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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1912)
IP I" M l ; i i iM i f THE SEEfllWEEKlY TRIBUNE IRA L. BAIU3, Publlshor. TERMS, $1.26 IN ADVANCE). AIORTH PLATTE, . NEBRASKA THE REPORTER. Among tho sons of men thero Ib Aono who really knows a great city except tho man who has boon a re porter In It Ho has sounded its depths. Ho has come to know tho liouso of.crlmo, tho houso of worship. nd tho houso of festival. Ho Is fa miliar with tho church and with tho nothcr world. Ho has seen tho great er and tho lessor wheels of admlnlB tratlvo machinery In motion. Ho has learned how to reach that supremo po tentate, Uio pollco sergeant, behind his desk, and how to unravol and knit togother tho varying tales of bystand ers. Tho streets of tho city aro known lo him, barod In gray morn, when tho vast commissary of a great city Is converging .on tho markets, thronged by tho rising and ebbing tides of those who go to Uielr work and re turn from It Jostling In tho crowded hours, suddenly empty In mid ovo as Iho tltlo sweep strips tho estuary of Its water and full again whon tho tho ators empty, writes Talcott Williams In tho Columbia Quarterly. Ho knows the otroetB of danger full of nows, and tho streets of safety full of newspa per rendoro, comfort clogged. Ho cotncB to havo an Instlnot as to tho trail of news, and ho discovers, ns perhaps no other man does, how often tho Intelligent, tho educated, tho well bred, and tho advantaged aro dull and hackneyed by a safo llfo, and how keen and swift and quick comes to bo tho great guerrilla hordo that knowB tho street as Its hunting ground and wins by wit and not by work. Each year somo porson of good In ientlons comeB forward with tho sue jcBtlon that tho clocks bo act an hour ihend In tho summertime Tho ob ject is to haul peoplo out of bed whllo' 'ho day la young so they will havo a ahanco to got their work well along In' iho cool of tho morning. But every hot spell demonstrates afresh tlmt tuch a schemo Ib a delusion and a inaro. On a hot night you never got) 3ff soundly to sleep until nftor mUM night, says tho Kansas City Star. It's too uncomfortable In tho early part; of tho night. Often you aro up nnd, Sown trying to cool off until well to ward morning About five o'clock thq morning chill gets In Its work and, you aro having your best sloop. To chop that off soonor than need bo by in artificial tlnio schemo ought to BROCADED EVENING GOWN P) AM 1 rkh wrm ) r M Ik W .4 jW ' mKStSmmm MigBIFWjMmWH fSSfHra I rauso a revolt Talk about It's bolng nnra 10 goi up cany in com wcamori; It's a lot harder to got up early when, It's hot at least, It Booms that wayi until winter goto around again. The Death of Christ Dy REV. W1LUAM EVANS. D. D., Dtf rtlor fl Bibk- Coune tl Ihe Moody Dibte Itutitule, Chicico UmWL?tJl'omm Photograph by Underwood & Underwood, N. Y. Brocadcn aro tho fashion again, and wonderful effects in color and de sign will bo worn thla winter. Tho model Is of flame color and gold, show ing a graceful draping of tho material. Tho brocade sccma to start from tho center front of tho waist line and winds nround tho figure, ending In a long pointed train, showing tho selvago of tho material on one side. AFTERNOON DRESS. Pollcomon In WoBt Philadelphia, who escaped electrocution tho other night consldor thomsolvos exceedingly fortunate In Bomo way a pollco tolo phono wlro had become heavily charg ed by a feed wlro. Ono patrolman Was killed by a shock which ho roi calved upon Inserting tho key into tho patrol box. Another was knockod un conscious. A sergeant answering thq telophano calla at tho station house, was thrown acrosB tho room. Many on the circuit who received only slight shockB attrlbuto their Immunity to the circumstance that they had on rubber boots. It was a vory serious situation, And HluDtratus what may happen at any Umu when an uninsulated electric wlro carrying a heavy current crosses telephone wiro, Hence tho neces sity for vigilance In tho observance of precautions which will provent that dangerous mischance The Boy Scout movomont Is nour ishing In other countries than tho United States and Great Britain. It is on a Btroug footing in Donraark, where both tho Crown Prlnco Frodorili and his brother, Prlnco Knud, aro tnk Ing part In tho training. Tho yauns princes nssoclato with tholr fellow scouts on terms of perfect equality. Thin Is a good preparation for future usefulness on tho throne of a demo cratic country liko Denmark for dora ocratio Denmark Is, although ruled by ' a king. 2fiyr B mmPmA 7 111 ", 'WJKM Ai -; ' 'H A ft n;-m NEWEST COLOR IN VELVET TEXT-llom. 5.6-11. Thero Is no pro founder Scripture in tho New Testa ment than this ono, dealing ns It does with tho deepest truth of Christianity tho death of Christ. I. This text speaks to ua of some ono who died. It might seem at first Bight ns though there wcro noth ing extraordinary in such a state ment, for all men die. Yet it Is extraordinary when wo consider tho person, character and history of tho ono who died. Ho was God and man, dlvlno and human, Cre ator and creature His life was abso lutely flawlesa. If Enoch and Elijah left this world without passing through death, might not Christ havo dono likewise? Further, this death Is extraordinary when wo consider that Christ could have avoided It. Ho knew all about the plots and plans that wero laid for hlH arrest and death. Ho could have foiled them. Legions of angels were at his disposal. But ho submit ted to thlB death; therefore his sacri fice was a willing, voluntary sacrifice. We must remember, too, that it was no ordinary death, for otherB havo suffered as tragic and Ignominious deaths as this. It was extraordinary, however, because of Its relation to mankind and because of tho person of the one who died. Jesus himself said that hlB death was a ransom for all men; the apostleB claimed that he died tho just for the unjust and for the slna of tho world. This could not bo said of the death of any other per con In tho world. Paul had seen Ste phen dlo a martyr'B death, but ho did not associate forgiveness of sin with Stephen's death; yet this la what is claimed for tho death of Christ. II. Tho peoplo for whom Christ died. They are described aa sinners, ungodly, enemies. These terms aro all-inclusive, descriptive enough to take In all the fallen and sinning ones of men. Speaking broadly, this text asserts that Jesus Christ died for the wholo human race of sinners. It is hore Bnld that ho died for them, and by this is meant that ho died In their stead and In their be half. Some one may say "I did npt neod any one to dlo for me." But we know so little as to whnt wua necessary to bo dono In our behalf; wo arc so ignorant concerning thesq things; our own reason can be trust ed so little; that It is bettor for us to believe what Josub and the Apostles say with reference to the necessity of Christ's death, Tho death of Christ postulates that something infinite needed to bo dono for us. Had thero been no dark, diro need, God would not havo made the sacrifice of his son. It Ib clear from our text that Christ died to do for us Peculiar Shade of Green Ib Called "Absinthe" by Those Who Havo Designed It. A peculiar greenish yellow shade, not ollvo and not tan, Is now much fancied for formal afternoon frocks for bridge, reception or luncheon wenr. A costume of this sort has just been finished for a brldo of tho month. Abslntho chiffon velvet Is the 'mate rial and tho suit Includes a graceful draped skirt and the most coquettish of coats, short enough at tho front to roveal tho black Batln draped glrdlo but falling at tho back in long talis to tho knee. Those tails Blopo grad ually from tho doublo-brensted front and giro tho coat a graceful cutaway efTect, viewed from tho sldo. Enor mouB revcra of tho velvet aro gath ered at tho top Into turnover Robes plerro collar of black velvet and hang to tho waistline over tho coat front. Tho revora and collar open in n dnnn V Tho skirt has a wldo front and what wo, because wo were weak and Dacrc paneia Hanging penuouy straight, tho aides being caught up below tho hips Into a soft transverse drapery. To match this nbslntho yel vot costumo there aro patent leather boots with buttoned tops of pale tan cloth and vory curved French heels, and a hat of cream whlto moiro Bilk banded with mink and having ono green and ono gold quill. KSfcjA wto Il "Real Fisherman's Luck for Duke's Mixture Smokers" Good tobacco and a pood reel.' That's 6urcly n lucky combination for the angler and here's the way ypu cSa have thcui both. a d(y7ty (XA4f 5 t n m ' 3 a W All sn.okcrs should know Duke's Mixture made by Liggett Sf Myers at Durham, N. C- Pay what you will, you cannot cl bettor prannlalcd tobacco for 5c than the big ounce ind a half sack of Duke's Mixture. It's good any way you smoke it. Get a Good Fishing' Reel Free by saving the Coupons now puckcd it Liggett Myers Du Wo Mixture. Or, if you don't want a reel get any oneof Uio hundreds of otlrr articles. In tho list you will find something; for every member of tho family. Pipes, cigarette cases, catcher's glavi$. cameras, waicucs, louct nrircics, cic. Thcso handsome prc&ents cost you nothing not one cent. They simply express our appreciation of your patronage. Remember you still get tho same big one and a half ounce sack for fie enough formally satisfying' smokes. Daring November and Decem ber only, ue r' oend bur sew illustrated catalogue or present FREE. Simply send ua your name and address. iSSHSk Jw mm$M:W: KKffiMmtt Coupons from Duke's fixture assorua wun lazs irvii i 6t KSC SHOE,J.T..TINSUErV"SNATURAL UJVt, UKAHUtK TW1S1, CVfiOtU trom FOUR ROSES (tOotin douoJt coupon), PICK PLUG CUT, PIED. MONT CIGARETTES, CUX CI- GARETTE3, and other tags or coupons tssucxibyus. Address Premium DepL P1 fxttvjjeJUiiyaoeaSi St. LouIs.Mo. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. COLT DISTEMPER Can b bandlod tott easily. TlKiiurttMTieiircd.riiyflallouicraln Bme "table, no matter LowcipoonVkeK from Maying ttio dl easT by uIns Hl-OHNB MQ.WD UlSTEHimi CUSkTVUvo on tbo toofrae.or lu food. Acts on Uie blood andoipela germs of all forms of distemper. Best remedy erer known for marcs In foaL One iMJttlo guaranteed to care una rate, paand II a bottlet and 110 down of drusBlstK and hamom dealers, or mux nprcw paid by manufacturers. Cut atows bow to poultice) tlrxvata. our frea lookl(itplvC9oTcrtlilnK. Local ocentrf-wuutod. Vatgeet rclllna hnrM rcmodv In ezlBtcnoo twelTQvaarB. SPOHM MEDICAL, cbatdculiUaDiiDutciliildtktib C08ti0nrtd,US.A Just Like Other Men. Most surgeons simply go way up In the air when ono ot tho worl'd's greal ones is stricken. When Sir FrederJ Treves was callcil to operate on Kina Edward ho split him open aa non chalantly ns if tho Wng had been an apple or a watermelon. Now York Press. Plncapplo Is Rood for Indigestion, tho julco containing a digestivo iluld similar to pepsin. If you wish to preserve your teeth ,-..., ..,- . ..., ,. .1, take all medicines containing nclds ".-! !-j!s?2 - - "ssi; Tjn .a wa 'A pair ot valuablo opera glassos, Host 23 years ago, havo JuBt been re stored to tho owner by tho finder whoso consclonco urged tholr return. Evidently, tbo speed mania oC tho ag 1ms not as yet attectod the operation! ot tho average consclonco. For purposes of fancy bnlls. tho mod. era society woman loves to tog up In fashions of a bygono day. llut wouldn't sho raiso an awful holler II she had to wear thorn all tho tlmoT a band of cmbroldory on not Tho plain Magyar bodice Is ot tho eamo; over this nt top ot Bleovos and sldo Is gray silk spotted ninon of a lighter shade, which is continued down eldes of skirt In panlor effect, tho edges being finished with insertion; tho samo insertion outlines tho "V" at neck, which Ib filled in with pleco laco; buttons trim tho front. Materials required: Four and one halt yards taffetas 42 Inches wldo, throo yards nluon 40 iuches wldo, ten buttons, about eight yards Insertion two yards wide, trimming for skirt, one-fourth yard laco 18 Inches wide. Tbo receipt of two contB tor tho con science fund in Washington has been regardod in quite a humorous light but if all wero to act under tho sense of obligation to the govornment bIiowd by tho Boeder of this infinitesimal con trlbutlou, tho fund might bo big nough to build a dreadnought partB rubbed Into tho eyobrows will stlmulato tholr growth. For a greasy, oily skin, put somo astringent, a llttlo alcohol or toilet vinegar, into tho wash water. Honey Is excellent In nearly all throat and lung affections. For a sharp tickling throat cough a tea spoonful taken overy few moments will quickly allay tho Irritation. Tho habit of biting tho nails may bo conquered by will power In an older person, but with children cut tho nails' very close and dip tho ends of tho fingers In qulnluo or a llttlo extract ot quassia. A detectlvo who climbed two hun dred feet in tho air to arrest a steeple Jack ought to rise rapidly lu his chou en profession. Fashionable Drown. Tho return to favor which yellow has been enjoying of Iato ban boon confirmed for tho autumn, and among tho now tlntB which will b plucod high on tho list of fnuhlonnblo colors burnt orange nppeorB. It Is already bolng exploited largely In Paris, and with It ulso Bulimur and umber. In addition thero aro chartreuso.tholovo ly limpid yellow ot tho cordial; flame yellow, whoso intensity makes it be coming only to certain complexions, and canary, another vivid liuo. Urown. lu overy graduation is raised to a pinnacle ot modtehnesa, and cigar amalgamated with bluck will bo oeen Instead of tho nlmost Inevitable mag pie combination, which will, however, be modish also. Tea Gown Reminders. Tho flowered Bilks can bo utilized) with groat charm for making tho neg Ugeo, but care should be taken to pro., euro thoso that do not crush. Chnrmouso, crope do chlno, or vollo of a .plain and delicate coloring is a( aatlsfactory cholco. Two or oven throo nmtqrlalB may bo blended in ono toilette Then thoro Is chiffon to remember. Ono delightful jnodol is raado ot roso' petal pink chiffon over a looso under' robo of silk of tho Bame tone. Tho robo Is quite without trimming, aavo for tiny flowerets mndo ot tho chiffon bordering tho turned back fronts ot tho outer droBS, which lookB very much llko a cont with n train. without strength, could not do for ourselves, . III. Tho purpose ot Christ's death. NFlrst, wo are justified by his death. The atonement provides tho ground upon whioh a righteous God can pre-, nounco a repcntnnt sinner innocent, free, and treat him accordingly. This" means that whon u man acknowledges tho claims of Jesus Christ, and sub mits himself to him as his personal savior, tho guilt and penalty of his nln aro removed forever. Wo may not understand or reallzo how this fact becomes a fact and yet we may real lzo It Is a fact. Thousands UBe elec tricity every day who do not under stand it. So wo are told what is a great mystery that because Christ died we who bellovo in him do re colve absolution for our Bins. Second. We are reconciled to God through tho death of Christ. Sin is a barrier botweon God and man. There can bo fellowship between God and man only ns thiH barrier 13 re moved. Even tho love of God cannot remove thlB barrier apart from tho sacrifice of Christ. Again, wo aro not saved by understanding, but believ ing this great truth. Men may bask In tho rays of tho Bprlng sunshine, and yet bo ignorant of nstronomy. All onemlty existing between God and tho Blnnor la removed by reason of tho denth of Christ. Ily believing in Christ the sinner who is an cnomy of God becomes u friend of God. Third Wo aro saved from wrath through Christ' death. Tho modern mind reJectH tho idea of wrath alto gether and says it exists only In tho minds of theologians. According to tho scriptures, howovor, there Is a wrath ot God as well as a love ot God. Lovo and wrath aro not Incompatible terms. God cannot overlook the wickedness ot men; nnd since It Is practically Impossible to separate hotween the man and tho sin that ho cherishes, pain, wrath and anguish must bo vUlted on the sinner. Tho death of Josub Christ removes thlB wrath nnd tho believer In him passes nut ot death into lifo, tho penalty of the second death or the wrath of God shall not fall on him. House Plans Important. The care In the homo and all other forma of household work are greatly facilitated by right planning and the use of suitable materials for the construction and furnishing of tho home. An adequate and convenient water supply and other conveniences aro essential, not only for comfort and for saving labor, but al3o from tho standpoint Df home hygiene. An Underworld. "You say you saw -New York's un derworld?" eaid tho horrified relative "Oh, yes," replied Mrs. McGudley. "And I consider it very neat and In teresting. I think every largo city ought to havo a subway system." Another Investigation. "Daughter, I kearrt auspicious sound on the veranda last evening." "Yes, mother." "Was that young m-n Kissing yon or swatting luoKqultoos?" Constipation causes aud nKgravates many rerlous diseases. It Is thoroughly cured by Dr. Plerco's Pleasant Pellets. Tho favorite family laxative. Adv. Quite So. "What is tho latest thing In fashion ablo weddings?" "Very often it is the bride." A volco used too much In scolding is not good to sing with. Paradoxical WUsfortunc. "There is nothing In- tbla place but soft drinks." "Just my hard luck. CURBS BURN3 ANI CUTS. Cole's Carbollsalvo Htopa tho ptn Irmtantlr. Curcsquick.Noscar.AlldrUj3SiEtB.2Sand50c.AdV. Only a: lawyer or a detective can mind his own business when he pries Into other people's. Political arguments lono us friends than they gain votes. mora rU f FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS For Backache, Rheumatism, Kidneys and JJiadder u nr-n nr TMEY ARC RICHEST IN OURATIVB QUALITIES 7 RFr.flllKr oontain no habit tormimo drugs I, ULUnUOL AB SArc, SURr AND 3AVK YOU MONEY Hi W.L.DOUCLAS SHOES $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 AND $5.00 FOR MEN AND WOMEN Bqya wear IV. L. Douglas $2.00, 9Z.BO & S3.CO Sohaati Shoo; bocauuo ono pair will posltlvoly outwear two Bmlrn ot ordinary alioct, name am tho man' mhoos. W.L.Dougla make and sells more $3.00,$3.50 & $4.00 bocs j than any other manufacturer la the world. t THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER SO YEARS. The workmanship which has made W. L. Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. ' Ask your dealer to show you W. I- Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice the short vamDS which make the foot look smaller, points in a hoe particularly desired by young men. Also the conservative styles which have, made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. If you conld visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mass., and sea for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes nro made, you would then on. derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shops and wear longer than any other make for the price. Fait Color Eyotttt. CAUTION. To prol.ct you.cslntt Inferior !ioe, W.L-DougUa l.mpahiaiinnmon thelot. torn. Look for th Ump. Bwro of tulxtilutx. YV. L.DougUi Kore oM in 78 own tor and hoo d..lcrs .Terywharc. No mattsr where you lire, they are within jour reach. U your dealer cannot supply you, write direct to factory for c.talo showing Low to order by mail. Skoaa sent aTarswbors. delivery chances pro paid. W.Duu&lu.IircktoD.Klu. J jim-'t&?ff' f'uaiia trt 3MFEU VSmmb.j VT NS,. ..! J Avstim-rik Tfral NS, J ttmwk fi-J Beat Coach firm p. TwIm Oood, Ch BSi PJI la Una. Bold br PracK'. Ktl A Wntonn,ftolmoti'Wub. Jj, Install, Jl.U. Jlocl.Hlrt. Httfb m vm. ruerououi. BLACK I hVKI. hOJI. $20 I'KK A. Vlre ttr, cood crops, eooa latins, uo rw;k tr can. CAIllKU I.AM) CO., Urmit. N!irutu , arwtwqnr watti