The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 22, 1912, Image 3

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A sire Is half tho horil.
Transplant trees In tho fall.
Apples do well In cold storage.
Plow tho gnrdon. In the fall. If possl
bio. Tiling Increases the acreage with
out lncreano of taxes.
AlfRlfn hav Is n vnrr irnnd feed for
the dairy cow, and corn silage Is also
Ono great ndvantngo In the poultry
fcuslncsB la tho quick returns on tho
Finn com meal for the skim milk
calf Is a good substitute for the more
oxponslvo oil meal.
It Is easy for ono man, with a lit
tle help during tho brooding season,
to ralso 4,000 chickens.
To double the amount of milk par
aero and cut tho cost of milk produc
tion In two 'build a silo.
Tho production of green ducks Is
coming to bo n large business, espe
cially In tho -eastern states.
If from a well-nourished dam and
a healthy strain of animals, the plgB
rarely nood attention at farrowing
Hogs should 4iot as a rule bo turned
Into more corn nt one time than
they can eat up clean In two or three
In pruning the orohard of diseased
limbs and twlga, the pruning shears
should bo sterilized before and after
each operation.
Hogs ought to have all tho corn
they can properly digest If they ara
to be oushod along and put quickly
upon tho market.
Tho caro at tho teats should al
ways bo observed by the milker, and
when they got hard and rough should
be anointed with vaseline.
TImo spont In cleaning up an or
chard In tho fall of tho year will be
amply rewarded with better and
cleaner fruit tho next season.
A little pig, just like a growing
plant, needs sunshine In both caBes
It seems to bo a sort of tonic that
mnkes tho best development possible.
Catch tho tamo ewo and soo If Bho
Isn't In tho first stages of foot rot.
JLookB llko It from here, though it
may bo that her hoof only needs trim
ming. When you seo tho sheep nibbling at
their sides lake a good look at them.
There Is something wrong. Soo If you
can't find something wrong. Seo It
,rou can't find some ticks.
Build silos, grow less acres of corn
but utilize the whole crop In Its best
form, and grow alfalfa on tho corn
acreage saved for a cheap, palatable,
home-grown balancer for corn.
Have a light poultry house, admit
ting plenty of fresh air without pro
ducing direct drafts of air. The
germs of most dlsenses cannot llvo In
frosh air or very Btrong light
A yield of 12 tons of silage may
easily bo obtained from one acre of
corn. Allowing 30 pounds of sllago as
a dally ration, one aero of corn will
furnish four cows with silage for 200
A bright. Intelligent man, a good
manager and a close observer will
save more than hla wages In tho
amount of work ho will accomplish,
and In maintaining the condition of
his team.
Tho valuo of rapo or any non-leguminous
crop for green manure will
dopond very materially upon tho me
chanical condition of the soil and tho
rotation of crops which Is practiced
upon tho land.
A houso to accommodato a slnglo
sow doe- not need a great deal of
ventilation, although thero should bo
enough to koop tho nlr in good condi
tion, but whoro a dozen or more hogs
are kept In the same house perfect
ventilation is necessary.
To fatton poultry for market, ro
move from tho yardB and placo, with
out overcrowding, in p. coop which
should bo provided with a canvas
cover to draw down nnd keep tho In
mates In darknesB. Do not feed for
about six hours after placing In the
coop, and theu feed all they will
eat. Feed three times a .day, and
keep fresh water nnd a basin of grit
always boforo them.
Koop the hoo sharpened.
A chock rein is a cruelty.
Soy beans are rtcfi in protein.
Spread tho farm manuro In winter.
Tall woods should bo mowed nnd
Selling tho fertility of tho soil Is
a poor way to get rich.
It Is important that somo grain bo
fed pigs intonded for tho markot.
Storm windows should take tho
placo of wire screens on tho house.
After your crop is mado tho prob
lem Is how to sell it to tho best advan
tage Tho department of agrlculturo Bays
that rats do an annual damago of
Feeding chicks when too young and
too much at a tlmo nro fruitful sources
of bowel trouble.
While you are nt It, why not ,got
on tho track of tome bettor stock
than you have over kept?
Tho young troes should bo banked
with earth, which will keep wntcr
from settling about thorn.
Gardens should bo cleared from
all remains of tho season's crops and
prepared for tho next year.
Tho heifer bred too early always
remains stunted In growth and her
milk flow Is shortened for all tlmo.
If you'll savo a little sootl corn
earlier In tho season, you'll savo a
llttlo money later In tho season.
Tho loavos of trees that can bo
gathered In any quantity during win
ter nnd spring nro very valuable
Tho best compost heap Is tho ma
nuro of horses, cattle, shoep, hogs,
and fowls. All such should bo saved.
Tho cow-testing movement, being
an organized effort for improvement,
Is conducive to better community
For tho amount of money Invested
In the poultry business, It payB n
larger profit than any other farm
Sllago Is very nearly as cheap aB
pasture and In composition is prac
tically the same, pound for pound, as
timothy pasture.
Plow the garden this fall and see
how It goes to bo able to work tho
soil which, In tho early spring, had
this fall plowing.
Do not think because a shcop has
a heavy coat of wool ho will bo ablo
to endure cold rains and sleep with
out a warm shelter.
Tho yards and sleeping quarters
must bo kept dry and clean, as lm
puro air and dampness are two thlngB
that a sheep cannot endure.
A prolUablo crop cannot bo grown
on land detlclent In humus, whicn is
the same thing as rotted sod or rot
ted manuro, with fertilizer alono.
A part of tho poultry on tho farm Is
that covey of quail you have obsorved
in tho back fields somewhere, and a
llttlo attention to those small fowls Is
worth while.
It Is not bad practice to treat tho
wheat seed to a liquid spraying of
ono pound of formaldohydo In forty
gallons of water. It will prevent the
smut damage.
The most important business of tho
dairyman 1b to Increase the amount
of manurial substances and apply
them whoro they aro most needful by
tho growing crops.
There Is one big advantage In sow
ing the winter wheat late and that Is
you stand a good chance to escape
the Hessian fly, which docs ao much
damage to the wheat Holds.
In feeding tho cows do not give
them moro thnn they can use readily.
Any feed that Is left In tho mangers
after the cows aro through will nat
urally represent a certain amount of
Brood sows should have a quiet,
warm, dry placo whoro their litters
may spend tho flrBt weeks of their
lives without boing unnecossarily dis
turbed by other nnimals or inquisitive
Unleached wood nshee contain from
flvo to seven por cent of potash and
aro an excellent fertilizer. As Is
well known, tho ashes from hard
wood aro much richer in potash than
those from soft wood.
Tho droppings from the cattle will
benefit tho pasturo more If thoy are
spread or brokon up with a spike tooth
harrow with the teeth set woll aslant.
This prevents the grass from being
killed out and weeds coming in
whern tho droppings have laid.
If tho lambs are to be fattened for
market start them on a little grain
just as soon us thoy will learn to rat
it and feed grain continuously with
good pasture until they go to tbo
block. Primo fat ribs cannot bo
produced by ultornnto grass and
grain. They must bo pushed to lay
on fat from start to finish.
Farmers Will Find Panels Shown in Illustration Quite Satisfac
tory Where Frequent Changes Are Made in Feeding
Roughage to All Farm Animals.
Farmers find it Inconvenient to
build nnd tear down fences contin
ually with each change of hog, shoep
and calf pastures in thoso days when
special forngo crops aro mado largo
use of and when labor is both scarco
and high priced. A very convenient
arrangement for the purposo consists
of a Berles of hurdles, or so-called
panel fonco, which can bo easily and
readily taken up nnd put down again
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Panel or Hurdle
In a very short tlmo Tho manner of
construction of theuo hurdles or panel
fenco 13 shown In the two accompan
lng illustrations, says tho Wisconsin
Agriculturist. Tho first shows tho
manner of construction of tho sup
ports which hold up and form the con
nection between tho panels shown In
tho second.
Tho supports and tho pnnol3 may J
both bo mado entirely of either four.
Cross Support.
or bIx Inch material In width nnd ono
Inch In thickness or matorlal of both
widths may be used In their construc
tion to suit tho economy and Judg-
Missouri Station Making Co-Op-
eralive Experiments With
Farmers of That State.
Tho Missouri experiment Btntlon Is
making co-operatlvo experiments with
the farmers in 105 of tho 114 counties
of tho stuto. Those co-operntlvo ex
periments aro conducted for the pur
poso of determining tho best methods
of soil tllage, varieties of farm crops,
methods of fruit production, profitable
dairy farms and tho organization and
administration of farm enterprises.
In 1911, thero wero 3CG men in 105
counties co-oporatlng wjth tho central
Experiment Station of Columbia In ex
periments to determine tho best meth
ods of farming. In carrying on this
work, 3,000 packages of Beed and moro
than 20,000 pounds of fertilizer were
These co-operative experiments bavo
already demonstrated that alfalfa
can bo successfully grown In every
county of tho state.
) Tho horticulture Investigations In
eight dlffeornt districts have shown
that by propor fertilization of or
chards and timely spraying, the profits
from orcharding In Missouri may bo
greatly Increased.
Tho dairy farm co-operators on sov
en farms In Bouthwest Missouri havo,
under the direction of tho dairy de
partment, Increased their profits In
soma cases moro than 20 per cent.
Tho assistance given to farmers by
the department of farm management
fu tho organization and administra
tion havo accomplished In some cases
extraordinary results In Increasing
yields. Somo of tho owners of farni3
co operating In this work have mado
tho following statements In reference
to tho aluo of this work on tluir In
dividual farms:
1. "The yield has been tntrwisod
nt lcnst four fold, com from 10 to 10
bushels per acre "
2. "The financial side of my farm
ing has been helped from three to five
hundred dollars."
3. "Tho flnunclal sldo has boon
helped $1,000 this year."
4. "The returns from my farm this
year hao been at least $l.M0 moro
than they wero boforo."
5 "Farm management has been
the causo of my .remaining on the
farm, it put my farm on a business
basis, restored confidence in my worn
out farm, greatly Increased tho fertil
ity of the farm. It bus also lightened
the labor of myself and family, en
couraging us very much as we can soe
a bright future in storo for us
The Watering Trough.
Try putting a pinch of copperas in
tho watorlng trough onco or twice a
month. Hotter still, scrub out the
trough and spray thoroughly with a
copporas solution.
-r- u r"
mont of tho farmer and builder. The
baso of each support Is three nnd ono
half feet long and has a slot two and
one-fourth inches wido and three
inches doep, cut at tho confer of Its
upper edgo as shown In tho Illustra
tion, to admit tho lowor boards of the
adjoining panels. Tho obllquo cross
pieces nro each four feet long and are
notched at their point of crossing to
correspond to tho notch in tho baBe
Section of Fence.
board. Tho distance from tho bnso of
the lowor notch to tho baso of tho up
per notch In tho triangular support Is
threo feet, which gives sufficient
height to tho fenco to suit its purposo
for fonclng in either hogs, sheep or
calves. In constructing tho panels or
hurdles this dlstnnco should bo kept
In mind when tho uppor nnd lower
boards aro nailed to tho uprights. .Ob
5ously tho dlstanco from tho lowor
edgo of the lower bonrd to tho lowor
erfgo of tho top board must corre
spond to It to give firmness nnd n
closo lit to tho fonco when It is But up.
Tho longth of tho panels muy bo olth
er 12 or 1G rect.
If tho hurdles and triangular sup
ports of this stylo of panel fonco nro
carefully constructoa of good material
and nro carefully and proporly Btorod
away under sultablo protection from
tho wonther, they will glvo service for
a long terra of years nd will not bo
found expensive If, howevor, thoy
nro not properly mndo and enred for
they will bo found n very oxpenslvo
form of fonclng. For convonlenco In
fonclng off forago lots for tho calves,
hogs and Bhcop whoro frequent
charges aro mado thoy have no super
Value of Farmer Keeping Account
of Farm Management Same
as Business Man.
Farmers' Bulletin 511 of tho Depart
ment of Agrlculturo contains some In
teresting facts and recommendations
in connection with bookkeoplug on the
farm. "That thero aro over six mil
lion fnrms in tho country which util
ize land, labor, nnd capital as means
of Income making" gives tho author,
tho opportunity to discuss tho subject
of tho valuo of the farmer keeping an
accurate and systematic account of his
farm management tho samo as tho
business man or tho railroad mag
nate. This bulletin Is not nn attempt to
outline a system of bookkeeping for
tho farmer. It Is rather a discussion
of tho principles which nro applicablo
to accounts on tho farm. It Is bo
Moved that any farmer who studies
this bulletin sufficiently to grasp theso
principles will bo nblo to dovlso a sys
tem suited to lilu particular needs.
Two important points muBt bo con
sidered in an attempt at farm book
keeping. What docs it cost to pro
duce farm products? By selling at
market prices, what profit is made on
them ?
"Tho problom of tho farmer is to
meet conditions on his own farm In
a way which will glvo him tho greatest
net returns for his labor nnd the use
of his capital. Ho should rccelvo In
terest on his capital us well as wages
for his labor, but owing to tho lack of
proper records fow furmprs know
what wages thoy actuully roceivp.
Thoro 1b renson to bollovo that tho ma
Joiity of farmers aro really living on
the Interest of tholr Investments rnth
er than on tho profits of tholr farms "
Thoso suggestions aro offered:
(1) Consider as ono unit all that
may bo termed real estnto, as land,
faim buildings, fences, ditches, etc.,
whother tho farm Is rented or ownod
by tho operator
(2) Do not consider that tho far
mor or his f.tmlly rocoivo anything for
tholr labor unless thoy aro paid in
cash tho same ob hired labor. If thoro
Ib a surplus at tho end of tho year, It
Is their compensation. In this way
tho accounts will not ho confused with
ltomB not strictly cnBh.
(3) Farm products used by tho
household should not bo credited to
tho farm In tho caah account along
with tho products sold, but should bo
taken enro of Hoparatoly."
Value of a Hoe.
So many peoplo havo a horror of
using a hoe. It Is tho most comfort
ablo Implement to bo found In tho
equipment of n gurdoner or farmor,
nnd it I hundy to uso for so many
purposes that one can not get along
without it.
Panic-Stricken Turks
I'nnlo-f.'rlclum Inhabitants of Constantinople with their household ef
fects beforo tho great Mosquo of Sultan Sulelmanich, ready to lloo from
tho city ns thb Balkan army la Btormlng its doora.
Famishing Swarms Retreat
Disorganized Mass to Con
Soldiers Claw Each Other for Food
Wounded From TchataUa Seek
Refuge In. Capital as Bulgars
Push Their Advantage.
Paris, Nov. 13. Jean Rodos, a BUff
correspondent of tho Temps, who has
reached Constantinople from tbo war
zono, Bends a vivid plcturo of tho mis
ery of tho Turldah soldiers nnd tho
disorganization of tho Turkish army.
"Wo havo witnessed tho fnlluro of
tho Turk aB n soldlor," says Ilodcs
"Wo lmvo soon him dying of hun
ger, worn out by fatigue, wrecked by
suffering, and running away attbr hav
ing abandoned his placo In tho com
bat. "I havo novor scon n moro poignant
plcturo of human distress thnn that
presented by thoso unhappy mon,
thrown Into ono of tho moot tcrrlblo
wars In history without food, without
medical attention, almost without
chlofs, almost without arms. At Sold
lor I saw a soldlor whoso right hand
had been Bovorod hold out to ua, beg
ging for medical help, tho bleeding
stump around which ho hud tlod a.
ploco of twlno.
"I saw long linos of famlshod men
who camo to our tent begging for a
crumb of broad and Btaggerlng awny
without a murmur of complaint when
told that wo had nono to glvo. I saw
a thousand wounded loavlng a trail
of blood as they dragged themsolvos
toward Tchorlu. I saw hundreds of
othera fall by tho wayaldo dying from
wounds and fatlguo.
Soldlcrt Fight for Food.
"At Tchorlu a column of soldiers)
torrlblo In appearanco, Btaggorod
through tho streots In a driving ruin
and wind storm. No ono paid any at
tention to thorn. Thoy had uo shel
ter, nothing to oat. From a nonr-by
bakery an officer throw out handfula
of bread and tho soldiers fought for
tho loaves. Moro than half of them
got nothing, and turned away, ragged,
pallid, and woak.
"All tho houses wero closed. Prac
tically all tho population hud ilod, and
thoso who romnlnod barrlcndod them
solvos within, trombllng with fear.
Tho soldlorB knocked vainly nt tho
barrod doors.
"Groups Bhlvorlng In tho cold tried
tho doors of Btablos to eoek refugo;
even tho stables remained Inhospita
ble. Refugees smashed their way In
to shops nnd devoured all thoy found,
Including rnw vegetables and candles,
nnd Buckod nt pieces of greasy wood
Calls It Image of Inferno.
"I novor saw such an imago of In-
Maybe She Mas.
Qladman I think my wlfo has de
cided to glvo up bridge and afternoon
Sudman On what do you baso your
Gladman I found a button sowed
on my ehlrt thnt had been, missing
for months.
The Result.
"No shams for mo!" declared Jones.
Tho result In tho houso .was a pil
low fight.
Fleeing Constantinople
General Savoff, commander-ln-chlel
of the victorious Bulgarian forces In
Thrace, la a native Bulgarian and re
ceived hla military education In Parli
and St. Petersburg.
forno. Ono of tho most mlsornblo of
tho wanderers succeeded In getting
Into n houso whero wo woro staying,
dronchod to tho skin nnd tooth chat
tering. 'Tako nil my monoy; take my
clothing, If you will,' ho cried, 'but I
beg of you to glvo mo somo bread.'
"I Questioned him. Uo said ho cams
from Asia Minor and had not eaten
for eight days. I gavo him a ollco of
bread and a chocolate tablet, and ho
wont away to Join the remnants of
tho rotreatlng army, of which this
was tho ond.
"Thus did tho Turkish soldlor ap
pear to mo. He scorned to havo no
understanding of tho great drama In
Which ho waa participating, but his
lnflnlto misery and his horrthlo animal
distress woro enough to break one'a
"I do not know whether tho accusa
tions of a massacro aro exact, but so
far as I havo observed, I can affirm
that not only havo tho Turks com
mitted no excesses but I bollovo that
no army In tho world under such
frightful circumstances would havo
been moro moderate, moro docile."
Properly Qualified.
Tho Youth Sir, I cumo io nsk your
consont to my marrlagu with your
Tho Old Man Is your Income suffi
cient to Biipport a wlfo?
Tho Youth It 1b; and, In addition
to that, It Is sulflclont to cnablo mo to
stand an occasional touch from my
wlfo'H father.
Tho Old Man Say no more, young
man. She's yours. Dless you, my
Onward and Upward.
"So you nro going to bo a grand
opera alngor?"
"Only for a llttlo whllo," replied tho
nmbltlouB young vocalist. "Juat Ions
enough to got a roputatlon which will
ennblo mo to establish a business In
educating peoplo In how to rcduco
weight and become boautlfu!,"
The Alternative.
"Will thoy hang your client?"
"Not It wo can manage to hang the
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