The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 25, 1912, Image 7

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1 vs
"Many Songsters Have Notes That Are
Difficult to Place Grasshopper
le Big Offender.
VontrlloqulBm Ja not confined Bololy
'to the human race, London Answors
assorts. Thoro arc many birds whoao
notes tt is almoBt imposBlblo "to
Take tho corncrake, with its harsh
"crako. crake!" One moment tho
sound Is by your feet; tho next, fifty
yards away. Tho grasshoppor la an
other offender In this respect. ItB sib
ilant note Is hard to locate.
Tho Bodge warbler goes one better.
Not only is it an accomplished ventril
oquist, hut it will mimic or parody tho
song of othor birds. In a lesser degree
tho redbreast and tho crow possess
theBo powers, and foreign doves como
under the Bamo category.
In tho bell bird is exception
ally skillful with Its voice, while tho
American chlckadoo invariably de
ceives tho listener. Canada boasts of
a partridge which is known to decelvo
Bportsnion ns to its whereabouts for
hours on ond.
Figures of Two Boxers Swing Back
and Forth Under Impact of Blows
'Heads Are Separated.
A most amusing toy that can bo
made by any ingenious boy haB been
patented by an Illinois man. It con
sists of a piece of cardboard or thin,
wood upon which tho figures of two
boxers swing back and forth undor
An Amusing Toy.
tho Impact of their T)lows. These
blows, by tho way, aro delivered by
the operator's fingers, which are
thrust through openings In tho shoul
ders of the figures and huvo miniature
boxing gloves fastened on tho tips,
converting them into lifelike looking
arms. Tho lower portion of tho fight
ers from tho waist down Is drawn
on tho card, but their torsos and heads
are in separate pieces, pivoted at the
waist, so that they swing freely.
There Is a stop, however, bo that If
no of tho men gets an unusually
vigorous punch In tho Jaw ho will
only bend back to a certain point and
.will spring forward again to the fray.
What is tho longest sentenco known
to, history? Sentenco for life.
What Is It that you glvo away all of
it and can still keep all of It? Your
Why Is Cupid a poor marksman?
JIo Is always making Mrs. (misses).
What docs Washington, D. C, stand
for? Washington, Daddy of His Coun
try. What la tho last thing you tako off
beforo going to bed? Your feot from
off tho floor.
When is a woman not a woman?
When sho Ib a littlo cross.
Victim of Stret Car Accident la Furn
ished With Artificial Limb by
Smpathetlc Roy.
A very Intelligent white poodle dog
which had ono of Its forelegs cut off
in n street car accident wandered out
Into tho country and was adopted by
a farm boy. Ho took tho dog to a
doctor, who dressed tho leg, and when
it healed tho boy fitted an artificial
leg over the stump with a laced glove
top and a littlo rubber pad for the
foot. With thlB leg the dog travels
almost as well as ever, but occasion-
Runs With Artificial Leg.
alU loses his artificial aid to locomo
tion when looking for woodchucka.
Point In Her Favor.
"A female fly lays 130,000 eggs a
"Well, Bhe doesn't cackle, anyhow."
jtx: rQijK&ri
9 &
trunks "I'm vosT
s ovaedv pro
feuT 1 CMit.helfc
a I've
N iaa rocker
.. w
These Busy Little Workers Play Im
portant Part In Fertilization of
Many Pretty Flowers. ,
Bnrnoy Hoskin Standish in an ar
ticlo on "The Bumble-Bee" for the St
Nicholas BayB: Tho work of tho
bumblo-bco in bringing about the
crosa-fcrtllization of flowers is as im
portant as that of the honey-bee, and
theso two Btand nt tho head of tho list
of Insects useful in this respect. Each
has Kb flowers which it alono visits,
but there aro many flowers on neu
tral ground, visited by both. So we
may say of tho bumble-bee, as of tho
honey-bee, tho moro bumble-bees tho
more seeds; tho moro seeds tho" moro
flowers specially wild flo,wers, an the
tall fiell-flowor, touch-me-not. Solo-ruon's-seal,
gentian, Dutchmen's
breeches, and turtle-head. Bt prob
ably the most Important work this" in
sect does for agriculture is upon the
fields of red clover. 'Thoro Is abun
dant proof that this plant will not pro
duce seed without tho co-operation of
tho bumble-bee. It is Impossible for
tho wind to bring about tho fertiliza
tion of tho seed, ub It may do In tho
case of Indian corn, grain and some
forest trees. The tube of red-clover
blossoms, too, Is so long that other in
sects (including the honey-bee) are
not regular visitants.
Hero Is proof that this plant must
have visits from tho bumble-bee. This
Insect Is not a native of Australia,
and red-clover failed to produce seed
thero until bumble-bocB were import
ed. Ab Boon as they becamo numerous
tho plant cbuld bo depended upon for
seed. Again, tho blossomB of the first
crop of tho "medium rod-clover" of
our own country aro Just aB porfoct as
tiioso of tho second crop, but there
aro too few bumble-bees In the Hold,
so early In tho season, to produce fer
tilization; hence little or no seed in
this crop. If bumble-bees wero Bufll
ciefttly numerous there is no roason
why much larger ylolds of clover seod
vmlght not bo expected than at pres
Middle Digit May Be Turned Under
In Such Way That It Is Entirely
Obscured From View.
To find out how sharp the cyoa of
somo of your friends aro try the fol
lowing trick In their presence:
Plnco your left hand over your right
Middle Finger Hidden.
so that only tho tips of your four fin
gers show. Hand a pencil to ono oi
tho boys or girls and toll them to rest
the point on the end of your finger
which they think Is tho inlddlo ono,
that is, tho longest ono.
Your friend will look nt your finger
Secret of Trick.
tips closely, and perhaps will say he
scarcely knows which ono to mark,
for they all look so much allko. Final
ly, he will choose ono. Open your
hand. Much to tho dismay of your
friend ho will find that he marked the
first finger, the third, or tho little one.
Lot another person try his luck.
He, too, will moot with disappoint
ment. After you have allowed boveral
persons to try, without success, dls
closo tho trick to them if you liko,
Toll them you wero nblo to fool
them because your middle finger
wasn't thero nt all but was folded un
der. Tho only way anyono could find
this out would be to sit behind the
Large Paris Library.
The Imperial library of Paris con
tains two million volumes.
A Man With a Home Should
Use It.
Tho l'uaa stopped out for an hour,
and o.. vo conversation flourished.
Both business and tho forco wore lan
guid by reason of summer and Im
pending vucatlons. Adkins, thlrty-flvo
and single, was wlso on matterB
matrimonial, and "started something"
by maliciously attacking tho bliss of
Simpson, twenty-two and Just on
gaged. Miss Gertrude tried to listen
and typo lottem at the same time. Ad
kins looked up from Ills bookkeeping.
"U'b a dangerous experiment, my
boy," ho persisted. "Look at Peters,
onco Jovial nnd free, now u slavo. Ho
talks about babies and tho cost of liv
ing and blacks his own shoes, His
wife was almost as pretty aB Miss Gor-
trude, with a string of bonux instead
of a string of babies. She's thin and
old-looking. I bet sho wishes sho was
on her old Job, and that she's begun
to ask Simpson if he will really love
her when sho's old. A mortgago hangu
ovor them, too. U'b a risky experi
ment, getting married, Simpson."
Adkins added up 'a column of fiurcs
very accurately, while Gortrudo
clicked away and SlmpBon got out tho
ordor list' unperturbed. SlmpBon
straightened his young shoulders and
answered tranquilly:
"You're an old grouch soured on
life bocauso you haven't got u girl.
Walt till you viBlt Amy and mo and
you'll curl up with envy. Things don't
always go right for Binglo folks and
two people can live as cheaply us
Tho whole forco groaned nt tho
platitude, and Gertrude, her bluo eyes
alive, turned on them.
"You'll get what's coming to you,
anyway," sho contributed. "Mr. Ad
kins changes boarding Iioubcb and
varieties of dyspepsia every fow
weoks. I live at a coubIu'b. U'b not a
home, but it's not so bad aB a board
lug house. The children impose on
ine, but I feel less llko a stray cat
than when I'm with utter strangers.
Hut I will say that I'd rather be Mr.
Simpson than you, Mr. Adkins. Ho
and his girl are good sports, they
aren't afraid to take a riBk and swal
lov 8omp bitter stuff for tho sako of
t,li i Bweet! I'd rather bo Mrs. Poters
with all her troubles than Miss Still
well upstairs here. Sho's igot n littlo
hunk account, but Bho Bees only her
self. Sho will end her days In an
old lady's home somewhere. Mrs. Pe
ters may have to 'live round' with
her children, but she can scold her
sons-in-law and spoil her grandchil
dren she'll have something to live
for!" The girl caiefully lfcked on tho
stamps and gave tho letters to tho of
fice, boy.
"Get 'em right oft tho Boss told
mo to sign them." She turned back
to her work with an air of finality, and
Adkins gave an embarrassed littlo
whistle. Tho girl had boen thero
three months, but had been barely
friendly to tho forco. Sho attended to
business almost fiercely. The book
keeper turned on his high stool to
look at her straight, flat, littlo back,
and neatly arranged heavy fair hair.
He was not UBcd to being attacked by
girls. Ho was good-looking, older,
rather superior, with an air of Indif
ference to women. lie had a little
homo, but rented it to advantage, and
lived drifting about, his violin his only
real solace and companion. As Simp
son grinned exultingly nt him, he
turned back to his work.
Tho Bosb camo In again, so nothing
moro was said that day, nor on tho
next. Tho routine work weht on for a
week or two, and not once did the
Btenographor glvo tho bookkeoper an
unnecessary word or look. Poor Ad
kins felt a bit aggrieved. It was as If
a fluffy kitten ho was petting should
suddenly scratch him viciously and
then refuso to see him. But Miss Ger
trude Tumor had certainly created
within him a respect for her. She
knew her mind and spoke it. He even
hoped that since sho wished to marry,
as evidentlyi she did, she would find
the right man. Sho was, ho decided,
a sweet, sensible girl, who knew how
to mintl her business, month after
month, without any fooling.
After that littlo bout with tho girl
about marriage, Adkins kept respect
fully out of her way. Tho spell of his
Bolf-Batisfled smugnoss was broken for
him. He regarded Simpson furtively,
with a wonder as to whether ho and
hia "girl" wero not, after ull, what
Gertrude had called thorn, "good
Bports," willing to take Ufc'B bitter
with Its sweot. Then ho began to
wonder If she despised him. Sho Ig
norod him, but aho ignorod tho others
savo as to business. Ho wished that
Bho liked him.
Now It happened that Adkins and
Gortrudo had their vacations at tho
same time, and that by a strange
chance nolthor went out of town. Sho
slept half her time, nnd spent tho
other half playing with her cousin's
children, sewing a little, and gojng to
parks with a book, and sho would wan
der off for walks in the country-liko
suburbs. TIiub it was that ono day,
passing a trim littlo placo, Bho camo
full upon AdklnB, a cigar in his mouth,
his hat tilted back, his hands in his
pockots. Ho was leisurely Btarlng at
tho place. Ho saw her, and raised his
''Well," ho said, stopping hor, "what
aro you out horo for? I am thinking
of fixing ray place up a hit thtse
folks nro going In September, and
tho now tenants will want things
done, What do you think of tho
She Btopped, leaning hor white arms
on tho fence, and considering, wbllo
he counted freckles on her straight
littlo nose, nnd hopsd sho did not de
spise him too much. Ho was begin
ning to bo wistful nbout her opinion
of him. Tho fair box had usually re
garded him with favor ns a rather
cllglblo fellow In his clnss, nnd in
teresting because Indifferent.
"Well," she roplled slowly. "I think
It's pretty nnd comfortnblo looking,
but you ought to keep It In shapo. You
ought to live in it yourself instead of
shirking tho task of keeping up n
homo for yourself. It's sheor InzluosB."
Ho lookod nt hor reproachfully and
caught a gleam of saving humor In
her eyo. "My cousin, for InHtnnco,"
sho rosumod, "would bo wild with Joy
at a homo of hor own! You have one
and don't ubo It. What'B It for?" Sho
turned away, hut ho followed hor,
walked with her Into tho country ntyl
finally took hor home. Ho enjoyed
that walk. Sho gavo no sign aB to
whether she was glad to bo rid of him
at tho gato or sorry. Ho was piqued,
but life seemed highly worth tho liv-
Ho thought about her nnd n day or
two later drove up with a light buggy
and asked hor to drive. Sho wont
cheerfully onough, but ho felt at arm's
longth somehow, nnd resented It. Ho
discovered how sweot ho had always
considered her smile, how admirable
Bho was In, ovory way, how up-standing,
and bravo. Ho drew out Of hor
that, but for tho cousin, sho was
alono In tho world, that cho loved gar
dening and children, disliked city
streets, and enjoyed sowing. Sho did
her ofilco work well from prldo,
ratlior than liking. These trlflcB
spomod Important to him.
Tho country was swoot and green,
and they got buttermilk at a farm
house. A Bweet-faccd old lady took
back the glasses with this remark:
"Wouldn't your wlfo llko somo
moro? Sho don't look ovorly Btrong."
Without a word they both drank
more buttermilk, but when thoy drovo
on thero scorned to bo littlo to any,
and she avoided his glance. Tho horso
slowed down to a walk undor an ave
nue of green trees, nnd the man, still
silent, camo suddenly upon his ronl
self. He know what ho wnntod ho
had fouud tho key lb tho closed door
of his life.
"Gortrudo I wish it was so;V-you
don t know how I wish "
"Wish what waB so?" she asked,
though she must have divined.
"What that woman said " he put
his hnnd over hers which was not
withdrawn. "It seems ns It I had
wunted you from tho first and did not
know It! Why don't you nnBWor? Do
you despise me bo? Do you think I
am afraid of tho game? I'll tako care
of you and loVo you nnd bo glad nil
our lives If you will let mo!" Ho
spoke rapidly, nnd sho brushed a hand
ovor her eyes, and then lookod full nt
htm. Tears stood on her lashes.
"Oh!" aho Bpoko breathlessly. "At
least I have kept you from Bcclng thnt
I cared for you! I thought I could
never Btand it another minute, nnd
still I couldn't koop away from you
I " she winked the tears away. ,
"Dear!" ho aald. "Dearest, shall-we
drive past our homo?"
(Copyright. 1912, liv the MrCluro News
paper Syndicate.)
Little Willie Obeyed His Mother and
at the Same Time Got Satis
faction for Himself.
"Now," said tho fond mother, after
using tho Blippor upon littlo Willie,
I want you to npologlzo to littlo Fred
die tho first time you seo him for mak
ing his nose bleed. Littlo boys should
never fight. Now, promlso mo you will
apologize the very flrat time you meet
"All right, mother, I will," readily
pronilsed Willlo.
Tho very next day Willie mot Fred
die. "I want to npologlzo for making your
hobo bleed," said Willie.
Little Freddie made no reply, but
started down tho street with his noso
in tho nlr.
Willlo grow angry nt his littlo friend,
but suddenly thought of an idea. Run
ning around the block as fast as his
logs would carry him, ho mot Freddie
coming slowly down itho street,
"Hoy, Freddlo," ho called.
"Whatcher want?"
"Isn't this tho second time I met
"Well, tako tills, then," snld Willlo,
wjth a well-directed punch on Freddlo's
nose, which knocked tho lad Into the
"O-o-o," walled tho unfortunate Fred
die, struggling to his feot, "whnt did
you do that for?"
"My mother told me to apologlzo to
you tho first tlmo 1 met you," repllod
littlo Willlo, "hut sho didn't say any
thing about the second tlmo I saw
Kissing Ladles Only.
Wfion a femalp member of our toy.
al family holds a leveo It is customary
for her to kiss tho ladles of tho no
bility nnd no others. It happened that
the lady of the Lord Justice Clerk
was, on ono occasion, among tho num
ber of thoBo presented to tho PrlnccsB
Amelia, who was very deuf.
"Stand by for my Iidy Justlco
Clerk," said tho man In waiting.
Meanwhllo some meddling person
whispered to him that his announce
ment was Incorrect, tho lady being a
commoner. By this tlmo tho kiss pre
liminary waB about to bo performed,
whon out -bawlod tho man or office
through n sponklng trumpet:
"Don't kiss hor, madam she's not
a lady," London Titbits.
To Give Luster to Zinc.
Zinc will bo given a fine luster If
polished with ono part sulphuric acid
to twelve of water.
"""B. N
iocis oms
Wedding Etiquette.
Will you please answer somo qucs
itlons rolntlvo to a church wedding.
1. What nro tho brido's expense
jand whnt nro tho groom'B that Is,
(What does each pay for?
: 2. Who furnishes tho bridesmaid's
carriage, or does sho rldo In tho samo
ono with tho bride?
3. What aro tho groom'o obliga
tions toward tho befit man?
4. What Is tho ordor of tho pro
cession up tho aislo and also coming
bnck from tho ceremony?
C. What should tho groom wenr nt
a 5 p. m. wedding In October? Would
n black business suit bo impossible?
Whnt kind of gloves?
6. What aro tho bride's nnd brides
maid's duties nt tho altar? Aloo
thoso of groom and groomsman?
7. What would bo npproprlato to
Bervo nftor tho ccromony In tho way
of a light supper?
8. How soon boforo tho wedding
would It be proper to seo tho clergy
man? Thanking you for any Information
you may glvo. Interested Render.
Delighted to answer nil your ques
tions. Tho fnmily of tho brido bearB
all tho wedding cxponscB except tho
carrlago for tho bridegroom, which
'ho engages for himself and tho best
man, nnd tho convoynnco In which
,ho tnkca Ills brido nwny. Tho bride
'groom h nlso privileged to Bond tho
.brido nnd her nttendants tholr wed
ding bouquets, ho furnishes tho ushers
tholr gloves, tics nnd usually gives
thorn somo souvenir, tx Bcnrf pin If tho
wedding is before 6 o'clock, ns they
then could wear them. Tho best mnn
receives tho samo ns tho UBheru, and
ho is given tho check or gold pieco
with which to pay tho clergyman, who
should bo engaged at least n month
In advance, to make Buro that ho haB
no previous engagement.
Tho processional is led by tho ush
ers, followed by tho bridesmaids, two
by two, then tho honored maid or ma
tron nnd tho brido Immediately nftor
on tho nrm of tho ono who gives her
away. Tho bridegroom nnd hlB boat
man enter from tho sldo and await
tho brido nt tho altar.
Tho maid of honor or first bridos
mald, if thero is no maid of honor,
stands hosido 'tho bride, holds her
bouquet, nnd tho best man stands nt
tho bridegroom's sldo nnd hands him
tho ring nt tho proper tlmo In tho
service. Tho proper garb for a day
wedding is a frock or, what is nower,
tho cutaway coat, light gray striped
trousers, gray or white waistcoat,
four-in-hand or ascot tie, pearl gray
Buedo gloves.
Servo chicken salad,, hot rolls, veal
croquettes or Jellied tongue, coffee,
salted nuts, olives, lco crenm In bulk
or Individual shapes, cakCB, bon-bons.
State Flcwers.
At last I have found a list of the
flowers appropriated by tho various
states. I am not posltivo that it is
corroct nnd would bo moBt' happy
to hear from tho readors if thoy havo
anything moro complete. Somo Bay
tho goldenrod is our national flower.
A render requested this list somo
weoks ago. I hope It is not too Into
for tho purpose.
Alabama, goldenrod; Arkansas, as
tor; California, columbine, Delaware,
poach blossom; Idaho, syrlnga; Iowa,
wild rose; Mnlno, pino cone and tas
sel; Michigan, applo blossom; Okla
homa, mlstletoo (tho last threo states
havo adopted tho flower given by tho
legislatures of tho respective states);
Minnesota, moccasin flower; Missouri,
goldenrod; Montana, bitter root; Ne
braska, goldenrod; Now Jersoy, tho
sugar maple. Now York, roao and su
gar maplo tree; Oregon, Oregon
grape; Rhodo Island, violet nnd maplo
treo; Vermont, red clover; Washing'
ton, rhododendron.
Reply to "Merry" and "Happy."
Thero Is no reason in tho world why
boys and girls should not bo Just tho
very best kind of chunfa and comrados
and I think it is lino. Ah long ns tho
boys nro what they should bo, you
girls can havo a wonderfully good in
fluence ovor them. Go on with your
outdoor sports, as long as your moth
ers do not object. Do not care ono
bit what peoplo say. As long an you
aro Buro thoy havo no cuubo you need
not worry.
Sending Announcements.
Should announcements bo mailed
tho evening of tho wedding or tho
noxt day?
In sending nn announcement and
addressing it to n gentleman who Ib
n first cousin, should I address tt to
his wlfo nlso, whom I havo novor mot.
The nnnounnements should bo mail
ed Immediately after tho cerembny,
that evening If posslhlo, If a man Ib
married, hs wlfo must bo included In
nil Boclal oVonts, whether personally
known or not, so address tho an
nouncement to "Mr. and Mrs,"
Cultivate Smile That Will Obliterate
the Hard Lines Tlmo Will Surely
Bring Fretful Droop to Bo
Guarded Against.
A protty mouth will endow tho plain
est faco with a touch of beauty. This
naturally Includes protty teotli as well,
for ono is hardly possible without tho
Ono very Important reason for giv
ing tho mouth tho host of enro In that
advancing ago bIiowb its marks first
around tho mouth.
Porhaps tho first direction far im
proving tho mouth should bo to culti
vate Binlloa. Not grlnB you know
but smiles, which bring a look of hap
piness and Joy to tho fnco ami obllt
orate in a minute all tho hard lines
which havo boon years In forming.
Smiles will not romovo thoso lines per
manently In a mlnuto, but If tho Binllos
nro Indulged In frequently thoy will
soon blot out nil tho objectionable
Nothing mars tho mouth moro than
a fretful droop at tho corners, and for
Ihis n hearty laugh Is tho very boat
mothod of correction. Docs this Bound
llko nonsonso? It la really tho very
host of common souse, nnd If you will
notlco tho faces of your frlondo nnd
tho memboro of your family you will
agreo with mo, I am sure. Without
going very fnr afield you can find a
dozon InstnnccB whero smiles and
laughter would bo Improve tho Bhapo
or expression of tho mouth that you
would Just long to Buggost them for
tho purpose.
In connection with tho'nbovo direc
tions, mnssngo in an oxcollent method
for Improving tho nppearanco of tho
mouth. Tho massago given for thlB
purpose must bo vory gcntlo and
should nlways havo an upward trend.
To keep tho "Cupid's bow," which
glvcB tho lips bucIi a dolicntoly protty
outllno, prcsB tho littlo croaso In tho
uppor lip gently ovory morning regu
larly. Tho best way to learn what your
habitual expression Is, Ib to study
your faco boforo n njlrror, aaoumlng n
well as you can your habits of Bpeoch
and laughter, as well as ypur ordlnnry
oxpresslon whon In roposo. Whon you
havo learned your faults you can thon
sot to work moro Intelligently to cor
roct them.
SoHoub dofects of tho mouth roquiro
tho euro of n specialist In facial surg
ery. Many ordlnnry dofects, howovor,
can ho trcatod at homo. Among tho
vory cbmmon pnos aro tho lines reach
ing from tho noso to the cornorsof the
mouth, making a well donned paren
thesis which Is exceedingly unbocom
Ing. Thoso must bo masBagcd out
with nourishing cream and tho uso of
wrlnklo plnstors will also provo help
ful. A porson who brenthes through
tho mouth hnbitually will novor havo a
protty mouth or a. good expression
J ho mouth that is usually held open Is
loro unbeautlful than ono whoro tho
lips nro compressed. Tho former gives
a vacant oxpresslon to tho faco; tho
latter Indicates ill-tempor.
A largo mouth Is not n disfigure
ment; .indeed, it is much hotter than
ono which Ib too small, an It denotes n
bettor disposition nnd bIiowb a kind
lier naturo and a broader outlook on
llfo. If you cannot chango tho shape
of your mouth you can cortalnly Im
prove ItB expression, and It Is well
worth wlrilo to mako tho effort.
Westbrook: Massago of tho scalp is
much bottor than vlgorouabruahlng to
stlmulato tho circulation and lncroaso
tho growth of hair. Surface friction is
bonoflcial whon given vory modorntn
ly, but tho avorago person Is apt to be
too aovoro In their uso of tho hair
brush. Press tho fingers firmly, but
not too heavily, on tho scalp and movo
tho Bcalp In small circles. Havo tho
fingers sopnratcd a littlo and change
them from placo to placo until the en
tiro scalp line rocolvod tho massago.
Do not brulso tho tissues romomber
that gontlo movements many times re
peated bring bettor results than too
vigorous massago.
Jlmsoy: Tho reason why you do not
find benoflt from tho oxorclso you aro
taking is because you do not qulto un
derstand how to do it. You must not
allow tho knees to bond oven slightly,
but must hold thorn stiff while you
bring your hands up ovor your head
and then stoop forward1 nnd touch tho
floor with your finger tips. Whon this
oxorclso is properly takon it strength
ens tho back, makes tho back and
waist muscles limber and also makes
tho waist moro olendor.
N. L, K.: I doubt If you will ovor get
rid of that wart by tho method ad
vised you would bo moro likely to ag
gravate It into becoming a permanent
soro Bpot. Uso Instead n dally appli
cation of oil of wintorgreen, which
will gradually dry up tho warty growth
and 'It will disappear, leaving no trnco
of any kind. Ono of my readers told
mo of this remedy, and It has proved
good in a great many cases, besides,
boing perfectly harmless.
(Copyright, 1012, hy Universal Press Syn
dicate.) Playroom Ruga.
Playing rugs nro to bo aoen in
many nursorles nnd nro carried out In
several varieties of mntorlal and do-J
sign. Thick flannel makes an excel-1
lent foundation for ono. Dnrk red!
flannel with u cutout border with rod!
silk, would mako a mosfc attractive,
rug. f
A whole monagerio of animals may I
bo used for tho border, Toddy bears)
alternating with dancing rabbits might i
bo preferred. '