i i Pe-ru-na and Ka-tar-no I havo rccolv ed a loiter from a young lady, who asks mo: "Is tho old Po-ru-na (Ka-tar-no) hotter than tho revised Po-ru-na?" Either modi clno has Its place. Ono 1b adapted for ono condition, an. other for anoth er. Ka-tar-no Is a hotter remedy for Eomo condi tions than the S. B. Hnrtmnn, M. D. revised Pc-ru- na. On tho other hand, tho rovlscd Pe-ru-na is n hotter remedy for eomo conditions than Ka-tar-no. They are both Intended na catarrh remedies. They havo both dono a great work In relieving catarrh, chronic and acuto. Many hundreds of casos of chronic catarrh havo recovered whilo taking Ka-tar-no und tho oamo 1b truo of tho revised Pe-ru-na during tho laBt six years Binco its revision. There Is a difference, however, in tho two remedies. Whenever catarrh Is associated with constipation then tho revised Pe-ru-na is tho host. In. deed, this Is exactly why tho rovlsion was mado, to meet such cases. Hut whero no laxative is needed, where tho bowels aro regular or Inclined to bo loose, then tho old Pe-ru-na (Ka-tar-no) Is tho hotter remedy. Po-ru-nn, Man-n-lin and La-cu-pia manufactured by tho Pe-ru-na Com pany, Columbus, Ohio. Sold nt nil drug stores. SPECIAL NOTICE! Mnny persons Inquire for Tho Old-time Pcrnnn. They want the reruna.tli.it tlirlr Fathers and Mothern lined to tnkc. The old Pertinn Ib now called Kn tamo. If your druggist or dealer does not keep It for silo write the Katnrno Company, Columbus, Ohio, and they will tell you all about It. POLLY VICTIM OF DECEPTION Bird Realized Period Between Its Tem porary Oblivions Had Been Ma terially Cut Short. The Ooodloys have a sailor son, who on ono occasion brought homo a parrot for tho amusement and enlightenment of tho family. They koptlt for the sake of the donor on no other ac count would it havo been given house room. Of course, It was a perfectly respectablo bird occasionally; but on Sunday evenings, when young Mr. Saintly paid his regular visit, it was deemed advisable to cover Polly with a cloth. Recently, however, Mr. S. tool: ad vantage of a half-holiday accruing to him, and mado an extra call on the Wednesday. As ho wbb ushered in Miss Mary Gooi 'cy dcxtrously threw tho cloth over Polly's cage. Greet ings over, there ensued tho usual awk ward pause, which was broken by a squawk from tho covered cage. "Well, I'll bo everlastingly blessed," said Polly. "This has been a thunder ing short week!" The Farmer's Search. Whilo plowing, a Crawford county farmer near Helper had tho misfor tune to loso a small part from his cul tivator in tho plowed ground. Soon a neighbor camo by. "Lost some thing?" he asked. Soon another came by and asked the same question. And then another. Pretty soon a man he didn't like anyhow approached. "Lost something?" ho asked. Tho farmer looked up in supreme disgust. "Oh, no; Just digging worms for my pot buzzard," ho replied. Kansas City Star. For the Sake of Variety. Customer This, I suppose, lu a fold ing bed Merchant No, sir; wo call this an unfolding bed. I'll show you. (Un folds It.) A high priced box at tho opera seems less expenslvo to somo people than the cheapest church pew. A man will never reach tho top who is too lazy to move until ho is pushed A Million Persons Breakfast every morn ing on Post Toasties BTWliii" 1 if Suppose you try the food with cream and sugar, as part of break fast or supper. You may, be sure it will be a delicious part. "The Memory Lingers" Toutum Cereal Company, Ltd. Dallle Creek, MIcU. tS7u4l TmMwmm L $MRro3 m ... ra MM& II, llOUIl jf nil hoiu-H ttie uioit bloss'tl upon earth. Blessed hour of our dinner. Slnco Hc nle apples much deponi's tin dinner. SOMETHING FOR DINNER. Braised Doef. Try out two thin slices of fat salt pork and remove the scraps. Wipo throe pounds of beoi cut from the round or rump and sprlnklo with salt, popper and flour; brown tho surface in the hot fat, turn ing carefully not to piorco the meat nnd allow tho Julcos to escape. Place on a trivet In a deep earthen pan or baking dish, nnd surround with tlio following vegetables; One-fourth of a cupful each of onion, turnip, colery and carrot, all cut fine; add a half ti i spoonful of popperconiB and sti'.i. Cover with threo cupfula of boillv ; water and cover closely, cooking fo..r hours. Habto tho meat evory hclf hour, and turn It nftcr tho second hour. Keep tho liquid at tho b1"i merlng point, as too mucli boat tough enB tho meat. Servo with a brovn sauco made from tho liquor in Hie pan. For Company Dinnor.-v-A (lllot of Beef With Vegetables Wipo a three pound fillet and remove the fat Put a half pound of butter In .a hot frying pan, and when melted add tho lillet nnd turn frequently until tho entire surface is well seared over and browned, then turn occasionally until dono, cooking about thirty minutes. Remove tho meat to a serving dish and garnish with a cupful each of cooked peas, carrots cut in fancy shapes, and well Boasoncd; one-half pound of mushrooms suutcd In a little butter. Servo with: Brown Mushroom Sauce. Pour off a fourth of a cup of fat from the frying pan, add flvo tableBpoonfuls of flour and stir until well browned; add a cup of soup stock, a third of a cup of tho mushroom liquor nnd a half pound of mushrooms cut in pieces and cooked In butter flvo minutes. Sea son with salt, pepper and JuEt beforo serving, while stirring constantly, add tho butter remaining in tho frying pan. To obtain mushroom liquor, cook tho stems of mushroomsii cold water to cover and reduce to a third of a cup. IIEN'irVEIt you attempt n. Koort work you will find others dolus the utimo kind of work, nnd probably do ing It hotter. Knvy them not. FALL FESTIVITIES. Tho pumpkin is tho time-honored vegetable for tho Hallowe'en table, and many and various are the uses for it as a decorator. Tho llttlj papier macho imitations may he used as bon bon boxes or as receptacles for salted nutB. Tho real pumpkin, however, lends itself to almost anything tho in genuity of the hostess wishes to cre ate. A very happy arrangement was placed last year upon the tablo of a young housekeeper for a Hallowe'en party. A round pumpkin was bored with holes and pretty chryoniithe mums were thrust in, the llower rest ing on the rind of tho pumpkin. After the flowers wero all placed tho center piece "looked llko a grent Huffy chrys anthemum. One might have ribbons attached to the flowers, which could be drawn by each guest, and so fur nish a boutonniere. The pumpkin la lined with paper and filled with fruit or bonbons. Sandwich plates, snlad bowls nnd meat platters may bo cut from small oblong-shaped pumpkins; theso lined with lace paper dollies mako most fetching dishes. Gnome Salad. Add a half cup of chopped almonds to a chicken and celery salad, two finely chopped red peppers, half a cup of pineapple Juice and the juice of a large onion. Mix well, then add mayonnaise. Garnish with olives stuffed with almonds. Charm Cake. Hake any desired cake and put a ring, a thlmblo and a dime In tho batter. Cover tho cake with white frosting and decorate with chocolate witches. Servo ice cream in hnlves of musk melon and decorato tho cream with eyes, hobo and mouth mado of choco late, melted, or citron and currants. Goblin Plea. These aro individual pumpkin pies decorated with foaturos and given a friil of laco paper for a hood. A Promoter. Howell What sort of a follow is ho7 Powell Ho can mako two lemons grow whore only ono grow before, nnd then hand them both to you when you aro not looking Judge. Free Meals for School Children. Tho numbor of meals given to school cnlldren In England last yenr was 10, 372.000. Tho cost was J7C5.000, of which only $C,87G was received from parents ul voluntary contributions. Vv) ijaCf jwr &m "wb unsjrai BfflsS I TV U MAY cncourHKo other by our faith and cheer, hut wo hnvi- r right to dishearten thorn by doubt anil gloom. A CHICKEN FOR TWO. A small chicken, costing sixty or seventy cants, is not an oxtfrivaganco for tho Bmall householder who likes to buy economically, for a chicken may bo used for several meals; of course, tho number depending upon how much is oaten. A few pieces, llko the wings, a sec curt joint or a log, If parboiled and then fried in butter, will, with tho gravy and mashed or baked potatoes, make a most satisfactory meal. Ho move tho chicken whon It is tender nnd brown, to a small platter, arrang ing tho pieces no nicely as posslblo; add a tablospoonful of Hour to tho pan In which tho chicken was fried, and when It Is well browned add a cup of milk and Reasonings. Whon smooth and thick, strain Into the gravy beat. If tho amount of meat soomn j too meager, havo n satisfying salad and a hearty dessert, and the meal will provo sutllclont for almost any ap petite. The giblets, It cooked slowly in a cup of water, then chopped and added to tho broth with a littlo thickening nnd cream, 'will make a sauce to servo on buttered toast. The back and neck may bo used in a stew with dumplings, making a quantity sufficient even for a chauco visitor. Tho breast may bo sliced and served cold, or mako, with the nddltion of :elcry and a littlo good salad dress .ng, a most delicious salad for two. Then, aftor all has been eaten, tho bones and gristle will mako a small tureon of broth, which may ho further t''ed out by the addition of cream or l ilk and a beaten egg. One may, with careful planning, have fried chicken two, meals, stewed chicken one meal, minced chicken on toast, a salad or sliced cold breast of chicken and a soup, which will havo the flavor of chicken, if other foods aro added to mnko It nourishing. It' one would make a two or three pound fowl servo for threo mealn ono need not feel that thoy were too much of a luxury to enjoy often. If ono Is fortunate enough to limo fresh mushrooms in one's own garden or grounds, the combination of chick en and mushrooms is especially deli cious, each bringing out the flavor of the other. 1' WB try to Inllnenco or ele vate othui-R, wo Khali soon nee Unit success Id In ptoportlon to their lit lief of our billet In them. A FEW FALL &ALADS. If wo havo been forehanded when pineapples wero plentifully, wo ha a reserve of choice pineapple to upo for all sorts of desserts, salads and cake filling. Tho flavor of the bona canned Is much better than that which wo ordinarily buy. Chiffon Salad. Tako a half cup each of dates, llgs, pjneapplo and threo or anges and three-fourths of a cup of sugar. Cut tho oranges in halves, re move tho pulp nnd put tho shells on tho lco. Cut tho fruit in small pieces and mix with a mayonnaise dressim; Kill each orange cup with the mixture of fruit, BUgar and dressing and keep a tnbleapoonful of whipped cream on top. Servo on lettuce. Pickles, peas nnd peanuts nro good served with a very littlo Bnlad dreRS lng. Date Salad. Wash, and without par ing, cut two medium-sized, good-flavored npples into dlco, add a pound o stoned und quartered dates, mix with a cup of pecans and pour over tho fol lowing dressing. Two eggs well beaten, four table Bpoonfuls of vinegar, a tablcspoonful of butter and a tablospoonful of sugar. Season with salt and cook over hot water until thick; removo from tho tiro, nnd when cool add a tablcspoon ful of olive oil. Orange and Date Salad. TIiIh is a salad particularly nlco to serve with duck this fnll: Stone tho dates and cut In hnlves lengthwise. Remove the oranges In sections, arrango In a mound on crisp lettuco leavoB nnd sur round with tho dates. Servo with French dressing. A Lively One. "I hear whon you havo your chil dren gathered around you, It is nuite a picture." 'Well, when wo all went to our now house, I can tell you It wbb a moving picture." Expensive Spot. "Gilt Crest Is considered a healthy place, yet all tho guosta who leave tho hotel look nick." "Oh, they don't look olck until thoy get their bills." HARD LUCK. Dick I told her tlmt 1 loved hor lhat I wuh oven willing to worship her at a distance. Tom What did Bho do? Dick Said sho'd supply tho dis tance. HANDS ITCHED AND ' BURNED Abbotsford, Wis. "My con had ec zema on his hands for about one year. Tho eczema started with a rash. His hands wore soro so ho could not close them, and when ho wet his hnnds they hurt him bo ho could hardly wash. Hl3 hands Itched and burned just terrible nnd If ho would scratch thorn, thoy would break' out into sores. He could not get any rest or sloop, and his lmndB looked quite had. "Wo had medicino nnd salve and It kept getting worso all the tlmo. I got pome Cuttcura Sonp and Ointment, and after wnshlng his hands with the Cutlcura Soap and puttlngFome of tho Cutlcura Ointment on twoimes a day nd tying cloths on them for nbout six months thoy got well and havo not broken out since. Cutlcura Soap and Olntmeut cured him entirely." (Sign ed) Mrs. Lawrence Kiehl, Feb. 13, 1912. Cutlcura Soap nnd Olntmont sold throughout tho world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Rook. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. Bad Luck. They oughtn't to call that railroad (pedal tho Comet." "Why not?" "Hecauso comets nrnrly always havo their trains telescoped." Water in bluing i adulteration. Olasa nnd w.iter millers liquid blue ctly. Ihiy lied Cm. Hill lllue, makes olutlics whit or than now. Adv. Kvpry mother is llrmly convinced that sho is capablo of picking a better husband for her daughter than she did for herself. L I MANUFACTURERS " Look over this list of manufacturers and note the length of time their products have stood the test. The Double Guaranteed Tag representing Quality Hardware will be attached to the goods made by them. TOOLS. Oo. II. Mr-Imp A Co., Miikt'rn (it Guaranteed Bans 18 ymrs. Clrt a-Iitinl Tulst Drill Co.. . MulK'ts or IllRlu-at Urn.lf mill Oils for 3H ycura. Carlinriimliim Co., Knr 12 yrnrs Imilrrs In ninlilnc 13tnt Hhnrpi-nlne Utonva. llfiirj- niVntnn & Huns. Leading Saw Malcira 71 years. KiifClr HqiiPrn Co., KnRln Kquaua havo stood tlio trst 1)3 yenru. 1'onl Aucrr nit Co., llnvn hern innklne; Fnril's tiliifle l.lplicd lilts for 4li years. Irnln AiiRrr nit Co., Makers of thu OrlKlnnl Holla Center Auger lilt fur 27 ycais. Iiur.v Hamlin Co.. Orlglnutnrs and makers of Ivory- Ate Handlo 12 years. Itussrll Jennings Co.. .Manufacturers of the orlirliifll Double Spur Auger Bit 0! yi-urs. l.lifkln ICnlo Co. Mh Iters of Celebrated Bleel Tjpes for 30 years. Duld Mntln1n Hammer Co., Have inadn tho orlKlnnl Mnydnl llnrnmvr 07 years. Maim ICiljrr Tool Co.. Makem of our "Clean Clliiner" Avn 22 years. Jtlller Inlls Co., Mukers of llnrher IJrnees nnd I.ang- iloit Mllre Uoxis II years. irlinlson lllo Co,. Oletirnted Nlehnlsou File on tho marl.et 03 years. KUfnril Slfir. Co.. Itlxftml b'cylhes nnd Aes Iirv sst- Isllrd list-is 100 years. Stanley ltnlr & Level Co.. Have lieen maklrict llelt Planes and 'uriienter Tools 00 jeais. Klnr Mta. Co., .MHnufirulutcra of the celebruled 111. gin Wrench. I'tlea Iron 1'nren Co., Qiuillty I'll, ra lmvo stood tile test 1.1 years. C. B. Vtuni Tool Co.. Mnkeis of tho Nerv llvr rllitlllfr Chis els that please. llLILDintB H.IHDWAIIL'. Alllth-I'roiity Co., Alfrs or durnlile Parlor and llarn Uoor Hancers 20 years. Clilrngo Hiirlnif Itult Co., h'lirlin; lllnt-cu that do the work. If you want Quality ask your dealer for above factory brands bearing the Double Guarantee Tags When you buy your hnrdwaro Insist upon tho nest Brands mado. Ilrands that carry tho namo of tho manu facturer who Is not afraid to glvo a Doublo Guaranteo that Protects. Don't lot your denlor show you. a "Just as good" article mado by any manufacturer nnd sold under n prlvato brand, but got what you pay for Quality. Tho Standard Factory llrnnds bearing tho Doublo Guaranteo Tag which protects tho Dealer nnd You. FOR OALE. A high-grade Piano 'Player, made by thd Aeolian people of Now York City. Cost 9360 good na now only a short tlmo in use. It fits any piano. Also $225 worth of rolls of music goes with it. Will sell Player and music for 5200. Reasou for selling 1b that family owning it Is breaking up Ad dress Rox SOS, Omaha. Neb. Adv. At the Operr,. "That singer has a powerful voice." "1 should say so. I enn't hear my self spoak whon Iio'h Hlvglng." Slnt. Wlnsliiw'n foothills; fly 'up for Children teflhlhg.siiflens thugum, rnt-eH Itilliiinnin llntunllays p.iln, cure wind rolkvlftv a bottle. A (It. Kindred Association. "Do you want this rco?" "Much 'dough' In It?" CU11P.S ITCHINO SKI DISIMSBS. Colo's Cnrlmllialvo atopa Sehlnflr nml makes tho skin smooth. All dniffciiir 23tnd!Cc. Adv. Most people would rather tako nil vice from strangers. A fool and her mofcy frequently marry Into tho nobility n nurXai cvtuw viuui aiiuuuv nAV& nit. W Fruitless Starch Twin Dolls EVERY ClULO SHOUUO HAVE THE &' MiM-Uuy White mi J If Km wilt IMA thn ttrwt ra.vdnllr.tiKchKi-3 Inches ttian niulrrrtdjr tocntonO uiiHutnlt. will bo Mint to nnrftddrru, postpaid, onrcw. co'ctptulzfmnUnnOrcntFoultlrwHlArrUptoksinxi. fronts of & rout . 7 1 BconUIn i IVxlthrrrinln O, tdthrr drill will ta Ronton receipt of threo 10 crns . frnatsprslibrrint fronts lind 4 cents In tnmr. 0t .in lumnn n ml thla niL his ad. It will bo udt front, or two a cent I trccptnd with each application. FlUITLESS STARCU w L DOUGLAS SHOES S3.G0 s3.50 $4.00 $4.50 AND $5.00 FOR MEN AND WOMEN Bcw waarW.L. Douglaa C2.00, $2. Bltooo, liacauvo ent pjfr will poolllvoly oulvaai' two pairs of ordinary ahovo, axrno tea tho man' cicas. W.LDouglns make and sells more $3.00,53.50 &$4.00 shoos I than any other manufacturer in the THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS. The workmanship which has made W. L. Douglas chocs famous the world over is maintained in every pair. Ask your dealer to show you W.L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice tho short vamps which make tho foot look smaller, points in a shoe particularly desired by young men. Also the conservative Styles which, have made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. If you could visit V. L. Douglas large factorios at Brockton, Mass., and sea for yourself how carefully V. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then un derstand why they are warranted to fit bolter, look better, hold their shapo and wear longer than any other make for the price. rait Color Citleti. CAUTION. To protect you srInt Inferior shoes, W.L.DoubIss stamps his name on llio tat lorn. Look for the stamp. Uewaro of lubititutas. W. UDoutlts shoes are sold in 78orr lores and shoo dealers oYerywli.re. No matter where you lire, they aro within your roch. If your dealer cannot supply'you.vrrlto direct to factory for catalog showing huwtotx-doj tar matt. ho9 sent vt-wbcro. tlellsory charges prepaid. W.l-UouiUs. Brockton, Macs. who mako Hardware, Farm Implements and Kitchen Utensils that aro of bucIi quality Hint they havo joined Wright & WUhclmy Co. in placing on all hucIi goods a guarantees that excels all other guarantecB. Thcao manufacturers can do this because thoy make tho BEST FACTORY BRANDS IN THE COUNTRY Tho fiuarnntoe Tag Is Three Color. On It 1b tho nnmo of tho manu facturer of tho article to which It Is attached, also tho nnmo of Wright & AVllhelmy Co., who jointly state In plain terms that tho dealer 13 authorized "to replace thin article free of cost if for any reason It ohould prove unsatisfactory." It is left to the user's sonso of right. You can not get a stronger guaranteo. Ask your Dealer for Doublo Guaranteed Roods. I.'acle Leek Co., , l'nil Loeks and Cabinet Locks In usa 70 years. 1'utent Vtilrunlto ltoollni; (' Vuleitnlto Ilnollni; has lieen used 30 years. I'lillinan Mfir. Co.. Makers or orlclnal I'lillmnn Hash linlmice 20 years. Jtlrlinnls-Wllrnx Co.. Mmlo successful Door llancirs 30 yeurn. Itussrll & Krulll Mfr. Co., Leaders In Ixiclis and Ilnrdnnro for 50 years. Shell.T Hnrtrn; lllnire Co., CiletnatMl rihelhy Chief Moor Hlnco for yuara, It. W. Welllnrton Co.. Silver l.xkii & IMilyslnne tlnsh Cord used for 43 yenru. Itacder, Ailnmson A Co., Have mndo thu hest Onnd l'oper for 51 years. TA11M AND WAGON llAmiWAItL'. Ainerlrnn Vork & lion Co., (Huecessora to Wtthlnuton & Cooley Mfr;, Oo.l Their Jackson Btrel (louds huvu stood the test 7H years. Amrx fihnvel & Tool Co., WrlKht Hliovel Co.) Largest producers of I'padis In thu world. (owners of Hltoveln ami Cleveland fitono Co.. Lencllng innkcru of Grlmlstonrs many years. ' Oclnno 1'enre Co., flenutlful Cyelnno Lnwn 1'eneo and dates 17 ycurs. I'enn Mr. Co., Mlrs. of Fenn I'ost AiiBers nonu tetter, (illhert A nennetl Ifsr. Co. Makers of Cllnntx I'oultry Nettlnit nnd Hardware Wlro Cloth. Luther Orlmlrr Mfnr. Co.. Orlelnnlora and tuukers of liest linn of Itapld Grinders many years. J. IT. I'nrter Co., Porter Hay Carriers nod nam Equip ment on top for 41 years HOUHi: I'lJilNISHINfS OOOIIH. lllMell Carpet Htvcrprr Co., Have made the popular Him II Car pet Sweepers 30 yeurs. lilnr kiine Mflf. Co., Makers of Iti-Rsl and other Washing Muchlues -12 yeurs. C'leieliind Tool nnd Hlumplni; Co., Have made Vulranlo rnnmeled waro tho best that can bo made. HARD FOR THE HOUSEWIFE It's hard enough to koop Iioubo if In porfoct health, but a woman who is weak, tired and BUfforiug all of tho tlmo with nn aching back ban a heavy burden to carry. Any woninn in this condition linn good causa to suspect kldnoy trouble, oopoolally if tho kldnoy action seems disordered nt nil. Doan'o Kidney PlIlB havo cured thousands of women Buffering In UiIb wny. It ia tho best-rocom-mended special kidney romedy. A NORTH DAKOTA CASE. s "F.titii Plrtur 7ll a Siory." Mrs.CU.Trlrr, Oundo. N. .i , sar:"irur years 1 hud kfdney trouble. ly foot mi ii 1 1 ui b n swelled nnd I couldn't sleep morn than two iaurs at a tlmo. n tho miming 1 was alt tiodi oat. My back xnslamo nnd 1 trad sharp patnu whon Iftfoopod. Jinan's Kidney l'llli tmvn re moved all tlil'i troublo." Get Doan's at any Drug Store, 50c Box 2 to a Kidney rOSTEIt-MILBUriN CO., nulfxlo. N. Y. is I Mint Pboebe Prin vaT-n: ntjirrh tniutn tyth at thmd rnulucn Btnrch pscksKf rmor nminun nnii nnrvuta. acccntod In plsuootonslu frauLi. Only ouo mi will CO., Kaaias City, Me. SO& 93. OO Softool i world. wiim WRiGOTfiWimnxrCo. Doutu C'jjuuTttlu Drxter Mfif. Co., Producers of the Sunny Monday Washers that clean Clothes. Uobson Mfg. Co., Mfrs. of Kiivor'to Churns satisfied users over 30 ycurs. Doier Mfg. Co., Originators nnd makers of Asbestos Had Irons 10 years. Enterprise Mnniifni-titrlnsr Co. of 1'n. Leudera In enterprise Meat Cutters nnd I-trd Preeses 10 years, l.'slute Hlovo Co., Makers of the celebrated Estnto litoves nono bettor for 07 years. C. T. Hum MfK. Co.. Makers of Nustvle Tjinterns and good Lantern M.nluis 21 years. Hoiiselinld TTriulpmrnt Co., Mfrs. of Petrlcca l-'irelrsa CookcrB that eoolc right. Low 11 Mfir. Co., '1'lielr Anchor Brand 'Wrlngera havo liHnstd useis 10 years, ltutnn Slfg. Co., Their Copper TYnro known for quality all over the country. AVIillo Mountain Freeirr Co., White Mountain Frcetcra known everywhere. IIAHNKSS. Amrrlrnn l'nil J Teitlln Co., Mfrs of Tnpitco J'ads tested nd trlid Ul years. Konnnts CInver Co., Makers or our "Clean Clipper" Har ness nono better. ClTLRItV AND Hll.VKIt WAKE. II. linker Co., Mfrs or everything In Fine Cutters for 70 years. Harrington Cutlery Co., Make thf Ueitrr Hutchcr Knife that kcepa sharp. Tntrrnntlnnu Hllver Co.. Mfrs. of Itogers 1874 Plated Wars uskI CO years, t'lsler Knife Co., Their Pocket Knives recognized for quality 30 years. (IUM8 AND HPORT1NO GOODS. Colt's Patent llro Arms Co., Makers of Colt's rtevolvers that shoot 70 years' Great Western Mfg. Co.. Muku Ulcyclts lhat wear, UaullngN Mfg. Co., Their Uaso Hall Goods lead tho mar ket. , k JLV. m mssm .4- mMwAks HS VW& 0bmMmm IsbsBHifTi liyy, tr ITT 381 J iLXHlK'9Tr1nfrV. VjI