The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 20, 1912, Image 8

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1 .1
Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Onn Yinr hv Mail in nilvnncft $1.25
Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofllco as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1912.
I herewith announce my candi
dacy for county commissioner on tho
republican ticket and ask tho support
ofull citizens and pledge to conduct
the county affairs in an economical
and business way if elected.
Ira L. Miltoniierghr.
Roosovelt will cross Nebraska today,
speaking at Hastings, Lincoln and
Omaha. Bryan announces that ho will
follow Iri Teddy's wake and stick spikes
in him.
Ralph C. Otis, a representative', bus
iness man of Chicago, who is said to
have been "tho head and front" of the
Roosovolt movement for u third term
in its earliest stages has given up the
fight. He says he is through and
gives for a reason: "We started out on
consorvatiyo lines and were accom
plishing a lot of good. But now the
radicals and impractical have taken
over tho organization." The announce
ment of tho "colonel in one of his
eastern speeches that he is a radical
and is going farther than the platform,
seems likewise to loso some support
even though it.may gain a bit here and
there. The average man wants to
know, when ho starts out, where he is
going. Grand Island Independent.
fffho foroign commerce of tho United
States touched a new high record dur
ing August, both in tho value of
American goods exported and of
foreign goods brought into this country.
Atigust completed an eight months per
iod during which America's business
with other nationsincrcased J$180,000,
000 on the import side and);$150,000,000
on the oxpbrt side over any other year
in tho. country's history. Tho August
exports were valued at$167,885,000 and
tho importH $155,000,000. In onch case,
this was an increase of moro than
15,000,000 above the business of the
corresponding month last year. For
tho eight months tho export business
of the United States was $1,417,000,000
and tho import business was $1,188,
000,000. Petition Said To Be Illegal.
Tho Bull Mooso petition and certifi
cate of tho formation of tho new third
party in tho Sixth congressional dis
trict wero (lied with tho secretary of
state Tuesday afternoon. Tho petition
for tho tormation of tho party is signed
with 109 names, all but elovon of
which aro from Kearney, where the
mooting was held. Tho potition of
nomination of a candidate. (is signed
with 108 names, none of which havo
nny designation ofjresidenco. As this is
illegal tho potition has j been returned
by Secretary of State Wait and a now
ono will havo to bo filed. Tho potition
recites that Florence Armstrong was
tho nominoo of tho bull moosors for
congress from tho Sixth district. It
is said that Floronce is a man, although
his name Hounds otherwise.
Straws from Minnesota.
The ronomination of Govornor Eber
hart of Minnesota, and;tho endorse
ment of Senator Knuto Nelson for
unothor term, in the republican pri
maries justheld in that state aro straws
showing tho direction, of the.'political
wind. Both the governor and thojsenator
aro out-and-out republicans, and havo
not wavered in their support of Presi
dent Tnft as tho party standard-bearer,
and yot they aro favoredjby tho popular
expression in a direct primary in which
every republican in tho stato was free
to participate.
Minnesota has been generallyJimted
as ultra-progressive. It went over
whelmingly for Roosovelt for tho presi
dential nomination, and J tho colonel
made several stops there on his recent
tour with n viow tojnailing it down, he
going even so far as to makojan attack
upon Governor Eborhart at a banquet
whoro both wero present, but the can
didates ho favored did not land tho
nominations for these two high places
on the ticket. MinnosotaJ republicans
evidontly ure. not ready to ubandon
their party or turn it over to its de
stroyers Boo.
Claims Cure for Disease.
Koarnoy Hub: Dr. A. A. Mutm is
positivo that his Jfirst diagnosis of tho
horse disease in which ho claimed that
tho animals wero not suffering from
spinal-moningitis, or any other menin
gitis, but that some kind of germ was
attacking tho animal through tho blood
and kidnoys, is tho right ono.
"Combating tho disease on that basis
lie has cured two animals for .lack
Shunno, of Odessa, threo for Gay
Parker, of Newark, and threo on tho
Barkin'a ranch near Pleaaanton by in
J?cMjJ iniluonza anti-toxin sorum In
tho afflicted animals, not ono of which
thps treated has died.
Wednesday morning he ordored 2,000
njections by telegram to carry on tho
fight against tho epidemic.
What makes him tho moro suro of
his case Is the condition of tho Valentino
animals north of town. All of tho (
animals were treated with tho antitoxin
last February, n treatmentwithbut six
months immunity from influenza, by
tho way, and not ono has been attacked
by the disease although nnimals on
three adjoining farms have been
Bay Tree Beliefs.
Long before the time of Shakespeare
the bay tree was an object of super
stition The withering of such a tree
was believed to bo n suro indication of
coming misfortune to those with whom
It was in any way connected. Shake
speare gave voice to the superstition
In "Richard II." when ho made ono of
his characters yry:
Tls thought thA king Is dead; we'll not
stay '
The bay trnen In our country are with
ered. It wns thought by tlio ancients that
lightning would never harm this tree,
and It was customary among them to
carry bay leaves as a charm ngalnst
the thunderbolts of Jove. The sumo
belief was lone prevalent In Kuglnnd.
and reference to It may be found In
nn old poem dedicated to Ben .lonson:
1 seo that wreathe which doth tho wearer
Gainst tlio quick stroaltos pf thunder Is
no charm
To keep off death's pale dart
Tho Magio of a Siphon.
When a pipe shaped like tho Inverted
letter U, In which the arms are of
equal length, is filled with water and
each end of the pipe is put Into a scpa.
rate vessel full of water "tlio uown
ward pull." or weight, of the liquid in
each of tho two arms will balance the
other, and, If the water Is nt the samo
level In tho two vessels It will re
main at that level in both vessels.
Hut if tho level of the water In one
vessel Is lower than In tho other, since
the two vessels are connected with n
pipe full of water, the water will run
down from tho higher level to tho low
er. This constitutes what is called a
siphon. A siphon itself has no more
magic nbout It than a pencil has when
It falls or than nny other similar phe
nomenon in nature, yet some of tho
siphon's manifestations seem to be
not only magical, but almost Incredible.
St. Nicholas.
Forgery In Ancient Greece.
Dactyl is Greek for linger, and from
this tho word dactylography, to apply
to a knowledge oC finger rings, has been
accepted, though evidently a misfit.
Rings as signets hark back to ancient
Egypt, from which country they prob
ably came to Greece. Solon, the Greek
lawgiver, who died 058 years before
the Christian era. enacted u law that
no engraver or cutter of signet rings
should keep by him tho Impression of
any ring lie had cut. As these rings
were used to sign documents of various
kinds. thN law was intended to pre
vent fraud ami forgery.
Humblo Pie,
There is a queer twist of langungo In
tho phrase "to eat humble plo." Tho
word "humble" Is a corrupted form of
the original nuuihlc," which Is an In
edible part of tho carcass of n deer and
would make very poor pic. Tho words
"humble pie" havo the same original
meaning as "to eat crow." a phrase
common in political life. There is an
enforced humility In this process, and
the change from "numblc" to "humblo"
Introduced a thought which harmonized
with tho Idea sought to bo expressed.
Tho last form of tho phrase has en
tirely supplanted tho original.
A Famous Widow.
One of tho most famous widows of
antiquity was Agripplna, the widow of
GornfanIcu3. During the lifetime of
her husband she attended him in all his
campaigns and shared his dangers.
Suspecting that her husband ,had been
poisoned, sho had his presumed mur
derer assassinated and was herself
soon after treated with such Indignity
by Tiberius that sho was driven to
despnlr and starved herself to death.
Established a Record.
"What did mother say when you pro
posed to her. daddy?"
"She hung her head and was silent
for several minutes. And that Is the
only time I havo over known her to bo
silent for several minutes." Detroit
Free Press
A Bit Different.
Lawyer (to witness) Did yot say
that an Incompctcut man could leep
a hotel Just as well us anybody? Wit
ness No. I said an lnnoxporiencod
mau could. London Tit-lilts.
Feels Like a Millionaire.
Tho man who smokes Schmalzried's
cigars is a happy, contented fellow,
one of those who may hnvo but a few
dollars in his pocket yet feels as rich us a
millionaire. A good Bmoko always
brings good feeling, henco there's a
reason for buying Schmalzricd-mado
The Maker of Good Cigars.
When the officers of this bank sec a depositor rank
ing steady gains in his balances, our confidence in
him grows.
When a depositor who has won our confidence re
quires money with which to develop his business our
large resources enable us to give him all the credit
his financial condition warrants.
The merchant, the manufacturer, the builder, the
farmer who does business at this bank, receives its
financial support when he needs it.
We invite all who want the co-operation of a strong
resourceful bank to become depositors of the
McDonald State Bank,
jsaaateaaiaeJiisM itrmri
Dine here Today. This Cafe
is the one that will please
your fancy in cleanliness, good
food and
Opposite Depot
Union Realty and Investment Company.
Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00.
C. PATTERSON. President,
First Mortgages on Real Estate Bought, Sold and Negotiated.
This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort
gages on real estate, amply secured ana drawing eight per cent semi
annual interest. Money so invested will be exempt from taxation.
Wo have a cure for rupture withoiit resorting to the danger, pain nnd
discomfort of a surgical operation. Wo are tho only reputable physicians
in this lino of work who will tako such cases upon a guarantee to cure,
or make no charge. You may deposit the money in the bank in your
own name and when you are well you instruct the bank to pay us. Wo
have adopted this method because so many have been swindled by quacks
and fakirs. Not one of thorn will allow the patient to put the money in
tho bank and pay when a cure has beep made. When taking our treat
ment patients must come to our office once a week they can return home
tho samo day attend to Ufelr business or occupation without loss of time.
In order to give tho people of this vicinity an opportunity to take our
treatment without tho expense of going to Omaha, ono of us will be in
Nortli Platte every Thursday. Write to or call on
Home Ollice 300, Bee Didf, Omaha, Neb. Hotel Timmerman, North Platte, Neb.
"mli i Vote -
ML nf WfflHMl SI If fcTTN
MT sfeWatsSaMlHlf Hfc
mk 4$Mf7W&w
1 vvui mwkvr
Parados and Porformancos Dally
H ! House of Good Show IH I
When in North Plalic.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Mntineo baturuay After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Physician and Surgeon,
Ofllco ovor McDonald Bank.
Phones l Office 130
i nones t Tnai.i 1 1 r
, . """
jjrifr'JM! frfr fr $ ttftt-lb-Hrlbitffr $
H 4
service. Prices
B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Treas.
OCT. B, 1812
make arrangements to sea one
or more of the magnified
Automol-ila (Floral Parade.
Tucbdny afternoon. Oct. 1st.
Ctectrlcsl Parade,
WcCncsdr-y nlcht. Oct. 2nd.
Dedication Parade,
Thursday ai tercoon. Oct. 3rd.
Coronation Ball,
Friday nlcht. Oct. Jth.
wutuu utuuKutuuru DuarciyuuD can
see the greatest Wild West
Show in tho world.' Ducking
jlronclios Rough Riders Id
dlans. Corns) and tli
real Chayenno Show. Every
afternoon from Sept. 8 to Oot. 5. inclusive.
In addition to all this thoro will bo tho
" wet o tl jj
No hunting or tresspassing allowed
on land owned or controlled by the un
dersigned residing in Dickens precinct,
P. K Hoffman
John Anderson
Potor Sunouist
W. A. Latimer
W. P. Fletcher
F, S. SUlz
Fred Griffiths
C. A. Pqrter
McCrumbs Bro.
C. A. Anderson
B. J. Brown
II. A. Latimer
Philip Hoil
M. N. Hannn
Estray Notice.
Taken up by tho undersigned on
Section 12, Town 12, Range 31, Lincoln
county, Nobr., by the undersigned who
there resides, on or nbout July 15,
1912, ono brown horse, seven or eight
vears old, weight about 700 pounds.
Had on a halter. Owner can hnvo
same by proving property and paying
J. L. Hardin.
Plumbing Repairs
are a specialty of ours, but repair work
is a rare occurrence in your home or
place of business if
Wc Install Your Plumbing. -
We are particular aboutplumbing work
and use judicious care in selecting only
tho most durable of approved materials
for our work .
Shop Phone 369. Res. Phone 683
Corner Sixth and Dewey.
!? Doctors Ames & Ames,
i; Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone Drug Co.
Otfice 273
V Residence 273
Homeopathic Physician nnd Surgeon
Hospital accommodations. Medical and
surgical attention (riven obstetrical cases.
Ofllco Phone 183 Hos. Phono 283
Oillco McDonald Stato Hank Bid's
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Di redfield redfield,
Physiciansand Surgeons.
WILLIS J. REDriELD, Surgeon.
JOE B. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. . Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Telephone Red 456 E05K Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
i wwi ,i yu, igmwtfEfPmiW.v vw
Signet Chapter O. E. SM ?
-NO. 55-
Mcets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every
month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 i. m.
K .J
Bugicide for bed bugs the best
insect destroyer known. A large
bottle for 25c.
JDry Cleans for cleaning silk
and delicate fabrics. 25 and 50c
a box.
Chinamel furniture polish, a
full J pt for 25c.
Chinamel varnish 20c a can up
to 3.50. Covers scrathes.
Insect powder. For lice on
chickens, 10, 15 and 25c canst
Lee's lice killer 35c qt. Leo's
insect powdor 25c can.
Remember wo will deliver any
thing you need in our line.
Stone Drug Co.,
Did you get a box of our 25c In
itial Stationery. Usually sells for
50 cents.
In tho matter of the estate of Edward Blauken
bur if, deceased.
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, September 12th, 1912.
Notice Is hereby Riven, that tho creditors of
said deceased will meet the administratrix of said
estate, before the county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room, in said coun
ty, on tho 16th day of October. 1912, and on the
ISth day ofApril. 1913. at 9 o'clock a. m. each day,
for tho purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months aro allowed for crediti-r to present their
claims, nnd one year for the administrator to
Bettlo said estatc,from the 12th day of September.
1912. A copy of this order to published in the
North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper,
published in said county for four successive
weeks prior to said date.
817-4 JOHN GRANT, CountyJudge.
State of Nebraska. Lincoln County, S. S.
In the County Court. September G, 1912.
In the Matter of the Estate of Dorothy
Rowland, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of Robert E.
Rowland.praying that the instrument filed on the
Gthday of September, 1912, and purporting to bo
tho last wil and testament of tho said deceased,
may be proved, approval, probated allowed and
recorded as the last will and testament of the
said Dorothy Rowland, deceased, and that tho exe
cution of Bald Instrument may bo committed and
the administration of said estate may be granted
to John W. Rowland as executor.
Ordered, That October 8th, 1912, at 0 o'clock a.
m. Is assigned for hearing said petition when all
persons Intcrestcdjn said matter may uppoar at a
county court to boChcld in and for said county and
show cause why the prayer of petitioner should
not bo granted. A copy of this order to be pub
lished in the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi
weekly newspaper for three successive weeks
prior to said date of hearing.
sH-G County Judge.
We make' a specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large
or small quantities direct
from our own Dairy Farm
every morning,
Phone your order in
and it will be delivered.
Doolittle Bakery.
Order of Hearing,
In the county court of Lincoln county,
In the matter of the estste of Frank
or Franklin Griffith, deceased.
This case coming on for hearing upon
the petition of the administrator for
his hnal discharge, and for final account
ing and decree of distribution and upon
the final report of said adminstrator, it
is ordered thatsaid petition for discharge
and final distribution and said final re
port be heard in the office of the County
Judge of North Platte, Nebraska, on
the 24th day of Sept., 1912, at 10 o'clock
a. m. and notice to all parties interested
be given by publication of this order
in the North Platte Semi-Weekly. Tri
bune three successive weeks prior to
such hearing.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this
29th day of August, 1912o
(S3) John Grant, County Judge.
Tho Stnto of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss
In the County Court.
In the matter of tho estate of Jacob Mejer,
On reading and filing the petition of Mary
Broadbeck praying that administration of said
estate may be granted to Karl Brodbeck as ad
ministrator. Ordered, That Sept. 24 A. D, 1912. nt 9 o'clock
a. m, is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persona interested In said matter may appear
at a county court to be held in nnd for said
county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner
should not bo granted; and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof
be given to all persons interested In said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In the North
Platte Tribune a legal semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated August 30. 1912.
"3-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a defrrco of forcclosuro rendered in said court
wherein Emll W. Zlcbert is plaintiff, and Vnughn
E Hinman, Minnie D. Hinman and Emma
Pulver are defendants, and to me directed, I
will on the 28th day of September, 1912, at 2
o'clock p. m., at the east front door of the court
house in North Platte, Lincoln counly, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interests
and costs, tho following described property,
to-wit: All of fractional block number 192 In the
Original town, now city of North l'latte.
Dated North l'latte. Neb., Aug. 21.1912.
Serial No. 065.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ofilce at North Platte. Nehr.
Aug 20, 1912.
Notlco is hereby Riven that CokbI S.
Bethel, of North Platte, Nebv.. who, on Oct. 23,
1908, made 11. E. entry No. (W75, for NE U. Sec.
32, twp. 12, N. rse. 30, west of tho 6th Principal
Meridian, has ded notice of intention to make
final threo year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the rexMter and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 22nd
day of Oct. 1912.
Claimant nameE as witnesses: William W.
Hunter, Arthur J. Connor, George B. Single,
Francis Montajrue, all of North Platter Nebr.
a30-6 J. E. Evans, Resister.
Notice i3 hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale issued from tho District Court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered In said court wherein W. H.
Merrick & Co., is plaiutiff, and Hans P. Thompson
Is defendant. and to mo directed,
I will on the 28th day of September, 1912, nt
two o'clock, p. m., nt tho cast frontdoor of the
court house of said county, in the city of North
Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to tho
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree.
Interest and costs, tho following decscribed
property, to-wit:
The undivided one-hnlf Interest of section
thirty-five (35). township twelve (12), range
twenty-nine (29), west of tho 6th P. M. Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., Aug. 27, 1912.
a27-B A. J. Salishuiiy, Sheriff.
Sorlal No. 03t84.
Department of the Interior.
U. S- Land OHIco at North IMattw, Neb
July 8, 1111.!
Notlco Is ihoreby given that Elmer
Daggett, ot North Platte. Neb., who. on Aug.
14,1907, mado homestoad entry No.- 23310. sorlal
No. 0J181 for southeast H. Section
10, Township IS N, Kangu B0
W. ot tho dth Principal Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to wake final live
year proof, to establish claim to the land
abovo described, boforo tho Heglstor and Re
ceiver at North l'latte, Nebraska, on the 23d
day of Sunt. 1U12.
Claimant namos as witnesses: Arthur
Connor, Joseph Shaw, Carl Sonneman.
OrJll Matson, all ot North Platte. Nob.
J. E. Evans. Ueglstej
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
Mablo W. Turpie and William Turpie,
defendants, will take notice that on the
31st day of August, 1912, William V.
Birge.plaintifT herein, filed a petition in
tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, against said defendants
Mable W. Turpie and William Turpie,
the object and prayer of which is to re
cover from said Mable W. Turpio and
William Tdrple the sum of $099.52 due
the said plaintiff from said defendants
on acrount of goods and building
materials sold and delivered to said de
fendants by the plaintiff at the defen
dants' request, between October, 1907
and September 8, 1908. There is now
due upon said account the sum of
?699.52 with interest thereon at 7 per
cent per annum from August 31, 1912.
That in said action the plaintiff has
caused an attachment writ to issue and
levy upon tho interest of the defendants
in the south half and tho northwest
quarter (si and nwj) of section 14,
ownBhip" 13, north of rnnge 30 west of
the 6th P. M. in Lincoln county, Ne
braska. The plaintiff prays for judgment
against the defendants for tho sum of
$699.52 and interest thoreon from Au
gust 31, 1912, at the rate of 7 por cent
per annum, and for decree requiring tho
defendants to pay tho same or that the
attached premises may bo sold to satisfy
tho amount duo thcplaintifr.
You are required to answer said poti
tion on or before tho 14th day of Octo
ber, 1912.
Dated Sept. 3rd, 1912.
VVilliam W. Birge, Plaintiff,
By Hoagland & Hoagland, his attorneys.