The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 08, 1912, Image 1

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Stato HUtotic 8W
am-IJMJjr Wt ibtmt
No. 81
The Charm of Pretty Silver
"Doubles the pleasures of Entertaining'
Sterling Silver carries with it a certain substantial dignity
that imparts distinction and refinement to the home. Family
Silver is an indication of taste and culture and should be in
keeping with the other appointments of the dwelling.
The table is the measure of the home; here are honored
the dearest friend and most respected guest; its appoint
ments should be worthy of its place.
Colonial Silver
The plain lines characteristic of the Colonial style of silver are
now in high favor. Good silver may also be had in plated ware
which partakes of the same general nature as the sterling.
We will feel honored to have you call and let us
show you these newer designs, which undoubtedly
will suggest something you will be proud to possess.
The Very Best Patterns in Hollow and Flatware
may be Purchased Here of Reasonable Prices.
DIXON, The Jeweler,
U. P. Watch Inspector.
wm,', ' vv
m 1
m -9
1 p
For Your Drugs. Orders De
livered promptly.
Local and Personal
T. C. Patterson and family are mov
ing today into their remodeled home.
Mrs. York Hinman and daughter
Dorothy are spending the day in Goth
enburg. '
For Rent Four room bouse on E. 6th
St. Inquire at Dr. Quigley's.
Attorney J. S. Hoagland left yester
day morning for Lincoln to transact
Miss Francis Christ has roturned
from a two week' visit with her
sister in Lexington. -,
The Episcopal guild will hold a Cafe
teria in the parish house on the after
noon and evening of Nov. 19th.
Judge Grimes went to Tryon yester
day to hold a term of district court. He
was accompanied by several local at
torneys. Mrs. Francis Hogge, of Los Angeles,
who has been visiting in cities of the
east arrived today tQ visit Mr. and
Warren Hoge for a week or longer.
Mrs. Jamos Ware, of Blair, will ar
rive tomorrow for a visit with friends
in town.
Watch for the menu of tho Episcopal
Cafeteria which will be held Novem
ber 19th.
Dr. and Mrs. V. Lucas attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. McConnell at
Hershey Tuesday.
Miss Nora Jeffers will entertain the
members of the J. D. club on Tuesday
evening of next week.
Mrs. Ralph Smith will leave tonight
for Omaha to visit with ielatives and
friends for a few day3.
MesdamesE. T. and Herbert Tramp
will entertain at a kensington next
Thursday afternoon.
Wanted Baby carriage in good con
dition InqUiro at Pacific Hotel.
W. F. Troutman, formerly of this
city, came up from Hastings yesterday
to transact business for a few days.
All kinds of fancy work and notions
suitable for Xmas gifts will bo on sale
by the Rebekah kensington club at the
I. 0. 0. F. hall on December 17th.
Misses Hildegarde Clinton and Eileen
Gantt left Wednesday for Omaha where
thev Will visit friends and Miss Gantt
will attend tho teachers meoting.
Let McGovern do it. Do' What? Re
pair that stove for you. Residenco 2005
Locust, Phone 390. Star Stove Repair
Friends in the city received word yes
terday of the death of Miss Julia Done
gon who had been housekeeper for Rev.
Wolfe for a number of years at Grand
Tho host protection you onn hnvo Tor your
Ftimilv Is AISANli ACCOUAT. Tho host protec
tion vou onn hnvo from oroclltors or siolcnoss, or
hnrdtlmos, Is A HANK ACCOUNT. If you hnvo
not nnv money in tho hnnlc, why not hofrin now
A hnnlc account will fortiTy your homo ngninst
misfortuno, nnd you will not hnvo to mortnfro
It ii untoi'tunnto olroumstnnaos nrlso, hoonuso
vou will ho propnrod wit h A 11AN1C ACCOUNT.
Do YOUJR. hnnklnrr with
The First National Bank,
Tho Lnrgost Hnnlc In "Wostorn Nohmslcn.
Vote in County.
Tho official canvass of the county
wns made yostcrday, but ns returns
from Kem procinct arc not yet in, tho
totals arc not quito correefc. The
figures are:
Wilson 112G, Roosevelt 902, Taft
C9G, Debs 399, Chapin 60. ;
For state senator Norris 1742. Shnl-'
lenberger 1035. I
For governor Aldrich 1552, Moore-.
head 1194. j
Tho republicans on tho stato ticket
received pluralities ranging from 350
to 400,
Congressman Kinkaid 1469, Taylor
903, Warren 591, Armstrong 239, Steb
bins 16.
State Senator Hoagland 1677, Bell
State Representative Stevens 1488,
Schleicher 1067, Moss 429.
Searle's plurality for float repre
sentative was 342.
County Attorney French 1244, Gibbs
County Assessor Carpenter 1211,
Jepsen 944, Norland 374. Hcyse 183.
County Commissioner Hcrming
hauscn 1458, Miltonborger 1271, Duke
The office of county assessor was
abolished by a vote of 1877 to 532.
Mnjor Lester Walker was elected
police magistrate for North Platte.
Tho total vote cast was 3329.
Death of E. R. Churchill.
Edwin Ruthvern Churchill died at his
homo on west Tenth street at 8:15 last
evening at the age of seventy-six. Mr.
Churchill had been in poor health since
July 11th and was confined to the houso
since that time. Tho ministrations ot
a loving family and kind friends, aided
in relieving his sufferings, but for some
time his condition was such that the
relatives knew that the end was near.
Seven years ago the deceased came
to this city and engaged in carpenter
work until his health failed. Ho was
born in Vermont and belonged to tho
1st Vermont Cayalry. Forty years ago
he married Miss Clara W. Record in
Missouri later coming to Kearney where
they lived for a number of years. To
this union were born eight children
who with his wifo survive him.
The funeral will be held from the
residenco at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon,
conducted by Rev. Cram ana the G. A.
R. and interment mado in North Piatto
cemetary. Mr. Churchill was an up
right, honorable citizen who will bo
missed by all who knew and associated
with him.
Local and Personal.
Miss Vera Stivers, of Garfield, visited
yesterday with local friends.
Clara Cook age 18 and Joseph Possa
age 21 both of this city were married by
Judge Grant Wednesday.
New Sauerkraut, 10c per qt. at
Fifty years ago today Mayor Patter
son enlisted in the civil war at Chicago,
at the ago of sixteen years. Those
fifty years have been activo years for
Mr. Patterson, more active than the life
of tho average man.
The Epworth league will hold their
monthly social and business meeting at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Lucas this
evening. Nov. 8. AIM the young people
of the church and congregation are ex
pected. Keep your appointments, get an
Alma clock, Clinton,
Jeweler & Optician.
Detective Ringer of the Union Pncific
nrrested fourteen boys and girls Wed
nesday for trespassing on the company
property and taking coal. The company
is determined to stop tho taking of coal,
and if the practice is persisted in other
arrests will follow.
For Sale 19114 h. p. Harley David
son motorcycle in 1st class condition,
easy terms, must sell at once. Inquirp
at this office. tf
The North Piatto Musicians Associa
tion Local No. 609 affiliated with the
American Federation of Musicians
closed their charter yesterday with u
membership of twenty-five of the pro
fessional musicians of this city. The
officers elected were President, Earl
Stamp; Vice President, W. E. Starr.
Secretary, J. Clark Buchanan and
Treasurer. Rmil Voseinltft. bu.
, , . L .
Do your eyes bother you. See Clinton
the Optician. They test eyes free of
T'- n.M
Special Notice.
At the Crystal Theatre, where every
body goes, two big specials Friday and
Saturday only, "A Victim of the Mor
mons," in three reels. Ono of tho
most exciting pictures ever shown hero.
See the groat nuto race nnd the fight
between the polico nnd tho Mormon.
Also "A Nation's Peril" in two reels.
This is a Pathe and is sure to bo good.
Vnudeville, Train nnd Campbell in their
up-to-date singing unci musical net.
This is one of tho best progrnms ever
shown at the Crystal, so don't miss it.
Prices the same, adults; 15c, children
Notice to Water Consumers.
On Sunday, November 10th, tho
water will bo turned off from tho entire
city from about 10 a. m. to possibly 4
p. m. This is dono so thnt wo may
mnko a connection to tho present mains
for the new pump. The firo whistle
will be blown about 9:30 a. m. and
water consumers are requested to tnko
out whatever water they will need for
their ubs. Tho work will be rushed ns
rapidly nS possible and water will bo
turned on agnin ut the cailiest possible
moment but it would bo well for con
Eumors to provide themselves with
plenty of water. Wo regret tho neces
sity of this inconyenienco but it is tho
best we can do under the circumstances.
The water will be Bhut off from
various portions of the citv nt different
times during the coming week to enable
us to make some repairs to certain
valves. As it will not be possible to say
just what portion will be shut off any
particular day we would advjso all con
sumers to draw off a temporary supply
of water whenever they lienr ono long
blast of tho firo whistle.
Those portions of tho city which will
be especially linble to bo shut off will be
as follows: All the city south of Third
street, all of the city east of Cotton
wood; Locust street, East 6th St., East
i'rontSt. In evert caso we will cet
water turned on again at the earliest
possible moment but cannot Btato just
how long water will bo olt in any par
ticular case.
Hershey S. Welch,
Water Commissioner.
Wo guarantee "Occident" to be not
only "just nsgood" but bettor than nny
other flour on tl'e market. Russel
Millcr Milling Co. of Minneapolis
bucks this stntement by their "money
back" guarantee if a trial sack does
not convince you. Sold only atGreeson's
Miss Lulu Clute, of Clarenco, la.,
who has been the gust of, her aunt
Mrs. Jamds Doran for ten days will
leaye for Cozad tomorrow to visit rela
Christian Science Society Sunday
11:00 p. m. Subject "Adam and Fallon
Man." Sunday school 12:00 m. K. P.
hall, Dewey St.
Don Milton, of Wallace, visited L. E.
Mehlmann and other local friends this
Clinton's is the place to look foi-your
club favors. All prices to suit your
Local and Personal.
Robert Sullivan loft last evening for
Potter to work for the telophono com
pany. J. E. Sebnstinn left yesterday for
UsnKosn to spend a couplo oi unys on
Miss Susie Campbell was among tho
locaj teachers who loft for Omaha
Wednesday ovoning.
Mrs. R. G. Clinmberlnin went to
Sutherland this morning whore she will
visit with friends for a week.
Misses Mnrio Bowcn and Grace Casey
loft this morning for Gothenburg to
attend tho foot ball gnme.
Thomas Wnugh nnd daughter Mrs.
Edwnrd Grady expect to lonvo next
week for an extended visit with rela
tives in Iowa cities.
Mrs. Coon, of Denver, who visited
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gus Andorson this week
while enroute homo from Iowa whoro
she was called by tho death of a rela
tive, left yesterday.
A marriage licenso was granted yes
terday to Fred T. McPhorson nnd Clara
Jacobson, both of Maxwell.
Wcnther Forocnst: Fair tonight nnd
Saturday, modcrato temperature.
Highest tempornturo yesterday 68, a
yenr ago C6; lowest temperature Inst
night 31, a year ago 30.
Yesterday afternoon Dr. Foote, of
Omahn, performed an operation upon
Florence, tho four year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Young, during
which ho removed an abcess from her
Try our expert wntchmnker if your
watch does not keep good time.
Clinton, Jewolor & Opticinn.
Miss Ethol Adklns and Edward Levi
Bellamy were quietly married at tho
homo of tho bride's parents Wednesday
evening nt six o'clock. Onlyimmodinte
relatives wore presont during the cere
mony which was performed by Rev. R.
B. Fnvoright. A wedding feast followed
with the tabic fairly groaning undor
tho weight of good things. Other friends
gathered in nnd a pleasnnt reception
wns given.
Junior Endeavor Sociable.
A sociable will be given in the par
lors of tho First Presbyterian church
tomorrow at 3 p. m. for tho members
of the Junior Endeavor society.
Anniversary Sale
of Boys' Suits and Overcoats
This week marks the first anniversary of our store
and to celebrate the event, we will offer a
Discount' of 20 Percent
On Boys' Suits and Overcoats.
We carry an especially large and nice line of boys'
goods, and they become particular' attractive' with
this discount of twenty percent. We invite parents to
examine our stock, feeling- confident they will be
pleased with the quality, the variety and the prices.
J This 20 percent discount is 'offered but for a short
period of time; take advantage of the offer.
Quality Place.
Wednesday afternoon engine No. 1G5,
one of the largest and most powerful
engines in the service, was brought out
of the round house by tho hosier and
left standing to go out on train No. 2.
Owing to a leakage in the throttle the
valves were opened admitting the steHtn
into the cylinders nnd starting the en
gine, which went down the track to the
end of the U. P. lake, & mile oust of
town and derailed itself in tho deep
sand. Tho crew was called out nnd it
at work getting the engine back on the
We regulate your watch n charge.
Clinton, Jeweler & Optician.
Mesdames Gus Huffman, J. C. Feder
hoof nnd Henry Wnltemath held the
second of a series of parties at the
home of the former last evening. Card
games were arranged for the sixty
ladies and gentleman who were their
guests. After the fames lunch in two
courses was served. Assisting in ser
ving were the Misses Huffman. Walto
math, McCabo, Alden, Dixon and Bill
iard. Royal prizes were won by A. B.
Hoagland and Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh and
tho consolation prizea were given to
Dr. W. J. Redfieldand Mrs. I. L. Bare.
Chrysanthemums in lavendarand white
were used in decorating the rooms.
' -
Girl Wanted
for genernl housework. Apply at once
320 west Third itreot.
pnuNn n A Vl
Oldest Bank In Lincoln County B A V,. g I J - V JH - 1
McDonald 1
State Bank' t v, dQb ' 1
North Platte, Nebr. jlt 1
W$ 1
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Hwlicl W' I JP 61 '.'"' (d&M&O !''
I other Jbir7'1?
1 '" " Eft 6A (i2Sar 1
1 Base - W fippL I
I Made jjl? l
1 This means smaller coal bills, nnd more heat. I
I See this Stovojin Our Window. 1
I Derryberry & Forbes. I
Hot Water Bottles and
Syringes our Specialty.
Wo have just received direct
from factory our new line. Note
our prices:
Rubber complexion brushes ,2T
Bulb syringes red rubber.. .$1.00
2-qt hot water bottles.. . .75
3-qt hot-water bottle . .. 1.00
2-qt fountain rapid flow
syringe . . .05
3-qt fountain syringe 1.15
2-qt combination ayringa nnd
hot water bottle 1.50
3-qt combination syringe and
whirlpool spray syringes. . 2.25
All rubber goods nre guaranteed
from ono to three yoars.
We carry extra tubes and
fittings for bottles and syringes.
For mail or exprass add 25c,
Stone Drug Co.,