The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 24, 1912, Image 5

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ij- is
And ger acquainted with the value of our service to
you when you are looking for Wedding Gifts that are
out of the ordinary. Our line of cut 'glass offers un
usually beautiful pieces, and there is nothing left to be
desired in our Silverware and Hand Painted China.
We also have a full line of Clocks for dining room,
parlor or bedoir.
U. P. Watch Inspector.
S OR. 0. II. CRE5SLER. 3
2 Graduate Dcnlisl. 2
2 Office over the McDonald 2
a State Rank.
e o
Washing right is one of the great
advantages of the modern laundry.
You reap the benefit of a world of ex
perience. Our Washman has had 15
years experience, let him do your
drudgery. - Phone 77.
"Your Bosom Friend."
Local and Personal.
Miss Kate Spies has accepted a po
sition at the telephone office and began
work yesterday.
Geo. Smith, the north side butcher,
has begun the erection of a residence
on west Second street
Theodore Sandall came home the
last of the week from Denver where he
spent ten days with friends.
Oscar Smith, of Alliance, came down
Saturday morning to visit his parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Smith for a few
Miss May me Doyle returned to Wood
River Saturday after spending several
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. James Guy
nan. Piatt White and Joseph Fillion went
to Lexington Saturday and returned in
Piatt's car which had been there for
ten days.
Miss Mabel Donegan, of Denver,jj is
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Donegan, having arrived here
Saturday morning.
Lawrence O'Keefe, of Kearney, who
spent last week with his son Tim
O'Keefe and family, returned home
Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tollefsen and
son returned to Sutherland yesterday
morning after spending several days at
the Donehower home.
Mrs. Charles. Wilson and baby, of
Cheyenne, came down Saturday to
spend a couple of weeks with her sis
ter Mrs. Harry Murrin.
Mrs. Edward Drain, of , Pittsburg,
who spent the past month with Attorney
and Mrs. Walter Hoagland, left for
home yesterday moining.
Bert Reynolds has begun excavation
for the walls of the Spanish- bungalow
which he will erect on the lpU he re
cently purchased on west Fifth St.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cottrell will enter
tain a number of young people Thurs
day evenintr at a farewell party for
Misses Mary and Alice Cunningham,
who leave soon for California.
L. S. McConnell, of Omaha, visited
in town last week while enroute to
Sidney. Mr. McConnell was employed
here six years ago as civil engineer for
the Union Pacific and worked on the
east .river steel bridge.
The Rebekah lodge celebrated their
sixty-first anniversary Friday eyening
with appropriate exercises in the I. 0.
0. F. hall. . A program of vocal and in
strumental solos, short addresses and
recitations was enjoyed by the seventy
five who attended. Dainty refresh
ments were served in the dining room.
It has been suggested that the Cham
ber of Commerce membership make a
trip to the Glenburnie fruit farm in
order to better acquaint themselves as
to what is grown in Lincoln county.
Know Lincoln county better," is a
slogan that the Chamber of Commerce
might take up with profit to the county
and the membership.
Fred D. Letts, for several years
trainmaster at Cheyenne and later at
Sidney, arrived in town Saturday, and
Sunday evening re-entered service as
passenger conductor, having resigned
as trainmaster. Mrs. Letts will ar
rive some time this week. The return
of Mr. and Mrs. Letts to North Platte
13 gladly welcomed by every acquain
tance in town.
The Epworth league gave a farewell
reception to Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Por
ter at the home of Dr. and Mrs. V.
Luoas Friday evening. The guests of
honor were presented with a beautiful
silver set of knives, forks and spoons
by J. G. Beeler on behalf of the con
gregation. Rev. Porter feelingly re
sponded and expressed the regret felt
by himself and Mrs. Porter at leaving
their friends here. An enjoyable lunch
in two courses was served.
W. R. Maloney was called to Suther
land Sunday evening on business.
Wanted to Rent A modern house by
Oct. 1st, phone black 319. G8-2
Mrs. Roberts and daughter, of Max
well, are guests of friends in the city.
Miss Florence Iddings left yesterday
afternoon for Chicago tonttend a finish
ing school.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Rohe at the P. & S. hospital Sun
day evening.
Miss Josephine O'Hare will go' to
Stapleton Thursday to attend the
Frontier celebration.
Editor A. P. Kelly will go to Staple
ton Thursday by auto to attend the
Frontier Days.
F. C. Pielsticker left the last of last
week for Lincoln to spend a week or
longer on business.
Herman Saggerson left Saturday
evening for Falls City to accept a posi
tion on the Missouri Pacific.
Dr. D. T. Quiglcy returned the last
of Inst week, from a three weeks' visit
in Chicago and Rochester, Minn.
Mrs. I. L. Miltonberger will visit rel
atives in Stapleton this week and at
tend the Frontier celebration.
Architect Bert Reynolds is moving
into the rooms over the new Doolittle
bakery which he will use as an office.
lhe social announced to be held at
St Patrick's Convent by the Catholic
Girls Club has been postponed for one
The J. S. Davis Auto Co. has closed
a contract with May & Scott of Lex
ington for 12 new Buick ears," delivery
to begin at once.
C. E. DcNoon, of Mnrshaltown' la",
arrived here Sunday to accept a posi
tion in the clothing department of The
W. V. Hoagland went to Ogalalla
yesterday, accompanying Congressman
Norris, who went there to make a
political speech.
Congressman Norris, republican can
didate for United States senator, spent
yesterday in town inquiring into politi
cal conditions.
Miss Neva Trexler pleasantly enter
tained the Merry Makers' club on Sat
urday afternoon. Enjoyable refresh
ments were served after a couple of
hours spent in games.
E. J. Vanderhoof has been selected
as chairman of the Lincoln county
bull moosers. Plans for a permanent
organization of the progressive party
in the county are now under way.
New line of fancy hand painted and
burnt leather goods just received.
Rinckeu Book & Drug Co.
C. H. Coghill, who came here last
spring-and accepted a position with
Picard brothers, is completing the
building of a new house on east Fifth
street. He concluded that it is wiser
to build a home than to pay rent.
The North Platte military band will
go to Stapleton Thursday to furnish
music for the festival which opens
tomorrow. Quite a number of busi
ness men and others will make the
trip the same day.
Wanted Man and wife to work on
ranch, woman to cook. Phono Cody
R. II. Fowles has just ordered a new
Little Six Frnnklin car of the J. S.
Davis Auto Co. It is to be right up-to-the-minute
in every respect, having
considerable equipment, including an
electric self cracking nnd lighting out
fit. Mrs. Albert Schatz assisted by Mes
dames Joseph Stone, Charles Herrod
and E. J. Vnnderhoof entertained the
Indian Card Club on Friday afternoon
nt the Schatz residence. In the card
games Mrs. James Hart won first prize
and Miss Hannah Kelihor was given the
consolation emblem. Nico refreshments
wore served.
. Robert Hart Cary.
The Daily Missoulinn, of Missoula,
Mont., contained the following notice
ot the death of Robert Cnry..
Early Yesterday morning, Robert
Hnrt Cary, physical director at the
University of Montana, ended a long
fight against death and passed nwny,
quietly and without pain. The end wns
not unexpected. Since Wednesday
afternoon the physicians at St. Patrick's
hospital had been fighting grimly in nn
effort to prolong a breuth of life until
his parents, who are even now speeding
on their way from Nebraska, could
arrive nt his bedside. Mr. Cary was in
a comatose condition for 18 hours before
his death and oxygen was administered
nt frequent intervals in order to keep
him alive until his father and mother
could rench his bedside.
The disease proved too strong, however,
and at about G o'clock yesterday morn
ing the young mnn died. A f ow friends,
some of his associate at the university
and others who had known nnd loved
him for years were at the bedside when
death came.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cary, the parents
of the dend man, will reach Missoula
early this morning and funeral arrange
ments will be completed upon their
arrival, Last night the body wns re
moved to the Sigma Chi fraternity
house, where it lies in stPte.
Keen grief was general yesterday
fyhen the news of Mr. Cnry's death be
came known. The young man was un
usually popular and could count as his
friend every man with whom he had
ever come in contact. The quickness
with which death came added to the
shock. Although Mr. Cary has been in
ill health for years, he had never
seemed near death. His cheerful de
meanor and his optimism bore no trace
of a sense of approaching death. Last
week he was taken to the hospital with
what seemed a slight case of tonsilitis.
Ho recovered, apparently, and on Sat
urday left the hospital and went out to
the university, where, he took charge of
the football squad in the absence of
Coach Philoon. On Monday he again
coached the football men nnd seemed in
good health. Ho became ill in the even
ing, though, and wns taken to the hos
pital again. There he sank quickly and
on Tuesday noon became unconscious.
His condition grew rapidly worse until
at last ill hope of recovery waB aban
doned and the physicians administered
oxygen in a vain attempt to keep the
spark of life until the parents, sum
moned from their home in North Platte,
Neb., could arrive in Missoula.
A combination of diseases caused the
death of Robert Cary. Ho had been
suffering for several years with din
betes. To combat this disease he
fasted and dieted carefully nnd the fact
that he never ate starchy foods seemed
to have caused a recation, which con
tributed to his death. A cold, which took
the form of tonsilitis, weakened him
and hastened the end.
Although his parents live in Ne
braska, Robert Cary's real home, dur
ing the last 10 years of his life, was
ultimately caused his death. After
finishing his college course (ho gradu
ated from the Sheffield scientific school
in 1909) he broke training too nlmiptly
and wrecked hisllgestive system.
After graduation ho returned to the
went." Ho went first to Spokane, where
hi- worked in the Old National bank
for a time.
After working in Spokane for awhile
Mr. Cary returned to Missoula nnd
forked ns a reporter for The Missoulinn
until 1910 he wns appointed uthletic
director at the University of Montana.
Ho served there with admirable succeess
turning out two championship football
teams and two championship track
teams. This is the position he held at
the time of his death.
When Robert Cnry first returned to
Missoula he was suffering with dia
betes and told friends at the time that
he did not expect to live more
than a few years. Yet he never com
plained nor gave up the fight. With
death staring him in the face nil the
time heysfjihls way, happy and un
flinching. He was the cleanest of men
m6rnlly and was n truo Christian in
beliefs and practice. He lived n life of
which ho could bo unashamed and went
to his death without a whimper, calmly
facing the end he expected at any
time. He va3 a man of whoso friend
ship one can be thoroughly proud. He
leaves behind him scores of friends
who will trensuro his memory and on
whom tho influence of his lifo will
always bo felt.
!""" - fWVtfftfw T1TFiWfi'"irinrrTn'1
On Quilts, Cotton and
Blankets . .
in Missoula. He entered the univer
sity here in 1904.
Robert Hart Cary was born in
Peoria, III., on December 15, 188G. His
parents moved to North Platte while
their son was young and it was there
that he spent his boyhood. He came
to Missoula in 1904 and entered the
University of Montana. He was a
splendid athleto nnd won signal honors
at football, basketball, baseball and
track athletics here. Ho holds the
100-yard dash record for Montana
field, having run the distance there in
ten seconds. He was a member of
the Signa Chi fraternity during this
time nnd always remained nn nctive
member. In 1907 he left Montana and
went to Yale where he took further
honors as a track athlete, winning
races in a number of meets and hold
ing during his college course, tho
premier position among Yale's sprint
ters. It was tho rigorous system of
training ho followed while at Yale that
Wild Animal Show Coming.
A novelty of nny discription is thor
oughly npprecinted but more espec-
inlly so in the amusement line, of
which there are only a few. Tho one
that enjoys the distinction of possessing
really more novelty and interesting
features is Barnes' big three-ring
animal circus, which exhibits in North
Platte under monstrous tents on Oct.
4th. Barnes' big shows always
hnvo something new to present and
this year is no exception to the rule.
In fact, no other tented organization
in America has as many sensntiona
Tho press of Oregon and Washing
ton pronounces Barnes' circus the best
ever in the westnnd their tents were
packed in all the leading cities. In ad
dition to a number of special attrac
tions, over Sou wilu and domestic ani
mals from all parts of the world are
presented in sensational and thrilling
acts, under the direction of male and
female trainers in three rings, steel
arena and on elevated stages, all going
on at the same time. You will see
lions ride horseback, sea lions that
play on musical instrutments, piny foot
ball and do other funny stunts, Per
sian leopards, tigers, lions, pumas,
jaguars drilled by lady trainers, per
forming wonderful tricks, and unheard
of fonts that hold tho audience spell
bound; Siamese elephants that dis
play human intelligence, which act
alone is worth the price of admission.
Over 150 ponies, dogs and monkeys
are presented in new nnd novel nets.
The Barnes' circus hns the reputa
tion of being one of the brightest,
cleanest nnd most sensntionnl shows
and gives the most enjoyable perfor
mances ever seen.
Remember tho plnce and date, Fri
day, October 4th,
Automobile Robes,
Crib Blankets
See Our South Window Display of
Blankets and Quilts.
MsazssmwrovMU iihimtii'ii r i.i .'ii'qg
Disease on the Wane.
Veterinarian Park, of this city, cays
that so far ns he enn learn the horso
diseaso is now on tho wane in the terri
tory adjacent to North Platte. In sev
eral instances horses that had the dis
ease have recovered, one of these nni
mtils being owned by Arthur Rush.
rniCTrrarrmiTfrniMi ""'" "1
Average 400 Miles to tho Gallon of Oil.
And ninny owners of the new series Buick enrs lire getting even better
results. This is proof of the superiority of the Buick oiling system and
of the high efficiency of the Buick cooling. It is double tho nvoroo
per gallon of oil obtained in other enrs. You cannot get economy in
oil consumption without tho proper oiling system; nor maximum econo
my out of nny oiling system unless the motor cools properly. Tho
amount of oil pumped is proportional to the needs of the motor. The
fnster the motor runs the more oil supplied. Teis means perfect lubri
cation under every condition of running. Tho oiling system cannot he
come clogged up. The minute anything obstructs tho passage of oil
through any one lend, tho pump generates n high pressure suflicient to
dislodge the obstruction without injuring the system. Clean cool oil is
always beinjr furnished to tho working pnrtu of the motor. The sight
feed on the dash shows the exact amount of oil being delivered. As the
oiling system is the most vital part of your entire automobile, it will bo
well for you to investigate the system used on the car you intend to
Five room cottage with bath room,
electric lights, basement, hot air fur
nace, nice lawn, located at 817 East
5th St., for sale at a bargain. Price
2350. Cnn make terms. ,
Grapes at $1.25 per bushel nt tho M.
B. Sptiiier f arm west of town.
1BBIM Mim ill nl vwrwnnri mbhucmbii iiwh an pra wbt
III -ft. .. .n.l.fclHiM.iiM M I I ,Th,
It's th
car you see the most and hear
the least. The Ford is as silent as
human ingenuity and Vanadium steel
can make it. And that means that it's
the quietest car on the highway and
the most economical, both in first and
after costs.
75,000 Ford cars already sold this season one-third
of America's product. Five passenger touring car
$090 three pnssenger roadster $590 torpedo run
about $590-delivery car $700 town car $900-f. o.
b. Detroit, comploto with all equipment. Get
cataloguo from Ford Motor Compnny. Michigan and
Fourteenth Street or from Detroit direct.
North Platte, Neb.
cpasaiawu- JLmstmmrm taa
PEERLESS-Mos Economical
Most Durable and the Best
That's a pretty strong statement, isn't it?
we are right here on the job ready to prove it.
can give you convincing evidence. We can show
you that Hie minute you buy PEERLESS your roof
ing troubles end. We'll prove that the first cost is
less than for other roofings. That it will positively
wear longer and look better; that it is absolute
proof against the severest assaults of the sun, wind
rain and snow; that it is so easy to lay that anyone
can do the job will you give us a chance? We'll
back PEERLESS with two ironclad guarantees, our
own and that of the manufacturer who makes it.
Come in and let us show
you a sample of Peerless
and of what it is made.
SaVe time, save money
save worry by buying
PEERLESS. It's decid
edly to your interest to talk
to us on this subject.
Ask for free booklet describing
Arcotile ornamental roofing.
2W.I03 SQ.FT.
American roofing CO;
U"ificirt no
ptareflrcnt ( V'TMBMlfflim