The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 24, 1912, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Dare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mall in ndvanco $1.25
Ono Year by Carrier in udvanco $1.60
Entored at Nortli Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofllco as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, SEPT. 24, 1912.
I herewith announce my candi
dacy for county commissioner on the
republican ticket and ask the support
of all citizens and pledge to conduct
the county affaiis in nn economical
and business way If elected.
Roosevelt's entry into Lincoln in
April and September, five months
apart, is thus described by the Star:
"About five months ago the cnndidate
wan balled with a torrent of applause,
and avnlancos of cheering, when ho ap
peared on the station platform. Fri
day the crowd looked curiously at the
tired bull moose, interested perhaps in
the personality, but unchannod by the
Itwas very well said by President
Taft in his speech of acceptance:
"Votoo are not bread, constitutional
amendmends are not work, referen
dums do not pay rent or furnish houses,
recalls do not furnish clolthing, initi
atives do not supply employment or re
lieve inequalities of condition or op
portunity." In other words we must
have business and industry, commerce
and employment, something doing and
something with which to do the paying.
Deaths Due to Worms. .
Dr, Pritchard, government veterina
rian with headquarters in this city, I
makes the following statemont: ,
"Held post-mortems on horses be-1
longing to Geo. Wilson, D. H. Wilkin
son and S. J. Koch. Found the Strongu
lus'Armatus or the Palisade woim in
all cases in sufficient numbers to kill.
Symptoms are similar to those caused
by the poison mould or fungus on forage
this year. By far the greater loss has
occured from the forage fungus though
in localities the Strongylus Armatus or
Palisade worm causes losses of horses
equally as fast. This Strongylus Ar
matus is no new parasite to the veteri
nary profession. It occurs here nnd
there at times. The parasite seems to
harbor in stagnant water pools and
tanks and nre taken into the system
through drink. Hero they harbor the
colon nnd caecum or large intestines,
and do their mischief. This Palisade
worm seems qui to prevalent in the
vicinity of Ilorshey, Nob. The stock
men having this ailment nmong their
horses must treat them or have still
greater loss. Even with the best of
treatment they must expect some fur
ther loss. What percentage of loss
they will have even under treatment I
am unable to state, but treatment they
must resort to. This they should do
without delay. Good cathartics and
the best agents must be used. Possibly
a government veterinarian may be as
signed to this locality and if so the
stockman can find out by calling up the
experiment station at North Platte.
When the officers of this bank see n depositor mak
ing steady gains in his balances, our confidence in
him grows.
When a depositor who has won our confidence re
quires money with which to develop his business our
large resources enable us to give him all the credit
his financial condition warrants.
The merchant, ths manufacturer, the builder, the
farmer who does business at this bank, receives its
financial support when he neeuVit.
We invite all who want the co-operation of a strong
resourceful bank to become depositors of the
McDonald State I
; H
Roosevelt's trip through Nebraska
Friday was vnstly different, so fnr as en
thusiasm is concerned, as compared
with bis former visits. At Lincoln and
Omaha he had big audiences at his
meetings but his reception lacked the
warmth of feeling that was so notice
able at meetings of former years. Both
the Lincoln Journal and the Omaha
World-Herald reforred editorially to
tho lack of enthusiasm on the part of
tho people. The chilliness of tho meet
ings seemed to nettle Teddy. Evidently
he is beginning to believu that he is no
longer looked upon as a hero.
Myrtlc and Vicinity.
Mrs. C. F. Sivits and Mrs. E.
Sivits left Monday for a visit with
atives at Scotts Bluff and Alliance.
School began in Dist. 29 Monday
with Miss Bertha McMulIcn as teacher.
At the public sale at J as. Wardrobe's
Thursday, cattle sold all the way from
twenty-seven dollars for yearlings to
sixty-six dollnrs for cows.
Wesley Blevins is building a sod
house on his farm.
Mrs. W. II. Burns returned from
North Platte Satuaday.
Dine here Today. This Cafe
is the one that will please
your fancy in cleanliness, good
food and service. , Prices
Opposite Depot
Roosevelt snys ho is not a republican
Roosovelt says ho is not tho republican
candidate. Roosovelt says that ho and
his have established a new party.
Evojybody knows and everybody admits
that these statements are true. Hnving
secured all that he "could out of 'the re
publican party, Roosevelt arrived at tho
conclusion that tho republican party
was no longer virtuous; and lie departed
therefrom, taking Perkins to pay the
bills. Whoever may bo the republican
nominee for president, Roosevelt- is
not, Roosevelt is the' progressive
nominco. Kansas City Journal.
In speakipg of tho presidential candi
dates, , Congressman Bedo. of Duluth
,says: "As for President Taft, I um
supporting him, first, bocauso he is a
gentleman; second, because ho is a
Htatesman and has given tho country n
, sober, prosperous, progressive adminis
tration; because ho is honest nnd honor
able, truthful and clcanmouthed; be
cause lie is not troachoroiiB, would not
sacrifice friendship for, porsonal gain;
aMio la not a liar, or a niountobank, or a
V. bully, braggurt or buccaneer. And I
believe that tho Atnorican people's
sense of justice and decency will hold
them to him."
Morth Platte,
German and English Spoc
ialts will be at the
Monday, October 14th,
Remarkable Success of These Talent
, eel Physicians in the Treatment
of Chronic Diseases.
Union Realty and Investment Company.
Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00.
T. C. PATTERSON. President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Treas.
First Mortgages on Real Estate Bought, Sold and Negotfated.
This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort
gages on real estate, amply secured ana drawing eight per cent semi
annual interest.
Money so invested will be exempt from taxation.
.TTTiff J.S:ar?fFriT;FftiM1r:MT?g
Oh. That Awful Fire Whistle.
Is thoro anything that makes us feel
sadder than to wake up in tho middle of
tho night nnd hear the fire whistle and
know that Borno ono is being burned
out of house nnd home? However, it
is quito consoling to tho person owning
tho property to know that he has ono
of Templo's fire insuranco policies
stored away in his safety doposit box
and knows that tho loss will' bo prompt
ly and fairly adjusted.
Rev. Clifton Takes His Bell.
Tho Koarnoy Hub of yesterday con
tained this Btory of a former Methodist
minister of Nortli Platte: When the
congregation of the Trinity Mothodist
church waited for tho sound of their
bell Sunday morning to summon them
to their mooting place they wore dis
appointed in that thero was no bell.
Tho bell was purchased by Rev. A.
J. Clifton a couple of years ago and in
stalled in tho church towor at his own
Last week he was assigned to tho
charge at Ogtlalla and it occured to
him tlW the bell might sound good on
tho prairies of the western part of tho
state and help to fill his congregation.
Ho called his parishonors in Kearney
together and announced IiIb intention
of either taking the bell or sufficient
gold and silvor in lieu thorcof to install
a similar ono on tho church in his new
The congregation remembering tho
days when thoy found their way to
church unaccompanied by tho chimes,
rejected the offer nnd ho took tho bell
with his household goods which wero
shipped Saturday.
Miss Pearl Koontz came up from
Maxwell Friday to visit tho home folks
for a fow dnys.
The German and English Specialists,
licensed by the State of Nebraska, fcr
the treatment of deformities nnd all
nervous and chronic diseases of men,
women nnd children, offer to all wl o
call on this trip, consultation, examin
ation, advico free, makingno charge
whatever, except the ccstof medicines.
All that is asked in return for these
valuable services is that every person
treated will state the result obtained to
their friends and thus prove to the sick
and afflicted in every city and locality,
that at last treatments have been dis
covered that are reasonable, sure and
certain in their offoct.
These doctors are considered by many
among America's lending stomach nnd
nerve specialists and aro experts in the
trentmenL of chronic diseases, and so
great and wonderful has been the results
that in ninny cases it is hard indeed to
find tho dividing line between skill and
Disoaso of the stomach, intestines,
livor, blood, skin, norves, heart, spleen,
kidneys or bladder, rheumatism sciatica,
dlabetis, bed-wetting, leg ulcers, wenk
lungs and those nfllicted with long
standing, deep-seated chronic disoases,
that have bafllcd Itho skill of tho fam
ily physicians, should not fail to call.
If you aro troubled with piles you
should be Burc to call. Don't wait for
more serious complications to toll you
of the dangers of this cruel disonse,
act now. Tho Gorman and English
Doctors have cured cases where other
doctors, medicines and operations have
utterly failed. A euro in tho most
severe ciiso ia practically certain.
According to their system no more
operations for nppendicitis, gall stones,
tumors, goiter or certain forms of can
cor. They wero among the first in
America to earn tho nnmo of "Blood
less Surgeons," by doing away with the
knlfo, with blood and with all pain.
If you have kidney orbladder trouble
bring a two ounce bottlo of your urino.
Doafncss often has been cured in
sixty days. v
REMEMBER this free OFFERJs for
this trip only.
Married ladles must como with their
husbands and minors with their parents.
We have a cure for rupture without resorting to the danger, pain and
discomfort of a surgical operation. Wo are tho only roputable physicians
ip this lino of work who will take such caies upon a guarantee to cure,
or make no charge. You may deposit the money in the bank in your
own name and when you are well you instruct the bank to pay us. We
have adopted this method because sa many have been swindled by quacks
and fakirs. Not one of them will allow the patient to put the money in
the bank and pay when a cure has been made. When taking our treat
ment patients must come to our office once a week they can return home
the same day attend to their business or occupation without loss of time.
In order to give the people of this vicinity an opportunity to take our
treatment without tho expense of going to Omaha, one of us will bo in
North Platto every Thursday. Write to or coll on
Homo Ofllco 300, Doo Bliltf, Omaha, Neb. Hotel Tlmmermah, North Platte, Neb.
t. . fiV fc
LK lrTniMiWBiiafBril M fit sTstv
AHr.e99BnraMF Jff -
I When
make arrangements to sea one
or more ot the tuainlficeari
Auiomoblts Floral Parade,
Tuesday afternoon, Oou 1st.
Elactrlcsl Parade,
Wednes.dr.y nleht. Oct. 2nl.
Dedication Parade,
Thursday afternoon, Oct. 3rd.
Coronation Ball.
Friday nlcht. Oct. th.
will bo brought here bo everyone can
eco the greatest Wild West
Show in the -world. Bucking
iironcnos Kougn KJQers In
dians. Com and the
raal Chavanna Show. Ever?
afternoon from Sept. 28 to Oct. 6. Inclusive. .
In addition to all this thoro will bo the
Plumbing Repairs
are a specialty of ours, but repair work
is a rare occurrence in your home or
place of business if
Wc Install Your Plumbing.
We aro particular about plumbing work
and uso judicious care in selecting only
the most durable of approved materials
for our work.
Shop Phone 369. Res. Phone G83
Corner Sixth and Dewey.
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone Drug Co.
' Phnnpq I01fice273
Phones V ReBidence 273
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Hospital accommodations. Medical and
surgical attention given obstetrical cases.
Ofllco Phono 183 Ues. Phono 283
Ofllco McDonald Statu Hank Blu'tf
CM69 eaaaBaa()aiiaeBSe
Telephone Red 456 E05H Dowey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Bugicide for bed bugs the best
insect destroyer known. A large
bottle for 25c.
Dry Cleans for cleaning silk
nnd delicate fabrics. 25 and 50c
a box.
Chinamel furniture polish, a
full J pt for 25c.
Chinamel varnish 20c a can
to 3.50. Covers scrathes.
Insect powder. For lice
chickens, 10, 15 and 25c cans.
Lee's lice killer 35c qt. Lee's
insect powder 25c can.
Remember we will deliver any
thing you need in our line.
Stone Drug Co.,
Did you get a box of our 25c In
itial Stationery. Usually sells for
50 cents.
A BIQ TIME For Ererybody-A ttOOB TIME i
Parados and Forform&noos Daily I
pt.2s toect.3, xsia jy i
,' '
Office phono 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Plntte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Rank Building.
rVHoujeof GoodShowlHI
in Norlli Plallc.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Mntineo Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
V, Physlcion and Surgeon,
5 Ofllco over McDdhHId Bank.
) Office 130
C Residence 115
1fc H l'JJfflt'ri IJt!1r;,i'ri5Tilr(lf'ifrT fli
No hunting or tresspassing allowed
on land owned or controlled by the un
dersigned residing in Dickens precinct.
P. K. Hoffman John Anderson
Peter Sunquist McCrumbs Bro.
W. A. Latimer C. A. Anderson
W. P. Fletcher B. J. Brown
F. S. Stnlz II. A. Latimer
Fred Griffiths Philip Heil
C. A. Portor M. N. Hunan
Estray Notice.
Taken up by tho undorsigned on
Section 12,rown 12, Range 31, Lincoln
county, Nonr., by the underiigned who
there resldos, on or about July 15,
1912, ono Tjrown horse, seven or eight
years old, weight about 700 pounds.
Had on a halter. Owner can have
same by proving property and paying
CO-6 J. L. Hahdin.
We make a specialty of
Dairy Products atod can
furnish the best in large
or small quantities direct
from our own Dairy Farm
evory morning,
Phone your ordr in
and it will be delivered.
Doolittle Bakery.
Dift (edfield edfield,
Physiclana'and Surgeons.
JOE U. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. . Hospital . .
I Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
I NO. 55
fc Mceta anu and 4th lhursuay or every
I month at Masonic Hall at 7.30 V. in.
V.wi Wrtww wTMvwV!ar,.fuv
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning and repairing, let tho Old Re
liable Tailor do it nnd do it right. Wo
have been doing this work in North
Platte for thirty years, know how to
do it and do it the way it should be
That means satisfaction to you.
Entrance north of the Nyal drug store.
By vlrtuo of an order 'of sale Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
court wherein Charles E. Gibson Is plaintiff
and Sanford It. Kazee et at . nro defend
ants, and to me directed, I will on tho 29th day of
Oct., 1012, at 2 o'clock, p. m., nt tho cast front
door of tho court house In North I'latte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, roll at public auction to the
hiRhcst bidder for cash to satisfy said
decre,. Interest nnd costs, the following
described property to-it: The cast half
(eH) and the southwest quarter (swvj) of sec
tion thirty 7(30), township eleven (11)
raneo thirty-two (32) west of tho Cth I.
M., In Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North I'latte, Neb., Sept. 23rd, 1912.
s23- A. J- SAUSBUKY, Sheriff.
Serial No. 03217.
United States Land Ofllco.
At North Platte. Nebraska. Fein 18. 1912.
Notlro Is hereby ulven that Rupert
Bfihwalcor of Nortli Platto Nob., who on
March 2, 190T. made homestead entry No.
227u. Serial No. 0.U17 fnr tho nortli half of
th northwest quartet and southwest quarter
of northwest quarter, nortli half of northeast
quarter, southeast quarter of northeast
quarter nnd east half snuthoasL.nuarter of
Section 82. Town ION.. Ranire 30 W of the
0th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to make linal five year
proof, to establish claim to tho land above
described, before the rettlstPr and receiver
at Nortli Platto. Nebraska, on tho 21st day
of November. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Chris
Johnson. Frank Hood. A. D. Allen and Will
L. Sivits, all of North Platte. Nob.
s21-0 John E. Evans Register.
Sheriff's Sale.
Uy virtue of an order of sale issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a deirree of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein Emil W. Ziebert is plaintiff and Vaughn
E Hlnman, Minnie D. Hinman and Emma
Pulver are defendants, and to mo directed, I
will on the 2Sth day of September, 1912, at 2
o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of the court
house in North I'latte; Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interests
and costs, tho following described property,
to-wit: Ali of fractional block number 192 in the
Oriuinal town, now city of North Platte.
Dated North I'latte, Neb.. Aupr. 24. 1912.
a27-6 A. J. SALISBURY,
Serial No. 0675.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land OfTice at North I'latte. Nebr.
Aug 26, 1912.
Notico Is hereby given that Cogal S.
Bethel, of North I'latte. Nebr., who, on Oct. 23,
1D08, mado H. E. entry No. 0075, for NE , Sec.
32, twp. 12. N. rue. 30, west of tho 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make
final three year froof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the register and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 22nd
day of Oct. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: William W.
Hunter, Arthur J. Connor, George B. Single,
Francis Montague, all of North Platte, Nebr.
a30-6 J. E. Evans, Register.
Notice to Non-Re3ident Defendants.
Mable W. Turpie and William Turpie,
defendants, will take notice that on the
31st day of August, 1912, William W.
Birge.plaintifE herein, filed a petition in
tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, against said defendants
Mable W. Turpie and William Turpie,
the object and prayer of which is to re
cover from saia-Mable W. Turpie and
William Turpie We sum of $G99.52 due
the said plaintiff from said defendants
on account of goods and building
materials sold and delivered to said de
fendants by the plaintiff at the defen
dants' request, between October, 1907
and September 8, 1908. There is now
due upon said account the sum of
$G99.52 with interest thereon at 7 per
cent per annum from August 31, 1912.
That in said action-tho plaintiff has
caused an attachment writ to issue and
levy upon the interest of the defendants
in the south half and the northwest
quarter (sj and nwj) of section 14,
ownship" 13, north of range 30 west of
tho Gth P. M. in Lincoln county, Ne
braska. The plaintiff prays for judgment
against the defendants for the sum of
$G99.52 and interest thereon from Au
gust 31, 1912, at the rate of 7 per cent
per annum, nnd for decree requiring the
defendants to pay the same or that the
attached promises maybe sold to satisfy
the amount due the plaintiff.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 14th day of Octo
ber. 1912.
Dated Sept. 3rd, 1912. -
William W. BlRGE, Plaintiff,
By Hoagiand & Hoagland, his attorneys.
Feels Like a Millionaire.
The man who smokes SchmalzrUd's
cigars is a happy, contented fellow,
one of those who may have but a few
dollars in his pocket yet feels as rich as a
millionaire. A good smoke always
brings good feeling, hence there's a
reason for buying Schmalzried-made
The Maker of Good Cigars.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County. S. S.
In the County Court, September 6, 1912.
In the Matter of the Estate of Dorothy
Rowland, deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of Robert E.
Rowland. praying that the instrument filed on tho
6th day of September, 1912, and purporting to be
the last wlUjand testament of the said deceased,
may be proved.' .approved, probated allowed and
recorded as the last will and testament of the
said Dorothy Rowland, deceased, ami that the exe
cution of said instrument may be committed and
the administration of said estate may be granted
to John W. Rowland as executor.
Ordered, That October 8th. 1912, at 0 o'clock a.
m. is assigned for hearing said petition when all
persons Interestedjn said matter may appear at a
county court to belheld in and for said county and
show cause why the prayer of petitioner should
not bo granted. A copy of this order to be pub
lished in tho North Platto Tribune, a legal semi
weekly newspaper for three successive weeks
prior to said date of hearing,
sl7-6 County Judge.
In the matter of the estate of Edward Blankcn
burg, deceased.
In tho county court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, September 12th, 1912.
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet tho administratrix of said
estate, before tho county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at tho county court room. In said coun
ty, on the 15th day of October; 1912, and on the
16th day of April. 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day.
for the purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and one rear for the administrator to
settle said estate.Irom th 12th day of September.
l?l2V .copyf,.th,B orJer to Published in the
North I'latte Tribune, a seml-weekly newspaper,
published In said county for four successive
weeks prior to said date.
sVM JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
il,..i, AjM)'H