The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 05, 1912, Image 2

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IRA L. BARE, Publisher.
"Tho palnB of poverty," wrote Thorn
as Do Qulnccy, "I had lately Been too
much of; mora than I vlnbcd to re
tnombcr; but tho pleasures of tho
poor, their consolations of spirit, and
their' reposes from bodily toll, can
nover becomo oppressive to contem
plate" Indeed there aro pleasures of
tho poor, says tho Kansas City Star
Ono is not so Ruro of tho delight ot
"reposes from bodily toll." That
phraso, as used by Do Qulncoy, Is
reminiscent of Senator Vest's story of
tho little negro boy who was pounding
his finger with a hammer and was cry
ing from tho pain. "Why do you do
that?" tho seuator asked hlra, "Oh,"
ho said, "It fools so good whon I quit."
Hut If tho toll Is not oppressive, sure
ly tho "period of rest Is tho Bweotor
becauso of It. Tho pleasures of tho
poor lncludo a lovo of good reading
and leisure for It; appetites for tho
best eating In tho world, boiled din
ners; childhood, storing momorles of
Bwlmmln holeB and bare feet nnd cir
cuses and bumble boo fights; tho treat
of an occasional good play; tho not'
miserly exultation at money put by for
a rainy day; tho selfish satisfaction of
self-sacrifice; tho romanco of youth
whoro marrlago Is of helpmates, "pard
ncrs." Oh, there aro pleasures of the
poor and a country whoso pioneers
Know them so well, whoso newer com
munities know them yet so well, must
restore them by eradicating needless
unlllumlncd povorty.
Many persons aro worrying, In print
and out of It,' Test woman Is "making
i man of herself," and In her eager
toss to grasp now opportunities Is for
dotting hor immemorial privileges,
llut thero la an equally serious causo
for anxiety In man's Indifference to
:ortaln of his prerogatives. Ho scorns
to bo forgetting tho plcaBuros that ac
:ruo to him as a parent. "Pa" Is no
longer "onto bis Job." Ho has turn
ed his responsibilities over to tho
(emlnlno Eldo of tho houso, and Is
itarvlng a profound need of'hls naturo
ai bo doing, Thero haB boon rather
too much idealization of motherhood
it tho exponso of fatherhood. Not In
frequently it 1b tho father rather than
tho mother who is ablo to attain to
tho vision of tho family as a sacred In
itiation. Ho may bo moro intimate
with tho children than tho mother,
ind havo depths ot understanding and
tendernese which buo lacks. Dut
K'hethor ho exceeds hor or not in spir
itual comprehension of his sons and
laughters, should ho bo shut out of
ihat inner room and confidence Into
tvhich all parents nnd children Bhould
enter by right of community ot Inter
istT No question about It, tho Amer
ican father too otton 1b out In tho
:old. Pcrhnps ho mado tho blunder In
(topping out thoro himself, but nono
tho less it la tho business of tho wom
en who nro wlso and tho children who
tro dutiful to bco that ho Is brought
sack Into heart association with tho
There's ono good thing about tho
dog days coming so lato; they aro tho
Insect-breeding days. Tho flies and
mosquitoes whon thoy begin their aoa
ton early hnvo a way ot Betting upon
peoplo's garments Just beforo tboy go
Indoors and ot dnrtlng lntsldo when
ever scrconB nro opened for a mlnuto.
When tho insects begin their season
lata thero isn't a chanco for bo many
ot thom to got Into tho houso.
An oloctrlcal scientist destroys all
tho mltoa In odocbo by electrocution.
He did not count them, but ho esti
mated that In ono cheese weighing
two pounds thoro woro 5,000,000 mites.
Of courso tho dead ones woro all .loft
In tho cIioobo, which arouses tho
quory: What Is tho difference be
tween eating a doad mlto and a living
A French aviator predicts air ma
chines which will fly at a speed of
about two hundred miles an hour.
At present what an alarmed publlo
Is looking for In travel ot all kinds
Is less attention to whirling hasto to
a goal and moro pros poet ot getting
thoro alive.
It 1b oald that sldo whiskers and
frilled ehlrts pf. tho oldon tlmo nro to
bo rovlvcd far mascullno fauhlons,
Tho denunciations which fomlnlno
jtylos havo been receiving will now
liaYo tho field ot criticism broadened,
tnd tho women will hnvo tho chanco
at tholr Uvea to hit back.
Flvo hundred students worked
their way through Columbia last yoar;
which Is highly orodltablo both to thom
ind Columbia. Hut wo vonturo a con
locturfc that they did not do It by
standing around yelling after football
matches, or by Imbibing cocktails.
It sometimes brings up unpleasant
recollections when you dig up last
winter's derby and contemplate Its
fatigued and generally, dilapidated appearance.
V H 9 V
Raises Corn and Chickens
NEW YORK. A real country farm
on Ilroadway In which vegetables
of all klndH thrivo, and which chick
era serenely pecking at tho soil un
disturbed by tho roar of subway trains
above, nnd tho din of traffic below,
sounds more like tho fancy of ono
of tho clty'a rich men than tho reali
zation of tho ambition of an Italian
fruit stand "keeper. Tho farm with
an ancient two-story frame hotiso oc
cupies 500 feet In a triangu
lar plot on Ilroadway between Man
hattan street and West Ono Hundred
and Twenty-ninth street. Tho trl
anglo Is inclosed by a ten-foot board
wall except on Ono Hundred and
Twenty-ninth street, whoro thero Is a
low rustic fence. -Thousands of per
sons from tho clovated subway struc
ture at Manhattan street have viewed
this rural sccno with interest, and
have wondered who the city farmer
could be.
Mirth Before Audience, a
CHICAGO. "Gigantic and glorious
festjval of mirth and melody." "A
brilliant half-hour mosaic of musical
:omedy, superbly staged."
"Ten dainty, dimpled Broadway
ocautlos. Just Hko tho French cnb
ircts." That's what a local theater bill sayB
ibout a-skit beforo tho footlights
Municipal Judgo R. F. Robinson saw
part of tho show tho othor day and
Is Inclined to doubt tho veracity of
tho bill. It was given a piecemeal
staging beforo him In tho Hyde Park
police court. His program read:
Defendant Frank GrlfTlth; known
In tho skit as "Josh Kidder, a waiter
who knows his business."
Plaintiffs Lillian, Bertha and Ida
Lowls, dancers, and Mrs. Besslo Lew
Is, their mother, tho first three being
known In tho skit respectively as
"Lotta Racket," "Loulso Louder" and
"Poroxa Snow."
Tho "heavlea" wore Dotectlves Mc-
I nnlrn nnd TlnnW U'hn mnfln thn
"Lotta Racket er 1 moan Lillian
Lowls to tho bar," ordered tho judgo
whon tho caso was called. Up tripped
a, brunotte with a big plcturo hat.
"It was this way, Judge," Bho said.
"I was out doing my dancing stunt
when I heard a scream back of tho
wings. I Just knew It was Prank Grit
Qth beating mother, so I ran off with-
r. t-f??Tr I
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m.crtt-rrEyS' s
Profitable Bee Hives in
MILWAUKEE, Wis. An apiary con
taining four unusually largo and
busy families ot exceedingly product
ive honoy been, conducted In tho loft
ot u small stablo In tho rear of a city
homo, Is ono ot tho moat unlquo In
dustries In Milwaukee.
William Noronberg and his brother,
Frederick, 791 Hubbard street, aro the
proprietors. They say it la ono ot tho.
cnslest and most profitable businesses,
considering tho Investment, that can
bo conducted at homo.
"I havo been kcoplng bcoB for nbout
Qvo years," said William Noronberg.
"I started- with two frameB ot beos
and a queen and now I havo four ex
tra largo hives, from which each ycur
Bewails Loss of $800 He
ETROIT, MICH. From a courtship
that Htarted ono Sunday after
noon nearly two years ago whon ho
Irovo by tho homo ot tho charming,
but llery-tempored llttlo Italian r,lrl,
hnnunzla Dl Mlchello, at 535 RubbcII
itroot, followed by a hasty wooing, an
early marrlago, to tho dlvorco court
baa boon tho brief but highly exciting
matrimonial adventure of Joo Pal
ermo. Joo doesn't bowall the prospective
toss ot his wlfo so much as tho Iosb
)t tho Bavlngs that ho squandered on
hor beforo and after their marrlago.
'Poutl $800, Bhe's gono llko that,"
said Joo exprcBslvely, blowing out a
(lorco blast ot macaroni-laden breath.
'I buy hcem tho fort' dollar coat;
ae's sockB $2.50 a pair, fine new shoes,
pay do flvo do' for thero, do big hat,
15, fine new silk dress; alia de mun
I had. Now, nothing, not a cent
Thoy had a "quick wedding" ac
cording to Joo, and thon his trou
bles began. First hU- $800 vanished
for clothos for his pretty wlfo, and
then began a constant war with his
1. mm tr. .1.
"In i JB
on Great White Way
He is Prank Mucela, a middle-aged
Italian. Mucela maintains a fruit and
cigar stand outside of tho triangle.
Ho camo to this country to seek his
fqrtuno 20 years ago from Naples,
whoro his father had a largo farm.
Mucela brought with hlra hero a
strong lovo for farm life. Ho becamo
tho owner of a fruit stand, but the
deslro to have a farm and bring, up
his family of ten children as tho chil
dren of a farmer's son should bo
raised grew stronger with him each
year. In a city of tall buildings and
crowded spaces ho could seo llttlo
hopo of realizing his ambition. Ho
could not inovo to tho country be
cause his stand and business was
growlng bettor all tho time, and then
thero were tho wlfo nnd tho ten llttlo
Mucclas to bo fed and clothed. Nino
yearB ago, howover, his opportunity
came, and with his. family ho moved
to tho triangle. Ho cleared away tho
rubbish which littered the place and
started to cultivate the soil.
In u window ot his stand tho other
day a sign was displayed Informing
paHooraby that tomatoes fresh from
tho farm woro for Bale. Two of thom
could be had for a nickel. They were
tho bIzo of grape-fruit, and ho pointed
to them with pride. Mucela haa a reg
ular lino of customers, to whom he
sells tho products of his farm.
Fight Behind Scenes
out finishing my act to help her. Halt
of tho company had attacked her, and
hor screams were so loud tho stage
manager had to ring down tho cur
tnln to keep tho audlonco from think
ing thero was a fire.
"Then thoy laid for us outsldo In
tho alley after tho show and tried to
beat us up again. Wo broke about
oven, though, I guess. Then mamma
wont to tho pollco station, for protec
tion and had "Josh" that Is, Frank
arrested. All tho trouble Btartod be
causo his wlfo don't like peoplo of our
Judge RoblnBon listened for a while
and thon ordored silence.
"It must havo been a gigantic and
glorloua festival of mirth and melody,"
tho Judgo said, reading tho program.
"It was so much bo that I'm going to
lot you settle It among yourselves.
ThoBQ backjof-tho-stago fights aro too
much for an ordinary Judgo to nttempt
to square. I'll discharge tho prison
er." Loft of a City Barn
I get a total of between 250 and 300
pounds of flno honey. Cono honey Is
worth an average of 25 cents a pound,
so you will seo that I get a nlco profit
from my bees, when you consider that
they cost mo practically nothing.
"But nsldo from tho profit tho bees
afford us a great deal of entertnlning
study. Nothing can bo moro Interest
ing than watching tho manner In
which those busy llttlo workers keep
their houses in order, tho manner in
which tho guard beea of each Bvarm
do sentinel duty at tho cntranco to
their hive, ready to glvo battle to
robber bees from othor swarms, which
aro always lurking about, ready to
steal from other hlvea Instead of go
ing out and foraging tor honey.
"Some peoplo may ask how the bees
nro fod. Tho answer is that wo never
feed thom. I uover havo found It noc
essary to help thom find onough food.
Ot course, they havo no troublo In tho
warm weather, and whllo they stay
cIobo to their hlvea during tho cold
weather, as soon as tho buu appears
tho bees leavo their hives and go out
"Squandered" on Wife
mother-in-law. Joo charges. Ho de
clares that his mother-in-law Inter
fered when ho, chlded his wlfo, nnd
that sho refused to lot her daughter
go awuy when Joo rented n flat Joo
says his wlfo told him ho couldn't take
hor away.
A week after Joo went back to got
his clothes and he says thoy both
Jumped on him and pummcled him bo
that ho had to run away without hlu
"belongings. Joe having failed to
make any ImpresBlon, Bent IiIb broth
er 6am. Ho didn't get tho clothos.
"I don't know whnt do mat," sigh
ed Joe. "Mebbe sho luf Bomcbody olao,
but I don't boo no man 'round da
houso for da las' tree mont',"
arrJI& f
v&&ffmmmt' "" mmmf SSLHSnHE
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Plioto, Copyright, by Underwood & Underwood, N. Y.
If it falls below her knees bo much tho better for its modlshness;
and when tho breezes blow too strenuously, it may bo twisted around
her neck to make a becoming feather boa. For this Is the last whim
of Paris in tho way of hat feathers tho dornier crl in millinery. If ono
haa to ccojjomlzo a triflo a long plumo may hang from tho back of tho
hat; If exponso is absolutely no object there is no reason why it should
not encircle tho hat beforo starting on Its downward Journey. The plumo
pictured hero Is a soft, rich green shade and la attached to ono of tho
Btiff-brlmed derby shapes of black velvet.
May Be Made at Home From Four
Inch Wide Black and Whlto
Satin Ribbon Ends.
Smart ties can bo mado from black
and whlto satin ribbon four inches
wide. A good-looking jabot is made
from a six-inch strip of three-Inch rib
bon in soft satin, with check or dot.
Round tho bottom edgo with inch silk
fringo, and across tho top put a satin
butterfly bow in tho samo shade. -This
bow may havo doublo loops on each
eldo without ends, or can havo two
loops and two ends, tho latter pointed
and finished with a small tassel.
For quite young girls this model Is
prettily mado of plaid ribbon, with
black fringo and a black bow.
A stiff, rather formal effect Is had
from a Jabot of whlto satin two
Inches wide at tho top and four and a
halt inches at tho bottom, which is cut
straight across at the end, and that
reaches to tho bust lino. Tho upper
part is drawn stiffly over two straight
Btlff loops an inchand a half on cither
sldo. An Inch and a halt from tho bot
tom put a two-inch band of filet laco
Insertion, and abovo it three crocheted
buttons, ono above tho othor. This
jabot is especially attractive in vivid
green satin, with ecru laco banding
and small gilt buttons.
Coiffure de Soiree of Brilliants and
a Black Feather,
How One Mother Does Away With
the Fretfulneos That Sometimes
Precedes Bedtime.
About half an hour beforo nap-time,
Junior is washed and given a cup of
milk. Then I set him In his high
chair and give him something that he
can play with quletVr for some time.
If ho still aeema hungry, I glvo him a
pleco of zweiback or a crust of toast,
that will keep him busy for a long
season. Then, ho has a music box
and somo cards and a disreputable
clothespin doll, that we call his "Quiet
time Playthings," and do not let him
seo at any other time. It ho Is vory
restless and I have tho tlmo, wo go
Into tho sitting-room, darken It, and 1
play softly and sing tho dear old mel
odies, that mako my voice tremulous
with memories of my childhood.
Sometimes we put a rug in daddy's
big chair, and Junior rocks Blowly and
croons a "sleepy song" with mo.
When nap-timo comes, I tako oft his
Bhocs and prepare him for bod In the
usual way, lay him down In Iho qulel
room, shut tho door, and it ho la not
already asleep, ho callB happily aftei
Do you seo tho princlplo of tho
thing? But ot courso you do. From
the ttmo ho wakes in tho morning un
til nap-tlmo, the child growa more and
moro tired if loft to himself; and when
It finally comes tlmo for his nap, ho is
too excited and weary to want it. Tho
old way of rocking tho bnby to sleep,
objoctionnblo as It was In many ro
apects, had this very Important virtue,
that it soothed and prepared tho tired
llttlo brain nnd norvcB for tho coming
nap. Homo Progress Magazine
Tarn 0'8hanter Shape.
Many womon havo nlrcady taken to
tho Tarn o' Shontor, which, has boon
hovering on tho brink of popularity
slnco tho beginning of tho season, and
In Itn -wlntnr form It Is likely to be
much in voguo, Tho Btago ofton, it
not always, loadB tho way, and ono ot
tho prottloat black velvet hats of this
Bhapo Is worn In a play recently pro
duced. This 1b qulto unrelieved black.
A pretty variant of tho Tam o' Shan
ter stylo 1b In bluo felt with a black
taffeta crown nnd a black aigrette at
tho oldo,
Tho fashion of having color nnft
material combinations Is going to -bt
very general this Beason. Silk an
felt, silk apd velvet, Bilk and pIubI
will bo artistically combined, and the
black underbrlm with whlto crowa
will bo a teaturo In modish mllraory
for the autumn season.
Wife's Departure From Ordinary Lino
of Conduct Both Puzzled and
Annoyed Him.
Jimson was a llttlo, sharp-eyed shoe
maker with Btoopcd shoulders and a
chin whisker. He lived in a Mis
souri river town, and whenever ho
drank too much ho used to wind up
by going homo and thrashing his wifo.
Sho never failed to go over to a
neighbor's after a session with tho
old man and complain bitterly of his
After a whllo tho neighbors grew
weary of tho oft-repeated talo and re
marked: "Well, you seem to llko It.
You always tako it willingly. Why
don't you pick up something and hit
him with It tho next tlmo ho whips
Tho wife considered tho matter, and
tho next tlmo her lord began to beat
her sho grasped a chair and Bmashed
it over his head. Tho old man foil
back In stark amazement, dropped
his hands, and stared at hoc
"Why, Mary! Why, Mary!" ho
whimpered. "What on earth Is tho
matter with .you? You never dono
this way beforo."
Atchison, Kan. "For a number of
years I suffered v.ry greatly from skin
eruption. My fnco was very red and
Irritated, being ulmost covered with
pimples nnd blackheads. Tho pimples
wero scattered over my faco. They
were a flno rash with tho exception of
a few la'Eo pimples' on my forehead
and chin. My faco burned and looked"
red as if exposed to either heat or
cold. It waB not only unsightly but
vory uncomfortable. I tried several
remedies but couldu't get any relief.
I was recommended to uso Cutlcura
Scap and Cutlcura Ointment.
"I applied tho'Cuticura Ointment in
tho evening, leaving it for about five
minutes, thon washing it off with
Cutlcura Soap and hot water. I wash
ed with the Cutlcura Soap and hot wa
ter also several times during tho day.
After about four monthg of this appli
cation, my faco was cleared of the
pimples. I still uso tho Cutlcura
Soap." (Signed) Miss Elslo Nlelson,
Dec. 2D, 1911.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston."
A Mistaken Idea.
"Tho Btorm caused mo a great deal
of suffering by breaking all tho win
dows In my house."
"Why, I always understood that
breaking windows was a perfectly
pane-less operation."
Ungrateful Guest.
Brown So you spent Sunday with
the Suburbs, eh? How far is their
house from the station?"
Towne About two miles as the dust
flies! Judge.
Red Cross Ball Blue will wash double m
mnny clothes as any other blue. Don't
put your money into any other. Adv.
A woman always suspects another
woman who never sheds tears.
Against So Mariy Surgical Op
erations. HowMrs.Bethune
and Mrs. Moore Escaped.
Sikeston, Mo. "For seven years Iauf
fered everything. I was iir bed for foui
n $ or live days at a tim a
every month, and sa
weak I could hardly
walk. I cramped and
had backache and
headache, and was
so nervous and weak
that I dreaded to see
anyone or havo any
onemoveintheroom. Tho doctors gave me
medicine to easo ma
at those times, and said that 1 ought to
havo an operation. I would not listen to
that, and when a friend of my husband
told him about Lydia E. Pinkham'e Veg
etable Compound and what it bad dono
for IiIb wife, I was willing to tako it
Now I look the picture of health and feel
Hko it, too. I can do my own housework',
hoe my garden, and milk a cow. I can
entertain company and enjoy them. I
can visit when I choose, and walk as far
as any ordinary woman, any day in tho
month. 1 wish I could talk to every
Buffering woman and girl." Mrs. Dema
Betiiune, Sikeston, Mo.
Murrnyville, III. "I havo taken Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
for a very, bad caso of female troubla
and it mado mo a well woman. My
health was all broken down, the doctors
Eaid I must havo an operation, and I was
ready to go to tho hnppital, but dreaded it
so that I began taking your Compound.
I got alonjr eo well that I gave up the
doctors nnd was saved from, the opera
tion." "Kirs. Chahles Mqorc, R. R.
No. 3, Murrayvllle, 111.
SWataonU.Catrmnn.Wub Ikiukulree' lllub
t roicrtnuea. iJat result
All tho year farmlnu on hcnllltf Writ Kloihta ROM
fal";":' Tacts About Florida" FREE
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 44-1912.
Lffa.u.TP. "raA wr-i'vzr i -r