The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 19, 1912, Image 7

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IN Tim,
v v f . xj JL l
g When
I Buying I
J Baking
I Powder J
S For this is the J
ff baking powder m
5 that "makes the
B baking better." 1
9 It leavens the
ff food evenly
ft throughout; puffa .
5 it up to airy light-
W ness, makes it dc-
m ugnuuiiy appcuz- a
inn ?inrt ttFVrtlcnm
ing and wholesome.
8 Remember, Calu- ji
met is moderate in
J price highest in.
quality. -
Ask your grocer for a
Calumet. Don't take a V
g substitute.
World' Pure rood Expedition.
Chlcato. Illinois. Paris ExpoalUon. Q
franes, Mvui, ISIS.
? 7nit:Atw
Vou don't save money uhen you buy
cheap or big-can Baling powder. Don't
ha misled. Buy Calomel. It's mom
economical - more tcholaomo gloes
best results. Calumet Ufar superior to
tout mlh and soda.
Live Stock and Miscellaneous
In great variety for sale
at the lowest prices by
SJ1-531W. Adams St., CHICAGO
Nebraska Directory
Moshcr-Lamprtvan Business College
Onaoftbe leading schcolinf tho United States. Writ
uaay lor o
this paper.
today for our pclai 1uune7-1.aY.1ifr off or,
fiUBiiiti a MirAA, uqtui
13 now located at 22l SOUTH
10th BTrtEET, near Fornnm. Visit
ourncn Store Tvlien In Otnalm. Fine
Assortment of Gilts for Utailstaias.
Position KUarnntrnil you
llnulj Central railroad
lue uuiiiil luuuicmiu
jou trail
In onrsubooL I'rartlrnon rallmait wires.
ram Tt
Tonr tmlnlnK
frcs. Addre&s
JlUII'l-l LULIilHJrii
Byers Brothers & Co.
Livestock Commission
" v ONE AWAY! Wo clean,
blodc and retrim ladies' or gentlemen's
hats to look liko new at a fraction of the
original cost. Send for price list on
garment restoring of all kinds.
Two young men to enter training
or professional work. Reasonable
salary during training period. Add.
Dr. Den, F. D alley Sanatorium, Lincoln, Neb.
Wood Bros.
S.uth Omtha Chlcaao Slow City Eo.SLPtul
"One Leetle Kees?" Thumped With a Rolling Pin
CHICAGO. "Ono kccB! JuBt ono
loetlo kees! I imploro you,
Joseph Luco, recently from Italy
and with high notions of romance,
Btola unobserved Into a flat at 428
West Huron Btreot the other day and
assumed his most irresistible posturo
as ho surprised Mrs. Mary Uellnsky
nt work making a batch of bread.
Two hours later Luco sat In n cell
nt tljo Chicago avonuo police station
nurBlng a big bump on his head and
trying to think how ho happened to
got from tho second Btory window to
the ground so quickly. It happened
something Hko this, according to Mrs.
Hollnsky, who also charged Luco with
tho theft of ?10:
"Ono what!" Mrs. Bellnsky had ask
ed in momentary alarm.
"Ono lectio kees, no more," said
"Well, hero's a regular smack!" ex
claimed Mrs. Hellnsky. Tho doughy
rolling pin waved through a cloud of
Genus Hobo Approves of
CLEVELAND, O. Tho populace
stormed and fumed about the kiosk
In tho Square tho other day, wonder
ing how the thermometor and tho rest
of tho public-spirited instruments lo
cated there were conducting them
selves In tho golld air.
Everybody who came to see and
could not was frankly angry. Even
tho Socialists excogitating nloud on
tho Square Wore aroused.
Tho kiosk is surrounded by a llttlfi
tent without a roof, formed of paint
er's flies. A week or so ago an energot
ic painter aud decorator painted the
kiosk a nlco, peaceful battleship gray
color. Then, to keep the folks from
coming up and demonstrating tho ef
ficiency of the Hortillon system in
their excitement over learning thnt
tho mercury had gone down a point or
so, ho put up tho tent. Quito acci
dentally ho left a largo sign beuring
his name and business In bold letters
on each sldo of the tent.
Tho paint had been dry for three
or four .days, but tho tent remained.
No doubt tho man has forgotten all
about it. Dotectivo Julius Spees of
Central station walked by there thu
other night, and, shivering a bit in
the chill air, bethought himself of
finding out what was what. Ho no
ticed a movement of tho canvas that
"Backnumber Joe" Quits
will cosr
$75 35
IT 15
NEW YORK. Lawyers of tills city
who handle will cases requiring a
Bearch of early records lament tho re
tirement of "Hacknumber Joe," for
ho was their first-aid and searchor-ln-chlef
in dlBglns up facts from tlio
"Backnumber Joe," despite his
name, never lost .touch with tho events
of the day. HIb specialty, though, was
tho accumulation of back numbers of
newspapers, back numbers of maga
zines, back numbers of religious
tracts, back numbors of comic sup
plamonts, anQ back numbers of almost
anything that over was printed.
Even if "Hacknumber Joe" did not
havo tho particular copy of an old
newspaper needed by a lawyer who
was straightening out a tangled suit,
$ (
Her Babies' Entreaties
KANSAS CITY, Mo. "Iiring us
some red coral beads, some red
Tlbbon, somo red sweaters, and a now
dress, mamma," begged two llttlo
girls of Parsons, Kan., when their
mother kissed them good-by tho other
morning to come to Kansas City on u
shopping tour To rnnko suro that tho
mother would not forgot they handed
her n slip of paper on which they
had written their wnnts, All tho time
sho was shopping she carried that pa
per In her hand, looking at it overy
littlo while, until Its entreaty had
burned Itself Into her thoughts.
Tho words of her llttlo daughtors
cut dooper and dcoper, for she had
come to tho city with only enough
monoy to supply long needed wants
monoy that her husband had given
her to buy a dress. As sho walked
through somo of tho largo department
stores temptation came.
This Is tho story tho mother told
Capt. Charles Edwards of tho Walnut
street station. Tho watchful eye of a
storn dotectivo had caught lior and u
rompanion who had come with her
flour, thorn was a sharp craok, and a
dull thud. Luco took tho count. Mrs
Hollnsky was frightened and tried to
to leave tho room. Then thoro was a
struggle that aroused tho curiosity
of neighbors In tho flat beneath.
"Hero; horo! What's going on?"
demanded Sam Dubois, rushing up
stairs and pausing nt tho door.
"I am going to kees you," Dubois
sworo that ho heard Luco say
"I'll klsB you!" snld Dubois. Ho
seized Luco about tho waist and bit
him on the hand ho that ho had to
lot go of Mrs. Hollnsky and sank to
tho floor.
"Let's throw him out of tho win
dow," sugegsted Dubois. So Mrs. Ho
llnsky sat on Luco'3 chest while Du
bois hurriedly raised tho window. Then
tho two took tho Invader on either
sldo and gave him a sailor's toss over
the ledge. It was 5 feet to tho
"Dear me, do you suppose he's kill
ed?" whispered Mrs. Hellnsky as Bho
and DubolB loked out tho window nt
Luco, who Iny on tho ground. Aftur
a moment It Bcnmcd h wbb about to
got up nml go ..way.
Dubois permitted himself to be
dragged downstairs and stood over
Luco until Mrs. Hellnsky returned
with a wagon load of policemen.
Luco heaved a sigh of relief as tho
policemen half carried him Into tho
Kiosk Tent as a "Flop"
mndo him suspect someono was be
neath tho tent.
Lifting it and looking uudernenth, he
discovered the recumbent figures o?
two members of tho box car gentry.
They had calculated thnt tho tent
would not bo a bad pluco to sleep, al
beit thore was no roof. ,
"Wot are you doln 'there?" demand
ed Specs.
"Well, wo thought it would bo a
good place to 'flop, " replied one. "Out
of tho wind and all tho modern con
veniences pretty swoll to have a reg
ular thermometer and all tho regular
tools for knowing jUHt what kind of
weather it is, right In yer bed
room." ,
Spees advised thorn to movo on. As
they started awny a illllldent young
ster approached him and said:
"Please, mister, when does the show
start, and can 1 carry water for tho
Business With a Fortune
ho always managed to get tho desired
publication In the course of a fow
dnys. How ho did It was a trado se
cret for which ho made his customers
pay well.
His system or payment wnB tho
strangest fenture or his novel busi
ness. Ho fixed tho price he doniand
ed by the ago of tho paper desired.
"Ono penny u day from tho ditto of
publication, for any 'paper In tho
world, in addition to tho orlglnnl
cost of tho paper uas his rule. It
ivns a lucrative trade. A paper a year
old, by this rule, was worth $3.65
abov. tho orlglnnl prico; a paper two
years old was worth $7.a0, and a pa
ted ten years old brought $3G.G0. And
when It 1b borno in mind that very
often ho supplied newspapers 30, 50,
or even 100 years old, tho profits of
the business are apparent.
A? tho fame of Joo grow ninong
lawyers and antiquarians, bo tie
quired more and more stock and need
ed larger qunrtors for It than lin orlg
lnnlly occupied In his little shop In
Fulton street. For many years ho
stored his papers In a warehouse of
hi own Bomewhoro on tho West Vldo
of the city.
Causes Woman to Steal
from Parsons, secretlnc kooiIh under
Whelr cloaks. Tholr arrest and confes.
slons followed. Tho mother had taken
all that her children had asked for
and more. In two suit cases that they
confessed they had brought empty
was found nioro than $100 worth of
silks, Bcnrfs, ribbons, Jowelry and
beadB. These thoy had stolen by
wrapping them nu as tho nrtlclcs lay
on tho counter
"I don't know now why l did It,"
tho mother iinid, tearfully. "It seemed
such an easy thing to do, und the
thliigs didn't look llko they would bo
missed." Then sho showed hor duugh
torB' note to the enptain.
- x ' wstxsts.
f&&j? K
Sloan's Liniment is a quick
and reliable remedy for lame
ness in horses and other farm
"Sloan's Liniment enrpasros any
thing on earth (or lainonrxs in liorto
and other horso allntouti. I would
not sleep without It In my stablo."
MaUTltt Dovlk,
432 West 10th Bt., New York City,
Good 'for Swelling- and Abicew.
Mn. ItM Own, of Lawrence, Knn.,
H, K, D No. 9, writes:" 1 had a luaro
with an abscess, on her neck anil one
COo. bottle of Sloan's Liniment entirely
curot hor. I kocp It all the time for
calls and small awolllncs and tor OTory
tUlug about the stock.'
is a quick nnd safe remedy
for hog cholera.
GoTarnor of Georsla utoi
Sloan's Liniment for Hoc Cholera.
"I heart! Oor. Brown (wholsnultoa
f armor) say that ho had novor lost a
hoe from cholera and that his remedy
always was a ttblospoonful of Sloan's
Liniment tu n iratlou of slops dccreiK
Ing thodoo aa tho animal Improved.
Last month Gov. Drown and mrsolt
wore at the Agricultural Collego
building and (n tlio dltcucslonof the
ravages ot the dUcaso, Oor. Ilrown
gavo tho remedy numod as unfailing."
Savannah Dailv Nkws.
At All Dealers. SScfiOc. .t S1.00.
Sloan's Pools on Horn's, Cattle,
I loci and 1'oultry lent Irre.
Address Sr. Earl S. Oloan, Boston.
tasy to Deceive Ourselves, but the
Rest of the World Is Generally
Too Wise.
Senator Pomorcno has a happy
kunck of driving homo a statement.
with an epigram.
At a luncheon Senator Pomcrono
described a would-bo litterateur.
"Thanks to whisky nnd strong
cigars," ho said, "tho poor fellow has
Tailed to make good. Ho earns n pro
carlouB living by newspaper work,
but, though he Is CO now, none ot the
ivondrou8 novels and thrilling stories
dint ho used to prate about havo ap
peared. "And yet, in his shabby npartment,
aver a bottlo of cheap liquor and a
box of cheap cigars, ho will boast by
Iho hour poor, gray, wrinkled duffer
of his unfinished MSS. Oh. thoy
will nppear yet! Yes ho will yet Il
lumine tho world with tho light of his
Senator Pomerono sighed and con
cluded: "Ah, if wo' could dccelvo others as
easily as wo decolvo ourselves, what
reputations wo'd all havo, to bo suro!"
English Stump Speech.
A correspondent, "Old llrlney,"
sends us tho following npeclmon ot
frenzied stump oratory: "Foller
blokes! Thanks tcr th' guv'mont, yer
pot yer d'mlnlshln' wage, and yor Ut
ile loaf, an' all that. Wotcher got
tcr do now Is tor go for devll-ootlon
and local anatomy, an' go It blind!"
(Loud cheers.") London Olobo.
ButChannoof Food Gavo Final Relief.
Most diseases start in tho alimen
tary canal stomach and bowols.
A grent denl of our stomach and
bowel troubles como from eating too
much starchy nnd greasy food.
Tho stomach does not dlgoct any
of tlio starchy food wo eat white
bread, pastry, potatoes, oats, etc.
theso things nro digested in tho small
Intestines, and if wo cat too much, as
most of us do, tho organs that should
digest this kind of food nro ovorcomo
by excess of work, so thnt fcrmontn
tlon, indigestion, nnd a long train of
alio result
Too much fat nlso is hard to digest
and tills Is changed Into acids, sour
stomach, belching gas, and a bloated,
heavy feeling.
In theso conditions n change from
Indigestlbio foods to Orapo-Nuts will
work wonders In not only relieving
tho distress but in building up a
strong digestion, cleur brain and
steady nerves. A Wash, woman,
"About flvo years ngo I suffered
with bad stomach dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, constipation caused, I know
now, from overcntlng Btarchy nnd
grensy food.
"I doctored for two years without
any benefit. Tho doctor told mo there
was no euro for mo. I could not oat
anything without Buffering spvoro
pain in my back and sides, and I be
came discouraged.
"A friend recommendod Qrapo-NuU
aud I began to use it. In less than
two weeks I began tq fool hotter and
inside of two months I wnB a well
woman nnd havo been over elnco.
"I can eat anything I wish with
pleasure. Wo cat Qrapc-Nuts and
cream for brenkfast and nro very
fond of It." Name given by Postum
Co., Battle Crock, Mich.
Read tho llttlo book, "Tlio Itoad
to Wollville," In pkga. "Thoro's o
ISvrr rend ihe above lederf A new
one nppenr from time In time, 'I'liej
nro icrnulnr. true, and full of human
lutcreitt. Adr.
Ono of tho largest banks In Holland
has been doing n big business In
Western Canada, and Mr. W. Wester
man, tho President, on a recent visit
into tho Provinces of Manitoba, Sas
katchewan and Alberta, oxprossed
himself ns being much Impressed with
proscnt conditions nnd prospects, nnd
was convinced that tho great pros
perity ot tho Dominion was not a
boom, but merely tho outcomo of nat
ural developments.
Not only has money been invosted
largely in 'Western Canada by tho
Holland IJanks, but by those of Ger
many, Franco, ns well as Groat Brit
ain. Not only nro theso countries con
tributing monoy, but thoy nro also
contributing people hard headed, In
dustrious farmers, who nro helping to
produco tho two hundred million bush
els of wheat nnd tho thrco hundred
million bushels of tho other small
grains thnt tho Provinces of tho
West havo harvested this season.
During tho past fiscal year thero
camo Into Canada from tho United
States 3113,710: from Austria Hungnry
21,051; from Belgium J.GOt; Holland
1,077; Franco 2,094; Gormany 4.CC4;
Sweden 2,31)4; Norway 1.G92; and
from nil countries tho Immigration to
Canada in that year was 354,237.
From tho "United Stntes nnd foreign
coiuitrlrH the figures will bo increased
during tho prcsont year.
Most of theso peoplo havo gono to
tho farms, nnd It is no far look to tho
tlmo when tho prophecy will bo ful
filled or half a billion bushel crop of
wheat in Western Canada. Advertise
Mrs. JonoB What did you say
tho Janitor?
Jones 1 told him that ho could
make somo warm friends If ho would
only turn on a llttlo heat.
In tho caro of baby'B skin and hair,
Cutlcura Soap Is tho mothor's fa
vorite. Not only Is it unrivaled in
purity nnd refreshing frngrnnco, but
Its gentio emollient properties aro
usually sufficient to nllny minor irri-.
tntlons, remove redness, roughncBS
And chafing, booUio scnsltlvo cpndl
tlons, and promoto skin and hair
health gonerally. Assisted by Cutl
cura Ointment, it is most valuablo in
tho treatment of eczemns, rnshes nnd
other itching, burning infnntllo erup
tions. Cutlcura Sonp w;nrs to a wafer,
often outlafcting Bovernl cakes of ordi
nary soap nnd making lis uso most
Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sntnplo of onch
freo with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston."
His Business.
"I bec whoro Smith wont to the
"How did that happen ?"
"He's n bill poster."
Changed Its Species.
"Wasn't tho forblddon fruit nn np
pln?" "Yes, but at tho tlrno Kvo hnuded
It lo Adam It wua a lemon."
a curtn TOR PILES.
Cole'n Carlnllsnlvo stottt Itching nnd pain
snd cures piles. AllilniKglcta. 25andS0c. Adv.
Unfortunately chnrlty doesn't seem
lo pounet-r- any of tho qualities, of a
Liquid bluo Is a weak solution, Avoid It
Duy Hal Crops Hall llluu, tho bluo that's all
blue. Ask your Krdter. Adv.
A womnn is alwas trying to I in
press upon her husbnnd that sho isn't
feeling ns well ns she ought to
The Stomach
ananaasuaaaaa aKjaaaaaranatananiaenaaauafcaaaBini
Is the Target
Aim to make that strong nnd digestion good and you
will keep well I No'chnin is stronger than its weakest
link. No man la stronger than his stomach. With
stomach disordered a train of diseases follow.
Dr. Pierce's
makes 4hi stomach healthy, tho liver aetiva anj tho blood puro. Mado from
Xon-tt roots, nnd extracted without the uso of alcohol. Bold by druggists, in
liquid form at tl.00 pe,r bottle for over 40 years, tfvlng general said fuelled.
U you prefer tablets aamodlfledbrR.V. Pierce,, JU. ., theso can ba
tuid of medicine dealer or trial box by all oa receipt of 80c la ataiapav
Harold WhonovoE. I "go. skating, 1
always wear n cap that "pulls down
well ovor my cars.
Ellyn Yes; I Bhould think thnt
would bo absolutely nchcfUinry when
you'ro skating against tho'wind.
Really a Small Matter.
"Havo you anything ngnlust Tim
pcrs7" "Nothing morosthnn tho fact thnt ho
makes 'film' n word of two-syllables."
"Bfe Peeved"
because your stomach la
unable to do its work 'prop
erly or because yourllvcr
is lazy nnd bowels clogged.
today. For GO years it has
been effectual in such cases.
It Wins
m its tatty by service
L.C. Smith & Bros.
( Ball DeartncLong Wearbtg)
In buying a typewriter you want a
satiifoctory answer to three questions:
What hlUt it do for ma?
Hot Veil Witt it do Jit?
How Ions toilt it do it?
By aniwering Inew queries with tho
needs o the1 typewriter owner and mer
in mind, llie L. C. Smith ftc Bros. Type
writer Company has attained tho front
rank in the typewriter field.
Some people tliinlc Iriat (ymrn'frr ' a fy
terittr snd thai il sit llwta u to it. McliyiM,
my look alike but there i a lot of diflacoeo
in efficiency.
Tho nrw Model Fire It fcu3t not only lot
trsilit corretpondence Uitlor UouUlini, InlU
ing ana in (act (or every tcrvico needed in lha
aveiage buuncw.
It. lull liMrinrt at all tv!m. ivIwm I AAmi Aj
vrlnpet through action, txtmil cluntdjiatmtna
snd injure coirect and accurate typewntuif,
Wt weulJh'lt At cHuXunity t till
tntrl atoui It.y
Head O flit lot Domutie and Foreign Ow&wm
SYRACUSE. N. Y.. U. . A.
JJrancXil in ml) PrineiiC!tln
Omaha Branch, 1316 Far
nam Street, Omaha, Neb.
tsBW LaTv VJ
(firms! v
S i m
()) 1
Golden Medical Discovery