The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 29, 1912, Image 3

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' 3W WJtir Sir
"Did Gaddorly havo much luck or
his fishing (dp?"
"Remarkable luck! "Why, overyono
believed the tales that ho told!"
I took about G boxes of Doddo Kid
ney Pills for Heart Trouble from
which I had suffored for G years. I
had dizzy spoils, my oyes puffed,
my breattt was
short and I had
chills and back
ache I took the
pills about a year
ago and havo had
no return of the
palpitations. Am
now G3 years old,
able to do lots of
manual labor, am
and weigh about
Judgo Miller.
well and hearty
200 pounds. I feel very grateful that
I found Dodds Kidney Pills and you
may publish this letter if you wish. I
am serving my third term ns Probato
Judgo of Gray Co. Yours truly,
PHILIP MILLER, Cimarron, Kan.
Correspond with Judgo Millor about
this wonderful remedy.
Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. por bos at
your dealer or Doddo Medicine Co..
Buffalo, N. Y. Wrlto for Household
Hints, also music of National Anthem
'(English and German words) and ro
cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free
-Knew a Poet's Troubles.
"Had a queer experience recently,"
eald tho Dillville poet. "Itobbor held
me up on the highway. Didn't havo a
cent In my pocket only n poem
which I was takln' to tho editor."
"Didn't take tho poem, did ho?"
"No. Read three lines of it, handed
It back to mo and said: 'Friend, hero's
$2 You need it worso than I do.' "
Atlanta Constitution.
important to Wlothora
Examine curelully every bottlo ol
CASTORIA, a safe and suro remedy for
Infants nnd children, and seo that it
Bears tho jST& p . "
Signature of OikfiUc.
In Uso For Over 30 Yonrs.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorla
Comparative Luxury.
"My father has a horse and buggy.'
"Yes, but my brother was run ove:
by an automobile."
By uai-r Colo's Orhollsalve. It I. a mosl
effective remedy. All druggists. 25nndS0c. Adv.
When Dame Fortune knocks at a
man's door ho always "rubbers" to see
tf tho neighbors are looking.
Don't buy water for bluing. Liquid blue
if ilmot nil wnter. Bnv Red Cross Ball
Blue, the bluo lUut's nil blue. Adv.
Suspicion continues to snoop around
until It findB what It Is looking for
A "Tempting
has no attraction for tho poison
with a weak stomach.
You havo no appetito and what
little you do cat distresses you.
Try a bottlo of
and notice tho improvement in
your general health. Your food
will tasto good ancj Q vou g00(i,
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
fail. Purely vegeta
ble act surely
but gently on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner distress-cure
improve the complexion, brighten the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
jwmxSv ft
AHflEy,, ia
.mstimy ebittle
dmmr kiiver
ywdavflvv un ic
W .JkJizL- C i
Extrcmelylmportant That Grower Should Know Just Which Plants
Are Most Likely'to Be Attacked by Little Insect Some
Serious Mistakes Made.
Trees that arc badly Infested with
tho San Joso Scale appear as If thoy
had been dusted over with aBheo. If
tho branches and twigs whoro the in
uectB aro numerous bo scraped with
a knlfo It will bo seen that this un
natural covering la qulto easily re
moved, coming off In littlo flaky
patches. Each of tho littlo circular
gray objects Is a scparato ecalo, each
covering a tiny yellow insect under
neath. On thickly Infested branches
they often bocomo so crowded that tho
scales nro piled over ono another bo
that tho real bark of tho troo is not
vlslblo at all. Branches nnd twigs
which aro only slightly or moderately
Infested will not bo thUB completely
covered over, and tho bark may bo
of its ordinary color and appearance
except hero and thero along tho
branches whero the scattering scales
nro found. Tho largest full-grown
ucales nro about tho nlzo of an aver
ago pinhead. Thoy can, therefore, bo
detected by any person who has in
tho beginning an intelligent irtpa of
tho insect, has sharp eyes, and who
happens to look In tho right place.
Usually tho farmer or fruitgrower
does not know that there is any ser
ious troublo until tho trees begin to
dlo. Hy that timo they aro coverod
by tho scales and present tho ashy
appearance. Then, If tho owner finds
that his troublo Is San Joso scale, he
is apt to think that It is onl on thoso
trees that present tho unnatural ap
pearance, when In reality it may al
ready bo on every trco In the orchard.
Such a mistake often costs tho lives
of many trees, slnco tho owner, in
stead of examining closely and treat
ing every Infested tree, as he should
Infested twig to right; immature
scales In center; full grown female
scale above; Infested pear fruit to left
showing reddish blotches.
do, simply takes out thoso which aro
already in dying condition, and then,
because ho sees no moro of similar
appearance, he imagines ho has ex
terminated It, when as a matter of
fact other trees moderately or slight
ly Infested still stand in the orchard
and soon begin to die, having in tho
meantime spread tho insect into still
other trees, and so on, until tho wliolo
orchard may bo ruined.
Whore tho scales are not numerous
enough to crowd ono ano.ther each in
dividual grows to somewhat larger
slzo than when they are crowded.
Whero tho scales nro scattering along
the branches each scale is often (but
not always) In tho center of a slightly
reddened spot on the bark. If the
natural color of the bark be reddish
this will not show plainly, but If tho
bark bo of a light green or yellow,
tho roddinh spots aro quite conspic
uous. In looking for scalo on slightly
ilnfested trees it may usually bo moro
readily found by looking for theso
reddish spots than by looking for tho
scale Itself, but closo watcli must bo
kept for both scales and blotches. If
-J1 '-vV'TvS
Just because a Whlto Wyandotte
hen found a halo in a fenco and
crawled through, a now breed of poul
try came Into oxistence, according to
tho Suburban Life. There was a Hock
of Harred Plymouth Hocks on the
othT sldo of tho fence, and, wlwn the
eggs of tho White Wyandotte werr In
cubntcd the birds were of a kind nu
seen before With the blze and shape
of a Wyandotte, they were marked
r&- WWI-3J l.'.TOaAv !
such a spot bo found, howovor, It
must then bo examined to oeo If It
is caused by a truu scale-Insect, for
thoro nro certain unimportant diseases
which may havo a similar effect, lfj
tho littlo gray, circular scalo 1b found
In tho center of tho 3pot, nnd If tho
scalo Is readily removed by scraping
gently with a knjfo blado or tho
finger nail, then you may bo pretty
suro It is San Joso scalo, nnd should
at onco send specimens to your stnto
entomologist nnd find out.
Turn ono of tho Bcales over gently
with tho point of n knife. If It Ib ono
of tho largo full-grown scales tho
Insect may as llltoly bo dead as alivo,
under it, for tho scalo ndheres long
after tho Insect Is dead. If tho insect
is nllve it will bo Geen ns a littlo. yel.
low object, slightly egg shaped, but
moro pointed at ono end. nnd slightly
(Inttencd. Indeed, if haB been well
described ns resembling a tiny bit of
rhecso or yellow buttor I'rcss tho
body with tho point of tho knlfo or
pin and it is easily crushed, yielding
a tiny bit of yellowish, oily liquid. If,
on the other hand, tho Insect is dead,
tho dried body will llltoly bo found
simply as a thin yellowish-brown par
ticle under tho scale.
Tho San Joso scalo is not capable
of living and thriving on all kinds of
plants, and It is extremely Important
that tho grower should know which
ones aro moBt llablo to attack. It Is
primarily a post or orchard trees and
it is an exception, rather than tho
rule, to find it on any other. Of tho
orchard fruits, peaches, plums, apples,
pears, nnd cherries seem to bo worst
attacked and die most readily in tho
order nomed. Certain varieties, es
pecially of pears, Beem to show con
siderable resistance, tho Kelffor, Lo
conte, and Garber seeming to bo loss
attacked than others, though by no
means exonipt. Sour cherries aro also
resistant. !
Forest nnd nhado trec3 nrc vory
seldom infested with tho San Jose,
in hnrboring or spreading infection.
Growers sometimes make serious and
ridiculous mistakes on this point nnd
givo up hopo becauso thoy Imagine
that the "scalo Is In tho woods," or
they try to destroy tho forests which'
they suspect, or spend hour3 In a'
fruitless search for It on tho forest or
shedo trees, and then, when they find
a scnlo (which is some othor species
In nino caseB out or ten they think
that they have surely found It. '
Let us repeat, then, with greater
emphasis, that: the San Joso scalo Is
primarily a pest of orchard fruit
trees; it may also occur, but less fre
quently, on rose, grape, currant, goose
berry, mockorango, and Japan walnut,
but orost and shado trees aro not
appreciable factors In harboring or
spreading it.
Irish Use Dairy Waste.
Irish experts have Invented a pro
cess by which dairy waste In com
bination with coarsely ground phos
phate of Hmo and yeast makes a fer
tilizer which will return to tho soil ail
of tho phosphato removed by milk.
Scientists claim this fortillzer Is
worth about $20 per ton while It costs
only about half the amount to make
Small Cows. '
Small cows may bo good milkers at
first, but they generally lack staying
power. Large, coarse cows, tiro, on
I tho other hand, likely to bo costly
feeders. A vigorous anlnial of fully
avorago size and of the milk typo Is
like light Urahmas.
Itev U. M. Iirlggs, who origlno'od
tho Whlto Wyandottes, was so well
pleased with this accidental crobB that
ho mated and culled until ho hnd fixed
the type. Thus it is that new br '-du
aro feometlmes made. All this hap
pened bomo time before tho Colum
bian exposition, In honor of winch
ovent tho new breed wna given tho
name of Columbian Wyandottes
n. ',-eSAr? is .-,..-. ,rr: ; vzz-
Tho natural tendency of paoplo In
this busy ago to demand of tho dl
geetlvo organs mora than nnturo In
tended thoy Hhould perform, frequent
ly rcsultn in throwing the ontlro dl
gcstlyo system Into disorder. Whon
tho stomach falls to freely digest nnd
distribute that which in oaton, tho
bowolB becomo clogged with a iunsn
of waste and refuso which ferments
mid gcncraton poisonous gascu that,
nro gradually forced Into tho blood,
causing distress and often sorlous ill-
Dr. W. H. Caldwell Baya that If tho
bowels aro kept regular thero will ho
much less sickness, and prescribes a
combination of simple laxatlvo herbs
with pepsin that Is most offcctlvo In
relieving any congestion of matter In
tho bowels. Thin compound can bo
bought In any drug storo under tho
iiaino of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
nnd costs only 50 cents a bottlo. It iu
mild In Its notion, pleasant to the
tasto and posltivo In effect, a dose nt
night bringing relief next morning,
naturally nnd without griping or oth
er discomfort. A bottlo of Dr. Cald
well'a Syrup Pepsin in tho Iioubo will
Bavo many times its cost In doctor
bills. Your nnme nnd address on a
postal to Dr. W. II. Caldwell, 2011 West
St., Monticello,. 111., will bring a freo
trial bottlo by return mall. Adv.
Liquid Measure.
It was the timo of tho singing lea
eon at tho local council school, nnd
the teacher was explaining to tho
young hopofuls that If a "treblo," and
"alto," n "tenor and a "baaa" sung to
gether, tholr united efforta would con
stitute a quartot.
Thoro Boomed no troublo about that,
and tho toucher thought tho class was
getting on very nicely.
"Now, Jimmy, leave off pinching
your brother's leg nnd Hston to ino,"
said she. "If a bass and tenor sang
together, what would you call that?"
Jimmy was tho son of tho local
milkman, and a bright lad withal. Ills
answer waB not long In coming.
"Plenso, miss," said ho, "that would
bo a 'pintoftc. '
Rose Matilda's Sprinter.
"Ah'a got a Bprintor f'm dat ol' win
der sill in mall lingo' Mis' Green o."
announced Hoso Matilda, who had
been scrubbing window sills, exhibit
ing the injured member. "Is yo' got a
pin or some sech sharp t'lng yo' cayn
git It out wi'f? Ah don' Jos wan to
leavo It In, 'ca'so dem sprinters nln'
to bo trifio wif. Oh, doiu's do flng'll
)do do business," as Mrs. Grccno at
tacked tho splinter with a pair of
tweezers and triumphantly drow It
out. "T'ank yo Mis' Grecno. Dom
teasers Is do bca' t'lng to exkrack
sprinters wi'f."
Diplomacy In Small Things.
Littlo Eloiso Cave, aged seven years
wan visiting her grandmother In Madi
son, Va., and wan scut to carry a
saucer of Ico cream to a neighbor. Dy
the cxorclso of Inflnito caro aho con
veyed her burden safely to tho houso
and gavo it into tho hands of tho lady
for whom it was intended. Tho lady,
however, was less careful than Eloiso
had been, and dropped tho snucer and
broke it.
"You needn't mind about that," said,
tho littlo diplomat, without an instant's
hesitation. "I don't think grandma
has a cup to match tho saucer. If sho
lias I will go right homo and break it
myself." Popular Magazine.
1 know of no manner ef speaking so
offcnslvo ns that of giving prnlso, and
closing it with an exception. Steolo
Tho moro Justico some pcoplo got
tho less they are inclined to boast of
Ho Sometimes Gets Sick Like Other
Even doing good to pcoplo Is hard
work If you havo too much of It to do.
An overworked Ohio doctor tella hla
"About thrco;yoara ago as tho result
of doing two men's work, attending a
largo practlco and looking after tho
dctalla of another business, my health
broko down completely, and I wao
Httlo better than n physical wreck.
"I Bufi'crcd from Indigestion and con
stipation, loas of weight and appetito,
bloating and pain after meals, loss of
memory and lack of norvo forco for
continued mental application.
"I became Irritable, easily angered
and despondent without causa Tho
heart's action became Irregular and
weak, with frequent nttneks of palpi
tation during the first hour or two
after retiring.
'Borao Grapo-Nutn and cut bananas
camo for my lunch ono day and
pleased rno particularly with tho rc
Btilt. I got moro satisfaction from it
than from anything I had eaten for
months, nnd on further Investigation
and use, adopted Grapo-Nuta for my
morning and evening meals, sorved
usually with cream and a sprinkle of
salt or sugar.
"My improvement was rapid and
permanent. In weight an well as In
phyBkal and mental endurnnco. In a
word, I am filled with tho Joy of liv
ing again, and contlnuo tho dally uso
of Grape-Nuts for breakfast and often
for tho evening meal.
"Tho littlo pamphlet, 'The Road to
Wollvlllo,' found liPpkgs., is Invari
ably saved and handed to soino needy
patient along villi tho indicated rem
edy." "Thore'B a reason."
Name given by Postum Co., Battlo
Creek, Mich.
Kvrr rrml hr nliovc Irttrrt A neir
one njiprnrK from llmr to ilinr. They
nrc Keniiliir, tr-j, anil full of human
liWcreM, Adv.
The Resurrec
tion of Christ
Its Results
Dlrrctof tl Uilr Cuutio of the Mew!?
DiUe lotlitvte, CliioEo
TlZKVi I Cor. 13.
1. The rrsurrectlon of Christ was
tho seal of God's approval upon the
truthfulness of tho
claims of Jesus.
Tho clalmB of
Christ Imply cith
er dlvlulty or
blasphemy. Jesus
Christ, In view of
hla clnlnis, was
either God or tho
moat c o lo s s n 1
fraud, or tho
greatefct Impostor
that over lived.
Ills claims stand
unnqunlcd In tho
history of tho hu
man raco, nnd on
the absoluto ful
fillment, oven to
the very letter, of all thoso claims,
Christ bases hla right to divine recog
nition. Ho claimed that It was hlu
prerogative to forgivo sin; that ho waB
tho only wny to God; that outaldo of
him thero was no penco nnd no way
or ncci-ss to tho Father; that unlesa
ho was trusted and believed In with a
wliolo heart there waa absolutely no
hopo of seeing heaven; that ho wbb
tho dlvinoly appointed Kcdcomcr of
the world, and that tho world's re
demption and salvation depended ab
solutely upon him nlono; that tho
power of Hfo and death waa In Hla
hands; and that all tho Old Testament
predictions received their fulfillment
in him. So strong wero theso clalmB
that on ono occasion tho Jowa were
axasporatcd with him and eald, "What
Bign showest thou us if thou bo all
(hat thou clalmcst to bo?" In nnBwcr
to thia challenge, Christ referred to
hla resurrection and cald. "If I do not
riso again from tho dead, do not bc
llovo my claim." On his resurrection.
therefore, Jcbuh Christ based tho vin
dication of all hla claims aH Paul
says, "Ho was declared to bo tho Son
Df God by his resurrection from tho
dead." So long as Christ's rcsurroc
tlon remains nn accredited fact of his
tory, then that Galilean peasant.
Jcsun of Nazareth, 13 indeed and in
truth tho Son of tho Most High God.
and tho Saviour of tho world.
Chrlst'o enemies realized tho Im
portance of Jcsub' resurrection, nnd
becauso of this, bribed tho soldlcra to
fay that the dlBciplcB camo and Btolo
away his body.
What a comfort tho resurrection 13
to tho believer, who has placed his
hope and confidence In tho life to
como In Jesus Christ tho Savior of tho
world! Tho world may derido. and
mock, and sneer, nnd ridicule, but the
believer exclaims, "1 kno'w that my
Itedeomcr llvcth," and this Is ample
evidence thnt tho bcllovcr'a faith has
aot been mlBplacciL
II. Tho resurrection of Christ In a
guaranteo of our own resurrection.
Paul's' thoughtful nnd inspired Infer
ence from Clirlst'n resurrection is
this: "HccnuBC ho lives, wo shall llvo
also." In tho words of Dr Parker,
tho npostlo Is continually amplifying.
I'laco an acorn in his hnnd nnd Inline
Jlately he feels tho weight of a
mighty oak. Give him ono littlo bulb,
ind Immediately you havo touched tho
fountains of his eloquenco and ho de
scribes gardens nnd paradises and
heavens PnuJ saw tho whole In the
part ho saw our resurrection In
Christ. If Christ rose from tho dead,
then tho gravcynrd la not a permanent
thing. The npostlo will havo every
littlo child brought back. Tho resur
rection shall bo accompanied by a
shout does this shout Intimate or sig
nify tho spirits leaving heaven and go
ing to tho graveyard claiming their
bodies? Who knowB?
Without tho resurrection of Christ,
thoro la no cortnlnty of our own resur
rection and that or our loved oneB. If
Christ bo not risen then nil who havo
died have porlBhod eternally. Then
wo havo no hopo or seeing those who
havo gone before. Put wo havo n
better hopo than that. "Becauso I
llvo. yo shall live also " As In Adam
all dlo, so In Christ shall nil bo mado
ullvo. "Kor If tho dead rise not, thon
Ip not Christ raised."
Firm and fast aH tho gravo now
c-ccms to held tho bodies of our dear
loved oneB. It Is now doomed ns a
fruit of ChrlBt'B resurrection, nnd will
bo compelled ono day to relax Its
rcrasp and yield them up to us again.
Empty nB waa JoBeph'B sepulchre
when the angel stood before It. so
shall one day bo every gravo on earth,
when another angel shall sound hla
trumpet and It shall ring through all
the regions of tho dead, and still all to
life again
Hi: The rasurroctron of Christ man
ifesto his victor; over death and thn
gravo w
Un to this timo. death's claims had
been undisputed. All opposition to
that dead enemy had been without
effect Sin reigned In the realm and
Doverelgnty of death, and death roign
ed In eln Tho purposo of Christ b
coming into the world nnd assuming
human form wns that ho might by his
own death abolibli death as tho wages
of sin It was when ho rose and left
i ho dead that .Satan's emplro Ml
i hrlst's victory over death was dra
matically complete on the day of his
ituurrectli n
Tho olory of the Bis Farmer la
Jvostorn Canada, and the ImmonB
jroflts ho has made In the growing o
rain, hao boon told anfl jrotold. H
iaa been found In all parts of th
provinces of Manitoba, Snskatchowai
ind Alborta. His nplondld farm bnlliU
IngB havo been pictured., bla tractloo
outfltn described and hlH prlncoly sur
rouudlngs, resultant of his bucccss Id
crowing grain, havo boon portrayed by
lotter, pfinu and camera. It certainly,
ta not k hlu discredit that by suc
cessfully applying common aenso and
up-to-dnto mothods to tho conditions
thnt climate, a good soil, and splendid
market havo placed at hand, that h
haB made tho bent uso of them. IIo la
not too proud to admit that ho cams
to tho country a very fow years ngo
handicapped as to monoy, leaving be
hind him unpaid mortgages in hlu old
homo land (which nro .now wiped out),
and ho Is still today tho samo good
hearted fellow ho wns In tho days thai
ho had to work for a neighbor, whlla
tho neighbor broko tho land on his
homestead, which wont to mnko up tha
settlement duties.
Thon, thoro, too, Is tho farmer and
Iho farmer's son, already "wealthy, who
has bought large holdings In Western
Canada, in clthor Manitoba, Saskatcho
wan or Albortn, who has mado forty
to ono hundred por cent, on his Invest
ment, whoso big grain crops and
whoso lmmonse cattle herds aro help
Ing to lmprovo tho country. Health
and strength, energy and push, and
bull dog grit aro as eusontlal in West
crn Cnnnda as in Ohio, Indiana, Ml
nois, Iowa, or any of tho otatos frpra
which so many of theso pcoplo como,
and thon, when you havo added to
that a fair amount of means, with
which to inako a start, tho land which
' only waiting for tho skill of tha
husbandman will quickly respond.
But thero Is tho smaller farmer, tho
tnnn who hns not mado sufllclont in
four or flvo yearB, that ho might com
fortnbly rotlro if ho felt like It, Thora
aro many of thorn In all the threa
Provinces. It Is not tho less to hla
credit that ho hns earned his homo
stead by tho thrco years residence,
that ho is froo from debt, and has a
reaBonablo hank account. Ho, too,
camo to tho country handicapped by
debts, and with vory littlo means. Ha
Is contented, has a good homo, land
reo of encumbrnnco, somo stock, and
with good pronpecta, Ono of thcs
writes: "I formerly llvod near Day
ton, Ohio, on a rontcd farm,, had &4
good a chanco as the avorago rontor,
but after ten years of hard work, satis
fled myself that If 1 over expected to
Bccuro a homo, J would havo to under
lako something olso. Hoaring of Wcst
crn Canada, I Investigated, and seven
yearB ngo last Spring oottlwi In a
homestead and purchased (on timo)
an adjoining half section, arriving
with a carload of household effects ancj
farm Implements, including foul
horses and throo cows, and $1,800 lo
money my ton yearB' wok h. Ohio.
"Tho first year our crops gavo u
feed, tho Bocond year 100 acres ol
wheat gavo ub $1,800; no falluro ol
crop since starting here. I havo new
22 head of horses, 15 head of cnttlo,
and 35 hogs. "Wo own 1,120 acroa ot
land, and havo same all under cultivtv
tion. "Was offered at ono timo $35.oS
por aero for a half Bcdtlmi whero tya
llvo, and all tho othor Jand could ha
uold today on jirenent market at $30.fl0
per aero. Slioald wo cata to dlopoSo
of our holdings, could pay all debts
and havo over $30,000 to tho good, bus
tho question Id whom could wo go Jo
InvoBt onr monoy and got as good ta
turns (ib here?
"Wo havo equally au good, If not bet
tor prospects for crops this year, ns
wo had thTco years tigo, when our
wheat reached from SO t 48 bushels
per aero. I never believed such crops
could bo ralBed until I saw them my
self. I luul 15 acres tbat ycai mat
mado 50 bushels to tho acre. Our har
vest will bo ready by the 12th. W
havo this season In crop 400 acres of
wheat, 125 of oats. 90 of flax, and
run threo binders, with four men to do
tho stooking.
"Wo certainly llko this country, ami
tho winters, although the winters atp
cold at times, but wo do not suffer as)
ono would think. What wo havo ac
complished hero can bo duplicated la
almost any of tho new districts. It
anyone doubtB anything I have Bald
In this letter, tell them to como hero,
and I can provo every word I have
Tho name of tho writer can bo nad
from tho Superintendent of Immlgro
tion, Ottawa, Canada, who can glvo
tho names of hundreds of others
equally Buccesuful. Adv.
Of Course.
"Her husband 1b a self-made man."
'"She's suro to Insist on alterations."
Uoston Transcript
LEWIS' Smule Binder Btrainlit Be ciipir.
You pay 10c for cigars not so Rood. Adv.
Whllo thou llvest, keep a good
tongue in thy head. Shakespeare.
Aro Richest in Curative Qualities
Ctanuea tad ftmtlilej tha htln
llTornoUi miniUut rrowth. '
lfnver 7Ua to lUitoro Qnn
uur v iiw I'cruuutut vvwt
rrvrentu oair Tmrnr.
yvn'iw.i'Hirc..w. $
B Cough Bjrup. TwtnQood. Uw
la the. Bald hj Drnfrf't.
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