RAILROAD NOTES AND PERSONALS ! r A Your Grandfather Rode in a Horse car a slow moving vehicle adequate in its day, that has disappeared because it could not meqt the modern problem of carrying niapy people over long distances. Your Grandfather had a big heavy Watch not much of a time keeper and very expensive in upkeep. Perhaps for seutimeii'nl reasons you -are wearing it today. You are wrong. You are risking the loss of a valued heirloom without any lesulting mivnn tage. On the contrary, hindered by itsjnaccuraey, you are hand icapped in your use of many other modern facilites. Put your grandfathers watch where it belongs in a safe place. Buy one of our handsome . wathes. $25,00 filled' gold HA.RRY DIXON, U. P. Watch Inspector. 0 .' ' ' n,w4r nibL.ti inr.i "ftillit uyuiKv AJuaniuv nwiu 01 e 8 e OR. 0. II. C'RESSLER. ' Graduate" Dentist. Office over the McDonald State Bank'. " i Local and Personal. Mrs. Hoxie left yesterday afternoon for Ogalalla to spend a few days. Mrs. Hattie Herstead, of Pexton, is visiting with local friends this week. Mrs. D. W. Beaack entertained the Methodist Aid Society yesterday after noon. Mrs. Frank Barncll will entertain the Baptist Aid Society this after noon. W. R. Mathewson, of Council Bluffs, visited L. 17 Tucker the first of this week. Emil Erricson returned Wednesday from a short yisit in Chappell with rel atives. Misses Ida and Genevieve Ottenstein will entertain the Catholic Girls Club this week. Edward Ogier went to Omaha yes terday to combine business and pleasure for a week. Mrs. E. M. Hogg, of Paxton, came down a few days ago to visithermother Mrs. Craigie. Lost Sigma. Nu Fratornity Pin. $5.00 reward for its return to Electric Light office. George Zentmeyer left Wednesday evening for Omaha to visit his mother for two weeks. 0. M. Gummell, of Paxton, who spent the first of, this week in town relumed home yesterday. Isaac LeDoyt is expected, today from Grand Island to visit Mr. and Mrs. Le Doyt for a week. Mrs. Jack Palmer left the first of this week for Lexington to spend two weeks wlthJier mother, Mrs. Edward Peters returned Wed nesday from Wallace, where she had been visiting her parents. Ray Welborn will leave this evening for Denver and other Colorado points to spend u week with friends. Philip Lippert, of Hastings, is spend ing a few days with his cousins the Messrs. Lee and Carl Simon. D. E. McDonald, of district No. 3, transacted business at the county su perintendent's office yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yost went to Birdwood yesterday morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Scharman. Mrs. Charles Burroughs returned from Omaha the fore part of this week ' Local and Personal M. F. Buckley returned Wednesday from a short visit in Omaha. Dr. J. H. Elm loft Wednespay morn ing for Og&lalla on professional business: Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Hayden are spending this week with town ffiends. Lost 2 rings between W. Cth and E. .3rd street. Return to Mrs. E. A. Boyd. R. R. Root, of Wood River, is spend ing a few days in town on business. Dr. 0. H. Cresslor returned Wednes day morning from a short visit in Hast ings. Glen Larimer Jeft yesterday for Den ver to attend the Festival of Mountain and Plain. Mrs. Harry Fleishman will entertain the M. M. M. Club at a Halloween party next week. Dr. H. G. Brock spent Tuesday in Hastings on business, returning the same evening. Mrs. C. P. Martin left the early "part of the week for Wallace to spend a week or longer with her daughter. ' Mrs. Harry Cramer returned Wednes dy from Carpenter, Wyo , wlwrte she visited her husband for several days. Mrs. Thomas Moran and son, of Des Moines, left Wednesday morning after spending two" weeks- with the Norton family. A number of the local" young folks attended a socal dance at the Wilcox ranch' last' evenirtg and report an enjoy able evening. Mrs. M. H. Douglas went to Denver to attend the meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the B. of L. E. being held there this week. Mrs. W. J. Stuart was hostess to the Mothers' club on Wednesday afternoon. The Indies spent a couple of hours in kensington work and were served with a dainty lunch. B. L. Robinson, who was injured sev eral weeks ago by falling from a speeder, is able to be out and will re port for duty as U. P. train director the first of the week. C. f. Lewis, of District No. 110, spent a couple of days this week trans acting business at the county superin tendent's office rolative to school con ditions in that vicinity. Last week Robert Dickey sold four o" his stockof pianos.A mong the purchas' ers were W. W. Adkins, A. vonTrot, W. H. Diener and R. C. Greison. Lee Johnson, the well known locaj representative for the Peregoy Moore cigar company, was married the latteY part of last week to Miss Lila Ball of Council Bluffs. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Clark, of Omaha, who wore the guests of their daughter Frank Mclick. of Idaho Snrincs. ar rived hero" Tuesday to accept a position! at the Union i'acitlc hotel. At n jneeting of tho pension board in Omaha this week Engineers Sanford HartmanV-and placed on the Pension list. Charles Tolle was injured while at work in the local shops Tuesday. The circular Baw with which ho was working Hew back and struck him in the abdo men. Tuesday Floyd W. Passmore fell from the top of a car while at work in Jules burg and sustained at broken ankle. He was brouglit here on the noon train and is getting along nicely. Material for tho new round house is being unloaded this week, and active work on tho contraction will probably begin next week. We aro told the con tractor will emply a large force of men in order to push the work to nn early completion. Division Master Mechanic Beery, of, Omaha, who spent several days at this terminal this week, has gained fifteen pounds in flesh since leaving North' Platto. That can bo taken as an indi cation that his new dutjes aro not worrying him or decreasing his appetite . He threatens to go into rigid training in order to reduce his weight. The Gering Courier says the Union 'Pacific yards at that place is tho scene of great actiyity, the grading crews and material being there in full force, One grading outfit unloaded sixty cars, forty dump cars being among the ap purtennces. Between Gering and Mitchell much blasting must be done, and some of tho cuts are thirty-five feet deep. The Courier says: "From the amount of preparation going on, wo feel convinced that the work will not stop with the Mitchell valley section, but will be pushed on through without serious intermission, and that the long expected cutoff from North Platte to Medicine Bow will be the early results." Local stockholders of tho Little Mary Mine, located at Douglas, Ariz., have received from Andy Struthers, mana ger of the property, a box of ore from the mines. There aro more than a dozen samples, somo of which assay ns high as $50,000 per ton in gold. Local men who have had experience in mining pronounce the higher' grade snrpples the richest they have ever seen. The ore is displayed in tho Schiller tlrug store window. There are sixty or sev enty of our people who hold Btock in this property and they are feeling mighty good over tho sample sent them. a I .hnrmo i n rJ nr-io o Dntiinnnfl after a pleasant visit with relatives. I home Wednesday evening. The doctor ?J:L!?2 ! was on his way .homo from Cali.ornia wKinB Ue....uc.... "... . "" i and Mrs. Clark had visited hero for ten days. for some time was discharged Wednes day and returned home. Mr. and'Mra. Arthur' Allen are en joying a visit from the letter's father, Mr. C. A. Roach, of Gothenburg who cameTuesday. Mrs. Luther Tucker and son Charles will return tomorrow 'from Ogalalla, whero they have been visiting relatives for two weeks. F. H. Reynolds, of Colfax, la., ar rived the first of the week to visit Mrs. Elizaboth Young and daughters for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Lierk and family returned yes terday morning from Brady whero they were called by tho death of the former's mother Mrs. Olsen. Miss Mayme Doyle, who had been visiting in Schuyler for several we!ks, returned Tuesday and will spend the winter with Mr. andMrs. James Guy man. Henry Frels, of Hershey, wa. in the city Wednesday and while hero pur chased a Modol 31 Bulck touring car of the J, S. Davis Auto Co. Ho piloted the new enr homo tho same evening. Stoves! Stoves! they aro going fast and winter is coining. We still have all kinds nnd svfM a ,' !"-0 'hat f - rip-lit ', - '. . ' V ' !' Bargains. 9x15 Bale Ties, per bundle $ 1.15 Barb Wire pe 100 pounds 2.80 Wide Tire Wagons ........... 70.00 At Hershey 's corner Fifth and Locust streets. Phone 15. r r m n I lj ! I. Mil. I.. III ! I II I I Blankets and Comforts The Kind You Can Refer to as Good Bed Coverings. Good Cotton Blankets size G0x7C plain colors with nice border fr per pui r .v J 1 ,) Heavy Cotton Blankets large sizes 74x80 in plain cblors with fancy borders', a, good warm bed i cbVjferihg per pair ...M.ld Fine Woolnap Btankets in fine del- icato colored plaids with handsome ; borders look and feel llkej jj wbpl per pair J)Z.3U Majestic Fino Wool Blankets large size 70x80 in plain colors del-, icate colored borders per pair, $4.00 Fur, remember! There is ns much difference between good bed coverings and poor ones ns there is between Winter nnd Summer. If you want blankets nnd comforts which will give the greatest amount of service nnd satisfaction you should come to this tstorc for them. The mediocre, unworthy qualities which flood the market are rigidly excluded from our stock. We handle only blankets and comforts which we can honestly recommond in every way. So you are absolutely snfe in buying your Winter bed coverings from us. Minimum weight nnd maximum warmth, comfort nnd strength are features of these blankets and comforts very desirable features too, while the moderate pricos which prevail are added attractions to to the wise house wife.- We suggest you make yoinr,clcctions pt once. Its best. ' ' '" ! :6V. Troy Fine 'Wool Blanket plain colors size vuxeu per pair . . $5. Bed Comfort shoddy California Wool Blankets nice pat tern fancy plaids in beuutifuUr colorings per pair...-. ,)), Augora Mills Fino Wool Blankets fine soft wools assorted colors size 70x80 per pair J)0. Augora Woolen Mills Princess Blankets made from fiuo soft wool white and colors extras jrv size 72x84 par pair 2)lUt $.1.50, Common filled.... Knotted Comforts Silkolehtf, covered cotton filled Knotted Comforts Silkolene covered filled with good grade of cot-cn t0" Jh5. Malsh Lamimatod Cotton Down Comfort fine sattoen covered rr a comfort that gives warmth.ulj Maish Laminated Cotton Rown Comfort fine sateen covor&madome with border of plain color J)J), Wilcox Department Store. The new Steele bridgo which is being built over Moran canyon will bo com. pleted early next weok. This is the first steel bridge to be built in Lincoln county and Engineer Cary of tho Omaha Structural Steelo company who is in charge of tho work informs Road Commissioner Thoelecke that tho set of abutemont8 wre the finest in' the state. The structure is 00 foot wide with a 10 foot road way with concrete floor and replaces a wooden bridge which had been in service for thirty five years. The coder wood used in tho old bridge was taken from tho canyons southeast of town and nftor being in uso for tlijrty-fivo years aro in a good state pf preservation. ; I Presbyterian Church. ReVi J. C. Christie will preach a special sermon next Sunday morning on "Over, coming Difficulties," his evening theme will be, "The Mighty Magnet," The young people's societies at 3:00 nnd 0:30 p. m. The Prosbytorian . church wcl comes all. 0 Building & Loan Association. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. This association is putting tut more money on good homo loans than any other association in the state. This association is under the imme diate supervision of the Nebraska State. Banking Board. If yotf expect to build or improve, and need a little financial assistance, you can not do better than investigate the rate' of interest, plan, etc., of this association. . 75-4 C. P. TE&irLE, District Agont.' M. E. Church Notes. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11:00 a.m. At this sorvica tho pastor will preach the first of n series of ser mons on "Immortality." Epworth League 0:30 p. m. Preaching 7:30, Sub ject "Doe3 it pay to be Good?" Midweek rally each Wednesday evening at 7:30 Choir practice each Friday evening You are welcome to these services. 11. A. Cram, Pastor. Farm For Sale. The northeast quarter (nej) section twenty-four (24) township thirteen (HI) range thirty (30) about seven mileB southeast of North Platte on south side of Platte river, all smooth Innd near hills, good buildings, fifteen acres in alfalfa, one of best fnrms in Platte valley. Price $10,000.00. Terms, half cash, balance on easy time at 7 per cent interest. Address Joseph Hershoy North Platte, Neb. Wanted Men on Telephone Construc tion work between Sidney and Pine Bluff. Apply to wire chief, North Platto or foreman at Kimball. Nebraska Tele phone Company. 74-2 ..aatfmajmaii.'UCiMraui Boston won tho final game in the world-series ball games Wednesday by a score of three to two, making two scdres in the tenth inning. On this lastgame which was necessary to decide the tie, considerable money among local men. Following tho example of practically all other counties in the state, Lincoln county has bogun to substitute cement culverts for those of wood, and replac ing wooden bridges with steel structures, all of which is a wise move. Two steol bridges aro now in course of construc tion. Tho most important feature on an automobile is the steering gear propo sition and yot how dfispcrately ignorant the motoring public seem to be upon this very important subject. Tho lock steering gear on the Studebakcj ia worth its weight in gold in comparison to all other cars about town as to safety and easy operation. J. L. BuitKi:, Phono blnck G27 Local Dealer. Henry Schuff camo up from Grand Island Wednesday nnd will remain here for a few days transacting business con nected with his two farms west of town. It is probable that he will place them on the market. Owning the leading restaurant as well as (he Palmer House in Grind Islnnd. he does not have ti'ne i r Here is the opportuniu yoti have been waiting- for. The matchless Ford is now within your reach, We have min imized the price. We have maximized ,the product. And we hsve made possible a Mqdel T for you. Runabout - $525 Touring car ' 6oo Town Car 8oo Those new prices, f. o. b. Detroit, with all equip ment. An early ordor will mean nn oarly delivery. Get full particulars from Ford Motor Company, Michigan and Fourteenth Streots -or direct from factory, Detroit. HENDY-OGIER GARAGE, Agent, North Platte, Neb. oiso (! rfc i rt'tftii'iti y, tlirtmizli c-itro-essit'Ns, imoiduni, mul tunny oii. r tviiuC'.s. Stijt jo.sc yttuv htjtiso slunthl htirnA V()l.'In IT liHIiS 1'Olilt MOXISVV When UiovoIh nici n plnoo in Hiv iMtiniiitinUy ns n hnnl, wliao linshius) !t la to vnvu J or nnd prat cut yanr money, why Hot put it In tho hit nk'S Tlioro it .s sni'o From Flro or Front liurlnrs, ar Front your own c.vf rnvnuiinoc. -' llo YOUR hnnLlwx with The First National Bank, Ol 2iOITlT IhATT!i, XISIiRASIfA.. Tho Iwitrfrcst linnU in Wontoi'ii NcfbriisL-n. GSS33JCi32La33Z2S sKaaagaassfCTWiwna Union Really and Investment Company. Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00. T. C. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS PATTERSON, President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Tieas. First Mortgages on Real Estuto Bought, Sold and Negotiated. f This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort gages on real estate, amply secured and drawing eight per cent semi annual interest. Money so invested will he exempt from taxation. EairaigaesMKBBBira XMXMSMB RUPTURE. We have a cure for rupture without resorting to the danger, pain und discomfort of a surgical operation. Wo nre tho only reputable physicians in this line of work who will tako such cases upon a guoranteo to euro, or make no chargo. You may deposit tho monoy in tho bank in your own namo and when you aro well you instruct tho bank to pay us. Wo have adopted this method because so many have been swindled by quacks and fakirs. Not one of them will allow the patient to put tho monoy in tho bank and pay when a cure has beon made. When taking our treat ment patients must come to our office once a week they can return homo the same day attend to their business or occupation without loss of time. In order to give the people of this vicinity an opportunity to take our treatment without tho expense of going to Omaha, one of us will bo in North Plntto every Thursday. Write to or call on DRS. WRAY Sr MATHBNY. Homa Olllc 300, Bee IJ)d, Omaha, Neb. Hotel Tlmmerman, North Platta, Neb. Mt fr f r. cnanmj vt J3ZIXJnZlISrjTri,Wvw r?T ' " "-T2JF1TrTIM W: