Serai -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SDDdCRIPTION KATES. One Year by Mail in advance $1,25 One Year by Carrier in advance $1.60 Entorod at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, NOV. 8. 1912. An Anticipated Result. The selection of democratic candidate Woodrow .Wilson as chief executivo of this great nation was no surprise; with a divided republican party and the democrnU holding flrmly together, no other results could lo pojpibly. Had eithiT Roosevelt or Tnft received the combined voto of both, Wilson would have been the tall under in practically every northern stato as it is ho re ceives nearly 150 more electoral votes than is necessary to elect. Not'only hayo tho democrats elected n presidont, but they will have 268 of the 435 members of the bouse of repre nentntivcs, and at this writing the indi cations are favorablo for a majority in tho United States senate. That the democrats should have full control of congress is tho wish of all re publicans; under those conditions thorn will bo no obstruction to carrying out democratic policies to the full extent, and (hat party by its administration can either make Itself firm and sccuro as the leading political organization for yean to come, or it can sink itself into oblivion. For the next two years, at least, it will be on trial; if it makes good, it will do bettor than ithas in the past. While The Tribuno supported the candidate who received tho smaller number of electoral votes, it has no apology to make for Its course of action, and It takos the result philosophically. The result has not lessened the faith of this paper in tho republican party, nor dimmed its admiration of the groat achievements of that party in the past. If tho democratic auminstration can give us as great n degree of prosperity as wo have enjoyed in the past sixteen years. The Tribuno will give due credit. In Nebraska Wilson was triumphant by over 30,000 plurality; but George W. Norris has a good lead over Shallenber ger in the popular choice for United btates senator. In comploto roturns, however, indicate tho defeat of Gover nor Aldrich. but apparently the re mainder of tho state ticket is safely re publican. Three of the democratic can didates forcongreHH Moguire, Lobcck and Stephens have been rc-elocted, and the-rcpublicans elect Kinkaid, Uar ton and Sloan, tho delegation in con grew from the stato not cdanging in political completion. The Electoral Vote. Uoose Wiison Taft volt. Alabama 12 ' ., Arizona 3 , . ' Arkansas 9 California 13 Colorado (I ,. Connecticut 7 Delaware -3 f . . Florida 0 .. Georgia 14 . . ' Idaho 4 Illinois tr.; 29 Indiana '... 15 Iowa ' Kansas .'.'.'.. 10 Kentucky..;1.... 13 .'. .. Louisiana 10 .. ' Maine Vs'..... G Maryland V. .. 8 " .. Massachusutts,.,. 18 Michigan Miunestota Mississippi 10 Missouri 18 Montana 4 ,. Nebraska 8 Nevada 3 New Hampshire. 4 .. New Jersey 14 Now Mexico 3 New York 45 North Cnrolinu... 12 North Dakota 5 Ohio 21 Oklahoma 10 Orogon 5 ,', I'ennsylvonia ' Rhode Inland 5 ' South Carolina.... 9 South Dakotn Tennessse 12 Toxas 20 Utah J .. 4 Vermont. ....'".'. .' . . 4' "Virginia 12 AVafibihgton,, . Wisconsin..' 18 Wyoming ' IB 12 38 .4 Totals.., Doubtful, 437 12 76 4. First Presbyterian Church. Sunday school at 10 a. Cm., M. E( Crosby, suporintendentHVi Preaching Bervicos, 11a m. and 7:30 p. in. Mr. Christie will preach a special sermon noxt'Sunday morning on "Tho Hidden Support of Lifo." Evoning thomo: "The Queen of Quoons". Como and hear tho Urge chorus choir at both services. Mrs. Loiningor will act as conductor. Tho Presbyterian church welcomes all. Baptist Church. Next Sunday will bo a good Bantist church. Rev. J. I). ofli Collins, stato bible school worker, will be on hand for the full day. Tho bible school which has far outgrown anything oven boned for. will bo nold at 10 a. m. At 11 n. m. Mr. Collins will speak and also at 7:30 p. m. Ho will conduct n con ference on young people's work Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, He will also conduct a Sunday school conference on Monday afternoon in tho church build ing at 3:30 o'clock. Monday night Miss Ina Burton, of Chicago, will represent women's work at 8 n. in. The public is cordially invited to any and all of thoso fiorrfecs. v Money to Loan, on furnitur,pianos or any thing of good value on your plain note If steadily em ployed; pay back in smajl weekly or monthly payments, Mrs. B. F.tjWllcdx son 510" East 4thS.JOffico in WIdence, hours 9 a. in. to 4 p. in. Local and Personal. Art Yates, of Sutherland, transacted business in town Wednesday, Pat Hngcrty ond Fred Fryo spent Wednesday in Kearney on business. John Woods of Wallace, is spending a few days in town on business. Mrs. Claude Shindlc, of Hershcy, visited the Becler family this week. F. C. Pielstlcker went to Wallace the first of the week to transact busi ness for a fow days. Piano Tuning, C. A. Mercer, suc cessor to Prof. Leonhart. Lcavo orders at Clinton's. Miss Ilegina Walker morning for Sidney left yesterday to visit with friends until Monday. Commissioners White and Streitz and Overseor Thor lecko spent yesterday in Farnam on business. Mr. and MrB. Charles Foster, of Lena, arc visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Koy Surber. Miss Florence Antonidcs, of tho Kearney Normal, is spending this week with relatives in the city. Robert Beattie, of Brady, has ac cepted n position in tho law depart ment of Attorney J. G. Boelcr. W. P. Balloy returned the first of the week from Denver where he spent a fow days with his mother. Grant Hughes returned Wednesday morning from Michigan where ho had been employed for a year. Mrs. Callio Davidson is enjoying a visit from Mrs. F. G. Schick, of Curtis, who came the first of the week. Mrs. B. F. Nolson loft Wednesday morning for Yanktown, S. D., to visit with relatives until spring. Miss Alice Wilcox came up from Kear ney Wednesday evening to visit at the paternal homo until Monday. Miss Anna Pielsticker, of Omaha, who had bcon the guest of her brother, F. C. Pielsticker, left Wednesday for Omaha. Miss Viola McGuirc, of Kansas City, who visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuire last week, loft Wed nesday. "Occident" flour is now sold for loss money than ever before in North Platte, but the quality remains the same. A baby girl was born Wednesday morning to Mr. ond Mrs. C. H. Boylo of the first ward. All concerned are doing well. Geo. G. McKay and daughter Miss Florence returned lost evening from a short visit with the Hunter family in Sutherland. Mr. Georgo McGinloy returned to her homo in Keystone Wednesday afternoon after a short visit with town friends. Miss Freda Hammer left yesterday morning for Sidney to spend tho re mainder of the week with her sister, Ahorns. Misa Ella Foster, of Omaha, went thru Wednesday enrouto to Evanston whoro sho was called by the death of her brother the late Miko Foster. G. S. Huffman has begun work on n now residence on west Sixth street which In plans will bo similiar to the Dixon house on Fifth street. Mr. and Mrs. Premus Forsteadt hove as their guest this week tho former's sister Mrs.. A. Johnson, of Kearney, who arrived here Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J . A. Jones and son Corbin re turned Wednesday from Omaha and Lincoln where tho former attended the otato meeting of the library associa tion. Misses Blancho Cox, Flossie Abcr crotnbio and Lillian Loudon, of tho O'Fallons schools, spent Wednesday in town while enrouto to tho teachers' convention in Omaha. A marrioge licenso was granted by County Judgo Grant on Wednesday afternoon to Mr. Edward Levi Bellamy age 22 and Miss Ethel M. Adkins ago 18, both giving North Platfo ns their residence. Local application for colds use A-thenca-Ine. 50 cent bottles now 35 cents. RiNCKcr Book & Drug Co. Iiluo Front Georgo Schell, of Gothenburg, como up the first of tho week to visit his brother Robert who was injured on tho hand while at work on tho now round house grounds. A pctitibn for divorce was filed Tues day by Margaret Evelyn Wayman vs Louis Alfrsd Wnyman for extreme cruelty. They woro married last foil in this-city and novo since resided in this county. She asks that her maiden namo of Margaret Oleson uo restored to her. No musical play of receut yoara hns created such n decided imnressioii in America as "A Modern Eve," which was presented at the Garrick Theatre in Chicago last April an 1 broko all rec ords for a summer run. Its attributes, essential to tho success of musical comedios, lio in tho cluvor story, skill ful comedy, novol action and sovoral genuine song hits which include the waltz song, "Good-byo Everybody," now in voguo ovurywhore. This even ing at the Keith. The school board met tho first of the week in regular session and routine business was transacted. On account of the crowded conditions existing in all schools, except the Lincoln school, and with tho qdditiona! room added some timo ago in tho Washington school, the board again finds it neces sary to provide another room in tho northwest cornor of tho basement of tho Washington school. At this meeting the board adjourned to meet Tues day afternoon to look into tho practica bility of using this room. It is well lighted from two sides and can be made convenient at an oxponso of between three and four hundred dollars ns tho $10,000 bonds voted three years ago did not include the interior finishing of tho lower rpoms and they woro loft in the rough. THis change will roliovo tho crowded conditions of tho highor grades which tho board Is using every effort to overcome, The now room will be used as a primary and will necessitate the election of an ad ditional teacher. M. E. Church Notes. Sunday school 9:45 a. m., preaching 11 a. m. and Satrnment of tho Lord's Supper. En worth leagua 6:30 p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m., Bubject "Tho Law of Exchange" Special music will bo rendered by the choir at each sor vico. All aro welcome to these ser vices. A. B. Cram, Pastor, Miss Isabelle Doran is tho guest of hor parents, having come up Tuesday evening from tho Kearney Normal. Monuments Of the Best Quality. Paine Fishburn Granite Co., W. T. ALDEN, Salesman I A few choice young RED POLLED BULLS Also a few Cows and a few Cows Heifers. PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM, SOUTH DEWEY STREET, On Mile South ol the U. P. Depot. Have You Plumbing Troubles? Is there need for repairs every few days? Is your bathroom modern and luxurinntly comfortable? Are the kitchen arrangements convenient and sanitary? If not, Send For Our Plumber. Not only aro we experts at repair work, but there will bo little need for repairs if we install your plumbing. You'll be surprised atour fair estimates if you "talk price" with us. R. F. STUART, Shop Phone 69. Res., Phone 083 Corner bUth ond Locust,,,. The Old Reliable When your clothes need pressing, cleaning and repairing, let tho Old Re liable Tailor do it and do it right We have been doing this work in North Platto for thirty years, know how to do it and do it the way it should be done. That means satisfaction to you. F. J. BROEKER. Entrance north of tho Nynl drag store. Office phono 2-11. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bonk Building. scesatteeeeeseftBesaeieu&iaow DR. J. S. TWINEM, g Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Hospital arccmmodntlons, Medical and 5 surgical attention Klven obstetrical cases. S Olllco Phono 183 Res. Phono 2S3 a Onico McDonald Stato Hank HliVjr seaiiseoaBiaaaeBO4aasi) 1 GEO. D. DENT, 2 Physicion and Surgeon, Office over McDonnld Bank. k & Phones i Office 130 j i nones J RcaIdenco 116 ORDER OF HEARING Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S. S. In tho County Court. October 25. 1012. In the Matter of tho Estate of John Franzcn, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Charley Holm, praying thatthu Instrument filed on tho 25th day of October. 1912, and purporting to bo tho last will nnd testament of tho said deceased, may lio proved, approved, probated allowed and recorded as tho last will and testament of the said John Franien, deceased, and that the exe cution of said Instrument may bo committed and the administration of said estate may bo granted to himself as executor. Ordered, That Nov 19th. 1912. at 0 o'clock o. m. Is assumed for hearing said petition when nil persons Interested In said matter may appear at n county court to beheld In and for said county nnd show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should not be granted. A copy of this order to bo pub lished In tho North Platte Tribune, a legal send weekly newspaper for three successive weeks prior to said date of hearing. n,L JOHN GRANT., "a County Judge. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned hae formed a corporation, under tho name of A. A. Schatx company; said corporation being incor porated undor the laws of tlie state of Nebraska The principal place of business of said corporation shall bo North 1'latto, Nebraska. Tho place of Business of said corporation shall be to conduct a retail store or stores for dealing in general merchandise, hardware, furniture, plumbing, undertaking and all other legitimate articles of trade or barter, and for the holding of such real estate as may bo necessary fcr the car rying onof such business. Tho capital stock shnlll bo fia.O0.OU consisting of 100 shares $100 all of which shall lie fully paid, up U'fore Issuing. Said corporation shall comraenco on thu 9th day of October, 1912. and cpntirfur for twenty enrs ineruuiier.unicss sooner tlisconunueii. In high est amount of Indebtedness shall not exceed two thirds of the amount of the paid up capital stock. Tho alTalra of tho corporation shall bo,ponducted a board of Directors of not less than two nor more than flvo persons, and by a president, general manager, vice-president, secretary and treas urer. Dated at North Platte. Nebraska. Oct. 8th: A. A. SCIIATZ. EDWZNA SCHAT2J 1912 s Signet Chapter O. E. S., i . t NO. 55- MccU 2nd and 4th Thursday bt month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 ri, every I m. I wwmmmotw iWtmrrm0imfM nwmf t $S Per Acre. This Is tho Cheap Land Man. Have a Talk With Mo. ' Fifty full sections thrown on the market by this big cattle company reducing their range. From $5 to $7 per acre. I wU sell you 640 acres for $l,OfX) cash, balance 'five years at 6 per cent Interest. I cart locate you from 0 to IS miles from Brady, 'Nebr., and only 23 miles east cf North.Pratte, in the best com, wheat, rye and oats, belt, and lots of grass. Start in cattle do not pay high rent get a home of your own. This opportunity knocks at your door but once. , Main Ofllco-G. A. WEST, Secy and Trcas. Ry Exchange BIdg, Milwaukee, Wis, General Manager's Office-W. P. BRYAN. Gothenburg, Neb. H Local Salesman's Office C. B. Schleicher,,! Brady, Neb. Notice. Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd. day of December, 1912, a special election will bo nold in tlie bchool Dis trict of tho City of North Platte, in the County of Lincoln, in the State of Ne braska: the polling places to , be as follows: For that portion of said Dis trict north of the tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, nt the Hose House in tho Fourth Ward in the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska; for that portion of said District south of tho tracks of the Unl6n Pacific Railroad Company and west of Dewey Street and public road No. C which is a coptinuation of Dewey street, at the H6so House in the Third Ward of said City of North Platte; and for that por tion of said District south of thdttracks of the Union Pacific. Railroad Company and east of said Dewey street and pub lic road No. 6, the same being a contin uation of Dewey street, at tho Hose House in tho First Ward in the City of North I'latte. At which said election the following proposition will be submitted to the voters of said School District: "Shall tho School Districtof the City of North Platte, in the County of Lin coln, in tho State of Nebraska, issue its negotiable bonds in tho sum of $20,000, 00, in denominations 51,000.00 each dated on tho 1st. day of April, 1913, bearing interest at tho rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest payable at the fiscal agency of the State of- Nebraskn in tho City of New York nnd payablp ai follows, to wit: In twenty years from the date therof, but may be paid at any time after ten years from the date thereof at the option of the Board of Education of snid School District. Said bonds to be issued for the pur pose of erecting and furnishing one eight-room school building in tho First waru oi tno Uity of North I'latte, Ne braska on block 1Q8 in said ward. And shall the Board of Educntion of the School District of the City of North Platte, in the County of Lincoln, in tho Stato of Nebraska, be autpxi&qd to cause to bo levied and coliectecT-n tax annually in nn amount suHichmUto pay the interest nnd principal of said bonds, at tho same mature, in addition tb tho taxes now authorized to bo levied by law on all property within" the said School District. " The ballots to bo usd ntsaid ofection shall have printed thereon: . "For issuing $20,000.00 of jfWbonds of tlie school district of tho city of North Platte, in the county of-Lincoln, in the state of Nebraska, for tho pur pose of erecting and furnishings one eight-room school building onvbrock 1G8 in the First ward of the' city of North Platte, Nebraska, in said district Said bonds to be negotiable in form and to bear interest at the rate-of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest payable '6.t the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska, in the city of Now York nnd which said bonds shall bo due ns follows: In Wenty years from tho date thereof, 'but may bo paid nt nnv timo nftor tri vonrn from the date thereof, at the Option of uie uoaru oi Education of saw school district; nnd for levying and collecting a tnx annually in nn amount sufficient to pny tho interest nnd principal of said bonds, as tho samo mature, in addition to tho taxes now authorized to be levied by law, on all property within the said school district." s. "Agninst issuing $20,000.00 of tho bonds of the school district of the city of North Piatto, in the county of Lin coln, in tho state of Nebraska, for thq purpose of orecting and furnishing one eight room school building on block 108 in the First ward, of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, within said district." Said bonds to be negotiable in form and to bear interest at tho rata of five per cent per annum payable semi-annually, principal and inter est nayable at tho fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska in the city of New York and which said bonds shall be due as follows: In twenty years from tho dato thereof but may be paid at any time after ten years from tho date thereof, at tho option of the board of education of ,aid school dis trict; and agninst levying ancl'collecting a tax annually, in an amount enfiiciont to pay tho interest and principnl of soul bonds, as tho same mature, ,in ad dition to tho taxes, now authorized by law, on all property within the said school district." , Those voting in favor of said propo sition shall mark their ballots -Vith an 'X after tho paragraph Beginning "For issuing $20,000.00 of tho bonds of tho school district of tho city of North Platte in tho county of Lincoln, in the stato of Nebraska' Thoso voting against said proposition shall piark their ballots with ah "X" after the paragraph beginning "Against issuing $20,000.00 of the bonds of tho school district of tho city of North Platte, in the county of Lincoln, in tho state of Nebraska. ,r Said election to be open at (8) eight 0 clock a. m. and contiune open, until (61 six o'clock p. in. central timo on said date. 1 Dated this 21st day of October 1912. .By order of the board of education. E. T. TltAMP, President. A. F. Streitz, Secretary. I U0iimtm01l0mm1mmif'0 The North Platte School of Music A.FFILIATED WITH The University School of Muiic, Lincoln, Nebraska Elizabeth Bonncr-Cramer D1RECTOR. All tho principal branches of Ap plied and Theoretical Music taught by competent teachers. 'Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front street or phone Black 341. DR. HARRY MITCHELL, GRADUATE DENTIST. Telephone lied 486 E05K Dewey St. North I'latte, Nebraska. Notice, to Non-Resident Defendants. Nebraska nnd Kansas Farm Loan Com pany, non-resident defendant, will tnke notice that it has been sued in the Dis trict Couit of Lincoln county, Nebras ka, by Jennie Baker, plaintiff, the ob ject and prayer of which suit are to quiet and confirm title Into plaintiff against the defendant to the following described lands situate in Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, to-wit: The southwost quarter (S W J) of Section thirty-four (34), TownBhip nine (9), north of Range twenty-eight (28) west of the 6th if. M., and prays to have cancelled and released that certain mortgage made and executed by ono Charles Teter to said defendant, which said mortgage is recorded in Book 10 of mortgages at page 86 of the mortgage records of said Lincoln county, by reason of the payment of said mortgage and the run ning of the statute of limitation of the state of Nebraska against the same. You are required to answer snid pe tition on or before the second dav of December, 1912, or decree will be taken against you as in said action pnyed. Dated at North Platte, Neb., Octo ber 14th, 1912. JENNIE BAKER, Plaintiff, ol54 By E. H. Evans, her Atty. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. John Beaton, Catherine Beaton, his wife, nnd McKinley-Lanning Loan and Trust Company, a corpotation, will tnke notice that they have been sued in the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, by Walter S. Goldsberry, plaintiff, the object and prayer of which suit are to quiet and confirm in plain tiff and against the defendants, the title to the following described lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit; The northeast quarter (nej) of section eight (8), township twelve (12) north of range twenty-nine (29) west of the Gth P. M., and to quiet title against said defendants by reason of irregularities appearing in the record of a certain foreclosure suit begun by one Carleton E. Mann against the de fendants to divest said defendants of their right, title and interest in said premises, and to institute a new and independent title by adverse possession in the plaintiff by reason of the con tinuous, notorious, peaceable, exclusive and adverse possession of said des cribed premises by himself and his grantors for more than ten years last past claiming as owners thereof nnd to ueclnre a certain mortgage held by the McKinley-Lanning Loan & Trust Company, a corporation, barred by reason of the running of the Statute of Limitations against same. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 2nd day of December, 1912 or judg ment will bo token against you as prayed. WALTER S. GOLDSBERRY, Plaintiff. ByE. H. Evans and Hoagland. & Hoagland, his attorneys. ol5-4 ORDER OF HEARING. In the county court in and for Lin coln County, Nebraska. In tho matter of the estate of John Hayes, deceased. On reading and filing the petition duly Verified of Carrio L. Heskett, praying that the regular administration of said estate be dispensed with, and that the court render a final decree naming the sole heirs at law of the said John Hays, deceased, ns provided by Sections 6202, 5203, 2504, 5205, and 2506 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of the State of Ne braska for 1909. Ordered, that tho said petition be heard on tho 2oth day of November 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m., when all per sons interested in the said matter may appear at the county court to be held in and for said county, in the court house in the city of North Platte, Nebraska and show causo, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. This order is to bo printed for three successive weeks in the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly; newspaper pub lished in said county prior to November 25th, 1912. John Grant, County Judge. Dated October 28, 1912. ORDER OF HEARING. In the county court in and for Lin coln county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Newton Hart, deceased. On reading and filing the petition duly verified of Jennie Baker, praying that regular administration of said estate be dispensed with, and that tho court ren der a final decree naming the sole heirs at law of the said Newton Hart, do ceased, as provided by sections 5202, 5203; 5201. 5205 and 5206 of Cobbey's Annotnted Statutes of the State of Ne braska for tho year of 1909. Ordered, that tho said petition be heard on the 25th day of November 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m., whea all per sons interested in said matter may ap pear at the county court to be held in and for said county at the court house in the city of North Platto, Nebraska, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. This order is to bo printed for three successive weeks in The North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper published in said county prior to November 25th. 1912. Dated Oct. 28th, 1912. o-29-6 John Ghant, County Judge. PJTRONIZE THEniT fn ' Heuse of Good Shswlnl When in Nerlh Plillc. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matinco Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clock. x 10 CENTS. Drft Afield edfield, Physiciana'and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Surgeon. JOE B. REDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . . Hospital . . PHONE 612. A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. ; Doctors Ames &Atacs, is Physicians and Surgeons, 1 Office over Stono Drug Co. y 3 rnonea RGH;(lnri(. o73 W WraXaXasi fv'Mi'ik'Winkl Feels Like a Millionaire. The man who smokes Schmalzried's cigars is a happy, contested fellow, one of those who may have but a few dollars in his pocket yet feels as rich as a millionaire- A good smoke always brings good feeling, hence there's a reason for buying Schmalzried-mado cigars. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. The Maker of Good Cigars. ORDER OF HEARING. In the county court in and for Lin coln county, Nebraska. , In the matter of the estate of John Dunlap, deceased. On reading nnd filing tho petition duly verified of Jennie Baker, praying that the regular administration of said estate bo dispensed with, nnd that the court render a final decree naming tho solo hoirs at law of the same John Dunlap, deceased, as provided by sec tions 5202, 5203, 5204. 5205 nnd 5206 of Cobbey's Annotated Stntutes for the state of Nebraska for the year of 1909. Ordered, that the said petition be heard on the 25th day of November 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m., when all per sons interested in said matter may ap pe ar at tha county court to be held in and for said county in the court house in the city of North Platte, Nebraska, and show cause, if any therejbe, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. This order to bo printed for three successive weeks in the North Platte Tribune a legal semi-weekly newspaper published in said county prior to No vember 25 th, 1912. Dated October 28, 1912. JOHN GRANT, County Judge. PRORATE NOTICE. In tho CnuntvOoim of Lincoln county. Ne braska, Oct. 8, 1912. In tho matter of the ostato of Dorothy Rowland, deceased. Notlco Is hereby civen. that tho creditors of said docoascd will meet tho Execu tor of said estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county court room In said county.on tho 12th day of Nov, 1912, and on the 12th day of May IMS. at U o'clock a. m. each day, for tho pur lxuo of presenting thclrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present tholr claims and one year for tho administrator to sottlo said estate, from thn Bth day of Oct. JM.'. A copy of this order to bo pub lished In tho North Platte Tribuno a leiral semi weekly newspaper published In said county for four successive weeks prior to said dato of hearing. oH-4 JOHN OK-ANT. County .Tudre NOTICE FOR PUHLTCATIO.N Serial No. 03B2. , ,t u ,Dep2!t!ntof tbr TriteHor. U.S. LandOfllce at North, Platto. Nob. n1,? '?,,orobr frtvon t,at Alexander M, &fcor,Sof fcoeB,ot, Nob.,7 who. on Mar. 10th, lS"0a. mado H. E. No. 2383. Serial No 03782, for w of soy, Hoc. JH, Township II. north. Ranco 30. V,' Oil.,' Principal Meridian, lias Uled notlco of Intention to make final throo year proof. U cstubllsb claim to tho land above described, before Reclstor and daBy om'mSo tU I'U ' Nb-' " "' "" Claimant names as witnesses: Ed. Wilson, of North Platte. Nebr . Geprge W Miller, of Somorsot. Nebr.. Amanda JCunkle and Grant Trlbble, of North Platte. Nebr. ol4-B !. R. Evans. Reelstor. I Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a ileirrce of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Frank R. Elliott Is plalntlir, and Albert Dobie, et al are defendants, and to me directed I will on the 13th day of November, 1912. at 2 o'clock p. m., ut tho east front door of the court house In North I'latte, Lincoln county. Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interests and costs, the following described property to-wit: southwest quarter (iw) section thirty', four (34) township sixteen (16) range twenty nlno (23) west of tho 6th P, M. in Lincoln county Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb.. Oct. 7. 1912 8"6 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff NOTICE FOR PUBLICALION, Serial No. (I2H5. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Olhce at North Platte. Nebr. Ivatlce is hereby given that John F. Hln man, of North Platte, Nebr.. who, on July 14 1904. mado H. E. entry No. 203C5. Serial No. WorSrSW&NM SE. NE Section 32. two. 12. N. rge. 31. west of the 6th Principal Meridian, has filed tiotlce of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register and receiver, at Worth Platte, Nebr., on the 12th day of Dec 1912. ' Claimant names as witnesses; Arthur Con nor, Curt IRnman. Thomas Itogan. Carl Breeder, all of North Platte, Nebr. rfS-o J4 E. Evans, Register. a- -