The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 22, 1912, Image 7

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iThrillino Encounter With Bandits
Puts Pompous Italian Count
j to Rout.
By H. 8. CANFIELD, JR. ,
1 Arnold was already honrtlly tired
of the dUgulBcC It was his naturo to
do all things openly and above board;
and it Irked him to havo to stoop to
subterfuge, even in ttao struggle for
tho hand of the woman ho held above
all. Besides, for a man who had nev
er answered to the call or the crnzo
of the petrol, goggles, high-collared
coat and bunglcsomo cap formed a
dlscomfltting rampart behind which to
hide features and form. With a growl
tag Imprecation against stubborn
fatherB and fate, who kept him fight
ing for his share of the world's goods
Instead of endowing him with such at
short notice, Arnold swept tho big,
rakish-looking car In a viciously short
curve and brought It to a panting
standstill beforo tho Leonard mansion
In the Upper Drive.
To his associates and enemies alike
on 'Change, "Old Bull" Leonard was
the personification of what all good
mothers warn their sons against grow
ing up Into. He was JuBt ns merci
less and cruel as his rise to fortune
was sudden and spectacular. Tho one
soft spot in his heart was for Dolly,
and her request for an Imported car
of fabulous horsepower and an in
structor in its ways and tricks of loco
motion, was granted readily. Tho roc
ognltion of struggling young Arnold
had been the one request against
which tho old broker had hardened his
heart. Tho lnfluenco of a young man,
well likod for his personal qualities, Is
sometimes as far reaching as that of
nn old man well munitioned with gold,
and Arnold had experienced no diffi
culty in landing tho place as instructor
!n auto driving to the beautiful Dolly
Arnold had no chance to stop from
tho car after It had stopped. His heart
warmed and his fnco flushed happily
nt tho suddenness with which Dolly
threw open the doors and almost ran
to tho curbing in response to the
"honk, honk" of tho horn. Dolly had
admitted her love for him when Ar
nold had first poured forth his story
of his passion for her; and she was
not ashamed to show that she had
been awaiting him Just as eagerly as
he had whisked tho big car along over
tho boulevards. It was the lesson in
love, all the better for the subterfuge
and evasion of authority, which ap
pealed to the girl, not tho dry, techni
cal explanations of this and that part
of the steering gear, through tho lm
partatlon of which Arnold waB sup
posed to be earning the dollars of her
Dolly was ravishing in her auto tog
?ery. Tho carelessly drawn veil hid
Just enough of tho pink ear nearest
the begoggled Arnold to make him
long to press his lips Just below it,
a desire which Imperiled both occu
pants of the car a3 they sped along.
Incidentally, Dolly learned that such a
thing as a clutch existed somewhere
about the brightly now machlno and
HxpI certain twists of the wheel did
certain nlngs; pjsothnjthe gear box
wasn't under the hood. Sh s30n for
got even theso Yaguo intimations of
thochanfcal knowledge upon the part
Df her lover. Dut tho things she did
siot forgot were tho long, sweet silences
following short, half whispered sen
tences as Arnold brought the machlno
'o a snail's pace along the cool coun
ry roads and slipped one arm around
licr waist and half up about her shoul
der so that sho might lean her head
Moro to his,
'ontinued. It was not until in the
jplendid nutumn that the Count Rlvoll
put In hlB appearance, In search of
somo fair American girl with whom
tvent a handsome dot to repair tho
Inanclal standing of his family.
With the advent of the Italian, Im
pecunious as his rival, Arnold's pains
and pangs began. Tho evident pleas
nro evinced by Leonard poro in having
i nobleman as a suitor In his daugh
er's train acted not ns a balm for tho
wounds of the young broker. It was
bad enough for him to know that it
was tho Count Rlvoll who almost
nightly enjoyed the hospitality of the
Leonard mansion or occupied a seat
(n a box besldo the charming Dolly,
without having Insult added to injury
by the presence of tho Italian fortune
looker as one of tho motoring party.
As the afternoons passed In speeding
over the roadB, with Arnold bound by
the restrictions which surround ordi
nary chauffeurs, while the Count sat
snuggled up with Dolly and insisted
upon murmuring his tender speeches
for her coxb alone, the situation be
came almost unbearable to tho Ameri
can. At times the muscles In his
shoulders became taut and strained
against the power of his self restraint,
ns somo few words of the Italian's
reached his ears.
Once, when nivoli took It upon him
self to glvo tho orders for tho party
In a tono and manner insulting to even
tho most regularly employed chauffeur,
it was a hurried, surreptitious touch
on his arm from Dolly's slender ringers
that kept him from striking out with
his clinched hand and knocking the
arrogantly sneering foreigner to the
ground. He seldom caught a word
with Dolly now since her titled suitor,
under parental sponsorship, had mo
nopollzcd her ovory leisure hour. Dolly
cared not n whit for the Count; she
liked his companionship even less; but
tho workings of the young lady's mind
were many and Involved and ehe knew
where was drawn the lino over which
she must not step In openly opposing
tho wishes of her father.
It was Count Rlvoll who proposed
motoring to tho Inn far out along the
lako shoro, supping there and return
ing lato by moonlight. To Dolly, psy
chologically, wns convoyed tho Ital
ian's Intention to put his futuro happi
ness or financial Btandlng to the
tost; Arnold had become too grumpy
and saturnino to bo open even to the
most openly Intimated purpose upon
the part of his rival. Self aggrandize
ment was not tho least important topic
to which, Rlvoll devoted hie musjenji
volco and captivating accent. Tho Ital
ian waa a splendid talker, when his
words reached only tho oars of wom
en, and with an air of modesty cloak
ing his utterances, ho contrived to
dwoll at length and at all times upon
his herolo achievements. According
to tho Count Rlvoll, the courage of tho
Count Rlvoll know no bounds; for
Mces Doll-co ho would daro any dan
ger, go to any length to win a smllo
from her lips. So It was as tho throe,
Dolly, tho Count and Arnold, Bpcd
back over tho roads, whlto in tho soft
moonlight. Dolly had ceased to an
swer oven In monosyllables, allowing
tho Italian to run on, building up tho
pedestal upon which ho was to take
his stand.
"I am 'glad that you havo no bri
gands here, Mees Doll-oc," he was say
ing In a tono which promised remi
niscence. "But when ono comes right
down to It, It is not good to havo no
opportunities for excitement save for
dodging death In theso terrible streets
of yours. Just before I left my home
in Italy, I myself escaped doath or
capture at the hands of what you call
hold-up men. Hod I not been so
prompt and cool of action, shot ono
man whore ho stood and -put the oth
ers to flight, I would have "
A growling curse burst from .Ar
nold. He threw on tho brakeB with
grinding force and Dolly and tho
Count were abruptly huddled togeth
er by tho gear-tearing stop of tho car.
With an Impatient, oxploslvo Italian
word, Rlvoll sprang up. Suddenly,
with his fnco gone to a sickly pallor,
his Jaw dropping till his mouth gaped
open, ho sank back weakly upon tho
"Ah-ah-ah-nh " ho mumbled unintel
ligibly, and then sat in quaking al
ienee. "Como on there, tho three of you
up with your pawB!" came tho rasp
ing command. Threo men, the weird
moonlight making their faces pale
where they showed below the masks,
stopped close to tho wheels of the
panting car. . .
RIvoll's hands went weakly trem
bling above his head. Dolly in quiet
fear, nover taking her eyes from Ar
nold's profile, showing as he half turn
ed, obediently raised her daintily
gloved hands. Arnold fumbled for a
moment somewhere about tho car,
and then too shot up his arms.
A terse order Bent two of the men
to the sides of Arnold and the Count.
The leader turned his attention to
Dolly. The girl obodiently stripped
off her gloves. For the first time sho
seemed to notice Rlvoll nnd a glanco
of contempt was his share.
Tho first bright ring came off with
out difficulty, but the second brought
forth an oath and a cruel wrench. In
voluntarily a little cry escaped from
between Dolly's clenched teeth.
Quick as a flash Arnold's hand camo
down; quicker still he turned back to
where tie leader tugged at tho girl's
delicate fingers, Tho cry of warning
from ono of the men in the whlto
rad came too late. The girl remem
berod over after tho flerceneps of the
cold rago In Arnold's face. The heavy
wrench flashed up bright In the moon
light and then came crashing down.
The leader sank down without a
groan. With a feeling of Bickenlng
revulsion Dolly heard the cry of at
most feminine terror that escaped Rl
voll'a lips.
Arnold wns out in the road now,
grappling desperately. Ho tore him
self free and sont one of his assail
ants spinning to the macadam. As
tho two fled, ono paused a moment in
tho shadows. Thorc was u vicious re
port and Arnold clutched weakly at
tho air as ho turned sick from the
shock. Then his knees buckled under
him and he sank down In a huddled
It was Dolly who bore the greater
part of tho burden of lifting the wound
ed man and propping him up on tho
cushions In the tonneau. Her hands
were tho ones that held tho wheel In
the mad ride back to tho city. To po
licemen who signaled her to Blow up
the girl gavo a significant nod toward
tho unconscious man beside her in tho
front seat and let out another notch.
When Arnold awoko, ho wondered
for a moment at his surroundings. 'A
pressure of bomething soft In his hand
and a suspicious wetness on the back
of his fingers cleared away tho clouds.
With a smile hiding tho shooting pain
In his shoulder, ho turned his head till
his eyeB could feast on Dolly. Neither
cared to speak. Arnold understood
that sho had brought him homo, to
her home.
"A-a-ahem'" broke In tho pompous,
warning cough of "Old Hull" Leonard.
Arnold tried to froo his hand; but
Dolly held to It with gentlo firmness.
Her father pretended not to see.
"Something of a flghtor; yes, some
thing of a fighter," rumbled tho volco
of Lconnrd pero, and ho actually
smilod down upon the nntonlshed Ar
nold. "Young man, I am looking for fight
ers to aid mo," ho rumbled on. "I
need young blood to braco up the old
In my struggles. But, of course, you
will not be fit for some time. Take
your tlmo, my boy, tako your tlmo."
With an absence of his habitual
frown, ho Ignored tho creeping of Dol
ly's other hand Into Arnold's free one
and walked quietly from the room,
(Copyrlnht, 1912, by W. G. Chapman.)
Enjoyed by Children of Larger Growth
as Well as by Little Folks How
It Is Played.
Fruit basket Is a game which Is en
Joyed by the "children of larger
growth" almost as well as by tho lit
tlo folks. It Is so mirth-provoking
that no ono can tako part without hav
ing a Jolly tlmo. Tho players seat
themselves In a circle, with a leader In
tho center, who gives to every ono tho
name of a fruit, also a number and Im
mediately counts also a number. Ho
then calls out a number and immedi
ately counts 10 very rapidly. Tho per
son who hnB tho number must answer
with his fruit name beforo tho leador
stops counting. If he docs not do this
ho has to glvo up his scat to tho lead
er and tako his place, otherwise tho
leader continues with other numbers
until ho catches some one. Every lit
tle while the leader shouts "fruit bas
ket," which means all are to chango
seats. Tho ono who 1b left standing
takes tho floor.
Trick Is to Find How Many Rectan
gles May Be Made By Removing
Little Bits of Wood.
Remembering that a square Is al
ways a rectangle, but that a rectangle
Is not always a square, lnw many dlf-
Arrangement of Matches.
ferent rectangles can you find In this
arrangement of forty matches?
Ono hundred rectangles of which
thirty were perfect squnres could bo
found In tho diagram of forty matches.
Another interesting puzzle consists
In discovering the least number of
matches that may be romnved from
! I U
Solution of Puzzle.
tho diagram so as to break up all
squares that ia, leave as many match
es as possible, but havo no absolute
ly perfect squares in the arrangement.
Tho accompanying diagram shows
how the removal of nlno matches
breaks up all squares.
Indoor Pastime In Which No One Is
Allowed to Smile or Laugh Dur
ing Progress of Game.
This Is a game In which no ono Is
allowed to smile nnd laugh. All the
playerB, except one, sit in a row or
half-clrclo, ono goes out of tho room
and returns with a stick or poker In
his hand, and a grave nnd solumn
face. He is supposed to havo Just re
turned from a visit to Buff.
The first player asks him: "Where
do you como from?"
"From Buff."
The next asks: "Did ho say any
thing to you?''
To which the reply Is:
"Buff said 'Baff."
And gave me this staff.
Telling me neither to smile or to
Buff soys 'Baft' to you all his men,
And I Bay 'Baff to you again.
And ho neither laughs uor smiles,
In Bplto of all your cunning wiles,
But carries his face with a very good
And passes his staff to the eiy next
If he can repeat all thin without
laughing he delivers up his staff to
somo one else, and takes his scut;
but if he laughB, or evtn smiles, he
pays a forfeit before giving It up.
"What 1b tho matter, dearest?" ask
ed tho mother of a small girl who
had been discovered crying In the
"Someflng awful's happened, moth
er." "Well, what Is It, sweetheart?"
"My d-doll-baby got away from me
and broked a plate In the pantry."
A awo-siNG
Fw CvdLflcfpiA.
-tells such stories
Said Alice v i
decUye ...... .... N .. i
WKile srtti'ap 'in
Lhs ChMt- '.--
Stickler for Grammar Corrects Hli
Wife on Her Carelessness and
Is Caught Himself.
"My dear, I wish you would speak
more carefully," said a stickler fcr
pu English to his wlfo. "You Bay
that 'Henry Jones came to thla town
from Cleveland.' Don't you soo that
It would bo bettor to say that ho
'came from Cleveland to this town'7"
"I don't soo any difference In the
two expressions," rejoined tho lady.
"Dut there Is a difference tn the
two expressions n rhotorlcal differ
ence You don't hoar mo mnke use of
such awkward expressions. By tho
way, I havo a letter from your father
in my pocket."
"Oh, dear, is my rather In your
pocket?" Inquired tho wlfo. "You mean
that you havo In your pocket a letter
from my father."
"Thero you go with your little quib
bles! You tako n delight In harassing
mo; you aro always taking up a thread
and representing It as a rope."
"Representing It to bo a ropo, you
moan, dear?"
And then ho grinned a nlckly grin
and wished ho had nover started tho
Latest Toy to Please Fancy of Parisian
Boys and Girls Has No
Mechanical Motive Power.
A toy kangaroo which Jumps when
placed on a Blightly Inclined board,
tablo or other surface, but which Is
not provided with springs or mechani
cal rootlvo powor of any kind, is the
lates toy to please tho fanfcy of Pari
slan boys and girls.
Tho motivo powor of tho Interesting
toy Is derlvod through tho construc
tion of tho hind legs nnd tho arrange
ment of tho conter of gravity of the
body, says tho Popular Mechanics
When tho toy rests on a horizontal
board It la supported by tho tail and
tho bends of tho hind legs, but when
tho board Is gontly tipped tho center
of gravity of tho body changes, tho
toy leans forward until only tho low
er part of tho kind legs aro resting
on tho board. Then tho momentum of
tho body cuubub tho kangari to make
Kangaroo Toy.
a lump, bringing It back Into Its orig
inal position on tho tall and bends of
tho hind leg again. The shock re
sulting from tho completion of the
Jump throws tho body forward again
and tho Jump is repented, and so on
When, nro two apples allko?
When pared.
What is it overybody wlBhes
and tries to get rid of?
A good appotlto.
When may a man call his wife
When sho has a comb on her head
If your letter Is too short what girl
will you ask for help?
Why Is a comet more llko a dog
than the Dog star?
Tho comot has a tall and the Dog
tar hasn't.
In what part of a church do the)
ring the belles?
At the altar.
Pity About Pa.
They havo a wlso ten-year-old boy
In nn East End family and somo ol
his Hayings nro really worth peddling
At least his father thlnkB they uro, or
ho wouldn't tell this ono.
Tho other day tho youngster ap
preached tho father and stared at him
for somo tlmo.
"Daddy," he finally said, "you thlnV
mamma Is the most beautiful person
you over saw, don't you?"
"Of course," replied the father, with
great promptness.
Again the boy scrutinized bU
"Gee, daddy," ho finally said, "it's
an awful pity cho can't say the saino
about you, isn't It?"
IQbP -
Each Found They Had Done Whole
Lot of Unnecessary Worrying as
to How Their Furniture Was
Going to Look.
"I moved In tho summer," remark
ed a Brooklyn woman. "I didn't move
very far, but It makes a great differ
ence. I moved from tho rather
cramped and semi-dark first floor of
our apartment up to the top floor,
flooded with sunlight and swimming
In fresh air. Now, Just boforo I
moved ono of my best friends camo
to see mo a woman with whom I'm
so Intimate that sho and I nover hesi
tate to say to one another exactly
what wo think. 'I suppose you're go
ing to buy a lot of now furnlturo.
When you get theso old things of
yours up into that sunshlno abovo
thero and spread out Into so much
moro space you will boo how shabby
and Inadequato it all la and you'll
havo to replnco It.'
"Now, I was rather fond of my old
furniture and I didn't at all relish tho
Idea of losing It or of spending tnonoy
for now.
"I moved. Then another lntlmato
friend called to see mo. Sho looked
around at all my things with their
very souls visible in tho bright now
light and all spread out conspicuous
ly ns they nover had had to bo down
bolow In tho smaller apartment. As
I waited for moro criticism sho turn
ed to mo beamingly and said: 'How
flno your furnlturo looks up hero. It
has a chnnco to bo shown right. I
novor realized how well it looked
down in that little apartment whero
you didn't havo room to display it
and whero it was too dim to let any
one approclato It. It makes all tho
dlffcronco in tho world to bring it out
Into tho good sunshlno.'
"Isn't that dollciouB?"
"It Is," answered ono of her boar
ors. "I had an experience similar to
It earlier In tho year, and I think
women who contomplato moving to
larger quarters and dread tho cxpenso
of a lot of now furnlturo should know
of it. Wo maved from a tiny, narrow,
ugly house in a row to a big detached
house. In tho old placo tho furnlturo
looked shabby and Inartistic and wo
woro nlwnyB dissatisfied, though wo
knew it had cost a good deal In tho
beginning. It had to bo put In stiff
rows, becauBO there would havo boon
no room for us to walk around, other
wise Tho cumbersome pieces wo had
brought from tho big houso wo had
originally lived in looked hideous.
Tho place wo woro moving to looked
so much larger that overyono said wo
should have to buy quantities of
things to fill It. My husband, oven,
wanted to sell most of our 'old truck,'
ns ho called It, and start In brand
now, but I convinced him that wo
could not possibly afford that, so wo
furbished things up as well no possi
ble, closed our eyes as they wero re
moved, and then sot about fixing tho
now houso.
"Tho first thing wo discovered was
that wo had enough. Thoro woro
things for every room. I roveled In
spreading out, for a chango, and found
I could mnko tho stiff-looking old
fashioned artlclo tako on new airs of
attraction and fit comfortably into
big, Irregular rooms, where thoy had
stuck out resentfully In ugly rows of
stralghtness before, I am not raving
about my home, for I know it hnB
many defects nnd If I had plenty ot
money I should mako many improve
ments, hut I do know that in my new
big sunny rooms ovorythlng wo for
merly half-despised looks far better
than over it did beforo. And positive
ly all wo havo had to buy has been a.
couplo of chairs that wo had been. In
tending to get for n year past, and a
fow rugs to replnco our heavy old enr
pots which I refused to put down."
That the Braided Waistcoat Id
Remain Will Be Welcome
Braided waistcoats aro in again and
long may they remain in favor, for bet
tor than any other accessory they
dress up and glvo distinction to a
plain tuilor-mnde suit or to a simply
mado silk frock. Tho model which
mado the hit belongs to ono of tho
first of tho Kton Jacket costumes, nnd
any clover woman can duplicate it,
for tho waistcoat Is merely a sleeve
less bodlco of white silk, fastening in
the back, its neck slightly rounded out
and its front elongated Into a squared
off llttlo tab extending half-way to tho
baso of tho hips. Double rows of nar
row colored silk soutache running
straight across tho front of the waist
coat, form strlpeB which aro filled In
with other rows of tho braid set on
In Bcallop or pointed effect Tho now
walstcont must always ln belted from
below the arms across tho front.
Selection of Hangings.
In selecting draperies and hangings
avoid large figured materials. Light
walls nnd hangings will make the
amall room seem large. A pillow or
two and a rug of a deeper huo than
the tints of tho predominating color
of the characterless room will bright
en such a room into n tin go of bo ty.
Two Materials Used.
Combination of checked and plain
materials will be much in vogue this
fall and coming winter. Checked
Hklrto will bo worn with plain Jackets,
the checked matorUl forming cuffs,
collar and belt.
i Xs
I 0i
How to Ralso Money.
Our Sunday school class, consisting'
of eight girls about 15 years of ngo,
wish to donate somo money to our
now church. Ploaso suggest to uo .how
wo could ralso thin money. Mnplo
There aro many ways to mako mon
ey. Not knowing tho circumstances
In your caso, It Is hard to suggest. I
attonded n very olovor "oxpcrlcnco"'
meeting, whero each girl hnd mado n
dollar by hor own efforts daring thoi
summer vacation. Of courso, tho dol
lar limit was not obligatory, but all
had to mako 100 cents.
Ono girl mado currant Jolly and sold;
It to hor friends at bo much a glass;'
another pressed hor brother's trous
ers ; ono stopped buying Ico cream
soda, and ono saved carfare.
You might havo ono or two onion
on Saturday afternoon for houno-j
wIvcb, having all sorts ot homo-cooked!
delicacies. I am sure with clghtjslov-
or girls tho now church will rccolvo at
liberal donation.
A Difficult Question.
Your advico has helped moco than!
ono girl, so I como to you for tho first
tlmo, hoping to bo holpod nteo.
havo been engaged to a young maul
for a year, but wo do not feel ablol
to marry now nnd probably will not
for two or throo yearn. What wo.Tvantl
to know Is, la It right for un to jitlll
bo engaged, knowing this? Wo havo
talked of breaking tho ongngomont,
but no yet wo havo not, not knowing
which Id best to do. I do not bcllcvo
in long engagements. Wo aro both
anxious to do tho right thing, -what
ovor that Is. Unhappy.
Now don't bo unhappy nhout thoi
situation, but just ngroo thla vfay:l
break tho ongngomont with tho lull
consent of you both, then when tho
tlmo comes that clrcumntancou will
permit tho marrlago, why do It. VoUj
aro pcrfoctly right about long on
gagoments. They aro not fair. You
should both feel perfectly freoj somo
ono oIbo may como Into boui your;
lives, you cannot toll.
A Wedding Supper.
Wo nro about to glvo n wedding)
luncheon, and cannot docldo what tof
servo that would bo dainty and set''
elabornto. Tho oupper -or lunchoonl
Is to bo nerved at 8 p. m., and wol
would llko to havo courson and do-J
slro you to arrnngo tho monu. Wo!
wnnt aB elabornto nn nffnlr no ,you
think would bo In keeping. Onotnlngl
that I had bettor mention (that mayl
assist you In arranging Vha monuj
Is that wo wish to servo cold turkey
for tho moat Mother.
At that hour you should servo a sup
per, not a luncheon, which Is a mid
dle of tho day function. Servo cold
turkey, cscalloped oyBters, hot rollo,
olives, colory, cranberry Jolly, then a
fruit salad, chcoso straws, lco croam
In Individual forms, cotfeo nnd tho
wedding cako.
To Entertain Informally.
Can you suggost some way of ontor
tninlng a party of young pooplo bo
twocn tho ages of 20 and 30, very in
formally? Thoro will be about 12 .
in tho party. Also what would you
auggost for simple refreshments, nnd
prizes, If thoy bo awarded? X. C. L.
Did you over hear of a really now
mothod of ontortnlnlng? Nearly every
novolty Is only ' something old" tlonoj
In a now way, l think enrds aro tho
beBt in most cases, wHb. perhaps n IIU
tlo contest at tho end while tho hoBt
C8B 8008 to refreshments. Tito other
day I saw a Jolly hour spont In guess
ing what flowers each guest represent
ed by wearing some article to Indi
cate tho blossom. The roao, 'peony,,
violet, tiger Illy, pansy, etc., viero
Marking the Bridal Sliver.
Is silver to bo given a bride always
engraved with tho initials of tier
maiden name? In her first name por-
mlBSlblo to use? M. L.
Yes, both silver und linen bear tho
initials of tho bride. Near nnd 'dear
friends sometimes uro tho first na'nio,
aud sometimes a pet cognomen la on
graved on a personal gift. This is
dono on silver plcturo frames -which
aro much in voguo nt present, pre
sumably to hold the hUHband-olect'a
The Proper Thing to Do.
Kindly tell mo the proper way or
eating a club sandwich in a restau
rant, also whether bouillon is elppoA
from tho cup or eaten with a spoon T
Country Girl.
A club sandwich Is oaten with a fork,
tho toast, if very dry, may bo broken
and eaten with tho fingers. Bouillon
Is taken from a spoon except tho lant
few swallows which may be taken
from tho cup by lifting with ono of
tho handles nod rising tho cup to tho
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