7 NARY HALF. ., dntM, Sho Siio'a Hcnpcck'a bottor halt, Isn't nlro? Ho No; I rather think she's the whole thing. A CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY. The Ilcv. Edmund IIcslop of Wig ton, Pa., suffered from Dropsy for a year. Hla limbs and feet wero swol len and puffed. He had heart flutter ing, was dizzy and exhausted at tho least exer tion. Hands and foot were cold and he had such n dragging sensa tion across tho loins that it was difficult to move. Affnt- Holm K Rot. B. IIcslop. boxog of Dodd, Kidney Pills the swelling disappear ed and ho felt himself again. Ho says ho has been benefited and blessed by tho use of Dodda Kidney Pills. .Sev eral months later ho wrote: I have not changed my faith In your remedy slnco tho abovo statement was author ized. Correspond with Rev. B. Hes top about this wonderful remedy. Dodda Kidney Pills, COc. per box at our dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Wrlto for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and German words) and ro clpes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent freo. Adv. Was Not Guilty. "Mordecai Judson," roared Colonel White, who had been aroused In tho middle of tho night by a suspicious noise In his poultry house, "Is that you in there, you black thief?" "No, sah," humbly replied a fright ened voice. "Dls Is muh cousin, Ink Judson, dat looks so much like mo and steals everything ho kin lay his dog-gawn nan's on. Ah's at home dla minute, Bah, a-sloepln' do sleep o' de jest." Puck. One Better. "I've got a flroless cooker in my house" "That's nothing. I've got a smoke less husband in mine." Bo thrifty oh little things llko bluing. Don't Accept -water for bluing. Ask for Hed Cross Ball Utile, tho extra good value blue. Adv. There Is no greator enemy than linger, which kills both laughter and Joy. Dr. Plereo'a Pellets, small, sugar-coated, wy to tako as-candy, regulate and invigorate stomach, liverand bowels. Donotgrlpe. Adv. Babies are smart. You seldom hear ono repeating the nonsensical things women say to them. CUKES ITCHING SKIN DISRASES. Cole'a Carboltsalve stops Itchlntr and mnkw tho skin smooth. All drtiBRists. 25 nnd 50c. Adv. Probably a woman tells secrets so that eho won't forgot them. TIRED BLOOD EXPOSES THE LUNGS (Copyright 1912 by tho Tonltlves Co ) Tired Blood Conditions permit Cold and dlseaso germs to attack tho air passagea and lungs, developing Catarrh, LaGrlppe, Dlfflculty lu Breathing, and Consumption. These germa can bo destroyed and expelled only by chemical action In the blood vaftll'B'HrEf Th0 PurD080 0 T0NII8VES Tonltlves foi VnSiaa SJKT chemical action, help the blood to ab sorb more nutriment and more oxygen, to bring these elements into direct contact with every cell, to chemically cleanse and renew tho lungs nnd other tissues. 75c. per box of dealers or by moil. Tho Tonltlves Co., Buffalo, N. Y. In tho Province of Saskatchewan, Western Canada Io too dculro to pot a Krcoilomcrtcnclof lot) At'KliS f that wU known henl Lamlr Is becoming mure limited laa vulnuhln. NHIV lllhl'ltlRTH hare recently Iman uponpil up for settlement, and Into time mil roads nro now bclntf built. Tho ilar will soon couio vrlicn thuru will on no Vroo Ilumesteadlnc land loft. A Knltt Current, Baafcatchfimiti, farmer wrlNm "I rami) on my lmmoktenil, March 1M. mill uhnut tt.UU) worth of holies and machin ery, und JuM -Mn cash, 'lotlar I liaieWjllacrtMof wheat. 8WI acrei ii f oals.undWncrcsof llax," Iui bad for&lxyi'.irs, butonly an In atunco of nti.it may t' dunn In UMlem Cat urla In Maailuba, Baskauhewun or Albartn. bend at once, for l.llcraturo, Ala pi, lUllway Uatos, utc, to W. V. BENNETT, Boo DullcJIng, Omoho, Nob, Canadian GoYernruent' A runts, or nridwi hiipnrlnti'iiili'iit hi Jmuilj;riitluii, mitiv,cjia4a. r Vffliar Opportunity !lfe?i NOW Hi i o7 jtWWr tmt nn NiM GHARMS OF rLltliS Aviators Pin Faith on Most Po culiar Mascots. Part of Machine In Slight Accident Regarded by Many as Indis pensable In Subsequent HIghts. London. "I'm sick and tired of be lieving nothing that ctn't bo proved," was tho remark made not long ago by a man whoso whole llfo is spent in mechanical and scientific experi ment and who would bo tho last yev .would think to bo touched by the very slightest breath of superstition. Many airmen nro evidently of tho samo opinion, for they pin their faith on tho oddest of charms, and many of them liavo tho strongest, though often secret, belief In omens, mascots and luck brlngors, says AiiBWors. Mr. Cody Is at presont Hying a ma chine which, as he laughingly remarks, Is a sort of resurrection pie, being roado up of portions taken from many othe, defunct machines. Now a part of tho machine which has been In an nccldont, yet nn acci dent without serious results, is hold to be lucky. Hut Ilf would tako a very brave airman to U30 any portion of a plane that killed Its pilot Lo Blon was one of tlioso very bravo men, and it is said that when his career was ended by falling into tho sea at San Sebastian in April. 1010, thorn was built into the piano which fell with him some jpars from tho ma chino In which poor Dclngrange met his end, It la ancient history that Santos-Du-mont never went aloft without his medallion of tho Virgin which was given to him by tho Princess Isabel. TAKING A CAMERA ABROAD It Bahooves One to Be Careful What It Is Pointed Foreign Nations Are Peevish. at If tho American tourist carries his camera to Europe with him ho must bo careful to avoid photographing per sons, private property and particular ly government buildings, forts, docks and BhlpB without permission. Many tourists havo got thomselves Into much trouble In this way. especially In Russia, where tho restrictions aro un usually rigid and In Germany, also. A few years ago Germany passed a special bill through tho relchstag deal ing with this matter and Imposing heavy penalties upon those who ln frihgo tho regulations. Damages to the amount of $1,500, 'with a flno of $250, or two months' Imprisonment, will henceforth bo tho fato of anyone who snapshots a prlvato person, a work of art or the interior of a prl vato building and circulates or pub lishes the plcturo without permission. Persons In tho public eye, such as members of tho royal family, states men, actors and well-known divines, aro excepted. So, too, nre public build ings and works of art in public gal leries. In Portugal tho authorities aro cu riously suspicious. A gentleman re cently wroto to a London paper say ing that he was arrested for snapping the royal palace In Clntra. It is pos sible, however, that under tho now Portuguese reglmo tho palaces will no longer bo held so sacred. In Italy tho camera of the tourist is made tho means of providing revenue for that somewhat Impoverished coun tryi If you carry your camera when on a visit to Pompeii or others of tho recently excavated ruins you may tako as many photographs as you please, but you aro forced to pay a small fee for each plato exposed. Films are now obtainable in every largo city of Europo, and In many smaller ones, so It Is not necessary to carry a large supply, but a develop ing tank is advisable. With It one can develop anywhere In daylleht, and EUROPEAN 'SPY" SWINDLER Bogus Plans of Mobilization and War Made Profitable, According to German Publisher. London. A message from Berlin publishes tho detnlls of an extraordi nary "spy" swindle by which several European governments havo been Im posed upon, according to tho Deutscho MIttags Zoitung. A certain Glitch bought a few Ger man military handbooks, ordnanco maps und time tables relutlng to tho German provinces near tho French frontier and succeeded with their aid in concocting a "mobilization plan" of the Germany urmy, to bo used In tho event of war brcaklns out with France. Ho added elaborate notes and In vontcd a secret cipher. Glitch dispatched his forgeries to tho general staff of the French army, dating them from Ilorlln. Ho said ho must bnve tho documents back in forty-eight hours. In due courso tho plans come back with 50 and a re quest for moro. Then Glitch forged similar documents for tho uso of Hub. sla. and theso wero roturnod to him with JG100. As tho officials of the two general staffs asked for still moro documents, Glitch worked out a secret plan of a German mobilization agalnBt Russia. Franco and England. In this plan It .vas statod that Austria would sond an army to tho Russian frontier, nnd that the Gorman emperor would take WHERE TURKS AND THIS illustration tiiows a fair example of tho country along the Turco Hulgnrlan frontier. Hero tho hard strata or dykes, denuded by rain, appenr as natural walls above the laker river and afford uuusual cover for military operations. Thoro nro many other pllot3 who will not fly without having somo similar charm about them. Hlrtch, the well-known Gcrmnn aviator, once had n fall over fifty feet, from which by a sort of miracle ho came out quite unhurt Slnco thon ho treasures tho shirt which ho wore upon that occasion. Ho will not allow it to bo washed, and when ho makes ready to fly ho lnvarlnbly ties it around his waist under his clothes. Ono English pilot nover goes up without his tiger whlBker being safely stored In Ills pocket. Whether Grahamc-Whltc has any real belief or not !u the efficacy of a make sure before leaving a locality JiiBt what hlB results aro. Standard cheniicals for tank development can also bo obtained in stores whero films of American sizes nro kept In stock, so one needs only to provide against possible need in small towns. BEES .SWARM IN RADIATOR When Owner of Auto Makes Up Hla Mind to Take Ride He Encoun ters Trouble. Son Francisco. "Ono of tho lateBt oxtremo auto stories concorns a Knox owner of Southern California, who was 'done' by a swarm of bees several dayr ago." sayB Samuel Crlm, head of a local agency for an automobllo con cern. "The ownor had neglected to uso his automobllo for a number of GERMAN SOCIALISTS GAINING Result of Chemnitz Convention Gltfes Rude Awakening to the Conservatives. Dcrlin. Tho result of tho Socialists convention at Chemnitz gave a rude awakening to German conservatives who had maintained that, tho Socialist party was not dangerous In splto of its great numbers, because It was and wou'd 'romam. a minority in the Ger man nation. Tho iconventlon not only did much to unlto the inrty, but also, by falling to condemn tho alliance with tho radi cal party for the roballotlngs in tho re cent elections, loft open tho door for co-operations with NonBoclallst parties in coming elections. -Socialists with progressive allies may become strong enough to con trol tho Gorman parliament, though they themselves may never emerge from the minority. A break with tho old autocratlo system of party control under which the party affairs were in tho hands of command of tho wholo fleet in ordor to defeat the BrlttHh floot. Glitch himself handed this document to three French officers In Uasle, who gave him 1.000. Ho sent a similar document to Russia and England WOMAN KILLS BIG COUGAR Rancher's Wife Fired In the Dark With Two Shining Eyes to Guide Her Aim. Boundary. Wash. With only .i pnlr of shining eyes showing in the black darkness to guldo her, Mrs. Alvln Thurston, a mncher'u wife, shot and killed a gigantic cougar. She aa not sure she had killed the animal or what kind of a heust It was until her husband came home and lighted the lamps. Mr. Thurston had gone to touti for supplies. At nightfall he had not re turned and Mrs. Thurston sat in tho doorway watching the trail. IHaring a noise behind her, she tunn-i) and haw two shining eyes. Her husband's heavy riu hung abovo tho door near whoio she tit. Sho took It down and lUcd Into tli dnrk room. Sho hoard tho fall of a body, hut slia was too frightened to movo. Thurston arrived a fow mlnuti's later to find hor huddled bosldu the door and a big cougar dood Inside, it weighed 300 pounds anil six feet long from tip to tip BULGARIANS FIGHT mascot, ho has been known to uso moro than one, nnd uso them nulto openly, too. A little red velvet uhou has been noticed tied to tho machine just abovo his head A bunch of whlfo heather, n knot of vlolot ribbon and a small goU'wog of peculiar hide- -ousnoss nro among his other amulets. Speaking of golliwogs. Wlontzlera will never fly without his monkey. This Is a most ordinary-looking child's toy covered with brown velvet and with black, beady eyes. Ilut Wlont zlera has ti most Intense, belief in its efilcacy, and co far events havo Justi fied his bollef, for ho has never yet been damaged at all seriously. days, and when ho went to crnnk It. a swarm of enraged been, all In good working order, appeared en tho sceno. The; had invaded tho motor nnd started to mako honey, evidently thinking that they had found a very good hive with comb all ready nnd waiting for them to come and tako charge, so they did not liko to bo dis turbed, oven by tho ownor." DIGGER FINDS BIG TREASURE 1,000 Pieces of Eight In Old House Mob Makes Search for Mora Silver Coin. Now Haven, Conn. Paaquale Val cntl, a laborer, struck his shovel Into a pewter pot containing 1,000 plecea of Spanish Bllver coin known ns eight reals. The face value fo tho coins la about CO cents each, but they were of dateB between 1750 and 1786, and some may De worth moro to collec tors. a commlttco of nlno men was mado when tho convention decided to elect an ndvlaory committee of thirty-six members, ono from each of tho dis tricts In which tho Socialists divide the emplro for administrative pur poses. ' Only ono decision of tho Chemnitz convention brought down general ad verse criticism from tho Nonsoclnllsta and from a respectable minority of tho Socialists thomselves. This was tho exclusion from tho party of Gerhard Hlldebraud, a scholarly man who has won considerable famo by his writ ings on socialistic nud economic sub jects. Ills offending consisted In ad vocating nn eventual federation of all European states, with a protective tariff and adequate colonies, both ol which nro taboo to tho orthodox So cialists. DOG IS HEU0 AS WITNESS Committed to the House of Detention In Female Department by New York Magistrate. Now York. Nellie was committed to tho house of detention by Magis trate Dreon. When a court officer np pcared with her thcro tho door man agor said: "Hey! Nix on tho pup No dogs allowed hero." But tho at tendant bald: "Site's a material wlt nobB. and Is committed here as such. So Nellie was sent to thfi femalo do partment. Jacob Cohen claimed ownership ot Nellie. He 'said that on October t) Michael Bntlnsky of Jamaica took Nol Ho out for a walk, kept her and event ually bold her fo Mux Frelnsky. a Park row saloonkeeper. Magistrate ltrcon huld Uatlnsky for special ses hIoiih. Nellio mado no protest against be lug imprisoned. In fnct, she seemed to appreciate the house of dcteutiou food. TURK'S FOE KILLS SISTER Greek Patriot, as a Preliminary tc Fighting for Fatherland, Takes Life of Young Relative. Cblcopee, Mass John Petropoulos a Greek, shot and killed his sister Theodora, eighteen years old, becauso ho did not llko her lover, according to tho pollco. Petropoulos, who lias been proparlng to roturu to Greeco tc fight (.gulnst Turkey, used a revolver which ho hnd bought as part of hla oqulpmuut. Ho escaped after the shooting and Is supposed to be on his way to Now York to Join somo of tho bands c his countrymen which are forming iliero to go to tho Lalknns. HIS FATE. .LsL- 2, 02 Husband (holding up a lot of bills) Hero's tho devil to pay. WIfo (sweetly) Don't let him wor ry you. You can Bottlo with hlra horcaftor. DANDRUFF COVERED SCALP 3002 Cass St., St. Louis, Mo. "For flvo years I suffered with itching of my body and scalp. My troublo began with a rash on my lowor limbs which was very annoying, and my scalp was lit erally covered with dandruff. My hair used to come out by tho hnndfuls and tho Itching of my body nnd 6calp was terrible. I bad used almost all tho Bkln remedies on tho market with no results, when I wroto for a llttlo Cutl curn Soap and Olntmont and It gnvo nro Instant rcllof. Within one month's uso of tho Cutlcura Soap and Olntnfbnt l was entirely cured. 1 cannot discover ono strand of my hair coming out nnd I bavo not lost a mlnuto of Bleep slnco using the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, which entirely cured mo of Itching of my body and scalp In Its worst form. I nlso find tho Cutlcura Soap a benefit In shaving." (Signed) Charlos Judlln, Dec. 8, 1911. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Samplfc of each freo, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston." Adv. Ancients Knew of Elevators. That tho ancient ltomnns know vhow to work lifts Is tho latest discov ery reported from Romo In connection with tho Palatine excavations. Pro Romulan remains havo been found, in cluding 12 ancient lifts. Ono of the lattor, which descends Into tho earliest known city, Is now bolng cleaned and put Into working order for tho Arch aeological Congress. Can She Do It? Zoology Professor MIsb Fluff, what Is nntural selection? Fluff Natural selection is whoro a young lady picks out a fellow with lots of money and marries him. Suitable Attire. "How wero tho sailors dressed who wcro left on tho desert islands?" "In maroon suits, of course" Somo men go luino when It comes to minding their own business. SES! y ITljf JjRO al ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYegetablc Preparation for As similating Hie Food nndltegula ling Ihe Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion,Cheerful ness and Rcst.Con Jains neither Opiuni.Morpbine: nor Mineral Not Narc otic Rmpt roiH DrSAMvamvrsa Pumpkin cud MxSfiw btkilbSoItt tfiif St J fkpptmiitt itneiHat4SfU Hrm Sftd CimrJttd Suym AnprfcctRemcdv forConslipa- w lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms.Convulsions.Fevcrish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of The Centaur. Company, NEW YORK. Guaranteed tinder tho Foodanj Exact Copy of Wrapper. yrrw :. -t-. Can You Proparo j or Birds for tno i HAiucKmia 1 1 Ptcurlng tha m I, cn IMnr. prtrarlnc It tor tha Taxldermlil Ii unolhtr Hand ma your a.ddrM nt 1 will atnd AIISOI.UTIXY rW.R OV AM. fllAIUlH a 40-pa 11'U Uulda, a mlna of Inrornullon for rportaman II lalla hear lo akin a. Urea or amall ani mal, a. bird, a cama head, a flah or rrpilla and how to prfpara fur ahlpnanl Contain alio to aiqulalle lllua. trutlona of auptrldy mounted aprlm,na, It'a tla U( Cct. nioat Inatructlva book a aporlaman RVl.lt Kot fur NOTIIINcl. Wrlta today to Aintrtca'a aulasl man In hla line- -addifsa your Uttar to muE M! G. N. Auluboughr 1020 Farnam B7,T . EC It ! Couth Syrup. Tat Good. U tfii hrA in lima. Bold bj Oral gitta. Kl Accepts the Rebuke. A resident of nn English city has mado hlinsolf a marked man by In sisting on saying "nought" Instead of "O" whan ho calls a telephone num bor having clphors In It, Tho tolo phono operator usually corrects him when ho onyB "threo doublo nought," by eaylng "Throe doublo O." Tho other night ho called up central and said, "Hollo," and tho girl ropllcd: "Hell-nought," Ho accepted meokly tho "qulot rcbuko." Springfield Republican. Sensible Shift. "Why does sho dress so mnnnlshly?" "Well, sho was no beauty as a girl, but sho makes a fairly good-looking boy." YOU CAN CUnn CATAItnil fly ' uslna? Cole'ii Cnrbotlaalvc. It Is moat effective remedy. All druRsIat. 2S nnd 50c Adv. There aro a lot of cheap skates out sldo tho skating rinks "WHAT'S THE ANSWER" PP & Q Are you going to continue suffering from Poor Appctito Sick Hcadaclio Indigestion Constipation Malaria when for 60 years Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has been proving Its ability to overcome such Ills very quickly? A Trial Today Will Convince Yon The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly bo overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely and gently on tho liver, euro Biliousness, Head ache, Dizzi. ncss, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL I'RICR Genuine must bear Signature 1 1 1 m i W jf 1 1 1 1 I i.mTTTTi 1 Wil lUI'Ml'JiUhan'JiU'JI Allpn'al)lrrtnnMiilvmiroBl!limnlf!tllrra.lltia Vlror,Horoflouiilllcorii,VorlrooIIlcrr,ln iloloiitllleom.Morourlul Ulcer, WliltoHTroll lncr,Mllkl.rr.l''ovrHorcii,lU4rM. DrauiMOt. HmI),I In. J7r. ALLltN. IMpt, AS. BU IMul, Mlun. GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years A y. t-a? v. tct Your Camo, Fish - Taxldormlat mlat Wr .N.u gr '- '-...7?fcl Omaha, -a i-f HAIR BALSAM Cieanaea anil bcaaunea tno htlz Womotci a luxuriant growth. I.'evcr Valla to Ileotore. Oraj Hair to ita Youthful dolor, frffventa hall fntllntr. nop, mid SI 00 at Hrnryla. 1 LBMaPnDTED'C .aaBBBBaHHa, BJTTI C- H WixrD aBtBBBBHaw iMiiit jbhv pat r i m-, &Z&te?&&zg mSMm rvBTaak.giifc8Ja