The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 11, 1912, Image 5

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Things Worth Knowing
We repair 5000 watches yearly
We have the most complete line of
watch material in western Nebraska
We employ only the most efficient
workmen. '
Our repair department is equipped
with the best machinery obtainable
We have had the care of the watches Used by
the Uuion Pacific employees for twelve years a
good recommend as to our ability.
We will render you our very best service when
you entrust your watch to our workmen.
U. P. Watch Inspector.;ggE3igaiiMMiMla
o o
o a
Graduate Dentist.
o o
3 Office over the McDonald J
s Statu Bank. o
Local and Personal.
Wanted girl for general
316 West 2nd St.
August Johnson, of Paxton, is spend
ing this week in the city.
William Brooks, of Hershey, spent
yesterday in town on business.
W. J. Hencly ' returned yesterday
from a short visit in Omaha.
Charles Ross, of Omaha, is transact
ing business and visiting relatives this
Mrs. jEdnav Brown, v..oL, Hershey is
spending this week with her mother,
Mrs. Cornett.
Miss Album Hahler left Wednesday
evening for Los Angeles to spend sev
eral months.
Peter Girmann, of Ogalalla, a former
North Platte resident, visited friends
in town yesterday.
Mrs. John Rodino returned last night
from Omaha where she attended tho
wedding of her daughter.
Miss Helen Hoxie returned to Ogal
alla yesterday afternoon after
visiting her mother for several days.
W. G Peets, of Superior, arrived
hero a fow days ago to accept a posi
tion in the Hartman cigar factory.
Will Ginn, of Alamosa, Col., stepped
' over in town yesterday to visit his
brother Fred while enroute home from
a trip in the east.
Rev. J. P. Seibert, who had been at
tending the Lutheran synod for three
days, left last night for his home in
"Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Richprds re
' turned Tuesday from Chicago where
they visited the latter's mother for sev"
eral weeks.
Mrs. James Hart is enjoying a visit
from her sister Mrs. Sullivan who
came Wednesday from Cedar Rapids
accompanied by her grand daughter
Josephine Patton.
A number of friends and neighbors of
Mrs. William Hubbard, who remem
bered that yesterday was her birth
anniversary, tendered her a surprise
party at which they presented her with
a cut glass bowl. The ladies spent a
pleasant afternoon sewing Refresh
ments were served.
Magazines make nice Christmas gifts.
I have a large list of the best and can
save you money on clubbing lists. Mrs.
M.V. Mitcholl phone Red 101. 72-2
Oscar Smith left Sunday night for
New York from whenee he will sail for
Panama October 15th. He passed the
examination for service in the United
States government as machinist and
will be employed in tho railroad shops,
probably at Ancon or Colon. He re
ceives sixty-five cents por hour, eight
hour day, with a 30-day leave of absence
twice a year on full pay.
At a meeting of the Knights of
Columbus Wednesday evening an
election of officers was held. Those
elected wero Grand Knight, F. J.
Doran; Deputy Grand Knight, E. T.
Keliherj financial secretary W. J.
Landgraf; treasure Jos. Schntz; re
cording secretary, F, T. Redmond;
chancellor, James Keefo; advocate, W.
J. O'Connor, trustee, Louis Tobin;
inner guard, Dick McGraw; outer
guard, Maurice Gullliaumo, war Jen, F.
J . r Afti i l '
BMP1 II il I ul lil hi tff'ia
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that bids will
.bo received for the ninety-one unsold
residence lots in the Trustee's and
Rivordale additions, until October 2-lth,
1912. The map showing nil these lots
may be obtained at the office of Win.
E. Shumnn, where bids may aso be
filed. Tho Trustee desires to sell all Qf
these lots in bulk to the highest bidder.
Right reserved to reject any and all
bids. Wm. E. Shuman.
Lee Grimes Married,
A marriage of much interest 'o
North Platte people occurred at At
lanta, Ga., Saturday, Sept. 2Sth, when
Miss Mabel Drake, ofthatcity, became
tho bride of Lee D. Grimes, a former
North Platte hoy, who for a couple of
years past has been assistant in the
office of a prominent consulting engi
neer in Atlanta. The Atlanta Consti
tution, in speaking of the wedding, re
fers to the bride as an attractive young
lady having just graduated from school,
aridTTniombeVof h well known "Atldntti
family. The paper refers to the groom
!in complimentary terms, and adds "the
young couple has a ho3t of friends to
congratulate them." The North Platte
friends of the young man congratulate
him that ho hes won so fair a southern
Foot Ball Team at Cozad Today.
Tho High school team left for Cozad
this morning and" will she engage team
at that place this afternoon. Ordinarily
this game would be considered anoasy
one for the locals, as Cozad has already
been defeated by Lexington, but our
eleveu is greatly handicaped by the
temporary absence of Russell at quar
ter and Ryan at left half both being
back in studies for this week. Bedell
is also back in work. Day is not in condi
tion and Smith is out for tho year for
not living up to the rules of training,
which exhausts the list of substitute
backs for this game at least. To meet
the emergency Wessberg has been
shifted from full to quarter, Lambert
who hos never played on the team at
half and Gregg a substitute end of last
year's team at lull. The line up for the
first game is discouraging as with the
regulars in the game the prospects for
n team are better than ever before.
If the boya can win today thoro is no
reason to expect defeat later, although
the schedule is very hard.
Games have been scheduled with
Gothenburg, K. M. A., Kearney High,
Sterling and Cheyenne, besides Cozad.
Four of theso games will be on tho
homo grounds, Gothenburg,. K. M. A.,
Sterling, and Cheyenne on Thanksgiving
Fifty cents will bo charged for
Thanksgiving Day game but season
tickets will be sold for the four games
at $1.00.
It is hoped that sufficient tickets will
be sold to make the season a financinl
succss as the games scheduled will be
biff enourrh to warrant the support of
the people generally.
We are today in receipt of a fino now
lot of souviner spoons of the new FeJ
eral building and High School building
and etc. Drop inanu see tnem. uixgN
Tho Jowejer.
The firnt of u series of weekly dances
to be given by Messrs. Dave Day, Will
Friend, and Maurice Guilliaume was
held at tho Lloyd Opera house last
ovenmg. Notwithstanding tho inclem
ent weather the floor was comfortably
filled dancers. For this occasion the
Stamp Orchestra furnished a program
of popular dances and the afFair
thoughout was a decided success both
socially and financially. Tho second of
this series will be held next Friday
Mr?.W B. Brown left yesterday
- ( - . h
Favor New Lighting System.
Tho directors of the Chamber of
Commerce hold n meeting Wednesday
evening and discussed the electrolier
system oj street lighting, bettor train
service, and the irrigation convention
to be held at Bridgeport this month.'
It was'decided to ask tho Union Pacific
to run h' special train to Northport in
order to nccommodate the delegates to
the irrigation convention. It is ox
pectod that thoro will be thirty dele
gates from Lincoln county, and each
county between here and Northport
will solid delegates.
The committees having in charge
better train service, the lighting system,
and the south side irrigation proposi
tion reported progress. These are
matters' that require considerable cor
respondence in order to secure the de
sired information. Tho Union Pacific
has intimated that ndditional train
service can be made to pay ex
penses. sPrices for electrolier posts and
tho installation of tho system aro being
obtained. The plan is to have six
posts to each block, throe on either
side of the street. and the district
planned to be lighted is both sides of
Front from Sixth to Pine, the south
side of Front from Sixth to Locust,
Locust from Front to Ninth, Dewey
from Front to Third, the north tfdo of
Sixth for one block east, the south
Hide of Sixth for one block west, one
block east and one block west on Fifth,
one block west on Fourth, nnd the
north side of Fourth one block east;
this east nnd west In nil cases starting
from Dewey. It is further planned to
follow tho scheme used at Fremont,
York and other towns, thpt is to have
the property owners pay one-hnlf for
the posts and installation cost, and
the tenant the other half, tho city to
pay for the current and maintenance
of the lights. It will cost in tho
neighborhood of $100 to purchase nnd
install gflcli prst, this including the
underground conduits for the electric
Wo have eome extra choice first
mortgago loans netting 7 per cent to U
per cent semi-onmial intorcst. There is
nothing safer for your idlo money.
Brntt & Goodman.
Shut in a Vault.
Theatrical interest centres deeply in
the engagement of "Alias Jimmy Val
entine" at the Keith theatre tomorrow
evening for it comes to North Platte
one of the surest hits in a decado. In
this remarkable play which has been
running two years in New York, the
leading character is a professional safe
brenker, who has trained his finger tips
to such a degree of sensitiveness, that
he can detect tho fall of tho levers in a
safe or vault by his sense of touch, thus
being able to open it regardless of his
ignorance of the combinations.
The fir3t act finds this trained crim
minal in Sing Sing prison, whero a
fortuna.ty?,, train of circumstances wins
for him the gubernatorial pardon, and
also pjita him on thqstraight road to
reform. Through tho kindness of in
fluential friends whom ho hns been able
to benefit, this former bank-looter is
given a responsible position in n nat
ional bank. There, by honest and
efficient service, he soon works his
way near the top of the ladder, when
a child, having accidently been shut in
a new vault, tho combination of which
has not yet been determined, ho is
forced to choose between a life and his
Money to Loan,
on furniture, pianos or any thing of good
value on your plain note if steadily em
ployed; pay back in small weekly or
monthly payments. Mrs. B. F. Wilcox
son 410 East 4th St. Offlco in residence,
hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Much interest is taken by North
Platte ball fans in the world-series
Karnes now being played by the Now
York and Boston teams. Many bets
most of them under ten dollars, are
being made on each day's game, and
the returns by innings are watched
with interest. Tuesday Boston de
feated Now York four to three, Wed
nesday's game run eleven innings with
a Bix to six score nnd tho game called
on account of the darkness, yesterday's
score was two to one in favor of New
asid Saturday
Shepherd's Flute.
Pathe's Weekly.
Luther and May, Singing
Talking and Dancing.
, Splendid showing of
Choice of all latest Styles
At very Ho derate Prices
We hae ready for your inspection the largest and finest showing- of women's
separate skirtsuve ever place! at the. disposaj-of the maids and matrons of 'North
Platte and vicinity. The assortment comprises everv fashionable modal, material,
pattern and color. Our stock is so varied and-so satisfying that you-nresurt
find a style tfnd a size that will fit you to perfection. - - -
All new Materials and New Effects
Many exceedingly attractive
appeal both for their beauty and sensibly moderate price
there is a great advantage in choosing while assortments
Trainmustcr Smih has been in Sid
ney for a couple of doys past looking
over the movement of froight.
Conductor Dick Willinms nnd wife re
turned Tuesday night from Willow
Springs. Mo., whero they visited friends
and looked after their real estate in
terests. The annual election of tho Union
Pacific has resulted in the retention
of all directors, who in turn will re
elect the presont officers. A big cor
poration does not chnngo its manage
ment when it is giving satisfaction.
Several cars of mnterial for tho new
round house arrived Wednesday nnd
more are on the way. Two tificks
ilVf been laid to the round house site,
which will be used in handling tho ma
terial. A claim adjuster of the Union Pacific
was in town Wednesday looking up
the damage caused by the prnirie fire
which was set out by an engine east of
the bridge last Saturday nfternoon and
which destroyed 400 tons of hay for
George Long.
The new shops which aro among the
contemplated improvements nt this
tiitninal will include an electric power
plant, which will not only furnish light
for the yards and offices, but ench ma
chine in the shops will bo provided with
an individual motor.
Freight traffic holds up exceedingly
well, nnd though there is usually a de
crease beginning af tor October 1st this
decrease is not yet visible, double
decked stock cars for sheep shipments,
and refrigerator cars for fruit shipments
are being hurried west, these cars in
their movement west being given right
of way over expedite freight. This is
an indication that there is much future
business in sight.
Work in tho shops has been some
what rushing for several weeks past
and both machinists and bdilermakers,
and especially those .employed in the
round house, have been putting in con
siderable overtime. Considering the
heavy traffic on the rond tho motive
power has been kept in very good
shape. District Foiemnn McGraw is
being complimented for the excellent
manner in which he is handling the
And Furnished by the Help of
North Platte People.
Thoio who suffer with kidney back
ache, urinary ills or any little kidney
or bluddor disorder, want kidney help.
Who enn better udviso than some
North Platte resident, who has also
suffered, but has also had relief. North
Platto pooplo recommend Doan's Kid
ney Pills. Hero's one case and there
are many others.
Chas. K. Burrough, 222 So. Pino St.,
North Platto, Nebr,, says: "Several j
years ago I had occasion to use Doan's ,
, Kidney Pills, procured from McDonell ,
l & Graves' Drug store (now Schiller &
Co's) and found them to bo nn ex
cellent kidnoy remedy. I suffered
from burning pnins in tho amall of mv
I back and my kidney were very weak." '
I Short use of Doan's Kidneys Pilky,
i curod mo completely and I have not '
been bothorod by kidney trouble since.
1 take ploasuro In endorsing this rem-1
udy for the benefit of other kidney
sufferers. ,
For sule by nil dealers. Price 50'
1 cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, i
New York, sole agents for the United (
t'tntcs i
t n . m' ,
Are represented in this showing
serges, broadcloths, reps and various novelty effeqts'ih "fancy
All sizes for Women and Misses.
Choice of black and all colors.
values await your inspection,
$5 to 1S.0O
Tho Twentieth Century Club will
meet with Mrs. Charles Temple Tues
day aftornoou'of next week.
Miss Edith Wetideborn ontortuined
the J. D. Club nt a pleasant kensington
Wodnosday evening. A number of
musicnl srlections were renderedduring
tho evening by the Ultnted members.
Nicely prepared lunch w served.
The must impm lant feaf'u on an
automobile is the steering gear propj
sition tii.d jot how desperately ignorant
the motoring public seem to he upon
this very inipirtant subject. The lock
steering gear on the Studebaker in
worth it weight ingoldin compnriion to
ull other cum about town as to safety
and enhy operation. .1 L. BuiiKE,
Fiiuiii' 'uitick o27 L cnl Dealer.
Let "OS tpikfe cave ofyauv money:
-1 Ntit loiml Jimilc Is oportitol iiuei' tho
Nntiij, -J n.uiklny; Aoi". ' This 7iav jtlitws It uiror
fie stipervlilim of tho 7 ronsury
tho llnltocl Stnios (iavoriuuont.
imdoii of tho hunk's ni'l'nirs Is iitntlv swovnl timos
awry yotirZIti tho Intorost of Its tloposltoi's.
Do lrO UR
he First National Bank,
Tho Lnrmost linulc In Western Nobrusktt.
implicity of the
Tho Hudson standard of simplicity in maintained. All oilinc places
are convenient. 1 here are but two grease cups on the motor. There is
a gauge to show how much gasoline on hand at all time, also a gauge
showing how much lubncntiug oil is on hand and amount being supplied,
all in sfyht of tho driver. The Hudson is a clean car as far as tuking
caro of it is concerned, no extra oil diipplng around, no necessity of oil
can being uscu about engine,
taking care of their own car.
Everything is convenient for tho driver nnd passengers. Spark con
trol automatic above 12 iniloR por hour. You cun't make the engine
knock by having the spark in wrong position. This makes driving easier.
No crank on car you enn't got kicked. Car starts readily on second
spaed thereby needing only ono shift to get into high, (.till retaining tho
well known advantages of sliding gear construction.
which are sure to
See them now, for
ar freshly new and
The North Platte
School of Music
The University Schooled
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Conner-Cramer
All tho principal branches of Ap
plied and Theoreticnl Music tnught by
competent teachers.
Adritejs all inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlncK Ml.
Tiopnvtinont oi'
vV right oxtiml-
New Hudson
snouiu mean rnucn to tho person
electric equipment of this car is un-