1? A Voice Sometimes wo get a little (lis cournged, and feel that what we say here may bo only a "Voico that crioth In the Wilderness." It is so difficult to convey to you the en thusiasm we have for the magnifi cent collection of jewelry, . silver ware, watches, etc, that wo have laid out hore for your inspection. Of course, the fact that we are selling more goods every month than during tho corresponding month last year shows that you believe in us, and wc are grateful and appreciative Hut wo would like more visitors those who come just to look things over for a possible future purchase. Thcro is no obligation to buy, no one hero would dare to urge you. Wc want you to come and see, and then sometimes you will buy, wo know. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. fc$rtf3in-Ju PHONE 4 OR 8 For Your Drugs. Orders De livered promptly. REXALL and NYAL tk it unuu siuiiLa i tff I --8iC-frtt-J -- -9 Local and Personal County Surveyor Roy Cockran spent yestorday in Hershey on business. Frank Seaber, of Wood RlAcr spent Sunday as the guost of Paul Nolen. Philip Dents wn3 taken ill Sunday evening with an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. William Roynolds has returned from a short vibit in Omaha with friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Groves returned to Hershey aftor n short visit with local people. C. E. Mullen, of Lexington, visited his sister Mrs. Tim Haniiln tho first of this week. alias Ethel Doncgan returned Sunday evening from Omaha whoro she visited last week. John Heldebrand went to, Grand Is sland last evening to attend 'the B. of it. T. uanco. MrB. John States roturnod yesterday morning from Donvor whoro she visited hoy Hon Walter last wcok. Charles Whalen returned Sunday evening from Kearney whoro tho spent the day with friends. James McNcel, who was recently transferred to Grand Island spent Sun day with friends in tho city. Miss Vmirilta Hayes returned last evening from a short visit in Grand Is land and Omaha with relatives Tho Eastorn Star konsington will meet with Mrs. W. J. Redfiold, 707 V. 9th street Wednesday aftqrnoon. Ollio Ellas and William Doram re turned Sunday evening from a short visit in Gothenburg with friebds. Clinton's is tho place to buy your Diamonds. ' ' George Adamson, of this city, and Miss Besslo Cooper, of Tryon, will bo married tomorrow at tho home of the bride, For Sale Thorughbred cockerel. L. I. Tucker, 221 Chestnut St. 8-1-2 Mrs. Raymond Miller and baby, of Hershoy, are sponding this weok with lier sister this wook with her sister Mrs. 0. W. Sizemoro. Mrs. Buckley and daughter urrlvcd Sunday ovoning from Stromsburg and will make', their homo with N. E. Buckley in tho Cressler residence. aMK vmfMiWmta vv. mrwmmwi vv w WMMV !f V ml I &e 1M4&S&& wr&. IT you shoitltl die totluy tintl lonvo n dlsfrossotl tAvITo hohlnd, wouhl you lonvo nor nddltlonnl fttlstress oV having to worry nhout nionoy mnt- foi'fiV Stnvt n hnnlc nooount now. It will grow its tho woolen slip hy, nnd you will soon bo so Interested thnt you will soo thnt.it DQ1SS g-roir. 'nln tho ovout of YOUR yVOUK rTlJ$ sure 1'rom tho storms p'l" ndverslty. ' ' Do YOUli. bunking with The First National Bank, Tho Tiitrgost Hnnlc In "Western 2iobrnslen. Fred Totro, of Brady, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott. Frank Foster visited homo folks In Gothenburg tho first of thi3 week. George Loan, of Gothenburg, visited his sister Mrs. Alex Brooks last week. Frank Cokor, of Sutherland, spent yesterday In town transacting business. William Adair roturnod yesterday afternoon from Kearnoy where ho spent two weeks with relatives. Wanted Girl for general housework. G02 West -1th. Phone 2G1. tf Robert Dickey will leave tho last of this week for western Nebraska towns to spend a couple of days on business. Mis3 Mildred Burgner, formerly of this city, came up from Grand Island the lattor part of last week to viiit rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wyman and baby loft Sunday for Chovenno nnd Green River to visit friends for a weok or longer. Miss Ireno Blauvelt, of the Lorraine Kcene Company which plays this week, is a sister of Mrs. Fred Warren and visited last summer in this city. Buy Solid Silver and Cut Glass for wedding presents at Clinton's, The Jowelor. Mcssers. Corbln Jones, Millego Bul lard and Gilbort Peters have Issued invitations to a social danco and card party at the Masonic hall on Thanks giving evening. Grand Island 1b now busy in the laud ablo work of raising 865,000 for the erection and equipment of a Y. M. C. A. building. In the first three days of the campaign $23,000 was secured. See the pretty girls on tho stago through a good opera glass, wo have them. Clinton, Jeweler & Optician. Mrs. Edward Weston, of Denver, who spent last week with Mra. John Frazior and Miss Margaret Frazior whllo onroute home from tho oast, left tho latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rcbhauscn en tertained a number of friends at a six o'clock dinner Sunday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenco Wornott, of Kearney. Covers wore laid for eighteen. Will havo on hand and will tako orders for brass craft articles from now until Christmas. Any one interested in same call at tho house. Mrs. I. W. Van Doran, 901 Wost 2nd St. tf At a meeting of tbo Rebokah Lodgo Fridny ovening an olectio(n of officers was hold as follows: Noble grand, Mrs. Irving VanDoran: vico-grand, Mrs. J. G. Booler; recording secretary, Mrs. Fred Perrott; financial secretary, Mrs. Sam Van Doran; treasurer, Mrs, Geo. Prosser, Dolegato to assembly at Lin coln Mrs. Fred Ginn. Mr. Peterson, of Omaha, spent Sat urday in town and organized n local committor of the safoty organization of the Union Pacific. This committee, composed of twenty mombors is mado up from tho various departments, nnd tho object to havo each member make surrfTCHtions as to the avoidance of possible accidents and tho safe-guarding of tno travoiing puuuc as wen as em ployes. Bring us your old razor ulades and for 2J cents we will have thorn resharponed as good as now. Stone Drug Co. Tho Sterling foot ball! team mot de feat at tho hands of tho local high school squad Friduy afternoon on the local grounds. Three hundred specta tors witnessod tho game and supported tho home boys In their splendid work. Tho score stood C8 to 0 at tho end of tho second half and from tho first piny North Plntto showed thoir knowledge of and skill In playing tho popular game. Norris Bhowed himself master of tho gamo in tho first quarter nnd ns tho gamo progressed dlstinqulshed him self still moro by his brilliant plays. Lincoln and Ryan desorve special men tion for thoir good work. Ryan play ing ono whole qeartor with a broken collar bono. The victory is one to bo groud of owing to the ,,fact that tho torling team has been known as champions of Colorado and had tho rep utation of baing difficult to dofeat. x jr&u sfioifM widyottt Jh petmffe&sf UJlATll you thon hnvo Evidence of Theft. In cleaning up rubbish in his carpen ter shop yard on west Sixth street Sat urday R D. Thompson found two bexes containing felt shoes. Tho boxes had but lately been deposited in tho yard nnd tho contents wore new and unused. The supposition is that tho boxes wore stolon from some store and the thlof at the time supposed he was taking leathor shoes. Having no use for tho feltshoes, he discarded thtm. Willis Soon to File Estimate. Engineer Willis, who was employed by tho Chamber of Commerce to mnko an estimate of placing tho South Side ditch in condition to carry water, will file his report within the next week. Mr. Willis made a complete examination of the ditch week before last, going from one end to the other and carefully studying tho requirements of tho neces sary flume across the South Platte river. When this report is filed it will be sub mitted to tho land owners under tho ditch for their consideration. Suggest Banquet for Team. John E. Evans, who is not much of a foot ball enthusiast, but who believes In recognizing merit, suggests that tho business men of the town tender a ban quet to the high school foot ball squad as a recognition of their splendid work this season. The Tribune heartly falls in line with Captain Evans' suggestion. To dofeat all opposing teams and that, too. by decisive scores, ought to be sufficient to crcato prido within each resident, and a little glorification meet ing would be proper. Will Increase Power Plant. Report was current a month or so ago that the Union Pacific would install an electric plant to furnish power for its various needs at this terminal. This however, seems to havo been incorrect, as the officials have given Manager Walker assurance that they will con tinuo to purchase power of the local plant. With tho new terminal im provements the company will need much more power than at present, the now coal chutos alone requiring fifty horso powor. Manager Walker will add to the equipment of the plant an additional direct drive cagine and dynamo of 300 kilowat capacity, thus nearly doubling tho present output of current energy. BRATT & GOODMAN have a few gilt-edge, first mortgage loans netting seven and eight per cent semi-annual interest in sums of $300 and upwards on two to five years' time. Nothing better or safer for your idle money. Harrington Organize Parades. In a recent letter to a North Platte friend M. C. Harrington, of Denver, writes: I pulled off a parade hero Inst Sun day, Oct. 27th, where I had 10,000 men and boys over fifteen years of ago. It took mo a week of hard work to comploto tho plans of tho organ! zation; 10,000 people marched from their respoctivo parishes to Fourteenth street botwocn Broadway and Ara phoo at tWo , o'clock, and at two-thirty .tho- entire march of 10,000 people led by eight or ten bnnds were marching In perfect order and every man in his proper place. The army officers who viewed the march of this little army lied saw tho swift dis patch in which they wore formed and handled, wore bud in their praise of the superb manner in which they wore handled. It was no easy task to handle 10,000 men and boys so as to form thorn in ono position and march them in per fect order as formerly outlined, within a poriod of thirty minutes. General Baldwin, a retired army officer, I ard, expressod himself as follows: That it was ono of tho most remarkable feaU ho had seen performed In his ex perience. At ono minute to two o'clock thero was not a soul in sight on Four teenth street that was to participate in mo paraue. At exactly two-thirty over 10.000 poople fell into their posi tions from tho Bide streets and the army was on the march without u hitch or a break in the proceedings. For Sale. Puro bred Duroc Jersoy Hogs, both sexes, all eligiblo to registry, prices reasonable. Inquire of or address, Blankenburg Bros. North Platte, Nebr. Mrs. George Rueber and childron aro expected this week from Grand Island to make their homo. Mr. Rueber has been employed with the Hartman cigatf factory for some time. AnV nni wiahlntr Pnrlnr Miton rn rn Mt at the Watoi' Olllco on Dewey St., T and at tho North SId TTnrrltvnrA Rlnra or phone 44 or black 301 and it will be dolivered. Opportunities for All in California. Whother you aro looking for a place to retire on smnll farm or orch ard tract, or if you are seeking a business location, California offers you great inducements. Tho climate varieB but little and tho land is never idle some crops ripens every season. Three crops from tho same land in one yoar is not unusal. With tho increasing farm population, new industries aro needed two turn raw products into manufactured goods. It is to yonf interest to ivostigato the possibilities of this state with a view of selecting a location hore. UNION PACIFIC Standard Road of the West. DustlcuB Roadbed, Doublo Track, Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals. dosire to help you chooso your now field and when you havo decided upon tho location, will tako you thoro comfortably and quickly and after you are settled will aid you in getting yjur products marketed profitably. For literature and further information relative to fares, routes, etc., call on or address F. JE. BUI.IiARD, Agent. NORTH PLATTE. NK11RASKA. Si! Local and Personal. A carload of furniture for tho federal building offices nrrivod Saturday. The Christian Aid Society will mettt Thursday with Mrs. W. T. Green, G15 east 2nd. Clyde Cook came up trom Grand Is land Saturday to visit at home for a few days.. Mra. .1. Hnrv rntlirnpil vnatwrrlnv fl f t A ..m . .n ..m flninmi ... ,... ! .. ' u.iKiiiuuii iiuiii isiutiiiu Wflt'in nut; visited rentives last week. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. JI. J. Brork, 714 Wost Fourth, tf Thomas Gutherless returned yester day from Cheyenne where he spent a week with Barney O'Neil and family. William Brooks, of Gothenburg, who visited his aunt Mrs. R. Surber last returned home yesterday afternoon. Doll Bonner who is a studont at the University School of Music in Lincoln spent Saturday nnd Sunday with his parents. The Rebekoh Konsington will meet with Mrs. J. S. Hoagland Frilay after noon. Business of importance will bo transacted, all members urged to be present. Beechcr Parker, of Evanston, came down Saturday to spend a few days and accompany Mrs. Parker home tomor row evening. The latter has been the guest of her mother Mr. Lowe for a week. Your watch balance wheel vibrates 18,000 times per hour; it is in constant motion night and day. One drop of oil will oil twelve watches. Your watch should be cleaned nnd, fresh oil applied once in 12 or 15 months, Wo guarantee you the very best service. Dixon, Tho Jeweler, U. P. Watch Inspector. The partition on the north side of the 10 cent store was taken out Saturday evening. In the future tho entire first floor of the building will be used to dis play their good thus relieving the crowdod condition of their former store space. A largo storo' room has been added at the rear. Money to Loan. on furniture.pinnos or any thing of good value on your plain note if steadily em ployed; pay back in small weekly or monthly payments. Mrs. B. F. Wilcox son 510 East 4th St. Office In residence, hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. in Doubt Buy BAVlDHARtfl It stands in a class by itself. OUR OFFER Buy a sack of "DAVID HARUM' Try it as many times as you wish. If you are not satisfied that it is woTth the difference If you are not convinced it is the best flour you ever used you can bring or, send it back and we will refund purchase price. Quality considered "DAVID HARUM" flour is the cheapest flour on the market today. Herrod & Son, Phone 208. r Swim mS a?GUARANTEED SHORT PATENTgwfe ROUND OAK BASE BURNER Tho Round Oak has 42 per cent moro radiating surface than any other base burner, Tho one real advance in base burner construct ion in 20 years is the Round Oak. Tho Round Oak is the only base burner that gives oractically all its heat into the room instead of sending it up the chimney. Up to 1908 there had beenpratically no improvement in base burners for 15 years. That yoar the Round Oak baso burner was put on the market with new additional fluo heating surface, giving 42 per cent moro efficiency than its nearest competitor. Since then the other fellows have been scrambling might ly to catch up, but thoy are a long way in the rear. Lot ub show you the good points of this wonderful heater. This means smaller coal bills, and more heat. See this Stove in Our Window. Dersryb erry FOR Having decided to retire from ranching, we offer for sale our land located near Gannett siding; all bottom land, consisting of pasture and No. 1 hay land. We also offer for sale all our stock, viz: One registered draft and one registered standard bred stallion and a number of draft horses and roadsters of all ages, 40 head of Duroc Jersey, hogs, of both sexes, eligible to registry, complete outfit of farming and haying implements, wagons, buggies, carts and harness of all kinds, complete set of icing, blacksmith and carpenter tools, all in good order. We will sell the above implements and tools either singly or in complete outfits and all will be sold at reasonable prices. For further information call on or address, BLANKENBURG BROS., North Platte, Nebraska. Kow is the time to sell Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. Don't hold until a day or two before THANKSGIVING, as we must have all our Turkeys in by Nov. 22d. to jjet them to our mar kets and after that time our price will go down. Our prices are Turkeys fat 8-lb and over 15c a pound. Turkeys small and poor from woe to 14c. Old torn Turkeys 10c, Duck 9 , Geese 7c, Mens Sc, Spring Chickens gc a pound. North PSatte 422 W. Front St. FREE! A Full Size 50c Pox of Hake-Man Tonic Tablets Are you weak and nervous? Do you suffer from backaches, rheumatism, or kidney trouble? Are your stomach and di gestive organs constantly getting out of whack. so that you can't enjoy Vour meals any more? Are you losing weight? Do you sleep poorly? Is your body weak and cryinir for something that Is lacking? What you most likely need is more rich, pure blood coursing through your veins, giving life and vigor to your entlro system. Vourbody 19 famished. Your entire system iscrylng fornour Ishment. What you need is atonic, a health-slv Ing. pure-blood-making tonic MakManTonic TabUtt they help make men and women strong; they give new life, new strength, to im poverished, run-down, over-worked nervous sys tems. In order that you and every one who does not know these wonderful health-giving, life saving tablets, we make thisunusualotfen Simply cut out coupon, flit in your name and address send no money Just the coupon, o;id you will receive absolutely free.ourregularSOcentboxof MakfMan Tonic Tahiti: Remember, send no money, there is no string tied to this offer, all that we ask is that you try this JO-centbox. Sold and recommended in North Druggists, first door north BK T " tNHiWHLLr ( iiiil(f SALE Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Hens and Springs. Produce - Co., North Platte, eb. Take every tnblrt (as per directions) and we Know mat in a tew aays you will marvel at the results. Don't put it off until to-morrow, cut out thli coupon now, start today on the road to health. Make-Man Tonle TabUtt will show you the way, We nre willing and anxious to five you a full size 50c box free, then judge for yourself , whether or not they can be of help to you. Can you resist so earnest an appeal? Foryour own sake nnd those who love you, cut out this coupon todav, at once and mall It to us. Mak: Man Tonle Tahiti t are sold at all ilruc stores 50o a box on a guarantee or money refunded. ."""CUTOUTTHIS COUPON"""! BIAKn-MAN TAI1T.ET CO., IVpt. 300 ! ! OOO SI.lkP.Miui Hide.. Clilcnco. 111. 5 I have cerer uwd Make-Man Tablet before ami wiU to receive, free, a f ull-alio Solent box. DniRgltt's Name............... ..".. S Mr Name ............ ...... j AdJrew ....... . ,0 fea lf l k family ..J Platte by Schiller &. Co., Family of First National Bank. w ?' -, ' ! a w Vw&W v -tzg- -i$