The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 11, 1912, Image 7

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    NOTES fi?on
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Psr r
Aiir.n:44.v v .,' 7
iiiiam rui
The cry Is for hogs.
Uso only puro-brcd aires.
Turn tho snoop In tbo orchard.
Scrub cows appear In overy herd.
Excessive sweating In a horse Indi
cates weakness.
A pasture arranged to Include a few
shade trees Is 25 per cent, better.
If tho potatoes are beginning to
sprout In the ground, dig them at
Exposure to dampness makes the
wool harsh and brittle and the fiber
weak. ,
The growth and feeding valuo of
the soy bean Is quite like that of tho
Get a die and stamp your Initials
on tho cream or milk cans. Paint will
rub off In- time.
If you want a lasting cement ubo
melted alum. It hardens at once and
water does not affect It.
The pigs will eat up slick and clean
the corn and stalks of that field which
Is soft and not fit to crib.
Oil meal Is greatly relished by
lambs, and helps greatly In obtaining
a flno finish for the market.
The work of lice is orton mistaken
for disease. When a fowl seems to
be ailing look for Hco first.
The development of the young
horse requires the exorcise of the
best Judgment In handling him.
Ono advantage in keeping feed al
ways beforo poultry is that they do
not have to hurry to got their meals.
Fruit growing and poultry raising
go well together. Anyone following
either will do well to consider the
other. - .
Got a harness punch? It costB only
a quarter and with a package of
copper rivets breaks can be mended
in a Jiffy. .
The silo today furnishes the most
economical, the safest and tho best
means of storing tho corn crop for
feeding purpose.
Wheat bran I3 an excellent feed
for dairy cows and calves, but at ?30
per ton or raoro, it is a little rich
for most feeders.
Although certain pessimists claim
that tho dairy market will soon be
overstocked, present prices give no in
dication of the sign.
As a result of the activities of tho
reclamation bureau, 14,000 farms are
now being watered nnd a million acres
are being put in crops.
Cabbage will sometimes euro slob
ber In horses caused by eating white
clover; but it is better to keep tho
clover away from the horses.
Try putting a pinch of copperas In
tho watering trough once or twice
a month. Better still, Bcrub out tho
trough and spray thoroughly with a
copperas solution.
The Iowa experiment station has
discovered that feeding mangles and
sugar beets . to cowb 1b dangerous,
and If continued for any considerable
period will prove fatal.
Will you fepd the hogs in the mud
this winter, or build a feeding floor
which may cost $10 or $100, accord
ing to tho Bizo of your herd, but it
will pay for Itself every time.
Red raspberries do not thrive In the
west as well as we could wish. They
seem to like a moister, cooler cllmato
better. Thoy are also more likely to
winter-kill In the wost than the black
The best care for a well-developed
enso of roup Is the ax. Better lose
the Individual bird than endanger 'the
entire flock. If wo nip the slight colds
in the bud, wo need not fear tho ap
pearanco of roup.
Tho dairyman may have plenty of
chores to do, but ho Is getting an In
come every day In the year. He isn't
like tho excIuBlvo grain raiser, a mil
lionaire threo rnontha In tho yean and
a pauper the rest of tho time.
Although summer will soon be over
there still remain 30 days in which
summer heat will at times prevail.
While this weather continues remem
ber that tho hotter the water the
cleaner tho milk things can be kept.
lakM'ftl J- 1
Keep after tho weeds.
Prepare a plot for alfalfa.
Prune grapo vines In tho fall.
Keop all rofuso out of tho garden.
Kindness beats gruffncBS in getting
work out of horses.
If you find an extra good pumpkin
or squash be euro to savo tho seeds.
Equal parts of corn and oats aro
hard to exool as a grain feed for
A pllo of coal ashes and salt will
keep the hogs close to any spot whore
It lies.
Every farmer Bhould havo a small
wheel seeder and a small wheel gar
den hoe.
Sheep are almost essential In main
talnlng th'o fertility and cleanliness
of the land.
Selling all the hay and grain raised
on the farm Is a sure method of sell
ing tho farm.
Ewes that aro broad and long will
make good mothers and produce vig
orous offspring.
Creamery butter has an advantage
over all tho othor kinds because of Its
greater uniformity.
The value of corn silage to tho beef
producer Is not limited to Its use in
winter feeding alone.
To secure a good brood sow, an
oven development Is required from
pig brood to maturity.
Do you return your saw and ham
mer to any particular place when you
are through with them 7
No land is so rich that its owner
can afford to waste tho manure that
Is made by his farm stock.
It Is estimated that ten years of
single cropping will wear out any
but the very richest of boII.
The development of tho young
horse requires the exercise of tho
best Judgment in handling him.
Water thoroughly when the soil Is
dry to touch, but never "Bprlnkle"
roses when they need watering.
CropB gathered in proper
condition and sent to the market
freBh and clean. Caroful grading 1b
This Is the month when most of tho
fllos In the corn belt aro filled. It
costs money to do this now, but next
winter the dividends will surely bo
It Is generally conceded that the
best time to sell chickens is from
the first of January to tho first of
The bright eye, red" comb, smooth,
bright, well-kept plumage, activity
and a keen appetite. Indicate tho
healthy fowl.
Good sheep require good care to
maintain their excellenco. Poor
sheep aro always a burden upon the
rest of tho flock.
Toss those aggravating rocks from
the wagon track before tho freeze-up
or you may Just count on Jolting over
them all winter long.
Alfalfa growers of Kansas consider
the best antidote for grasshoppers to
bo a turkoy or two to the acre to
range over their alfalfa fields.
Tho pig is merely a meat-producing
machine, and tho moro he Is
fed with good Judgment, of course
L tho moro meat ho will turn over.
Tho man with a clear conscience
and patches on his trousers gets more
out of this world than the man who
goes beyond his means to be fashion
able. Rats are an enemy to squabs. Tho
pigeon loft should bo made proof
against them. Rid the premises of
them by the aid of traps as fast as
Select a breed and stick to it. Con
siderable time Is required to build up
a good flock and nothing is made by
continual changing. Always keep pure
blooded stock.
Tho time to lay In plenty of winter
feed is when you can got It ThiB
month Is the one to cut corn and whils
you are cutting, cut enough so you
will then be likely to have about
To Insure tho highest per cent, of
fertility" In tho eggs, stock ducks
need bathing water, but this does
not necessarily mean that they must
havo a stream or lako on which to
disport themselves.
There has been much complaint re
cently of the largo perccntago ot
spoiled cggB to tho case. Some of this
trouble, It Is declared, Is duo to the
storage of eggs near onions, oils or
other things with pronounced odors.
The feed now In slgut will givo you
a pretty good Idea as to how much
stock you can carry over winter. It Is
the best policy to have a little too
much feed than to bo a little short; It
means all the difference between thin
stock and those in good conditio.
Tuberculin Test for Hogs, Intradermal Method, Showing Enlargement at
Seat of Inoculation Due to Positive Reaction
Tuberculosis in tho numan family
has been lessoning materially during
the past 15 years, but reports from
tho various meat-packing centers ot
tho country fall to show tho same
encouraging condition regarding tu
berculosis In hogs during tho snme
spaco of time. It must bo admitted
that reports have como from sovoral
localities during the past four years
showing a decroaso in tho number ot
tuberculosis swlno sent to market, but
a review of tho collective records ol
tho country at largo shows an In
crease rather than n decrease In tho
number of swlno affected by this dis
ease. Tho small amount of money re
quired to begin hog raising and tho
quick returns on tho capital invested
make this industry an attractivo ono
to tho small fanner. The hog will
make a pound of gain on loss feod
than most live stock, and will prob
ably utilize wasto food products of
every variety If properly prepared for
him. As tuberculosis In this species
Is chiefly acquired by indigestion, tho
significance of tho latter statement is
Tho vitality of hogs or their powers
ot resistance to disease are necessari
ly loworcd by the unnatural condi
tions which frequently obtain In hog
raising, namely, the forced feeding for
fattonlne and tho small feeding pens
In voguo In certain districts. When
the enormous growth of a hog Is con
sidered, when It Is realized that In
tho short spaco of 8 or 10 months its
development Is frequently 250 to 300
pounds a proportionate Increase of
More Attention Given by Farmers
to Rations and Care in Or
der to Secure Profit.
Mnny farmers havo started out this
year with tho Intention of doing better
by their crop of pigs than thoy havo
in the past. By doing bettor, I mean
giving closer attention to tho feed
problem, nnd tho caro problem, bo
that the pigs when mature will have
made a favorable growth at a low
cost, and at the same time havo de
veloped strong frames, especially in
the caBo of those pigs which aro In
tended to bo kept for breeding pur
poses. it will be well for every man who
desires to bring his pigs through tho
season in good form and condition
to calculato to supply somo of thoso
foods which are known to havo a
favorable Influence on tho develop
ment of tho framework of tho pig.
It 1b needless, to say that corn alone
will not servo tho purpose While It
is truo that corn in conjunction with
good pasturo makes a diet for tho
growing pigs which can hardly bo
improved on, It also often happens that
tho paBturo contains little to attract
the pigs.
In thut caso thoy aro sure to Ho
around tho yards and stuff themselves
with grain In preference to seeking
tho grass and exerclso In conjunction,
which Is so essontlal to the health
and thrift ot the animal.
The best bone building foods aro
those rich in protein and mineral mat
ter. Skim milk perhaps stands at tho
hoad of the list, and It will pay to
lay In some tankage, shorts and pos
sibly some bone meal as well as some
pure mlnernl matter.
It cannot bo expected, however, that
the feeding of foods bearing large
nmouutB of protoln and mineral mat
ter, such as have been mentioned, will
chango tho conformation ot any part
of the skeleton or, for examplo, make
a pig stand straight.
This Improvement will havo to bo
mado through selection, using no malo
or femalo that Is faulty.
It might, too, bo urged that If care
ful selection were practiced it would
be unnecessary to consider the diet,
slnco strong boned breeding stock
would naturally impress theso good
points on their progeny.
On tho contrary, It may be said that
men have been trying for years to
breed poor hogs out of their herds
without giving attention to a balanced
ration problem, and thoy aro practi
cally where thoy started.
Wo generally find that when men
feed little or no grain and do not
caro to hasten tho growth of their
pigs, the quality of tho bone Is gen
erally very satisfactory.
weight unknown to any other species
of domestic animals tho great meta
bolic changes which must necessarily
occur can bo appreciated. Such rapid
development Is very likely to take
placo at tho exponso of tho dlseaso
resisting powers of tho animal.
When tuberculosis results, the le
sions usually obsorved aro discrete
and of a chronic typo, nt limes retro
gressive and at other tlmeB slowly pro
gressive, as manifested by calcaerous
deposits and fibrous encapsulation. It
Is not infroquont, however, that a
moro extensive nnd spreading disease
la seen, and tho lesions indicate a so
vero lnfoctlon and rapid generalization
of tho bacilli, which In theso animals
may quickly follow the Initial attack.
And whether the dlscnso assumes nn
acute, sub-acute, or chronic typo, tu
berculous growths may soon bo found
attacking lymph glands In widely sep
arated parts of the body.
The Intradermal method of t6stlng
hogs for tuberculosis has given ex
cellent roBilts. Two drops of tuber
culin prepared by evaporating away
two-thirds of tho volume of the tuber
culin previously prepared for the
sub-cutaneous tuberculin testing ot
cattlo, Is injected into tho dermal
layer of tho skin near tho baso ot
ono of tho eara ot tho hog. If tho
animal Is not affected, no chango In
tho appearance ot tho ear will result,
but a I'osltlvo reaction wijl at tho
end of 48 hours causo a swelling near
tho Boat of their injection. This
edematous enlargement may remain
visible for 10 to 12 days after tho
Injection In caso the animal Is affected
with tuberculosis.
Feature of Structure Is Closet
Form for Protection in Cold
In tho curtain-front typo of poultry
house used at tho Maine experiment
station a featuro of tho original plan
on which considerable stress was laid
was the canvas curtain front of tho
roosts. ThlB curtain, together with
tho back wall of tho house and the
dropping board under the roost,
formed n closet In which tho blrdB
were Bhut up at night, during cold
Whon tho curtain-front house was
first devised, It was thought os
Bentlal to provide such a closet to
conserve tho body heat of tho birds
during the cold nights when the tem
perature might bo well below zoro.
Experience has shown, however, that
this was n mistake. Actunl test showB
that tho roosting closet Is of no ad
vantage, even in such a sovero cllmato
as that ot Orono.
On the contrary, the birds certain
ly thrlvo hotter without tho roost cur
tain than with It. It has been a gen
oral observation among users of tho
curtain-front typo of house that when
tho roost curtains are used the birds
are particularly susceptible to colds.
It 1b not hard to understand why this
should bo so. Tho air In tho rooatlnc
,closet when it 1b opened In the morn
ing is piainiy Dad. Tho fact that It la
warm In no way offsets physiological
ly the ovlls of Its lack of oxygen and
oxcoss of carbon dioxide, ammonlacal
vapors, and other exhalations from
tho bodies of tho birds.
For somo time past It has been felt
that tho rooBtlng closet wns at least
unnecessary, if not In fact a posltlvo
evil. Consequently tho tlmo of begin
ning to close the roost curtain In tho
fall has been each year longer de
layed. Finally, in tho fall of J910, It
was decided not to uso those curtnlns
at all during tho winter. Consequent
ly they woro taken out of the house,
or spiked to tho roof, as the case
might be. The winter of 1910-11 was
a sovero ono. On several occasions
tho temperature dropped to 30 do
grooB below zoro. During tho wlntor
the mortality was exceptionally low,
and tho egg production exceptionally
In view ot this experience tho sta
tion has decided to discontinue the
uso of tho roost curtain. It would
seem to be generally undcslrnblo, or
at least unnecessary.
Cherrleo Stand Age Well.
Tho fourth year nfter a cherry orch
ard Is planted it will begin to bear,
and by tho tlmo tho orchard is ten to
twelve yoara old it is safo to cay wo
can pick from threo to four crates ol
cherries off each tree. For the next
ton or twelve years thoy are equal to
a gold mine.
Where One Thinks Hopper Best to
Keep Before Fowl All Time Qood
Plan le Given.
One of tho greatest needs In a hen
houso Is a dry, clean trough for feed
laa shell, grit, bran or the dry ration.
Tho man who. has a celled house can
try my method and I'll guarantee ho
will llko It, writes Mrs. M. L. Dean In
the Northwest Farmstead. Cut
Trough for Chickens.
through tho celling board between the
studding nnd tnko out tho board. Put
two small hlngCB on It, replace, nnd
fix a button to hold It in place. Next
cut a silt about two Inches wldo and
nearly to tho studding on both Bides,
about a foot nbovo tho floor. Insert a
trough running back, and slanting to
the outsldo clapboards. Allow tho
front edgo ot the trough to como a lit
tlo above tho opening in tho wall so
tho feed will not overrun. With a coal
scuttlo tho trough may bo easily
filled, and tbo hens cannot waste, or
get on top of tho trough nnd foul it.
I havo threo In my houso for grit,
shell and bran, during tho wlntor.
Whcro ono feeds grains and thinks
It best to keep a hopper beforo the
fowls all tho time, this plan will be
liked, ob It takes up no room what
ever. If one's houso is not celled the
boxes may bo put on tho outsldo of
tho troughs running through. Tho tops
of tho boxes should slant so tho rain
will run off. These, of course, will
hnvo to bo filled from the outside
With this plant tho feed drops down
as fast as tho hens remove it from
tho troughs.
Sometlmee Called Egg Machines and
AIo Afford Additional Value by
Their Feathers.
Although tho Indian Runners art
sometimes called egg machines, wo
find thoy aro of additional value for
feathers, by picking them at moulting
time, thus saving tho feathers; and
also preventing-thorn from being scat
tered over their lots or run, says a
writer In an exchange.
Whllo thoy aro great foragers In
search of food, thoy never fall to re
turn homo at night. s
Taking everything Into considera
tion, thero 1b certainly no other fowl
Indian Runner Ducks.
that affordB greater profit for the
tlmo and expeuso roqulrcd than the
Indian Runner duck; and they are
not nlono an all-round practical fowl,
but ornamental as well. Their alert,
lively nature, their gracoful form;
beautiful colors and interesting
habits appeal to tho artistic senso ot
overy ono.
Tho work alono in raising them It
very Interesting, becauEo It Is easy,
clean and honorablo, and, abovo all,
there is big profits In it, which is the
greatest lnccntlvo to all business.
Poultrymen Should Keep Books, Same
as In Any Other Line of Business
It Stops Leake.
Poultry keeping is a business
Land should bo conducted along
business lines. Some system ot
accounting is necessary. Tho poul
tryman should keep records of all
tho income and expenses of his busi
ness in order to know whether It is a
paying proposition or not. If It does
not pay ho should know it and cither
stop tho leak or go out of business.
An olaborate system of bookkeeping
Is not necessary. If tho poultryman
wishes to avoid keeping full uccounts
ho can at IcaBt keep rv cash account.
This does not express tbo exact finan
cial condition of tho business, but Is
an excellent help so far as It goes.
Raising Chickens,
Dy all means ralso chickens. Two
hundrou or 300 with plenty of range
can bo raised to advantago at very
small expense because anything need
ed for feed can be rafsed on tho farm.
Corn and wheat make a lino chicken
feed and for winter cabbago will udd
to the valuo of tho ration.
. t ,1. tl!
Maud Muller on a windy day
Went blithely strolling down the way.
Her hat wna a two-bushel olio
And covered lirr below tho eyes.
Bho woro a scarf of splendid fur
That wildly wrapped tho form ot her.
nut, O, the forward minx and pert!
She woro a brand new harem skirt.
Tho wind It whooped, the wind It roared,
liut Maud walked on la manner bored.
About cachankle cllm and trim
Tho harem things clung tight and ktIip.
And strong men wopt and bared the eyo
To catch the specks of dust that fly,
Policemen shuddered on their beats
And horses pell-melled up tho streets.
Tho judge camo walking through tho
And viewed Miss Muller with a frown.
Then to tho courthouse straight be
And to his bench ho swiftly walked.
Ho rapped for order In tho placo
And viewed tho room with Iron fuco.
He sent for Maud's poor pa and ma
And to them both laid down tho law.
"fluch harcm-scnreni Barb," bo said,
"Should not be scon, nor beard, nor read,
"Take Maudla homo und spank her well
That skirt unto tho ragman sell."
t "-n 1
O. blither than a tra-la-leo
Wero his words: "Such things can not
' be." '
Tho harem skirt now drapes a Turk.
Who jsolls rugs as his dally work.
How It Happened.
"nut, Rill," says Shakespearo'a
friend. "111 bo bodklnod If I Beo the
senso In that song Ophelia sings, not
why you put tho song In thero foi
hor anyhow."
"When you've been In tho show
game na long us I have," replies
Shakespoaro, still a bit excited ovoi
tho first porformnnco of "Hamlot,"
"you'll know that when tho produce
wantB a song in a scene, tho Bonn
goes in. Resides, this girl that's play,
lng Ophelia wns a hit In musical com
edy, and tho mnnnger argued that the
public expected to hear her sing,
somowhero In tho piece. Let's go ou
over to tho Mormnld and buy drinks
for tho critics." ,
Expressing It Politely.
"And so," snld tho member of tho
Investigating committee, "you nro the
gentleman In charge of tho rogues'
"Yes, Blr," answered tho pollco lieu
tenant, "wo are tho commlttco on
weighs and miens."
Tho subtlo connection of tho. man
agement of tho Institution wlt,fi tho
methods of congress raised dark sus
picions In tho minds of tho commit
"Mrs. Prcsyselelgh is tho most pe
culiar woman I ever know for insist
ing upon conforming to tho proper fit
ness of things," said tho observant in
dividual, "She's a stickler for consistency, la
she?" asked tho other part of tho con
versation. "Yes, Indecdj. Why, she has rhou
mntlsm In her arm, but sho alwnya
spanks her children with a palm leal
Fame's Candor.
Famo gracefully fits a wreath upon
tho man's brow. "At last!" slgha
tho horo. "A laurel wreath for mo!"
"It will seem bo for awhllo," Famo
Informs him, "but lator on you will
discover that It Is twined ot lemon
Great Prospects.
"Cunnel," said tho first South Care
llnan, "Tho president nssuahs us that
an era of great prosperity 1b oponing
foh tho South."
"Yes, suh," agreed tho colonel. "I
undahstnn' that ho thinks of appoint)
In' each of us to an office."
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