paMwii rrsnen Costa SEASONABLE MILLINERY mvt la , J 4 . I! I'hulo, I'opN ritjli ly Indcrnoud & rndc-nrood, Two seasonable nilllliiory Flora trimmed hats, the Water Lily bat nnd the Cactus hat The Water Lily hat la a late summer stylo maclo of trans parent Malllnette, which is waterproof unci trimmed with water lilies. The Cactus hat is of velvet in cactus green. HANDY FOR THE TRAVELERS! WARDROBE NEEDS MUCH CRE Probably Most Convenient Pin Cush ion That Has Yet Been Brought Into Common Use. A pin cushion that lcnd3 itself to the needs of the traveled is a com bination affair of cushion and jewel box. The leather framo is green, red or drak blue, is octagonal lit shape, with a heavily padded cushion top covered with velvet. This top fits so tightly into the lower part that none but the initiated giiesseB at the double function of the box. This mat-OS it a safo hiding place for trinkets. An ingenious girl has copied one of the combination cushions by using a fancy candy box, six inches in dia meter and two inches high. Sho pad ded tho top with wool, covered it with pink chiffon velvet the tone of tho flowers In tho gaily stamped border and finished the edge with a narrow silver braid. Instead of using tho bottom for Jewelry, sho turned It into a collar box. The dimensions enable her to carry more than a dozen collars without crushing. BLOUSE. Almost any blouse material might bo made up in this simple style; pin tucks in sets of threes aro made across tho front and in center back, and one wldo tuck Is carried over tho shoulder to waist front and back. Tho collar Is hemstitched at the edge, and the wrist-bands are finely tucked in the center. Collar and small yoke of spotted tmiBlln. Materials required : 3 yards 27 inches wide, i yard mu3lln. Begin With a New Hat. "A new hat I must have," says tho average woman each season, and a new hat sho does have, even If sho has to go without some of the neces sities to get it. Now this may seem foolish to bomo, but In reality It Is very wise. With a becoming hat, fresh and up-to-dato, even though it Is accompanied by an old suit, provid ed it Is neat and trim, a woman passes as stylish and well dressed. Let her appear, on the other hand, In a new suit, with an old hat, dejected and hopelessly out of fashion, ami she is Immediately referred to as way be hind tho times. And so It is that tho woman who is wise In dress matters begins each new beason with a new hat. Woman'B Home Companion. Good Parisian Idea. Tho French are using flesh colored tullo In combination with black gowns. At a distance this has a startling ef fect as of nn exaggerated decolletago, but it 13 decidedly becoming, because tho faintly flushed tullo Is much softer against tho neck and arms than tho white or cream tones. II 111 Ip:W ! mull nth H-'- rW MSI IT N. V. Amply Repaid, However, on the Score- of Economy, as Well as Having Proper Appearance. People aro not all naturally neat and tidy, but often "aword to tho wise is sufficient." Tt n dress Is taken off and thrown to tho floor, perhaps In a damp state, or even hung up undried, when next wanted for wear It will bo found crushed and draggled; whereas, if care is taken to shape It well, placo it on a hanger and hang It where tho air has a chance to dry It, the garment will appear fresh and neat whon wanted again. Tho wardrobo of an untidy, careless girl or woman will cost her twice the nnfount of her moro tidy neighbor, and sho will never look so fresh and taiin Hats often suffer most. A hat comes bright and now from the milli ner's, is worn day after day, tossed on a bed or chair when taken off and left for all dust and dirt to ndhero to it. After a month's wear it Is hardly fit to be seen. Tho girl who keeps her now hat for cleir days, brushes it careful ly, arranges tho bowa or lloweis, then puts It awny in a box or covers it with paper, finds It a pretty hat as long as sho requires it. ''A stitch in time saves nine" is a very true saying re garding all clothes. A garment is sent to tho laundry with a small hole, re; turns with a far larger one, and at last Is thrown asldo only fit for the rag bag. If the same garment had been mended In tlmo it would havo lasted months. Stockings should havo special no tice. All thin places should bo neatly darned before they becomo holes. A veil rolled each tlmo it Is taken off will keep neat jnuch longer than when folded; gloves pulled out ami smoothed will wear twico as long as if they were crushed and tossed Into a drawer. Dresses should bo folded right Bldo out and covered with paper or an old sheet. Keep all drawers, chests and wardrobes neat and clean and all arti cles carefully sorted, not all, mixed up in a state of confusion. Bo neat and you will be amply repaid for tho little trouble It causes you. TOILET TABLE. Tetter and ringworm aro caused by imperfect indigestion and should bo cured by proper diet. Local applica tions of iodino will glvo temporary relief. An excellent tonic for tho hair is made of one ounco of best castor or sweet oil, two ounces of bay rum and two of French brandy. Scent with rose geranium. People suffering from Indigestion should eat a very light breakfast. A raw egg separated and beaten light with a little cream or milk ndded is often sufficient and easily digested. Tho best kind of exorcise 1b tho kind that makes you forget that you aro exercising in other words, play, says a physician. It's a good schemo to havo somo moro or less strenuous game Tor a hobby, golf or bowling or tennis or archery anything that ap peals to you and affofds ' oxerciso with interest. Hut this Is not saying that systematic exercise is iftit u good thing, too. The Dolly Varden Gown. Each of tho French couturiers has brought out a Dolly Varden flowered gown and, though differing in particu lars, all these gowns aro alike in ono respedt tho pannier. A Dolly Varden costumo without a pannier would bo liko Hamlet with Hamlet left out, or something equally as disappointing; and, Indeed, tho pannier, qulto as much as the flowered material, makes tho costumo worthy of its name. Pom padour silks and flowered taffetas in new and charming patterns havo' ap peared liko magic in the shops to make these Dolly Varden gowns, nnd as a quantity of tho silk is required for tho draped panniers, tho folk who havo been crying out against the small amount of material necessary nowa days should cheer up. asPr?. AfnVi 1 1 vrwrrV KJI 1 VaiLOXUN Ik U 'j3 -Jrt-JjST "'j iX. 1 T'S the HotlK" e HltlR An tho smiles jo wear, That's n-tntiklnK the sun atilno everywhere." SEASONABLE DISHES. Cabbage Salad Shred very flno a email head of cabbage, add a chopped union, seasoning of salt and popper, Ihon pour over the vegetable tho fat .'from a slice of fried, dicnl salt pork, tho ltttlo brown pieces of pork aro an (addition to tho salad. Heat a half icup of v' bollix hot In the fry ilng pan In which tho pork was cooked pud pour over the cabbago. Heidelberg Cabbage. Fry two slices of diced bacon; when brown add a chopped onion and cook until brown, then add half n cup of vinegar, a ten spoonful of salt. and a few dashes of iied pepper. Add a small head of shredded cabbage, cover and cook slowly for two hours Flower Salad. Scald ripe tomatoos of small, uniform size, then peel and .chill thoroughly. With a sharp knlfo cut the tomato Into points, beginning nt tho blossom end. then press open, remove the seeds as much as possible and fill with seasoned riced, hard cooked egg yolk. Servo In a nest of green lottuco with a boiled dressing. ' Beef Chill. Brown a few pieces of round steak in a little suet, ndd a shredded onion, a chopped green pep per and a piece of red pepper suffi cient to make It warm enough for tho family tasto Add a pint of tomatoes, cover and simmer for a half hour. Serfson with salt .when cooking. ! Peach Marmalade. Use three fourths of a pound of BUgar to a pound of fruit. Boll tho pits in water until It Is flavored with them; skim out and add the peaches, peeled and quartered. Cook a half hour boforo adding the sugar, then continue cooking for ono hour, stirring often to keep it from burning. Largo Reaches canned whole make Tory charming desaertB in tho winter with tho addition of whipped cream. ttced grato suc- Is rulxoil with troubles, more or less, And It's tho ono who iloei the best That Kits more kicks than nil the rest " -Hlley. HELPFUL HINTS. When hemming children's dresses jon the machine, use flno cotton No ilOO Is good. When the hems or tucks ,are to be ripped to lengthen tho skirt the fine thread will bo easy to rip. A .quick jerk will pull it out. I Soda, unless well sifted, will al (ways bo In streaks in food. Dissolve lit In a llttlo water beforo mixing, i Stir a llttlo soda into cream that has changed a bit, and it will not bo noticed when used In coffee. ' Pantry shelves, where there are no 'doors, can bo kept froo from dust by putting up an Inexpensive window shade, which can be pulled down when the shelvos aro not In use, and fastened with a hook at tho bottom. ' When a few lemons are found to be hard nnd dry, do not throw them away, but cover them with boiling jwater and lot them stand an hour or jtwo, when they will bo found almost as good as fresh ones. I To Fry Liver. Parboil tho liver In a ,llltlo sweot milk, roll In crumbs and fry In butter or bacon fat. Tho par boiling greatly improves tho flavor. Stale cake crisped In the oven makes a nice addition sprinkled over puddings, custards and whlppod cream desserts. Flavor them with a few drops of rose. ' If a little rlco. hominy or farina Ir left from a meal, mix it with an egg a llttlo milk, flour and baking pow der and bake In gems or griddlu cakes. Very useful dross hangers may be made from a barrel hoop. Cut tin" hoop In three pieces, wind with white cloth and fasten a loop to haug it b in tho middle Dust cloths are mado of a yard of hemmed cheese cloth dipped In kero scno and nllowed to dry. They are nearly as good as tho prepared cloths When Ironing q shirt waist, try turning tho sleoves wrong side out and ironing tho waist flrqt, thon 11 n Ish by ironing the sleeves. The waist can be Ironed about tho shoulders so much easier this way. Cut the rind from ham and bacon with a pair of shears. It will waste much lesB than trying to do It with a knife. Ono may patch a hole In a enrpot just as well as ono In a curtain, using New Zealand Leads. Now Zeuland, tho laud of buttor und eggs, Is In somo TespectB In advanco of other countries. In tho mattoi of care for domestic animals. It Is not customary thoro for stock to bo housed, even In wlntor, but somo pro tection la necessary for horses and cows in cold or wot weather, espe cially at night. For thin purpose, can vas covers aro used, particularly when tho animals aro left out in pastures ex posed to severe weather, During tho winter tho covers aro kept on most or 'Dl DH ''1Z alius no -E"l f ess -tnrch or flour paste Cut out tho rough plcco, place tho patch under, ami on tho edge put tho paste, thon ron with a hct iron until dry and tho liolo will bo hardly noticed. When polishing a Btovo, put tho, blacking on with a paint brush and polish with a shoo brush. Covor tho hand with n papor bng to keop It from 1 olug bruised or blackened. Press out the ribbon on your hat with n curling Iron when It becomes, mussed. 1IL xwiilher'H either most inllil i',i to OtlttllKCOtlS lOUKll. Anil iiltoitlirr too rnln, ' Kr not half tain piiourIi'" James Whltcoinh Hlley. THE VIRTUES OF MENU MAKING, In tho arrangement of tho dinner menu, we would without much thought upon tho matter, consider tho arrange luent of tho couiso more a matter of custom than of good reabons founded upon tho physiology of digestion. The canape appeals to tho sense ot snioll. which Ib of such Importance In the dlgostlvo operation. Cavlnr, an chovy or nny combination used for tho canape appeals especially to tho eenso of smell, which stimulates a flow o saliva, tho tasto of oyster, clam, lob ster, 1b also stimulating to tho flow of saliva. Tho next course in an ordinary din ner is soup, nnd hero wo And n rea son for its being. Tho broth, which contains meat extractives, Is ono of the most powerful stimulants to tho flow of gastric Juices. Tho entree, which follows the boup, is merely neg atively valuable, saving tlmo which allows tho gastric juices to ho se ct eted In sufficient quantities to act on tho heavier foods which follow. Tho dessert, which follows. Is tibiii ally of very different food stuff than that which has. preceded It. Tho old Idea that foods wero churned and mixed In tho stomach and then expelled Is quito correct. Scientists tell us that only the food which lies noxt to tho mucuous lining of tho stomach Ib acted upon by tho gastric juice, and that tho first food taken Into tho stomach takes that poi sitlon nnd remains there until oxi pelled Into tho small Intestines. Each, addition of food takes Its position, so tlirtt tho last eaten lies In the center, whero it is not reached nt all by the, stomach juices If It Ib pastry, tho time Is occupied by tho action upon It, by tho saliva, which digests starch, so j that It Is fully prepared to bo ox- j polled when the time arrives, u mo center food could bo reached at oncq j by tho gastric Juices Its digestion, would at once bo arrested, ns tho gas tric juice, being acid, destroys tho nl kallne of the Ballva. The whole proc ess of dlcestlon is so wonderful and our menus are bo well nrranged to! J follows Its laws, that menu making as wo follow It is really a science olj right living. OU huc moro than HUoly no tlcert, When xou didn't whon you could, That Jen tho thins you didn't do Was Jos the thing you should." -niley. HOUSEKEEPING HINTS. A delicious way of preparing egg for an invalid Is to beat the white until' stiff, then turn in thd yolk and heat all together. It Is simpler than beati Ing them separately, and the bulk Is the same. Add flavoring, milk, salt and sugar beforo serving. When frosting cakes, butter a piece of maullla paper and pin round tho cake, then pour in tho frosting and have It as thick as you like, it will not run off The paper collar can bo removed when tho frosting is cold. When rmptjlng feathcis from ono pillow to another, sew the two open ings together, nnd the feathers can then be shaken from ono to the other without losing any. Worn out cuffs of shirts or Bhirt waistti make good holders, ns they aro small and oaBy to handle Tho button holea aro used to hang them within easy roacli A large-handled dipper set into a, pan lUftkcs a good doublo boiler and Is, eaby to manage If tho embroidery hoops must bo wound to make them tight enough, wind with twine, ns thoy hold much better than when wound with cloth. all tho tlmo, but In other seasons thoy aro put on at night and removed In the morning. So universal has this cus tom of covering become that Unltod Stntes Vice Consul General Henry D. linker recommends that Amorlcan manufactuters make a speclnl can van for tho market. One's Best Always. Do tho best you can where you are, nnd when that Is accomplished God will open tho door to a higher sphero, Hcniy Ward Hcechcr. Sfl iff -ir-Sr?tr7J?r. W rii ? as Wh s IB V K2 ;.-..-.-."" . ---.-- t&i w .. ; W &fc& . fV V.'. ECONOMY-that' ono thing you aro 1 " loolcinir for in those, days of high living cost Calumet !' ful saving in your baking. But it docs moro, It Insures wholcsomo food, tasty food uniformly raised food. Calumet is nmda right to sell right to baka right. Ask ono of tho mlllloca of women who uso it-cr ask your grocer. RECUVCD HIGHEST AWARDS "? jyt ' WorM'i Puro FooJ Espotltton, CMcuso, tuV) Pari Expedition, Franco, i!WJi&3!JiWii,ii:i'i'i You don't tsso money when you luy cheap or big-can baking powder, Don 't be mislead. Duu Calumet. It's more economical moro tiAolcaome Sloe best results. CaUmet hfar siipciter'.tjaMuiM:K:gaHmtfirc TEXT TAKEN TOO LITERALLY Ten-Year-Old Julia Gets Into Dad Graces of Mother by Giving Tramp a Half-Dollar. "Ho not forgotful to entertain Etrangors; for thoroby somo havo en tertained angels unawaros." Tho foregoing quotation is from chapter xlll, verso 2, Hook of Hobrews, and it Ib introduced sololy because It constitutes a vital part of thia story. Julia Is ton years old nnd sho goes to Sunday school. It appears that on a recent occasion tho Sunday school teacher had considerable to say about this matter of "entertaining angels unawaros." Anyway, it mado a deep Impression with Julia. A fow days after tho lesBon Julia's mother left hor In charge of tho house for a fow hours. When tho mother ro turned sho wont to a particular cup In tho cupboard to extract thorcfrom one-half dollar. In this cup is kopt tho family pin inonoy, nnd Julia's mother know that sho had put 50 cents thoro boforo sho had gono out. Hut the half dollar waB gono. Thore was an expression of nnxloty on Julia's face and mothor scented mis chief. "Did you take that monoy?" askod the mother, somewhat severely. Julia broke into team. "I gavo it to n man that camo to tho back door," sobbed tho llttlo girl. "Oavo It to a man!" exclaimed tho mother. "What for?" "I thought ho might bo God," tear fully replied Julia. Kansas City Star. Wild Ones. Charlos Graily, tho noted sculptor, was talking at his summer homo nt Folly Grovo, noar Gloucester, about tho quaint humor of tho Gloucester fish ermen. "In Gloucester ono day," ho said, "as I idled among tho shipping, nn old salt bogan to narrato his experiences to mo. "'Wunst,' ho said, 'I was ship wricked in tho South sen, and thar I como across a tribe of wild women without tongues.' "'Wild women without tongues!' said I. 'GoodnossI How could thoy talk?' " Compensation. A fairly prominent local pugilist was injured soveral monthB ago In an automobllo accident and had throe rlbB broken. Fully rocoverod, ho was discussing tho Incident recently with frionds. "I got $100 out of tho nuto owner," bn said. "Had to give tho lawyer half And it cost B6 for doctor's bills, but I made thom pay $100 for the thing, anyhow." Recognize Value of Sports, Tho Bchemo on which King Georgo'B chlldron aro educated Includes caro ful Instruction In all typical open nlr Bports and gamos. Cricket, riding, fencing, boxing, shooting and tho liko tho young prlnco of WaloB has boon carefully and sciontlffcally taught by past masters. Unless you havo met tho mother Just after her first bnby has cut Its tooth you havo no Idea of real excite ment. And many a mun does tho things privately that he denounces In public. CEi W.L.DOUCLAS S H O E S $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 AND $5.00 FOR MEN AND WOMEN Bay waar W. L. Oouutam S2.QO, S2.BO A Sa.OO Sohooli lifioam, beonuco ono isair will positively outwear two pairs of ordinary mhoaa, mama tits tho men'm ahoom. W.LDouglaa make and icllt more $3,00,$3.5O & $4.00 shoea I than any other manufacturer in tho THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS. Tlie workmanship which has made W. L. Douglas shoes famous the world over ii maintained in every pair. Ak your dealer to thow you W. L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice tho abort vamps which malco tho foot look smaller, points in a shoo particularly desired by young men. Also the conservative styles which have made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. If you could visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mass., and sea for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then un derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and wear longer than any other make for the price. fBS( color Eytltli. CAUTION.To protect you lalmt Inferior .l.oe, W. L. Douslaa itampa !.! nam on the bot tom. Look lor tho atantp. Dew aro of tubitltutei. W. L. Douglas thoea are told In 7S own . stores and ahoe dealers every where. No matter where you live, they aro within yourreach. If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct to factory for catalog showing how to order limalL Shoos sent everywhere, delivery charges prepaid. WJ-Douglas.llrotkton.Mast. Bakes Better CALUMET BAKING POWDER & WH2SMnmsi insures a wonder March, 1912. 7W Is tout milk and soda. QUITE A DIF First Comedian What is tho dlffor onco botweon a beautiful girl and a codfish? Second Comedian Glvo It' up. First Comedian Ono haa a chanco to becomo a fall brldo and tho other, to becomo a ball fried. The Educational Step-Ladder. Wo know what kindergarten Is for: it is to cducato children for tho primary grades. Wo know what tho primary grade aro for: thoy aro to educato children for tho grammar grados. Wo know what tho grammar gradoa aro for; they aro to educato chlldron for high school. Wo know what tho high school U for: It la to cducato chlldron for col logo. . Dut what does college fit you for? Important to Mothers Examlno carefully every bottlo ot CASTORIA, a safo and sure remedy for Infants nnd chlldron, and boo that It Tlnnr thn Stature of (Mffl&y. In Uso For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's CoBtoria Serving Humanity. Few callings are moro highly es teemed than that of tho trained nurso. Miss Ellen Emerson, tho granddaugh ter of Ralph Waldo Emerson, is a nurso In tho Massachusetts general hospital at Boston. Hard to Manage. "I nover sco you oat corn on th cob." "No. I always avoid laborious food." No thoughtful person unea liquid blue. It's a pinch of blue in a largo bottle of wa ter. Ail: for Red Cross Rail Blue, the blu that', all blue. Adv. Many a man fools himself with tho belief that his wisdom la superior to that ot tho late Mr. Solomon. r. Wlnalows flontlitnt: Syrup for Chlldrva teething, noftena tho cum, reduce- Inflnmm tlou.allujru pain, curan wind colic. iSo a bottl. Aar. Tho world Is full of the sort of friends who take to tho woods when troublo shows up. CUKB9 BURNS AND CUTS. Colo's Cnrbolllvo atops tho pain InntanUr. Curesquiclc.Noacar.AlldruE8itti.25and50c.Adv. Tho political candidato who "also ran" Is unable to see wherein tb world is growing wisor. world. lhsZrdd 0- Ilk MA, W wtes?wB.i-' A VffSfcT -'..'. to' J (SSmck. EMI ncx ywn