ISsmswwmmmmmsM u , -ii November Underselling Sale. :&s&s$ fte . -IKE V tM':. V.VJIIIJS Qi V w a A-p,!r w ?o SzzZr 1 M -lv . A I a lMovenwer u. M Underselling Sale. hi WlT l3 IU Hvi Mr Mil , a a: ran .ant. . j.i iy .'a1 msmmw wbssw MiiS SWW5SP' A !& ' ' anejrr esw wmssimy iskw , J x 1X - "5. tt . ts.llAH. T - VftYWi.- y iiiWB:v"fT uv ai . ii' un-i's-v. 'r'v Wl sxiww; With the advent of the Watch Bracelet hau come a renewal of interest in Ladies' watches. Wearing a Watch on the wrist was a 'happy" idea which met whh popular approval from the start and has made a decided hit with those who appreciate the convenience and comfort of having the correct time; besides this style is decidedly ornamental. 0v There's a Decided New Interest in Ladies'Watches The New Bracelet Watch THete Watches may be had in a number of different style at a wide range in prices. We are now showing some of the most desirable kinds which will bo found very dependable and at a reasonable cost. We have also a large assort ment of Ladies' Watches to be worn with Sautoirs, Chatelaine Pins or with Fob. We are sure to please yoa in something. Our absolute guarantee protects you from disappointment. Ladies! Investigate these new watches. They will prove interesting. DIXON, The Jeweler, U. P. Watch Inspector. X DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, I 5 Graduate Dentist. 2 Office over the McDonald aiaiu cans. o e e ucaeeaaaacs)eaAde Local and Personal. Mrs. Andy Liddell will entertain the Christian Aid Society this afternoon. Verne Lanford left the first of the week for Chicago to spend the winter months. B. L. Robinson is very ill at his home in tho second ward with neuralgia of the heart. Mrs. W. T. Berry, of Omaha, arrived Tuesday evening to visit with friends in the city. Railroad watches can be bought right from Clinton the Jeweler. M. J. Murray returned to Sutherland after sponding several dnys here on business. Mrs. John R. Carroll returned Wed nesday fronl a week's visit with friends in Broadwater. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Winquist, of Brady, visited with local friends the first of the week. Charles Hayden returned to Wallace Wednesday, having spent several days here on business. Mrs. M. E. Watts and Mra. Sarah Bangs will leave this week for Califor nia to spend the winter. Mrs. Thomas Golden and children left yesterday morning for Paxton to spend a week with Mrs. J3. M. Hogg. Clinton's is the place to buy your Diamonds. Jay Smith has accepted a position in the oil room of the Union Pacific and began work the last of last week. Mrs. A. S. Coates and son returned Wednesday from Sutherland where they visited relatives for a few days. Mrs. Warren Hogg and Mrs. Francis Hogg left yesterday morning for Paxton to spend a week with relatives. Get busy Christmas will soon be here call at Clinton's before the prettiest things are sold. Mrs. Charles Leirk has returned from Hooper, Nebr., where she spent two weeks with her daughter Mrs. Munick. Miss Ella Foster, of Orleans, who was called here by the death of her brother the late Micheal Foster, left for home Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Mlckelwaite, of Glen wood, la., arrived Wednesday to visit Mrs. Mary J Anderson and Mrs. Nels Jlas- mussen. ; j, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dienerand daugh ter Cre are1 expected homo this weck from a mbnth's visit with relatives in cities of Ohio. Neil Vbi'lmer, of Colorado Springs, a former business man of this city, visited Wednesday with'.-A. P. Rush and other local friends. Ralph Hansen was injured in a fall at the Lloyd opera house Tuesday. -His injuries are such as to confine him to' the housof or several days. We regulate your watch no charge, Clinton, Jeweler & Optician. The Altar Society of St. Patrick's church will hold an exchange at the Schatz Furniture Store tomorrow be ginning at 10 o'clock a. m. The Tramp Dry Goods and Grocery is "making preparations to havo a new pressed bridk front put in their place of business and other improvements added. Pennsylvania Anthracito coal, both sizes Nut and Stove at $13.50 per ton delivered in your bin. Phone 17 North Platte Lumber Co. Mrs. Fred W. Miller, formerly of this city, is expected tomorrow even ing to visit with her mother Mrs. Richard Cox for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Buzza, of Sid ney, formerly of this city, spent a shoit time In town Wednesday while enrouto to.Omaha and other eastern points on an extended visit. Mrs. Fred Elliott will return tomor row morning from Wisconsin where she had been spending a month with her son. Enroute home she spent a few days with Omaha relatives. Mrs. Roy Shriner has returned from a short visit in Omaha with friends. Mrs. Weaver has as her guest this week'Mrs. Chesbro, of Lena, whocame Tuesday. Sam Grace, of Omaha, is spending this week in town, combining business and pleasure. Miss Mary Dorcey left Wednesday evening for Denver to spend ten days with her uncle. Mrs. Fred Waltomath who had been visiting in Omaha with friends has re turned home. Miss Ruby Morrill is expected tho last of the week to visit her cousin Roland Malstein. J. C. Snyder, of Hastings, representa tive of the 47th District, spent Wednes day in town on business. Mr. and Mrs. FiedGarlow entertained a few friends imformally Tuesday even ing at the Scouts Rest Ranch. Guy Robinson, of Grand Island, came up Wednesday to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. L Robinson. A social dance was held Wednesday evening in the K. P. hall and attended by about twenty-five invited couples. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Tetro, of Brady, came up a few days ago to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Elliott. On Sale Nov. 15th to 20th entire line of trimmed hats at 20 per cent dis count. The Hub Millinery Dept. Mrs. Charles Hoffine, of Cheyenne, arrived here Wednesday afternoon to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Frazier for a week. Mrs. Beechar Parker, of Rawlins, Wvo.. arrived Wednesday afternoon to visit for a few days with her parents. Mr. ana Mrs. ineoaore ijowe. A marriage license was granted Wed nesday morning to Mr. Allen P. Mc Clellen age 31 of Etna and Miss Florence Clark of Gb'thenburg age 48. Miss Eileen Gantt will entertain a few friends tomorrow evening in honor of Miss Helen Harshey, of Olathe, Kans., who is visiting in the city. J. D. Fritzinger who had been em ployed in the Stone Drug Store for sev eral months resigned Wednesday and left for Valpariso to accept a position. The remains of the late George W. Coffett who died at Sutherland the first of this week were shipped to Kearney Wednesday where they will be interred. Carl Haldeen, of Big Springs, who has been ill with typhoid fever at the P. & S. hospital for several weeks will be able to return home Monday. Russell Fowles has invested in a new Franklin car and lett yesterday for Maxwell to deliver the one he formerly used to a Maxwell party who recently purchased same. An enjoyable meeting of the Mother's Club was hold Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Payne. Usual refreshments were served after a couple of hours spent in kensington. Miss Myrtle Richards left Wednes day for Lamoni, la., with Miss Lizzie Brackett, where the latter who 13 blind will be given a home in the home of the Latter Day Saints. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Redmond who were visiting in Lexington re turned here Tuesday and will spend an- Oilier HCEH VILU uiu luiuici a iutBina, before leaving for their home in Glen dale, Calif. The Girls' Friendly Society was pleas antly entertained Tuesday evening at the parish house by Misses Marjorie Den, Carrie Marti and Hildegardo Clinton. Card games were played and nice retresnmenis served. For coughs Red Spruce and Cherry is the safest. Rinckeii Book & Drug Co. Blue Front Miss Nora JefTers pleasantly enter tained the members of tho J. D. club Tuesday evening at the home of her sister Mrs. Thomas Ryan. Progressive card games were played after which a duinty lunch was served on small tables. I issue iiutomobile policies covering owners against loss or damage occasioned by fire, transportation and theft, also collision, meaning damage sustained by the automobilo in collision and liability for damage to other property caused by collision. You know the ripk, why not protect yourseif? C. F. TfmI'LE. Agent. This Event Establishes a New Rich Record for Value-Giving and a Now Low Record for Prices. Let your mind travel back to the very best bargains you have ever received in the past, during1 mid-season. Re call them carefully and compare them .with the values we offer in this Underselling Sale. You will have to admit that 1 s you have never before seen such wonderful bargains at the beginning of a season. ' - r "W Think of it! The very goods you must buy now for fall and winter are offered in this sale at a great deal lesstlmn prevailing prices. Can you afford to miss such a "blue-moon" opportunity? You'll surely voice an emphatic NO after glancikg over the specimen items below. Values Like These Are Solving the High-Cost-of-Living Problem of Hundreds of Families in this Section. Suits and Skirts . One Lot Skirts make from fine wool materials in a good range , of colors all well tail- q- iq oretT..- b).4o One Lot Skirts made up from gqod styles in fine cloths no skirts in the lot that have re tailed below $7. all at a 1 in one price J)4.40 Ladies' Suits $25 quality in nn assortment of styles and colors made from men's wear serge, soft finished diagonals and fancy rough cloths all finely t in in tailored Mo.lO Ladies' Suits $20 quality a good assortment of cloths and colors, several made in semi Norfolk styles from navy or tan men's wear serges all nicely lined and well tail- efE HO ored alD.yO Ladies' Suits $15 and $1S quality only a few in this lot, but :?..,.?.. ...:!? $io.98 Ladies' Suits $12 and t$13.50 styles, some ssergesas well as fancy cloths all go ( an Blankets Bargains. All full sizes and of tho host grades of material for the price. , Cotton Blankets nicely finished medium light weight o7 sizeC0x7G inches OC Cotton Blankets heavier q 4 n size 70x80 inches weighty 1 L) High Grade Cotton Blankets two Style in this lot size 72 q ti x78 and 74x80 inches. ..5 1 .0 California Wool Blankets made of good medium grade wool well scoured size C8 c i Cft x80 inches M.D" Staples. One Lot Prints in light and dark colors also Indigo blue per 1 yd 4C Outing Flannel a fair weight cloth 28 inches wide per rrl yd 2C Dress Goods. Ono lot heavy Wool Dress Goods worth from 1.00 to$1.50 per yard all wide widths mt price toclose yC Ono lot fine Wool Dress Goods $1.25and $1.50 qulity including tho now taupe nn shades V5C One lot Wool Dress Goods fancy colors and weaves 3G inch 77 50c quality , jC One lot Dress Silks some in drss lengths some shorter pieces nothing below $1.00 Hft-, vnlues iC One lot fancy Silk Mcssaline TnlTetas otc 75c nnd rn $1.00 qualities OiC Black Messalinoyanl wide wn $1.00 quality iVC Wilcox Department Store. NORTH PLATTE, NED3ASKA. Shoes. Ladies Patent Button Shoes dull kid ton 14 button height medium heel close trimmed sole medium round toe n splendid (j. jft $3"8hoos Ji.40 Ladies Vici Kid Shoe, patent tip, blucher pattern, large celluloid eyelets, ono and five eights heel extension sole, round t nn high toe last JpI.VO Misses Vici Kid Shoes, patent tip bluchor pattern, largo eyelets, extension sole, throe quarter inch heel sizes 11J to f in Men's Grain Leather Shoe.s Blucher cut, celluloid eyelets, bcllous tongue, plBin (j rjn toe, a splendcd shoo. $1.1 J Men's Gun Metal Calf Shoes, button high too last, rt nn reglar $3.50 shoe ... Ol.JO Men's Box Calf Shoos, blucher style, extended solo, medium round too, low hoc) a d"inn $4 shoe f)Z."5 Boy's Patent Leather Bhoes, blucherstylo, madoonthe now receding toe, low" heel q ijn nil sizes, 9J to 5. . . p I . We will also offer many odd lota of shoes in all classes of lenther somo will bo only or two pairs of a kind. All will 1)0 sold at loss than value. The Rev. J. C. Christie is moving into the manse on West Fifth street this week. The Catholic ladies will hold a sale of cakes, pies, doughnuts, etc., at tho Schatz store tomorrow. All trimmed hatf worth $10.00 at $3.95 Saturday Nov. 16th at the Par lor Millinery 300 East 3rd St. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. DeNoon will leave next week for Louisville, Ky., where the former who has been employed in The Leader for sbme time, has accepted a position. Weather forecast: Fair tonight and Saturday; not much ghango in tempera ture. Maximum temperature yester day G4, a year ago 59; lowest last night 28, n year ago 25. The Ladies of tho Christian church will hold an exchange at the Howe & Maloney store Wednesday, Noy. 27th. This is the rhanco to buy your home made eakeji, pies, bread, etc., for your Thanksgiving dinner. The Indian Card Club were the guests of Mrs. William Hawley Tuesday after noon. In, the card games the royal prize was awarded to Mrs. Charles Ilerrod and second prize to Mrs. Joseph Stone. Assisting the hostess were Mesdamea James Hart. George B. Dent and Thomas Healey. Guest of the club were Mrs. W. Cary and Miss Alma Waltemath. We have a number of the best Duroc and Poland China boars wo have ever been able to breed, at private sale. Four miles west of Lexington. 83-4 J. O. Anderson. A pretty kensington was held Wed nesday afternoon at the Tramp resi dence on west 4th street, when Mes dames Ernest and Herbort Tramp en tertained fifty lady friends. Large bouquets of red and white chrysan themums were arranged in the rooms and on the tables. Place cards were in pink ane whito. Adelicioun two course lunch was served at six o'clock, the Misses Alma Waltemath. Irma Huff man, Marie McCabe, Margaret Jones and Helen, Walteinath assisting. 'ard of Thanks. I wish to thank the officers and mem bers of the A. O. U, W. and other kind friends in this cityfor theconsola- tion, kind favors and many courtesies shown mq d,uring my stay and in my sad bereftVAment and burial of my do ceased brother, Micheal A. Foster. ' Ella Agnes Foster, Orleans, Nebr. Gift Shop. ' I will conduct a gift shop at 109 west First street, where embroidered linen, stamped godas and handmade Christmas goods can be obtained. Next Friday and Saturday will bo opening days. Mrs. J. L. LOUDEN. "It is Never too Late to Mend." But what a nuisance it is to mend without n thimble. All ladies love to own a gold or silver thimble, but imagine they are very ex- Eensive, which is a fallacy, as you can uy one in silverfrom twenty-five cents up, and in gold from two dollars up. We have n large assortment in all sizes. Clinton, The Jeweler. Estrny Notice. Taken up on my premises 8 miles northwest of North Platte, Neb., the following described cnttlo towit: one black three year old hoifer and two red yearling heifers. No brands or other marks on samo. C. P. Howard. Notice. To Whom It May Concern:- Notico in hereby Riven that tho mayor nnd oKy council will hold a special mcctintr, buglnnlnff at tho hour of 8 00 p. m., (central time) Tucadny, December 10th, 1912, In tho lecturo room of tho library bulldlnir for tho purpose of making as sessments for tho cutting of wools for tho season of 1U12 on the following described lots In the city of North I'latto, Nebraska:- The cost of cutting each piece, set opposite each parcel. Lot 3, Block 9. Miller's Addition, $1.00 Lot 4, lllock 9. Miller's Addition, $1.00 Lot 5, Block C, Miller's Addition. 1.00 Lot 6, Block b. Miller's Addition 1.00 Ixt 1, Block 1G, Miller's Addition, 1.00 Lot 2, Block 1G, Miller's Addition, 1.00 1M 5, lllock 14, Millcr'B Addition, 1.00 Lot G, Blodt 14. Miller's Addition. 1.00 Lot 7, Block 14. Miller's Addition, 1.00 Lot 8, Block 14, Miller's Addition, 1.00 Lot 1, Block .3. South Park Addition, 1.00 Lot 2, Block 3, South I'ark Addition, 1.00 Ix)t 3, Block 3, South Park Addition, 1.00 Ixt 4. Block 3, South Park Addition, 1.00 Lot E, Block 3, South Park Addition, 1.00 Ixjt G, Block 3. South Park Addition, 1.00 Lot 2. Block 11, South Park Addition, 1.00 Lot 3, Block 11, South Park Addition, 1.00 U)t 4, Block 11, South Park Addition, 1.00 N -H of W of Blk 8. South Park Addition 2.00 Lot 7. Block 4, Trustee's Addition, 1.00 Lot 8, Block 4, Trustee's Addition, 1.00 Lot 1, Block 8, Trustee's Addition, 1.00 I,ot 2. Block 8, Trustee's Addition, 1.00 Lot 11. Block 8. Trustee's Addition, 1.00 Ut 12. Block 8. Trustco's Addition, 1 01) Lot 3, Block 3, Trustee's Addition, 1.00 L(jt-I..I!l(ick3, Trustco's Addition, 1.00 Lot 8, Blol 3. Trustco's Addition, 1.00 Lot I. BlooK 9, TrUBtee's Addition, 1.00 Lot 2, Block 9. Trustee's Addition, 1.00 Lot 3, Block 9, Trustee's Addition, 1.00 Lot 7. Block 10, No. Platte Town Lot Co's Ad dIUon. 1.00h Lot 8, Block 10, No. Platte Town Lot Co's Ad ditlon. 1,00 M 9, Block 10, No. Watte, Town Lot Co's Ad dition, 1.00 ' Lot 10, Block 10. No. Platto Town Ixt Co's Ad dition", 1 00 Uit 4, Block C, North Platto Town Lot Co's Ad dition, 1.00 I.ot 5, Block C, North Platte Town Lot Co's Ad dition. 1.00 Ixt G. Block C, No. Platte Town Lot Co's Ad dition, 1.00 Lot 4, Block 7, No. Platte Town I-ot Co's Ad dition, l.oo Lot 6. Bhjck 7, North Platto Town I-ot Co's Ad dition, 1.00 1it 7, mock .1, Taylor s Addition, l.oo Lot 8, Block 3, Taylor's Addition, 1.00 Ix)t 1, Block 6, Taylor's Addition, 1.00 lxt 3. Block 7. Hinmun's Second Addition. 1.00 Lot 4, Block 7, Ulnman's Second Addition, 1.00 Lot 1, Block Lot 1, Block. IM2, Block IM E, Block I.otfi. Block otCftBlock Lot 4, Block U,t 3. Block Ixjt7, Block Uit 8, Block aI 1, Block Lot 2, Block Iit3, Block UtO, Block Lot 7. Block Lot 8, Block Lot 7, Block U)t 1, Block Lot 4. Block IitG, Block Ixit 2, Block I Ait 3, Block Lot 4, Block 122. Original town, 1.00 1H9, Original Uiwn, 1.00 189, Original town, 1 00 84, Original lawn, 1.00 84. Original town, 1 (X) 1G, Original town, 1.00 88. Original town, 1.00 83. Original town, 1.00 153. Original town, 1.00 153, Original town, 1.00 108. Original town. 1 00 108, Original town, 1 00 108, Original town, 1 OH 108, Original town, 1.0(1 108, Original town, 1 00 108, Original town, 1.00 151, Original town, 1 00 101, Original town, 1.00 120, Original town, 1.00 141, Original town, 1 00 58, Original town, 1.00 M, Original town, 1.00 58, Origlmil town, 1 00 All nerson lnttrestwl will fllo thrir objections, if any they have, to tho tffct sung of taxis against the above described property on or before 5 00 o ilock Ii m , ( nral ttm ) IVoi mUr 10th, 191J CIIAS. 1 'II MI'Lh. City Clerk. 5JJ i."""" ". '" " t"T,!5!p -ftWfcftf HS?ltt VtJJt: J -Wi iTOJlissMssssttnTsT JBssssssssssssssBJ i i"Vmmirm,r4M sjsJs'j w s,' ', VrBTBSsssisssWBflBssMffBnsssBorL?ffP A himlc uhcolc t tho -vny to pay your hills, liO- oiuiHC than you liuvo n oieoc on e101 hill. It li to levop youi' tiooounts straight "whou you hnvo youv money lit tho hntilc, hoonuso tho hnulct levops yotiv accounts straight J'oi you ami saws you m'any Jiours of svorlc ami vorvy. Start a hanlc ucaouut with us, ami you -will sou tho con- vonlonao, ami uftorwux'ils, tho ahsoluto IVT75CKS-J STTY of having u hanlc account, ? JDo YOUJR. banking with The First National Bank, Ol JVORTJT 1L,ATT1S, XJSlSltASKA. Tho Tsuvgost Jiuulc la "Wostcrn jXobiuslcn. Union Realty and Investment Company. Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00. -OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS- T. C PATTERSON. President, IJ. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Trens. First Mortgages on Real Estnt6 Bought, Sold and Negotiated. This compnny is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort. gages on real estate, amply secured nnd drawing eight per cont semi annual interest. Money so invested will bo exempt from taxation. ) 1