The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 03, 1912, Image 5

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tk! (t-cx. fliiOl -- itfll !T . 11 - yOioif- X
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3 NEWGQOblpllL I
We have prepared the most elaborate display of Holiday Goods it has been our pleasure to show. Every case and display
table is bubbling over with new and up to date goods. We will welcome you to our store whether you come as an intercs'ted
visitor or a prospective purchaser. We believe we can help you in the selection of gifts and we know we can save you money.
We have rock bottom prices on every article in our store.
I.nnlr nvpr tVm lief
maw r m.. w -wh . w w M
Gjifts for Ladies,
La Vallieres
Gold Bracelets
Signet Rings
Gold Brooches
Neck Chains
Diamond Bracelets
Pearl Rings
Diamond Pendants
Gold Watches
Back Combs
Bracelet Watches
Gold Lockets
Belt Buckles
Stick Pins
Mejth Bags
Diamond Rings
Watch Fobs
Chatelaine Pins
Belt Pins
Gold Crosses
Cuff Pins.
Set Rings
Collar Pins
Coral Rings
Hat Pins
Veil Pins
Silver Thimbles
Card Cases
Silver Novelties
Bridge Sets
Carving Sets
Mantel Qlocks
Fine China
Silver Plate
Tea Strainers
Vanity Cases
Set Rings
Traveling Cases
Puff Boxes
Gold Thimbles
Birthstone Rings
Plain Rings
Bouquet Holders
Gold Thimbles
Dinner Rings
For Your Drugs. Orders De
. Iivcrcd promptly. .
5? ?
Local and Personal
W. J. O'Connor was a Kearney visitor
on Thanksgiving.
Williard West visited relatives in
Gothenburg last week.
A. W. Peterson, of Sutherland, spent
the week end in this city on business.
L. JohnBon left Saturday morning
forPaxtonto spend a Isjv days on
If you are going to invest wait for
the opening of "Cody's Addition."
Mrs. Dodson, of Shelton, arrived the
last of the week to visit her daughter
Miss Mahala Dodson.
Mrs. O. P. Guffy and daughter, of
Sutherland, spent the weok end with
friends in this city.
Mrs. Frank Winkleman returned Fri
from Sidney where she attended the
D. of H. convention.
Miss Francis Miller left the latter
part of last week for Chappell to visit
relatives for two weeks.
F. C. Pielsticker left last week for
Omaha and other eastern points to
spend several days on business.
Latest box paper, correspondence
cards and engraved calling cards.
Rincker Book & Drug Co.
Miss Alice Wilcox entertained the
Pan Hollanic club Saturday afternoon.
Nice refreshments were served.
Mrs. J. Q. Wilson, of Paxton, who
was the guest of 'Mr. and Mrs: Earl
Wilson, returned home Saturday.
npnrva Schatz. of Otrden came down
Saturday evening to visit for a few
days with his mother and attend tho K.
C. banquet.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton returned
Saturday afternoon from Lincoln where
they spent tho Thanksgiving holidays
with relatives.
Try an expert watchmaker if . your
watch does not keep good time.
Clinton, The Bizzy Jeweler.
Miss Ethel Worlamont, of Cheyenne,
arrived Saturday to visit her cousin
Miss Ireue Hubbard and attend the K.
C. banquet and dance.
Joseph McGraw, of Helper, Utah,
who had been visiting his mother'Mrs.
Johanna McGraw for two weeks, left
Saturday afternoon.
Miss Hannah Keliher is expected
home this week from an extended visit
with relatives and friends in Omaha,
St. Louis and Lebanon, Ky.
hplnw fnn Indira and (font Imnnn -nnlv n Vfirv inromnmte
waw w At U
Link Buttons
Ear Stnds
Toilet Sets
Photo Frames
Jewel Cases
Shoe Buckles
Desk Sets
Opera Glasses
Souvenir Spoons
Leather Goods
Manicure Sets
Fountain Pens
Change Purses
Sterling Silver
Cut Glass
Brass Goods
Silk Umbrellas
Boudoir Clocks
Whist Sets
Electric Lamps
Chafing Dishes
Sets of Silver
Shopping Bags
Make our store your store this holiday season. You
Mrs. W. P. Snyder will entertain tho
Nevita club tomorrow afternoon.
Toyland is completo at the Rincker
Book & Drug Co.
James Loudon returned Friday from
a short 'visit in Maxwell with relatives.
Mrs. Earl Williams, of Hershoy, is
spending a few days with town friends.
Mrs. Henry Simon whs called to
Hastings Saturday by the serious illness
of her father.
Mrs. Storm left Friday evening for
Los Angeles to spend the winter months
with relatives.
Buy at Clinton's now. Wo Lay aside
any purchase until Christmas. En
graving free.
Mrs. Maude Louden, of .Paxton,
visited Mrs. Earl Wilson lost week nnd
left Saturday morning.
Miss Vera Carrigan, of Cheyenne,
who visited Miss Irene Hubbard last
week has returned home.
Miss Mary Alen, of Farnam, re
turned home Saturday after spending a
week with her brother Arthur Allen.
The J. S.Davis Auto Co. has just
sold a Buick touring car to James
Green. The car was delivered , 8atur-
Mrs. Edward Grady and children re
turned Saturday afternoon from a two
weeks' visit with relatives in Grand
"Cody's Addition" will be the place
to live.
The J. S. Davis Auto Co. has just
sold a Buick touring car to L. M. Lin
coln at Kearney. The car was delivered
Wanted Cattle to pasture this win
ter, plenty of feed and water. Call or
address A. R. Christianson, North
Platte, Nebr., phone J 555.
The J. S. Davis Auto Co. has just
sold n new Franklin 4 cylinder touring
car to R. F. Fowles. Thocar was de
livered yesterday. His' six cylinder
Franklin will arrive in two or throe
C. L. Patterson, of Denver, came
down Saturday morning and visited rel
atives and friends until Sunday night.
C. L. is still head of the U. P. secret
service in Colorado, a position that
keeps him pretty busy.
Any diamond bought of Clinton will
be exchanged, at the price paid, for
payment on larger stone.
Twelvo young ladies very prominent
in society have organized a club and
will givo a series of social functions
during the season, these affairs to be
either card parties or dancos, just as
tho Individual member as hostess may
elect. While the girls will, of course,
get much enjoyment, the real object of
the club is to furnish amusement for
tho young men which is certainly very
thoughtful of tho young ladies.
oose i our Lnristmas
w w " - -w --- w
Gifts for
Cnff Links
Scarf Pins
Vest Chains
Emblem Charms
Full Dress Sets
Diamond Links
Waldemar Chains
Military Brushes
Match Boxes
Smoking Sets
Silk Umbrellas"
Ash Receivers
Card Cases
Photo Frames
Toilet ATticles
Traveling Cases
Cigar Cases
Book Racks
Diamond" Rings
Diamond Studs
Silk Watch Fobs
Emblem Buttons
Tie Clasps
Fountain Pens
Desk Sets
Bottle Openers
Desk Calendars
Collar Bags
Letter Scales
Carving Sets
Cigar Stands
Thermos Bottles
Cloth Brushes
Field Glasses
Cork Screws
Soap Boxes
Gollar Buttons
Emblem Rings
Gold Lockets
Signet Rings
Opal Studs
Lapel Chains
Sets of Studs
Safety Razors
Shaving Sets
Key Rings
J. R. Brestel, of Gothenburg, spent a
few days last weok with frionds in this
Mrs. Poulson and sistof, of Overton,
spent the week end with friends in
town. ,
J. W. Fetter, of Maxwell, spent the
weok end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Rodgors spent a
few days last week with relatives in
Moorefield: -
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Granger spont the
week end with friends and relatives in
William "Turpie returned Saturday
from a short business visit in Gandy
and Stapletbn.
"The gift of today is tho heirloom of
tomorrow. Sterling silver is most de
sirabl6." Dixon, The Jowelor.
Clyde Cook returned to Grand Island
Friday after spending Thanksgiving
with his wife.
Leonard and Clifford Stuart, of Lex
ington, attended the K. C. .banquet at
the Lloyd Sunday.
Ed Erb,and a party of friends from
Gothenburg came up today to attend
tho play at the Keith.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Strain, of Goth
enburg, arrived here Saturday oyoning
to visit Miss Isabella Skinner.
Thomas Mahor, of Lexington came up
Saturday evening to attend the Knights
of Columbus banquet Sunday.
Baby Rings, Charm lockets, pins and
.Clinton's, The Bizzy
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cary had as their
guests tho last of last week Mr. and
Mrs. August Molzer, of Lincoln.
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Crook were
called to "Carroll, la., Friday by the
serious illness of the latter's mother.
J. C. McGovern, who had been em
ployed in Sluter, Mo., for several
months, this city Saturday.
Mrs. L. C. Hanscnf and children, .pf
Grand Island, came Saturday morning
to visit her mothar Mrs. Emma Pulver.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jesse VanDyke and
daughter left a noon Saturday for a
short visit in Gothenburg with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Wilcox returned
to Cozad Friday evening, having visited
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox for several
Plat of 'Cody's Addition" will be
filed this week. Lots be on sale next
William Nye, of Roscoe, spent a few
Ldays hore last week while enroute homo
from Maxwell, where ho visited rela
tives. Five room house in east part of
town. New property. 1J lots. Cow
barn, chicken house and yard. -Good
garden lot. Price $2400.
C. F. Temi'LK.
list of nur immonco cfnnlr
v w bbww www
Napkin Rings
Cigar Jars
Cigar Cutters
Pipe Racks
Liquor Sets
Sachel Tags
Brier Pipes
Desk Clocks
Bill Folds
Pocket Flasks
Key Chains
Riding Crops
Game Shears
Watch Charms
are always welcome.
Miss Cleo Chappell returned Satur
day from Garfield, where she spent a
week visiting rurnl schools in that vi
cinity. Rubon J. Chittock nnd Esther Stoncr,
of Moorefiold, were quietly married ut
the court house Wednesday by Judgo
Miss Rosa McGinley, of Paxton, came
down Saturday to attend the K. C.
banquotand visit Mrs. Terrence Mc
Mis3 Alma Nyal, of Denver, arrived
here Friday evening nnd is a guest at
the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. II. f. Troup aro en
joying a visit from the latter's father
and sister, who camo un from Kearney
Get busy Christmas will soon bo
here call at Clinton's before the pret
tiest things aro sold.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmos Stafford, of
Stromsburg1 who were guests of Mrs.
R..E. Androwslost week, left Saturday
Miss Gertrude Herrod, of Columbus,
came up Friday ovoning to visit
friends and attend tho K. C. banquet
and dance.
Mrs. Wm. Young and son I Georgo
of Hastings, who visited Mr. v.nd Mrs,
Carl Simon last week, returned home
Friday evening.
County Judgo Grant united Charles
Swnnson and Fanny J. Hecht, of Wal
lace, in marriage at his residence Wed
nesday ovoning.
Como early nnd make your selection
of Gibson wator colored Xmas cards,
letters and calendars at tho Rincker
Book & Drug Co.
Mrs. T. C. Pattorson and daughter
Edith roturned Sunday evening from
Omaha where they visited Misa Ruth
Patterson last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Stnfford, of
Paxton, aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. Omnr
Huff. Mrs. Stafford was formerly Miss
Margaret McFaddcn.
While in Ogalnlla last week Attorney
Muldoon attended a turkey shoot and
tied for second place. Ralph Stardey,
ulso of this city, won first place.
Mrs. J. W. Rosencrans and daughter
Dorethy, of Cozad, returned home Sat
urday morning after spending a week
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilbert.
J. B. Cross, who had been making
his home with his son at the Nebraska
house, loft the last of last week for
Denver to spend tho winter with rela
tives. Owners of city property, lots or
houses, can find sale for same by list
ing with us. Property priced right finds
ready sale. Buchanan & Patterson.
Mrs. Gut Chamberlain und son
Valdamor, of Denver, who wore guests
of the former's father P. H. Sullivan
last week, went homo Saturday aftor-noon.
Robert Caiitt entertained n scoro of
young friends at a dnncing pnrty nt his
home Friday evening in honor of Miss
Amanda Butler of Cheyenne. Nice re
freshments wero served and tho guests
passed n delightful ovening.
Thomas E. Lindemuth nnd Miss Grnco
Carpenter, of Curti3, wore married
Thursday by Rev. Cram of this city.
Mrs. Lindemuth was formerly of this
city and has a number of frionds among
tho local people who wish her happiness.
A petition has beon circulated in
Urady for the purpose of ascertaining
whether the citizens favor u municipal
electric light plant. Two weeks ago
tho Hershey Times took u postal curd
vote on a proposition to put in a com
bined wnter and electric light plant.
Tho result was fifty-nine for and fivo
against the proposition. Lincoln county
towns are progressive.
Seven room house, modern througout,
except heat. New fonndation and
newly painted. Just seven blocks east
of tho post office on 5th Btroet, $2,200,
if bought within tho next thirty days.
This is absolutely a bnrgain that will
have to be taken 'at once, as wo are
holding the house without renting it for
this time. If you buy you enn move
in tho next day. C. F. Temple.
Tho funeral of the late Mrs. P. H.
McEvoy was hold Saturday morning
from tho Catholic church. Rev. Mc
Daid conduced the service and gave nn
impressive and consoling sermon to tho
bereaved family. A largo number of
friends attended the services and fol
lowed tho remains to the North Biatte
cemetery. Many beautiful floral pieces
wero sent by sympathjc friends. ,
Opportunity If looking for a busi
ness opening in North Platte, tho par
ticulars of a good paying proposition
can be secured by addressing XX, care
of The Tribune.
Two automobiles loaded with Elks
nnd Odd Follows, drove out to the
Hansen ranch Sunday forenoon and
spent an hour or so with Henry Hanson,
who has been In poor health for sovoral
months. They took with them n liberal
supply of rose3 ns a remembrance from
tho two lodges. Henry js suffering from
stomach trouble of a very sorious na
ture, and sinco first attacked has lost
thirty or more pounds. His diet is milk
and raw eggs. Accompanied by his
wifo and mother ho expects to leave
next Sunday for Los Angeles, where
thoy will spend the winter.
Farm For Sale.
The northenst quarter (nej) section
twenty-four (24) township thirteen (18)
range thirty (30) nbout seven miles
outhenst of North Platte on south side
of Platto river, all smooth land near
nills, good buildings, fifteen acres in
alfalfa, ono of best farms in Plntto
valley. Price $10,000.00. Terms, half
insh, bnlanco on oasy time at 7 por
cent Interest. Address Joseph Hershoy
North Platto, Neb. '
I m
Will Expend $750,000.
The Tribune? learns from nn nuihorl
tivo source that the erection of thonew
round houso, cbnl chutes and othor lm
provoments which hnvo boon bluo
printed nnd made public, form only a
pnrt of tho pinna which tho Union
Pacific hna dcci'lod upon in increasing
its terminal facilities nt North Finite,
nnd that When nil the improvements
hnvo been completed tho outlay, will
rench tho enormous rum of Bovon bun
dred nnd fifty thousand dollnrs. Tho
construction work will probably extend
over a period of two years, nnd- by '
reason of its magnitude" will plnco
North Plntto nt the head of all division
terminals on tho Union Pacific.
Theso improvements will nnturnlly
call for a large increase in tho perma
nent working force, nnd nt lcn9t n
fifty por eont incrense in tho present I
monthly pay-roll will follow.
Two years ngo a promicnt Union'
Pacific official remarked to this writer:
"Wo. hayo something up our sloovq for
North Plnttc; wo expest to do big things
for you people." Tho conipany is now
starting in to do thoso "btg things."
Will Provide Christmas Cheer.
The Elk lodge has mndo a liberal do
nation of money nnd tendered tho use
of tho building forn Christmns celebra
tion nnd gift giving to tho more un
fortunate children of tho city. Tho
affair has been plncod in tlje hands of
Mrs. Charles Perkins and Mrs. R. B.
Favoright, two ladies who in tho past
hnvo interested thcmsolvos in provid
ing ChriHtmas cheer for the youngsters
who otherwise would havo llttlo of tho
joys of thnt day. While wo havo not
been requested so to state, Mosdames
Favoright and Perkins will no doubt bo
glad to receive cash donations as woll
as donations of suitable articles for this
gift-distribution, tho purpose being to
supply bodily comforts as woll as those
littlo gifts dear to children. It is hoped
that citizens generally will join with
the Elks in making tho celebration a
successful outpouring of good cheer,
All lols in "Cody's Addition" and
Buffalo Bill's sub-division will be
marked with lot and block number (his
week. Take a walk Sunday afternoon
oyer the addition, and pick your lot,
K. C. Banquet
St. Patrick's Council No. 1211,
Knights of Columbus, hold ono of tho,
most successful and enjoyable meetings
and banquets Sunday thnt thoy hold in
sevornl years.
Tho knights nnd enndidntea assembled
at their hall at 8 o'clock Sunday morn
ing nnd proceeded in a body to St.
Patrick's church to attend high mass.
Tho initiation wiuheld in the afternoon
and a class of thirty-five Stakcn into tho
membership. The banquet was nerved
in the Lloyd opera houso in tho ovon
ing whoro fivo prettily decorated
tables extended tho length of tho hall
nnd the wnlls, gallery andjceiling wero
hung with pennants, (lags and stroarnora
of purple and gold nnd uppropriato pic
tures. Plates wore lnld for three hun
dred. Itio banquet was prepared by
tho Ladies Altar Society and served by
tho Catholic Girl's club who marched
from tho gallory and gnvo n tonst to
tho knights.
During tho evening a fivo piece or
chestra under tho leadership of James
Hart rendered a program of popular
music. Tho following program wns
rendered nnd ench number loudly ap
plauded. Tho toasts wero Instructive
witty and eloverly deliverod. J. Leo
Cleary, toastmnster; "Impressions of
Day" John Loary; Vocal Solo, Miss
Miss Sadlo Trovillo; "Catholicity and
tho Nation," J. L. Mcintosh; vocal
duet Irene von Trot and Pat Hngorty;
"Tho Ladies," James Kcofo; vocal
duet, MIsb Mary Tighe and Miss Sadie
Trovillo; "Our Country," Rov. fJH. II.
Cody's Additon.!',
You can buy a lot aiid automobile
for the price you pay for a lot six
blocks this side of there. Why not live
out where you have lots of room and
fresh air.
Miss Vera Warrington began work In
tho Clinton Jewelry Storo yeBterdnji
Owen O'Neal, of Sutherland, spent
Sunday with town friends and, attended,
tho K. C. banquet.
J. E. Grady, of Mnson Gity. vas.
among tho delegates to tho K. C. meet-
ing hero Sunday.
After visiting Rov. and Mrs. Gaithor
for a week, Mr. and Mrs. Soibort ro
turned to Lexington Saturday morning.
To Investors.
We are prepared to loan your money
on real estate first mortgage so as to
net your eight per cent. Money so
loaned is exempt from taxes. Come in
and let us talk it over.
Buchanan & Patterson.
For Rent -640 Acres
good farming or hay land, CO cents por
acre, six miles north of Wallace, Nob.,
twelve miles south of Suthorlnnd. Now
4-room house and barn for olght head,
grainery 24x32, cement cavo 12x18,
good well, 10-ft Sampson mill, 30 ft.
steel tower, 3 miles of fence, 150 acres
R cuUi;tio"' Address W. R. Harding,
North Platto, Neb.