Education and Larger Life. It seems to mo that tho woman who cannot cut out a garment better be cause of her geomotry and her draw ing lessons, who cannot speak English oro distinctly and with fuller vocab ulary bccauBo of her study of French jr German, who cannot find a hundred xbcs for her chemistry In tho littlo everyday emergencies of her house keeping, has not succeeded In getting from her studies all that they had to give her. Homo Progress Magazine. FREE BOX OF BISCUITS. Every reador of this paper can so curo absolutely freo a box of assorted biscuits by simply cutting out tho Cou pon from their ad appearing in an other part of this paper and mailing It to Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., Omaha, Neb. Tho firm is thoroughly reliable. Tako ndvantago of this liberal offer and writo thorn today. A Civil Answer. "Do many strangers settle hero, landlord?" "They all settle, an' them without no moro baggage thsn you got settles In advanco." Limit. , "Horc's your portrait, sir." "That my portrait? Well, I may have sat for it, but I won't stand for it." Rcdrosa Brill Blue, nil blue, best bluing value in the whole vorld, makes tho laun dress smile. Adv. A girl of ten hates to bo kissed al most as much 'a a girl of twenty doesn't It always costs moro to acquire a grouch than It is worth. OH! "You fJVIealtime' Do you look forward to mealtime with real pleas ure or do you have that "don't care" sort of feel ing? Then, by all means, try a bottle of Hosteller's It coaxes the Appetite, aids Digestion, prevents Constipation, Bilious ness, Colds, Grippe and Malarial Disorders. Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They are uruuu, narsn, unnecessary, i nu CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act gently on the liver. eliminate one, ana toothe the delicate. membrane of the, bowel. Cure LonstipglloD, Blliouiness, Sick Utid. iche and Indtfesllon, 11 millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Mlaa O. MAHONKY, of 7703 K. St., Vf, Washington, I). C, writes :" I suf fered with rUoumatlsm for Ave years and I haye just got hold of yourXlnl ment, and ft ha done mo so much good. My knees do not pain and the Swelling has gone." Quiets the Nerves Mns. AAYmdvam, of 403 Thompson St., JlaryTille. Jlo., writes : " Tho nerro In my leg was destroyed five years ago and left me with a jerking at night so that I could not sleop.. A friend told me to try your Liniment and now 1 could not do without it. I find after Its nso 1 can sleep." 'Ts o rrnnc! T Jnlmfint. I keen it on hand all the time. My daughter sprained her wrist and used your Liniment, and it has not hurt her since." Hatcher, of Belma, N. O. nj!D.,No.. At All Dealers Prioo 25c, 60c,, $1.00 Sloan's book on homes, cuttle, hops and poultry sent free. Address Earl S. Sloan, Boston, ME P ihi -Arvrrne jmwms miTTi r JFTJmar HIUI-H lOmpmmm. m pills. jsT" i I. i Rheumatism! 1 Neuralgia I I Sprains I leroa wun ruoumaiism lur uyd toi rniil T h 1ut oot hold of vourXlnl- fwUM Mast. fJASvx flwfliKI NOT AFRAID OF (Photo, by Underwood & Underwood, N. T.) Nobody thinks of jumping on a chair at tho Bight of this littlo mousi in fact, one can sit in perfect calmness while ho gambols on one's instep. For thotmouBo is really embroidered on tho silken stocking Tho embroidery 1b dono on tho thread silk stocking with mouse-colorod silk and tho effect is very natural and rather startling at first glimpse. IN VELVETEEN AND dORDUROY I MADE A DAINTY TEA TRAY Combination That Deserves the Popu larity Which It Has Been Un hesitatingly Accorded. Not every ono can afford frocks of Bilk velvot, so velveteen was manu factured as a substitute. It is lovely, and glves practically tho same effect as Bilk velvet when made up. Velve teen and corduroy aro UBed to fashion many smart frocks for Btreot wear. Plain colors aro moro frequently used for tho velveteen models. They aro effectively trimmed with fur, me tallic laces, Persian or tapestry em broidery. Velveteen does not adapt itself so successfully to draping as do tho softer velvets, so the skirts aro usual ly plain or with pleated Insets. The bodices aro jumper effects, with guimpes of lace or chiffon. Corduroys in the soft-finished qual ities are extensively used. Frocks and coat suits aro develop ed of this material and seem to find a ready sale. Tho two-tono corduroys in brown and tan, blue and black and whito aro especially favored. In plain colors, dark bluo, brown, black and burgundy aro tho shades more frequently used. BLOUSE This is a Bmart littlo blouso to bo worn with a costume skirt. It is in soft chiffon taffetas, with embroidery on the shoulders, "center front straps and cuffs. Two deop folds are mado from tho shoulders to waist each Bide. Materials required: lfc yards 42 Inches wide. Vogue of Moire. Moiro is being used extensively for cults this fall, an well us for trim mings. There are several classos of moiro, including tho moiro antique, tho moiro velours and tho regence. Tho latter denotes tho ribbed weaves as applied to tho molros. Tho change able and chameleon effects aro shown In tho moires qulto as often as tho plain. Tho taffeta moiro has a beau tiful but not too sharply defined wa tery effect which makes It very desir able. This fabric has almost ousted the cbwigeablo taffeta. THIS MOUSE Pretty Thing Evolved by Clever Girl in a Most Economical and Sim ple Manner. t A novel and most economical way to mnko a pretty tea-tray was dis covered by a girl who Is very clover with her wits and her fingers. Sho first purchased for forty cents a largo, ovnl picture frame from a second hand store, securing a very good bit of natural old woodwork. Then with a bottle of Btaln, somo sand-paper and a. littlo varnish sho pollBhed up tho wood to look llko now, then Bcrcwed on two brass handles, ono at each end, after wards cutting a pieco of pretty cre tonne tho samo size as tho glass, and pasting it smoothly whoro tho plcturo would ordinarily go. Covering it with th boards thnt belong to tho frame, tackod securely into placo, the entlro back then being covered with a pleco of felt, when sho found herself pos sessed of a most fetching tea-tray, which in tho shops would cost from $5 to $8. Care of the Skin. Befpre going .to bed at night, spongo the face, neck and arms in a solution of cold salt water You will, find your self awakening in tho morning with that desirable slight pink glow, which you so often see in tho faco of a child at this time. Another skin stim ulator is a small pieco of ice, placed in a soft pleco of linen and rubbed gently over tho cntiro faco and neck, caro being taken to reach every part of tho surface about the eyes and eye lids. This should not bo dono to ex cess; and afterward tho faco should bo gently but thoroughly dried, and a littlo cold cream applied. All cream that tho fleBh has not absorbed should bo removed, especially from the face that haB a tendency toward being hirsute. Evening Dresses. The Grecian draperies and oriental colorings strongly dominate tho very exclusive evening dresses, sayB tho Dry Goods Economist. Embossed vel vot patterns on chiffon cloth, on charmeu30, on satin or brought out on cloth of gold and silver are utilized. Metallic brocades; gold and silver tis sues, moiro and plain cloth of gold and silver, as well as rich embroider ed fabrics, aro represented in many of tho most favored models. Itlclt laces aro also in favor, particularly tho finer varieties, such pb Chantllly and Bohemian. Venlso Is used most ly as "a finishing touch on velvet models. Extreme Effects. Somo of tho extremo panier offsets Introduced UiIb season suggest an or dinary sack combined with Turkish trousers. Tho panniir is slightly gathered Into tho waistband and falls between tho kneo and tho ankle, over a plain narrow skirt; so that tho full ness layH over It. This stylo Is us ually carried out in tho flowered silks or chiffon that suggests tho modes of Louis XIV. Fur In Neckwear. Among tho distinctly new ideas in neckwear aro the noyeltles in which tiny bands of fur aro utilized on tho collar portion and, in somo instances, on tho jabot, is the statement made in a. recent issue of tho Dry Goods Economist. FIRST SIGHT OF WHITE FACE How a German Won Confidence of People Who Had Never Before Seen a European. Bangkok. In tho mountains of northorn Malacca and southern Slam dwells a trlho pt dwnrf NOErittos who, until a few months njjo, know nothing of tho whito man and his ways. From their hunting grounds they could al most seo tho foreign ships steam through tho Malacca Btraits. Certain conveniences obtainable only from tho whites had reached thorn through In termediate trlhos; for oxnmplo, they had becomo well acquainted with tho Swedish safety matches, yet no white man had ever como in contact with thorn, A Gorman botanist, Albort Gru bauer, not long ago sot out to mako acquaintance with theso shy people. With a fow natlvo servants ho stolo Negritos Posed for Camera. quietly up into tho mountains. For somo timo their patlonco was re warded only with disappointment, but at last ono morning they camo upon a purty of tho littlo men. Tho Negritos dropped tho bundles of rat tan they wore carrying and con cealed themselves in tho under growth. Tho Gorman and his mon know exactly what they woro to do in such a case. They woro not to go an inch In pursuit. No weapon was to bo shown. Ono of tho mon who could spoak a littlo of tho natlvo dialect, aired Ills accomplishment In tho gentlest way. Tho whito man was their good friend and had como to seo thorn. And whnt wonderful presents ho had brought for his frlonds! Tho whito man and his servants oxtondod their arms, which wero loaded with bright cottons, strings of beads, many colored neck laces, tobacco, and other tempting ar ticles whoso merits woro extolled by tho spokesman with all tho eloquenco ho could command. They knew tho natives wore be hind tho bushes looking at tho tempt ing sight and listening to tho ex hortation. Then tho visitors sat down, still holding out tho beautiful presents. Finally an old man, tho leader of tho party, stuck his head out of the bush. Ho broke off a groen twig and hold it up. It was a sign of pcaco and tho white man nodded to him. Tho ice wbb broken. Tho Negrito approached tho European, they shook hands, somo of tho presents wero distributed and tho visitors becamo tho guests of tho lit tlo mountaineers. Thoy were passed on from ono group to another till Grubauer, nfter a considerable time, bad completed his studies. FIRST RIDE ON TRAIN AT 113 Aged Arkansas Woman, Accompanied by 89 Year Old Son, Goes to Joplln, Mo., to Seo the Sights. Joplln, Mo. Mrs. H, Keith, aged 113 (years, and her youngest son, 89 years old, took their first rido on n passen ger train recently. Tho train brought them from their homo, several rallea from a railroad, in southern Arkansas. Charles McManamy was tho first pa trolman in uniform they saw. "Are you a policeman?" asked Mrs. Koith, "Woll, wo want you to show up how to get uptown. TIiIb Ih tho first time my son and I ever havo beon in Joplln. Wo camo up to seo tho sights. "My, isn't this a big town!" exclaim ed Mrs. Keith as sho got her first gllmpso of Joplln'o busy thorough fares. Mrs. Keith needed no assistance nr sho walked, Sho uppcarod much younger than sho is, and walked with a quick step and with shoulders erect, Tho son, too, was active. Mrs. Keith said she has threo r.ons older than tho ono who accompanied her hero. Tho eldest is 05, she said. All llvo with their mother or near her homo. Her husband was killed In tho Civil war. CAST-OFF STOCKING A BANK Rag Cutter In Rising Paper Mill at Hooaatonlc, Mass., Finds $50 In Silk Hosiery. PIttafleld, Mass. Mrs. Mary Mur phy, n rag-cutter in tho Rising Paper mill, at Housatonic, was cutting up old hosiory for paper atock when, in a silk stocking, Bho felt a small roll, which proved to bo $50 in ?10 bills. Somo wearer of tho silk hoso had made, tho stocking a put so and forgot all about tho monoy when tho hoso was discarded, Mrs, Murphy is a widow and tbu find is to Tier a big blessing, r-v. r.;L- &i3k S3S v S h $3& 0& "Thank Duke's Mixture" w juvviy iiiuuiuur in yuur liumiy win appro $MJ EJt clrtte the many handsome, useful presents you yp fff call fTftt frnn ivirh tlm enimniK nnw TiinL-nrl in nM . fl CWyrx, IS c s 15 Duke's Mixture is one of the biff favorite brands Men everywhere prefer it because of its true natural to bacco taste. Duke's Mixture is simply the choice leaves of fine Virginia nnd Not Ih Carolina bright leaf thoroughly njred, stemmed nnd crumbled. Smoke it as you please it's impossible to get a purer smoke or n more likeable one than this mild, rich, fragrant Liggett $ Mycrt Duke's Mixture. One and a half ounces of this choice granulated tobacco cost only 5c and with each sack you now get a free present ciiupon that is n dandy. The Presents are FREE They do not cost you one penny. In each 5c sack of Liggett $- Afyer Duke's Mixture wo now pack a freo present coupon. With these coupons you can get ony article described in our nc7 f H I t I ' IrVBI ' rjTvffPB AND GET8 LEFT. Lady I hopo you go to Sunday school regularly, my littlo man. Littlo Man Dat'B what ma hopes, too. Worth Three Times a Diamond. Nearly all tho emeralds mined to day come from Colombia. And, In splto of tho supposed higher vnluo of diamonds, tho emerald Is tho most precious of goms. Carat for carat, a llawless emerald would bring perhaps threo tims tho price of n flawless dia mond In tho Jewelry market. India, tho storehouse of precious stones, is credited with producing tho first cm crulds, but the Oriental emerald is not identical with tho modern gem, as It Is a variety of tho ruby, of green color and extremely raro. Providing. "Ib It really eary taking candy from a baby?" "Not if tho bab," takes tho placo." A man sometimes sccb things from a different point of view after his wife makes up her mind Tied Crow Bull Ulun will wash double m mnny clothe ns nny other blue. Don't put your money into any other. Adv. If you mako a remark don't you en joy having some oneway, "Is that bo7" 1 V . rmrr.ii nil,, sz&s3m nsvawjMijiaa FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS For Backache, Rheumatism, Kidneys and Bladder nrnsnor they are richest in ourative qualiti HriiAllSr contain no habit roRMina drugs UfaUf-tuuu ARK 0AFe, auRK, AND SAVE YOU MON &mmiK33 PATENTS IJl licit CfnfhBxrop. TutcsOood. Um 4U Kjf In Urns. OoM tjr Dracslati. b ' -Mfllll" k.W"-v 11 Tui,. ? t ,; wsj -,t, . MTMI ni,f. i1 yy ' ., JT .'rVy'. . m m . 1 V' g , illustrated catalogue of prcs- ents. Asa special otter, good during December and January only, toe will give you this cafa log absolutely FREE. Simply 6cnd us your nemo and address. Cvnfans from DUKE'S MIXTURE mag hi assorted vitth THgt from HORSE SHOI J. T.. TINSIXY'S NATURAL. LEAF, GRANGER TWIST and coupons from rOUIt ROSES ( lOctin double row fion), PICK PLUG CUT, PIEDMONT auitathtr lapi andcoutonl issued OS US. zU .eiuuress rremium fcpt. a (&&fttfnLjitao & (') tsHI hssHW LjnPtPH M Society. Mra. Wayupp No wonder I look worried, my dear. My .husband has Just gono out, and If ho is discovered it will probably cost us our social pot Bltlon. Mrs. Dlaso Goodness! Whoro la bo? Mrs. Wayupp Hp has gone out In cog, to pay a bill. Puck. Overheard In a Laundry. "Ho mus,ta gotta raise, Bella. ' Horo'B two shirts in tho wash tho samo week." Dlstanco sometimes lends enchant ment to a man's view of his mother-in-law. Smoker like LEWIS' Single Binder oinnr for it's rich mellow quality. Adv, It may bo all right for a man to havo a past, if it will only stay past. TH IIIOII ANn SO TiVti innralrinMvltiikji Af AlKut-ti itVnsinm Canada) ?u tlio liitf ifciuicuiHKitjarury.AHiny rutirhnn. ffidnv aro lauiifUwoifrnlQ no Ma J umii 1(lbWt7 J1UTU triwtHi ninrn i tli. tiliUn(K.n vrlioat.oais, barley ami flax: Uio of American, aottiod on tli? plAtn. wealthy, but It has In trtacd ttio urlco of Uto bIock. - i.ji . .-' 4S Thorn ts splendid opportunity Free Homestead fiClMfirrca (ondanolhoretapre ruiiillun) Id tlm nowrr districts and proil mo c-lllipr cat tlo or (train, Tliocrptwnrealwajrs Komi; too ojluiatiils mcflllentv schools And chnrrnps nro convenient, uiiuiet splandld. In oltlier Maulluba,, tias kulc howmi or AllH-rta. K'liil fur llluraiaro, tho latest Information, ralUujr rates, etc, to W. V. DENNETT, Boo nulldlnn, Omaha, Hob. or wldrosa Superintendent of Izuiuljjrutlon, Ottawa, Cu. A4 II (llllllllll ST. LOUIS. MO. flRJj; 1 )il 11) i aaSMMlllll ALBERTA IjSSfcw. TOE PRISE OF I WSPI BEEF mL rurinew .Jzt&jMm WQlBlftiA mm tin mm m THKY ARE RICHEST IN OUrlATIVr QUALITIES EY WntironTI.raleiitHD.WMb- Inglon.lX!. llooknirw. lllgh tst meruuowj. Uet losults. FOR EYE DISEASES I Io saitSvWfevf n?!l !