btmo Hlotorlcal Sud.i tt wi-tltoto fftrtfarne, TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 4, 1912. M&vm patte t1f j,' V The Will - o' - CLOTHES Kircchbaum Qothes. ALL WOOL HAND TAIIO&rD Sm fill fciiiHnnVM Kara C3 StkI.j; . "3 Copyright, iqu. A. ii. KirSihiaum Co are superior in every way to. clothes you have paid a great deal more elsewhere. Money back, if wanted, is the basis of every sale. Each suit and overcoat is sold with the maker's official guaranty. THE QUALITY PLACE. 55 TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS 1 r4Aarv ' Mrs. Steve Cole left for Horshoy this morning. Room for rent with or without board. Inquire at 116 Second street. City Clo-k Temple moved yesterday into his new office over the postoffico. Perry Sitton left last night for, Cheyenne after spending a week in town. Wanted A girl for general house work. Mrs. Tom Healey. tfl Mrs. M. E. Uranam returneu last evening.from the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Lillian Sturges will go to Hast ings next week to visit friends for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Bailor and baby returned last evening from the Ak-Sar-Ben in Omaha. Christian Science Service Sunday 11:00 a. m. Subject "Uureality" Sunt day school 12 m. K. P. hall Dewey St. Wanted to buy 2 dozen Rhode Island Red hens. B. P. Wilcoxson, 514 East Fourth St. , 70-3 Mrs. M. E. Scott entertained the Methodist aid society yesterday after noon. A nice lunch was served. For a modern up to date visible type -writer, inquire of C. H. Schetzer at Western Union telegraph office. Trustee James Keefeo haB closed the bankrupt case of K. D Small and finds that the stock will pay 29J per cent dividend. x For Rent Five room furnished house, with bath. 414 W. 3rd St. 70-2 In making a note of the Alkire di vorce, a typographical error in the date of the birth of the child was made, the date reading 1902 when it should have read 1908. Apples For Sale, different qualities, 40 to 60 cents per buihel. miles west of Platte, Valley school house. S. G. Anderson. The tax list for the year 1912 has been turned over to the county treas urer and the payment of personal taxes are now in order. These taxes will soon become delinquent, and prompt payment is necessary in order to escape paying interest. the - Wisp in BUYING. OME men see price and mis take it for value. Other men see first appearance and mis take it for style. But here in our varied stock of Kirscbaum clothes men see and get actual money value that can be mistaken for nothing else. We aim to sell garments good .enough to make a man invest his money. And satisfying enough to make him come back to us when he wants another suit or overcoa. Every model, be it the itRSUHBAUM I V 77f or the more conservative business man's suit, is built on quality. Quality that guarantees the style and cut to be authoritative; that offers to you a fabric of which every thread is "All Wool"; that puts on your back a suit as expertly hand tailored and as correctly finished as the finest custom-made suit or over coat worn. Come in and let us prove to you that Kirschbaum suits at SIS. &20and$25 James Hart who spent the past week in Omaha returned home this morning. Wanted Man anclwife to work on Cody ranch. .Phone Black 200. Mrs. P. A. Norton returned this morning from Omaha where she visited friends and attended Ak-Sar-Ben. "Beverly of Grustark" was splendidly presented at the Keith Wednesday evening by a strong company. The at tendance was not nearly as large as the merit of the performance. Numerous carloads of tho Wolfe cattle which have been ranged at the Cokor ranch north of the river for sevral months were loaded here during the week for shipment to South Omaha. Sutherland Free Lance. Those two immense squashes on ex hibition nt the U. S. land office were grown by S. M. Kuser, who lives northeast of town. They are just a mild suggestion of what can be grown in the somewhat despised "sand hill section" of Nebraska. There passed through town the early part of the week an automobilo enroute from San Francisco to Now York. Features of the car were that the wheels were supplied with solid tires and to give riding comfort the springs were unusally long. The Monthy Bible class of the Pres byterian church will hold a business meeting at the home of Mrs. Butler Buchanan Monday afternoon, Oct 7th, at 3 o'clock. A full attendance of members is desired. The Young Ladies Bridge Club was entertained last evening by Miss Alice Birge. Four new members Misses Alma Waltemath, Bessie Salisbury, Ailecn Gant and Grace Payne were taken into the club. The Maryland's policies and bonds are complete in coverage, simply worded, and liberally interpreted. They nre backed by great financial strength, and by a record of over four teen years of satisfactory service C. F. Temple, Agent for Lincoln County. House and Lot for Sale. Lot three (3), block sixteen (10) Miller's Addition, on West tide South St., two story, frame, six room house, with closets. Price $900.00. Address: Joseph Hershey, North Platte, Nebr. Local and Personal. Mrs. Lorn Graves, of Grand Island, came up last evening to visit her mother Mrs. Mooney. , Just received 1000 popular copyright books at GOceach. Rincker Book & Drug Co., Blue Front ,. ours, v, i. ueamonu reiurnea yesierr day morning trom umana wnore sno attended the Ak-Sar-Ben. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, of Gorgona, Isthmus of Panama, are guests of the latter's brother Harry Dixon and fam ily. Mjs. Hunter was formerly Miss Mary Dixon of this city. Woather forecast Increasing cloudi ness with probably rain tonight and Saturday. Highest temperature yes terday 71; a year ago 68. Lowest tem perature last night 52; a year ago 33. John J. Lewis, age 21 and Opal Upjjpett age 18, both of Hayes Center weremarried Wednesday evening by Judge Grant in the presonco of W. A. Kobor, Rhoda Lewis and Mrs, A. C, Essman. Mrs. Mary O'Haro and daughters aro making arrangements to 'open a bekery and confectionery storo in their building on Dewey street recently va cated by the Doolittlo bakery. Just received elegant line of beavers and felt shapes- Parlor millinery at 300 East 3rd. 71-3 A reception will be given at tho J. W. Payne residenco 410 West 5th stteet Monday evening from 8 till 10 o'clock for the Rev. Christie pastor of the Presbyterian church. All mem bers of tho church and other churches and their friends aro cordially invited to be present. W. J. Hendy returned Wednesday from Omaha where he wont to see about another shipment of Ford cars, the demand for which since the reduc tion in price has become greater than ever, and that is saying much, as be fore the reduction dealers had trouble in filling their orders. The Hendy-Ogicr Co. has made arrangements for n big shipment that will bo here in the near future. Erwin Long was fined $30 and . costs in the county court Wednesday for stealing Ed Sluder's wheel from the HufFman cigar store Tuesday evening. Long was arrested several miles south of town while riding away on tho wheel. He was recently discharged from Ft. .Russell in Cheyenne and was on his way east. Unable to pay he was taken to jail. The revival meeting, at the Christian church conducted by Evangelist Knowles, assisted by Mr. Underwood tho evangelistic singer, alroady aroused much interest and the atten dance is increasing each night. Mr. Knowles is a ready speaKer and pre sents his themes in a clenr and force ful manner. The singing of Mr. Under wood is a feature of the meetings. The services will be conducted oach evening for an indefinite period. A welcome awaits all. Two pretty social functions of the week were held at the McCiibu home on west Fifth Wednesday and Thurs day when Mesdames J. L. Murphy, C O. Weingand and N. MeCabo enter taintd one hundred and fifty ladies at kensingtons. The rooms were decorated with large boquets of yellow and white chrysanthemums and these colors were, carried out In the refreshments. During both afternoons vocal selections were nicely rendered by Miss Sadie Trovillo and piano selections by MissOttenstein, Miss Huffman and Miss Doran. Assisting the hostesses in serving were Misses Genevieve Ottenstein, Irma Huffman, Marie McCabe, Elizaboth Hinman, Helen Waltemath and Jeanette Aldcn. Utah Elberta Pexcbes. We have a carload of fancy Elberta peaches tbat we are telling for sixty cents per crate. This is the last car of the season and they wont last -long at this price. Rush Merc. Co. Union Realty and Investment Company. Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00. -OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS- T. C. PATTERSON. President, . U. BUCHANAN, Sec'y nnd Treas. First Mortgages on Real Estato Bought, Sold and Negotiated. This company is prepared to loan money of Investors on first mort gages on real estate, amply secured and drawing eight per cent semi annual interest. Money so invested will bo oxempt from taxation. Local and Personal. ' Mrs. Erricson. of Brady, is visiting her Bister, Mrs. Earl Carpeutor. I Mrs. Goonro Smith returned this morning from the Aksarbcn in Omaha. I Ralph Hayden and Rex Spencer, of Wallaco,nro visiting friends in the city. , Miss Ida Lemon roturned this morn ing from Omaha whore she attended the Ak-Sar-Ben. Fred Fryo nnd Frank Hart returned last evening from an extended visit in C stern points. I. C. Rowland, of RichmoTTd, Cnl.. ft last evening after visiting with Mr. hnd Mrs. A. J. Ellison, i MTbs Irene McGce has accepted a "position as reporter for the Daily Tele graph and began work today. ' Thomas Burns, formerly an electri cian of this city is expected next week to visit James Flynn and family. Mr. and Mrs Charles McLano re turned this morning from tho eastern part of the stale, where they spent a week. For Salo A motorcycle. Inquire at 520 E. 11th street. C8-4 Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Tramp and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tramp havo returned from Omaha, whero thoy mingled with tho crowds at Aksarbcn. Passenger Director B. L. Robinson lias been off duty for a week past nursing a sprained ankle which he sus tained while jumping from tho speeder at Birdwood. E. R. Plumor, lato with tho Schntz hardware store, has resigned and ac cepted a position with the Greeson grocery. Mr. Plumcr is a hondy mun in any class of merchandising. Nellie Roberts the young daughter of Carrie Roberts Clayton was given into custody of Mrs; Welborn in tho county court this week. Should the mother reform tho child will bo returned to her. Council Meeting. Tho city council mot in regular ses sion Tuesday evening all present except Brock and Tracy. The report of city treasurer wi til reference to paying off water bond coupon this year road and rc 'port showed that $2,092.90 which had been clipped from bonds for interests would only cost the city $107.10. The difference being the premium received 1 on tho bonds Monthly report of police judge clerk and treasurer received and placed on file. Sidowalk petition usking for walks on east Bide block 7 and lot one, block 10 South Park Addition was. road but being so lato in season was tabled un til spring. E. Sandy appeared Jbofore council with reference to a sick horso which fell into water main trench and died. Same referred to city attornoy. City attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance to muzzle all bull dogs. All bills on file wore allowed. Farm For Sale. The northeast quarter (nej) section twenty-four (24) township thirteen (18) range thirty (30) about seven miles southeast of North Platte on south side of Platte river, all smooth land near hills, good buildings, fifteen acres in alfalfa, one of best farms in Platto 1 valley. Price $10,000.00. Terms, half ' cash, balance on easy time at 7 per I cent interest. Address Joseph Hershey, j. North Platto, Neb. We wish to express our Bincero thanks to the many friends and neigh- j bora who so kindly helped us during I the sickness and death of our beloved mother and for their beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Henckel. Mr. and Mrs. E. Henckel. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fellman. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Okerson. We mot a man on the street today that mado himself conspicuous by the perfection of his linen. He is a patron of DICKEY'S SANITARY LAUNDRY. "Your Bosom Friend." Phone 77. The Season's i k .1 : arm H w Copyright 1912 The Home cl Kuppcntiiunet cxfJZZmerut3rmcnin ,ii Down has come the price of Ford cars to a point where 'you can no longer afford to be with out on-. With this reduction the Ford cease to be a luxury arid becomes a. necessi'v. Runabout . , 2 Touring car , 6 io Town Car So Thoso new'prices, f. o. b. Detroit, with ull "equip ment. An early order will mean nn early delivory. Get full particulars from Ford Motor Company, Michigan and Fourteenth Streets -or direct from factory, Detroit. HENDY-OGIER GARAGE, Agent, North Platto, Neb. Wu wish to expres our thanks to tho A. O. U. W. and D. of H. and the Lutheran aid society and friends for their IcindnesH shown during tho illness and death of our dear brother-in-law, Louis Roggo and their lovely floral offerings. Mr. and Mns. Chas. Stkvib. Wantcd-Hay 50 carloads choice prairie hay for im mediate shipment during Sept. and up to Oct. 10th. Wiro-us if you havo any to ship. Tho Hatrington-Plumor Merc. Co., 19th & Wazee St., Denver, Colo. The CRYSTAL To -Night and Saturday. PICTURES Relief of Lucknow. The Stubbornness Youth. Pathe's Weekly. of VAUDEVILLE Guthrie and Nay Comedy Singing and talking 10 and 15C. Best Suits! THEY'RE here in many well chosen nnd exclusive styles. The Best Suits that money and experience could secure from the most noted Makers in oil the Land! We're sure that your Suit Afiinity is here, and right now is tho best of all times so pick it out: If you've never been here for your Clothes, come to see what you've been missing. Every new stylo fea tures is worked out in tho most beautiful woolens you ever saw. Priced Down to $10. Handsome- Fall Overcoats in new models nnd fabrics garments that are classy and out of the rut! - Priced Up to $27.60. The Home o Good Clothes ..- An Opportunity for Young Man. A young lady of prepossessing ap pearance und an iMiterUining convursa-. lionalist who had ample funds will foot theatre oxpensea during the coming seuson for herself and some young man of clean habits and good apperrnnce. Thoso intorestod address X, care Tho Tribuno. Chapino, little French Prima Donna in the "Rose of Panama" nt the Keith Theatre tonight. DM. .-. -.'-