inw tho husband and
wife were one, and tho husband was
that one. Then If the bride owed any
iU-Uln before marriage they devolved
on tho newly married husband, and ho
find to pay the piper. This led to somo
extraordinary farces being enacted.
Women who wero overloaded with
debts actually got rid of them by mar
rying somo poor bankrupt. Imprisoned
for debt These men did not mind
whether they were llablo for hundreds
or thousands, and the "wife" usually
paid the "hunband" n few pounds for
tho protection of his name, and then
she would snnp her lingers nt her baf
lied creditor and gayly sot about In
runiiiK fresh debts. Tho law which
nettled and removed thlt sort of thing
deserves a better title than the collo
quial ono of "a hasi." London An-sworn.
Bnseball Is Business.
Professional baseball Is a business
and millions of dollars aro Invested
In It by business men. They make
fortunes out of It, but they pay their
players higher salaries than 009 out of
ovcry 1,000 of them could earn nt any
other lino of work during a similar
uuraber of months each year. From a
baseball player nothing Is required but
that ho bo nblo to play n good game
and keep In condition. Many stars In
tho old days were able to do little
mora than sign their names and read
big print A bettor educated clasa of
men aro In tho game today, but they
nre getting more money for their
services than tho"y could earn If they
followed any ono of hundreds of dif
ferent professions. And remember
that mnny of them stepped right out
of collego Into good paying baseball
positions. Could they hnvo done ns
well financially had they entered
banks or tried their hands at tho law
or raedlclnev Ku A. Goewey lu I.e9
Frederick and Joseph II.
During Frederick tho Great's visit to
Joseph II. of Austria ut Neustadt he
camo Into personal touch wltb somo
of those Austrian generals to whom
ho "hud only spoken hitherto through
tho roar of cannon." When Loudon
entered to tako hla placo at the tnblo
Frederick called out to him: "Como and
sit near mo, M. Loudon. I much prefer
you by my Bide to facing you." Fred
erlck had several busts of the emperor
at Hans Soucl. and when he looked ut
them ho would remark, "That Is a
youuK man on whom 1 must keep an
eye." Tho Austrian sovereign was am
bitious, and Frederick distrusted him.
Ho put It this way: "The Emperor Jo
scph has u head. Ho 1b capable of
much. It is n pity ho always takes tho
second step beforo ho has mado tho
first" "A Mystic on tho Prussian
Spelling Reform Needed.
An old gentleman from the east was
vlBltlng hla daughter In San Jose. CnL
Of course ho pronounced tho namo ac
cording to the spelling until they Im
pressed It upon him that in Spanish J
has tho sound of II.
By and by ho started to see n son in
Watsouvlllo. This town la on a branch
lino a milo or bo from tho lunction ut
Pnjaro. and as tho electric cars from
Pajaro to Watsouvlllo passed directly
by tho son's house, tho old gontlcmnn'a
railway ticket was for Pajaro. Ho
looked nt It In a puzzled way, then
throw it down tn great disgust, ex
claiming: "Well. Kirl They can tell me that
'.T-o-s-o Bpella 'Ilozay.' but they needn't
tell me that I'-a-J-a-r-o' spells Watson
vlllel" Exchange.
Stool Globes In Spaco.
If two solid balls of tempered ateel.
each the size of tho earth and bard as
tho harveylzed fuco of. armor plate,
were taken In two Jovian bands, plac
ed gently together In apace nnd re
leased what would hnppen? They
would behave exactly as It they wero
liquid; they would coalcsco like two
great drops of water, and tho highest
pronilneuco or mountain on the now
globo could uot have n height of fifty
miles, because anything bo high as that
would flatten out under its own weight
-Iludson Maxim In Youth's Compan
Broke the Spell.
Judgo E. Itockwood Hoar, remark
ing on Tresldent Lincoln's dry humor,
said Unit on ono occasion a delegation
of uegroea had waited on Mr. Lincoln
and woro ovldently tit a loss to know
Just what to Bay. Tho president wait
ed awhile and then remarked:
"Well, all who aro hero seem to be
TUIh self evident proposition broke
tho Ico and removed tho spell from tho
African Jaw.
Would Bo a Joko.
"WLen I die," remarked Cholly, "1
think I'll leavo my brain to somo
prominent Burgeon."
"Dou't do It," ndvlsed Algy. "These
practical jokes aro bad form very
bad form, old top." Louisville Courier-Journal.
"She didn't spunlc to bor husband for
six moutlm."
"My, It must hnvo been very uncom
fortable!" "Yes tor tier."
She What was It tho choir Just
sang? Ue Prom tho nppearanco of
tho congregation 1 think It must havo
been Berne kind of lullaby.
Should Convince Every Tribune
The frank statement af a neighbor,
tailing the merits of a remedy.
Bids you pause and believe,
The same endorsfnent
By somo stranger far away
Commands no belief at all.
Hore's a North Platte caso.
A North Piatte citizen testifies.
Read and be convinced.
August Ackerman, 221 So. Walnut
St., North Platte, Nebr', says: "I still
hold a very high opinion of Donn's
Kidney Pills. I used them for back
ache, arising from disordered kidneys
and received the best of results. It is
over three years since I havo had oc
casion to uso Doan's Kidneys Pills but
my health has been splendid, not a
symptom of kidney troublo having
bothered me. I can endorso this excel
lent remedy."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cnts, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, solo agents for the United
States. N
Remember the name Doan's and take"
no other.
fcnf. HC-ig -&ifc'frtf -'.-.--
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
I Office 130
1 Residence 115
fM JM4 Krikfr JMrifcHt JfiiJrJMr
Per Acre.
This Is tho Cheap Land Man.
Have a Talk With Mo.
Fifty full sections thrown on tho 'market
by this big cattle company reducing their
rango. From $5 to $7 per acre. I will Bell
you C40 acres for $1,000 cash, balance five
years at 6 per cent interest. 1 can locate
you from 0 to 15 miles from Brady, Nebr.,
and only 23 miles east cf North Pratte,
In the be3t corn, wheat, ryo and oats belt,
and lots of grass, Start In cattle do not
pay high rent get a home of your own.
This opportunity knockB at your door but
Maln'Oflke-G. A. WEST, Secy and Treas.
Ry Exchange Bldg, Milwaukee, Wis.
General Manager's OlTlce-W. P. BRYAN,
Gothcnburrr, Neb.
Local Salesman's Office
C. B. Schleicher,
Brady, Nob.
Hot Water Bottles and
Syringes our Specialty.
Wo have just received direct
from factory our now line. Note
our prices:
Rubber complexion brushes .25
Bulb syringes red rubber. ..$1.00-
2-qt hot water bottle -75
3-qt hot-water bottlo 1.00
2-qt fountain rapid (low
Byringo .95
3-qt fountain syringe., 1.15
2-qt combination ayrhig i and
hot water bottlo 1.50
3-qt combination syringe and
whirlpool spray syringes.. 2.25 .
All rubber goods are guaranteed
from ono to threo years.
Wo carry extra tubes and
fittings for bottles and syringes.
For mail or express add 25c.
PHONE 28. ' ;
Stone Drug Co.,
Serial No. 03782.
Doptrtmtintot t'io Intorlor.
U. 9. Ollluo nt North Platto Nob.
Oct. Uth. ItU.
Notice Ih horebr Rlvon that Alexander M.
Orecory, of Somorsot, Nob., who. on Mar.
lOtli. 1IHW. mado 11 T. No 2W3. Sorlal
No. 03782, for wK of oV4, Poc 18. Township 11,
north. ItanitoW. W.. Hth Principal Meridian,
has Hied notlcn of Intention to maltollnrvl
threo year proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, before livatster and
Receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on tho 11th
day of Deo 1H12.
Claimant names as witnesses! VM. Wilson,
of North I'lntU', Nebr , Oeoriro W Miller, of
Romorset. Nebr , Amanda Kunkjo and Grant
Trlbble, of North Platto. Nebr
oll-U J. R. Evans. Register.
The Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Court.
In tho matter of the estate of Dennis Kelly,
On reading and flllnsr the petition of Marearet
Kelly rirayinir that administration of said
estate may be granteJ to Elizabeth Kelly as ad
ministrate. Ordered. That Dec. 21. A. D, 1012 .at 10 o'clock
a. m, Is assigned for hearlnK said petition, when
all persons Interested In said matter may appear
at a county court to bo held In and for said
county, and show cause why pra er of petitioner
should not bo trrnnted: and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof
lo eiven to all persons Interested In said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In the North
Platto Tribune a legal semUweekly newsoauea
printed In said county for three successive weekrj
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated uocemuer zo, iaiz.
d3-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
In the matter of tho estate ot John Franxen,
In tho county court of Lincoln county, No
brasVa, November, 25. 1912.
Notice U hereby given, thnt tho creditors of
said deceased will meet the executor uf said
estate beforo the county judge of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, nt the county court room, in said
county, on tho 31t day of Dec,J912, and on the
30th day of Juno 1913, at 9 o'clock a. in. each day
for the purpo f presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and ono 5 ear for the. executor to
settle said estate, from the 25th day of Nov.
1912. A copy of this ordcrtoba published la the
North Platte Tribune, n legal semi-weekly news
paper published in said county for four succenslva
weeks prior to December 31. 1912.
d3-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judgo.
Oldect Bank In Lincoln County
McDonald "
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000,60
We Solicit Vour Uuslnsss.
iM' House of Good" Show ifl!
When in North Pintle.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
a Tr f.i .SfZit Aa nrn.n i i a
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Hospital accommodations. Medical and
surgical attention given obstetrical cases.
Office Phono 1H3 ' lies. Phono 283
Offlco McDonald State Hank nid'g
.?asaaaaaa4eaaaoooan ea
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Offico over Stone Drug Co.
I omce 273
S Residence 273 6
4tfv4f "
Vrf .- -rfrfmwTi jrpriw
Feels Like a Millionaire.
The man who smokes Schmalzried's
cigars is a happy, contented fellow,
one of those who may have but a few
dollars in his pocket yet feels as rich as a
millionaire. A good smoke always
brings good feeling, hence there's a
reason for buying Schmalzried-made
The Maker of Good Cigars.
Notice for Publication.
To Hans Peterson non-resident
defendant; you are hereby' noti
fied that ontho 10th day of
May. 1912, Sophia TctersotT-led a
petition against you in tkn.pjstrict
Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which nre to
obtain a divorce from you oryjhe ground
that yci have wilfully abandoned the
plaintiff without good cause for the
term of two years last past. You are
required to answer said petiGdn on or
before Monday 21st day of Jan., 1913.
Sophia Peterson, Plaintiff,
By Muldoon &Gibbs, her Attys.
Notice for Publication. L
Patrick J. Conwav and Mrs. Patrick
J. Conway, his wife, and all parties
claiming any right or interest'in and to
lots seven (7) and eight (8) In block
twelve (12) of Millet's Additiort"to the
city of North P.'ntte will tako" notice
that on the 6th day of November, 1912,
the plaintiff, Charles P. Ross, filed his
petition in the district court of '.Lincoln
county, Nebraska, against snid defen
dants, and each of them, tlql object
and prayer of which petition is to have
the title to lots seven (7) and eight (8)
in block twelve (12) of Miller's Addi
tion to tho city of North Platte, quieted
and confirmed in him on the grounds
and for tho reason thnt said plaintiff
has been in the open, notorious, v exclu
sive and adverse possession of said lots
claiming to be the owner therof for
more than ten years prior to toe 6th
day of November, 1912, and that by
reason of snid advorse possession said
plaintiff is now the owner in fee simple
of each and every part and portion of
Baid lots seven (7) and eight (8) in
block twelve (12) of Miller's Addition
to tlVo city of North Platte.
You and each of you aro required to
answer said petition on or beforo Mon
day tho 6th day of January, 1913.
uateu this 25th day ot November,
1912. Charles P. Ross.
Uy Muldoon & Gibbs, His Attorneys.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In the County Court.
lnTthe .matter 6p the estate of, "William L.
Doufelaa deceased.
To tho creditors, heirs, legatees, ntd others In
terested In the estate of William L. Douglas, de
ceased. V, .
Take notice, that Robert L Douglas,
has filed in the counly court a report of
his doings as administrator of snid estate, and It
Is ordered thnt tho same stand for" hearing the
17th day of Dec A. D 1912, before the couit
at tho hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., at which time any
person interested mny appear and except to and
contest tho same And notice of this proceeding Is
ordered given In the North Platte Tribune, a
semi-weekly newspaper, printed in' said county
for threo successive weeks prior to said date of
- Wltnees my hand and tho seal of tho county
court at North Platte, NebraskV, this 21staayof
Nov. A D., 1912.
n20-3 JOHN OKANT. County Judco.
Estray Notice.
Takon mx pn section 24, town 11,
rango 30, in Lincoln county, by the
undersigned, threo mares, two sorrels
and one hay branded NE on left hip,
aged about six years; ono bay stallion,
3 year old; ono bay and ono brown
mare C years did, threo bay geldings,
2 nnd 3 year old, ono sorrel mare 3 year
old, ono yearling brovvn colt. Owner
is requested to call, prove property,
pay charges and take animals away.
Milleii Bros..
Welincct, Nebr.
Di Infield edfield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOB II. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. . Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonncr-Cramer
All the principal branches of Ap
plied and Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers.
Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlacK 341.
Telephone Red 456 503K Dewey St.
North Tlatto, Nebraska.
, JMmmtMiyvWIiWir0)
Signet Chapter O. E. S.
no. ss
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every I
month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m.
Have You Plumbing Troubles?
Is there need for repairs every few
days? Is your bathroom modern and
luxuriantly comfortable? Are the
kitchen arrangements convenient and
sanitary? If not,
Send For Our Plumber.
Notjonly are wo experts at rep&ir
work, but there will be little need for
repairs if we install your plumbing.
You'll be surprised at our fair estimates
if you "talk price" with us.
Shop Phone 69. Res. Phone 683
Corner Sixth and Locust.
To Whom It May Concern:-
Notico Is hereby given that the) mayor and city
council will hold a Bjiecinl meeting, beginning at
the hour of 8-00 p. m., (central time) Tuesday,
December 10th, 1912, In tho lecture room of the
library building for the purpose of making as
sessments for tho cutting of weeds' for the season
of 1912 on tho following described lots In the city
of North Platte, Nebraska:-
The cost of cutting each piece, set opposite each
Ixit 3, Block 9, MIUer'B Addition, $1.00
Lot 4. Block 0, Miller's Addition, S1.00
Lot 6. Block 6, Miller's Addition, 1.00
I,ot 0, Block 6, Miller's Addition 1.00
Lot 1, Block 10, Miller's Addition, 1.00
Lot 2, Block 16, Miller's Addition, 1.00
Lot 6, Block 14, Miller's Addition, 1.00
Lot 6. Block 14, Miller's Addition. 1.00
Lot 7, Block 14, Miller's Addition, 1.00
Lot 8, Block 14, Miller's Addition, 1.00
Lot 1, Block 3, South Park Addition. 1.00
Lotj2, Block 3. South Park Addition, 1.00
Lot 3, Block 3. South Park Addition. 1.00
Lot 4. Block 3, South Park Addition, 1.00
Lot C, Block a. South Park Addition 1.00
Lot 6, Block 3. South Park Addition. 1.00
Lot 2, Block 11. South Park Addition. 1.00
Lot3, Block 11, South Park Addition, 1.00
Tt 1 T11..V 11 Qtiitl. Pn.I A.l.llttr.1. 1 nn
U-h of WK of Blk 8, South Park Addition 2.00
Lot 7. Block 4. Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Lot 8, Block 4, Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Lot 1. Block 8, Trustce'B Addition, 1.00
Lot 2. Block 8, Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Lot 11. Block 8, Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Ixt 12, Block 8, Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Lot 3. BIoclr3. Trusteo's Addition, l.OO
Lot 4, Block 3, Trusteo's Addition, 1.00
Lot 5, Block 3. Trusteo's Addition, 1.00
Lot 1. Block 9. Trusteo's Addition, 1.00
Lot 2. Block 9. Trustee's Addition. 1.00
Lot 3, Block 9, Trusteo's Addition, 1.00
Lot 7. Block 10, No. Platte Town Lot Co's Ad
dition. 1.00
Lot 8. Block 10, No. Platte Town Lot Co's Ad
dition, 1.00
Lot 9. Block 10, No. Platte. Town Lot Co's Ad
dition. 1.00
Lot 10. Block 10, No. Platto Town Lot Co's Ad
dltion, 1.00
Lot 4. Block C, North Platte Town Lot Co's Ad
dition, 1.00
Lot 5. Block C, North Platto Town Lot Co's Ad
dition, 1.00
Lot 6, Block C. No. Platte Town I.ot Co's Ad
dition, 1.00
Lot 4. Block 7, No. Platte Town Lot Co's Ad
dition. 1.00
Lot 5. Block 7, North Platto Town Lot Co's Ad
dition, 1.00
Lot 7, Block 3. Taylor's Addition, 1.00
Lot 8, Block 3, Taylor's Addition, 1,00
Lot 1, Block 6. Taylor's Addition, 1.00
Lot 3, Block 7, lllnman's Second Addition, 1.00
Lot 4, Block 7, lllnman's Second Addition, 1.00
Lot 1, Block 122, Original town, 1.00
Lot 1, Block 189, Original town. 1.00
Lot 2. Block 189, Original town. 1,00
Lot 5, mock ki, unglnai town, l.uu
I,ot C Block 84. Original town, 1.00
Lot 5, Block ICC, Original town, 1.00
I)t 4. Block 88, Original town, 1.00
Lots, Block 83. Original town, 1.00-
I.ot 7. Block 153, Original town, 1.00
Lot 8, Block 163, Original town, 1.00
I.ot 1. Block 108, Original town, 1.00
lAt2. Block 108, Original town, 1.00
I.ot 3. lllock 108. Original town. 1.00
I At 6, Block 108, Original town, l.OO
Ixit 7. Block 108. Original town, 1.00
Lot 8, Block 10S, Original town, 1.00
Ixt 7, Block 151. Original town, 1.00
Lot 1, Block 104, Original town, l.O)
Lot 4, Block 120, Original town. 1.00
Lot 6. Block 141. Original town. 1.00
Lot 2, Block 68, Original town, 1.00
Ixt 3, Block 68, Original town, 1.00
Lot 4. Block 68, Original town. 1.00
All person interested will file their objections.
If any they have, to the assessing of taxes against
the above described property on or before 6.00
o clock p. m., (central time) December 10th, 1911
CHAS. F. TEMPLE. City Clerk.
Office phono 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
A few choice young
Also "a few Cows and
One Mile South ot tho U. P. Depot.
Of the Best Quality.
Paine Fishburn
Granite Co.,
W. T. ALDEN, Salesman
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re
liable Tailor do it and do it right. We
have been doing this work in North
Platte for thirty 'years, know how to
do it and do it the way it should be
That means satisfaction to you.
Entrance north of the Nyal drug store.
In the county court in and for Lincoln county,
In the matter of the estate of Andrew W. Fran
cisco, deceased.
Stato of iNebruska, county of Lincoln, ss.
To all persons interested in tho estate of
Andrew W. Francisco, deceased.
Whereas Andrew W.Francisco Jr. has filed In my
ofllce an Instrument purporting to bo tho last
will and testament of Andrew W. Francisco,
deceased, late of Los Angele county, California,
together with a certificate of the probate court
in and for said county of Los Angeles, state of
California, and a petition praying to have the
some admitted to probate, which will and testa
ment relate to both real and personal property.
It Is therefore ordered that tho 17th day of
December, 1912, at 9 o'clock, a' m., at my office in
said county, be fixed ns tho time and place set for
proving saldwill, at which time and place, you
and all concerned may appear and contest the
probato of tho same.
It is further ordeicd that said petitioner give
notice to all persons interested in said estate or
the pendency of oaid petition, and of the time
and place set for hearing of said petition, and by
causing a copy of this order to bo publlshtd in
tho North Platte Tribune, a legal weekly itews
paper publithed in North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, and of general circulation in said
county for three successive weeks previous to the
day set for hearing, viz: December 17th, 1912.
In witness whereof I havo hereunto set my
hand and affixed the official seal this lGth day of
November, 1912.
n29-3 John Grant, County Judge.
Auction of School Lands.
Notice is hereby given that on the
23d day of Dec. 1912, at 1 o'clock p.
m., at the office of the County Treas
urer of Lincoln County, the Commis
sioner of Public Lands and buildings,
or his authorized representative, will
oiler for lease at public auction all
educational lands within said county
upon which forfeiture of contracts has
been declared jus follow:
N J S Wi 16-14-33 J. L. Case,
Si 1G-10-33T. T. Padgett.
Si S W 1 3G-1G-29 S. B. Callender.
Lot One 16-14-34 John Bratt.
All 10-9-32 James Doyle.
All 36-9-32 James Doyle.
S E J N El 36-16-34 Lydia A. Collins.
E. B. Cowles, Commissioner of Public
Lands and Buildings.
Dated' Nov. 12, 1912.
Jakob Jakobsen, defendant, will take
notice chat on the 16th day of October,
1912, Inter-State Live Stock Commis
sion Company, a corporation, plaintiff
herein, filed Its petition in tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and
prayer of which ar to recover judg
ment for $1500.00 on a note dated Apl.
264 1912r for $3000.00 payable six
months after date to tho plaintiff and
signed by tho defendant Jakob Jakob
sen, on which note there would bo
$1500.00 duo October 26, 1912, and for
costs of suit; affiant further says that
plaintiff has caused writs of attach
ment to issue in said action to the sher
iffs of Lincoln and Perkins counties,
Nebraska, and under said writ of at
taclfment the4 sheriff of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, seized the following property
of the defendant to-wit: 1 spotted
pony, 1 set of singlo harness, 1 single
seated buggy, 1 black bull, 1 black cow
and one red cow; and the sheriff of
Perkins county, Nebraska, has seized
tho following property of the defendant
to-wit: 5 black and white spotted
calves, 3 red calves, 1 white faced year
ling bull and 1 roan bull with lump on
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 23rd day of De
camber, 1912.
Inter-State Live Stock Commis
mission Company, a Corporation.
By Wilcox, Halligan & Mothersead.
n82-4 Its Attorneys.
Serial No. 02145.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at North Platte. . Nebr.
Notice Is hereby given that John F. Hln
man, of North Platte, Nebr., who, on July 14.
1901. mado H. E. entry No. 203(55, Serial No
S',, SW&NK i SEW. NEH Section
3twn. 12 N.ree.31.we8t!ofthe 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make
final five year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the register and
receiver, at North Platte. Nebr., on tho 12th
day of Dec. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur Con
nfir Sf !L'l?Tian Thongs Ilosran. Carl Brooder,
all of North Platte, Nebr.
o2-6 J. E. Evan. Register.
-. HfV-
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