The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 08, 1912, Image 2

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i 'i . "r,1i-i . nifiiit m,ru mmnm Hu. nsjnixKrr ,A4s.'i
l . ;.w ww. . '- -' .Mmmmr ammssssm
eruary we Blood on the IiIIIbIiIo over- , KW'Mh '?rm-'' ailil'W'VA WKSMSl
looking tho town of Ajacclo and i!jfi"P8fek , " ' ' WllfM' ISSKM
rojolced that wo had come to Cor- foS$A 4SA - , '" flMPklSS
Bleu. Tho magnificent gulf lay be- 'Kv'M(foJsa mj8&ffPS8fr A Jfew JfflBifeSraWMBSH
fort, us ulth a grand range of Mf'FWimW Afflfi iStftMl
inountaluH on tho opposite Btioro. VM MAM' WWW' ''rSllAJWS
I - . and, best of then, all, Monte d'Oro $ ' ,& AwWC f Swi iL'WW? $fvfel$M
tj&fl a wrinkling of -now. .. If ho alone PA ' MlWflU " WM'Ji fffl . fMf.l AMWSSS
N a perfect eunny morning In Feb
ruary we Blood on tho hlllHldo over
looking tho town of Ajacclo and
rejoiced that wo had como to Cor
sica. Tho magnificent gulf lay be
fore us with a grand rungo of
inountaluH on tho opposite whore,
and, boat of thorn all, Monte d'Oro
roao up eight thouHand fet't Into
tho sky, his peak decked with juut
a sprinkling of hiiow, iih If ho alono
could wear mat glutei Ing crown
while all loflaer hoads remained uncovered In
oarly Bpilng the neighborhood of Ajacclo la very
beautiful in a fascinating daintiness
about tho almond blossom, and you may look
fiom ItH delicate pink ovor tho Hoft, gray olives)
sind tho Hhlnlng blue water 'to thu purple haze
of the mountain) boyonil. Mauy lovely walks
tiro to bo had nil around, but to boo tho full beau
ties of tho inland one inuat go further afield
Soon after our arrival wo engaged a tiny car
riage and Btnitod to exploro tho wondora of
l'iaiia and Evlsn
Tlioro 1h in u c h
that1 la worthy of
noto on tho forty
11 vo mllcH of road
leading to Plana,
but on urrlvlnfc
nl tho (op of tho
hill overlooking
tho villago, ull
'that has gone be
fore Ih ocllpnod,
euddonly tho Oulf
of Porto, with
Plana In the
t o r g r o u n d ,
comoB Into view.
Wo greeted thU
Unit gllinpBo ot
I'orlo with n gaop
of HurprlMe and
fleon through
tho tranalucont
yot slightly lmzy
utinoBphero of a
Ierrect day It la
bnnutUul bocuo.
Ayny down bo-
noalli tio-tho blue
tL&VGAV? jZtcwdrojy? j-sv-&f?wt5-
oca lay calm and tiannull in Mm nv.,.i., hi,
. ? 2 Beautiful hoaUlands of Cappo Oenlno
imd La Scandola strotched out boyond. Tho por
loot outline and flhapoH of thoao noblo headlands,
all of a Slowing rod, and tho doop uurplo ehadowB
that molt Into the doopor bluo ot tho soa below,
innkn a acono of supremo beauty novor to bo for
BOttoii, and far boyond tho powors of tho catnora
to doplct.
On reaching tho hotel wo had a hurriod meal
nud Htartod for our flrat vlalt to tho CalanchoB
with what romalnod to ub of tho ovonlng light.
No description can glvo an ndoqunto Idea of tho
abfloluto magnlfloenco of tho gorges and gulfa
and towering pIIob of rodcolorod rockB. Thoy
muat bo Boon to bo appreciated. Down, down,
away bo doop, a omall torrout was carving Its
way Htill doopor through tho granite rock below,
nnd up nuil up, tier upon tlor tobo abovo, with
BladoB or splendid plnos and biiBheB making val
loyH In tho i-ocobsos. Rocka of nil forms, woath
orpd Into ragged, fnntactlc ahapos, often houoy
combed Into cavornB and cavoB Innumorablo,
uwot you on every sido. Weird BhnpoB appoar
jronud cornorH llko gnomoa who acorn to roaont
lntrualon. Evory bond In tho winding road pro
oontB a froBh aceno of wonder, and wo paaaod
from deop gorgoa to masses of towering 'rockB,
and on again to wldor ravlnoa oponlng out to aea
.with tho dlatant headlands boyond.
Allor this flrat Bight ot tho Calanchoa wo apeut
"wooIcb oxplorlug and acrambllng about among
tt wondora, yet there was nlwayu Botnothlng now
to bco. One of our rambles wob to a promontory
callod Cnppo Rqbbo, whoro wo camo on a goat
liord'a hut, which provod to bo a headquarters for
making tho "nroccla" or "Hrouch," as It 1b called.
A. dead tree Btood near tho door hung with an
assortment of black potB, whllo near by lay a
heap of woodon tuba. Wo woro plenBod to noto
that all tho pota and tubs woro kopt really very
clean, and were hung out In tho open nlr. Seeing
rfhln, and knowing that tho goats' milk had to un
dergo much boiling boforo tho "Hroccla" was
inndo, all team ns to tho hygiene of tho cookery
departed. Good tho "Droccla" Ib whon well mndo,
and wo had many opportunities ot enjoying It.
Plana haa a iniino for miking aomo of ho boat
"nroccla" In CoihIcu, bo wo know what It ought
to bo llko. It la enow white, with tho consist
ency of cream choose, and It Is eaton with Bugar
and occasionally with tho addition ot n fow
dropn ot oau do vlo,
After our Btay at Plana wo drovo on to EvUa,
through Huch a wonlth of magnlllcont scouery
tlint It Is Impossible to describe It horo. Tho road
llHeir Is a triumph of engineering skill. It do
oocndB froru Plana to tho aca-lovel at Porto, thon
iuounta to a height ot throo thousand feet, iper
forming marvels In tho wny of lacets as It climbs
round tho mountain-sides, yet tho gradlont Is
qulto gimtla all tho way and thu surface remark
ably aood. At nearly every point whore the
lacota cut away Into tho mountain thoro Is a
gorgo or ravlno, aomo largo, some small, but all
bontitlful. Many of these aro so wild and ruggod
thnt tho thought at once struck us whnt porfect
hiding places thoy would bo for bnndlts, and how
Impossible It would bo for any gendarmes to
approach unsoun.
Thu Bp-callod "bandit" In Corsica Ih not a
brigand lurking behind tho rocks ready to Issuo
forth and plunder tho passer-by. Ho Is, In fact,
an outlaw, n man who has, perhaps, killed an
other In vondottu as a privato act of vengcanco
according to a Corslcan's Idea of Justlco, but who
has thoroby brokon tho Fronch law and Is com
pelled to toko to tho "maqulB" to hldo from the
gendarmoB, aa well as from tho relations of tho
mnn ho has killed. In a country bo rough as this
tho gondarmes havo a very poor chanco, and
many ofccltlng talon aro told of their encounters
with tho baudita. On ono occasion whon old
DollncoBcla, tho renowned bandit, was hard
pressed, tho gendarmes managed to get him Into
a ravlno from which thoro was no outlet but tho
entrnnco, and thoro ho was, trappod, with tho
gondanneB guarding tho npproach. It was late
ovonlng, and thoy folt so confident of getting
their quarry that thoy thought It safe to wait
till morning to close In upon him nnd mako an
oaBy capturo. So thoy aot themselves to watch
tho entranco through tho night and mako their
capturo at dawn. ThlngB rauBt havo lookod black
for Uellacoscla that night as he waitod In tho
dark, tho stillness only brokon by tho tinkling
bells of the .goats that woro focdlng among the
"maqula." Dut ho waB a man of resource, and
bb he waited thore an Idea occurred to him. An
old goat browsing near kopt tinkling Its boll aa
It tod, and Dollacoscla, In a moment of Inspira
tion, seized the goat, undid Its boll, tied It round
his own neck, ami commenced to push his way
on all fours through tho bushes, tinkling tho bell
and niBtllng among them as he went. Nearer
and nearor tho gendarmes ho came, but ho just
went boldly on In tho dark, "acting the goat" to
such good purposo that tho unsuspecting sen
tinels merely thought that an old goat was eating
Its way along among tho bushes in tho erratic
wny goats have. So Uellacoscla passed right
through tho guarding gendarmes and clean away
Whon morning dawnod tho certain capture was
not effected, and Ilellacoscla was free to give
more troublo in tho future. Another ttmo he
was flying from capturo, tho gondarmes close on
hlB heels, when ho found tho way blocked by a
river In flood, and escape seemed Impossible.
Every minute his pursuers were gaining. He
could not cross, nnd to go back meant certain
capture. Again bis wita saved him. Ho scram
bled down tb tho marshy banks of tho river where
tlioro were some dark, reedy poolB, cut a hollow
reed, put ono end In his mouth, and sank himself
down Into tho slimy black water tilt ho was
completetly covered, with only tho brokon end
of tho reed projecting into tho air, and through
thlB ho breathed In comfort. Tho gondarmes
camo rushing down to tho rlvor, whoro a mo
ment boforo thoy had soen tho fugitive, but now.
whon thoy reached the place, Bollacoscla was
gono clean vanished, aB It ho had beon eplrlted
nway, and they went back to report that "tho
dovll had certainly got him for ho had undoubt
edly boen thoro, ho had never gono away, and ho
certainly waa not there now!"
Townrda ovonlng wo reached Evlsa, a happy
little villago rejoicing In a grand position, and
well worth a visit. If it woro only to see tho
view looking down the gorge to tho Gulf of Porto,
that alono would bo worth tho Journey. Just be
fore tho forest of Altono commoncoB ono should
Ioavo the road and Bcramblo acrosB a field to a
projecting mass of rocks, for thoro can bo seen
a sight that must equal many of the finest pros
pqcta In tho world for majestic beauty. An lm
monso gorge euclosod by magnificently shaped
mountains extends below, crowned at tho end by
that king of them all, Cappo d'Orto, and away
beyond Ilea tho bluo sea, all hazy and soft In the
distance. Whllo standing on tho rocky projectlou
overlooking this lmprcsslvo scene, a sense of
llttlonesB comes over the beholder, and ono 'eels
almost like an intruder in this solitary spot,
Whero silent Naturo rolgns alono
Majestic, on hor craggy throuo.
Physical Culture Made Easy If One
Can Only Be Brought to Reallzo
It Health-Bringing Agents
Not Properly Appreciated.
Havo you over thought of the great
Valuo of tho oxerclso you tako whllo
attending to your household duties?
Some of tho most valuable forms of
excrclso arc those associated with tho
ordinary tasks of every day life.
Tho woman with a homo, and who
Is fortunate enough to be able to look
nftcr It herself, has a list of splendid
exerclsea at her command. I discov
ered thlB fact a number ot years ago,
when teaching physical culture. At
the samo tlmo I waa doing the house
work for my little family of four, and
1 found some very lntcreatlng com
parisons. There wero over a hundred
exerclseB In tho system 1 was teach
ing, besides many Bo-called whole
body movements. I found that a forgo
number of tho exorcises wero exact
duplicates of movements I made whllo
carrying on the homely tasks that are
usually looked upon as drudgegry.
Ono exercise called "Tho Dell Ring
ers" brought tho arm muscles Into
play with much tho Bamo movement
as we get from sweeping, nnd after 1
discovered this similarity. I novor took
a broom in my hands without thinking
of lt. Unconsciously I found that tho
task of sweeping had grown to bo a
real pleasure and the excrclso a wel
come one.
Another ono I recall was picking an
imaginary bunch of grapes from a tall
trellis, requiring tho body to bo bal
anced for a moment upon tho too ot
one foot and Btrotchlng tho arm up
ward in an effort to pluck the tempt
ing fruit which hung almost out of
reach. Tho valuo of tho oxerclso was
In tho stretching it gavo the muscles,
and how many times I havo duplicated
It when trying to tako a clothesline
from a tall polo or when reaching for
something from a pantry shelf that
was above my head.
Ono exercise which I often recall
"was tho kneeling exercise. The body
was Blowly lowered while counting
four till both knees rested on tho floor
with tho body In an upright position.
This was fairly easy, but tho diffi
culty of tho movement consisted in
slowly rising from tho lowly position
upon four more counts without touch
ing tho hands to tho floor or bending
tho body forward. I am quite willing
to confess that whllo I frequently as
sumo tho kneeling position whon oc
casion demands It, I do not always
rlso bo gracefully and with as porfect
polso as the exercise requires. But I
always think of It and I know It Is
splendid for tho muscles.
I could draw similar comparisons
from each ono of a hundred move
ments, but theso are enough to show
tho great benoflt -wo derive from tho
vnrlety of exercise we go through
every day, and will servo to sot us
thinking a bit. Everything wo do
brings Bomothiug of valuo to us, If wo
do it pleasantly and cheerfully, no
matter how Insignificant and unimpor
tant It seems. It will aid us material
ly to gain In health and happiness it
wo try to turn tho homely things of
dally life Into pleasures with a full re
alization of their great valuo aa
health-bringing agents Instead of con
sidering them In the light of lrksomo
Influenco Exerted by the "Continuation School"
In the Fatherland.
An American manufacturer who had wondered
at tho success of his Gorman competitors waa
struck by certain big, flaming, official-looking
postora on tho blllboarda and around public build
ings In Durlln, Ho might havo seen similar
postora In ovory city nnd town In Germany.
Twice a year theso official postors summon tho
youth of tho Inptl to obligatory attondnnco nt tho
trudo and commercial schpols, Hubort Evans
writes In Harper's Wookly. Indlroctly, thoy toll
why tho American or tho English manufacturer
finds In tho Germnn such n dangerous competitor
They rovoal tho secrot ot Germany's wondorful
commercial and Industrial prosperity and ot hor
commanding position ns u world powor. To tho
philosophically Inclined thoy BuggcBt interesting
reflections on tho transformation of Idealists and
dreamers Into a nation ofj materialists and doors.
There la scarcely anything in all Germany bo
now and modern as tho continuation schools.
This whole movomont has been a matter of only
a fow yeara. ond In Its present form tho continua
tion school Is n child of yesterday. Theso Insti
tutions receive from tho nation more enro and
solicitude than Is bestowed upon tho children ot
tho lmpurlnl family, Thoy aro still In a rapid
proceas of change and development. Tholr very
success has oucourngml further changes and
moro utrlugont legislation In tholr behalf. It is
only n fow years ago that an imperial industrial
law was passed giving community authority to
establish and maintain obligatory continuation
schoolB for youths, thus making good tho fnllura
ot cortaln Gorman statu governments to provide
for Buch school by Btnto law. Ono of tho Inst
acts ot tho rulchstng lnut December was to nmond
this law bo ns to mako It apply to all glrla em
ployed in ofllces, stores nnd factories, aa well as
to boys. The wholo subject Ib still so now and
fresh that pvory day the German prosa has some
Interesting Item ot continuation school newa
tho opening of moro domestic Bclence schools for
girls, tho establishment of training colleges for
continuation school teachers, tho publication ot
now lawa and material decreca.
A Good Thing.
"Now, this portable garago," began tho sales
man. "I boo tho advantages." Interrupted tho pros
poctlvo customer. "When tho macutno Btalla I
can haul the garago out and cover It up. What
nro thoy worth?"
His Trade.
"Our doctor wishes wull to everybody."
"Then he's a hypocrite"
"How can you Bay bo?"
"Uecauso how can ho want his practico to grow
It ho wishes ovorybody well?"
Our Best People.
"Tho marriage took place In prison."
"I don't bollovo In jail birds being allowed to
"You mlstako your people. This was a promi
nent banker and a militant suffrngetto."
Prudent Precautions.
"Thoro la a groat gulf separating tho law's vio
lator from tho law'8 protection."
"Not If tho vlolntora aro willing to 'como
ncrosa.' "
The Fitting Case.
"How hnrmonlouB nro some coincidences!"
"Such ns what?"
"Didn't you notlco that with tho decrease of
tho lobstor supply camo a chorus girl famino?"
C. B D.: If you wish to make a
shampoo, shavo up a cupful of soap
In two quarts of cold water, preferably
soft water, and let It atand for twenty-four
hours, whon It is ready to use.
If your hair la very oily It la qulto per
missible to add a tablospoonful ot
laundry ammonia to tho two quarts of
shampoo, or a teaapoonful of salts of
tartar. Elthor of theao "eofteners" la
beneficial if used in small quantities,
but decidedly harmful when used In
too large proportion. Remember al
ways that you muBt bo very thorough
in both the Bcrubblng and rinsing of
tho hair, and threo times for tho suds
ing and rlnBlng Is nono too often.
Inquirer: A curling fluid which
works nicely In tho winter often falls
entirely during the summer months.
This Ib becauso tho air Ib heavy with
molsturo In tho hot weather and this
takes tho curl out ot tho half quicker
than you can put It In. Havo you
tried tho fluid mndo from ono dram
gum arable, ono dram sugar and two
ounces rosownter? It may prove bet
ter than tho ono you havo been using.
Crush tho gum to a powder and put
it, together with tho sugar, In tho
rosowater, and let r.tand till dissolved
and well blended. Moisted tho hair
with this fluid just colore rolling It on
Vera: You can coax mora round
neaB to your cheoka by giving them
gentle maBsago ovory morning with a
nourlahlng cream. Use plenty of cold
water after tho mosago, as that la a
good tonic. I doubt If tho sago rem
edy will prove a euro for dandruff, and
I wish you would uso tho tonic I bo
often recommendod. I am suro it will
relievo tho condition of your acalp
nnd atop tho hair from falling.
(Copyright, 1912, by Universal Press Syndicate.)
Reply to "Shorty."
I should Bay you wero a flno look
ing young girl with golden hair. You
will havo to study for yourself tho
moBt becoming way to dros your hair.
I like tho way you do It now and It Ib
only a llttlo whllo you can wear It
that way, for glrla grow Into women
so quickly. An occasional scrubbing
with good soap will not hurt tho teeth.
A "Psycho" knot Is a pulled out puff
or knot placed half low and half high
In tho back and coronet braids aro
worn across tho front of head with us
ually tho hair parted. Norfolk suits of
scrgo and ono plcco drosses of Bergo
with whlto gulmpcs and underslcovea
I llko best for school. With long warm
coats. I do not cwo for separate
skirts and waists. Yu may wear any
color you llko nnd you will get over
tho blushing habit ?.s you Iobo self
consciousness by thinking of others
and not so much about yourself.
Girlie's Answers.
I fear you think your answer Is com
ing in very late, but if you only know
how hard I tried to got around you
would not blamo me. Only just bo
many questions can bo answered each
week, no some ono la nlways disap
pointed. I think girls of the ago men
tioned llko "Thimblo" parties and now
Is just tho time to begin work on
Christmas presents, so why not ask
each ono to como with a suggestion
for that happy occasion? It la very
easy to let your friend know that you
like him by asking him "to como
again" when ho calls and inviting him
to tea on Sunday night occasionally.
Your writing is very good and I
think you did Just right about asking
tho friend to como In. Servo your
girls piping hot chocolate and nice llt
tlo toasted crackers.
No Age Limit.
I havo read your column for a long
time In fact it is tho first thing I
look for on Sunday and havo become
deoply interested In It. I want to ask
you a fow questions:
At what ago Is a woman called an
old maid? and would you adviso a
young lady to marry a young man who
Is ono year and five months younger
than Bhe if thoy lovo each other?
Mary J.
Tho difference In ago is ao Blight
I aeo no reason to let It provent what
would probably bo a happy marriage.
Thoro is really no eot time at which
a woman becomes an "old maid," In
fact wo havo no "old maldB" those
Glad you llko tho department.
From "A City Girl."
You ask "Should I allow a boy to
wear my ring?" "Yes," If you do not
mind running the risk of his losing It
and "No" If you do. I know It Is cus
tomary for boys nnd girls to exchange
rings, pins, etc. Clnaa pina aro usual
ly replaceable and so are class or club
rings, but I do not approve of loaning
valuable rings that would bo hard to
duplicate and perhaps very expenalve.
From your handwriting I am afraid I
should not conalder you old enough
for what you call "steady" company.
I boo no harm in having good boy
friends nor In walking with them In
the daytime. Without knowing mora
about you I should say you wero at
tractive, Just aB all glrla ot seventeen
should be.
Finger Bowl Etiquette.
Please anawerin your columns wheth
er It Is always proper to use finger bowls
at a dinner or luncheon. If bo, Bhould
each guest bo served with an Individ
ual bowl, or should ono bo passed
around to ench? Is It proper for a
hostess to wear flowers? M. B. P.
It Is always proper to ubo finger
bowls, but it Is not always dono, and a
hostess commits no breach In otlquetto
in not doing so, unless fruit han beon
served. Ono should bo provided for
each guest, put on a plato which has
a finger bowl dolly upon It. A hostess
may wear flowers If alio la fortunate
enough to havo thorn.
Ribbons Have Plcot Edge.
Ribbons with the plcot edgo aro
now, and It Is usually very much eas
ier to twlBt a cruah bolt out of
tli em than to mako ouo out of a plcco
Gifts Never Necessary.
I received an invitation to attend
tho wedding reception of a girl friend,
who Uvea In another city. Is It nec
essary for mo to send n gift? -If so,
shall I send gift to brldo boforo tho
day of tho reception? Anota.
GlftB aro never neceasary, but It you
wish to glvo ono to your frlond Bond
It to her before or after tho roceptlon,
just which Ib most convenient for you.
It is customary to send romembrancou
Just aa soon as tho cards aro out.
Reply to "Jeff's" Friends.
I am glad you llko tho department
well enough to say so; I nppreclato
such kind words In its favor. I Bhould
havo tho linen ohower In the after
noon, with Just tho most lntlmalo
friends of tho bride-elect presont.
Present tho gifts in a pretty ribbon
and flower decorated basket and sorvo
tea, sandwichoB and Bmall cakes,