The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 24, 1912, Image 7

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Recovers After 37 Doctors Had
Given Her Up.
fuberculosls-Dlabetcs Patient Sees
Light and Hears Voice Say: "Dor
othy, Your Sufferings Are Over.
"Arise, You Can Walk."
London. Saved by an nngel who
met hor at the gates of death and
bado her turn back to mortal life,
Miss Dorothy Kerln, who has been a
bedridden Invalid from tuberculosis
und diabetes, Is today running about
ber homo, 204 Mllkwood road, as
though she had never been 111 a day
In her life.
Miss Kerln, who is a beautiful girl
twenty-two years old, had been given
up to die by 37 doctors. Saturday
they announced that sho would dlo be
fore midnight. Sunday morning she
suddenly opened hor eyes. Her moth
er bent over her.
"Dolly, do you know mo?" sho
"Of course I do mamma," replied
the girl. "I am to get up. Tho angel
told mo to. An angel from heaven
met mo at the gateB of death, and
brought me back."
And tho girl did get up, seemingly
under a mysterious Influence, and ran
downstairs. A friend of tho family,
nn atheist, at sight of her fell on his
knecB, praying to God.
Not less remarkablo than tho
restoration of her physical health is
tho effect of her inexplicable experi
ence on her mind. Sho came forth
from her visit to tho valley of tho
shadow with a Bereno faith in an infl
nito power, a belief in a spiritual law,
a clarity of mental view and an elo
quence of expression usually acquired
only after years of hard study.
Miss Herln has written an open let
ter In reply to the many queries which
sho has received as to her recovery.
In this letter she says:
"I was conscious yesterday for the
Iirst time in several days. It seemed
to mo that I was slipping out of life
I heard tho whispers and sobs and
.prayers of those who lovo me best
Everything grew black. I did not
even think; I just drifted without an
effort, without a thought. Into deeper
blackness J
"Suddenly I saw a light dazzling
brighter than any fire I had over seen
Stretched from out tho great golden
flame I saw two hands. Then I heard
a sweet voico say clearly, 'Dorothy,
your sufferings are over. Arise. 'You
can walk.' Then I heard mother ask
ing me if I know her.
"There is a science of religion as
well as a sclenco in every phase of
tho material universe. Wo live in tho
midst of wonderful lands. In my own
caso I realize that my long illness and
quiefness prepared mo to receive a
message from the voice, which health
and success and ambition sometimes
"I do not feel that the anchorite, the
dreamer or any of tho ultra-religion-Ists
ara nearer God than any man or
woman today who accepts the truth,
and who opens tho windows of tho
soul to tho light of tho spiritual
Jullu3 Bone, a Watchman, Upholds the
Tradltlonof His Family
New York Julius Bone, a watch
man in a stone factory, upheld the
tradition of his family name.
Tho factory which was Intrusted to
Bone's caro Is at 7C5 Stone avenue,
Survivor of Arctic Tragedy of
Returns to Tell the Story
of Wreck.
Tacoma, Wash. Nino years ago
next October tho Bteamshlp Discovory,
bound from Nome, Alaska, for Pugot
Sound, was lost off tho Southern Alas
ka coast. About seventy persons, in
cluding a dozen residents of Port
Townsend, Wash., perished.
Until yesterday tho manner of tho
Discovery's loss remalnod a mystery.
It was supposed she foundered in a
storm off Yakuta. Tho only clew was
tho ono life preserver on tho Bhoro of
Kokdlak island. Now comes Capt. E
C. Weaver, 75 years old, and proves
that ho Is tho solo survivor of tho
Weaver says the Discovery weath
ered a storm off Yakuta and reached
tho icy strait near Juneau, where, du
ring a heavy snow storm, sho struck
an iceberg and sank in five minutes.
Weaver's escape resulted from his
previous misfortune of losing ono
hand. With a steel hook permanently
fastened to his wrist, ho drew him
Bclf upon the floating iceberg. Tho
next day Indians picked him up and
took him to their camp. Whllo on
tho Iceberg ho quenched his thirst by
breaking off pieces of ico with same
teel hook. Tho exposure caused par
tial paralysis. For ten months tho
natives carefl for him. Ho then wont
into tho mountains prospecting. Eigh
teen months lator ho camo back to
Puget Sound and Eastern Washing
ton. His sllenco regarding tho Discov
ery's loss was brokan only after tho
British steamship lkelis last week
struck and wrecked his fishing boat,
the Dove, off Capo Flattery. Ho has
yi II..II1HII mm - in - iMMMuMjTMiif
THIS is Claudia Carlstaiit, former actress, now tho wife of Albert Gallatin
Wheeler, Jr., tho young millionaire, w'ho sighs and offers to give all
'she has for a real home, and 'for children to climb upon her knees, and
who thinks tho fates have conspired against her by giving her everything
but what she desires most.
Brooklyn. While making his rounda
ho smelled gas. The whole second
tloor of the building was permeated
with it. He couldn't Imagine where It
camo from. Finally, greatly perplexed,
ho sat down to ponder the matter. In
duo time an Idea seeped into tho head
of Bono. It was strango ho hadn't
thought of It before. It was certainly
a snappy idea.
Groping in his pockot ho found a
match. He'd find out where that gas
was leaking. Ho scratched tho match.
Sam Perky heard tho explosion a
block away and turned in a flro alarm.
When tho firemen came another alarm
was sounded. Tho blazo did $5 000
damage and routed 100 families from
a row of tenements in tho rear of tho
Bone was rescued by llremen. Ho
had been blown head lirst thtough a
proved t Port Townsend relttlvps of
the Discovery's crew the truth of htB
That Is Plaint Made by St. Louis Man
Seeking Divorce From His
Militant Wife.
St. Louis. Alleging that his lifo
was threatened with his pwn revolver
in tho hands of his stepson, that ho
was assaulted by his stepdaughter and
that, after being ordered to leavo the
house by his wife, Mrs. Nellie Mallery,
ho was not permitted to do so In
peace, F W. Mallery, a building con
tractor, filed suit for divorce
Tho petition further reads that
when Mallery married in November of
"Black Hand" Writer's Scheme Falls
to Fool Sleuths in New
Trenton, N. J. After being arrest
ed as a "Black Hand" man, John
Lengnan of Hackensack declared to
tho government inspectors that ho got
his Idea of crjme from the moving pic
turcs. Lengnan was arrested for send
ing a "Black Hand" letter to John
Banta, a wealthy farmer, living near
Hackensack, He demanded $500. un
der pain of death.
Banta turned tho letter over to the
government authorities and they set a
trap for the writer, Banta was told
to put the money under a specified
tree, In a canvas bng to bo placed
there by Lengnan, and then tho Inspec
concrete wall. Tho wall will bo re
paired. Bone hastened home.
National Monument to Forefather!
at Plymouth Badly Damaged
By Bolt.
Plymouth, Mass. Tho national me
morial to tho forefathers on Monu
merit Hill was struck by lightning
and badly damaged. Several large
stones at tho waist of the heroic llg
uro of Faith, which is tho central one
of the group, are displaced.
A granite tablet inscribed with tha
names of the Pilgrims who camo
over on tho Mayflower was blackened
by tho lightning It Is thought that
the giant figure of Faith will have to
bo taken down and repaired at great
1911, Mrs. Mallery was a widow with
two grown children. According tq
Mattery, he w.13 always nagged and
his wife encouraged her two children
to assault and mistreat him,
In the petition ho nlso said that
when ho went to his trunk he found it
had been broken open and his rovolver
Mallery states that When ho askp'l
for hla revolver his stepson told him
he would be killed with his own gun II
he was not careful. Mrs. Mallery, ac
cording to tho petition, then am
nounced that sho did not care to havo
hor second husband around the housn
and ordered him to leavo. When h"
started to leave tho house Mrs. Mai
lery would not let him do so.
Ho then called a policeman and waH
permitted to depart In peace. Ho fur
ther stated that ho treated his wlfo
with tho best of care. Tho children
fought him whenever Mrs. Mallerv
gavo the word: They separated In
Juno of 1012.
tors placed themselves In hiding to
wait for Lengnan. The latter almoet
escaped, as ho had cleverly rigged un
aerial ropo tramway extending oo
feet from the tree to carry tho money
to him. Tho prisoner confessed
Bee Stings Mule, Oil Yoll YolII
New York A mule plunged through
tho wind shield of a touring car and
severely injured William A. McLean
of Lewisboro, a chauffeur.
Charles Bodurtha of Greenville was
leading the mulo by tho halter. A bco
lit on Its noso and tho frightened mulo
shlod In front of McLean's car. It
was knocked down, but Jumped up
quickly. It fell through tho wind
shield on to McLean. The mulo v-aa"
Spanish Wedding Is Ruined If Ono
Person Appears Entirely In Black
Somo Other Signs.
In Spain tho wedding Is spoiled If
ono of tho guostB appears cntlroly In
black, or If tho brldo looks Into n
mirror after orango bloafloms and voll
aro fast In hor headdress.
When n person's hair ends split, It's
taken by tho superstitious for a sign
that she is cither a witch or has been
bewltchod As blond hair splits more
readily than dark hair, all witches,
splilts and sorceresses havo blond or
red hair, according to popular belief.
Likewise, according to tho standard of
On tho marrlago there Is often
much good-natured rivalry between
tho groom and tho brldo in tho Slav
countries an to who shall blow out
tho candle, for tho person who does
will bo "first to die." It Is lmposlblo
to trace tho origin of this superstition,
yet It prevails In aristocratic society
as well as in tho peasant's hut, oven
as Uko this, that "to Insuro tho llfo
and health of tho children" tho wom
an must occupy tho right Bldo of tho
bed. In addition, sho must not smoke
beforo her forty-fifth year.
Thcro is a superstition In this coun
try and many others against burning
a broom. Tho bud of birch broom is
used in southern Germany as a pro
nitlvo ngnlriBt erysipelas. Theso
budB, a ploco of yellow wax and somo
other articles aro enclosed in a pink
silk bag, secured with red silk and
worn on tho back of tho neck. Tho
person must chango his shirt every
530 Lincoln Park Blvd., Chicago, 111.
"A year ago I rocoived a vory sovoro
burn on my loft nrm. I caught cold In
It and it was all sore and ulcerated.
Tho sore was as largo as a silver dol
lar It was all red and Inflamed and
had pus running out of it. I Buffered
terribly from burning pain; could not
Bleep for two weeks it burned and
Itched so badly. I applied Salvo,
Salvo and a salvo my druggist
recommended an his own, but got no
relief. I then commenced using tho
Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I bathed
tho burned parts with Cuticura Soap
and applied tho Cuticura Ointmont on
u linen bandage. I got relief from tho
first, and my arm healed nicely. I was
soon able to bo at work again. Had I
used Cuticura Soap and Ointment at
llrst I would havo avoided lots or suf
fering." (Signed) Harry Junko, Mar.
9, 1912.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample- of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Add. post
card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv
A young man who had never testi
fied before was called beforo tho court
as a wltncsB in a certain caao. Ho
was somewhat flustered over tho at
tention that was being paid him, and
mumbled his words bo tliat tho young
woman stenograrjior could not hoar
them distinctly. Ho was told to' speak
plainly and to turn toward tho stenog
rapher. "Speak to tho stenographer," said
tho prosecutor.
At that tho young man aroso and
with a dcop bow to tho lady said,
"How 'do you do?" Satlro.
American Tools Preferred.
A favorlto sport In Now Zealand, as
also in Australia and Tasmanlu, Is
competition in wood chopping and
sawing; and in theso contents, which
attract a great deal of interest, the
championships aro always won
through tho uso of American tools.
In fact, tho expert woodsman working
for a pdzo would never think of us
ing any other kind of tools.
"Ho knows all tho beat pcoplo In
"Why doesn't ho associate with
them, then?"
"They know him."
A man must draw tho lino somo
whoro, but tho chances aro he will got
on tho other side of it later.
Tho man behind tho plow makes
more of a fitlr In tho world than tho
chap behind tho hoo.
Whenever Yotx
Use Your Back
Docs a Sharp
Plcturt Tells
vain Hit You?
It's a Blgn of
sick kldneyB, es
pecially if ffio
kidney action Ib
disordered, too,
passages scanty
or too frequent
or off-color
Do not neglect
any llttlo'kldnoy
ill or tho alight
troubles run Into
dropsy, gravel,
stone or Brlght'a
ITbo Doan'a Kidney Pills. This
good remedy cures bad kldneyB.
L. C. Warner. IZ0& N (lurflell Atb , I'oeuteUo,
lduno, tars. "Kidney complaint often confined
mo to bud Tor wiok 1 pawr-d kidney stones
una tlis pain was lorrtuln. Morphine wun hit
only relief until 1 used Donn'a Kidney 1'illn
Afior tularin this remndy the stones riiuulvi'il
and passed without pain. 1 out now troo from
kidney trouble."
Get Doan't at any Drug Store, 50c. a Dox
OaT Kidney
a is. s piii&
Solor more goods brighter and farter colors t han any other dye. One 10c package colori al! fibers. They dye In cold waterbetter than any other dye. You caa
ye any garment without ripplnir apart. Write for free booklet How to l)yc,luacM and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANV. tfulncy, lit
MvSAVkl CCT (k taSgflili J
is Mv Choice of
Duke's Mixture Presents"
Arnonrr the many valuable presents now fflvcn away
with Liggett (SflfyersDulic's Mixture there issoincthing to
suit every taste and in this all-pleasing satisfaction tho
presents arc exactly like the tobacco itself. All smokers
like the selected Virginia and North Carolina bright leaf
that you get in
g0L!L!LM mmmr i f, '1111,1,111 P
Now this famous old tobacco will be more popular
than ever for It is now a Liggett & Myers leader, and
is equal in quality to any granulated tobacco you can buy.
If you haven't smoked Duke's Mixture with the
Liggett. & Myers name on the bng try it now. Tucked
into a pipe, or any other way you use it, you will like
if, for there is no better value anywhere.
For 6c you get ono and a half ounces of choice granulated
tobacco, unsurpassed by any in quality.
Now About tho Free Presents
The coupons now packed with Liggett & Myers nuke's
Mixture aro good for all sorts of valuable presents. These pres
ents cost you not ono penny, Tho list Includes not only
mmv.&j&M:rmsssit zz fe
Tttrrrnrvn nyi i'm iiii " w mmf mm .. . i
It is useless to tako a vacation if
you aro weary from overrest.
LEWIS' Single Hinder clar cives you the
rich natural quality of Rood tobacco. Adv.
Babies and grievances grow largor
with nursing.
Liquid blue in a wenk solution. Avoid it.
Buy Red Cross Ilnll Illue. the blue that's
all blue. Ask your grocer. Adv.
Somo pcoplo would rather mako an
offectivo disappearance than a good
A CURB for riLns.
Colo's Carbollsulve btopn itclilngf nntl pain
and cures piles. All drucglsts. 25nndCc, Adv.
Art Statistics.
Wo imported InBt year $17,043,000
worth of works of art, 20 yearB old
and over, freo of duty, besides $073,
135 worth of art works producod
abroad by AmerlcanH. Wo exported
$089,321 worth of paintings and statu
ary. Riga's Trade Dlotlnctlon.
Tho growth in lumber shipments
from Riga, totaling 97,400,000 cubic
feet in 1910, ranks this port among
tho world's greatest timber exporters.
Tho groator part of this trade was in
sawed lumber. Britain took over half
of tho amount exported.
Improved Vacuum Cleaner.
A now vacuum cleaner, designed to
bo operated by water power In a
sink or bathtub, consists of two suc
tion pumps driven hy a water wheel,
and a chamber in which the dust is
collected, to ho washed away by tho
waste water.
' One Universal Symbol.
"SclentlstB ut work on a universal
language havo ono symbol to start
with that already has the same
meaning tho world over," a traveler
said. "That Is tho Bkull and crosa
bones. Its speech 1b oven moro unl
vorsal than music or money. Musical
values differ in differont countries, so
does monoy, but from ono end of tho
earth to tho othor a skull and cross
bones meanB polfcon "
English Honors Cost Money.
Tho letter patent granted for tho
dignity of a baron cost 1C0, and for
that of a baronet 100, payable to the
board of Inlnnd revenue. Other ex
penses to bo incurred by tho newly
honored include creata or new coats
of-nrmB, whllo somo vtsh to havo
their "genealogical trees" properly
mado out. Consequently tho IIoraJdB'
collego is busy after tho lssuo of a
list of honors, and tho total expenses
of a baron nro not far short of 400,
and thoso of a baronot exceed 200.
vvsEmwamM mmom
v-a jm. ayrs T'I ifHiiiiiinwg m
smokers nrticlcs but
many dcslrabloprcsents for
women and children flno
fountain pens, umbrellas,
cameras, toilet articles,
tennis racquets, cntchcr'i
gloves and masks, etc.
As a special offer daring
September and October
only, tve will Mend you our
new illustrated catalogue of
pretcntt FREE. Just send
namo and address on a postal.
Coupon) from Dukl's Mtxtun may
be attarlnt tiiYA art tram HniJHF
from FOUR ROSES (lOcttn tbubli
and ether tags or coupons tstutd by ut.
Address Premium Dept.
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
Tlint' Why You'ro Tired Oat of Sort
Havo No Appetite.
will put you rirj
in a few days.
They d
their duty.
stination. '
Biliousness, Indigestion nnd Sick I Icadacha
Genuine must bear Signature
In thl ago of rpitarcli und nxtvrlincnt,nll nuttir
! remarket! bTlieBClontldoforlhocomfurtnml Imp-
ilnriiauf man. Sclenco bin Indcnd muAoclanutrldct
n Mia put'centurr, and niuont innlir no intaai
nast ImportAiit-dlicoverlcs la medlclnols thatot
ThnrapWin, nhlch lias Leon inwdirlttiii rent ruocom In
i ronofi UonpltaM and that llli worth? tho attention
of thora who durtor front Lldnny, bladdor, norvoas
dlnrasns, chronic noakncssct.ulueri.sMnorupttom,
?lloi, Ac, literals no doubt. InlaolltaeeinioTldent
mm tho hla Mir orratnd amonuv. specialist, that
'HERAPION Is drallnnd to cntt IntpobllTlonall
those aiinttlonahlo roinndln that were ormorfj the
Bole rftllanrn nf m(1lmll mnn It la nf riifr.n tmnnaa
-lbl to toll stitlorors all m should like to tell them
in mis snorc amnio, mil those nho .would like to
know more abont this reined? thnt has effected so
manr wo in lain, almott sajr, rnlraenlona enras,
should tend addrettod onrolopo or PIIKB book W
Ixindon, Kng nnddecldnforthomselTes wheiherthe
Mow French llemodjr ''THERAPION" No. 1, No.I
or No. 8 Is what thejr require andarnbeon seeking
fnraln during a llfo of mltorr.siifTorlmr, III hraltfi
and iinhapplness. Theraiilonlssold by urnggltu ot
mall uo, truuvcra Co., W lleokman tit., New torts.
Al len's IJIcflrlniiM.ilvecurosUhroiilcLlirs, i!on
(intent lllrers.MermirlnlUU'oni.WliltaHHrell
liifr.MIlk'rHor,IUIdior. BmalUC
IImIIcI frat. JV1'. Al.l.EN. Uopt. AU.St. llul, Minn.
Richest In Healing Qualities
farms for salu nml cx.hang. lo ated (n the
Tlotcoe volli). horderitl by Osak-n and Stall
rivers KOM'Oi: It i:l.TV CO.. dtoseoe. Mo,
Nebraska Directory
attention. All aupplles for the n.tnuteur strictly He lid forcutnlogueana finishing prjcefc
1013 Farnam Stroot, OmaVio, Nobr.
n On Deposits from $1.00
O to $5,000.00
Send Your Money to the
Bankers Savings Moan Ass'n
10th and DodgoSts., OMAHA, NED.
Under Control of State UanUlnff Uoard.
!ht ,BBn L.AK trtt
, . v Bivr-K
fF JjjgV i