UUtoilcel Scctoty 8atc "Ik JMt fctte 8Sett-18JwKtj Irilmttfc TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 15, 1912. No. 83" MS Buys Tract of Land. Henry Neitfeld. of Grand Island, was in town yesterday accompanied by Wm. Schaepler, of Polk county, nnd while here sold 1G00 acres of land six teen milea southwest of town to the latter for $13,000. The purchaser bought the land for speculative pur poses and before leaving town listed it for sale at an advance ,of one dollar per acre. Democrats Hold Conference. ' "A. number of county democrats wore in town yesterday and it is said that last evening they held a conference and considered various candidates for the federal offices in this city. Among tho names considered was W. B, McNeel for postmaster, Frank Becler of Her shey for receiver of the land office and Editor Eamea of Maxwell for register. To this conference not a single North Platte democrat was invited. Among those who attended the conference last night were Messrs. Bcattyand Marcott, of Brady, Holcomb, of Maxwell,J. It. and Dave White and Henry Pulk, of Sutherland and V. B. McNeol of Rose dale. Following the naming of this slate the conferees decided that it would bo proptr to hold a glorification meeting of tho democrats of the county, and ar rangements for such a meeting will be made. Purchases Additions. Mrs. Louise Burko was the highest and bost bidder for the ninety-one lots in the Trustee's andRiverdale additions belonging to Roy B. Tabor, trustee, end her bid was accepted and these bts deeded to her. Wm. E. Shuman will continue in charge of this prjperty and sell it for Mrs. Burke. The estate of Geo. W. Stewart, bankrupt which has been pending ad ministration in the United States courts of Chicago since Aug. 1906, will now be closed. Practically all the assets this estate had was the 930 acres of land east of this city. In order to realize the best returns from this land, it was sub divided into lots, blocks and acreage tracts and these have now all been sold. The total proceeds of these numer ous sales amounted to $90,311.25 ex clusive of interest. These sales were all within a period of fivo years, during which time 240 residence lots, 102 acreage lots, 400 acres of hay land and 1G0 acres of land for the Burlington right-of -way were sold. Moro residence lots were sold during this period than have been sold at any time in Lincoln county within a period of five years. The improvement of the residence lots with permanent sidewalks and crossings, sewer, graded streets and water mains greatly facilitated the sales. This is the only instance in Lin' coin county where additions have been so improved. Atty. Wrn. E. Shuman" has had full charge of the estate here from tho beginning and has done a great deal of work to accomplish these results. The estate has allowed him altogether fees amount ing to about 5(5,000 for his services. Menu. Hot roast beef with gravy, hot roast Eork, boiled ham, mashed potatoes, rown bread sandwiches, white bread sandwiches. cnbbago salad, sweet pickles, jelly, apple pie, minco pie, pumpkin pie, doughnuts, coffee, ten, milk. The Ladies guild of the Episco pal church will serve above "-menu in the parish houso Tuesday, Nov. 19th, beginning promptly at 5 o'clock. Better Roads are Imperative. The condition of tho roads leading into North Platte, and especially those from the north, is such that it is proving a menace to tho trade of the city. It would seem that immediate and effective step3 to better the condi tion is necessary, and to that end the road committee of the Chamber of Com merce will get busy. When farmers say they have stopped marketing and trading in North Platte because of poor roads it is timo that the business men of the city wake up. Recommends Keen Company. Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 12, 1912. Managor Keith Theatre, North Platte, Neb. Tho Loraine Keen company played four weeks in my theatre at Grand Isl and and gave good satisfaction. Per sonally 1 recommond the company to North Platte theatre goers. Tom Green, Mgr. Empress Theatre. The above company opens at the Keith Monday, Nov. 18th. Change of play each night during week. Prices 10 and 29 cents. Colonel Cody Home. Colonel Cody arrived from the east yesterday morning and will remain a few days while enroute to Cody, Wyo. He Will be at home at intervals during the winter, but not for a very long period at any one time. The Colonel says he had a very stren uous season this year with the Wild West, but not withstanding the work ho is looking fine and after a short rest will feel as good as a young man. The Colonel's old time friends are according him a most hearty welcome they are always glad to see him. 1 i i i i i t Theatrical Attractions. The following are tho bookings at the Keith for the next four months: Dec. 3rd Bought and Paid For. Dec. 4th George Evans' Honeyboy Ministrels. Dec. 16th-Girl From tho U. S. A. Dec. 25th Girl and the Outlaw. Dec. 31st The Morning After. Jan. 1st The Divorce Question. Jan. 4th The Gamblers. Jan. 9th Little Wonien. Jan. 22d Louisiana Lou. Jan. 30th Bohemian Girl. Feb. 20th Graustark. "Mur. 15th Rose Stahl in Maggio Pepper. April 1st Al G. Fields Minstrels. April 7th Bunty Pull tho Strings. A Sale of Merit. To inuagurate a clothing salo in the heighth of the fall season, when nat urally trade is brisk, and sell goods at prices far below the regular selling price, is somewhat unusual, but Claude Weingand does unusual things about so often he seems to have a desire to do things tho "other fellow" don't do probably he likes to be original. We don't know just why he is selling Kirsch schbaum and other high grade suits and overooats at a discount of twenty per cent, and high grade furnishing andshoes at a like discount, unless itl is because last week marked the anniversary of his store and during that first year trade was so much greater than he anticipated that he is willing that the public generally share his pleasure by giving them the above reduction. In opening his store a year ago Mr. Wein gand chose the term of "tho ouality place," moaning that tho goods he sold had tho guarantee behind them; that quality should be the first consid eration. Ho has held to that rule, and the merchandise that he is offering the public today at tho reduced prices is the best that manufacturers produce. No clothing holds a higher place than the celebrated Kirschbaum. and the other merchandise is as equally reliable. This sale is conducted by Mr. Wein gand personally the stock is not in the hands of some "hot air" and irre sponsible come today and go tomorrow Eromoter;-no red streamers flaunt the reezo but just a plain sale where a discount of twenty per cent means good goods at one-fifth less than the regular selling, price. Magazines make nice Christmas gifts. I have a complete list and can save you money on club orders. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, phone red 104. Platting New Addition. One hundred nnd sixteen acres of the Cody land west of the city and south of tho railroad tracks is being platted in town iocs ana acre tracts, anu as soon as Engineer Meyer completes the work the new addition will be placed on the market. The east side of the tract is sub divided into blocks and lots and the west partinto acreage plats. 'While this addition is now somewhat distant from the business center, the building of the new round house and other terminal improvements in the west part of the city will no doubt create a demand for lots 'in the new addition. The streets in the addition will be named after generals under whom Colondl Cody serred in the military service. For Sale.5 Pure bred Duroc Jersey Hogs', both sexes, all eligible to registry, prices reasonable. Inquire of or address, Blankenburg Brs. North Platte, Nebr. Mr. Humphrey, of the "Verdon Ve dette" Richardson county, Nebraska, who has talked with Chicago and St. Louis buyors, says apples grown in southeastern Nebraska command better prices than those grown anywhere elso on account of their fine flavor. Those are tne kind handled by Loudon nnd Donaldson. Several varieties of fall and winter, also cider made from these apples. Call at the old Barber meat market, noith Locust, or Phono Black 399. a5sill?' AT sHHsLLKnt I Jrl Jtj JL Ej A. JJ ki tC 200 Ladies' and Misses' Sample Coats and Suits of the handsomest style for 1912, just arrived. These goods we bought at sixty cents on the dollar and will offer them to the public at a great sacrifice; all sizes and a great variety of patterns and styles. Don't delay but come quick if you are in need of a Coat or Suit' Alteration free. . Our 20 Percent Discount Sale "'v in all other departments is open until December 1st, 1911. " Y SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. I I PI7FR f"flrB I v 1 Proprietor. I llC LafSclQl 9J w i-i w er, Platte, Nebraska. Suggest Public Reception. Postmaster Davis has written tho de partment suggesting that the federal building be formally opened with a public reception. The date for the re moval of the postoffice has not been definitely set; if the building is not ready by December 15th. Mr. Davis has suggested, on account of the holiday rush of business, that it be postponed until afterChristmas, and in such event the reception would be held on the afternoonZand evening of January 1st. Should tho department favor such a reooption, invitations will be issued to postmasters and land officials of the state, to tho senators and congressmen and to othor prominent personaces. North Platte has reason to feel proud of its federal building and a public re ception and a public reception would be a proper dedication of the edifice It is hoped that the department will take kindly to Postmaster Davis's sugges tion. -. Demand Better Train Service. At tho meeting of the directors of tho Chamber of Commerce Wednesday evening tho following resolution was passed: uesoiveu, mat it is tne unanimous judgment of the Chamber of Com merce'of North Platte that the Union Pacific railroad company should at once install at least a motor car service on its North River branch line west of North Platte in addition to its present train service; and that said company alio run its local train that arrives at North Platte in the evening through to Julesburg and back from Julesburg early in tne morning. In our judgment North Platte is n-' titled to at least as good a service on the North River branch as the company maintains on its Kearney and Stapleton branch wbero tho traffic and revenue is not nearly as great as on the North River branch. That North Platte is1 being descriminated against and is losing a large amountof tradejby reason of inadequate train service nest of the city. Resolved, That tho secretary trans mit a copy of this rasolution to A. L. Mohlar, president of ths Union Pacific railroad company. Local and Personal. The Somerset Club will reorganize for the winter and hold their first meet ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reynolds next week. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Atchison, of Kearnev. will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds next week amd attend the Elk party on Wednesday. Jas. Dorram has just purchased two lots on east Fifth street in the Trus tee's Addition upon which he expects to build a modern home during the coming year. Grnnd Island people, like those of North Platte, are dissatisfied with the ocal train service out of that city. The Independent says Supt. Cahill may de cide to put on a local train that will leave North Platte about two o'clock in the afternoon. Services at the Presbyterian church Sunday at the usual hours. Morning theme "God fits the back for tho bur den." Evening subject: "The hand that holds the helm." A welcome awaits all. Aservico of songjwill be held at tho Methodist church Sunday ovoning at 7:30. Special preparations have boon made for this service it will be an hour of old songs. Tho pastor invites all to come and sing the songs our fathers and mothers used to sing. At the meeting of the Lutheran brotherhood Monday evening tho many phases of Martin Luther's life were dis cussed. Officers for the ensuing six months wcro elected as follows: J. O. Weingand president, Dr. Oresseler vice president, Herbert Tramp secretary and Chas. Lierk treasurer. Tho Lutheran ladies will give their annual chicken and waflle supper at tho parish house Thursday evening of next week. This is a supper that the hungry look forward to with no small degree of eagerness. It is worth fully fifty cents but the ladies charge only twenty-five. D. B. McNeel came in from the rnnch yesterday with a load of Jonathan apples, leaving six barrels at the Wilcox store nnd one barrel at Tho Tribune office. We ship in hundreds of bushels of apples from states cast, west and south, but nono are moro perfect or more finely flavored than those grown by Mr. McNeel and we say this with out fear of successful controdiction. ii v4 b M, Mi Mi Ml & Ml Mi Mi Mi "It eeS-G-S"3iS3-3-3336-6-S-9-3-93 V PHONE 4 OR 8 For Your Drugs. Orders De livered promptly. REXALL and NYAL DRUG STORES 'S-3-53-a-933freec-3-39--a-s-s 1 m m J Miss Cleo Chappell county superin tendent who has been visiting fn Omaha for ton days will return Jhls evening. Mrs. Simpson, of Laramie, who was tho guest of Mrs. F. A. Simpson and Mrs. Fred Letts left for home Tuesday. Mrs. E. It Plummer left this morn ihg for Ogalalla to spend a couple of days on business. A. F. Beoler, James White and Henry Fulk are ddwn from Hershoy today on buslni'ss interests. Mrs. A, E. Woods, of Brady, is visit ing Miss Anderson this week. Mrs. W. H. C. Woodhurst hns been visiting her sister Mrs. Clarence Tollef sen in Suthorland for soveral days. Mrs. Hoyt Hart returned to Paxton this morning after spending n week with her mother Mrs. Lena Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham, of Council Bluffs, who visited the Intter's sister Mrs. Earl Stamp the first of this week, have returned home. Mrs. McKnight and daughter OIlic, of Lexington, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds for a week will leave this evening. Misses Grace Payne and Alma Walte math entertalnod the Young Ladios' Club last evening at the homo of Miss Payne. Lunch in two courses was ser ved after card playing. Guests of the club were Mrs. John Simns, of Chicago, Miss Helen Hershey, of Olathe, JKans., Mcsdames Archer and Hawiey and Misses Burke, Dixon and Gantt. Money to Loan, on furniture.pinnos or any thing of good value on your plnin note if steadily em ployed; pay back in small weekly or monthly payments. Mrs. B. F. Wilcox son 510 East 4th St. Offices in residence, hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. ,r. ROUND OAK BASE BURNER 'V' f . Accident and Health Insurance. One of the surest winners. You would riot think of ownintr a house or other pro perty without having it insured against lire anu eic, nowevcr, tner is not. one claim on a fire policy, where there is (an on an Accident and Health policy. The Maryland Casualty company of Baltimore, Maryland, issues tho most liberal forms of accidsnt and health pollcios. Drop me a card, phoneme or call and see me, let m explain these policies and give you the rates on your business or occupation. C. F. Temple. GROCERY for Saturday. Swift's Premium Hams per lb. I " C Navy Beans per lb J) C 4c 7c 9c 9c 16 c lie Soda crackers largo boxes per lb. 0C Wilcox Dept. Store. Colored Beans per lb Corn per can Kraut per can Pink Salmon per lb ... , Alaska Red Salmon per can.... 2-lb Pork and Beans por can. . . Tho Round Oak has 42 per cent moro radiating surface than any other baso burner. Tho ono real advance in base burner construct ion in 20 years is the Round Oak. Tho Round Oak is tho only baso burner that gives practically all its heat into tho room instead of sending it up the chimnoy. Up to 1908 thoro had been pratically no improvement in base uurners for 15 years. That year the Round Oak base burner was put on the market with now 'addjtiopal flue heating surface, giving 42 per cent moro efficiency than its noarcst competitor. Since then the othor fellows have been scrambling might ly to catchup, but they are a long way in thq rear. Let us fsh,QWsyou tho good pOlnts of this wonderful heater. H JIHHRIr W HI fBtMi This means smaller coal bills, and more heat. See this Stove in Our Window. Derrybeiry & Forbes.