The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 22, 1912, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail in ailvinco $1.25
Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1. GO
Entorod at North Platte. Nebraska, Post
ofllco as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, NOV. 22. 1912.
Chairman Jim.
Tho Sutherland Freu Lance con
tributes the following nrtlclo nnent'tho
apparent determination of tho country
democrats not to recognize North
Platte democrnts in the distribution of
political pie.
Apparently North Plntto domocrats
are beginning to awaken to the fact of
the evident determination of County
Chairman Jim White of thin end of tho
county to be somewhat hesitant about
using his 'lluonce towards securing po
litical jobs for tho brethren of that
municipality. And, naturally, North
Platte domocracyis figuratively speak
ing, "up in the nir." Monnwhilo
Chnlrmnn Jim is lookingnfterhis bank
ing interests, Isupervising hUj prosper
ous farm in'the valley,' tho while he
chews a succulent spear of alfalfa and
smiloa serenely. Tho North Platte
democrat who is inclined to buttonhole
Jim for an official endorsement is al
ready wondering if it is worth while,
and if present indications count for
anything, he has reason to wonder.
Tho county seat let Jim meet defeut
when he tried for Jthe job of commis"
nioncr several yenra ago -which fact
Jim ovjdently remembers at odd
moments. Porhaps Jim also opines that
North Platto democracy ahowcil con
siderable inclinationjtowards dormancy
previous to tho recent upheaval, the
whilo Jim was doing things which he
figured would keop the organization
At tho snmo time North, Platto
democrats are inclined to snare about
everything in tho way of appointments
that can bo snared, Jim or no Jim; and
how much bearing tho official sanction
of the county chairman will have before
it'i'3 all over withj remains to be seen.
Maybe they will be inclined to land on
Davo White, present county commis
sioner and brother of Chairman Jim,
when tho time comes. We don't know.
If Chairman Jim persists in refusing
to undorso tho hungry officeseekers of
tlio county neat, Lincoln county demo
crats will faco a crisis serious and at
tho samo time humorous. North Platte
will then confront tho necessity of
"lying down," or olso girding up its
loins and smoking out Jim, Whether
or not he is a more subtle and deep
politician then tho brethren at tho hub
of tho county figure him remains to be
proved. If he can bluff 'em out it will
atlenst bo
some satisfaction to Jim,
Will Pmh Work in Spring.
"Although nothing will bo dono in the
way fof construction (this full, it is
probablo that early next spring tho
Union Pacific will begin pushing the
extension west from Gering with the
idea of gotting out into Wyoming with
tho North Platto lino. ,
Goring is now being made the scene
of active railroad operation, tho Union
Pacific locating extensive material yards
thero. Big steam shovels aro being
stored nnd immense quantities! of ties
and ralln aro being unloaded at tho now
sidings that have been constructed
within tho Inst ninoty dnys. Forty
dump cars with tholr own engines havo
boon stored under sheds and carloads
of dynamite nnd giant powder have
been housed for uso next spring,
West of Goring for sovera' milos
thoro is some heavy) work. Grades
will havo to bo built up and cuts thru
hills', Borne of them fifty to sixty feet
deep, will havo to made.
While local officials profess tho most
profound ignorance, with railroad men
tho opinion prevails that tho boginning
of work upon the construction of tho
Goring oxtonslon menns tho beginning
of tho building of the Medicine Bow
KJUt-olL Omaha Bee.
- A bevy of girls at Marshalltown,
Iowa, wore sont homo from tho high
achool yesterday Ibocause they olcctod
to wear stockings of" the "loudest"
patterns. Teachers allege that tho
."rubbering" of the high schools youths
threatened to disorganize tho school all
day and that moro pencils nnd books
wore dropped during tho short time the
girls wero allowed to remain in the
school room than have been dropped in
Omaha railroad men hear that Ed
ward Dickenson, for a long tlmo gener
al manager of tho Union Pacific, but
for tho last sovoral years vice president
of.tho Orient, with headquarters 1 in
Kansas City, Is to succeed to tho presi
dency of that road the first of noxt
year. It is said that at the end of tho
year, President Stilwcll will resign and
dovote his entiro work to financing tho
project, Mr, Dickenson succeeding to
the vacancy.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Erricson, of Cot
tonwood, uro visitors in town today.
Gilbert. Wit
Brevity, says Uowland Groy in tho
Ccatury, was tho soul of Sir W. 8.
Gilbert's wit, which sparkled In chnnce
conversation no less than in tho lines
that ho wroto for Sulllvnu'R operas.
Sir. Grey gives n few instances:
Tho terrible verdict as to a certain
Ilamlct whoso lmpcrsonntor unwise
ly asked him to be candid Is historical:
"Funny, my dear fellow funny with
out being vulgar." A remark utout an
other conceited plnyer was made to n
very limited audience: "Poor ! Ho
hns nil the faults of tin actor without
tho excuse of being one." A word was
enough. He described a sweet old
lady, all sloping shoulders and honlton
luce, ns "belonging to tho enrly keep
sake period." Another, who was being
ridiculed for the hideous Middlesex ac
cent, which converted bad weather
Into a "voll d'y." was Bravely defend
ed by him: "She Is of ancient Uncage,
for It Is evident she descended from
the Twanglo-Saxons."
Didn't Fear For Mamma.
A Lnkewood woman was recently
reading to her llttlo boy the Btory of a
young lad whoo father wns taken ill
nnd died, after which ho set himself
diligently to work to support himself
and mother. When she had finished
the story she snld:
"Dear Hilly, if your papa were to die
would you woik to support your dear
"Nnw." said Hilly unexpectedly.
"Hut why not?"
"Ain't we got a good houso to live
"Yes, dearie. But wo can't cat the
house, you know."
"Ain't thero a lot of stuff in tho pan
try?" "Yes, but that won't last forever."
"It'll last till you get another hus
band, won't it? You're- a pretty good
looker, inn."
Mamma gavo up right thero. Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
"Let Her Go, Gallagher."
Judge Heaver of Morgan county. Ky..
had a trotting mare of which he was
very proud. The animal was always
driven at tho race meets 6y n man
named Gallagher, who was at that tlmo
city mnrshal of Harrodsburg. On ono
occasion the Judge entered hla mare at
a trotting meeting in Tipton county
Some sports there, knowing of the
Judge's prldo in the animal, thought
they would lower his colors for once.
bo they entered against her a noted fast
trotter. At the end of tho first half
mile the two trotters passed under tho
wire neck and neck at a 2:40 pace, and
the Judge grew wildly excited. "Lot
her go. Gallagher! Let tier go!" he
shouted. And Gallagher, hearing, loos
eued tho lines. Tho inaro plucklly re
sponded nnd finished moro than u dozen
lengths ahead, amid the wild cheering
of tho crowd. Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Forgetful Disraeli's Luck.
Disraeli received ono morning a let
ter from a Mrs. Willyaras, whom he
did not know, In which she said tlmt
Bbo had read Ills uovela with much in
terest and would like to mnko his ac
quaintance. She also asked a question
which rendered It necessary for him to
answer tho letter. Unfortunately tho
letter was loft In his greatcoat pocket,
and "Dizzy" did not wear the cont until
several mouths a'fter. when he hap
pened to bo in the south of England
nnd In tho very town In which Mrs
Wlllynms lived. Coming across tho
letter in biicIi circumstances, It oc
curred to him to call upon her, nnd
Mrs. Wlllynms was bo flattered nt, as
she thought, his carrying tho letter so
long about him and thou calling that
she decided on leaving htm her for
Function of the Eyebrows.
Tho eyebrows protect the eye from
oxterual violence, '''ho tin Ira, on ac
count ot their oblique direction, pre
vent the perspiration from flowing to
ward or irritating the surface of that
organ; they direct It toward tho torn,
pie and the root of tho nose. The
color and number of hairs of the eye
brow have nn Influence upon their uso.
They generally have some rotation to
the climate. Tho eyebrows protect the
eye from excess of light, particularly
when It comes from nbove. This ef
fect Is mudo more conspicuous by
knitting of tho brows. '
A Will In Rime.
This will, although written In rime,
wns probated in County Dublin, Ire
land: All earthly goods 1 havo tn storo
To my dear wlfo I leave for evermore.
I frooly give; no limit do 1 fix.
This is my will, nnd she executrix.
The "earthly goods" amounted to
$0,500 worth of property.
Yankee, boastlug of tho great heat
experienced In America It's so hot It
burns tho wlugs off tho fllea! Pat
That's nothing to what It Is In Ireland'.
Wo havo to feed hens on ico cream to
keep thum from laying boiled eggs!
London Telegraph.
Inanimate Salesmen,
"Are those good grnpuophones?"
"Tho goods speak for themselves."
"That's so Well, wind ono up nnd
let's see if It can effect a sulo." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
do you
know of
old dog
"JudgJiiK by the name, ho must havo
beat tho deuco." New York Press.
"How old aro yon, Kthol?"
"I'm flvn, uu" umtntnn says if I'm
good an' eats Iota o' oatmeal I'll bo six
next birthday." Life.
Have You Plumbing Troubles?
Is there need for repairs every few
days? Is your bathroom' modern nnd
luxuriantly comfortable? Are tho
kitchen arrangements convenient and
sanitary? If not,
Send For Our Plumber.
Not only aro we experts at repair
wirk, but there will be little need for
repairs if wo instnll your plumbing.
Ym'll bo surprised atour fair estimates
if you "talk price" with us.
Shop Phone GO. Res. Phono 683
Corner Sixth and Locust.
Feels Like a Millionaire.
The man who smokes Schmnlzried's
cigars is a happy, contented follow,
ono of those who may have but a few
dollars in his pocket yet feels as rich as a
millionaire. A good smoke always
brings good feeling, hence there's a
reason for buying Schmalzried-made
The Maker of Good Cigars.
-4sPfc-Wr JMfc
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
PrTones 0flice 130
u,one8 Residence 115
It!1 Serves
When you send your linen to us it
is xhdndled with the utmost bare,
washed in soft water andF,'riure
soap,' thoroughly 'disenfected,
nicely ironed and folded, arid re
turned to you promptly.
Let tho Auto Call.
Sanitary Laundry
Your Bosom Friend.
Phone 77.
Milk and Cream
is the best sold in North Platte. It is
puro and rich and produced and bottled
under sanitary conditions.
(OUR DAIRY) is under the man
agement of a graduate of the Ne
braska State Collogo of Agriculture.
We have just purchased .more dniry
cows putting us in n position whoro we
can supply every ono at all times.
Come in and get a bottlo it's cheaper
than meat.
Auction of School Lands.
Notice is hereby given that on the
23d; day of Dec. 1912, at 1 o'clock p
in., nt the office of tho County Treas
urer of Lincoln County, tho Commis
sioner of Public Lands and buildings,
or his authorized representative, will
offer for lease at public auction all
educational lands within said county
upon which forfeituro of contracts has
been declared as follows:
N J S WJ 1G-14-33 J. L. Case.
SI 16-10-33 T. T. Padgett.
SI S W J 30-16-29 S. B. Callender.
Lot One 1G-14-34 John Bratt.
All ltl-9-32 James Doyle.
All 3G-9-32 James Doyle.
SEJNEJ 36-16-34 Lydia A. Collins.
E. B. Cowles, Commissioner of Public
Lands and Buildings.
Dated Nov. 12, 1912.
In tho county court In and for Lincoln county,
Nobraska. ... ...
In the matter of tho catato of Andrew W. Fran
cisco, deceased.
State of Nebraska, county of Lincoln, bs.
To all persons Interested In tho estate of
Andrew W. Francisco, deceased.
Whereas Andrew W. Francisco has filed In my
olUco an Instrument jiuriortlng to be tho last
will nnd testament of Andrew W. Francisco,
deceased, Into of Iam Angeles county, California,
together with a certificate of tho probata court
In and for said county of Los Angeles, state or
California, and n petition praying to havo tho
omo admitted to probate, which will and testa
ment rolato to both real and personal property.
It Is therefore ordered that tho 17th day of
December. 1912, at 9 o'clock, a' m., at my olllco In
R.1I1I county, bo fixed as tho tlmo and place set for
,.,v,in,r..llulll n which tlmo and place. 1011
and nil concerned may appear and contest the
protntiot tho same. '1
Itts runner onicrwi ui i in"v. .
notice to all persons Interested In mm estate cf
tho pendency of said petition, and of tho time
and place set for bearing of said petition, and by
causing a copy of this order to bo publlshtd In
tho North Platte Tribune, a legal weekly news
paper published In North Platte, Lincoln county.
Nebraska, and of general circulation In said
county for three successive weeks previous to tho
dy set for hearing, vis: December 17th, 1912.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and alllxwl tho olllclal seal this 16th day of
November, 1912. . , ,
n2t-3 John Grant, County Judge.
Di Ijedfield Infield,
Physlclans'and Surgeons.
JOK B. REDFIELD, Physician.
r V
Physicians & Surgeons
, . Hospital .
f PHONE 642.
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonncr-Cramcr
All the principal branches of Ap
plied and Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers.
Addre38 all inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlncK 341.
Telephone Red 450 GOuK Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Signet Chapter 0. E. S., i
-NO. 55 -
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every
month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m.
$5 Per Acre.
This is tho Cheap Land Nan.
HavoaTnlk With Me.
Fifty full sections thrown on the market
by this big cattle company reducing their
range. From $5 to $7 per acre. I will sell
you 6-10 acres for 11,000 cash, balance five
years at 6 per cent interest. I can locate
you from 0 to 15 miles from Iirady, Nebr.,
and only 23 miles cast cf North Prattc,
In tho best corn, wheat, rye and oats belt,
and lots of grass. Start in cattle do not
pay high rent get a home of your own.
This opportunity knocks nt your door but
Main OHlce-G. A. WEST, Secy nnd Treas.
I I:Jty Exchange- BIdg, Milwaukee, Wis.
General Manager's Ofllco W. I HRYAN,
Gothenburg, Neb.
Local Salesman's Ofllce
C. B. Schleicher,
Brady, Neb.
To Whom It May Concern:- - - -
Notice) is hereby given that the mayos and city
council will hold a Bpecial meeting, beginning nt
tho hour 01 B.IXI p. m., (central XlraeXi Tuesday,
December 10th, 1912. In the lecture4 room of tho
library building for tho purpose of making as
sessments for the cutting of weeds for the season
of 1912 on tho following d.escribedJot4 in the city
of North Platte, Nelraska:-
Tho cost of cutting each piece, set opposite each
Lot 3. lllock 9, Milltr'n Addition. M.O0
Lot -1. Itlock 9. Miller's Addition, LOO
Lbt 5. Block C, MIIU r's Addition, 1.00
Lot G, lilock 6. Miller's Addition 1.00
Lot 1. lilock 1G. Miller's Addition, 1.00
Lot 2. Block 16, Miller's Addition, 1.00 '
Lot 6, H!ock 14, Miller's Addition 1.00'
Lot 6, lilock 14, Miller's Additions J.00
Ixjt 7, lilock 14, Miller's Addition. 1.00
Lot 8, lilock 14, Miller's Addition, 1.00
Lot 1, lilock 3. South Park Addition, 1.00
Lot 2, lilock 3. South Park Addition. 1.00
Lot 3, lilock 3, South Park Addition, 1.00
Lot 4. lilock 3, South Park AdditiOnVl.OO
Lot 6, lilock 8, South Park Addltl6rt,'I,00
Lot C, lilock 3, South Park Addition, 1.00
l,ot2, lilock 11. South Park Addition, 1.00
Lt;i, iiiock 11, souin i-arK Auuition, l.uu
Ixit f. lilock 11, South Park Addition, 1.00
N-4 of WW ot Itlk 8, South Park Addition 2.00
Lot 7. lilock 4. Trustee's Addition. 1.00
Lot 8, lilock 4, Trustee's Addition. 1.00
Lot 1. lilock 8, Trustee's Addition, 1,00
" lx)t2, lilock 8. Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Lot 11, lilock 8, Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Lot 12. Iiiock 8. Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Lot 3, lilock 3, Trasteo's Addition, 1.00
Ix)t 4, lilock a. Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Lot C, lilock S, Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Lot 1, lilock 9. Trustee's Addition. 1,00
Lot 2. lilock 9, Trustee's Addition. 1.00
Lot 3, Block 9, Trustee's Addition, 1.00
Lot 7. Block 10, No. Platto Town Lot Co's Ad
dition, 1.00
Lot 8. Block 10, No. Platte Town Lot Co's Ad
dltlon. 1.(0
Lot 9. Block 10, No. Platte, Town Lot Co's Ad
dition. 1.00
Ixit 10, Block 10, No. Platte Town Lot Co's Ad
dition, 1.00
Lot 4, Block C. North Platto Town Lot Co's Ad
dition, 1.00 N
Lot 6. Block C, North Platto Town Lot Co's Ad
dition, 1.C0
Lot 0. Block C, No. Platte Town Lot Co's Ad
dltlon, 1.(0
Lot 4. Block 7. No. Platto Town Lot Co's Ad
dition, 1.00
Lot 6. Block 7, North Platte Town Lot Co's Ad
dition. 1.00
Lot 7, Block 3, Taylor's Addition. 1.00
Ixt 8, Iiiock 3, Taylor's Addition, 1.00
Lot 1, Block B, Taylor's Addition, 1.00
Ixit 3, Block 7, Hlnman's Second Addition, 1.00
Lot 4, Block 7, Hlnman'e Second Addition, 1.00
Lot 1, Itlock 122. Original town. 1.00
Lot 1. Block 189, Original town. 1.00
Lot 2, Block 189, Original town, 1.00
Lot 5, Block 84, Original town. 1.0O
I.ot 0, Block 84, Original town, 1.00
Lot 8, Block 160, Original town, i.i
Lot I, Block 88, Original town, '
Lots. Block 83. Original town, 1.00
I.ot 7, Block 153. Original town, 1.00
I.ot 8, Block 1B3. Original town. 1.00
I.ot 1, Block 108. Original town, 1.00
Ix.t2. Block 108, Original town, 1.00
Lot 3, Block 108, Original town, 1.00
a1 6, lilock 108. Original town. 1.00
l,ot 7, Block 108. Original town, 1.00
I.ot 8. lilock 108. Original town, 1.00
I.ot7, Block 161. Original town, 1.00
lxt 1, Block 104, Original town, l-JO'v
Ixit 4, Block 120. Original town. 1.00
Ixitfi. lilock 111. Original town. 1.00
lt 2. Block 68, Original town, 1.00
I.ot 3. Iiiock 68, Original town, 1.00
I.ot 4, Block 68, Original town. 1.00
All person Interested-will file their objections.
ir nn.. i..,.. i.uu. ... tlm niimta(ntr of taxes against
,c.iv.irii'1..l nmuortv on or befora 50
o'clock . t$$s!ltf&;fr'
Estray Notice.
Taken up on my promises 8 miles
northwest of North Platte, Nob., the
following described cattlo towit: one
black three year old heifer and two
red yearling heifers. No brands or
other marks on same.
C. P. Howard.
Hot Water Bottles and
Syringes our Specialty.
We havo just received direct
from factory our new line. Note
our prices:
Rubber complexion brushes .25
Bulb syringes red rubber. ..$1.00
2-qt hot water bottle 75
3-qt hot-water bottle 1.00
2-qt fountain rapid flow
syringe 95
3-qt fountain syringe 1.15
2-qt combination syringi and
hot water bottle 1.50
3-qt combination syringe and
whirlpool spray syringes.. 2.25
All rubber goods are guaranteed
from ono to three years.
We carry extra tubes and
fittings for bottles and syringes.
For mail or express add 25c.
bioiie Drug Co., .
Office- phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
A few choice young
Also a few Cows and
One Mile South ol the U. P. Depot.
n 11 11
1Y1U 11 U IJ
Of the Best Quality.
Paine Fishburn
Granite Co.,
W. T. ALDEN, Salesman
The Old Reliable
S When your clothes need pressing.
cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re
liable Tailor do it and do it right. We
have been doing this work in North
Platte for thirty years, know how to
do it and do it the way it should bo
That means satisfaction to you.
Entrance north of the Nyal drug store.
Jakob Jakobsen, defendant, will take
notice chat on the 16th day of October,
1912, Inter-State Live Stock Commis
sion Company, a corporation, plaintiff
herein, filed its petition in tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and
prayer of which aro to recover judg
ment for $1500.00 on a note dated Apl.
264 1912, for $3000.00 payable six
months after date to tho plaintiff nnd
signed by the defendant Jakob Jakob
sen, on which noto thero would, be
$1500.00 due October 26, 1912, and'for
costs of suit; affiant further says that
plaintiff has caused writs of attach
ment to issue in said action to the sher
iffs of Lincoln and Perkins counties,
Nebraska, and under said writ of at
tachment the sheriff of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, seized the following property
of the defendant to-wit: 1 spotted
pony, 1 aet of single harness. 1 single
seated buggy, 1 black bull, 1 black cow
and one red cow; and the sheritt ot
Perkins county, Nebraska, has seized
the following property of the defendant
to-wit: 5 black and white spotted
calves, 3 red calves, 1 white faced year
ling bull and 1 roan bull with lump on
You are required to answer said pefi
tion on or before the 23rd day of De
cember, 1912.
Inteu-State Live Stock Commis
mission Company, a Corporation,
By Wilcox, Halligan & Mothersead.
n82-4 Its Attorneys.
Serial No. 02145.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Ijind Olllco at North Platte. Nebr,
Oct, 10, 1912.
Notlco Is hereby given that John V. Hln
man, of North Platte, Nebr., who, on July 14,
11HV1. niailo II. E. entry No. 20365. Serial No.
02145, for NHSWW.NK SEX, NEW Section
32. twp. 12. N. rge. 31, west of the 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make
final five year proof, to establish cjalm to the
land ahoye described, before tho register and
recelver.'at North Platte, Nebr., on the 12th
day of Dec. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur Con
nor, Curt Hlnman, Thomas Hogan, Carl Brooder,
all of North Platte. Nebr.
o29-6 J. E. Eva, Register.
1 if
Notice is hereby given that on the
3rd. day of December, 1912, a special
election will bo held in tho School Dis
trict of tho City of North Tlatte, in the
County of Lincoln, in tho State of Ne
braska; the polling places to bo as
follows: For that portion of said Dis
trict north of tho tracks of the Union
Pacific Railroad Company, at the Hoso
House in tho Fourth Ward in tho City
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska; for that portion of said District
south of tho tracks of tho Union Pacific
Railroad Company and west of Dowey
Street and public road No. 6 which is a
continuation of Dewey street, nt the
Hose Houso in the Third Ward of said
City of North Platte; and for that por
tion of said District south of tho tracks
of the Union Pacific Railroad Company
and east of said Dewey street and pub
lic road No. 6, tho same boing a contin
uation of Dewey street, at tho Hose
House in the First Wnrd in the City of
North Platte.
At which said election the following
proposition will bo submitted to the
voters of said School District:
"Shall the School Districtof tho City
of North Platte, in the' County of Lin
coln, in the State of Nebraska, issue its
negotiable bonds in tho sum of $20,000,
00, in denominations $1,000.00 each
dated on the 1st. day of April, 1913,
bearing interest at tho rate of 5 per
cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
principal and interest payable at the
nscai agency of the Stato of Nebraska
in the City of New York and payable
as follows, to wit: In twenty years
from the date therof, but may bo paid
at any time nfter ten years from the
date thereof at tho option of the Board
of Education of said School District
Said bonds to bo issued for the pur
pose of erecting and furnishing one
eight-room school building in the First
Ward of the City of North Platte, Ne
braska on block 168 in said ward.
And shall the Board of Education of
the School District of the City of North
Platte, in tho County of Lincoln, in tho
State of Nebraska, be authorized to
causo to be levied and collected a tax
annually in nn anjount sufficient to pay
the interest and principal of said bonds,
at the same mature, in addition to the
taxes now authorized to be levied by
law on all property within the said
School District.
The ballots to bo used atsaid election
shall have printed thereon:
"For issuing $20,000.00 of the bond3
of the school district of the city of
North Platte, in the county of Lincoln,
in the state of Nebraska, for the pur
pose of erecting and furnishing one
eight-room school building on block 168
in tho First ward of tho city of North
Platte, Nebraska, in said district. Said
bonds to be negotiable in form and to
bear interest at the rate of five per
cent perannum, payable semi-annually,
principal and interest payable at the
fiscal agency of the state of Nehraska.
in the city of New York and which said
bonds shall be due as follows: In twenty
years from the date thereof, but may
be paid at any time after ten years
from the date thereof, at the option of
the Board of Education of said school
district; and for levying and collecting
a tax annually in an amount sufficient
to pay the interost and principal of said
bonds, ihs the same mature, in addition
to the taxes now authorized to be levied
by law, on all property within the said
school district." s
"Against issuing $20,000.00 of the
bonds of the school district of the city
of North Platte, in the county of Lin
coln, in tho state of Nebraska, for the
purpose of erecting and furnishing one
eight room school building on block 168
in the First ward, of the city of North
Platte, Nebraska, within said district."
Said bonds to bo negotiable in form
and to bear interest at the rate of five
per cent per annum payable
emi-annually, principal and inter
est nayable at the fiscal agency of the
state of Nebraska in the citv of New
York and which said bonds shall be duo
as follows: In twenty years from tho
date thereof but may be paid at
any time after ten years from the date
thereof, at the option of the
board of education of said school dis
trict; and against levying and collecting
a tax annually, in an amount sufficient
to pay the interest and nrinciDal of
said bonds, as the same mature, in ad
dition to the taxes, now authorized by
law, on all property within the said
school district."
Those voting in favor of said propo
sition shall mark their ballots with an
"X" after the paragraph beginning
"For issuing $20,000.00 of tho bonds of
tho school district of the city of North
Platte in the county of Lincoln, in tho
state of Nebraska."
Those voting against said proposition
shall mark their ballots with an "X"
nfter the paragraph beginning
"Against issuing $20,000.00 of tho
bonds of the school district of the city
of North Platte, in the county of
Lincoln, in the state of Nebraska."
Said election to be open at (8) eight
o'clock a. m. and contiune open until
(6) six o'clock p. m. central time on
said date.
Dated this 21st day of October 1912.
By order of the board of education.
E. T. Tramp, President
A. F. Stkeitz, Secretary.
Serial No. 03782.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Neb.
. , , . Oct. 11th. 1912.
Notice Uhcroby given that Alexander M.
Oregorj. of Somerhot, Neb., who, on Mar.
19th. 1008. made II. R. No 23883. Serial
No. 037S2, for wK of so4. See 18. Township n,
north, Itange 30. W Bth Principal Meridian,
has Hied notice of Intention to make final
three year proof , to establish claim to the
land above described, before Register and
Receiver, at North I'latte, Neb., on tho 11th
day of Dec. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ed. Wilson,
of North Platte , Nebr , George W Miller, of
Somerset, Nebr . Amanda Kunkle and Grant
Trlblile. of North Platte. Nebr
oU-B J, E. Evans. Register.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S. S.
In the County Court, October 25, 1912.
In the Matter of tho Estate of John
rranzen, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of Charley
Holm, praying that tho Instrument filed on tho
25th day of October, 1912. nnd purporting to lie
the last will and testament of the said deceased,
may be proved, approved, probated allowed and
recorded as the last will and testament of tho
said John Franicn, deceased, and that the exe.
cutlon of sa d Instrument may be committed and
tho administration of said estato may bo granted
to himself as executor.
Ordered, That Nov. 19th. 1912. at o'clock a.
m. is assigned for hearing said petition when all
persons interested In said matter may appear at u
county court to bo held In and for said county and
show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should
not be panted. A' copy of this order to be pub
llihrd in the North Platto Tribune, a legal semi
weekly newspaper for three successive weeks
prior U said date of hearing.
-'M County Judgo.