The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 03, 1912, Image 3

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Nebraska Directory
Jackson-Signall Company
Mosher-Lampman Business Collego
Oneof ttioleadlnK-.choolsottho United States. Writ
tod&rforouraiM'clal moneT-saylng offer. Mention
uu paper, nnsiitu laarnis, duiiu, atsuisaa
Dyers Brothers & Co.
In now located at 22 IK SOUTH
10th STREET, near Fnrnnm. Vltlt
our new Htoro when In Omaha. Fine
AnHOrtmeut of alfta (or Christmas.
Wood Bros.
South Omaha Chicago Sioux City So. St. Paul
Try Us-lt Will Pay You
Consign jonr stock tons for (cool prices, good Alls
and prompt remittance. Wrlto or wire u for any
desired Information regarding tho rnurkot. AH com
inunlcallons answered promptly. Yn nro working
tor jour Interest and appreciate jour business.
N. E. ACKER & CO.,
Livo Stock Commission
loom 1 1 0-112 Exch:ng9 Bldg, Slock Id j. Station, S.Snaha, Neb.
Matron Meant to Bo Kindly, But
Youngster Was Not Conversa
tionally Inclined.
This story has been going the
rounds of Boston about the ten-year-old
son of Director Russell of the
Boston opera houso.
Ono ovoning during an entr'acto at
Iho opera house Master Russell was
promenading alone In the foyer, in
faultless evening dress a very glass
of fashion. A Boston matron, seeing
that ho was lonely, began to make
horself "agreeable."
"You aro Director Russell's little
boy, aren't you?" sho asked, 'with
patronizing sweetness.
Master Russell resented this intru
sion on his dignity, but his courtly
manors were unruffled. "Yes, mad
am," ho replied, with an elaborate
"Where were you born?"
"In Franco, madam" Slightly moro
"What part?" continued tho lady,
feeling tho conversation well started.
"All of me, madam."
And ho bowed and walked away.
Suicide Among German Children.
Why do so many German children
commit suicide? No one seems to
know, but there is no dispute about
the fact. Indeed, It has been said that
tho majority or suicides aro those of
children, and experts seem inclined to
connect tho grisly epidemic with tho
educational system. That "tho weak
must go to tho wall" has bocomo an
axiom that has been extended to tho
Bchools, and tho undeveloped mind of
tho child seeks relief in suicide from
tho discouragement of failure. It
would bo Interesting to know If wy of
tho so-called heathen countries of tho
world have ever experienced such a
horrid social phenomena as that of
child suicide.
Exceptional Child.
First School Teacher Does Edith's
little girl ever mako any bright an
swers? Second School Teacher No; she al
ways' knows her lessons. Judge.
Not the Same.
"You used to call your wife 'Kit
ten. "
"I know, but sho has grown slnco
then." Judge.
A Treat
Crisp, delicately
is. UPdfe
Ready to serve without
further cooking by adding
cream of milk.
Often used with fresh or
canned fruit.
"The Memory Lingers"
Poitura Cereal Co., Ltd.
Battle Geek, Mich.
One 8econd Foot of Water Delivered
Considered Ample to Irrigate
Eighty Acres of Land.
(By E. D. HOt'SR. Colorado Experiment
Lcttera continually como to tho de
partment of Irrigation engineering at
tho agricultural collego roadlng some
thing llko this: "I wish to install
ft pumping plant on my land; I wish
to raise tho water twonty foot high; I
want enough water to irrlgato eighty
acres of land. What slzo pump shall
I order and what horso power engine
will bo noccBsary to do tho work?"
This brings up Immediately two
questions, tho duty of water and also
tho efficiency of tho pumping plant.
It may be safely stated that ono sec
ond foot of water delivered from a
pumping plant will bo ample to irrl
gato eighty acres of ordinary Colo
rado land and will furnish amplo sup
ply of water to ralso ordinary farm
crops upon It. In fact, wo should dc
hotter than this and should make one
second foot of wator irrlgato and take
care of tho crops on from 100 to 120
acres of our land. California fnrmor?
mako ono second foot of water Irri
gate from 300 to 600 acres and In time
wo will do tho samo, but much monjy
must be spent upon our canals and
laterals bofore this can bo done. So
for an amplo supply, let us say that
ono second foot will irrigate 80 acres,
Ono second foot of wnter equnls
450 gallons per minute, thoroforo a
pump delivering 450 gallons per min
ute should bo purchased. When wo
como to flguro horse power necessary
to ralso this amount of water twenty
feet high, wo go back to tho physics
wo studied when wo wora boys. II
you will think back' over those times,
I think you will refnembcr that when
one pound Is raised one foot high,
ono "foot-pound" of work has been
done; if that pound is raised 20 feet
high, 20 foot pounds of work has been
done. A good sized horso, weighing
from 1,400 to 1,600 pounds, can do suf
ficient work to raise a 550-pound
weight one foot high each second
and keep It up all day and day after,
consequently we have a unit for tho
rate of doing work which Is called the
"horse-power," and It is equal to 550
foot-pounds per second. Our engines
aro all rated In horso power. When
ono cubic footof water, or 450 gallons,
Is delivered each second tho weight of
this water Is 62 pounds. If this is
raised 20 feet high we would bo doing
20 times C24 or 1,250 foot-pounds of
work each second. Dividing this by
550, wo have 2.3 (nearly). This is
the theoretical horsepower required to
raise ono second foot of water twenty
foot high. Our machinery, however,
is not perfect for there is work lost
In friction, friction of the water In tho
pipe and also In the turns and elbows,
hence It will take moro than a 2.3
horsepower onglno to do tho work de
sired. The efficiency of nn ordinary
plant will not usually run moro than
50 per cent, perhaps 40 per cent would
bo a better figure, so tho 2.3 horse
power represents just 40 per cent ol
the power necessary, or tho sized en
gine to order would bo 100 times ono
fortloth of 2.3, which Is practically
bIx horsepower.
Overhead Irrigation. (
Tho overhead system of- Irrigation
Is being generally Installed at Krlngs
Station. Mr. H. H. Miahler, ono of
tho most progressive growers, has
placed tho overhead pipes in all his
greenhouses, covering more than an
acre, and tho system Is also used out
of doors. Artificial watering mokes
crop production much moro certain,
and it also increases yields and Im
proves tho quality of many vegetables.
Lottuce, cucumbers and tomatoes are
the most Important greonhouso crops,
and the overhead sprinkling lines aro
used throughout tho year.
V Tho good cow deserves liberal, well
selected feed.
The horses on tho grain tanks need
the best of care and feed,
Uneven speed means poor results
from using tho separator.
The Danes as a nation aro tho
greatest dairymen In the world.
Feed furnishes tho milk and milk
furnishes tho profit on tho dairy farm.
Savo all refuso vegetables for .tho
lows. They will repay you In butter
fat this winter.
A llttlo early handling will make It
easy to break tho holfo'r to milk when
alio first comes fresh.
Tho dairy utensils to bo properly
jlean should be washed as soon as
possible after having been used.
Tho dairy farmor who has a good
well and adequate pumping facilities
has a modest refrigerating plant of
his own.
Tho dairy farmer 1b In a better
position to raise good calveB, pigs
and chickens than his neighbor who
does not believe in dairying.
A wlro strung along overhead makes
a safe and handy place to hang the
lantern. Hang it on with a harness
snap and slide it along as you need it.
Tho cow that is not naturally a free
milker and a largo producer of butter
fat cannot bo Improved by all tho
balancod rations that ono may figure
Circumstances and management
havo about as much to do In making,
mutton growing pay as In turning the
scale towards profit In any other farm
The uso of a wooden mold means
less work In proparing buttor for
market and also makes a moro nttrac
tlvo looking package. They cost but
a few cents,
Geoffroy, Injurious Insect Little Known Here, but Well Known
In Europe, Causing' Serious Damage to Elms In Vari
ous Parts of the United States.
(ny F. D. HILLMAN.l
Geoffroy, an Insect llttlo known in
this country, but well known In Eu
rope, whore it is a serious onomy of
tho elms In Franco, Is causing consid
erable damago in various parts of the
United States. Tho first locality in
our country in which this insect was
found was Wostchcstor county, N. Y.,
in 1884, whoro it was found on nur
sery Block in great numbors.
In 1887 it was wound on tho sllppory
elm at Cambrldgo, aMBS. It had boon
observed in Now York city tho pre
vious year. In 18SS it was found on
Section of Branch of Cork Elm, Show
ing Female Insects Between the
Plates of Cork.
elms on tho grounds of tho Depart
ment of Agrlculturo at Washington,
and soon after on trees In tho strcots
of the samo city Up to this tlmo tho
insect remained unidentified in tho
American entomological collections,
but In 18S9 moro completo material
was received by the Division of Ento
mology of tho department of agricul
ture, from which tho Insect was de
termined to bo Identical with tho elm
pest of Europo (GosByparla ulml)
So far as Is known, tho insect con
fines its attacks In this country to the
elms, hut preBonts somo variability in
its preferences for tho vnrlouB species
of olms In different localities. In Eu
rope, however, It has boon found on
tho alder. '
According to tho reports of tho ob
servers at tho above mentioned locali
ties, tho lnsoct attacks tho American
elms moro vigorously than tho intro
duced European species, and thus it is
added to tho alroady long list of immi
grant animals and plants that havo
found In this country conditions moro
congenial than thoso of their foreign
Ono is' most apt to first notico tho
presenco of this insect by soeing great
numbers of circular whitish rings sur
rounding a dark ontor clustered along
tho under sldo of tho lower limbs nnd
branches. If tho bark is cracked,
rowu of tho insects will bo found to
covor tho cracks and so bo arranged
longitudinally to tho branch. Tbeso
light marglnod objects aro tho bodlos
of old fotnale llco and may bo one,
two or three years' standing. A clos
er examination will reveal tho fact
that many of tho contral darker parts,
which aro tho bodies proper of tho
llco, aro absent, these having fallen
away with ago.
Tho whlto marginal ring Burround
lng tho body of tho Insect, consists of
a somowhnt fibrous, waxy material, so
crotod by tho developing insect. It
becomes firmly attached to tho bark
and curled Inward, where its edgo is
somewhat fringed. The body becomes
with nge dark brown, smooth, convex
longitudinally, tho segmentation usu
ally remaining distinct.
Tho preceding description applies
to tho femalo only. Tho male Insect
asumes a very different form. Ab tho
males do not take food, they may be
found at any point on tho bark, usu
ally, however, In moro or less pro
tecting spots. On nearlng maturity,
tho males secrete a mlnuto pocket
llko case, or cocoon, within which they
cast their larvul skin, and acqulro a
singlo pair of wings. They then
jtlMiole'for wire rod
'Svnnj door opening
,- screw i
nooK. i
triiicr I
Sid. view
Outline of Irijcr
C w- r
Tho Connecticut trap nest perfected by Prof. F. II. Stonoburn of tho
agricultural collego la a simple and easily mado dovico, and la said to
work overy tlmo a hen enters It. Any box of about 15 inches square will
anawor tho purpose, oraugo boxoa being available. Tho dlrnensinna shown
In tho cut can bo varied, oxcept f r tho trigger. Tho advantago of having a
wlro-covcrcd door la that tho hen will stay in front of tho box after she haa
laid. These nest3 can bo built In pairs or tiers, ua liberating tho hen, gath
ering tho egg, and sotting the triggor aro all done from tho front end.
omorgo from tho cocoon, and mating
with tho fomalea, disappear. Tho emp
ty cocoonB remain attached to tho
bark. They occur singly, but usually
In clustors, each a mlnuto whlto ob
ject less than a twelfth of an Inch
long. Whoro tho plt.toa of cork nro
numerous on tho branchos of tho cork
elm, tho femalo llco becomo flxod to
tho narrow strips of living bark bo
tweon tho plates of cork, while tho
malo cocoons mny bo found In tho nar
row crovlccs In tho cork.
Tho youug llco, an thoy appear at
this season, can bo soon with tho un
aided eye only on closo examination.
Undor a strong Ichb, a cluster of them
presents a dull grayish appearance
Individually thoy aro somewhat oval
in Bhapo, and nro covered with mlnuto
whitish spinos. Most of thorn nro
quiet in their place of hibernation, but
on being disturbed many will lcavo
their positions, moving sulgglshly.
Tho destruction of this lnscot
should not bo attended with tho diffi
culty that has characterized efforts in
this direction against tho San Joso and
other scalo Insects. . Tho latter aro
protected by a roof-llko scalo which
protects tho to'ndor parts of tho body
nnd onablcB tho Insects to very ef
fectually resist tho romedlea ordinar
ily employed. In tho caso of tho elm
Insect, tho body remalnB exposed and
thus Is moro likely to yield to tho ac
tion of corroslvo washes.
ICeroBono emulsion and whalo-oll
soap seem to bo offcctunl romedlos
when tho Insects aro reached by them.
Spraying will havo to bo dono at dif
ferent porlodB and may bo found to
bo most effectual when tho Insects nro
most active.
Tho fumoa of hydrocyanic acid gas
effectually destroy tho llco, but tho
uso of tho remedy necessitates the em-
Section of Branch Showing the Usual
Appearance of the Insects; (a) Fe
males Over a Crack In the Bark.
(Two Small GroupB are Seen In tho
Upper Part of the Fgure.) (e) a
Cluster of Small Cocoono.
ployment of a tent to cover tho tror
and conflno tho gas sufficiently long
to kill the lnsucta.
A careful study of tho insect's hab
its, extending through an entire year
at least, will bo nocessary to deter
mine tho most vulnerablo porlod In
tho insect's llfohlatory.
Grow Tomatoes.
If you grow only an aero or two of
tomatooa, tho rrults saved from ono
large, vlgorouH plant will produce
moro than enough aeed for your wholo
plantation next year. Is It not worth
while, thoroforo, to consider this mat
tor? Havo you not found ono or moro
plantB In your Hold which aro espe
cially valuable becauso of their largo
production of lino totnatoeB? Try thla
plan of saving your own soed und
note results. ,
Geese and Their Feathers.
It requires about four geese to
make a pound of feathers. Picking
llvo gocso for their feathers !b a prac
tice that has been discontinued in thla
.Screw eye.
J- n--
4S dooJ
Front view
Suiting Hlmcetf.
The modern small boy is painfully
"Would you llko to como to our bon
fire on tho 5th of November?" ono was
Back camo nn nnBwor worUiy of a
cabinet minister: "Well, if I haven't
n bonflro of my own and it' my fathor
doesn't tnko mo to Hollo Vuo, and if
I'm not naked to a better bonflro, I'll
bo awfully glad to como." Munches
tor Guardian.
80! Lowoll riaco, Chicago, 111.
"Tho Uoublo began by my hands burn
ing an! Itching and I rubbed nnd
scratched them till ono day I saw llt
tlo red toroB'Coming out My hnnda
wore dl&flgurod nnd BWollon, nnd trou
bled mo so that I could not sleep.
Thoy wo;j cracked nnd when tho
Binall sores broko a whlto matter
would como out. I could not do any
hnrd work; if I did tho sores would
como out w'orso. For two years no
body could euro my oczoma, until ono
dny I thought I would try tho CuUcura
Soap nnd Ointment, I used warm wa
tor with tho Cutlcura Soap nnd nftor
that I put tho Cutlcura Olutmont on
my hands twlco a day for about flvo
or six months when I was cured.
(Signed) Sam Marcus, Nov. 28. 1911.
Cutlcura Sonp r.nd Ointment sold
throughout tho world, Sample of each
frco, with 32-p. Skin Book. Addroso
post-card "Cutlcura, Dcpt. L, Boston."
"I always
an opportu-
"But, then, you must bo caroful you
aro not hugging n doluslon."
ni!S8SBKW6v0tmk mjB
Vegetable Preparation Tor As
similntintf thpFnorinnrin(litl:i-
ting the Stomachs and Bowls or
Promotes Digcslion.Chcerful
nessandRcsl.Conlalns neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not "Narcotic
Wjw fOM DrSAMl'ttimffER.
JiimmA'iH Sua
AMtltS'ii .
Anil Stti
tti&ryrtt FMver
Apcrfect Remedy rorConsllpa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoci,
and Loss of Sleep.
facsimile Signature of
Tirn Centaur Company,
Guaranteed under tho Foodanj
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
A Bit Candid.
First Trlppor (nftor lengthy aurvoy
of socond ditto) You 'as got a hugly
faco, 'asn't you, mate?
Second Trlppor Corn't do nullln'
abaht It,
Plrst Trlppor You might 'avo
Btoppod at 'omo. Punch (London).
In another part ot thla paper you
will find a largo ad of tho Loobo-WHob
Biscuit Co., Omaha, Neb. Thoy offor
to send to any rondor a box of assort
ed blncults absolutely froo. Don't miss
this opportunity. Cut out tho coupon
from tholr ad and mall it today.
Not According Rule.
"Her emotions arc ungrammatlcal."
"What do you mean by that?"
"All her moods aro tense."
"Vi- -
he Cheerful Life
It Is the right of evcryono to llvo and enjoy the cheerful life. Wo owe
It to oursolves and thoso who llvo with us to llvo tho choorful life. We.
cannot do so If ill health takes hold of us.
The wife, mother and daughter suffering from hot flashes, nervousness,
headache, backache, dranrlnif-dovrn feeling, or uny other weakness due to disorders
j or irregularities of tho dcllcato femalo organs la not only a burden to herself,
hut to her loved ones.
Thtrm 1$ a remtJy. Forty years experience lias proven nnml'tnknbly that
fFavorite prescription
will rcstoro health to weakened womankind. For 40 yari It has survived
Brejudlce, envy and malice. Hold by dealers in medicine In liquid or tablet form.
T, Tierce's Favorite Prescription Tablets can lie had of drutrgist or mailed on
receipt of ono-cent stumpa-for (LOO or Mo size. Address It. V. Fierce, M. U,
JJuirulo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets rcgnlato and Invigorate
tUom&clij ilYcr obU bowels. Sngar-coated, tiny granulate.
Mrs. HIrnm Offon I'm afraid yon
won't do. As nearly as I can And out.
you havo worked In six or aqven
places during tho laat year.
MIbb Brady Well, nn' how manny
gtrla lino yorsclf had In tho oam&
tolmo7 No loss, I'm thlnkln'. Boston
"Pa, what la tho Brldgo of Sighs?"
"That's tho brldgo your mother
playB, my son."
Cole's CarbolUalra stops Itching ant! pain
and cures piles. All druggists. 25 and 50c. Adv,
You can't convlnco a schoolboy that
history1 repcatu Itself.
A man can hnvo short legs ntld still
enrry his head high.
(Copyright 1012 by tho Tonltlve Co.)
When tho blood Is tired, It falls to
supply sufficient gastrlo Julco to prop
erly digest tho food, and wo have
Dyspopsln, Indigestion, NauBea, Heart
burn, GastrltlB, Bad Breath, etc. Build
ing up tho blood la tho only Way to
prevent and euro this condition. For
this purpose,
T.onltlvea will bo
found of great
valuo, becauso ot
tholr action on tho blood, thoy help to
supply tho nocossary gastrlo Julco,
nnd also to Increaso tho strength of
tho muscles of tho stomaclu 75c per
box of dealers or by mall.
Tho TonlUvoa Co., Bullalo, N. J,
I W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 48-1912.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
ing Fever
Quired blood
Bears the I(rfX
Signature &
W For
Influcnia, pinkeye, opizootto, distemper and all tiosa and throat
diseases cured, and all others, no matter how "oxpoaod," kept
from having any of tlieso dlscnses with HroilN'S LIQUID DI8
TKMI'KK CUKE. Throo to six doses often euro a caso. Ono CO
cent bottle, guaranteed to do bo. Host thin? for brood' mares.
Acts on tho blood. BOo and tl a bottle. $0 and CU a dozen
bottles. Druggists nnd harness shops. Distributors ALL
nnd JlacterlologUtM, Goshen, IncC, U. B. A.
Tho Tender Spot.
"What havo you dono toward
lshlng lawbreakers?"
"Well," ropllod tho shady pollco of
fleer, "I havo dono a groat deal to
ward hurting tholr feelings by taking
tholr monoy .away from them."
Colo's CarbolIsaWa stops th pain Instantly.
Cures quick. No scar. All druggists. 25 and 5Cc. Adv.
A deaf muto in Ohio recently gave a
minister n 250 marringo foe A wife
ought to bo worth that to a deaf man.
Mrs. Wlnalon-'s Soothing Ojrup for Children
teething, Bofirns the gums, reduces tnflauimis-
tlon, allajH ualn.oiireu wind colic, o a bottle-sA
To lovonwoman is human; to keep
on tolling her so la superhuman.
Houston Post,