The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 19, 1912, Image 1

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SCfee Jjtorifc
wlljl ftrtfiim
No. 84
left yesterday
spend a week
J L. Lou-
Local and Personal.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheffield, of Ogalalla,
spent yesterday with friends In this
Con Walker and son Edward are
spending his week in Chicago on business.
Miss Fern Perkins
morning for Sidney to
witn menus.
For R9nt Large front
electric light and stove. Mrs
don, 109 West 1st St.
Mrs. George Christ returned Sunday
from Lexington where she visited last
week with relatives.
Miss Mabel Sawyer came down from
Hcrshey Saturday to visit the homo
folks for a few days. y
Postoffice inspector Booker left yest
erday mornihg for Omaha to spend a
couplo of days on business. '
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McEvoy expect
to leave soon for Excelsior Springs for
the benefit of the latter's health.
Mrs. A. Larsen, of Brady, who had
been taking treatment at the P. & S.
hospital, will return home today.
Clyde Van Natta came over from
Curtis yesterday and will take treat
ment at the P. & S. hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll, Jr. 'were
called to McCook last evening by tho
illness of the former's brother.
Mrs. Randal, of Boise, Ida., who had
been the guest of her sister Mrs. George
Brown left for home last evening.
Mrs. Joseph Murphy loft this morn
igg for Wisner to spend a week with
Miss Mary Carroll formerly of this city.
Misses Myrtle Harris and Ada Shoup,
of Gothenburg, are expected the last of
this week to visit with Miss Isabelle
Miss Loan, ofc Gothenburg, is ex
pected Friday morning to visit her sis
ter, Mrs. Alex Brooks for a week or
Miss Ethel Louden has accepted a
position in the Kauffman & Wornett
store and began werk yesterday morn
ing. J. E. Rodman, Union Pacific gardner,
came up from Omaha yesterday to spend
a month or more overseeing the catalpa
grove east of town.
we are alter your trauo tins season
with the highest class goods at moder
ate prices they will win your patron
age. DlxoNr Tho Jeweler.
Mrs. Harry Fleishman was injured in
a fall Friday evening spraining he right
limb in such a manner that she will bo"
c6nfined to' the house for several weeks.
Tho All Stara foot ball team held
their fir3t practice on the local gridiron
Sunday morning and have agreed to
meet tho high school eleven on Satur
dry Nov. 30th.
Tho boxing match at the Lloyd last
eyening between M. C. Brown and J.
Russell was decided a draw in the
tenth round. About one hundred.spec
tators witnessed the match.
Mrs. Geori
a lossio ana JMina, 01 Sutherland, are
visiting at the home of their sister and
aunt. Mrs. T, J. Belcher. After spend
ing a few days here they will leave for
Julesburg whero they will make their
future home.
The finest selection of the Whito
Ivory Goods in our city, It is tha new
toilet ware. Dixon, .
The Jewoler.
A baby boy was born yesterday
air. anu Mrs. a: A.Kelly.
For Sale White Leghorn, roosters at
Sirs. J. L. Loudon's. 84-1
The Nevlta club will be entertained
by Mrs. Burke tomorrow afternoon.
James Norton will leave next week
for Denver to spend .Thanksgiving with
his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nelson left n few
days ago for North Dakota where they
will make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tanner, of
Lexington, are expected next week to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Redmond.
If looking for best bargains' 'in' real
estate see Bratt & Goodman. I ID
Tho Presbyterian Christian Endeavor
will hold u business meeting in the
church at G:45 Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Harry Lamb returned to Staple
ton this morning after spending two
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Lamb.
Ralph G. Adams, of Omaha, traveling
freight agent for tho C. G. W. railroad,
is spending this week here on business.
Dr. A. J. Ames is enjoying n visit
from his brother D. C. Ames of
Seattle who is enroute to eastern
points to spend a month or longer.
All trimmed hats at half price, 20 oer
cent discount on plumes, fancy feathers
and ribbons at tho Maloney and Lintz
Millinery. ' 84-3
Mesdames J. T. Murphy and Charles
Breternitz will spend Thursday in
Sutherland as the guests of Miss Roxy
Harry Slawson, of Wood River,
arrived a day or two ago and will
undergo an operation at the P. & S.
Bratt & Goodman report the sale of
section 27, town 12, range 32, to W. H.
Facka for a consideration of about
$5.60 per acre. The land lies north of
If looking for good, cheap life in
surance in best old line standard com.
pany, see Bratt & Goodman.
The exchange held by the Catholic
altar society at tho Schatz furniture
store Saturday was a very successful
one, the ladies netted thirty-five dollars.
They wish to express their gratitude to
all who assisted and patronized them.
We have received over 70 different
shipments of goods in the past 30 dnys
for our holiday trade. We have some
fine things in store for you.
DIXON, The Jeweler,
Charles Ross, of Ornaha. spent
day in the cjty and in company with his
mother leltthat evening for. Omaha.,
Mib. Ross will visit in Omaha and cities'
of Indiana for several week before
leaying for California to .reside,
irge Dicks anu daughters
JMina, or Sutherland,
Send Your Work
to the Lennox Tailors and Cleaners.
Just established,. Corner Sixth and Lo
cust, upstairs. Goods called for and
delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone
69. Mills & Levin, Props.
Under date of Nov. lGth in Saturday
Evening Post read the $20,000.00 an
nouncement of the Studebaker car.
The greatest announcement that ever
came down the pike.
Phone 627." J. L. Burke, Agt.
The Burlington has practically aban
doned all work on its Wyoming exten
sion between Thermopolis and Powder
River until next spring. With the
exception of a small force at work on
the Wind river bridge all workman along
the line have been laid off.
Alva Farroll and his bride came in
from Grand Island last Week and visit
ed over Sunday with his parents south
of town and going to North Platte Mon
day. Ho is in the employ of the U. P.
at the place and seems to have quite
recovered his health. Wallace Winner.
Charles Ryan, the fourteen year old
son of Mrs. W. H. Ryan, accidently'
shot himself in tho left hand Saturday
afternoon. In company with a boy
friend he went hunting east of town
and while walking along the tracks
dropped the gun which was instantly
discharged and the load struck his left
hand and mutilated four hngers. Phy
sicians were summoned, dressed the
wound and stopped the flow of blood
which had left the boy in a weakened
condition. Later the four fingers wero
the Front street brick barn.
Bratt & Goodman.
Going! Going! And Almost Gone! Just Five
More Days and the Most Important Buying
Opportunity of the Year will End.
All good things have an end and the end of
this stirring money -saving event is fast drawing
near. Only five more days left in which you can
buy all the warm, siylish and dependable wearing
apparel needed by the family for the fall and winter
months and all the fixings you want for the home
at genuine savings from regular values.
If you have been here before, don't hesitate to
come again. Plenty of new items are on sale
bargains that you simply can't afford to missl
ffKtKf it r W 1
HJb LiibALlEiK.
200 Ladies' and Misses' Sample Coats and Suits of the handsomest style for 1912, just arrived. These
goods we bought at sixty cents on the dollar and will offer them to the public at a great sacrifice; all sizes and
a great variety of patterns and styles. Don't delay but come quick if you are in need of a Coat or Suit
Alteration free. , t
. Our 20 Percent Discount Sale
l in all olher departments is open until December 1st, 1911.
1 m
1. . .
j J PIZER, ' J TjL aJfl ' North Platte, 1
l; ."Proprietor. , I ilw lww5l'vll6l j Nebraska. 1
j , lll,l.,....r- - j I
The Liability BUI.
fhe Nebraska workman's compensa
tion and employers' liability bill, which
is to be presented to tho next legisla
ture, is based upon the English law,
which provides for straight compensa
tion in case of in iury on a percentage
of earnings of tho injured workman.
The Washington plan i3 also being
considered, which contemplates state
insurance. Under this plan the state be
comes an insurance company and the
employer and employeo pay their pre
miums to the stato to make up the fund
from which claims are paid.
Under the proposed law, the employer
is directly liableto the injured workman
for a percentage of his earnings, with
out recourse. The Nebraska bill pro
vides for G5 per cent of the earnings, P.
Tecumsoh Sherman and other experts
declare this to be too high and lecom
mend 50 per cent, which is the rate in
the lSnglish law.
The argument offered against the in
surance plan is that all manufacturers
und employers of labor must pay their
proportion of money into tho fund, and
help pay tho claims of other manufac
turers even though they may have no
accidents in their own places.
'The bill is not yet in its finnl draft.
Always the best and cheapest
written by Bratt & Goodman.
Congressman Moses P. Kinkaid's
plurality overW. J. Taylor in tho Sixth
district :his year reached the phenom
enal figure f 6,236, as disclosed oy com
plete offical returns to tho secretary of
We can loan you money to buy,
build or improve real estate, either on
two or five years' time or out of our
Building and Loan Association. Bratt
& Goodman.
Tho Civil Service Commission will
hold an examination Dec. 14th, 1912, at
North Platte, Nebr., Ito fill the position
of Postmaster at Gandy, Nebr. Appli
cation blanks may be obtained may be
obtained from the postmaster at Ganby
Nebr., or from the Secretary f tho
Board of Civil Servico Examiners at
North Platte.
Gambling on the Future.
In reply to tho resolution passed by
the Chamber of Commerce last week
asking for better servico on the North
River branch, President Mohlor of the
Union Pacific, under date of Nov. 18th
says in a letter to Secretary Crosby:
"I have your favor of the 14th, and
have asked Mr. Ware, general manager,
to investigate this matter and advise
you direct in tho case.
The company is as anxious as you are
to increase its service, when it pays.
I think you will be surprised to find
out at what a heavy loss the North
Platte branch has been operated since
its construction.
We nre gambling on the future for
Yours very truly,
A. L. MoilLElt"
For Sale.
One quarter section land four and
one half miles from town in section
fourteen known as the Landcraft place
also one half section just East in sec
tion thirteen. As I will be here a few
days, for prices and terms call at the
Cody Ranch. W. F. Cody.
Somerset Farmers Institute.
The annual formers' institute at
Somerset will be held Monday and Tues
day of next week.
Monday at ten o'clock A. E. Ander
son, of Lincoln will delivor an address
on "Importance of Seed Selection;" at
eleven o'clock A. H. Beckhoff , of Thcd
ford, will talk on "Stock Feeding:" at
ono o'clock there will be corn judging
by Mr. Anderson and at 2:30 stock
judging and demonstration by Mr.
Beckoff. At 1:30 a ladios' session will
be held with an address by Miss Sabin
of Beatrice on "Helps to tho House
keeper." Tueiday nt ten o'clock "Scoring
Live Stock" by Mr. Beckholf, and at
eloven an address by Miss Sabin,
"TThatwe Owe Oourselves." At 1:30
Mr. Anderson will talk on corn produc
tion. Premiums are offered for tho host
display of stock, agricultural products
and women's work.
The 'North and South
Poles May Look Alike
But There is all the Difference in the
World etiueen Them.
Come in and let its show you that this also
applies to ..
Dine here Today. This Cafe
is the one that will please
your fancy in cleanliness, good
food and service. Prices
Opposite Depot
Our stock was never better nor the choice better
than at present. And the prices are righu
Clothing Furnishings Shoes
250 Dewey St.
North Platte
Union Realty and Investment Company.
Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00.
' 3
T. C. PATTERSON, President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Troas.
First Mortgages on Real Estate Bought, Sold nnd Negotiated.
This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort
gages on real estate, amply secured ana drawing eight per cent semi
annual interest. Money so invested will bo exempt from taxation.