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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1912)
ru,wmiwiii nn ' -Hh r f One of the Most Sacred Things in Life Is that littlp bnnd of gId which aignifien marriage, To tho bride, it is the key to nil happiness In the world hr constant companion through life. What a sense of satisfaction to him who sella wedding ring, well knowing that year hence, the same hand withered with age, will wear hin ring: exhibiting little nignts of wear. To tho jeweler who sells this ring comes the respect and confidence ho essential to success m this particular fitld of endeavor. No ring contains gold a0 thoroughly wrought, so thoroughly workod on the grain to withstand wear, as does this ring. We have the Engagement Ring, tho Wedding King, the Birthday Ring, the Baby Ring. In fact all kinds of rings. Lot us show you. CLINTON, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN (.ttcecrefraffaaac&t-txee , PHONE 4 OR 8 For Your Drugs. Orders De livered promptly. Ml Mt Ml It Ml it. REXALL and NYAL S DRUG STORES 44444C-frtC"3-34'34-34'9g Local and Personal. Roy Bunks spent Friday with friends In Kearney. Mrs. Lillian Gloason, of tho postoffice force is taking n month's vacation. Doputy Sheriff Tom Watts spent Sunday with friends in Gothonburg. Levi Duko transacted business in Omaha tho latter part of last wcok. For Sale Hard coal stovo in good condition. Phone Red 527 Ed. Burke. 78-4 Hiss Anna Rufllng has accepted a position in tho Dickoy ico cream par lors. Charlos Robs, of Omaha, spent tho last of tho wcok with his mother in this city. Joseph llerrod, of Columbus, was a visitor in town tho foro part of the week. Miss Florence Stamp will roturn Fri dny from a two months' visit in eastern cities. Dr. A. J. Afaos transacted profes sional business in Grand Island on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tiloy returned Friday evening from a visit in eastern points. Milton Atarcott loft Sunday for Den ver to visit friends for a couple of wcoks. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cory loft yester day for Omaha to romain a week or longor. Miss Margaret W align hns returned from a visit of sovoral months in cities of Montana, Miss Graco Shelton loft Friday af tor noon for tho enstorn part of tho state to visit friends. Emit Kosbau returned tho lust of last week from Greon Rivor where1 he spent Bevcral weeks. W, J. Cruzen went to Big Springs yostorday morning to transact business for a short time. Reed Smith, of Omaha, was the guest ot His parents Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Smith on Sunday. Photographer Alex Brooks waB a Goth enburg visitor on Sunday. He returned yostorday morning. Miss Clara Knno who Is teaching this torm at Maxwoll Bpont tho week end ut the Bonner home. Tl'e infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brady died Friday afternoon after a short illness. Mrs. William Shohoney left Sunday afternoon for Denver to spond a week or more with friends. Misses Doris and Holon Soibort wont to Choyonno Saturday to spend a few dayd with relatives. Mrs. William Stogall will leave Jn u short time for Omaha to visit with friends for a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Appleford, pf Maxwell, spont Friday and Saturday in town with friends. Dave Day returned this morning from Hastings whoro ho had been visiting for a few days. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Crook left Sun day in their car for Gibbon to spend a few days with relatives. ,- Miss Viriginin Bullnrd spent the week end with friends in Kearney and at tended the foot bull game. Tho Rebekahs will hold n bazaar and supper at the Odd Follows hall Tuesday, December 17th. Mr. and Mrs. James Hartmnn left yesterday morning ror atapieton to spond a couple of days. Miss Lillian Sturges who is now residing In Gibbon spent tho week end with relatives in town. Joss Smith returned yestordny morning from Gothonburg whoro ho spent Sun day with tho homo folks. Mrs. Charles Stamp will entertain tho Mothers' Club nt a theatre party at tho Koith tomorrow evening. Miss Margaret Ware, of Blair, Is ox poctod this week to visit tho Misses Ida and Gonevlevo Ottcnsteln, Mr. and Mrs. Marauot, of Horshoy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Lannin tho latter part of last week. Will Hoban, of Hartwoll, returned homo Saturday morning after spending a week at tho Shecdy home. James Norton, who had been employed in Denver, has accepted a position as gang boss in tho local shops. Got relief from from first application of A-thonca-ino tho now inhumation spoclal for that hacking cough or cold Git the chest IUnckeu Book & Drug: Co. Mrs. Jnmos Hart and Mrs. Will Hawley returned Friday from u short visit with friends In Omaha. Miss Flora Davis, of Arnold, spent Saturday transacting business at tho county superintendent's office. Mrs. Sarah Holden and baby have re turned from Paxton whore tlioy were guests of her sister last week. R. G. Brock, of Fairbury, who visited his brother Dr. H. C. Brock and wife last week, wenthomo Friday. Miss May Marovish has been em ployed on tho nursing staff at tho Phy sicians and Surgeons hospital. Frank McFadden, of Paxton, re turned homo Saturday, having spont several days here on business. Mrs. Will Baskins loft Saturday morning for Valley Junction to join her husband who is employed there. Mrs. John Mnng, who submitted to an oporntion tho latter part of last week, Is reported to be doing nicely. Dan Killian, of Rock Springs, is visiting his aunt Mrs. Joseph Pillion, Sr. Mr. Killian formerly resided here. Fall and winter apples for snlo fiO and COcLj. 1 milo cast J north of Platte Valley School House. J. R. Gardner. 78-1 At tho Nebraska State Irrigation Association held in Bridgeport last week J. G. Boelcr was elected presi dent. Mrs. William JcfTors and Miss Eileen Keliher, of Cheyenne, who visited nt the Schatz home last week, left Satur day. Miss Mary Mahoney left Saturday evening for tho eastern part of tho state to spond several days with rela tives. Miss Flo Johnson left Saturday after noon for Kearney and Staploton to visit her sistor who is teaching in tho latter town. Miss Mabel Sawyer who in the western part of the Saturday and Sunday with is teaching stnto spen tho home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Mnurico Buckley have returned from Council Bluffs whoro they were the guests of tho latter's sister, Mrs. Andrew Scharman.nnd childron left yesterday morning for Grand Island to visit her sister Mrs. George KanofT. Mrs. A. P. Carson arrived Sunday afternoon from Columbus to spond sev eral weeks with her son Perry Carson and wifo. Cardinal Farley, of New York, went thru Sunday enrouto to Denver to bo present at tho dedication of tho Imnculato Conception Cathedral. new For Sale Beautiful hard coal atovo used one aonson. Cnll at Weinga nd's store. tf Chnrles Howor, of Sidney, who visited his daughter Mrs. William Norris last week while onrduto homo from anextonded visit la Pennsylvania, loft for hoine yesterday. Frank J. Chambers formorly of this city wnsmarried inBollingham, Wash., on October 19th, to Miss Jessie An drews of that city. Mr. Chambers is now employed as freight agent for tho Northern Pacific. Tho tender on engine No. 1711 went in the ditch one and ono-half miles west of Bolmr.r Fridav. The oncrinn hnil loft ,tho train and was on tho wny to Lowel- icn lor water, ino wrecker was sent up and picked up the wreckage which wns slight. Trains on that lino were delnyed sovoral hours. Bishop McGovern, of Cheyenne, for morly of Omaha, who is well known among tho local peoplo was in tho city Friday Tho bishop has been n patient at St. Catherine's iiosplial in Omaha for sevoral months and was en routo to Choyenno to take up his work. He was accompanied by FathorStonson. Tho Lanco is informed that S. A. Thomas has disposed of his holdings of stock in the Farmers' bank of this placo toJ. R. White, who has been one of tho stockholders. In tho exchango Mr. Thomas received a truct of hay lnnd throe miles from North Platto. Sutherland Free Lance. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Brooks came down from North Platto Saturday after noon to visit their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Nichols, re turning homo Monday. Mr Brooks re cently sold his auto garngo at Jules burg and is now located nt North Platto whero lie expects, soon to conduct a gurago. Gothenburg Independent. Pattern and tailored hats worth up to $6, $7 and $8 for $4.95 each Saturday at theParlor Millinery, 300-East 3rd St. The local high school foot ball teair. defeated the Kearney toam by a score of C to 3 Friday afternoon at Kcarnoy. North Platte made ono touch down and jvournoy made one drop kick. Tho suc cess of tho day was duo to Captain Will Norris who won tho game whllo p ay lng tackle. Tho star playing of the Koarnoy team was made by quarter back Lantz. Kin MaM 9x15 Balo Ties, per bundle'. S 1.15 Barb Wire per 100 pounds 2.80 Wide Tiro Wagons 70.OO At Horahoy's corner Fifth and Locust streets. Phono ID. Local and Personal Misslsabelle Stafford returned to' Paxton Saturday after visiting town friends for several days. Mrs. George Coates, who spent tho past three months with her mother in -Portland, returned the last of last : week. I F. Smith, of Lexington, who will take4 a nositlon mi wire chief In the local telephone office, arrived here the last of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stamp,vho have ben visiting relatives in Rossville, 111., Kansas City and Chicago, will return Thursday. County Superintendent Cleo Chappell will leave the last of this week for Omaha to attend the state teachers' association. I Charlos Trovillo has purchased n seven passenger Welsh Buick from the Duvjs garage and drove the same home Saturday. J. F. Claubaugh returned Sunday from Chicago and other eastern points where ho spent ten days purchasing wintor stock. lfra. It. D. ITnrznrr who hnd heen ill at the Physicians and Surgeons hospital for several weeks has recovered and re turned home. Fred Ginn left Saturday afternoon for Denver to spend a few days after which ho will leavo for points in the Pacific Coast. Miss Sarah Brandt, who is teaching in Sarben, spent tho week end with town friends and loft Sunday for Goth onburg to visit. Mrs. William Finney nnd children who visited hor mother, Mrs. Georgo Hat field last week, returned to Ugalalla Saturday afternoon. Mesdames W. M. and M. J. Costello, of Elyria. who had been guests of Mrs. Addle llall tor a couple 01 weeks, laft for homo Saturday. Mrs. Nels Hammer and daughter Freda wore called to Sidney Saturday by the death of tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ahrens. Twin girls were born Saturday even ing to Mr. and Mrs. Georco KanofT. of Grand Island. The latter was formorly Miss Francis Nichols of this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. WofTred. of Fresno. Cal., who spent the past fouf months with the latters sister, Mrs. Walter Ross, left for home Friday evening. According to rnilroad estimates, the. vvymore division 01 the tJurlincrton alone will ship 2,000 carloads of apples this season. The division lins 850 miles of track, which means two and one half cars for every mile. In many in stances the loading track capacity of small stations is being filled to tho limit. Mrs. M. K. Neville entertained tho Indian Card Club on Fridav afternoon. In the card games Mis. Joseph Stone won the first prize and Mrs. James Hart the second. A nice lunch was Served after tho card playing. Assist ing mrs. iNevuio were Mesdames D. T. Quigloy J . F. Clabugh nnd Chnrles weir. Lot McGovern do it. Do What? Re pair, that stovo for you. Residence 1005- Locust, Phono 390. Star Stove Repair Works. Three hundred nnd fifty speakers I were put on tno stump in Wew York stato yesterday by the democratic national committee in tho hope of win ning tho stato for Wilson. If tho vo ters of New York state are ns disin terested in politics as they seem to be in Lincoln county tho 350 speakers will arouso but little enthusiasm. Farm For Sale. The northenst quarter (nel) suction twenty-four (24) township thirteen (18) range thirty (30) about seven miles southeast of North Platto on south side of Platto river, all smooth land near hills, good buildings, fifteen acres in alfalfa, ono of best farms in Platto valley. Pnco $10,000.00. Terms, half casn, uninnco on easy time at 7 per cent interest. Address Joseph Horshov North Platte, Neb. l y Hallowe'en Cafateria. Roast iinrk. nnnlr nnnpo rnnat- Unt mashed potatoes, gravy', bread and nutter sandwiches, baked beans, cab bago salad, pumpkin pie, doughnuts, coffee, at Presbyterian church parlors, Oct. 31st, 5 p. m. Notice. Notice is horoby given that on tho 3rd. day of December, 1912, a special election will bo held in the School Dis trict of tho City of North Platto, In tho County of Lincoln, In the Stato of Ne braska; tho polling places to bo as follows: For that portion of said Dis trict north of tho tracks of tho Union Pacific Railroad Company, nt tho Hoso House in thq Fourth Ward in the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska; for that portion of snid District south of tho tracks of tho Union Pncific Rnilroad Company nnd west of Dewey Streot nnd public road No. G which is n continuation of Dowoy street, nt tho IIoso Houso in tho Third Ward of said City of North Platte; and for thnt por tion of said District south of tho tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and east of said Dewey streot and pub lic road No. G, tho snme being a contin uation of Dewey streot, nt tho Hoso House in tho First Ward in the City of North Platte. At which said election the following proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of said School District: "Shall tho School Districtof tho City fcf North Platto, in tho County of Lin coln, in tho State of Nebraskn, Issue its negotiable bonds in the sum of $20,000, 00, in denominations $1,000.00 each flfltAfl in li lt .Ini. p A ....It 1 tt, o . .. ul, ,v w,., uiiy i ""i ioia, bearing interest nt tho rate of 5 nor tcufc ucrnnnum, pnynuiu semi-annually, principal nnd intorest payable at tho fiscal agency of the Stnto of Nebraska In the Cltv nf Now Vnrlr nnrl as follows, to wit: In twenty years Twin .1.. .1.A 1. .... 1...1 1 . . Hum viio iimu uiurui, uui may oo paid ut any time after ton years from tho dato thereof nttho option of the Board of Education of said School District, Said bonds to be issued for the pur pose of orocting and furnishing one eight-room school building in tho First Ward of the City of North Platto, Ne- hrnslrn nn lilnrOr Ifift In uS,l ..m.1 And shall the Board of Education of tno ocnooi District ot tno tity ot North iyia3aaesatiHBaa ' Second Week of Sale ' Now Bigger and Better Bargains Hundreds of New Specials Added Daily to Our Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Department is now complete with the swellest and lowest price garments in North Platte. All go at, including our new Furs Our Men's Clothing Department has been a wonder during this sale. The high quality and low prices have made this department busy. Lots of good things left going at 20 Percent Discount AND SOME LESS. Prepare and buy your Blankets and Com forts this week and save Dry Goods Department Dress Goods and Silks going fast. Some good items left. Outing Flannels, Curtain Materials, Percale, Ginghams, everything except Kid Gloves go at 20 P Watch This Space Next Week For :rrc;ra-yiragrariire'wra;.Trei Platte, in tho County of Lincoln, in tho State of Nebraska, be authorized to cause to be levied and collected a tax annually in an amount sufficient to pay tne interest and principal ot said bonds, at the same mature, in nddition to tho taxes now authorized to bo levied by law on all property within the said School District, The ballots to be used at said election shall have printed thereon: "For issuing ?20,000.00 of the bonds of the school district of the city of North Platte, in the county of Lincoln, in the state of Nebraska, for the pur pose of erecting and furnishing one eight-room school building on block 1G8 in the First ward of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, in said district. Said bonds to be negotiable in form and to bear interest at tho rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest pnyablo at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska, in the cityof New York and which said bonds shall be due as follows: In twenty years from tho date thereof, but may bo paid at any time after ten years from tho dato thereof, at the option of the Board of Education of said school district; and for levying and collecting a tax annually in an amount sufficient to pay tho interest nnd principal of said bonds, as tho same mature, in addition to tho taxes now authorized to be levied by law, on all property within the said school district." "Against issuing $20,000.00 of the bonds of tho school district of the city of North Platto, in tho county of Lin coln, in tho stato of Nebraska, for tho purpose of erecting and furnishing ono eight, room school building on block 168 in the First ward, of the city of North Platto. Nebraska, within said district." Said bonds to bo negotiable in form and to bear interest at the rate of fivo per cent per annum payable semi-annually, principal and inter est pnyablo at the fiscnl agency of the stato of Nebraska in tho city of Now York and which said bonds shall be due ns follows: In twenty years from the dato thereof but may be paid at any time after ten years- from the datci tnereoi, nt tno option oi ine board of education of said school dis trict; and against levying nnd collecting n tnx annually, in nn amount sufficient to pay tho interest and principal of snid bonds, as tho same mature, in ad dition to the taxes, now authorized by law, on nil property within tho said school district " Thoso voting in favor of said propo sition shall mark their ballots with an "X" after tho paragraph beginning "For issuing $20,000.00 of tho bonds of tho school district of the city of North Platto in tho county of Lincoln, in the stato of Nebraska.' Those voting against said proposition shall mark their ballots with an "X" nfter tho paragraph beginning "Against issuing $20,000.00 of the bonus of tho school district of tho city of North Platte, in the county of Lincoln, in tho state of Nebraska." Said election to be open nt (8) eight o'clock a. m. and contiuno open until (G) six o'clock p. m. central time on said date. Dated this 21st day of October 1912. By order of the board of educntion. E. T. Tkamp, President A. F. Streitz, Secretary. ercent Discount. Yourself for Cold 20 Percent Discount, 'RORfi'S1 HllieAKBk rrrr-N n is .; in ti fc. kA 1. Eii 11 w.n xi 11 vt-Zi i? GETTING AHEAD, When the officers of this bank see a depositor mak ing steady gains in his balances, our confidence in him grows. When a depositor who has won our confidence re quires money with which to develop his business our large resources enable us to give him all the credit his financial condition warrants. The merchant, the manufacturer, the builder, the farmer who does business at this bank, receives its financial support when he needs it. We invite all who want the co-operation of a strong resourceful bank to become depositors of the McDonald State Bank. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Union Realty and Investment Company. Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00. -OFFICERS T. C. PATTERSON, President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Treas. First Mortgages on Real Estate Bought, Sold and Negotiated. This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort gages on real estate, amply secured and drawing eight per cent semi- annual interest. Money so invested STEP II. Dine here Today. This Cafe I is the one that will please I your fancy in cleanliness, good 1 food and service. Prices I reasonable. 1 Opposite Depot, PALACE CAFE I risiaszMXXi'vxuiJtUismjatam Going on. than Ever. our Present Specials. Weather u: Something New. jagwrowLBMa.ijBWA-wapfTfrp AND DIRECTORS- will bo exempt from taxation. I I