The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 01, 1912, Image 1

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State IXlclorioal Sodoty
zfaWwfiftg nta;
No. 79
-- ?.
&3KSZT l3?&2&k 'Wm
fim. wzmffo&ef&e u&ssdh
' Vir V wi .' o ir -
a&k your mo&&yf
Road. tho above
Do yOUK bnnlciiifr with
The First National Bank,
The L,aic;est lianlc in "Western !Xebrns7ca.
Local and Personal
Miss Valentine Scharman left Wed
nesday evening for Omaha to spend a
week or longer with friends.
Misses Amanda and Martha Mylander
will leave tomorrow for California
where they will make their home with
their sister.
Miss Margaret Ware and party, who
were guests at the Ottenstein homo the
first of the week, resumed their journey
to Denver Wednesday by auto.
Mrs. Andrew W. Hoffman, of San
Francisco, returned home this morning
after spending a few days with her
aunt Mrs. Jame3 Shea while enroute
home from eastern points.
Mrs. Richard Williams presents The
Tribune with a sweet potato grown on
the Williams farm in Missouri which
is somewhat smaller than a peck
measure. Old Mizzoo is some on 'taters.
The Ladies Auxilary of tho B. of R.
T. held a picture show benefit at the
Keith on Saturday last for which they
Hold 1,000 tickets. They wish to thank
all who made their entertainment a
County Commissioner Streitz and
Highway Commissioner Thoeleckc
spent yesterday in Sutherland inspect
ing roads and bridges, which have been
constructed during thopastthirty days.
The receipts at the Presbyterian
cafeteria held in the church parlor last
evening exceeded sixty dollars, indicat
ing that over 200 people wore served.
The bill of fare was composed of eight
dishes, each of which was five cents,
and the patron selected such dishes as
lie or she desired.
Potatoes sell for 25 cents per bushel
on the local market. The crop is ex
cellent in this section, the yield in the
sand hills running from 150 to 300
bushels per acre. The question of get
ting the crop to marketat aprice which
will warrant the hauling is one which
confronts the remote growers. Suther
land Free Lance.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurray and
son returned to Brady yesterday. They
had been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Asa
Snyder for some time.
Masters Robert and Edmund Dickey
were hosts to a score of their school
mates Tuesday evening at allallowe'on
party. A jolly evening was spent in
Hallowe'en games and a nice lunch
was served in tho evening.
The program at The Crystal tonight
and tomorrow night is three good pic
tures:, "Memories," "The Girl at the
Cupola," and "A Double Courtship."
The Vaudeville bill is Rizal and Ati ma,
flexible equilibrists.
Tho small boy indulged in his usual
Hollowe'en pranks last evening, over
turning small outbuildings, drawing
away vehicles, soaping windows etc.
In some cases the victims of the boys
were inconscd they momentarily forget
that once they were boys and did tho
same things.
New Time Card,
A new time card will go ino effect
on the Union Pacific Sunday. The
changes are not many nor very radical.
The principal trains affected are No. 11
which will leave at 2:20 p. m., east
time, twenty-three minutes later than
at prosent; No. 14 will leave at 5:30 p.
m., instead of 5:10 and No. 12 at 12:30
a. m.
A Vacant Chair.
Ater a long illness Vice President
James Schoolcraft Sherman died at his
home in Utica, N. Y., Wednesday
night at 9:42 of uraemic pnisong caused
by Bright's disease. Mr. Sherman had
been unconscious for hours before tho
end came. The deceased was fifty-seven
years of age, and by reason of his
never-failing, all-year-round happy dis
position had earned the sobriquet of
"Sunny Jim."
Chairman Hilles, of the republican
national committco, announces that ho
has called a meeting of tho national
committee for November 12th in Chi
cago to select successor to Mr. Sherman.
I The Situation in a Nutshell. .
Mr. Editor:
I have read tho bull moose article in
your Tuesday edition. 1 think tho pic
ture of tho writer cf tho articlo is very
good. It may bo tho articlo is also
good; much of it, howover, I am unable
to understand. If I. am not mistaken
the object of tho writer is to make nn
! appeal for votes for bull moose candi
Why vote that ticket? Hns its candi
date for president any chance for elec
tion? No, not the least. This is gen
erally conceded by membors of all
parties, who aro in touch with tho sit
uation. Then why throw your vote
away? If you beliovo in the teachings'
of tho democratic party: if you enjoy
tho conditions which havo followed
democratic administrations during the
past ou years; it you llKo tho demo
cratic low prices for what you have to
sell, as well as what you buy, why not
say so by your ballot and voto that
ticket. If pn tho other hand you know
you, havo enjoyed a greater depjree of
prosperity under republican administra
tions, and you aro satisfied with tho
prices which you recoivo for what you
sell, and desire tho same to bo con
tinued and maintained, then voto the
republican ticket. Do not be be mis
led into believing that tho democratic
tariff law will cheapen what you bu
and not cheapen also what you sel
Remember that tho democratic party
stands on tho taritt question whore it
has stood for GO years. Romembor
also that like causes produce like
effects. Tho great body of voters still'
remember what followed tho passage
of tho democratic tariff laws in tho
past. If you like it, vote for it If
you don't like it then don't be misled
by the statement of tho men who are
running for office, that the tariff law
has nothing to do with the prosperity
which the voters now enjoy.
The bull moose candidate is in tho
fight, not because he expects to bo
elected, but for tho purpose of prevent
ing the suscess of tho republican party.
Tho republican party has not changed
since the Chicago convention. Roosevelt
desired to be its candidate. If ho had
been successful it would now bo a good
party, aril ho would be singing its
praises all over the land. Ho was not
successful. He did not get the nomina
tion, and now it is a bad party. Roose
velt's policy is to rule or ruin. His
position is, if you will not elect me,
then I will see that you do not elect
any other person. Will tho votora be a
party to such treachery?
One word to those whose only product
they have for sole is thoir labor. Do
you remember the conditions which ex-
lsmuui. uiu ciusu oi vie lUHb uumucruuc
administration in 1890? Do you remem
ber that wages were not only low, but
that there were two men for every job?
Do you want to return to that condition?
If you do, vote either for Wilson or
Roosevelt, for a vote for Poosevelt is
giving one-half of your vote to Wilson.
If the farmer feels that all he has to sell
is too high, my advice to him is to voto
against the party who is responsible
for the high prices, and by your ballot
ask for a return of the prices of 1S9G,
when you sold your cows for $10.00,
your horses for about the same and your
wheat for from 30 cents to 35 cents per
bushel. Remember that the democratic
party stands on the tariff 'question
where 'it stood when Cleveland was
Remember also that the bull mooso
candidate stands for" anything and
everything that will add strength to his
movement, and thereby defeat the re
publican candidate.
This is the time for the voter to cast
his ballot for his own interest, and not
tor any politician who seeKs revenge
and not prosperity.
W. T. Wilcox.
Monday and Tuesday,
Nat C. Goodwin
The Famous Actor
in Charles Dickens Materpiece
In Five Reels.
First show starts at 7:15 prompt. Music by our Five
Piece Orchestra.
Owing to the fact of having toay such a large price for this five
reel special the price of admission will be
Adults ISc.
Children 10c.
Mrs. White Breaks an Arm.
Yesterday noon Mrs. H. S. White
fell and sustained two fractures of the
left arm. A small rug on tho highly
polished floor slipped ns Mrs. White
stopped upon it, with the result that
she fell heavily, the arm doubling under
her body,
Robs Cash Register.
The cash register at the Mrs. Lemon
restaurant was robbed of six or eight
dollars during the supper hour last even
ing. At the time of the robbery a num
ber of people were seated at tho tables,
but the thief managed to get in his
work unnoticed.
Mrs. Nels Christianson returned Wed
nesday evening from the eastern part
of the state.
Princess Coats
There is refinement about
Princess garments that endears
them to women's hearts. Tliey
are real 'creations, they have
character and individuality.
They are tho artistic product
of a Tailoring Code that dis
dains make shifts, near styles.
Princess garments are novor
extreme nor are they ever
common place. They, are dis
tinctive, individual, modish
expressions of personal ideas
of unfaltering goodtaste. The
wealth of handsome fabrics,
beautiful patterns, and different
design in which our assemblage
of Princess coats abounds, offer
ideal opportunities of satisfying
your hearts desire. Our prices
arc surely an inducement con
sidering tho unusual values
E. T. Tramp and Son
The Eastern Star konington will
meet with Mrs. York Iiinman next
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. M. C. Johnson and Bon re
turned to Sutherland thi3 morning after
spending a week with town friends.
Misses Hazol and Helen Smith loft
this morning for Cheyenne to spend a
few days with Miss Amanda Butler.
For Sale 1911 4 h. p. Harley David
son motorcycle in 1st class condition,
easy terms, must sell at once. Inquire
at this office. tf
Fair tonight and continued cold. Sat
urday fair with rising temperature,
Highest temperature yestorday 41; a
year ago 48. Lowest temperature last
night 29; a year ago 11.
Wm. Charles Kern, an old resident
south of Brady, died last Saturday and
was buried bumlay in tno uaslin ceme
tery. The Brady Odd Follows had
chargo of the funeral services Deceased
leaves three sons, Richard, William and
Miss Mary Mahoney returned yester
day from the eastern part of tho stato
whero sho visited relatives since Sun
day. Christian Scienco service Sunday at
11 a. m., subject "Everlasting Punish
ment," Sunday school .at 12 m. K. P.
hall Dowcy stroet.
HyL. Williams, of Gothenburg, who
owned 10,000 acres of land in eastern
Lincoln and the west part of Dawson
county, died at Boulder last week, to
place ho had gone in the hopo of bene
fitting his hoalth. He was tho father
of Mrs. Kathorine Foley, who is known
to many North Platto people
3 1 H"J.ila
Our NEW MODERN GARAGE is heated by
the American Ideal steam heating- system.
We have a few vacant spaces. Storage
rates, $5.00 per month. This includes oiling and
filling1 customer's car.
See us at once and reserve your space. '
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
For Rent.
6 room modern house except heat.
Close in. Nice neighborhood. Only
$20.00 per month. Other houses, fur
nished rooms. Bratt & Goodman.
For Rent Four room house on E. Cth
St. Inquire at Dr. Quigloy's.
Miss Isa Murphy left for Sutherlahd
this morning where sho will spend sev
eral days with her sister.
Mrs. Alex Brooks whohndboen visit
ing her mother Mrs. Loan in Gothen
burg for ten days, returned homo last
Sixteen cases woro filed in the office
of the district court Wednesday, all Of
which were of a civil or equity nature.
The docket for the DecomboE terms
contains nbout 140 cases, which is n
unusually largo number.
Messrs. Dave Day, Will' Friend nrid
Maurice Guilliautne held the fourth of
their series of winter dances at tho
Lloyd last evening. Tho floor was filled
with dancors early in tho evening and
a large number of spectator? wero in
the gallery.
Does the Wash Woman Come to Your House?
Here is What She Costs You. "
One days wages for washing $1.25
One dnys wages for ironing 1.25
Cost of soap and washing compounds .' . . . .15
Cost of starch '. 03
Cost of bluing.. 05
Fuel and water 50
Tw;o meals for laundress 50
Does the Auto Call for Your Washing?
Here is What it Costs Yo.
25-lbs. rough dry at 7c per lb., (more than the average
wash) $1.75
Wages for ironing rough dry one-half day 75
Fuel for one-half day ... .15
We can save you $1.10 per week. There are 52 weeks per
year, 52x$1.10 $57.20
Dickeys' Sanitary Laundry,
Phono 77.