fiw W h A Sick Man Wrltea Dr. hart- man About Kidney Disease. K gentleman writes mo: "I wnn greatly In terested In your articlo describ ing the Knuff man case of serious dlscaso of tbo kidneys. Tho description of his case ex actly outlines my condition. I am euro If Po- S.B.lUrlm.n.M.D. aa yQU R would euro mo also. I am losing flesh rapidly and tho doctors say I havo every symptom of Drlght's dls caso of tho kidneys. If you think I would bo benefited by Peruna I will certainly try some ub the doctors havo practically given mo up, tho samo an they did him." In roply I wish to say, first, that I never mako any promises aB to what Peruna will euro. No physician can make posltlvo statements of that sort. I can say thl3 much, however. If I wero In your place I should certainly Ejvo Peruna a trial. I know of no other remedy that would bo so likely to bo of use to you In your present condition as Peruna. Take a table spoonful beforo each meal nnd at bed time. Contlnuo this for two or thrco weeks and then If thoro Is anything you wish to ask mo further write mo and I will glvo your letter prompt at tention. If I find that the Peruna Is not helping you I will bo perfectly frank and tell you so, for I would not havo you tnko Peruna unless It was really helping you. Dut It has rescued so many cases of kldnoy disease thnt I nm quite confident you will find It ex actly suited to your case. Kidney disease begins with catarrh of the kidneys. Peruna Is n catarrh remedy. Unless tho destruction of tho kidneys Is already too great Peruna relieves tho catarrh nnd tho causo of the kidney disease Is removed. I shall anxiously await a report of your case Remember, all letters aro lacredly confidential. I ncvor use any lino's name or address without his written consent. My correspondence 3 absolutely private Pe-ru-na, Man-a-Hn nnd La-cu-pla manufactured by tho Pe-ru-na com pany, Columbus, Ohio. Sold at all drug stores. SPECIAL NOTICE: Many pernona Inquire for The Old-time Peruun. Tliey want the Perunn. that their Fatucra nnd Mothers used to take. Tbo old Peruna H now called Ka tamo. If irour ilriiRplst or denier doen not keep It for sale write the Kntnrno Company, Columbus, Ohio, and they will tell you all about It. Cough, Cold SoreThroat Sloan's Liniment rrives quick relief for cough, cold, hoarseness, soro throat, croup, asthma, hay fover and bronchitis. HERE'S PROOF. Mr. Aidkut W.Pwcu.oI Frodonls. Kan., writes: "We uso Hloan's Llnl iut.nt in the family and And it an ex cellent relief for colds nnd bay fever attacks. It stops couching and sneez ing almost instantly. ' SLOAN'S LINIMENT RELIEVED SORE THROAT. Mm. Ij. JMEWEJi, of Modollo.ffin., writes: " 1 bought ono bottle of your J.tnlmont and ttdld moall the good in tho world. Sly thro-it was vary soro, uud It curoil me of ray trouble." GOOD FOR COLD AND CROUP. Mr. W. II. .Straxcie, 3TU1 Klmwood ATenne, Chicago, III., writes: "A lit tle boy next door had croup. 1 gnro the mother Sloan's JJnlment to try. She gave him three drops on sugar before going to bed, and bo got up without the croup in the morning." Prlco, 25c, GOc, $1.00 Sloan's Treatise on the Horse sentfree. A1 flf! i, M J KNITTED EVENING HAT I ! I II 1IH I I I I I I l I lJW HnellSnei I I S m illl'-i JPilfc if i-J& ' IrM 1 TslsA XK VssssssssflSl'!- rfV ' JsllF milm fl.""' -' ? P .'?"' 5 Nv ' ' villi mw''' $&fa' y.- v-' '411 tSeiy-xTiOL-?dOWJs(VTV.S'3W4VXfCO - -- .S .vsxirf,ASTAwlcMV7yl Km&ajsjass&twgsgs -? t IN THESE DAYS OF DIVORCES 5iv -!" Thoto, Copyrleht. bv Undcnvood & I'ndrrwoocl, N. T. Pretty wool head covering for opera and theater wear with high peak ed crown will be one of tho novelties for the coming winter season. Thla hood ls very light and In add'tlon tokeeping the wrarer warm, will keep tho hair from Hying about. When removed the hood can bo stuffed In tho muff or coat poclcet. FOR -SERVING TARTAR SAUCE Idea Put Into Use by One Hostess Would Seem to Have Many Good Points. A good Idea for tho serving of tar tar sauce of mayonnaise Is suggested by ono entcrprllsng housewife. She cuts a lemon In half, cleans out tho In side- thoroughly and then fills the halves with the sauce. She Borves ono to each cucst. When flBh or sal ad Is served tho little lemon cups aro placed around the edge of tho platter and one Is taken by each guest. In this way tho sauce Is kept firm and strong instead of melting Into a liquid when put on a hot plate. For tho home whero guests aro al ways arriving and departing there Is nothing qulto so nlco for tho windows as white cotton crepo. This may be simply hemmed or trimmed with ball fringe. For tho dressers and bureaus covers of fleece-lined pique will be found very satisfactory. This may bo cut Into the required size and the edges buttonholed In scallops. Two sets of curtains and covers should be kept on hand, one In ubo nnd a clean one besides. MAKES SORE EYES WELL Nebraska Directory Hosher-Lampman Business College Onnof the IcadlntinchooUof the ITtilUMlfitotrk. Writs today fornurnH-cliil ninncT-nnTlnti o(Tnr. Mention thla iater. Mosiuu A nxrnis, oaiin, Mjuiust THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Nebratlti EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms from tJO0 up single, 75 ceuts up double CAFE PRICES REASONABLE CURED In a few days without pain or a sur gical operation. Wo pay until cured. Write UIU IVJtAY. U07 lies Hide-, Omalm, Nob. FOR YOUNG GIRL TELEGRAPH i rcjulluni maranlcMl ynn 7 tnn union i-ucincaua Unols Central rullrojus tTnu naln lour training In oursUiuol. I'rsrtlceion railroad nfras. AUdrou HOII.IMCOIXIHIK, 1007 IIAKNKV bT., OMAHA, NKHKASICA WANTED Two young men to tnter traimtig for professional work. Reasonable salary during training period. Add. Dr. DenJ. T. DoIIey Sanatorium, Lincoln, Neb, An effective little house dress this mado In Nile green caBhmero. It has a Magyar bodice trimmed at nck with embroidered galloon, which Is shaped to fit; At la also taken down In a "V" and trims sleeves and formB wnlstband. The skirt Is cased to this. Materials required 2Vi yards cash more 41 Inches wide, 2'j yards gal loon, 1 dozen buttons. PROPER DEGREE OF NEGLECT Sometimes Hard, Even for the Wisest Mother, to Know When to Draw the Line. " 'Wholesome' neglect Is about tho bi-st kind of care a child can rccolvo," sho said. "And my children havo all had plrnty of it!" Tho other mother was so impressed by tho words cf the mother of Bovcn healthy children thnt sho actually be gan to practice a little bit of "wholo foitio" neglect with her own owo lamb. One day tho little girl camo running to her with a cut finger. Formerly that mother would have called In a physician to bind up tho cut. Dut hav ing decided to mako uso of "whole Borne'' neglect, sho merely took out her handkerchief, wrnpped it around tho child's finger, dried her tears, and told her to run back and play. The mother of tho seven children happened to bo present. When tho little girl had run away sho said to tho other mother. "That 1b a very 'dan gerous way to treat n cut. Do you usually follow that practice?" "No," replied thfi other mother; "I usually send lor the doctor. Dut I am following your example, and using 'wholesome' neglect." Tho other mother meditated a mo ment, and then sho said, "It is not necebsnry, I think, to call In a doctor when a child cuts her finger; but to bind It up with a handkerchief that has been carried even for a few hours, exposed to dust, and not to clennso tho 'finger thoroughly beforo binding It up at all, Hcrms to mo, if 1 may say so, to bo not 'wholesome' hut "un wholesome' neglect. So many per sons," sho went on, "confuse 'whole some with 'unwholesomo' neglect I don't blame them at all; It Is hard always to know tho ono from the other!" Homo Progressive Magazine. Feather Toquet. It seems ns though a hat mnrfn of feathers should bo light, and so tho plumage toques are In actual weight; but they havo a heavy look, thanks to their compactness, nnd this Is not be coming. NeverthelcBB they will bo very fashionable up till Christmas, and are already obtainable In many colors und shapes. Very few of them have brims, but nearly all belong to tho saucepan, the pudding bahlu or tho scuttle persuasion. Their only brimming Is In nearly 0Vvry caso n llttlo knot of brilliant feathers at tho side, culled from a tropic bird. Silk Street Costumes. Tho vogue for silk street costumes continues, nnd the colored silks which made their appearanco last year aro to be found In greater variety and more beautiful designs this fall Many materials aro shown In plqullko weavlngs In blac kand white, and aro utilized for costumes and conts Tartan nnd checked material are shown In velvet and silk as well an In the regulation woolen fabrics There aro blue-green checks, through which run red, blue or orange yellow threads and largo shadow squared In dark colorings decked with arlous tints Really Nothing Remarkable In the Simple and Frank Explanation of the Small Boy. Wo were walking down tho street Sunday nnd wo saw tho most beauti ful child sitting on the front steps of a pretty houso, snys Tod Itoblnson His eyes wero so big nnd blue, his curly head so goldon, his Innocent smllo so frank nnd Inviting that wo could not resist tho tcmptntlon to en ter Into conversation with him. "Well, son." wo snld In tho Idiotic ally gonial way with which an ndult usually addresses a child, "how old are you?" "Four," lisped tho Infant. (Ho didn't really lisp It, because you can't lisp when you say four; but that's tho wny children aro supposed to do.) "Isn't thnt flno!" (It would havo been just ns flno If he'd been threo, though, or flvo. Moro Idiocy.) "And whoso llttlo boy are you?" "Mamma's 111 boy." "Aren't you papa's llttlo boy, too?" "Nope." "Why aren't you papa's little boy?" "Tho decree gimme to mamma." Then wo wont on our plensaut wny Savannah Morning News. Fond Memories. "Hnggs Is such an ugly man, Miss Prcttyfnco, that 1 cannot understand why ho seems to Interest you so." "Of course, you can't, but with his dogged expression nnd his pug nose, he romtnds mo so much of my pot terrier." Red CroM Pall Blue gives double value for your mono), roca twlro na far ns any other. Auk your grocer. Adv. Now the fnrmor Is being Informed thnt tho safety of tho country depends on his vote. FOLEY KIDNEY PIUS Are Richest In Curative Qualities FOR BACKACHE. RHEUMATISM, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER $65 to $200 A Month. Tnrn ri now Jinifrunlon. Ncitrn Wveks. Wnlinvn Jnlisforthrxn liuiiilrml iiiuii boforn Mny JUt, 101U. INDIANA SCHOOL OF TRACTIONEERINO, tOO PINE LAKE AVE., LAPORTE, INO. W. N. U OMAHA, NO. '15-1012. BABY'S HAPPINESS DEPENDS ON HEALTH When your baby Is cross and frot ful iuutend of tho happy, laughing lit tle dear you are accustomed to, In all probability tho digestion has becomo disarranged nnd tho bowels need at-' tentlon. Glvo It a mild laxntlvc, dis pel tho Irritability, and bring buck tho happy content of babyhood. Tho mother should mako suro that the laxatlvo used contains no oplato or narcotic drug1. A mild, pleasant tasting, harmless laxatlvo like Dr. C'nldwoU'B Syrup Pepsin Is ideal for children bocauso of Its natural com position nnd gentle action. A small doso of Syrup Pepsin at bedtlmG will bring easy, certain relief next morn ing, and with no distressful griping or ether discomfort. You can got Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin nt nny drug ctore. Your namo and address on a postal to Dr. W. D. Caldwell, 203 West St , Monttcello, 111., will bring a freo trial bottlo by return mail. Adv. iBIlirBWTOMP-iffiffl That Wonderful Event IF THERE Is a time above all times when a woman should be in perfect physical condition It is tho Urao previous to the coming o( hex tubs. Durlntf Hits ptrlod many women suffer from Acidacfio, lecrjlruncis. rains of various description. Door atirctllo. end a hott oi other ailments which should 1C eliminated In JutUce to the new lllo About to be tuhcred. Into this world. dr. pierce-s FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION is a scientific medicine carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to the needs and requirements of woman's delicate lutcn. It has been recommended for over forty jeart as a remedy for tlwo peculiar ailments which make their appearance durlru tho expectant" period. Motherhood Is made easier by Its use. Thousands ol women tuvo been benefited by this Urcat mcdidnc Your druiitfltt can supply you In liquid or tablet form, or you can send f0 one-rent stamp lor a trial box of Dr. Plercc'A Favorites rrcscriotlon Tablets, to Dr. ltcrcc, at Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, UuIIalo. It Is your prlvilcdgc to write to Dr. Pierce for advice, and it wilt ba gfadlu given free of charge. Of course all communications arc confidential. rapiaraiio BSBDI Bridge Scandal. She If you bhould hold a hand llko thnt To you what mako would best ap pear? Ho Why, If I held a hand like yours, I think I'd mako It diamonds, dear. Mrs. Wlnslow'u Sootlilnc Hyrup for Children tcithlii',, Boftcnc tlie (,'iuiih, reduces Inllnmnm tloii, alluya pain, cures Ind collo,2c a bottle I4y. Rather Mixed. "What Is your walk In life?" "I'm an aviator." J lUff'lTiTw IHI TllBlil'K I iUi.ULOMjMUJ m ' JfcX. y msmaJr t. ..'-irnn SWiMx W.LDOUCLAS SHOES $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 M.50 AND $5.00 FOR MEN AND WOMEN Bays vrrtar W. L. Dougta 32.00, 9S.0O A 83.00 School I tfliooa, hocBuao ana pnfr will fwaltlvaly outwaar two pnlro or ordinary ahoos, oamo na tho tnon'm mtioom. W.L.Doug)at makes and sells more $3.00,$3.50 & $4.00 shoes J than any other manufacturer In tho world. I THE 8TANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS. The workmanship which has made W. L. Douglas shoes famous tho world over is maintained in every pair. Ask your dealer to show you W.I-. Douglns latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice the thort vamps which make tho foot look smaller, points in a shoe particularly desired by young men. Also the consarva tlva styles whlcls have mado W. L. Douglas shoes & household word everywhere. If you could visit W. I Douglas largo factories at Brockton, Mass., and see for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then un derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shapo and wear longer than any other mako for the price. Fast Color EyvMt. CAUTION. To protect you asatntt Inferior trioet, W.l DoutU stamps tit namo on tho Vol- torn. Look for tho stump. Uewaro of aubatttutei. W. L.DouiU shoes are ioM In 78 own Mores and shoo dealers everywhere. No matter where you lira, they aro within yourreach. If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct to factory for catalog showlnii how to order t mail. Shocasent orerrwheru. delivery charees prepaid. WJ-Uouatas.llrocktoa.Mast. r s HHMii EVERY CHILD SHOULD HAVE THE Faultless Starch Twin Dolls Hiss Lilly VLite and Mha Phoebe Priam. Mr. There nre imitation", don't be fooled. Auk for LEWIS Sinulc Hinder cigar, 0c. Adv. Listeners seldom hear nny good of themselves or of anybody olso. mM If yoo will o0 tho tert stnrch rondo both of ths raa dnlla, csrh 121-2 Inckm lilsb niui rvady to cat oak ana stull. will bo nont to any nddrtm. postpaid, onre oolptotslxfrontsnnUrvntt'anltloiieJltarcupackRRiM. or Iwolre front of 6 oont Fanltlou btaron. packnwe nnd flconte In starapato cover ponUgo and racking. i .llkn rlnll ..III Iia Mn. n MNitnt nf . Ii . w Ifl rt.nh fronts or six & rent front and mints in stamra. Oil J out tlila ad. It will Imi uocopted In plaoo of ono to cvu, iniuunriimucvniinjais uuii unu w ntii bonoooptod with each nppllcuUon. FAULTLESS STARCH CO., Kauu Clly, Me. Satisfactory Tools Mean Good Work Hardware Is Composed the Best Factory Brands. Quality Satfisiaef.ira Good for Bad Eyes STANLEY BUNDWAN'S RULE, NO. 7. The figures are nearly twice as larnc as those on an ordi nary Rule, and both figures and graduations are "extra wide and black. L The illustration shows onlyupnc number of lite largo line of Rules we manufacture. C, Every STANLEY BOXWOOD RULE Is made from carefully selected, thoroughly seasoned wood, is carefully finished, and is accurately graduated. eCUi.Tdvs".Aft i aau". Cv. For Sale by All Hardware Dealers. New i&xa.n.Conn.USA. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR DOUBLE GUARANTEED HARDWARE jff v. -3tssty $r xjm II I I V&ZVi0r mmzm HHK "Choose ihe Best from all .he Rest" The Nicholson File 'mmmiS "M'9 o Nicholson' Means file satisfaction and good work for the user. Every expert "who uses files knows'that when he has a Nicholson, he eats up work. The teeth of the Nicholson file are so formed as to have a special shape designed to withstand pressure and enable the machinist to work rapidly and.cut smoothly. Careful buyers who want tool satisfaction ask for a Nicholson. In Business 48 years. " NICHOLSON FILE CO., Providence, R. 1. DOUBLE GUARANTEED HARDWARE-BEARS THE TRI-COLOR TAG Bishops are the Quality 111 SOWS They are mado of a Purity of Slcel aa wjl WHO so fuio of rjrain andsoloughof body that wo aro proud to cuaranlee that they,will cut faster, run easier, hold their trtiarpnrsR and sot longer than any other good saws. George II. Bishop Co., Lawrenceburg Indiana RKwifl lrtSSvTOwSR&iWfwUTj K tfaJMift it !fly-&JrKi.i 'yH,vfi(srr.TKZZ7jfesRKKT! 'm&wwmWmfl& $Kjm&mJi!miMfc BUY THE HARDWARE THAT IS DOUBLE GUARANTEED The Wright & Wlihelmy Company place on the best factory brands nriidc a tri-color tag bearing a Double Guarantee from the Manufacturer and' Wright & Wilhelrny Company to the effect that the dealer wiM replace the article free of cost if for any reason it is unsatis factory. It is left to you. There can be no stronger guarantee. 1NSISTUPON DOUBLE GUARANTEED HARDWARE. Don't AcceptSomo "JUST AS GOOD" PUTNAM FADELESS DYES CoIormorecoodslirUhtersndfasttrcolorsllisnanyotherdyf. One 10c package colors all fibers Hiey dye InCold water tiettfrthananyottierdye, YoucaJ dye any garment without ripping apart. Write far free booklet How to Dye. IHnch nnd Ml Colore. MONKOE DRUG COMPANY, tfuiacy. IJQ 4