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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1912)
ii t Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Dare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION HAT3S. 8; no Year bv Mail In advance $1.2fi no Year by Carrier In advance. $1.60 Kilter! at North Platte. Nebraska, Poet office db Second Clan Matter. TUESDAY, OCT. 29," 19 1 2. It Is quite nntural Hint the tlioiiBiinds Of republicans nnd JomocrnU wlio linve fftlt the venomous stint; of Kooauvult'a toiijjue, should in return Rivo him tlio hllnturlnR lie dosorves. It's a weak nnd cownrdly mnn who will not dofond him solf, even if his slanderer is so groat a mnn as Theoiloro posoo. J. L. Miltonheruer so well Idled the ofnea of slienlf wnlli an incumhunt nnd Ibso woll ncnuaintud w'tii county affairs, that ho would seetninirly make a most Titludlila member of tlio Iwurd of county orrtmltsionrs. When a man tins linen triad out and not found wanting, an has 51 r. Miltonberger, ho is a pretty good mnn to tie to mid vole for. Out in California those who desire U) vote for Taft electors mutt write tfjtf names of the elector on the ballot. Trill t practically a disfranchisement, ."mil it is not strange that the Taft men In tlmt state declare they will vote for WilSoil. The bull mnosers in Nebraska attempted to woik the same schome In Mcbrnuka, but failed. The memory of the Btockmcn and fnrmora of Lincoln is dofuutive if it is forgotten that in the lust yeur of Clavolnnd'g lust ndrninialratioe choice steers Hold nt from $8.00 to $4.25 ier 100 pounds, lioKs from $,'1.20 to $a.!IO nnd sheep from $2.00 to ?3.00. Com pare those pricos with tho prosent quotations. Senator Hoagland will have no oppo sition for ro'ulection, tho regular nominoe having resigned. An attempt was m ml o to place a candidate on tho ticket but it wns so plausibly illegal that Senator Hougland had no trouble in checkmating tho scheme. It is just as well for tho democrats that they hnvo no candidate, for Senator Hoag land would sweep the phvttor claim no matter who might be his opponent. Morton Smith, n large stockgrowor of Ikoadwutor, transacted businosa in town yostordny. In line with many othos living along tho lino of tho North Piver branch, Mr. Smith is vory do sirouo that the Union Pacific give better passenger service on tho branch. This increased sorvice is it matter tho North Platto chamber of commerce lias taken up with tho company nnd is working upon us expeditiously us possible Some cheerful liars are circulating thui'oport that Congressman Kinknid Voted against tho eight hour labor law. Tho fact in Mr. Kinknid not only voted for tho oiirht hour Inw. but also for tho employers' Nubility luw, tho child labor law, tlio sixteen hour limit for railway employes, and all other bills upproved inir mon. by labor organizations. Laboring and particularly railroad mon, have al ways had n firm friond in Congressman Kinknid, and they certainly should feel kindly toward him. In its last issue the Wallace Winner suya; Tho stand the Winner takes in that Gov, Aldrich, of all the candidates on tho ticket, deserves the least consid eration at tho hands of republicans for his persistent courne in support of tho movement that has disrupted tho re publican purty, nationally, is chiefly due tho situation of the republican warty in the state at tlio present, A (Hgnifisd.poaition of "hartUeoir," which wna nil that was required of him, would have put u united party behind the whole state ticket, with a reasonable assurance of a' sweeping republican victory for republicans in Nebrnska. More building has been done in North Platto during tho past four years, than In nny other four years since this writer landed in North Platte over thirty yoara ago. Not only is this true, but tho bapk duponlts show it greater increase, land values have made u greater in crease nnd there is evory indication of prosperity among the people of Lincoln county in both the towna and on tho fonnu. This being truo, do you ronlly believe it is best to have a political change V Isn't this n time to let well enough alone? Aro you deadcock sure a changa will benefit you? Tho chances ate ten to one the reverse will prove true. President Taft's tocont executive order transferring 86,000 fourth class postmuHters to the classified civil servico In the midst of a national campaign can hardly bo understood by the politicians. It wnH an act almost unbelievable in tlio domain of partisan polities. Traditional political practice had been to keep all Ijjfospcqtlv ofllco seekers, whether for appointment or reappointment, actively (jngngodim the campaign. But with Karacterlalic disregard of political prec edent nnd partisan advantage, tho president swept all tliooe oftlcosinto the protected area of the civil sorvice. A total of 90,000 positions in tho Postofiice do,partmont hns been removed from tho sphero of patronage to the pro tec tton of the civil servlco regulations since Mr. Taft became president. (Political Advertisement.) To the Voter of Lincoln County. I am a candidate on tho Democratic ticket for tho ollke of County Commis sioner. I have lived in this county and done buHlnuss with many lit you for yours, andam no stranger. ' My record ia an opqu book. '"lfcejcotod it will bo my earnest on dqrivor to out out ovory dollurof waste ful and needless oxpendituro of tho tax payers' money. A dollar spent must show a dollar in value received. I bo Hove In good roads, permanent bridges ns fust aa they can bo made without hardship on tho taxpayers, n you agree wuu mo aim mime i can assist in carrylngyour my wishes, I ask you to assist mo on the Gth day of No vember. I always for business methods and economy. Yours Uespoctfully F, W. IlEHMlNOHAUSEN. (Political Advertisement) Richard L. Metcalf, Nov. 1st. Hon. Richard L. Metcnlf, of Lincoln, Nebraska, will speak nt North Platte, Friday night, November 1st. Mr. Metcnlf is an able speaker and is woll informed upon all questions of state nnd national interest. Mr. Metcalf is one of the best news pnper men in the weBt and a writer of more than ordinary distinction. It is known throughout tho country that ho is the editor of W. .1. Bryan's paper The Commoner. ' If you wnnt to hear a good spooch and be assured that no one will be mis treated by attending, do not fail to hoar Mr. Metcalf Friday night, Nov. 1st. Adv. Local nnd Personal Mr. and Mrs. Pert Snyder, of Tryon, aro spending this week with town frionds. Jen" Thompson and daughter Maude, of Garfield, nre spending this week in tho city. T. J. Doran and Attorney .Inmes Keefe spent Sunday in Sidney on K. C. work. .1. Q. Wilcox left yastnlay morning for Lexington to spend u few days on business. Mrs. McClellen, of Gothenburg, is visiting this week with Mrs. Robert Anderson. Mrs. Frank Winkleman returned Sunday evening from a' extended visit in Fremont Karl and Guy Fear, of Wallace, wero guests of frionds in town the latter part of tho week. Charles llerrod, W J. Landgraf and Walter O'Connor spent Sunday in Pax ton on buslnoss. Hallie Coker and Lela Shick, of Sutherland, spent the last of last week with town friends. Miss Ella Williams, of Sidney, is a guost at the Winkleman homo while en routo homo from Fremont. Mrs. Edward Rebhausen came homo Sunday night from Omaha where she spent a weok with relatives. Mr. and Mrc Bruco Brown roturned yostorday afternoon from a short visit In Hastings with relatives. Mrs. Alex Fonwick returned yester day afternoon from Iowa where sho spent live weoks visiting relatives. Mrs. P. A. Lloyd and daughtor Irma roturned Sunday evening from Ognlalla whoro they visited rolativosfor a week. Everything in Kimonus from Crenoa at $l.UU to tlio very beautiful silk ones at all prices. E. T. Tramp & Son. Myrtle and Vicinity. Simon Rorby wont to Stopleton to play for tho danco Saturday. Ralph Coleman and Elsie Keslar were mnrried last Friday. Mr. Cole man is an industrious nnd hitrhlv re spected young man and tho lady of his choice, who has grown to womanhood in this community, is of a loveablo dis position and loved by all who know her. They went to housekeeping in tho now homo the groom had prepared for them near Tryon. A daughter was recently born to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kooning. Mr. and Mrs. Beattie, of Philips Co.. and Mrs. Roland Beattio of North Platto, wore the guests of Robt. Beattie and family the foro part of the week. Mrs. Geo. Kelly is viHlting ralntivos in Knnuiit?. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Askwiar left Fri- day for Ulysses and Lincoln. Mrs. E. C. Allison, who has boen Visiting her siBter Mrs. Roy Gaunt, re turned homo lUesuny. bins was ac companied by her sister Miss Pgarl Jensen, of Omnha. DIRE DISTRESS. It is Near at Hand to Hundreds of Tribune Readers. Don't nogloct an aching back. Backacho is often is often tho kid- ney a cry lor help. Neglect hurrying to the kidneys' aid Means that urinary troubles may tonow. Or danger or worse kidney trouble. George W. Nvoinborgor. 100 West 9th St.. North Platte, Nebr., saya: "Two years bro 1 became nfilicted with kidney trouble and suffered from ngin izing pains through my back. I grad ually grew worso, was stiff and lnm and on account of losing my rost at night became all run down. Learning of Doan's Kidneys Pills, I procured thorn from McDonoll & Graves' Drug store (now Schiller & Co's) and after 1 had taken the contents of six boxes, 1 wns entirely cured. Prior to using Doan's Kidney Pills, I had to lay oil' from work for several months, after taking this remedy only one month, 1 wbb able to resume work." Forsaloby all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foater-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, sole agents for the United States. Remember tho name Doan's nnd take no other. Have You Plumbing Troubles? Is there need for repairs every fow days? Is your bathroom modern and luxuriantly comfortnble? Are tho kitchen arrangements convenient mill sanitary? If not, Send For Our Plumber. Not only nro wo exports nt repair work, but thore will bo little neotl for repairs if we install your plumbinp;. You'll be surprised at our fair estimates If you "talk prlco" with us. R. F. STUART, Shop Phone G9. Res. Phono 083 vomer huth and Locust. Announcement I herewith announce my candi dacy for county commissioner on the republican ticket and ask tho support of all citizens and plcdgo to conduct the county flairs in an economical and business way if elected. I HA L. MlLTONHBlKiUR. I hereby announce my candidncy for tho office of county attorncy.lupon the republican ticket. Thanking my frionds for their intorest in nomlnntlng mo, I plodgo myself If re-elected, to onforco the laws justly nnd with tho tho least expense possible to Lincoln county. Gno. E. Fiiench. I hereby announce myself ns a candi date for representative of Lincoln county on the democratic ticket. I am in fnvor of electing tho U. S. senator by tlio direct vote of the people and will support nny bill or uphold any law that appeals to mo and is sanctioned by the Lincoln county voters regardloss of politics or partleH, should I bo elected to that honorable position on Nov. 6th, 1012. C. B. ScHI-KtCHKB J. L. FERGUSON, of Broken Bow, For United States Senator of Nebraska. By Petition. I am a farmer and was educated at the University of Michigan and am running for the ollice of United States Senator by lequest of busfnessmen and fair-minded farmers, and I stand pat against, and for the repair of the Parcels Post Law, as it now stands, and 1 ask the support of every jobber, traveling man, merchant, railroad man, rural route carrier, drayman and every fnir-minped farmer, as it is a vital question to all of them. I have not asked for a penny to help mo in my enmpuign, but do ntk the support of every fair-minded voter in Nebraska. Respectfully yours, Broken Bow, Nob. J. L. Ferguson. Notice For Bids. Notice is hereby given that tho Platte Valley Irrigation District will receive bids for tlio following work at tho office of he Secretary of the Platte valley Irrigation District at Hershcy, Nebras ka, up to 12:00 o'clock noon Nov. 5th, 1012: For tho cleaning and widening of about 5J miles of tho main Irrigating canal of tho Platte Valloy Irrigation District, requiring tlio moving of about 30,000 cubic yards of earth. Also for the building and constructing of 12 bridges and checks on said main irrigating cnnal. Bids for the cleaning of the canal to be submitted at so much per cubic yard for tho earth moved Separate bids to bo given for the building of tho bridges and checks. Further details as to tho woik may be had upon application to tho Secretary or members of tho Board of Directors of tho Platto Valloy Irrigation District. Tho Platte Valley Irrigation District reserves the right to roject any and all bids. Platte Vallky Irrigation Distiuct. Notice of Sale. To W. W. Vernon and others who may be interested: You nro hereby notified that wo shall offer at public sale and sell to the high est cash tiiddor at 2:00 o'clock p. m. central time, on the 9th day M No- vemoer, iifiz, at our storage room in the renr of 1M East Front street, in tho city of North Plntte, Lincoln coun ty, Nebrnskn, tho following described honshold goods, to wit: 1 white iron bedstoad, 1 kitchen cab inet. 1 washinc machine. 1 enntr tnh-ln 2 dressers, 1 table, 2 rocking chairs, 4 dining room chairs. The proceeds from 3aid sale will bo applied on the payment of $20.00 stor ago bill, vdvertising and selling said goods. American Investment & Loan Co. ORDER" OFTTEAItlTJft' In tho county court in and for coin county. Nebraska. Lin- In the matter of tho estate of John Dunlap, deceased. On readinp; and filing the petition duly verified of Jenmo Baker, praying that the regular administration of said ostato be dispensed with, and that tho court render a final decroo nnimntr th solo heirs at law of the same 'John uuniap, deceased, as provided by sec tions 5202, C203, 5204, 5205 and 620(5 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutos for the state of Nebraska for tho year of 1900. Ordered, that tho said petition be Hoard on tho 25th day of Novomber iai, at y ociock a. m., whon nil per sons interested in said matter may ap- pear at the county court to bo held in ami ior said county in the court home in tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, and show causo, if nny theregbe. why the pravor of tho petitioner should not bo granted. Tins order to be printed for throo successive weeks in tho North Platte Tribuno a legal semi-weekly newspaper published in said county prior to No vomber 2Cth, 1912. Dated October 28. 1912. JOHN GRANT" County Judgp. ORDER OF HEARINO. In tho county court in and for Lin- coin county, .Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Nawton Hart, deceased. On reading and filing tho petition duly verified of Jennie Baker, praying that regular administration of said estate be dispensed with, and that the court ren dor a final decreo naming the sole heirs at law of the 3aid Newton Hart, de ceased, as provided by sections B202. 5203, 5204, 5205 and 520C of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of the State of Ne braska for the year of 1909. Ordored, that tho said petition be heard on tho 25th day of November 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m., wlwn all per sons interested in said matter may ap pear nt the county court tp be held in nnd for said county at the court house in tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of tho petitioner should not bo granted. This order is to be printed for throo successivo weeks in The North Platto Tribune, n legal semi-weekly news paper published in said county prior to Novomber 26th. 1912. Dated Oct. 28th, 1912. o-29-G John Grant, County Judge. t4-i'rftlt4. ? GEO. D. DENT, - Dlivcirlan nml Cnmnnn Ofiko over McDonald Bank. Phones IU1HCO130 $ tliom.8 J nesidenco 116 fcjt fc$ Jh -J(r Jt 5r $ iMtrfff3 HOUSEHOLD UEL Bugicide for bed bugs tho best insect dustroyor known. A largo bottle for 25c Dry Cloans for cleaning silk and delicate fnbrics. 2o nnd COc a box. Chinamol furniture pplish, n full i pt for 2Gc. Chinamel varnish 20c a" can up to II 50. Covors scrathes. ' Insect powder. For lfqo on chickens, 10, 15 and 25c ciins. Leo's lice killer 35c qU , ,, Lee's insect powder 26c can. Remombor wo will deliver any thing you need In our lino. v PHONE 28. Stone Drug Co., Did you jet a box of our 26 In itial Stationery. Usually flaljs for 50 cents. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte. - - Nebraska. McDonald Bunk Building. oeoooottasoftsosaiooaaoooooeo DR. J. S. TWINEM. IlomeopathlcPhyslclan nndSurgcon Hospital accommodations, Medical iir J Z surgical attention gt on obstetrical cases. 5 Onico l'liono 18.1 Ken. Photic 2h3 Onlco McDonald Stato llauk tltrt'g (I aeoeo99eoeeBeooReas ORDEK OP HEARING State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S. S, In tho County Court, October 2fl. 1012. In the Matter of tho Estnta' of John Frtmzen. deceased. On reading and fillmr tho petition of Charley Holm, prayinsr that the instrument filwl on the 28th day of October, 1912, nnd purporting to bo the Inn will and testament of the Bald deceased, may bo proved, approved, probated allowed and recorded as the last will nnd testament of the gald'John Kratuen, decnasod, and that tho exe cution of said instrument may be committed and the administration of said estnto may be granted to himself as executor. Ordered, That Nov. 19th, 1912, at 0 o'clock a m. is nssitrned for hearing said petition when all persons interested In said matter may appear at a cflunty court to bo held in and for Bald county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not bo granted. A copy of thl order to be pub lished in tho North Platto Tribune, a legal semi weekly newspaper for three successive weeks prior to sakl date of hearing:. JOHN GRANT. oS-S County Judce. NOTICE FOR I'UIILICALION, Serial No. 02 U5. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at North riatte, Nebr. Orft. 16, 1912. Notice is hereby given thut John V. Hln man, of North l'latte, Nebr.. who, on July 1 J, 190-1. made H. E. entry No. 2U30S. Serial No. 02145, for NHSWV. NM SEVf, NEW Section J2, twp. 12, N. re. 31, woit of tho 6th Principal Meridian, has illed nitice of intention to make final Ave year proof, to establish claim to the land abuvo described, before the reenter and receiver, at North l'Utte, Nebr., on the 12th day of Dec. 1912. Claimant names as witnesses Arthur Con nor, Curt Hinman, Thomas Roiran, Carl Droeder, all of North Platte, Nebr. o'iU-6 j K. Kveni, ReKister. as NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice Is heieby given that th Mndorslirned have formed a corporation, under thuJVWie of A A. SchatB company, said corporation boing incor porated under tho law a of thestnt pftNcbraska The principal plsee of business of !ililVin-)Kratlon mm uu i-Horin 1'iaiie, iNproHKa. the place of Ilusinesa of said coriwratton shall be to conduct a retail store or stores "Kr dealing in general merchandise, hardwaM, furniture, plumbing, undertaking and nil otfrier legitimate articles of trade or liarter, and for the hplding of Buch real estate as may be necessary for the car rying onof such businees. Tho capital stock shalll bo $10,000 00 consisting of 100 ahai-oa S100 all of which shall bo fully paid up Uifoia issuing. Said corporation shall commence oiLthu 9th day of October, 1912, and continue for twenty years therenf ter.unless sooner discontinued, Thf high est amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two thirds of the amount of tho paid uil tapltal stock. Tho affairs of tho corporation shall lie conducted a Ixianl of Directors of not less than two nor more inan m o persons, aim oy a preB(j!ent, general manager, vice-president, secretary 'and treas urer. Dated at North l'latte, Nebraska, Oct. 9th, 1912 A. Ai 8CHATZ. KDW1N SCHATZ Notice for Bids Scaled bids will be received at the of fice of tho city clerk of the City of North Platte, Nebraska, up'iihti) 5 P. M., of the fifth day of November, 1912, for the furnishing of all material and labor for and the construction of a hollow tile nnd brick building over the pump pit at the water works plant in accordance witn tne plans and speciH cations on file in tho ofllce of the said city clerk. All bids nuist be made upon the printed form obtainable at tho office of the city clerk and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the city treasuror of North Platte, Nebraska, for five per cent of tho amount of tho bid as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into a contract with the city for tho said work within fifteen days aftor notice of award. The city reserves the right to rejoct any or all bids, to change tho plan or scope of the work and to call for new bids on changed plans, Eng.neer's estimate of cost, $1,500. T. C. PATTERSON, Mayor. Attest. C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk ORDER OF HEARING. In the county court in anil for Lin coln County, Nebraska. Ur In the matter of the estate of John Hayes, deceased. On reading and filing the petition duly Verified of Carrio L. Hoskett, praying thut the regular administration of said estate be dispensed with, and that the court render n final decree naming the sole heirs at law of the said, J.ohn Hays, decoded, as provided by Sections 5202, 5803, 2604, 5205, and 2500 of Cobboy's Annotated Statutes of tho State of Ne braska for 1909. Ordered, tlfat the said petition be heard on the 26th dny of November 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m., when all per sons interested in the said matter may appear at tho county court to bo hold in and for said county, in the court house in the city of North Platte, Nebraska and show cauBo, if any there bo, why tho prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. This order is to be printed for three successive weeks in the North Platte Tribune, n seml-weeklv newsnaner nub- lished in said county prior to Novomber Otu. lUl. John tirant. Countv Judco J Doted October; 28, 1912. The Norlh Platte School of Music AFFILIATED WITH The University School of Music, Lincoln, Nebraska Mrs'. Elizabeth Bonncr-Cramcr DIRECTOR. All the principal branches of Ap plied and Theoretical Music taught by competent teachers. Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front street or phone BlacK 341. DR. HARRY MITCHELL, GRADUATE DENTIST. Telephone lied 466 606 H Dewey St. North l'latte, Nebraska. t, towia,Kiiwimw,.AiiWiw . j Signet Chapter O. E. S., -t9 ijtt Meets 2nd nnd 4th Thursday of every 1 month at Masonic Hall at 7 SO p. m. 4 wm.fiTAimntvw?nnw,evjmirAaMivf Feels Like a Millionaire. The man who smokes Schmalzried's cigars is a happy, contented fellow, ono of those who may have but a few dollars in his pocket yet feels as rich as a millionaire. A good smoko always brings good feeling, hence there's a reason for buying Schmalzried-made cigars. J. F. SCHNALZRIED, The Maker of Good Cigars. Notice of Delinquency. Notice is hereby given that tho rental upon tho lease contracts on tho follow ing described lands in Lincoln county, Nebraska, as set opposite tho name of the holder thereof is delinquent, and if the amount which is due is not paid within GO days from thot date of this notice, said contract will bo declared forfeited by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds and said forfeiture entered of record in the manner pro vided by law. SEJ NEi3G-lG-34 Lydia A. Collins NWJ 3G-12-2C John Alfred Pearson All 16-12-32 Wm. Facka Dated Oct. 7th, 1912. E. B. Cowles, Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan Com pany, non-resident defendant.will take notice that a has been sued in the Dis trict Couit of Lincoln county, Nebras ka, by Jennie Baker, plaintiff, tho ob ject and prayer of which suit are to quiet and confirm title into plaintiff against the defendant to the following described lands situate in Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest quarter (S V J) of Section thirty-four (34), Township nine (9), north of Range twenty-eight (28) west of the Gth P. M., and prays to have cancelled and released that certain mortgage made and executed by ono Charles Teter to said defendant, which said mortgage is recorded in Book 10 of mortgages at page SG of tho mortgage records of said Lincoln county, by reason of the payment of said mortgage and the run ning of the statute of limitation of the state of Nebraska against the same. You aro required to answer sa'd pe tition on or before the second dav of December, 1912, or decree will be taken against you as in said action priyed. Dated nt North Platte, Neb., Octo ber 14th, 1912. JENNIE BAKER. Plaintiff, ol54 By E. H. Evans, her Atty. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. John Beaton, Catherine Beaton, his wife, and McKinley-Lanning Loan and Trust Company, a corpotation, will take notice that thoy havc been sued in tho District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, by Walter S. Goldsberry, plaintiff, the object and prayer of which suit nro to quiet nnd confirm in plain tiff and against the defendants, the title to the following described lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: The northeast Quarter (nej) of section eight (8), township twelve (12) north of rango twenty-nine (29) west of tho Gth P. M., and to quiet title against said defendants by reason of irregularities appearing . i the record of a certain forecloautj m .r begun by one Carleton E. Mann agd:nst the de fendants to diyest said defendants of their right, titlo and interest in said premises, and to institute a new and independent title by adverse possession in the piaintiil oy reason ot the con tinuous, notorious, peaceable, exclusive and adverse possession of said des cribed premises by himself and his grantors for more than ten years hut past claiming as owners thereof and to declare a certain mortgage held by the McKinley-Lanning Loan & Trust Company, a corjioration, barred by reason of the running of the Statute of Limitations against same. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 2nd day of December, 1912 or judg ment will be takon against you as prayed. WALTER S. GOLDSBERRY, Plain tiff. ByE. II. Evans and Hoagland. & Hoagland, his attorneys. ol5-4 niTRONIZE THEniT III 'House of GoodShownll When in Norlh Platte. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Mntinoo Snturday After noon at 2:30 O'clock. 10 CENTS. Di Iedfield edfield, Physlclans'and Surgeons, WILMS J. UDDKIKLD, Surtrcon. JOG 11. HEDKIUM), Physician. omen: Physicians & Surgeons . . Hospital . . 1UIONI5 042. i A. J. AMES. MAKIB AMES. v ' Doctors Ames & Ames, ?J ? nu..!! i c ; Office over Stone Drug Co. l S3 Phnno.. I Ofllce 273 g s) Phonos (Residence 273 Sj ?"5!rf! W-2''"5',srj The Old Reliable When your clothes need uressintr. cleaning and repairing, lot tho Old Re liable Tailor do it and do it right. Wo have been doing this work in North Platte for thirtv years, know how to do it and do it the way it should bo done. That means satisfaction to you. F. J. BROEKER. Entrance north of tho Nyal drug store. SHERIFFS SALK By virtue of an order of juiln from ,!,. district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decreo of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Charles E. Gibson Is plaintiff and Sanford K. Kazec ct al aro defend ants, and to me directed, I will on the 29th day of Oct., 1912, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at tho east front door of the court houso In North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decrej, interest and coats, tho following described- property to-wit: The east half ie; ana tno southwest quarter UwH) of sec tion thirty (30), township eleven (11) ranee thirty-two (32) west of tho 6th P. M., in Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte. Neb.. SeDt. 23rd. 1312- s23- A.J. Sausiiuky. Sheriff. Serial No. 03217. NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION DKPAllXMKNT Of THE TNTRKIOIt. United States Land Ofllce. At North Platto. Nebraska, Sept. 18. 1912. infirm la tiiitinVtM ab. a Y. . ti Schwalcor of North Platto Nob., who on ??7m cn,.i.,i Mr, i mil ., .,... .....v. ;r,. Vi ..w, wM, ,v. t,., ,,- tilu uurtu limy oi th northwest uuartoi and southwest quarter of northwest auartcr. north half of northeast quarter, Houthnast quarter of northeast quarter and east half southeast 'arter of Section 32. Town 10 N.. Ranee 30 y , 0f the ilth Principal Meridian, has lllec not eoof In- InnMAii (vinl.ii nul ... . yTtrt 1 1 nL1nKltcli nlntm Kn !..,! i . described. boforo tho register and receiver u ouiui uuur, urusKa. on mo -St tray of November. 1912. f"M film nnr. frt n mno n a hiUh.i. An -i i Johnson, lrank Hood. A I). Allen and Will T Ull lit nil nf X..bU Ill.i.. X 1 aj i-l'tlflt ll '. KUUU I iM.Hl.", OUUi s-i-Q John K. Evans aeraster. PKOKATE NOTICE. In tin fVll I II fit f nt, . nf T Ikiknlu braska, Oct. 8 , 1912. In the matter of tho estato of Dorothy Rowland, deceased. Notlco is herobr gl en. that tho creditors of said deceased will meet the Execu tor of said estate. Wore tho County Judee of Lincoln county, Nobraska. at tho county uiuibjiitiui m iiiu i;uuniy,on tno iztli uay or ictfr .9V' i111 ,Pn ll0 12,tl1, dar ot M 1UI3 H( (I S',I,WI n A. nn.,1. .1... .1 poso of probentlngr tbelrclalms for oxamina- f ln nfl4iiDvnnHt nsl 1 !.. .. Ml.. . . ..., ...-.u,.,,,, uu ouuniiuto. 7-ix monies claims and one year for tho administrator to sottlo said ostato. from tho fth dav of Si0.1, , ful" 'V. col' of tllis order to bo pub lished In the North Platte Tribuno a legal w.. --wv..a.F ..vnuvHji i'uut num ! SU1U county for four successive weeks orlor to said datoof haarlnir. oii-4 Junjs ukast, County JurlRe NOTICE KOIJ I'UHLIOATION. Serial No. 0J782. Departmontof tho Interior. U. S. Land OOlce at North PlatUi. Neb. Notice Is hereby irlven that Alexander M. Grenory. of Somorsot, Nob., who, on Mar 19th. IMS, mado II. K. No. 13. Serial No. 037S2, for wH of soi. Sec 18. Township 11. north. ISaniro 30. W.. fltli Principal Meridian, has illed notice ot intention to malco final threo year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at North Platte. Neb., on the lltu day of Dec 1912, Claimant name? as witnesses: Ed Wilson, of North Platto, Nebr, George W Miller of Somerset, Nobr. Amanda . Ktinblo and Grant Trlbble. of North Platto. Nebr "UB I. K. Evans. Register. Sheriff's Sale. Hy virtus of an order of sale issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a deeree of foreclosure raodered In Bold eourt wherein Frank II. Klllott ia plaintiff, and Albert Dobie, at a) are defendant, ami to me directed f will on the 13th day of November, 1812, at 2 o'clock p. m at the east front door of thu court houso in North l'latte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interests and costs, the following described property, to-wit: southwest quarter (iw) section thirty, four (34) township sixteen (16) range twenty nine (ifij west of the 8th P. M, In Lincoln county Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nob., Oct. 7. 1912. 8-6 A J SALISBURY, Sheriff PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of thu estate of Jaoob Meyer, deceased. In the county court of Utvcoln county, Ne braska. Sept. 17. 1912. Notice is hereby iriven, that the creditors of said deceased will meet tho administrator of said estate, before the county judge of Lincoln county. Nebraska, at the county court room, in said county, on the 2th day of Oct.. 161J, and on the 2iHh day of April, 1918, at 9 o clock a m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and ono year for the administrator to settle sakl ektate, from tho 21th day of Sept. I? LA.,copyf "l order to be published In the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news, paper published in said county for four successes w eeks prior to sakl date of hearing J JOHN GRANT. County Judge. SHERIFFS SALE. NoUce is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale Issued from the Dwtrict Court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court wherein Lucy A. MttrganlspUaltuT. and Mary Haraojr et al iyim UfJn,V ,Rnd. Jj m JlmcteU. I will on the 2ml day irf November, 1912. nt two o clock, p m , at the east front door of the rKJ,lwjJ!i'i.,fia un.,y' ,WM' c,tf of North Ptatte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the Highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree Interest and coeti, the following described yrooerty. to-wit. whwu Nortiv-west quarter (nwS) Miction twenty j-.-,, ' . iMwiiwiiii nine ), north rang , thirty-four (M), west of the P M. Lincoln eouity, Nehraik I Dated at North Platte, Neb, Sept 2x. 191" 1 ol J A J tjAIISBlRY bhcrilT m s . I rs!v'wiHQ-"